#did the pics at lizzies bar
chevvy-yates · 1 year
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[NC_RES]_27022048-NCA steyr_v_portraits_027_KBI_LB.file ///core:_vijay_steyr.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Vijay was first I took pics with those retro tv (not Ry), somehow I missed posting them all the time.
The moment I saw this retro TV prop mod popping up I knew Vijay needs this. I hope one day I can recreate a more realistic dreamy vaporvae set to place him in. He deserves that.
And copper divine (as Arki calls him) posed so well thanks to @halkuonn's classic poses! (I love this set to bits halk! they are so amazing <3)
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look-at-the-soul · 11 months
Hi again! 🥰 Here's the second part of the gossip 😂😅 
Ok so about the first movie I mentions the The Batman Vs Dracula (2005)... honestly it's probably not a scary movie at all😂 I just have a very vivid memory or watching it as a kid and being terrified of "scary" movies very since. It was on of those straight to DVD animated movies. There was to be an animated cartoon show called "The Batman" and I use to watch it ALL the time with the animated Justice Leagues. The movie was one of those like off set ones. Like you know how there was Tom and Jerry the show and then they had all the individual movies with separate plots that kinda ignore the other stuff! It was like that and since it was like a kids show movie they actually probably didn't show any violence at all I was just not a child who liked vampires😂 The actor who actually voices Batman in the show and movie is the same guy who narrated the Curious George show so that about how kid friendly it was😂 I mean it probably wasn't a bad movie it just scared me so bad and I've hated movies like it since🤣 it took me ages to watch like Vampire Diaries or like Grimm after😂
I'm gonna be honest too😂 I also only watch The Christian Bale Batman movie after starting Peaky Blinders and hearing Cillian was in it😂 Plus my dad already had it so I don't have to pay😂 It was actually a good movie though! I still need to see the other two in the series😂And it defiantly have to look up Anthropoid too maybe if you think it's good! English is my only language but if Cillian's in it I can probably just watch for him😂😂
And ohh yes! I'd defiantly recommend some of those other movies too! Most of them are Alfred Hitchcock movies and his stuff is good (or the thrillers are)! I was even thinking a while back if trying to include in of his works in a Peaky Story I was trying to right! Did you know the first film he directed came out in 1922 (Number 13) ! It's technically on the list of lost films but be still released a good number in the 20's and 30's😂 I wanted to get something where the reader is at the movies with Finn or Isiah and when they hear who the director is they won't stop making jokes about his last name😂  
I'll defiantly have to take a look at "The Medic" when I can too! I'm honestly not super use to reading the real person stories, I usually stick to the totally fictional character, but I'll definitely have to give it a try if you think it's good! I think I've read some of the other stories on the lists though and I remember liking them a lot!! So I'll have to look into it!
I think I may end up leaning towards Bonnie or Michael for the comedy blood dialogue story, but I still want to write for Ollie, even if it is Platonic I feel like he's appreciated😂 He's basically to Alfie what Lizzie is to Tommy and we know how hard Tommy made it😅 I can imagine Alfie being even harder to work for sometimes when he's pissed (Even if I do love the man!)
And yes! Omg! Michael changed so much even after the first two seasons 🥲 I can both understand why it happens but also I really liked like S2 early S3 Mike who wasn't totally power hungry and trying to be a mini Tommy! Even though we see bar again once I always wonder what happens to his Foster Family, or at least his Mother and Brother!  I think if there was an episode where Mike like ran into his little foster brother who's grown up now it could have been interesting! Like it could have been cool to see how that played out if his little brother showed up one day needing help because he didn't realise mike wanted to forget them (Maybe I have a new idea now😂) The first time I saw him in the pics and trailer of season six with the mustache was kinda shocking to me. Because then I saw the mustache all I could thing about was how it remind me of Inspector Campbell's (And Hitlers). And since considering what Campbell did to the family (esp. to Polly for Mike to get out of jail that one episode in S2😭) it made me draw a parallel. It was like proof he had turned in to one of his families worst enemies and that's when I knew who was gonna die🥲 Or like it was proof he had kinda of turned into what both his mothers never wanted him to be😭 And that just struck me with how much he had changed since the start! I think Finn's character was kind of how Polly wanted Michael to turn out (At leat the part where he wasn't made for the family business) but because of all the trama he had gone though and his own inabliltiy to share his feelings or be content with what he had he kinda went down😭 He really was an interesting character though and I really did like him in the very first seasons he was in! I really do wonder how he would have turned out if he had never left his foster family after first meeting the Shelby's.
It did make me laugh the other day though. I was trying to start Animal Kingdom b/c I wanted to see more stuff Finn Cole was in, and it seemed to me like it was like a Modern Day American Peaky Blinders almost😂 And then I found two more thing he was in (I'm still looking for more😂) and I read their synopsis. And it hit my mind that based of those 4 movies Finn Cole seems to enjoy playing Characters that start of as like the "innocent Farm Boy / Nice guy" types and slowly become more corrupted or end up becoming power hungry or the "darker bad boy running from the law" type😂 Also he seems to enjoy taking roles with characters in difunctional Families, and don't get my wrong he plays those characters very very well (like the empty stare he did as Mike sometimes was creepy!) but I kinda want find something with him in it where I don't have to prepare myself for someone to die or murder someone every few episodes 😂
And that you for your kind words about your inbox being open💕💕💕 They really make me smile!🥰🥰🥰 I may have to do the thing you mentioned with a side blog or another one! That's so nice of you❤️❤️ Your so great!!❤️ I feel a little bad every time you say it's open but I still kinda hide😂😭 My anxiety has been getting better tough! I'm hoping that soon I'll actually get back on and start interacting with my actually blog and stuff! 💕🥰
And it's ok about the music too! One of my friends ended up finding a hurricane playlist on Spotify and I didn't realize how many songs there were referencing hurricanes😂 Once the lights went out we played Uno in the dark with only a small lamp to see our cards😂 it was actually fun and a good distraction! We also played Cards against Humanity enrich went how you may expect it to go with a bunch of college students😂
And here is my end now!❤️ I hope you  are doing well and I can't wait to hear from you again! I enjoy our messages very much! Have a great Day or Night!❤️
Xoxo Gossip Girl🤫
Hello darling, I’m so sorry this took me ages to reply!
How have you been? 🥰
(I’ll add this to the ask box I left for you in my master list (at the end).
I don’t remember watching that movie at all…. But since you mention it’s not scary, I guess I will add it to my list then! (I’m a chicken when it comes to terror films lol) omg I can’t believe never heard of this cartoon! Maybe it wasn’t popular in my hometown? Oh but of course I know of Tom & Jerry! It was one of my favorites! Just like the animaniacs (is that correct?) I remember watching the last Tom & Jerry movie in like 2021? But I guess the different plots was a plan so you didn’t have to watch it in order… oh no! curious George? Guess I will have to google that one! Because it does t ring a bell, I used to watch more like Melissa explains it all and Sabrina 🤭🤭 hahah about vampires since you enjoy them, did you see Buffy? Interview with a vampire is a must then, I know I watched that one a looong time ago! You know just about two years ago I was able to watch that Halloween film (sorry I forgot the name) where Angelica Houston is a witch and she and other witches get together in a hotel and they all turn into horrible women and then put a spell on two kids who saw them and turn them into mice? It’s an ancient film but I haven’t found the “courage”to watch it until recently haha
Oh don’t worry dear, I didn’t know it was Cillian until later hahaha because he looked kind of different as Dr Crane huh? Yeah! I liked it too, whenever it’s on the tv I watch it again :) oh you should watch Anthropoid it’s one of my favorites! Everything about it is amazing, the story, the characters… incredible work! Tbh, there are some films I only watched for him too 🤭 like Trascendence or Anna haha…
Ohhh thanks for the recommendation! The name doesn’t sound familiar, but sometimes I’m so so distracted that I don’t pay enough attention so maybe I’ve watched some of his films without knowing (?) hahaha I think that’s a great idea for one of those lines that feels so natural and funny! It’s an unusual -and funny- last name.
It’s been so long but I guess we were talking about mrs murphy’s fics (?) don’t worry if you don’t read the real person stories though, it’s understandable:) there are loads of other stories -all amazing- to read, I’m trying to catch up in a few but it’s a never ending story hahaha
So have you written for Ollie? Well you definitely have a true point there with the Tommy-Lizzie comparison and I also think Allie is probably as hard as a Tommy to work with…
Michael was a good kid, but he got carried away and like you said he tried to become a mini-Tommy and that messed him up, who knew things would end up like they did ? Right? It’s one of those things we got stolen from the show,like his adoptive mother forgot about him? They never crossed paths again? (Why does this sounds like a plot for a fic? 😂), ugh the mustache was horrible! 😳 hmm I see what you mean there, haven’t thought about the resemblance between Michael and Campbell until you mentioned it! It’s sad the way his character turned out, all of that frustration and anger towards his own blood? He had a good life, but well… he’s gone 😂 . She practically raised Finn! Another sad story, the poor boy doesn’t feel like he belongs there… and made mistake after mistake.
Oh is it good? Never seen it, but I think I remember watching some advertising for it in some channel… hahaha how’s the search going? I don’t think I have seen anything else from his work, I just know Ada (Sophie Turner) did another series but it was canceled later. Hmm really? That sucks! The poor guy will get stuck into that kind of characters and the. It will be hard for him to get different roles 😂 or so I think… why do I think he has the type for a doctor in Greys Anatomy? 😂 like one of those interns you really dislike because he’s a total douche 🤭 let’s hope he gets another kind of role where he’s not the resentful guy 😁😁😁
I mean it! Every time you need to talk to someone, you know where to find me! And no, please don’t feel like that at least not with me 🥰 feel free to come as a anon, side blog whatever makes you feel comfortable and safe! I haven’t heard from you, so I hope everything has been good with you darling.
