#didn't give him money and shows up in ebony armor
venacoeurva · 1 year
I was wondering, has Wren ever met Divayth Fyr? Or any other telvanni members like Ayron or Baladas Demnivanni?
He had to meet Fyr considering the corprus thing (much to his chagrin) and the requisite Telvanni people to become hortator and fulfill the prophecy (well, to be the unwilling imperial improvisation to mirror it), so he met Aryon and wandered around and socialized in the Telvanni territory, which wasn't pleasant given how the Telvanni Are, but didn't join the house so hasn't done the related house quests.
he killed Fyr lmao. Can you blame him.
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us-smash-archive · 5 years
Skyrim AU
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Born in the city of whiterun Toshinori Yagi, a redguard, had a simple childhood. He didn't have much with his parents but he did have a good sense of justice and what was right or wrong at a young age. He wanted to be a pillar that the people could depend on and shine a light through the darkness. He knew a few basic spells such as fire, a shield and healing before the loss of his parents at the age of 5. He wasn't even home when it happened but from what he could hear from the guards was that a small group of bandits had broken into the home for anything they could loot and when Yagi's parents wouldn't hand the items over to them they had been what could be best described as slaughtered before the house was set ablaze to try and destroy the evidence. Two bodies were recovered from the rubble but they were unrecognizable, the young redguard feeling his whole world being shattered.
This wasn't fair why did this have to happen?! Surely the guard would do something about it right?! Unfortunately since there wasn't any evidence left to pin the crime on anyone the case had to be dropped and it left the young boy all alone with an aching hole in his chest. He vowed to one day bring those criminals to justice for what they had done before he was found by the are and sent to the local orphanage to live there. In his time there he would practice his simple spells of fire, shield and healing to make them better and stronger then ever,feeling anger and resentment bubble up inside him. He knew this wasn't good for a future hero to be holding onto these feelings so he did his best to try and let them go and with time the anger and resentment faded from his heart but the urge to bring them to justice remained.
He ran away from the local orphanage when he had just turned 8 yrs old,wanting to see the world and start his journey onto becoming the pillar that people needed. The young boy knew it wouldn't be easy but this was something he was determined to do and nothing would change his mind about it. Being able to pull together enough money for a simple sword and shield along with a bag of provisions Yagi had left the town of whiterun and started his journey into becoming a symbol of hope.
The years had quickly passed by and soon the young boy grew into a young adolescent, going by the alias All Might. People were already talking about him and his small heroic acts in smaller towns when he met his future master, a Nord woman by the name of Nana shimura. He had rushed into a fiery blaze to save the people trapped inside when he had ran into her after he himself got stuck inside the burning building trying to save the people inside. When he was asked why he was doing these heroic acts across skyrim this is what he told her.
"I want to be the symbol of hope and be able to make this land a place where people can smile without worry. I want to be able to give them somebody to look up to and know that everything is going to be ok when they hear my name All Might. I want to help those in need that are unable to help themselves and give them the justice they deserve when bad things happen to them."
A small smile spread across the nord woman's face at the teenage redguards answer before she simply held out her hand and said "then come with me young one and I will help you make your dream a reality."
Toshinori quickly grew to view Nana and her friend that went by the alias 'Torino' as his new family and it brought him comfort. He didn't think he would be able to have a family again after the death of his parents but life has a funny way of working for you. He often asked about the nature of nana's sword she wielded but she never gave him a straight answer, only telling him "when the time comes I will tell you" whenever he brought the subject up after training sessions. A few years passed by and before he knew it Toshinori was all grown up, his hair swept back into a bunny like hairstyle as he looked out upon the world with confidence and strength. Like he could take on anything and would come out on top. "Toshinori I think you are ready for this.." Nana spoke one day and turned her sword over to the redguard. "I.. I don't understand mo- master.." Toshi whispers softly as he grips the sword in his hands,feeling the energy that was stored up inside it tingling his hands.
"I know you don't. It's finally time for me to tell you the story behind this sword and how I came to carry it. The sword that has been dubbed by its holders as 'one for all'..."
And that is when toshinori learned the secret behind his master's might and the truth behind this powerful sword. There were two brothers and one of them was a powerful wizard while the younger brother was a simple blacksmith that made weaponry. The older brother robbed and took advantage of others under the illusion that he was helping them. In reality he was just simply taking what he wanted when he wanted,trying to mold the world into his image. When the younger brother saw the dark path his brother was going down he knew he had to do something to stop him so he forged a sword from ebony and grabbed a simple shield and armor before he went to challenge his brother. To stop him from wreaking havoc upon the world. The two brothers fought with the older one emerging victorious and leaving his brother for dead,the younger sibling slowly bleeding out on the ground but smiled softly as he saw the blade he had created had become charged with some of his brothers magic. Thinking that one day the sword would become powerful enough to stop his brother he poured the little magic he had left into the blade before handing the blade off to the person that found him then told them this with his final breath
"Make this blade stronger and as powerful as it can be before challenging my brother. A monster like that can't be allowed to roam free in this world. If you are unable to complete this task then pass it along to the next person you deem worthy and tell them these words as well. One day this sword, 'one for all', will be powerful enough to challenge and defeat my brother, All For One. When the task is done I will finally be able to rest in peace..."
