#didn't have a chance to talk about fallout but I LIVE FOR THE SERIES
lucky38-2077 · 5 months
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A new start🏜️✨
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leonawriter · 4 months
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Most of the time, I love Haibara. I do! She's such an amazing character. She plays off Conan in such fun ways.
But every time she says shit like this - "I'm sure you didn't get caught in the moment and confess to her or anything, did you?" - I... hate her a little.
Because in these moments, her development suddenly regresses several hundred chapters. Alll the way back to the start.
And added to that, any time she isn't sniping at Shinichi to "not tell Ran" and "not confess to her" and things like this, she's sniping at him for keeping the secret in the first place, which she's encouraging! Like... girl. At least MAKE YOUR MIND UP.
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Like, yeah, this is all true. But the thing is?
If he simply didn't treat her like he normally does, then that would a) hurt them both, b) be seen as out of character of him and make her want to figure out what IS going on (note: any and all cases where she thinks he's cheating on her, she becomes aggressively investigative of Shinichi), c) there's always the chance that she could find out at any time due to an accident, and then he'd have to deal with the fallout of that, and...
Tbh? Haibara herself is still attempting to find the full cure. The final one, that won't have the body revert back to its child state after any amount of time.
With that being the case, it's COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE of Shinichi to push Ran away, since then if Haibara IS able to make a full vaccine/cure, he'd then need to talk to her and communicate anyway.
All he'd do by pushing her away (which is what Haibara seems to be trying to get him to do?) would be make Ran pissed off with him. Like. Where's the use in that?
And one of the other goals of the series - and Shinichi himself - is that they want to take down the Black Organisation. Once they have... even if Shinichi never returns to being "Shinichi," he'd still be able to tell her the truth. It might be infinitely weird, but they'd still be able to be together one way or another. Perhaps with all close friends and family knowing damn well that "this is Shinichi," but for others it's Conan. Or maybe he just becomes openly The World's Amazing Shrinking Detective.
So - on the one hand, she's got a point in that he needs to be careful, but on the other hand... all she's doing is projecting her own (justified!) paranoia onto him, when her own character arc is all about overcoming that, and gaining the courage to still live in spite of the fear of being found out.
All this said? I don't fully blame Haibara the character. I DO blame Gosho the creator for it, though.
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aspiringsophrosyne · 2 years
The Mighty Nein are getting a series: let's talk about, arguably, the make or break moment of a possible season one.
So, let's talk about some of the things the CRew can do with an animated adaptation of their second group of adventuring, world-saving chucklefucks.
EDIT and NOTE: This is based on the pacing of The Legend of Vox Machina seasons one and two. If we can take it slower with the Nein, all the better; I would love stretching things out so that all this goes down in a possible season two. But this is the set up I see where they go as fast with the Nein as they have with VM.
MAJOR SPOILERS for episode 26 and every episode after of Critical Role Campaign 2. Last chance to turn back if you care about those.
Let's get right to the elephant in the room: Molly's death. This is a bit that's incredibly important to get right because: it was a big moment on stream for both the viewers and the characters, there was a lot more time with Molly in the stream before it happened than we will get in the animated series, and because this moment sets up the endgame.
Matt, Taliesin, and the cartoon CRew may take advantage of the opportunity presented here: to do more with the backstory Matt originally had planned for Molly that he didn't get to use. And there are pros and cons to doing that.
However, we can't know what, if anything, the cartoon CRew will change or add to Molly's story, at least as of now. So just for this thought experiment, we'll assume it will play out more or less the same as it did in Campaign 2. And assuming that...
Structure of Season One:
Here's a place to end season one: Lorenzo's defeat. If you do that, let that be the focus of the last episode and 1-3 before that dealing with Molly's death: the fallout from it, then Cad's and Nila's introductions. For the rest of the season prior? Focus on the group as a whole, particularly on Molly.
While I think everybody needs significant attention in the first season to set up character establishment, future events, future revelations, and future character development, I'd like to focus a little more on Molly in particular at this point in the show; for three reasons: 
He will be out of the story for a long time afterward.
It can make his exit hurt all the more and come as that much more of a shock to show-only fans.
It will make the quotes in Cognouza hold that much more weight if they get enough focus here.
Otherwise, keep the rest of the season comparatively light until Fjord, Jester, and Yasha's abduction. Keep the ominous dreams, but make one significant change: move Caleb's backstory revelation to after their first fight with Lorenzo. Have it still happen in the show when it happens in the stream (while Molly's being the worst roommate ever and dropping that "Long may I reign." quote) so we can keep some of the mood whiplash, but with none of the sound.
