#didn't experience it but I agree bc I work in retail
tyras-stuff · 1 year
I hate tourists here in new york. Like okay bitch you got an ''authentic'' newyork bagel, YOU'RE IN A CORNER STORE FULL OF HIGH ASS PPL WITH MENTAL ISSUES,MOVE!
Never experienced this personally, but YES
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saetoru · 1 year
Hi I've been following your blog for ages and I love ur writing and I think ur spitfire personality is so funny to see on dash too hehe. I haven't really interacted before bc im shy 😭 but yday one of your rbs struck a chord with me and I thought I'd finally break the ice
That post about telling white people to kill themselves xyz idk I just think it was quite a sad statement overall and idek if you agree with that take or entertain it at all but I feel like its so common all over tumblr :/
Its 1000% fair to call out people who are entitled and privileged, esp after generations of discrimination and trauma (Im a poc too and I've had my fair share of marginalisation) but to make such a sweeping statement about a whole race of people...
Theres lovely white people, and I've met some genuinely amazing, down to earth ones throughout my life who couldn't give a shit about what colour my skin is. On the other hand there's other white people who blatantly hate you for looking a certain way.
In the same way, there's amazing poc whilst there's also terrible ones too. I worked in retail for a year and both times I cried was because a POC verbally abusing me. One of my own race, telling me I should take off my hijab because I "don't know manners" after she screamed at me to return her items and I said I wasn't allowed to because she didn't have a tag which funnily enough is also racism.
The only point I'm trying to make is that unironically the world isn't black and white, and I feel like making sweeping statements about a whole race of people just feeds into the vicious cycle of hate that we're all trying to break out of in the first place.
I feel like saying this on tumblr on your own account is social suicide because everyone's so like omg white people kys 🙄🙄🙄🙄 so I thought I'd talk to you instead because you're eloquent, have a big platform and tbh I just wanna know more ab your takes on it all
hi !! while i’m very glad you think i’m an eloquent person to talk about this, and i’m flattered you think highly of me as motioned above, i think i’ll have to drop this topic with the simple fact that i think the humor of that reblogged post was that the blog dm’d someone and explained why they wanted to block them, that they didn’t know how to block them, and asked if the other person could block them for them. it was just the humor of that concept i think that made that post blow up and the irony of messaging someone u want to remove.
i don’t tell white ppl to kts for simply being white and i don’t think ppl should do that, but i also don’t rly want to get into racial discussions rn bc i don’t think that was the real point of that post.
anyway i appreciate ur thoughts—they were all interesting points and ur experiences are all valid and i’m sorry you went thru them, and i didn’t want to ignore u, but i hope u can understand i’m not rly looking to start this discussion !!
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max--phillips · 3 years
hi Tori. So i was the anon who told u i got a job the other day. Well
I lost it.
They sent me a message saying i wasn't dynamic enough and that i didn't treat the customers right. And i just wanna say that maybe i wasn't THAT dynamic but i feel like i did treat them right.
Anyways i feel like it's really hard to find a job here where i live. Lots of people from here say "oh there's lots of jobs opportunity out there" which there are yes. But the moment u show up with no experience they don't want you.
And since i don't wanna work in the thing i studied for then...
Idk really i feel like they didn't even give me a chance. I was there only for four days, 3 hours a day. And i even liked the job.
Here, you either get a job with no experience and then they say you weren't giving it your best so they fire you or you get a job and the boss is demanding and it doesn't help with the mental health of the person (i quit after 3 weeks in October of last year bc of this reason).
And like I'm really petty they let me go bc i feel like i was doing my best and they knew i had complete time to work for them.
And the thing is before i started i asked when the trial was gonna end and they said they didn't know (idk if u remember but i was in the running with 3 people and they said that for now they needed the 3 people and that later on they will only need one and chose one person) and on Sunday i was waiting for my hours for this week and they sent me a message saying they evaluated me in the week i was and told me what i already said and that they didn't need me.
