us-smash-archive · 1 year
been thinking about it and may just totally start over with my tumblr blog Like just archive it and start from scratch again. It's piled up too long and I don't feel like doing things there eveytime I look at it. That and I have just been putting it off and maybe starting from scratch on a new blog might help me get back some motivation. Or I might just switch over to discord, anyone that has a discord that wants to do RP there is free to DM me and I’ll give you mine so we can go from there.
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us-smash-archive · 1 year
@admin: r u gonna add yonji 2 ur muses page?
ooc: Yes Yonji will be added to my muses page once i get used to the new keyboard i bought. smaller than i had expected it to be but i'll get used to it ^^
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us-smash-archive · 1 year
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ooc: WELP! Now that TOH has concluded I can finally begin my process of adding hunter to my muse list!
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us-smash-archive · 1 year
Multi-muse game: suggest three muses for the mun to add to their blog. 
reposted from a deleted source. 
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us-smash-archive · 1 year
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  “I know that it looks bad considering our history but that was not anything of my doing I swear on my life Sanji. I left a few years after Reiju helped you actually. My emotions just developed later and when Reiju saw it she helped me leave as well. Been moving around for years just trying to understand a lot of the things that I couldn’t before. Fact I ran into you now was pure chance.”  Yonji truly had no intentions of seeking Sanji out, he didn’t feel like he was ready to do that yet nor was Sanji and nobody could blame him for that. He had done some despicable things before he was able to leave himself, Even now when closing his eyes he could still see Sanji with that iron mask on his head. He was going to have to live with what he had done just as Sanji would have to live with what he had to endure before.   “Looks like you were able to find good people to be with Sanji. Not asking for forgiveness, have no right to and that is your choice not mine to make. That’s something that’s made you better then the rest of us, your emotions and empathy. You’ve always been better for that. I know I don’t have any right to ask this of you but would you be willing to help me learn how to be better with my own emotions?”
(Muse: Yonji vinsmoke) (To Sanji for sibling shenanigans & heartfelt talks!) He knew that head of hair anywhere even though it had been years since he saw Sanji and it looked like they were in some trouble here, his body moving before he even had a chance to think about what he was doing. Lunging forward Yonji quickly grabbed a hold of Sanji's hand to keep him from falling over the edge before pulling him back up to solid ground. " Are you alright Sanji? Bit of a close call there to say the least.."
He was dizzy, unsteady after using everything he had in him to win the fight he'd taken on. Luffy and Zoro and even Chopper had dealt with their own enemies so they were ALL on their last legs. He had been making his way to the rendezvous point when his vision had begun to darken and he had missed a step, nearly stepping right off the edge of the sea cliff he was about to descend, the steep stairs leading down to the water where the Sunny was docked. He barely registered the hand gripping his, holding him upright, but as soon as he heard the voice he was wide awake, every nerve instantly on edge!
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"Yonji?!" he growled, pulling his hand back as if he'd touched a hot stove, "What are you doing here?! Were those assholes we just fought YOUR doing?!"
He was on defense, PTSD in full swing at the sight of his estranged brother, of course his first instinct was to assume the pain he'd just been through was the result of something Yonji had done.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
In the spirit of Sinday, feel free to send 💞 + any dirty questions you may have for them on anon, and they HAVE to answer honestly!
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
   At first the way that Adelaide reacted to his proposal made the freckled man a little nervous that this might’ve been too much for her. However, he was proven wrong as he was quick to close the box so that the ring wouldn’t be lost when he was tackled to the floor and pulled into the deep, loving kiss by his fiancé. This was actually happening right now, Adelaide had said yes! They were going to be married! For once he didn't really care if he was crying or looking bad because at this moment he was going to be married and have someone to spend the rest of his life with, Something Ace never thought would happen to him.   Now all they had left to do was plan out the wedding itself and that was really going to be a big event right there. It wasn’t everyday that someone on sphinx got married it seemed so it was going to be a very big occasion for everyone. Most of all though the freckled man would finally be married to a woman that had brought so much light and love into his world that he wouldnt change a thing if it meant that he got to meet adelaide. If he had to endure it all just to meet her then Ace would do it again with no regrets. "I'm so happy right now Adelaide, were finally going to be married. Now you're never getting rid of me because we'll be together forever sweetheart."
@us-smash (from This)
This is not how Adelaide expected the night between the both of them when she had been told that Ace had a surprise for her. It certainly made her wonder through out the day so to say when her firefly called her into the living room he seemed to have a nervous look on his face at first though she couldn’t help the smile spreading over her own lips hearing the little speech that her boyfriend was giving her to say the least upon him both asking her to be his wife to asking him if she would marry him truly had Adelaide caught off guard it took the crystal user a few more moments looking from him to the lovely ring then back at him again.