I know the hurricane was a long time ago, but I’m glad that you guys found a way to stay busy during that time (I love playing uno btw! Can go for hours 😆), that’s my go to game sometimes! Most of the board games to be honest, monopoly, uno, memory…
This is all for now, hope to hear from you soon! Don’t hurry though take your time or reply in parts, whatever works for you! I really wish (worry) about your anxiety as I know it hits like waves at times, so take care of yourself, sending you all my love as usual, would love to hear from you!
XoxoGg s🤫🤐
Link to the most recent replies here and here ♥️
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 13. brb x oc
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a/n: ngl this chapter made tear up just the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniest bit :,) also! Ref pics of the clothes because idk if i managed to explain them correctly???
Bea's bikini
Rooster's shirt (in my mind the flowers are a deeper red but it is p much like this )
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: suggestive content, Bradley being a sweetheart (and still horny),Bea learning how to be bolder
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
“You want me to go where, with you?”
Shells blinked, holding up the pamphlet, the pink paper with the words ‘Pole dancing class’ written in purple, “It’s free to go during the weekends.” Bea’s green eyes turned to the drawn figure of the pole dancer with her legs open wide while holding herself up. She honestly wasn’t expecting to see Shells so early in the morning, already in workout gear with her blonde hair pulled up.
Beatrice rubbed her tired eyes, trying to wipe the sleep away, “But–” she looked at her phone, “It’s eight in the morning.” and she planned to wake up a bit later today.
“Yeah! Her class starts at nine and if we go fast we’ll be able to get the last spots.” Shells grins, but her friend is still confused “Bea, come on! It’s fun! If we get the spots we’ll save up for the next classes!”
“The next classes?”
“Yep! Come first, get it first, that’s the deal.” the blonde explains, “Now change so we can go!” she turned Beatrice around, pushing her inside her house and kicking the door with her foot. Jolene greeted Shells with jumps on her leg, before following the two women up the stairs. Beatrice was still waking up, holding up the piece of paper to read it better as Shells rummaged through her clothes.
“Where did you get this?”
“The lady who teaches, her husband is a regular.” she explains, to which Bea gives her a confused look, “Short stocky guy, has a funny laugh and tips well.” it takes a minute but Beatrice’s face relaxes as she remembered, “He gave some of these to me in hopes I could find anyone in the bar who’d be interested.”
“Oh.” she flips the pamphlet to see if there’s any other information, only to find it blank. She dropped her hands to her lap, yawning quietly as Shells placed the outfit on the bed, “Hm…okay…do I think I should tell Roos?How long do you think we’ll be there?”
“From what I’ve seen her classes don’t last too long, two hours tops. So we’d be out of there at eleven.”
“Oh, okay, good.” she smiles, “We’re having lunch together today.” Beatrice rolled her eyes at Shells teasing ‘wooo’, standing up to grab the lycra pants from her friend’s grasp, then the sports bra and fresh underwear. She changed quickly once she got in the bathroom, slipping on her sneakers and pulling her hair in a ponytail, while Shells’ leg bounced impatiently on the top of the stairs.
“Finally!” the blonde said, grabbing her friend by the wrist, “I just checked her profile, there are only two spots left, we have to go now.”  Beatrice lets out a shout of surprise when Shells takes her down the stairs to the front door, bouncing on the spot as Bea locks it, then leading her to her own car. Bea complained about using her Subaru, but Shells shook her head, “No way we are using that fossil, we need to be quick!”
Beatrice frowns a bit but enters the silver Buick once Shells does the same, widening her eyes when the blonde steps on it, the tires screeching on the asphalt, “Shells!” 
“We’ll be fine!” she smiles, tossing a look to her friend’s shocked face, “Just gotta be there before the others!” Beatrice only nodded mutely, clenching the seatbelt in hopes she could stabilize herself with Shells’ driving. She was always a fast driver, but this was a whole other level compared to the times she took her to work. 
She didn’t even see much of the outside considering how blurry it had become, like a big kaleidoscope in real life. Beatrice’s body jolted forward a bit when Shells parked the car, she blinked while touching her arms, face and legs…okay she was still alive. “Come on!” Shells shouted, walking out of the car only for Bea to hurriedly to the same. Her friend suddenly grabbed her hand with force, speeding up her step.
Right on the opposite side of the sidewalk, were two other women who looked up the moment Shells parked and immediately hurried their steps towards the building they were all going into. Beatrice could hear Shells muttering curses as she practically dragged the brunette inside, “My name is Michelle Regina Benjamin! I was born on March 20th, 1995.” The woman writing down the names for today’s class jumped in surprise, Shells was looking down at her intensely.
The poor lady looked up at Beatrice, who smiled apologetically, “I-I’m Beatrice Schiavoni, S-c-h-i-a-v-o-n-i. I was born February 12th, 1993.`` She wrote both of their names, congratulating them on taking over the last two spots for the weekend, which made the blonde shout in triumph with her fists up in the air. Both Beatrice and the woman looked at her weirdly, with Bea awkwardly laughing and thanking the lady for her time.
“We fucking did it!” Shells fist pumped yet again, this time walking up a set of stairs with Bea next to her. There was music being played above their heads, which meant the studio was up the stairs.
“While I guess pole dancing is fun, did you have to be so…intense?”
Shells smirked, “Well, that’s because I saw her favored playlist and–” she pulls out her phone, opening the photo app, “Look!! Look!” The first name on the screenshot was no one other than Kylie Minogue, Shells favorite artist. Well, favoritism would be a light usage: Shells would talk about Kylie Minogue as if she was the most important deity in the whole world right now, no one would compare to what Miss Minogue was. Not to Shells at least.
“...ah, I see.” Bea nodded, the music getting louder as they reached the top steps.
“You know that if it has my Lord and Savior Kylie Minogue, I’m in…plus I’ve always wanted to do pole dance.” she hugs Beatrice to her side “aaaaand I’d have my best friend with me! So this will be very fun!”
They stop by a black door where they could hear the music pumping from the inside, Shells opening it up just enough to peek inside then nod towards Bea. It was a huge space with large windows that exposed the San Diego horizon, there was a radio on the corner of the room that vibrated with music, while in the center were eleven poles - two rows of five and one lonely pole in the front of them all - with enough space to be used by the group of people chilling about.
There were different body types and genders in the room, all of them wearing comfortable clothing for working out, some of them looked nervous just like she felt. Shells stood by Bea’s side while leaning on the wall opposite to the windows, waiting for the instructor to come inside.
It took a few minutes, but the lady finally stepped in. Bea and Shells were closer to the door so they saw the woman come in first. She was statuesque, tall and toned with long legs,her skin was tanned from being in the sun and her long black hair was up in a high ponytail. Bea and Shells looked mesmerized at the instructor, who smiled when turning to face them, “Hi! So good to see you girls here!” she dropped her pink duffel bag to the tiled floor, stepping to the middle of the room and clapping her hands once to call everyone’s attention.
Her name was Tiffany, but she wanted to be called Tiff for the time being of her class. She asked everyone’s names with a kind smile, then told them all to separate in duos, which Shells and Bea already were, then choose a pole to stand close by. She waited until everyone was settled, telling them to remove their shoes before stretching along with her.
Since Bea did yoga, some of the stretches were easy enough to do. She sent a quick look to Shells who winced while leaning forward to touch her toes, “You okay?”
“Oof, yeah.” the blonde grimaces, her face souring up “Just…my back feels tight.”
“Because you don’t stretch,” Bea says with a smile, giggling when Shells sends a glare her way, “I always tell you to.”
“Oh shush.” Then a quiet ‘ow’ follows soon after, with the blonde still grimacing when the stretching session is over. Tiff tells them to first and foremost clean their pole with the microfiber rag and alcohol solution she had separated for all of them in the back of the room, expressing that it has to be a sleek surface so their hands can hold without slipping.
When they patted the chalk on their hands, that’s when it began. Tiff said she’d start small since they were all beginners, going for a back arch then a back bend,reminding them all that they could make it sensual even the simplest of movements. It wasn’t bad, it was actually very fun, especially when they started climbing up the pole.
It was their first class so everyone was a bit nervous or stiff when it comes to what to do, but Beatrice couldn’t help but smile when she managed to do a carousel spin - a bit slow but she did it! - making sure to follow Tiff’s directions when it comes to be more sensual, tossing her hair back or bending her back in a certain way.
She’d never…managed to be sensual like Tiff said, but she couldn’t lie she felt really good doing so. This was very fun, more than she thought it’d be. By the time the class was over, she was sweaty and breathing heavily, but she didn’t think she would’ve liked it so much.She turned over to Shells who was leaning her butt against the wall while her hands were on top of her knees, supporting her upper body “That was fun!” the blonde nodded, chugging half of her water bottle, “We should definitely do it again.”
“Sure.” Shells says, swallowing her water down harshly, “Why not?” Funnily enough the blonde didn’t seem as excited as the brunette was. 
Beatrice walked up to Tiff who was fixing up her things for her next class, “Um, excuse me.” Tiff looked over her shoulder to Bea then smiled, “Do you only do classes on the weekends…or?”
“Saturday are free classes, my classes go from Tuesday to Friday,the same time as right now, if you are interested.”
“Well I,” she looked back at Shells who still looked way out of breath, but who pushed herself off the wall to walk closer, placing her hands on her hips, “I’m interested! Shells too right?” the less than attentive ‘yup’ didn’t falter Bea’s enthusiasm.
“Well, I’m so glad!” Tiff smiled, “Kendra can help you guys downstairs if you guys want to be part of the weekly class.” She thanked the two girls again before they went down the staircase, back to the jumpy woman from the beginning - Kendra - to set everything right for their classes.
Now that the worst had passed, Shells seemed just as thrilled as Bea was while giving Kendra the rest of the information needed to make them actively part of the class. Bea’s phone pinged just as Shells was talking to Kendra, so she pulled it out of her lycra pants pockets already knowing who it was.