Show Beau, Nott, and Caleb sitting around a campfire. Show the ladies reacting to something Caleb's saying, but don't give us any sound. Leave the newbies wondering what the hell is going on, and don't clue them in on what's being said...until later. (This has the added benefit of giving us stream fans narrative blue-balls for a bit.)
After the battle at Glory Run, have Caleb flashback to the night of his backstory reveal; the audience sees the same scene again, but now with sound. Splice it with Nott's talk about surviving vs. living, possibly Beau's eulogy (if you don't want to move that so it's later, with all the Nein together again), and have Caleb deliver the soliloquy he makes in E26 of the stream here, at Molly's makeshift grave, but with some changes.
("Look at this one. He is....was like a walking rainbow, what was this? Why were you with him? It made no sense. He is a circus performer; he isn't going to help you. Was. Wasn't. Couldn't.")
This tells newbies not just that Caleb is about ready to bolt but why, and it makes it that much more of a relief when he doesn't. It also makes the darkness of this season (and by extension, seasons yet to come) hit harder if they hold off on it until here. The CRew can give a false impression of the M9's adventures: that they will be lighter fair than VM's. (After all, until we meet Lorenzo, there won't be a Sun Tree equivalent.) Only to have the first-time viewers realize they're in for something just as nasty, if not more so, than anything VM faced once we get where we're going.
Plus, they can save on animation; they only have to animate a scene they use twice once.
The fights themselves:
None of the fights in the animated adaptation of Critical Role's campaigns will be as long, tense, or stressful as they were in the original stream. Nor should they be. Those fights were sometimes longer than two episodes of TLOVM together at their shortest. That will not work for an animated series; for several reasons.
However, the CRew can pull some tricks to make some fights longer and more suspenseful (or feel longer and more suspenseful) than just a shot-for-shot action-for-action adaptation of them would be.
Let's talk about editing and cutaways.
If any fight should be a little tense, (at least) it should be the battle of Glory Run. We need to make this battle seem longer than it is. To do this: flashbacks and flash-forwards. For this purpose, don't show Molly and Beau's fireside talk ("What's the best lie you ever told?") until now.
When the focus is on Beau or Molly in the fight, show a flashback to that fireside talk. Show these two characters, who have been at each other's throats up to this point, opening up to each other. Starting to see things from the other's point of view. Do this a few times until we've seen the whole talk or as much of it as the show wants to include.
Then, as the fight starts to go south, you flash forward. You show Beau freaking out and Caleb coming up from off-screen: taking her by the shoulders and telling her she has to calm down.
Go back to the fight.
Flash forward, now Nott comes up to the Empire Sibs from off-screen, yelling at both of them, doing terribly at de-escalating things. Everyone's words are getting more indistinct, and the arguing figures fade farther into the background.
Go back to the fight.
Another flash-forward. Now Kegg joins the argument. It's impossible to hear what anybody says now, just that everyone's very worked up. It looks like, in the foreground, there's some splash of vibrant color near the camera, near the ground.
Back to the fight, Molly's knocked on his ass, bloody and beat to shit.
Flash forward. Everyone's still fighting in the background, and the camera focuses on a limp, blood-splattered, lavender hand lying across what is now obviously Molly's coat. The audience is given a second to realize there's no changing what is about to happen/what's already happened; we've been in the room with the body the whole time.
Cut back to the fight. Molly's "With blood." and Lorenzo's final blow. (Possibly, all of Molly's eye tattoos glowing, as if in protest.)
Then cut to black.
In place of similar notes on the final Lorenzo fight, here's all that I know I want right now: to let Yasha, Fjord, and Jester participate. Not much, because they are in bad condition; it should show, but let them get in a few good hits.
Have one of the Nein either accidentally or purposefully destroy a cage with slaves inside during the fight at the nest. The freed people run off, find some keys and start unlocking some cages. This can be something we can cut back and forth to keep this fight slower paced, but don't show the rest of the Nein's escape. Don't let us see them until, at some point, we get an eldritch blast from off screen. Then a healing word or a guiding bolt (Laura's choice) from off screen. Then we hear an unholy scream and see skeletal wings unfolding from the shadows like a spider's legs. Yasha, Fjord, and Jester emerge, all exhausted and beat to shit but determined and angry.