Turning around stepping away from him for a moment making it seem like her answer to his question was going to be a no just going to walk out of the living room. Instead only to turning back around on both face quickly fast walking right back over towards Ace pretty throwing herself at him in a way wrapping both arms right around his neck pulling him into a deep passionate kiss before pressing her forehead to his. “Yes i’ll marry you Ace a hundred times yes.”
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@admin: do u hav lotta angsty hcs abt leo ?
ooc: Yes I do have angsty HC for mirai Leo! lot of them actually ^-^
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
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 “Alright everything is finally ready now all I got to do is ask, really hope this goes well..”
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
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 “Evacuation is at the top for me followed by rescue then battle. Getting people away from the criminals lowers chances of there being injuries or casualties or even the criminal intending to use innocents as a form of leverage. I believe for your agency you wouldn’t prioritize as it is good for a hero to be well educated in all three. Heroes got to be able to make quick decisions in the heat of the moment so it would not be wise to be efficient in just one area and not the other two. Your agency would asses the situation and act accordingly to it would they not?”  Ace may not be saying the things Endeavor would want to hear but he could not be faulted for honesty as he wasn’t going to beat around the bush. And since he was being asked questions it would only be fair that he gets to ask his own right?  “What motivates you to be a hero? What drives Endeavor to be the hero he is right in front of me?”
@txnatiuh-etc​  x
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 Hazel hues stared straight into the turquoise eyes of Endeavour with a raised eyebrow at the poorly hidden words of venom directed his way. “Well considering it was either I get a proper hero license or go to jail because of my vigilantism is one thing i hope to get out of this internship. Can’t exactly do hero work behind bars now can I? Another thing I hope to accomplish from this internship is being able to expand on the capabilities of my quirk and who better to ask for guidance in regard to fire then Endeavour himself? However, if you have a problem with me then come right out and say it cause that attempt to hide those venom filled words was awful.”   Whether or not the other man was attempting to hide the tone of voice or was being obvious about it was irrelevant to the freckled man. If someone had a problem with him then Ace wanted them to come right out and say it to him as he could handle harsh words or people not liking him, being liked as a hero was not a priority to Ace. He was there to get the job done of protecting people whether people liked how he did it or not.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
How would you describe the MUN of this blog?
(For example, if somebody asked you what the MUN of this blog was like, what would you say?)
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
Share if you don’t mind RPing Angsty rps, Violent rps, Unhappy ending rps, or even just Heart Wrenching rps in general.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
“So you want me to stop writing down ideas for what were going to do for our daughter birthday?” Looking up from the small book he had to see thatch come into the room with the same thoughts in mind he had. They never could figure out when Aiko’s actual birthday was so the phoenix made march 15th, the day that they found aiko and adopted her, her birthday and it was basically a week away from Thatch’s birthday too so that made it easier for him to remember. “Would suggest strawberry cake but she’s allergic so blueberry cake is the next best thing for her birthday cake and already having people put together gifts for her, two from each division so that she isn’t overwhelmed. With how limited her knowledge is on things this may be the first birthday she’s ever had and I want it to be perfect for her Thatch.”
“Marco what ever the hell you are doing stop now and put that pen down we got something more important to get to. It’s been a whole year since we brought Aiko into our family and we haven’t thought of what do for her birthday yet.” Thatch left the current kitchen duties to the other cooks right now not only him but also Marco had something much more important to get to and that matter was Aiko birthday yes neither of them really knew when her actual birthday was but didn’t mean they could figure out a new day to celebrate their adoptive daughter birthday on.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Marco when are you going to nut up and finally ask Freya to be your lady? @Thatch if those two weren't together could you see having Freya as your girlfriend?
Thatch: already answered here! X
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"I don't know when are you going to show your face and ask the questions face to face?"
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Ace and Thatch so of either of your weren't with Deuce or Adelaide would you consider taking Freya on as your partner?
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"Probably not, she's a good person and all but I like her more like a good friend or even a sister."
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"Same here, Freya's a sweet woman and she deserves the best but that doesn't mean i wouldn't be a wingman for her to find that special someone."
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Marco are you hoping to see Freya in a nurse outfit? i bet that is something you would enjoy seeing.
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"The nurse's outfits are something purely optional and not required for her to wear if she doesn't want to do so." The first commander completely evading the question asked of him.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Marco admit it you thought about bending Freya over your desk and doing a whole other kind of paperwork.
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"I do not believe it is any of your business of what I think about with anyone let alone with Freya." Having a light red blush on his face as he now would have that thought floating around in his head for the rest of the day.
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