Roos’ (11:01)
Hey pretty girl. Still up for our lunch?
Bea (11:15)
Yeah! Of course! Sorry for the late reply :<
Roos’ (11:16)
Don’t worry gorgeous, do you want me to pick you up?
Bea (11:17)
Yes, please :3. I’ll just take a shower and I’ll call you, okay?
Roos’ (11:17)
Sounds like a plan ;) see you in a few then.
Beatrice bit her lower lip with a smile, before sliding the phone back inside her pocket. They thanked Kendra before walking out of the building, the sweat was now cooling down their skin thanks to the lack of movement and the wind outside, “That was so fun!” Bea smiles as the two march to Shells’ car, hearing the blonde unlock it by pressing the button on her key.
“It was very fun, I’m so happy you liked Bumblebea!” Shells said, while playfully jabbing her friend’s arm “Maybe you can use some moves on our resident Chanticleer, huh?”
“Wha– Shells!!” she shoved her friend’s shoulder while her cheeks heated up to the point of combustion, but the blonde just cackled in delight, “Don’t say things like that!”
“Whaat? It’s not like guys didn’t do anything yet, right?” she asks, still chuckling but her chuckles diminished when Bea remained silent, looking at her hands, “Right?”
“I-I…well…” Bea just wrung her hands together, feeling herself being analyzed by her friend’s gaze, “It’s just– It’s been a while for me.”
“Girl!” she slaps her hand on the Buick’s roof, the tang sound of the impact making Bea jump in surprise “How the hell are you not banging that man like a door in a hurricane!?” a few passersby looked their way since Shells’ intonation was less than quiet and no matter how much Beatrice tried to shush her, her friend was relentless, “Climbing that tree like a spider monkey? You couldn’t have pined after him for so long just to not rip his clothes off where he stood!”
“Shells!! Sssh!” 
“I’m sorry! I’m very shocked!” she threw her arms up in the air, “Listen, as much as I loathe to say this, my aunt and Mav got it on really quickly.” she grimaces, “Too quickly, don’t ask me how I know.” One of the less known bonuses of babysitting your little cousin was knowing things she never once desired to know and now she does. Unfortunately.
“I…I just feel, I dunno,” Shells arches her eyebrows, watching as Bea stood beside her against the car, “I mean, seeing me clothed is one thing…but-”
“Okay, alright, shush,” she smushed her index finger against Bea’s lips, pressing them down “Ssh shh shush! No more of this. You’ve seen how that man looks at you. Do you really think he wouldn’t be into your body even more?” Bea opened her mouth only for Shells to cup her cheeks and squeeze them, puckering her lips comically, “Nope! No talk back from that, ma’am.”
‘Fut fwhat if yur wrung?”
“I’m not wrong.” she grins, letting go of her friends cheeks, booping the tip of Bea’s nose with a manicured finger, “I mean,” she gestures to Bea’s body, “God made you blessed with all that ass and you think Rooster wouldn’t care about it? Really? Babes, you need to come back to the present and stop worrying!”
Beatrice still had a hard time swallowing the information that there was a possibility the two of them would eventually go to the next base, which she’d love to, a whole lot. She just had to…plan everything, yes, planning would work a lot better in her favor. Then check if he’d want to, which all the signs point to yes but she had to make sure.
“I suggest,” Shells says once they enter the car, “You don’t tell him about the pole dancing class. Just say it’s normal dancing, then you can surprise him.” her blonde eyebrows waggle teasingly and while Bea’s face turns red, she doesn’t scoff or tosses the idea away.
She just keeps it inside her brain with a little smile.
“You never told me what you were doing before I messaged you.” Bradley says casually, watching Bea take a sip of her mango juice through her metal straw, her big eyes blinking at him over the glass’ rim. 
Once she swallows it, she licks her red stained lips clean of any drops, “Oh, um,” she taps a napkin over her mouth, “Me and Shells joined a dance class.” he lifts his eyebrows up to his hairline, taking a sip of his own drink, “Yes, it’s very fun.”
“Is it? Tell me about it.”
Tell him about it…okay. She could do that while hiding what it is. “Oh! Uh, it’s just…just casual dancing!” she flaps her hand as if to play it off, “You know, it has… jazz and zumba and yeah. Those things.”
Bradley’s eyes narrow comically, as if he’s trying to see through her and Beatrice swallows nervously, taking a sushi roll into her mouth in hopes it’d stop her from blurting it out to him. He then chuckles, going back to his own plate, “Well, alright. Maybe you can show me what you’ve been learning, when you can.” She looks like a chipmunk with her cheeks stuffed with rice and fish, jaws moving in hopes she could swallow it faster but she nods almost unnoticeably.
She offers him a small smile as the food drops down,finally “Of course, I’m still new to it but I think I’ll get the hang of it soon enough. So I can,” she inhales quietly, “Show you.” She couldn’t help but imagine Shells cheering for her in the distance, going full middle school soccer coach behind her back, pointing her fingers at her in triumph calling her a champ.
“I’ll look forward to it then.” he smiles, almost as if he knows something is off but doesn’t think it’s that worrying to prod about it yet. “I hope you don’t mind we came here to have lunch, by the way. I really like this Sushi place.”
Being inside a mall wasn’t a problem to her, considering she’d come by herself wherever time allowed. This was one of the few Sushi places where the food was good, fresh and had a nice atmosphere. Bradley also suggested they take their time just wandering about window shopping if she wished to “I don’t mind! I like it here. It doesn’t even seem we are inside a mall in the first place.”
Which was true since the restaurant was on the second floor of the mall, where all the fancy places stood, above the traditional food court. Something private yet comfortable for young couples such as themselves. With every booth being separated by Japanese styled dividers, each one had a private window that overlooked the outside.
“By the way,” he begins, “Did I already compliment you today?”
Beatrice laughed softly, gathering some of her hair to put behind her ear, “Well, you did say you thought I looked stunning.” she begins, “Like I just jumped out of a fairy tale book.”
Which, considering she was wearing a white ruffled top with short sleeves, tiny flowers sewn onto the fabric with light pink colored pants and white converse, he wouldn’t be wrong. He smirks at her, leaning on his hand, “Well, you do look like a modern fairy most of the time already.” she smiles at him with her cheeks turning red, “But you are gorgeous, you could literally wear a potato sack, you'd still be the prettiest woman around here.”
“Oh my God, stop.” she giggles bringing the metal straw to her lips, but not drinking it yet, just holding against her lips. His dark gaze flicked from her eyes to her mouth, watching her lips wrap around the straw with raw interest. He ran his hand over the lower part of his face, chuckling quietly then shaking his head with the grin still present, leaning back on his booth. “You keep being a sweet talker.”
“Well, you keep being sweet.” he coos back, smiling even wider when her cheeks turn darker, “I love it when you blush. The first time I saw it I just couldn’t get it out of my head.”
“Oh,yeah.” he crosses his arms over his chest, Bea’s eyes moving to his curled biceps immediately, “I have never seen someone really blush, I mean, where I can see your cheeks turning red.” not only her cheeks, now that he paid attention. With the collar being so low on her blouse, he could see some red spreading over her cleavage “So I was just mesmerized when I saw it the first time.”
She looked down at her drink, then back at him, “Mesmerized?” she repeated quietly, still smiling.
“Yep.” he chuckles, his mustache curling over his lips “Didn’t help that you are beautiful too. Shells never gave me much information about you besides your name, I guess she wanted me to go to you first.”
“Sounds like her.” she begins, putting her glass down “Considering she pestered me about going to you too.”
“Oh? Do tell.” she made a face, using her chopsticks to spread some wasabi on her hosomaki before plopping it inside her mouth instead of answering, “Oh, come on. I’m your pilot aren’t I? Can’t I know some girl secrets?”
She almost choked when he called himself her pilot, still getting used to it, but she managed to chew it before she could make a scene in the restaurant, “She pestered me about it every time you showed up,” he ‘hmhmed’ “She even suggested she went with me so she’d get something out of Bob too, but you know I never did. Then you came up to talk to me and well– here we are now.”
“Here we are now.” he looks down at his plate with a grin, “What do you say we finish it up and walk around?” 
They finished their lunch without much hurry, walking out of the restaurant just to wander about the mall, keeping her close to him at all times, walking a bit ahead of her so he could shield her from any distracted mallgoer. Everyone who looked up at him either quickly stepped back or sped up their walking, giving the two of them enough space to walk around. 
The mustache and sunglasses sure held a lot more power for those who wield them. 
Plus being tall helped.
“Ohh, Roos, look!” she tugged him to the left, where a group of mannequins wore different colored Hawaiian shirts, “I like the red one for you.” she mentioned, pointing to the one with the red hibiscus flowers and the dark blue background. He couldn’t help but chuckle, remembering her instagram profile picture with the Hibiscus behind her ear.
“It is pretty nice.”
“Do you want to go inside and try it on?” she questioned, swinging his arm a bit, “I don’t think you have enough Hawaiian shirts.” 
He looks down at her through the lens of his sunglasses, seeing her little smile only widen, “You think you are hilarious, don’t you?” she shrugs innocently, still holding his hand, “Well, pretty girl you wouldn’t be wrong. There’s never enough shirts for me.” not to mention he’d gladly wear it since it reminded him of her. 
She leads the two inside, talking to one of the vendors after asking his size. Then it hits both of them this would probably be the very first gift she’d give him if she considered the Xenomorph plush his very own gift. 
She has the hibiscus shirt on the crook of her arm as she leads him to the changing rooms. The store was very beach themed, with light blues and beiges, there was even a large palm tree lamp above the changing rooms where each leaf illuminated an area. “Here,” she smiles, handing him the shirt, “Try it on and see if it looks good.”