For bonus points, we could cut to them in the trailer, bound and gagged, during the first Lorenzo fight.
..Yeah. More ideas to come, but that's my take on the possible climax of Season One.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
1- you know JC stans always try to deflect claiming LQR LXC LWJ and NMJ are all equally at fault bc they didn't stand for trhe wens either but JC and WWX are literally the only two people who know the truth about the wen sibs and he decided not to tell anyone so the public has no means of knowing everything they did and risked for him, they literally committed treason to save the jiang sect and protect them from the wen army but in the eyes of the public they are known as loyal disciples to WRH-
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Thank you for the question anon!
Relevant passages in regards to this issue posted first since a lot of it gets very misconstrued with what blame lies where with the Sect Leaders before the events when it came to the massacre at Nightless City and the deaths of the Wen Remnants. This is not necessarily clean cut after the fallout with Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun's deaths. This is also still with the underlying plot of Jin Guangshan aiming for the Yin Hu Fu. There is a lot of political intrigue that goes ignored with this by manipulation of the Jin Sect and Jiang Cheng being blinded by his own jealousy.
“… Four inspectors were harmed. Around fifty of the remaining Wen Sect members escaped. After Wei WuXian led them into Burial Mound, he summoned hundreds of fierce corpses to patrol the base of the mountain. Our people still can’t get any further.”
“… Four inspectors were harmed. Around fifty of the remaining Wen Sect members escaped. After Wei WuXian led them into Burial Mound, he summoned hundreds of fierce corpses to patrol the base of the mountain. Our people still can’t get any further.”
When he finished, silence filled the Golden Pavilion.
Jiang Cheng only spoke after a few moments, “What he did was indeed a bit too much. Sect Leader Jin, I apologize to you in place of him. If there’s any way at all to help the situation, please let me know. I’ll definitely compensate for things however I can.”
What Jin GuangShan wanted, however, wasn’t his apology or his compensation, “Sect Leader Jiang, at first, for your sake, the LanlingJin Sect didn’t intend on saying anything. However, some of these inspectors weren’t from the Jin Sect. There were a few from other sects as well. This makes it…”
Jiang Cheng’s brows were knitted. He rubbed the vein that throbbed at his temple and soundlessly took in a deep breath, “… I apologize to all of the Sect Leaders. Everyone, I’m afraid you don’t know that the Wen cultivator whom Wei WuXian wanted to save was called Wen Ning. We owe him and his sister Wen Qing gratitude for what happened during the Sunshot Campaign.”
Nie MingJue, “You owe them gratitude? Isn’t the QishanWen Sect the ones who caused the YunmengJiang Sect’s annihilation?”
Within these few years, Jiang Cheng insisted on working late into the night every day. That day, just as he decided to rest early, he had to rush to Koi Tower overnight because of the thundering news. He’d been suppressing some anger under his fatigue since the beginning. With his natural competitiveness, he was already quite agitated since he had to apologize to other people. When he heard Nie MingJue mention the incident of his sect again, hatred sprouted within him.
The hatred was directed at not only everyone who was seated in this room, but also Wei WuXian.
Passage 2:
Using the atmosphere, Jin GuangShan turned to Jiang Cheng, “He’s been plotting for a while to go to Burial Mound, hasn’t he? After all, with his skills, it wouldn’t be too hard to set up a sect of his own. And so, he used this as a chance to leave the Jiang Sect, intending to do whatever he pleases in the bright skies outside. You rebuilt the YunmengJiang Sect with so much work. He’s got a few controversial traits in him to begin with, and still he doesn’t restrain himself, stirring up so much trouble for you. He doesn’t care about you at all.”
Jiang Cheng pretended to stand his ground, “That probably isn’t that case. Wei WuXian has been like this ever since he was young. Even my father couldn’t do anything about him.”
Jin GuangShan, “Even FengMian-xiong couldn’t do anything about him, huh?” He chuckled a few times, “FengMian-xiong just favored him.”
Hearing the words ‘favors him’, the muscles beside the corners of Jiang Cheng’s mouth twitched.
Jin GuangShan continued, “Sect Leader Jiang, you’re not like your father. It’s just been a couple of years since the reestablishment of the YunmengJiang Sect, precisely when you should be displaying your power. And he doesn’t even know to avoid suspicions. What would the Jiang Sect’s new disciples think if they saw him? Don’t tell me you’d let them see him as their role model and look down on you?”