And with those final words the younger brother left the world,leaving the fate of the newly forged sword and his brother to the future generations.
"And that is the story behind the blade and how it was created. I do not need to tell you the fates of the previous holders of this legendary blade as they all met their end by this man. I want you to know this toshinori. If anything should happen to me when I go to challenge All For One I want you to become the next bearer of One For All and become that symbol of hope that everyone needs. I know you can do it and you'll be a amazing successor to this sword's might!"
Another year passed by to train toshinori with his new blade before he, nana and Torino went off to challenge All For One. That was the last time the redguard ever saw his master, the woman he grew to love like a mother.
The sorcerer proved to be too much for the nord woman to defeat so with a smile and her final strength, the woman shoved the sword 'one for all' into Toshinori's arms before shoving him to Torino and telling her friend to get him to safety, hearing the boy screaming out for her. "I leave it all to you All Might!!" she called out,pulling out a second sword and with a smile charged at the sorcerer while the two fled the scene,not having to look back to know what had happened to Nana shimura.
When they eventually returned to the scene all that remained of her was the purple cape she always wore, slightly torn and under some rubble as the redguard screamed out in pain and agony at the loss of his master. That feeling of anger and resentment bloomed inside his heart again but also a new feeling joined them this time at this new loss for the redguard. RAGE. He did not want these new feelings to go away anytime soon, he used this feelings to push himself harder then before and get stronger like she had wanted him to be and to become that symbol of hope for everyone. Along the way to his goal of being that symbol he had made many connections and friendships, one of them being his best friend that was a wood elf by the name of David Shield. A young and very strong wizard himself the two had met when the young elf had been cornered by thugs wanting to use him for his knowledge and power. Toshinori didn't trust David at first since he didn't have good experiences with wizards but the wood elf was patient and showed the redguard so many new things and new spells to learn in their time together. When it was time to part ways the young wizard gave his new friend a set of ebony armor he had enchanted himself to protect him in his journey. Toshinori waves goodbye to his new friend before putting on the armor and continued his journey, the two promising to keep in touch.
Time continued to move forward for toshinori and soon everyone knew the name All Might. They knew that name meant that there would be justice for those who did wrong and he would protect the innocent. It brought a smile to his face as after all these years he had finally achieved his dream of becoming the symbol of hope.He had a shield made for him with a black rim,red wood,and two dragons etched into its wood. A yellow Dragon and a purple Dragon in honor of his late master while he had her old cape tied around his waist as a part of his outfit. He looked down at his sword one day and that dormant rage he had locked away over the years started to come back to the surface. He knew in his heart that it was his turn now. It was his turn to take on the sorcerer All For One.
He knew that All For One was powerful so he didn't face him head on at first. Instead he searched and took down the empire he had built over the years. Slowly but surely the evil sorcerer's empire fell to his might, the redguard being determined to avenge his master and end this sorcerer’s madness. Soon the time came when the symbol of hope stood before All For One with his blade gripped tightly in his hands, his knuckles white and teeth clenched tight as blue eyes stared down the sorcerer.
“so you're the new bearer of the sword that was created by me and my younger brother? I do indeed remember you All Might. I remember seeing you there as I destroyed the last holder of that sword. She was a pathe-”
“she was a true hero don't you DARE taint her name you monster!! I have come to avenge her and finally bring you to justice!!” The redguard roared out, his rage consuming him whole as he charged at the sorcerer who only sighed before getting ready to fight.
“I really thought we could have talked more All Might. Oh well if you're in such a hurry to fight me and meet your demise I will gladly grant that wish..”
And so All Might and All For One clashed in a battle that truly was fit for legend. The two of them fought for what seemed like an eternity until All Might slowly emerged from the rubble of the battlefield, beaten and bloody but what he thought to be victorious. Using the blade as a crutch the redguard limped away from the battlefield to seek aid for his wounds as he was too weak to use his own healing spells, not noticing that the evil sorcerers fingers started to twitch. It would seem that this great evil would not be defeated so easily…
Toshinori smiled softly at his victory and felt he had avenged his master and she could rest in peace as he had stumbled onto Torino's doorstep before passing out, the mentor helping the symbol inside and start to nurse him back to health. The days turned to weeks which then turned to months, the hero having suffered numerous injuries but thankfully was still alive. Torino was furious at him for going alone to fight All For One but simply shook his head and told him
“toshinori someone like All For One cannot be defeated so easily. You may be the first bearer of One For All that's been able to go against him head on but it doesn't mean that this war is over. It just means we won this battle for now. He will come back one day. In this time of peace now that he has been stopped for now it would be best to search for a successor to the blade in case the worst comes to pass when he does return…”
5 years had passed since that fight and since he had heeded his mentor's words. He could feel the change in the air as he was on the hunt for a new bearer of the sword One For All. A change that meant that new challenges would come and need to be faced head on. Gripping the blade tight in a scarried hand, blue eyes looked down on the city of Riften as it was his new home now, determined to find a worthy successor to the blade ‘One For All’ before time ran out and the sorcerer All For One would rise again to try and take back what was once his..
Ooc: wooooohhhh I finally finished the skyrim Au! Hope that you all like this backstory cause I'm really proud of this one!👍❤😊
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