“I won’t take long,” he says, leaning down to peck her lips, “Promise.”
“I’ll be waiting here.” she says against his lips, giggling when he kisses her one last time before closing the door. She looks around a bit, with her hands interlaced before her eyes stop on a rack full of plus sized bikinis. Beatrice blinks, looking at the closed door then to the swimwear, deciding she could take a quick peek before he came out.
She ran her fingers through the bikinis, parting her lips when she saw one with deep green palm leaves on the top and bottom, the halter top seemed to be big enough for her chest but the bottom part was just a normal bikini, as in it wasn’t high waisted and it stopped right below her hip bones.
Bea however, loved it. It was very different from what she was used to wearing while on the beach, but she felt…adventurous. Maybe the thing was that the pole dancing class made her feel a lot more confident than she remembered, looking behind the green leaf bikini to check the others, seeing a lilac one and a black one with tied on bottoms. She bit her lower lip, looking over her shoulder to see the door still closed, only to keep on looking.
“What are you looking at?” the voice in her ear whispered rapidly and she jumped, falling back onto a firm chest, a chest that moved with laughter, a pair of arms wrapping around her waist.
“Oh my God, don’t-” she playfully swatted his arm “Don’t do that!”
“I went out looking for a second opinion and you were too busy checking something else,” he pouts his lower lip, pressing a kiss to her cheek, “Hurt my feelings, pretty girl. What are you looking at, anyway?”
Beatrice’s eyes widened and she pushed the rack of bikinis farther from them, panicked “Nothing!” she said quickly, maybe she wasn’t feeling that confident yet. When she turned around, he was wearing the hibiscus shirt, buttoned just up to the middle of his chest, “Ohhh, it looks so good.” she leans up to fix the collar, smoothing her hands over the fabric, “I love it.”
“Me too,” he says, looking back to where the other vendors were, too busy to pay attention to the two of them, then tugs her closer, pressing their foreheads together “Now answer me what you were looking at, because you seemed very interested.”
She blushed, looking away from him, “It’s nothing.” she murmured, then sighed when he didn’t seem to budge, “Just…swimwear I guess.”
“Yeah, I thought some looked cute.” she shrugs, playing with the buttons of his shirt.
“Show me?” 
She bit the corner of her mouth, hesitated but then turned her body towards the bikini rack, trying to find the one she liked again and then pulled out for him to see. She didn’t hold it in front of her body, instead she held it beside her. Beatrice looked up at Bradley to see him with his hands on his hips, his sunglasses up to his hair and eyebrows up. His lips pursed when he breathed shakily, with his gaze locked on the palm tree bikini.
“Brad?” she questioned, “What’s wrong?”
“That is uh…that’s,” he gestured to the bikini, “That’s very nice. You should definitely get it.”
“You think so? I didn’t even check the price–”
“I’ll get it for you,” he said quickly, “I’ll get it, don’t worry. You got me the shirt and I got–” he clears his throat, his mouth feels incredibly dry, “You got a cute bikini. Matter of fact, why don’t you take these to the cashier,” he hurriedly removes the shirt, folding it and handing it to her alongside the bikini, “I’ll, uh, meet you there in a few.”
She furrowed her eyebrows, but leaned up to kiss his lips before he disappeared from her view. “...okay?” on the way over to the cashier, she couldn’t help but wonder what brought on that weird attitude over him. Standing on the line, she looked down at her bikini for a second, before Shells’ words appeared back in her mind:
You’ve seen how that man looks at you. Do you really think he wouldn’t be into your body even more?
Her lips parted in a pleased little gasp, only to roll them into her mouth to hold back her smile, looking at the new swimwear in her arms with his Hawaiian shirt underneath it and she couldn’t help but feel like she was stepping on clouds. His large hand suddenly appeared on her back as he returned, pushing her forward so they could pay, separately, for each article of clothing.
Once out of the store, she couldn’t help the little grin over her lips, squeezing his hand almost without thinking, her thumb rubbing the side of his palm repeatedly. She was so happy she couldn’t help herself, looking back and forth on the mall’s hallway, she tugged him to the side, “What?” he questioned, just following her as she took the two to where the artificial plants decorated a corner, “What’s wrong?”
Beatrice waited until they were partially hidden from the rest of the crowd to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him. He hummed out in surprise but quickly kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist, thankful of how no one seemed to notice the two of them there. He groaned when one of her hands went up to his hair, nails dragging up his scalp, a stuttery ‘fuck’ leaving his lips into her mouth as she laughed. 
He stepped forward until her back touched a wall, his teeth biting on her lower lip,being followed by his tongue, begging her to open it. She does and he downright growls when it happens, his large hands slide down her back to cup her ass through her jeans, pressing her pelvis against his as they make out in the darkened corner of a crowded mall, hidden by a small artificial palm tree.
When she playfully bites his own lower lip, it takes all the power in him to control himself, breaking the kiss to drag his mouth down her cheek then down her jawline. She sucks in a breath, feeling his teeth pinch just where her tendon began, the wet of his tongue sending shivers up and down her spine. Bea mewls quietly, his teeth finding the weak spot by sucking onto it hard, not even caring if it marked in fact she was more than happy it did. 
Her hand returned to the back of his head and she could feel his whole body shuddering when she wrapped her fingers around the sandy waves, his hold on her tightened even more.
Oh, did Bradley have some sort of weakness when it comes to his hair? She couldn’t help but smile at the new information.
 He pressed his crotch to hers before stopping, stopping everything, to drop his forehead to the curve of her shoulder, “Jesus Christ.” he mutters, out of breath, “Gorgeous we got to stop or else I won’t be able to keep things decent.” but his lips returned to her neck, pressing a trail of kisses until he reached her lips again, humming against the cherry flavored lip balm, “I don’t know what happened, but shit, you won’t see me complaining. Was it the shirt?”
But Bea’s smile only softened, cupping his cheeks with her hands. You want to see me, all of me, you aren’t upset thinking about my body, you want me, you really want me, she thought but only chose to say, “I just felt like kissing you.”
Bradley’s sunglasses are a bit crooked, so she fixes them for him, while he chuckles softly, “Well, hey, don’t mind doing this more often, I like this side of you.” she rolls her lower lip into her mouth the moment he says it, “Babe I’ll have to kiss you again if you keep this up.”
“You won’t see me complaining.” she whispered just as breathily, tugging him down to press their lips together again before they walked out of their little corner. Bradley took a few seconds to come out, rubbing his hands over his face in hopes to appear presentable before he met her outside.
On her neck stood the brightest,reddest hickey. Which on her pale skin, stood out immensely. But she couldn’t bring herself to care, at best she’d use her hair to cover it. Each of them held their own bags, grinning like two adolescents who did something under an adult’s nose and no one would find out.
That is until they both hear a high pitched noise that stood out from the usual crowd chatter, “Did you hear that?” Bradley comments, looking around, only to hear the sound getting louder.
“I do…it seems…familiar?” it gets louder, closer, way closer, until there's a sudden impact on the back of Bea’s legs. She yelps in surprise, looking back down at her legs to see a known blonde haired little girl smiling up at her while hugging her jeans clad leg.
“Hi auntie! Hi Prince Rooster!”
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at Råsundastadion Stockholm, Sweden - June 7, 1986 (Part-2)
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Freddie's voice is in top shape tonight, and he sings many of the songs closer to the record version than ever before. He sings One Vision with such excitement (he messes up a few words, but the feeling in his voice overrides any shortcomings). It's clear that he's thrilled to be back on stage. The first few shows of the tour really exhibit the post-Live Aid energy. The band doesn't follow Freddie's "one more time" cue out of the breakdown in A Kind Of Magic, but they recover perfectly well. A couple bars later, he says, "Keep on going!" After the song, "I don't care what you say. I like the rain. I like it. If you don't like it, fuck you!" In the ensuing vocal exchange with the audience (showcasing Freddie in brilliant voice), the audience are right with him - for a while. After holding a very high note for a few seconds which the audience can't match, he says, "Wait a minute," then on his next offering, he increases the power and length of the note, which they can't quite match either! Freddie, after Another One Bites The Dust: "For those of you who don't know, this is the start of our new American... American, new European tour, right?" Bohemian Rhapsody is played very early in the set tonight - an experimental move on their part, as it was quickly moved back to where it belongs for the remainder of the tour. The impromptu that follows is a pretty unique-sounding one, during which Freddie sings 'Get Down Make Love' a few times. Brian, before Love Of My Life: "It's very nice to be back in Sweden after a very long time. Thank you most of all for believing in us. We love you." He then says to Freddie, referring to his 12-string acoustic, "There's no chance of getting it in tune; I'm sorry." After the audience sing part of the first verse on their own, Freddie shouts, "What about the people in the back? Hey!" Freddie still tells a variation of the same joke before Crazy Little Thing Called Love on most nights. "I only know three chords on the guitar, and you'll be hearing two of them in the next song." One of the opening acts on many nights of the tour is Gary Moore, once a member of Thin Lizzy who opened for Queen on their North American tour in 1977. Pics 1 and 7 were submitted by Alessio Rizzitelli, pic 2 is from Fabio Tosti. Here are a couple pro pics from the opening night of the tour:
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Here are a couple reviews of the show in Swedish.