He spoke one sentence after another, striking the iron while it was still hot. Jiang Cheng spoke slowly, “Sect Leader Jin, that’s enough. I’ll go to The Burial Mounds and deal with this.”
Here the sect leaders were aware of the Wen Sect remnants as prisoners of war and saw it as a justifiable reason to keep the remaining Wens imprisoned regardless of age status etc. When Jiang Cheng is asked by Nie Mingjue for clarification on the matter of the debt owed by the Wen siblings it is deflected by Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao with clever wordplay to rile everyone up. This leaves those who either asked for more information, Lan Xichen who is shutdown by not having enough information by the majority and Nie Mingjue distracted by his hate of the Wens already, and Mianmian and Lan Wangji who argued that Wei Wuxian was protecting innocents and was not trying to cause a coup ignored as being irrelevant opinions. Wei Wuxian is eventually labelled a defector and danger due to Jiang Cheng exasperating what they had actually planned in the staged fight.
After this several months pass until Lan Wangji comes to tell Wei Wuxian of Jiang Yanli's marriage in a week's time. Several days later the Jiang siblings arrive with the same news and Jiang Yanli is the one to extend a peace branch to try keeping the three connected with the courtesy naming or Jin Ling. Almost a year's time later Wei Wuxian is in fact invited to the one-month celebration as another peace branch by Jin Zixuan who was the one to extend the offer. Jin Guangshan, Jin Zixun and Jin Guangyao planned the murder of Wei Wuxian in Qiongqi Pass against Jin Zixuan's knowledge. This leads to the mess of his murder and Wei Wuxian being hunted down as well as all of the remaining Wens on order of Jin Guangshan in retaliation after Wen Qing is killed as the remaining leader of the Wens and Wen Ning secretly suppressed. This leads to days later to the Pledge Conference at the city which holds Jin Zixuan's body and Jiang Yanli who is there to keep the death vigils (Shou Ling) as family. It's also why her and Madam Jin are wearing the white robes when Wei Wuxian sees them and by bad luck comes across the sect leaders pact when he tries to flee.
After the the wine had seeped into the dirt, Jin GuangShan stated, “No matter the sect, no matter the surname—this cup of wine is to the soldiers who have died.”
Nie MingJue, “May their souls live on.”
Lan XiChen, “Rest in peace.”
Jiang Cheng, however, still had on a darkened expression. He didn’t say anything even after he poured the wine.
Afterward, Jin GuangYao walked out from the LanlingJin Sect’s array and presented with both hands a square box made of black iron. Jin GuangShan took the box with one hand and raised it high in the air, shouting, “Here lies the ashes of the Wen Sect’s remnants!”
After he spoke, he sent forth his spiritual energy and shattered the box with his bare hand. The iron box broke into pieces, and white dust drifted alongside the cold wind.
A scattering of the ashes!
A series of cheers exploded through the crowd. Jin GuangShan raised his hands, signaling for the people to be quiet and listen to him talk. When the cheers slowly died down, he continued, raising his voice, “Tonight, the ones whose ashes had been scattered were the two leaders of the Wen Sect’s remnants. And tomorrow! It will be the rest of the Wen-dogs and—the YiLing Laozu, Wei Ying!”
Suddenly, a low laugh interrupted his grand speech. The laugh was too untimely, sounding both stark and jarring. In unison, the crowd turned to look at where the sound came from.
The Palace of Sun and Flames was a rather magnificent palace. A total of twelve ridges made up its roof, and at the end of each ridge were eight heavenly beasts. Yet, right now, the people realized that on one of those ridges, there were nine. The laugh from before came from over there!
The extra beast shifted slightly. The next moment, a boot and a corner of black clothes dangled down from the roof, swaying softly.
Everyone placed their hand onto their sword hilt. Jiang Cheng’s pupils shrunk. Blue veins lined the back of his hand.
Jin GuangShan was overcome with both shock and hatred, “Wei Ying! How dare you show yourself here!”
The person opened their mouth to speak. What came out was indeed Wei WuXian’s voice, but he spoke in a strange tone, “Why should I dare not show myself here? Do you people here even add up to three thousand? Don’t forget that back in the Sunshot Campaign, let alone three thousand, I’ve fought against five thousand on my own before. And by appearing here, haven’t I granted your wish? No need for you to come all the way to my home tomorrow to scatter my ashes.”
A few of the QingheNie Sect’s disciples died in the hands of Wen Ning as well. Nie MingJue spoke coldly, “What arrogance.”