Like no one took into consideration that this was practically my first retail job (they knew it was basically the first time) (The three weeks of the October job i don't count it bc it was 3 weeks and only a few days) and like this was the first time i was on floor and i did my best. I know i did. Everyone keeps telling me i shouldn't let it affect me but i am i am petty about it. I had already started thinking about what i was gonna buy with the little money i was gonna be making and how will I tell them i needed a day off bc i couldn't make it (i want to do a birthday party for me). And like i honestly hate how bad it is to be looking for a job here. Even if it's for the minimum that's 7.25$. i hate it i hate it.
I once saw a video from someone from here that went to live to the united states and they said how different the work was there to here. I mean USA hires people from when they're 14(i don't agree with this) and up and pay you more than 10$ an hour.
Not here. We get to fucking deal with the 7.25$ that's fucked up. And I'm not saying y'all have it better bc i know living there it's fucked up but i just want for here to raise the minimum and give people the chance to work and don't expect them to have the knowledge of working as a cashier when all they've ever done is study and graduate.
I am so sorry. Frankly, that’s hella unprofessional of them and just sucks. Regardless of if you were at the job for a day or a year, getting fired sucks ass.
Plus, they definitely didn’t give you enough time to adjust to the new environment of your position. I guarantee you would’ve become more dynamic and figured out how to better treat customers (based on your employer’s judgement of what that is. I imagine you were treating them fine!) They didn’t really give you a fair shot at it.
That being said, finding a job with a decent work/life balance and a good working environment is… a hell of a lot easier said than done. I know this firsthand; I’m working for a company that just by itself is growing like a weed, but the market I work in has doubled in less than a year & we’re critically understaffed, so I’ve been working overtime pretty much every week since I’ve started. Thankfully I work okay under pressure and don’t really mind the overtime, but that doesn’t work for everyone. Not everyone can do that sustainably.
And yeah, it’s ~easy to find a job~ right now because people are leaving shitty jobs in droves, so there are a bunch of shitty openings available. Not great. Although, it’s also prime time to find a decent remote job. And at least in the states, finding a decent job becomes a lot easier if you have a degree (thus my struggle finding something a few months ago when I was looking; I do not have one), even if the degree has absolutely nothing to do with your position. My manager at FedEx who I hated had a degree in like, nuclear engineering or something.
Re: the United States pay & labor laws: yes, you can start hiring kids when they turn 14, but it depends on the job & the hours. I started working when I turned ? 15??? Maybe? But I was making minimum wage (which is $7.25 where I live) and working MAYBE 16-20 hours a week, so I was really only working weekends & during the summer. It was just for spending money, though. Thankfully I didn’t have anyone I needed to support. There are a lot of jobs you can’t get until you’re 18 or even 21 depending. I know the minimum age for the position I have now is 21 because I drive a bigass truck around & I imagine there are insurance reasons for the age being what it is.
But yeah, the federal minimum wage is $7.25, though minimum wage can vary by state. Where I live in Indiana, it’s $7.25 still. But, for instance, in Georgia for some ungodly reason it’s $5.15? Though I don’t know if that surpasses the federal law because of ✨states rights✨ or whatever the fuck. Currently the highest state minimum wage is in Washington at $13.69 (or specifically New York City at $15), but states such as California, Illinois, and New Jersey are increasing their state minimum over time so it’ll be at $15 by next year or the year after. The federal minimum wage SHOULD be $15 or higher & it should be illegal for anyone to pay anyone less than that imho, but y’know. Conservatives.
ALL OF THAT TO SAY. Working for minimum wage fucking Sucks Ass regardless of where in the world you are.
And I know that you will find a job that you can do well & get paid well for it, you just gotta keep looking. If one thing has fueled me the 23.5 short years of my life, it is spite & pettiness. So I encourage u to use ur pettiness to find a job & kick ass at it & make the people who fired u regret doing that. I believe in you my dude, you got this. Get that birthday party!!
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