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Fan Stories
“On June 7th 1986 I was at the first Queen Magic Tour gig of all at Rasunda Fotbollsstadion. I remeber that I never had seen such a huge lighting rig or stage, for that matter, ever. The energy was awesome and Queen really did great for a first gig of a tour. They never played Friends Will Be Friends but I didn't care since all the songs were huge numbers. Rasunda was absolutely sold out and this gig remains the best done gig in Sweden ever.” - Anders
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sodascherrycola · 3 years
Throwbacks Pt.2
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jamielee @calebsixx You’re still my lead guitarist, glad we dropped out of pre-school for this man
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kellylee Oh my god Jamie! How did you find this?!
jamielee Leighton and I went snooping when we were visiting for thanksgiving
calebsixx holy shit man that was forever ago
motleycreww Awhh I didn’t know they knew each other this long 🥺🥺
theycallme_quinn back before he would straighten his hair, don’t think I forgot about that
jamielee Shut up Harlow, everyone went through an emo phase, right @calebsixx ?
calebsixx leave me out of this dude 🤐
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ayoits.luke Giving very much “How to pick up chicks @ the bar: tips from a player” and we all know baby Luke watch the shit out of those videos on youtube when he was 10
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lizzie.ww AHHHH Luke’s Justin Bieber phase!!!! RUN!!! EVERYONE!!!!! RUN!!!!
urfavv.lilliana 🎵And I was like bAby BabY bAby ohhhhhhHHh like BabY baBy bABy NooOooO!🎵
simply.griff Luke sometime probably: You know what would really make CHICKS dig me, my hat turned backwards. That shit works, and is not at all douchy
_brooklyn_ 😭😭😭
ch4rlie ayo don’t worry, pitbull’s been there and done that too buddy
ayoits.luke hey thanks man, I really appreciate it 😌
ch4rlie anytime my brother, anytime 🙃
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lizzie.ww 1st grade pics from ‘03 🥺 I miss lil’ lizzie
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ari.angel the shirt says it all
motleygunz Awh baby lizzie! She looks so much like her father!
oliviamadison You looked cute but you were a total maniac lmfaooo
lizzie.ww I get it from the best Livvy 🥰🥰🥰
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gunzphotoz Photo of Jack and Brandon in 1995 before Brandon moved back to Indiana with his family. They were so cuteeee!!!! #Besties #Goals #Bromance
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axlrosesflower It sucks that he had to move away from his best friend because their parents couldn’t get along :(
adlerzpuggy wait what? what happend between Izzy and Axl, I thought they made up?
axlrosesflower Basically the two got into a fight about how they raise their kids (stupid ik) and it became a bigger thing and they stopped talking and Izzy and Lillian both agreed that it would be best to leave L.A, and California for good.
axlrosesflower I think they still visit once and a while from airport photos I’ve seen but not very often. Brandon moved back to L.A through from what I know of.
sofia.allica How old are they in this?
izzyswhpre like 7 probably if it was ‘95
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parkerjovi #Birthdaygirl #07
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zepp_het Baby Parker deserves the wrld and that is not up for debate
leah.meralda I was there for this not to flex or anything, just saying I’m better or whateva 🥱
bonjovifan94 I remember when she was this little I can’t believe she’s is almost 18 already! Time flies!
jovi4lyfe Why are you talking like you know her, it’s sort of creepy dude
jonbonjovi Oh god this seems like so long ago now, I feel old as shit now 🤣
will.jovi I hate to break it to ya pops...
1ndonlyrome0 now I wish I got to this first 😩
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hryder fuq the crust, all my homies h8 the crust
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simply.griff As a homie I can approve of this message
duffmckagan Get your sticky hands off my guitar
.bear_ You heard the man ^^^
duffysbeercan LOL why you got ur dad being rude to u lmfaoo I love duff
hryder @duffmckagan :(
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leggigoesabroad · 5 years
we’re only here on borrowed time
Sitting on a lovely, smooth, high-speed train from Nuremberg, Germany to Paris.  Yesterday was a day from hell which I'll lightly get into but not dwell on, but for now, I'm so happy.  I'd be remiss to not mention why!!  Part of the reason I decided to book the train instead of flying from Prague to Paris was for many uninterrupted hours to listen to this new book my doctor recommended for me, called "Stress Less, Accomplish More" but Emily Fletcher.  It obviously sounds like a typical self-help book, but I have a crush on my doctor and she really sold it for me.  (BTW she's no older than like, 32, is married with two kids, super pretty, and totally gets me.  She's very female-centric and one time said 'I'll never let you leave here without a prescription for more birth control, we will never let the system be the reason you're struggling with something' after asking if I had enough for the foreseeable future.  Joke's on her, I'm single AF, but it really spoke to me.)  She said it's a book about meditation and although I've tried meditating before, I am a little bit of a natural skeptic as to allllllllll of its listed benefits.  She said this super simple technique helps you sleep better, greatly reduces anxiety/depression, get sick less often, be more effective at work, eliminate jet lag, on and on.  She said she honestly can't say enough about it and it completely changed her life.  I took this as a way to be more like her and immediately bought it.  Also because I wanted her to like me.  Incidentally, she texted me a few days ago inviting me to a new women's group she's developing for people in my demographic who are going through the same things.  Because like of COURSE she did!! She also tells me to call her Casey instead of by "Doctor" and man I should stop now this is getting weird.
Anyway, this book is by an ex-Broadway performer who noticed she was going grey at age 28 (cough cough I am too) and was sick of all the medications she used to treat these symptoms and wanted to get more at the root.  She talks about how simple this meditation method is - 15 minutes twice a day - and how it is literally the best thing she's ever done for herself in her life.  After her course, she asks people how much money it would take to stop meditating.  They all say something between "500 million dollars" and "no amount of money in the world, because what would be the point without everything else meditation gives me?"  I booked the train so I could set aside several hours to listen to the book, especially on this trip, because we all know from the Thailand blog era that being far away in new countries is often what helps me make decisions in life and really self-reflect.  Yes, I hear how extra that sounds, but I'm fine with it.  I'm only on Chapter 5 and I keep intermittently crying!!  We haven't even gotten to the part where she tells me HOW to meditate!  Just her background on why it works and the entire theory behind it.  The author talks about one case in which a guy with advanced Parkinson's started her sessions and after literally the first one, his tremors disappeared during the entire 15 minutes and for 5 minutes after.  She said when they both opened their eyes he asked if she had noticed, and she said she did, and started crying because it was arguably the most profound moment of her career.  I'm crying typing this.  Ugh.  She doesn't claim that meditation will cure chronic illnesses of course, but rather that it's the best thing one can possibly do to supplement medical instruction and for some ailments, it can indeed end up replacing them.  She said after she started the practice, she didn't get sick again (cold, flu, anything) for EIGHT AND A HALF YEARS!!  Because when the body can use sleep at night to fully rest and not just as a band-aid for stress relief, your immune system can work at its intended level and not allow any of these small things to come into play.  You'd think I'd be getting paid for this post, but alas, I'm only 5 chapters in and get ready for me to be even more insufferable than usual when I get home.
Onward.  Last I left off I was in a cafe with Lizzy in Prague.  We stayed for a few hours and actually got a lot of work done!  Turns out my freelance deadlines don't disappear when I go to Europe, hmm.  We then walked to an area called Petrin, which from afar just looks like a tree-covered hill.  It's actually an uphill path in an expansive park that ultimately overlooks the entire city of Prague.  The more we went up, I kept thinking "we must be at the top by now" and then new buildings and castles and paths and orchards would appear.  It felt like a hidden fairyland with twists and turns and new beautiful sights along the way.  I posted a pic on the gram, but at one point we came to a clearing and there was a picture-perfect snapshot of the entire city through the trees.  With the red roofs and striking architecture I again almost felt like crying.  Also saw a bunch of couples making out in the orchards with no shame all, so that was something.  Good on 'em, ay.  We stopped for a glass of wine at the top (duh) and ended up chatting about work/management styles/feelings about jobs/etc.  Something great about Lizzy is that it turns out for everything I'm interested in, she's in grad school for.  I felt like she was the manifestation of all things fascinating to me.  Kinda like when you meet someone really smart who is able to vocalize all the things you feel about things, but better.  Like Hilary, but not my sister.  Like Jay Wong, but not my boss!  We talked about Kitty and her job search and then got into the concept of finding a job by figuring out what you love and what comes naturally to you, and then seeing how you can get paid for it.  She loved hearing about Kitty and SpotX and the proposal she had to do about team-building and customer engagement, and we chatted all about different marketable skills.  I remember crying to Hil many years ago (Hil if you read this, do you remember??) about how I *thought* I was smart but I hated studying/learning/school and my grades reflected that, and how I've squandered all my potential, I'm actually really dumb, etc.  BTW in retrospect I now see a lot of that as my undiagnosed ADHD and I wish I had understood it earlier to get ahead of it, but it's okay.  Hil at the time told me that she may have great grades and a good job, etc., but that she can't walk into a room and command attention or just become friends with everyone, and that skills come in all shapes and sizes and one isn't better than another.  I'M GETTING EMOTIONAL AGAIN.  Remember when my blogs used to be carefree and funny?  Me either.