Wei WuXian, “Haven’t I always been arrogant? Sect Leader Jin, how does it feel, having slapped yourself in the face? Who was the one that said he’d let the matter go if the Wen siblings went to Koi Tower and gave themselves up? And who was the one that just said he’d scatter my ashes and the ashes of the rest of the Wen Sect’s remnants tomorrow?”
Jin GuangShan, “Let’s consider things as they stand! At Qiongqi Path, you slaughtered over a hundred of the LanlingJin Sect’s disciples—this is one thing. You made Wen Ning kill at Koi Tower—this is another…”
Wei WuXian, “Then let me ask you, Sect Leader Jin, at Qiongqi Path, who was the one being ambushed? And who was the one to kill? Who was the main schemer? And who was the one being schemed against? In the end, just who was the one that came to provoke me first?”
Keep in mind none of the other sect leaders were privy to the scheme between Jin Guangshan, Jin Guangyao and Jin Zixun. And they believe they are certainly fighting off a crazed Wei Wuxian and what they think are his fodder Wens meant for corpses. After this Wei Wuxian desperately fights against Lan Wangji who is trying to calm him down before it's too late which is unsuccessful leading to Jiang Yanli also trying to calm him down enough to get him away and talk some sense to get him out of there to run and get to the Wens. After her death he mentally blacks out and Lan Wangji is left trying to take him away to safety close enough to Burial Mounds. Lan Wangji then fights off his elders as Lan Xichen gathered the Lans to find them. Immediately after this is in sequestered secrecy Lan Wangji is punished. Lan Xichen presumably stays with his own brother while Lan Qiren is the acting Sect Leader for the actual Siege that the other three are part of as support. That leaves Jin Guangshan with the ulterior motive of getting the Yin Hu Fu, Jiang Cheng who wants revenge for the death of Jiang Yanli, and Nie Mingjue left to think he is killing what he considers disgraceful Wens.
So, in short, each of them had different motivations for actually being there, and different accounts for those reasons. The Jins for more power, Jiangs for revenge, Nies for justice and the Lans in solidarity. And the fault of it isn't meted out equally as all had misunderstandings and manipulated by Jin Guangshan's pull to each of their morals as cultivation sects. In the end each of the four were there to kill the Wens and Wei Wuxian aside from Lan Wangji and arguably Jiang Yanli when she was caught up trying to get Wei Wuxian to run.
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alj4890 · 3 years
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(Ethan Ramsey x Olivia Nevarkis) (Olivia Nevarkis x Drake Walker) in a Choices The Royal Romance/Open Heart Crackship Series
A/N Picking up directly after Drake's visit and fallout. This will lead into the Christmas season, with Ethan inviting Olivia to spend the holidays with him and his father.
@jooous ​ ​ @krsnlove ​ @nomadics-stuff ​   @twinkleallnight ​ @motorcitymademadame ​
Part 5
Ethan knew something was wrong. Even without his highly attuned ability to detect the slightest tics and movements people made when dealing with pain, he still would have known that Olivia was upset.
What bothered him was that she felt the need to keep it hidden.
He thought they were well past the stage of not being completely honest. It had been one of the most difficult yet rewarding part of their ever developing relationship. It was terrifying and freeing to be able to tell her anything.
Ethan knew he needed her. He had made it a point to never allow himself to need anyone. He once believed that it was a weakness, something that any sane person should be able to do without. One should be able to stand and face whatever life threw at them without having someone there to help you through it.
Or so he thought until Naveen nearly died.
Then seeing Bryce's reaction when Casey was poisoned.
Those two situations had opened his eyes and made him come to some uncomfortable conclusions about himself.
He was human. And what did all humans share? The ability and need to love...to have someone all their own to be there during life's brightest and darkest moments.
As he finished prepping the turkey breast for tomorrow's dinner, his eyes drifted over to the one he believed was his someone.
He hoped that he had become Olivia's.
"How was your day?"
Olivia shrugged. "Fine for the most part."
Ethan washed his hands then reached for a bottle of wine. Setting two glasses out, he filled them while studying her.
Olivia muttered her thanks when he handed hers to her. She absentmindedly swirled her wine while a slight frown formed.
Ethan reached out and caressed her cheek. When her eyes met his, he allowed her to see his concern.
"Drake came to my apartment earlier." She blurted out.
"He did?" Ethan gestured for them to move into his living room. After settling comfortably on his sofa, he patiently waited for her to continue.
"Yes." She bit out. "He supposedly came on his way to his family's ranch to show me pictures of the progress on the hospital. Her frown eased at that memory. "I can't wait until you see it. It is turning out just like we hoped."
A hint of a smile formed on his lips over this shared dream of theirs coming about. "I can't wait either."
Hearing Ethan say that caused the gnawing worry to grow even more. Was it the beginning of the end for them? Drake's parting words kept repeating over and over her mind. Somehow they seemed more prophetic than insulting the longer she dwelled on them.
"You really think this Ramsey is what you need?" Drake taunted. "One day you'll leave here and he will see the real you in Cordonia. This Boston bubble you're living under is going to pop. What will he do when he sees you as a duchess, mingling amongst the court?"
"You think he'll adore you then? Just wait until he hears all the tales of your years of temper tantrums and cruelty."
"Liv?" Ethan pulled her into his arms. "What happened?"
She didn't want to tell him. She hated this fear Drake had caused in the one area she had come to love. The simple happiness she had found in Boston was now tainted with doubt. He had made her once again hate herself.
Was her act of redemption going to never end? Was she to pay for every word and action she had done for the rest of her life?
Does nothing I do matter?
She closed her eyes tight when Ethan brushed a tender kiss to her furrowed forehead.
I don't deserve someone like him.
His hand rubbed her back in soothing circles while he waited.
Olivia felt tears prick her eyes. He was the only person she had ever known to give her physical comfort. The way he held her as if she was precious to him without trying to turn it into something sexual made her want cry.
She couldn't lose this. Lose him.
But she also couldn't deceive him.
"Ethan," her voice trembled making her hate herself even more for needing him, "You know about my past with Drake."
She felt him tense yet he continued to try and soothe her.
"I do."
She looked up at him and saw his own face etched in worry.
"He...we got into an argument about that and..." It was too hard. She couldn't stand the thought of destroying the way Ethan looked at her. The way he cared for her...
"Olivia," he tried not to let his fear take over of losing her to her former lover, "are you trying to tell me that you..." He couldn't get the words out. He couldn't stand the thought of going back to how his life was before she became a central part of it.
His mind stuttered at that. Medicine had once been his central part. Everything in his adult life had revolved around it. And while it still was a big part of who he was, Olivia had somehow created a niche all her own in that center. Somewhat entwined in it, yet on a personal level, he found that every decision he had made from the moment they met were made about her. From choosing a restaurant she might like to moving to her country to work at her proposed hospital, she had become his life.
Had Drake unknowingly destroyed his life in one brief visit?
"That I what?" She asked.
His blue eyes held her green. "That you want to get back together with Drake?"
Her eyes widened. "Good Lord, no." Her nose wrinkled. "That is the last thing I want."
She felt his arms relax as they cuddled her closer. His forehead dropped against hers as he dealt with the heady relief that her admittance brought.
Realizing he had been scared she was ending things caused a need to reassure him. Her lips met his in a tender kiss. She could feel the deep longing he had for her in his response. He still held her gently as their kiss came to an end.
"What did he say?" Ethan asked.
"He was angry that I don't see the need to keep discussing why our barely a relationship had to end." She bit her lip. "Then he brought up you."
Ethan arched an eyebrow. He had not been around the man enough to form an unbiased opinion. He knew the flare of jealousy was from what he assumed was going to be an attack on his own character in the hopes of stealing Olivia from him.
"What about me?" He didn't bother to hide the annoyance tempering his tone.
"How you'll be when you see me in Cordonia." Olivia averted her eyes. "And how what we have here will be completely destroyed."
His eyes narrowed at such a choice of words. "Why would it be destroyed?"
"Ethan, you," she lowered her head into her hands for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she forced the words out. "You know some of my past already. You've witnessed my temper. But I...I used to be cruel. I've changed these last few years, and it has helped heal relationships I have with some members of the court." She looked up at him to see how he was reacting. "But Drake believes once you hear their stories and see me as the prideful duchess that you will not want to be with me."
"First off," Ethan snapped, "he doesn't know a damn thing about me or how I feel about you. From what I know of you, you deserve to walk into every ballroom with your head held high." He snorted in irritation. "They should be begging for your attention."
Olivia briefly smiled at that. Only he could turn one of her faults into a compliment.
"Secondly, I haven't been known to be the kindest doctor to work with."
"Your patients would disagree."