After that, Lizzy and I walked all through the grounds of the Prague Castle and wound our way down the hill to the Charles Bridge, and stopped for another drink.  Then we got into a whole discussion about relationships and sexuality.  Later, when we were hanging out with her husband, Rob, I found myself saying over and over: "It's like what Lizzy and I were talking about earlier..." and he was like "how did you guys somehow talk about EVERYTHING today?!"  Females, man.  Eventually she went back to her place to shower and I checked into my Airbnb across the street.  Got SO EXHAUSTED and almost fell dead asleep while waiting for her before dinner, but rallied, and so glad I did.  We took the tram up the hill to a nice restaurant for dinner, then went to an Irish pub to watch the Liverpool/Barcelona game.  No one there remembered the epic call from 2010 World Cup that Ned and I quote all the time, but hey, we do and that's what counts. ("AND YOU COULD NOT WRITE... A STORY LIKE THIS.")  We got there at halftime and were ordering drinks at the bar when a guy sitting at the bar was a real dick and says to me and Lizzy, "just so you know, when the game's on again, you've gotta move.  I sat here on purpose for a good view, so make sure you move." Then turned to his partner and we could clearly hear him saying things like, "Fuckin' ridiculous they're standing right there during the game... I'm not going to let that happen... no fuckin' way" Um, a) it's half time. b) it's a bar and we're at the bar ordering drinks. c) WE KNOW. d) fuck off.  He kept talking about us after we moved and she and I briefly thought about starting shit but you know, foreign country and all that.  Luckily he was cheering for Liverpool and they got stomped in the second half to lose the game and we rejoiced. :)
Went to a weird, dark "Books" bar after that and we were almost the only people there.  There were condoms in the bathroom and I took one as a joke to show Rob and Lizzy, but now it's still in my bag and freaks me out every time I reach for my Chapstick.  We went back to their house afterwards and I kid you not, just watched Harry Styles videos.  Turns out they both love him, especially Rob, which is so rich to me.  He was like "this guy is just like coolness personified and he's so talented and he's weirdly attractive in kind of a feminine way but also masculine and he has such a nice voice and swagger...." you'd think I planted Rob to say this to me, but no.  We watched the entirety of his Carpool Karaoke as I told them all of my favorite parts ("I was back middle." "Why am I always Julia Roberts??" "I cry in like, a cool way.")  It's like when someone says to me, "you know, I'd love to know more about the meanings behind Taylor Swift's songs but I never learned, what are all of the albums about?" And I look around expecting that I'm being Punk'd.  Parted ways with them and thanked them for everything and told them I was very grateful for our summer camp relationship.  You know, the kind that is intensely strong, and very brief.  I may never see them again and yet we spent 15 hours straight together on Wednesday and I had one of the best days ever.  See you in another life, brotha.
A series of hiccups led to a very stressful morning on Thursday that I won't fully get into because my poor family already lived through it with me via WhatsApp... but it started with extreme random nausea, (the kind you have a serious internal talk with yourself about: "no.  you are okay.  take deep, slow breaths.  do not throw up here.  you are completely fine, this will pass.  breathe.  you're not sick.  this is just random.  you cannot throw up here.") and then I got on what was supposed to be a train from Prague to Nuremberg with a stop in Schwandorf, but there was a service interruption on the first leg and everyone knew but me.  Probably because everyone speaks Czech and I, ya know, do not.  BTW so far Czech is the least intuitive language I've ever come across.  I could read an entire book in it and wouldn't be able to give you even the slightest context, like you can with French/Spanish/German.  I know, romance languages and all that, but man I really underestimated how important it is to know some of the language when you're traveling through remote towns.  I notice everyone in Plzen has gotten off the train and I think "well that's weird, but maybe they're all local commuters."  A lady comes by and yells at me to get off, I say, "English?" She says, "NO.  Bus." and shoos me off.  In the panic I forget my suitcase from where I stored it - thank the heavens above, it was still there when I realized 15 minutes later and fought my way back on a closed train.  I have such PTSD today and can't fathom what would have happened if the train had left.  Imagine my suitcase just taking off on a train to the Czech countryside by itself.  Zero percent chance I get that back.  Work computer, my treasured leather jacket from Kathy that I swear I'd save in a fire, all of my toiletries and pills and prescriptions...ugh I can't even think about it.
No one spoke English except for a kind man at the info desk who spoke very little, and gave me directions ("directions" is a loose term here, I did a lot of critical thinking and problem solving to vaguely understand what I was supposed to be doing next) to take a bus in an hour that would take me to Stod, where I could then catch my train to Schwandorf and hopefully ultimately Nuremberg.  After a series of mishaps and incredible uncertainty, eventually all of that happened.  I walked into the hotel in Nuremberg and almost kissed the floor.  I had big plans to wake up early and explore, but alas, I'm embarrassed to admit that all I did in Nuremberg was buy some wine/chocolate/gummy bears and stay in all night and sleep late this morning.  Bodies need rest, y'all.  My audiobook author would tell me that my body is in recovery mode after releasing an unnatural amount of adrenaline and cortisol.  NEVERTHELESS SHE PERSISTED!
I'll be staying with rig friend Angie and her family in Paris, and seeing rig Aaron there too.  He messaged me yesterday and said, "so do you want to see museums and such? Or I can show you my favorite brasseries?" I said, "I've been to Paris, I'd just like to day drink honestly."  Luckily he is on board, shawoooooooo.  Oddly there's no WiFi on this train like they said there would be, but it's not that bad because it's so smooth and comfortable and I still have my audiobook.  Will post this blog sometime later when the WiFi shows up.  Cross your fingers that I get the romantic countryside train ride I pined for.  And happy weekend!!!
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elenatria · 7 years
Weren't you going to tell us about tom's peach butt? Also i think in the past 8 years what happened was tom was too open about his love for chris in his mannerisms and for all chris is confident in his masculinity it does feel a little weird. Add to it how fangirls behave like when the pic of hiddleswortiti sleeping came out. You can be all liberal until one of your same sex friends falls for you. I don't know but I feel tom is really lonely. Hopefully he's one of those who love being lonely.
Alrightz, headcanon mode on. *puts on the tinfoil Hiddlesworth headcanon helmet* I’m ready.
Ah yes, Chris feeling weird. This Chris vid here is a good example of that. I’ve edited the last part out, but if you watch the whole interview he says “The answer is no (Tom hasn’t seen me naked)”. Good answer, doesn’t leave room for any more silly questions because he is always straightforward. But if we think of headcanon Chris (and since some people recently have almost demanded to see a bad-boy Chris as opposed to an angelic Tom) he did start feeling a little awkward with Tom’s openness. The two of them met for the first time in 2009 when they were cast for “Thor”. It was all fun and games back then, they would party all night, meet girls, get drunk, carry each other out of the bar, remove shoes and put each other to sleep on the hotel bed (depends on who was sober enough to help with those things). The filming started shortly after, things got serious, but they still spent a lot of time together. Until Chris’ life changed in 2010 and so did his priorities. That would have normally hurt Tom, who kept his feelings secret, if he wasn’t all too happy for his friend’s bliss. Still Chris kept calling him and they would spend hours talking about the development of their characters in “The Avengers”. Most of the times it was Chris making the call. He would always hesitate before dialing Tom’s number but every time he sighed with relief listening to Tom’s very posh and british “Hello”, as if a load was lifted off his chest.
“Hey Tom. Heyyyy…”
They talked and talked. Sometimes Tom would say something, or Chris would say something, and there would be long pauses. Until they were done and a heartfelt “goodnight” would come from both ends of the line.
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Chris was more than happy to meet Tom again on the set of “The Avengers” although he knew something was up with his friend. Tom would spend long hours in his trailer supposedly resting or learning his lines. But he had never done this before, not so many hours, not so many days in a row, not so alone. One of those days Chris knocked on Tom’s trailer door. 
“Are you ok, mate?” he said. “You need help with those lines?”
Tom puffed out a cloud of smoke and placed his cigarette on the ashtray, his script folded, filled with notes and yellow highlighter lines, placed on his lap.
“No,” he said as he blew the remaining smoke out of his nostrils. “I don’t need help with those lines.”
“You sure?” Chris asked as he entered the trailer and closed the door behind him. 
“Sure sure,” Tom reassured him and went back to reading his script.
Chris stood next to his friend but it felt as if Tom was miles away, in a place of his own where he didn’t want to be disturbed. Chris searched for things to say.
“I thought you said you would quit smoking,” he joked pointing at the ashtray. “How many have you smoken since morning?”
“Twenty. Four,” Tom quipped as he finally looked Chris in the eyes. “Is that alright with you?”
“Is that…” Chris shrugged seeing that talking was worse than silence. “Sure it’s alright with me. Is… something the matter?”
“Nothing is the matter,” Tom sighed and went back to his script. “I just find it hard to concentrate.”
“You,” Chris raised a brow of doubt. “Not concentrating. You must be joking.”
“I am not,” Tom breathed and when their eyes met Chris noticed the black circles and the red eyes. Feverish and red and bigger than ever. Maybe it was Tom’s paleness, maybe it was just Chris’ imagination. And worry.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” 
“After we came back from the pub? I tried.”
Chris looked around, looking for evidence from a wild night spent with one of the girls they met. He had left the pub earlier the previous night seeing that Tom was busy talking and laughing with those girls. He just couldn’t follow his single friend anymore on his amorous adventures. One of the girls, the brunette, seemed to be quite fascinated by “Loki”, the new sex symbol, and was almost leaning against Tom’s soldier. 
“No, there’s no one here,” Tom replied to Chris’ unspoken question. “She was quite discreet.”
“You don’t seem very happy about it,” Chris narrowed his eyes.
“What’s to be happy about.”
“Dunno.” Chris shrugged and rubbed his lip. “Listen, do you want to come out for lunch, Chris and Bob said we’ll be meeting at a local lebanese taverna and…”
“I’m quite alright, thank you.” Tom didn’t even bother look at him.
“Do you… do you want us to bring back something for you to eat? Some fattoush salad, donair maybe..?”
Tom didn’t say a word. He just kept taking puffs on his cigarette and reading the script although Chris could tell he was stuck on the same page since he entered the trailer.
“What’s wrong, Tom? he muttered. “Tell me what’s wrong. If I knew you’d have such a horrible time with that girl… Lizzy… Libby… what was her name… I wouldn’t have left you alone with her,” he joked.
Tom lifted his eyes and stared back at him. “Funny that you remember her name. I don’t.”
“Well it was a beautiful name. Did you have fun at least?” he said grabbing the lighter from the table next to Tom’s chair and playing with the latch.
Tom got up and put out the cigarette in the ashtray that was filled with stubs.
“Define fun.”
Chris sank his hands in his jacket’s pockets and  tilted his head in annoyance. “Do you really want me to define it, mate?” he said, alarmed by Tom’s sudden change of mood. “Do you want me to go into details? I don’t like poking my nose into your love life, you know that.”
“No, you never do,” Tom sneered. “Very nice of you. As for your question no, I didn’t have fun. It all stopped being fun a long long time ago.”