He huffed. "That's because I work to help them." He pulled her closer within his arms. "Jerk might be the nicest word interns and other medical staff have referred to me." Ethan pressed another kiss to the top of her head. "And my quick temper might give yours a run for its money ." He grinned when he heard her muffled laugh. "And I've never been known for being a forgiving man."
She wrapped her arms around him as she settled her head in the crook of his neck and shoulder. "If anyone tells you about me, then--"
"I know who you are, Olivia." Ethan stressed. "I will never hold your past up as a standard to measure your actions by."
Silent tears slipped down her cheeks.
"Thank you." She whispered.
"Don't thank me." He grumbled. "And don't believe what Drake said." He grimaced as a thought struck. "Though I can imagine why he acted like he did."
She swiped at her stray tears. "You can?"
He nodded before resting his cheek against her head. "Who knows how I would react if this was reversed? I might have lashed out at you in frustration if you refused to give me a second chance."
She lifted her head to see his face.
He met her gaze and softly smiled again. "Especially since I am in love with you."
"You--" her lips parted in surprise, "You are in love with me?
"I am."
Olivia knew in that moment what was truly in her heart. All the questions she had asked herself that morning finally had an answer. And all because Ethan had done the one thing that no man had ever done before.
He did not judge her for her past, her name, anything. He accepted her, faults and all, and loved her for every single part.
"I love you too." She smiled against his lips. "I have never loved anyone like I do you."
Their kiss held a new edge to the usual passion. Having expressed their feelings, the need to show just how much they loved one another took over.
While clothes were beginning to be hastily tossed around the living room, Olivia's phone vibrated softly in her purse.
Hearing the beep, Drake cleared his throat. "I know I am probably the last person you want to talk to but I need to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of what I said. I wish..."
He took a deep breath. "I wish you would give me a second chance to show you that I do care the way you wanted me to. I know you're with Ramsey now, but I want to try what you asked me all those months ago. I want to be with you, out in the open."
He lifted his eyes to the ceiling of his hotel room in Kentucky. "I won't keep bothering you. I'll give you time to think it over and wait until the New Year's Eve Ball to hear your answer." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Hana said you told her you'd be back by then. I hope I didn't...didn't ruin what chance I could have."
Pausing once more, he dropped his head in his hand.
"Take care, Libby." He said softly before ending the call.
That night, Oliva felt once more at peace. In the darkness of Ethan's bedroom, she smiled at how he was spooned around her. His slow deep breaths of sleep lulled her even more into the addictive security his presence gave her.
She kept replaying his words of love in her mind. In many ways it surprised her, and yet deep down she thought she must have already known. Every action, every kind word, every kiss had revealed that he had given her his heart. And she in turn had given him hers without even realizing it.
As hard as it was to find some type of silver lining to Drake's hurtful words, she supposed she should be grateful for them. Her sharing it had possibly prompted Ethan to tell her how he felt about her.
She yawned while snuggling back against her doctor. His arms pulled her even closer as he slept.
She felt both exhausted and wired. The day had been filled with one extreme emotion after another. And yet, the words both men had said kept her awake.
Olivia didn't know if she had it in her to forgive Drake. To have someone that you actually trust bring up the worst pieces of yourself as a threat to ruin the one good thing you have...how could he do that to her? She had been hurt when he didn't return her feelings, but this fight today had damaged them to the point that she wasn't sure if she even wanted him as a friend.
I would never say something like that to him if he managed to find happiness with someone else, she thought to herself.
Ethan had been much more understanding of Drake's actions than she could ever be.
She knew it wasn't necessarily a good thing that she never gave people second chances. Why would she after all the betrayals she had suffered in life? She barely needed both hands to count the number of people she had over the years that had never betrayed her.
Had Drake entered into the category she kept for her parents, Lucretia, Constantine, and numerous nobles at court?"
I don't know, she thought. I don't know how I feel over what he did.
She thought about his voicemail. It didn't matter how sincere Drake sounded or that he now wanted to try. His apology seemed hollow. Perhaps it was because he truly didn't know her now. These months in Boston had changed her, possibly even more than she realized.
She wasn't the same proud duchess that had once sworn vengeance to anyone who opposed her. She had learned the difficult art of give and take. She made herself listen and think through everything before losing her temper or forming a hard decision. It had been an ongoing battle, but she felt that she had a somewhat better control than she once had. Today's fight with Drake had proved that she wasn't the same quick tempered, plan to skewer a person on the edge of her dagger she had once been. She had stepped out of her comfort zone and lived for the most part as a normal person, proving to herself that she truly could survive on her own in any situation.