“What… what do you mean?” Chris shifted his weight from one foot to the other. 
Tom patted Chris’ both arms reassuringly and grinned but his eyes were cold and distant. “Nothing that you would understand.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Thomas,” Chris exclaimed and brushed back his hair from his forehead, exasperated. “Maybe you shouldn’t have gone out last night, we wouldn’t be having this conversation now. I mean if you didn’t want to go…”
“But I did want to go out yesterday.  And come back here. Just… not with her.”
Chris suddenly stopped playing with the latch. He was staring at the floor as Tom’s words started to sink in. He knew he could laugh it up, make a joke about Tom choosing the other girl at the pub, then go out and eat his donair with the rest. As a matter of fact he wished he had gone straight to that restaurant instead of stopping here first. He found it hard to swallow as he was looking to find the right words, and failing. Because he had no words.
“I… I must go. Tom, I’m sorry…”
“Yes, you must. Go on, you’ll be late. They’re waiting.”
“Yes. They are.” Chris scratched the stubble on his chin and pretended he was finding his shoes fascinating. He put his hands back in his pockets. “I’ll see you later, Tom,” he said lifting his head.
“See you later.” Tom’s warm and calm voice didn’t reveal any of the despair Chris sensed before. Because that’s what this was. Fatigue and despair. 
Chris exited in a hurry and walked away as fast as he could, his heart about to burst. He turned back to look at the trailer, see if Tom was standing at the door. But Tom was nowhere to be seen.
He was probably back in his chair, finally turning the next page of his script, leaving yet another cigarette to die on his lips.
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Sunday Spectacular #27
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Happy Sunday!!! So this is me thanking awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and all the time they put into their fics. ♥️ I want to recommend spectacular fanfic stories I read this week! ♥️ They are posted in the order I read them. All posts will be tagged #spectacular fic rec
Pieces of Always by @so-caffeinated​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows.Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. You do not need to have read FiCoN to enjoy this, but it will spoil the end.
with(out) you to hold by @inlovewithimpossibillity​ | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: a one-shot sequel to 'and we're somehow caught up in a web of lies' set at the holidays after their defeat of slade
(settle down with me) and i’ll be your safety by @dust2dust34​ | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Six times Oliver and Felicity fall asleep with Artie, and one time they catch her sleeping.
All Her Firsts by @callistawolf​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Felicity Smoak visits Starling with her high school decathlon team, prepared for a week of intellectual rigors. What she doesn’t expect is the emotional roller coaster that follows as she begins to fall for her host- the totally-out-of-her-league Oliver Queen.
“Time for a story” Drabble Series by @smkkbert | Arrow | WIP
Summary: This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. It started as a drabble series, but developed more and more into a full domectic AU. Although some chapters are still drabble-like, there are longer storylines by now.
wading through the fire and smoke (like sunlight through the haze) by @alexiablackbriar13​ | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver and Felicity are publicly out as a soulmate couple. When she’s kidnapped for ransom, the Arrow saves her and is seen comforting her and heard calling her pet names.
Instead of thinking Oliver is the Arrow, the police and media outlets begin to think Felicity Smoak has two separate soulmates: Oliver Queen... and the Arrow.
Cue the entire world thinking Oliver, Felicity, and the Arrow are a soulmate throuple.
Tommy Merlyn's No Good, Very Bad, Terrible Day by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Tommy's first time out in public with all four kids turns to disaster when they encounter the paparazzi.
if you really love me punish me by @felicityollies​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Oliver thought Felicity Smoak was the love of his life, until they couldn't seem to make their marriage work. Now they're about to get a divorce and he's wondering where things went wrong.
The Daughter That Was Left Behind by @laxit21​| Arrow | WIP
Summary: Before the Gambit, Oliver Queen met QC intern Felicity Smoak. When he boarded the Gambit, he left something behind. Now, five long years later someone is waiting for him.
Artemis by @laxit21​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When the Queen’s Gambit sank, two people were stranded on Lian Yu. Five years later, four came back.
The Legacy of a Queen by @inlovewithimpossibillity​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Series of one-shots from a future AU where Oliver and Felicity are able to raise their children after they defeat the Ninth Circle and Oliver hangs up the hood
And then you walked into my life by @oliversmuse​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Felicity Smoak is a down on her luck IT specialist who has taken a job walking dogs. She enjoys the animals and less stress but she wants to get back into her field as soon as she can. Oliver Queen is a CEO of the most lucrative tech company in Star City. He has recently adopted a new puppy as a way to relieve his stress and decides to hire a dog walker. He never expects the blonde haired, blue-eyed beauty that shows up at his door and will change his life forever.
Alarm Signal by @alexiablackbriar13​ | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: When Felicity is pursued by a mugger late at night in the Glades, Oliver races to rescue her despite a strained wing.
Another Flying High one-shot in which our feathered hero scares the crap out of the guy who dared to attack his love. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MASQUE!
I Scream But No Sound Comes out by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Oliver returns from Lian Yu after five years, he comes back different. What happened there damaged more than just his body. How will his friends and family deal with this new Oliver?
Baby Daddy by more0rLessJess | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Bartender Oliver Queen was living his twenties to the fullest, he lived with his best friend John Diggle, and his brother in everything but blood, Tommy Merlyn just moved into their apartment as he started his professional baseball career for the Starling City Rockets. On top of that, his childhood best friend Felicity Smoak, who was no longer goth and instead blonde and beautiful, was back in town and they were hanging out again. Oliver thought his days were going to be filled with partying, one night stands, and boys weekends while also spending quality time with the girl everyone kept telling him he was in love with. Until his ex-girlfriend dropped a baby on his doorstep who turned out to be his son. After a lot of thought and Felicity Smoak pep talks, Oliver decides to keep and raise his son with the help of his friends. Or the AU fic inspired by the Freeform sitcom Baby Daddy that no one asked for but I needed to write. Aka Oliver and Felicity are childhood friends and are hopelessly in love with each other and everyone knows but them, oh and now they’re raising a baby. What could go wrong?
'Always' Starting A Bit Sooner by @ymnfilter​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Olicity Fanfic ARGUS!Felicity Married!Olicity AU
What if Oliver and Felicity met at ARGUS three years before Oliver Queen was found alive? What if they still fell in love, despite Oliver being at his darkest? What if Oliver Queen still came back to Starling City to right his father's wrongs? Only this time, with a wedding ring and a more emotionally stable mind-set?
#FelicitysMarvelousSoberPartyTimes by @alexiablackbriar13​ | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: felicity smoak @smoaksfelicity thank you all for your sympathies that i cannot drink tonight i truly am devastated but promise to still bring the content at our cast and crew holiday party. will be using #FelicitysMarvelousSoberPartyTimes which i know is long af but also,,,, its appropriate stfu
felicity smoak @smoaksfelicity so to start off. trimmed and tidy xx #FelicitysMarvelousSoberPartyTimes [Image of Oliver and Felicity pulling faces in a selfie, showing off their holiday party outfits]
MadeInOlicity @joganolicitys holy shit guys did you see that pic from mom and dad i think i just had an orgasm
A sequel to #olicitylives in which there are more Twitter antics, including Felicity livetweeting a holiday party.
The Felicity Smoak Diaries by @inlovewithimpossibillity​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Felicity Smoak starts a YouTube channel in tandem with her best friend, Caitlin Snow, as primary research for her thesis project, she has no idea what it will grow into. It becomes a diary of a year of her life, documenting family, friends, and her changing relationship with a man called Oliver Queen.
a lizzie bennet diaries olicity au
The What If Harassment Alternative by portlandborn | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | WIP
Summary: What would have happened to Peraltiago And our intrepid detectives, if Amy had reported her mentor captains ugly behaviors?
I Do. I Do. I Do. by @realityisoverrated-fic​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: The Wedding
Take Me Out To The Ballgame by @realityisoverrated-fic​ | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver and Tommy take Bobby to his first baseball game. Later that night, he has some tough questions for Oliver.
listen to the sound of my love for you by @felicityollies​ | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver and his friends are at a bar for a show. He's excited to get out for a night and he's more excited about the band Ghost Fox Goddesses. What he doesn't expect is the drummer to be the most talented and stunning person to ever cross his path.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
@hope-for-olicity @emdee8907 @malafle @laxit21 @icannotbelieveiamhere​ @xspeedytrashx​
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mixed-deburin · 7 years
30 Things You Should Know About Luke Mitchell
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
COFFEE!! If I can. But usually my puppy's "puppy dog" eyes win me over, and I take him to the park before he pees his pants.
When you walk into a bar, what do you typically order?
Ha! Depends on the time of day! Well, it actually depends on what kind of mood I'm in and who I'm with... If it's just chill vibes then probably a beer. If I'm with mates probably a beer. If I'm with my wife, I might get a cocktail or a glass of wine.
What's the one word you are guilty of using too often?
"Awesome." I definitely overuse it.
What is the last thing you searched for on Google?
Hmm...probably tattoo designs. I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while but just haven't done it yet.
Who is the last person to call or text you?
My wife. She's shooting a movie in Perth, Australia, right now.
What's the wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?
On my laptop it's like this nature pic of some mountains surrounded by trees...no idea where it's from. On my phone, it's my wife, Bec, and our dog, Alfie.
What was the last awkward situation you were in and how did you handle it?
I can't remember a specific situation but I am terrible at remembering names and so I am constantly in awkward situations 'cause someone will say "hi" to me and use my name and I know them but for whatever reason I can't think of their name right then and I'll be like, "hey... mate," "hey... how are YOU?" or "helloooo..." It's always awkward, but I try be as smooth as I can and continue the conversation without using their name. And then if I'm lucky, I'll remember their name during the conversation and I'll make sure I use it when I say bye.
What is your TV guilty pleasure?
Guilty pleasure? I feel like that's something that I shouldn't be watching but do anyway? I recently found myself watching multiple episodes of MasterChef and really getting into it! But in terms of good drama, I just finished Daredevil Season 2 and obviously, Stranger Things.
What's the first CD you bought?
It might've been something like Fat Boy Slim, actually.
And what music are you currently listening to?
Macklemore is playing right now. Love that guy. But I have a fairly diverse taste in music, depending on the mood I'm in.
What is the one food you cannot resist?
Bread. Hot fresh bread. My mouth's watering right now.
What movie makes you laugh the most?
The first thing that came to mind was The Little Death, a little Aussie movie about sex and relationships. It's SO good!
What toppings do you like on your pizza?
I like pizza on my pizza. I'd probably eat any pizza but I do like chicken and bacon and cheese and jalapeños.
What drives you absolutely crazy?
I hate negativity or pessimism. Ain't nobody got time for that!
What was your first online screen name?
Hmm... No idea but it definitely wasn't cool!
What’s the last thing you copied & pasted on your phone?
Probably something boring like a link to a Real Estate website... You know what? It was a link to a holiday destination.
What’s your favorite curse word?
"Fuck!" You can convey a lot of emotion with that baby.
What's your favorite emoji?
I'm really liking the "upside down face" at the moment. The smiling poop is a classic.
Pick one: Kittens or puppies?
PUPPIES. But I also like kittens. I'm an animal lover.
New York or Los Angeles?
Oooh... I've spent a lot more time in LA and this is my first time spending longer than a month in NYC. I might be leaning slightly toward NYC right now but ask me again after winter.
Twitter or Instagram?
Depends on what's being posted! Maybe Instagram because animal pics/videos.
Bacon or Nutella?
They are both fantastic inventions. Don't make me choose.
Britney or Christina?
Ha! When I was a teenager I had a big crush on Britney.
Coffee or tea?
Neither? I know next to nothing about both.
2 a.m. or 2 p.m.?
2 p.m.? But depends on what's going on!
Beyoncé or Rihanna?
I used to have a massive crush on Rihanna but that has now faded. So, Beyoncé.
Netflix and chill or just Netflix?
Netflix and chill, baby!
Hannah Montana or Lizzie McGuire?
See above answer to "NSYNC or BSB"...
And finally: tell us a secret.
I am a fantastic breakfast chef.
writing : Sheridan Watson, Alice Mongkongllite October 8, 2016
quoted from : BuzzFeed
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findingflorence · 7 years
Day 2 and more
On the night of day 2 we ended up going to Osteria Santo Spirito which was AMAZING. Janine and I got spaghetti and clams and it was a huge portion but enough for us to share. After we met the boys at Green Street Bar which was sooooooo tiny and pregammed with them for a while and then they got us into Full up which is a club. We stayed out till 3 am and basically got only a couple hours of sleep that night. 
Day 4
We had to get up for a tour and orientation day two but was running a little late from the day before and ended up finding the tour mid way and just joined it. Gigi and I got an email that our luggage arrived and after the tour tried to get it but it wasn’t there!! We could not get it now till the next day. The rest of the day we slept and then went to dinner locally to Trattoria borgo antico and got the meat sauce and pasta. The rest of the night we just hung out and started to plan our trips and watched netflix!
Day 5 
A day full of shopping! It was the last day of christmas here in Florence so there was a three kings parade! It was full of old time costumes, drums, and lots of horses! We spent a lot of time in Zara too where I bought an awesome sweater and these cool black pants. We stopped by this hidden wine cafe, Le Volpi e l’uva, after and drank wine and ate cheese and meat. Once we returned home we got dressed to go out and ate at 4 Lenoi. Really nice restaurntat and lizzie got pearl ravoli and loved it, but i got a pasta in a meat sauce which was also very good. Then started our night out at Green Street again where we would get stamps for Space, a nightclub. The promoter ended up ripping off the boys when they tried to buy a table so they wont be going through him anymore and thats just the start of it. The process of getting into the club was STUPID. We walked in annoyed and left annoyed, except they do play american music everywhere! AND i got to hold that fire thing in my mouth and get a cool picture. Although we originally did not stay out as late as the other night we did not go to bed till 5 am BC OF DENNIS NELSON. WORST HUMAN EVER. He was crying in the club because his gf broke up with him!!! and we tried to take him home and let him sleep on our couch but he was insisting on leaving but we did not want him too. Then told girls we took him hostage after I lit my touch on fire and aired him out. Ended the night with a phone call to the rents at 430 and passed out at 5. 
Supposed to wake up earlier but did not. I tried to get the girls up at 1045 but they were NOT having it. No one woke up till like 1 and we finally left to get Gusta Pizza at 230. BEST PIZZA. Personal sized and amazing and mushy and gushy and yummy. Then walked up a moutain to the michael angelo statue and took hours to take pics of everyone, dont forget selfies! Went shopping more after and then went to dinner( Le barrique, don’t recommend, trying to be fancy and not good options) and came back home. Classes start tomorrow, I have a 9 am everyday, wooo. We will see how the first real week goes. 
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get-the-treasure · 7 years
school log #3
it was a busy day nd this is a day late
Hour 1 (AP Bio): we got our books at the end of class and thank god my locker is right by brians lol. for the beginning of class we did an experiment where 2 people were scientists and the rest of us were aliens. brain m nd sophie were the scientists so they left the room nd brian briefed us on our role. basically we would only reply to sophie because she wasnt wearing glasses (and everyone who normally wears glasses took them off) but we would only reply with yes. if she asked us individual questions wed copy her facial expressions. sophie figured out the face that we only replied to her pretty quickly and she even mentioned the fact that ppl like taylor nd sammy didnt have glasses on but she didnt connect the dots as to why we only replied to her. 
Hour 2 (ROPE): spent the entire time listening to music in my play more playlist and found 2 songs i played a few times. they were rlly good afjknsfa, song 1, song 2. i wrote maybe another paragraph as well!
Hour 3 (Homegroup/3B): cant rlly remember??? i think we discussed ppl buying donuts every friday or smthn nd playing games on friday 3bs w the hg but im seriously dead poor i cant get the hg donuts tf??? so i opted out lol. i wasnt going to tell them how poor we are that we can barely afford food so they probably think im not that poor but its rlly bad.
Hour 4 (English 12): we read another story from that thicc book and it was leagues better than the first one. this one made the other one look like a middle school book report lol. then we talked about it and i dont understand lizzies opinions like ever jabfksnaf. for a part that a normal person would take as like ‘oh thats a lil humor nd its endearing’ lizzie takes and changes it to be ‘THIS IS CONDESCENDING ND HONESTLY? I DONT LIKE IT’ like calm down he pointed out dude asked if u had to eat the whole cheesecake or if u could have a slice how is that condescending i just ughhh it didnt make sense its not that deep girl
Hour 5 (Free): all i can remember is that i went down to the office to check if i could get a summary so i could have smthn w proof of my birthday nd picture on it. they didnt know what i wanted so i figured id go check back later.
Lunch: i p much spent the time snaccin on a protein bar i lov it
Hour 6 (Free): eren and i worked on setting up appts to donate blood cause it was a whole mess and i checked back w the offic and they knew what i wanted so i got a copy
Hour 7 (Government): we watched a video about how you should form your own opinions then took notes. we have a quiz next week i think. 
Hour 8 (Advanced Drawing/Painting): sammy, ariel, mariya and i talked a lot abt jesus nd his good pal god nd stuff it was a lot of fun actually nd i finished a sketch.
after school: i went home to boil eggs because i thought i was going to donate blood so i made eggs for rye, eren, nd i to get our protein levels up. eren nd rye stopped by nd we left to go to greenfield to donate blood. eren ended up feeling too guilty disobeying her mom saying she couldnt drive to greenfield despite saying she didnt mind driving that far up themself so we turned around all dejected nd honestly i was kind of frustrated. like wed planned everything out multiple times throughout the day already and then by the end of the school day multiple people ended up saying they werent coming and plans had to change on the spot. and short term planning is already frustrating as it is but then when youre literally 10 minutes from ur destination adn everything has to be replanned then its even more frustrating. so we threw our plans out the window and started home. then eren had to return the car so we went to their house nd my mom picked us up and took us to the mall. we walked around for like 4 hours and bothered yadi but then it was basically fun adn i forgot abt how frustrated i was earlier. then we went to ross dress for less and tried on dresses (i only tried one cause my boobs were too big for the medium rye picked out for me) and rye and eren both ended up liking dresses i basically forced them to wear annnnd they ended up buying them. i paid half of this one dress eren wanted cause i hadnt gotten them a bday gift yet so i figured that would be the gift. before that wed been at boston store and tried on more dresses that we all picked out for each other, then we went to bobs furniture store to furnish our fake apartment ajhsbfasfla. then we had snacks from the store and got vagina punched by a massage chair which also almost broke every bone in my body on accident. so that was fun akjsfkjas. then yadi drove us to ross’ (to buy erens dress, because they didnt have enough money at the time nd i hadnt decided to pay half until wed been at boston store to bother yadi more) then back to the front doors where my mom (and liam) picked us up. we went to scores but eren nd i had spent all out money basically nd rye didnt have ny so eren got a $1.25 taco and rye nd i had water but i knew my mom wouldnt actually be like ‘spent all ur money too bad u cant eat’ so she bought appetizers (so rye could eat) nd 20 wings so eren, her, nd i could. liam had smthn else. we took pics nd peed as a squad but erens stall had ‘fuck bitches get money <3′ on the inside it was wild. thennnn they both slept over nd we did sheet masks which was my first nd eren nd i made ice cream cake from a bag while rye passed out on the couch. after all that mess we went to bed nd i checked what id missed throughout the day, had a private chat that needed to be taken care of, nd talked w the skype squad for a while so i ended the day on a rlly good note. overall the day was fun even if there were frustrating moments. 9/10 could have been warmer
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