This venture had shown her that she was more than what her ancestors had stressed a Nevarkis should be. The people in Cordonia would most likely still see her as her old self, but she knew and it seemed that Ethan did also who she truly was. Her strength, her refusal to back down from a fight, her very heart had been used for good.
Drake didn't see it. He never saw the potential she had to do something meaningful and right. Maybe it was because she hadn't allowed him to do so. Maybe they really never had a chance to see the best in one another.
Could we have found a way to happiness if we had not spent years torturing each other with our spiteful words?
Deciding that that was a thought that would probably never be answered, she closed her eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.
Weeks went by too quickly for some and not nearly fast enough for others. Edenbrook had closed its doors leaving many with bittersweet emotions. Ethan, Naveen, and Olivia had spent what free time they had packing and shipping their personal belongings to Cordonia. Decisions were made for the two doctors to stay with her in Lythikos while they searched for homes of their own.
While rushing about, Amanda and Thomas came to help a week before Christmas.
On their second night together, the ladies sent Ethan and Thomas to get dinner, giving them a moment to talk alone.
"Did you come for me or for the snow?" Olivia teased when Amanda insisted the two of them take a break from packing and go for a walk.
"Since you have always had the best snow," Amanda replied with a twinkle of mischief, "I always come for you."
She laughed when Olivia snorted.
"Are you excited?" She prodded as their boots crunched in the snow.
"About finally seeing the new hospital?" Olivia linked her arm through Amanda's when they entered a nearby park. "Of course."
"I am too." Amanda took a deep breath and cut her eyes toward her friend. "And I am very excited to see you and a certain doctor together at the New Year Eve's ball."
Olivia didn't bother to mask how happy she was. "I have something to tell you."
"Ethan, he...on Thanksgiving, he admitted he is in love with me."
"About time." Amanda grumbled playfully. "Each time I visit, I see just how much he does love you."
Olivia stopped their progress through a path of lighted trees. "You knew all this time? Why didn't you tell me?"
Amanda's laughter at the death glint in Olivia's eyes echoed across the park. "Because you would have dismissed it like you always have whenever I brought up heartfelt emotions."
She placed a hand on her hip and somehow did a convincing impression of Olivia. "Please. No man can truly capture a Nevarkis heart, much less make me willing to be his," Amanda managed to twist her lips in disgust like Olivia's as she flicked her hand in a very recognizable gesture, "love slave."
Olivia rolled her eyes while struggling with her laughter. "I don't sound like that."
"Not now that you're in looovvve." Amanda responded playfully.
"Why do I share things with you?" Olivia muttered.
"Because you love me." Amanda wrapped her arm around her. "Not as much as you love Ethan, but I can live with that."
Olivia snorted again as she tried to brush it off. As hard as she tried, a soft smile formed on her lips. "You're right."
"I am happy you both know how you feel about one another." Amanda's teasing turned serious. "It would have driven you crazy with trying to guess."
"I suppose it would have irritated me." Olivia admitted. 
“I know it would have driven me insane watching you both tiptoe around the issue.” Amanda grumbled.
“It surprised me.” Olivia admitted. 
“It did? Why?”
“I--I suppose I didn’t expect it to happen.” She felt embarrassed just saying it. “I don’t think I ever thought I would meet someone to feel like that... I never thought of any of it happening to me.”
Amanda's heart ached at realizing just how damaged Olivia still was over her parents. Nothing hurt her more than seeing her friend still believe that she was unworthy of love. To be this surprised over a man falling in love with her proved how much she doubted herself. Perhaps it was why Olivia continuously pushed herself to serve Cordonia in any way possible. It might be why she never backed away from danger.
Compliments and recognition had been the closest she had to receiving love in her life
Amanda felt herself adoring Ethan even more for showing Olivia that she herself was loveable. She wasn't the prickly cactus that she had given Liam at his coronation. She had a tender heart, one that any person would be lucky to earn.
"I love him." Olivia broke into Amanda's musings. "It's different from what I once felt for Liam."
Amanda squeezed her in a side hug. "One sided love usually is different. Having someone give their heart to you and work in the hopes of you giving them theirs, I can't think of a greater gift than that."
Olivia nodded. "Ethan does that. I thought that maybe after we admitted our feelings that he would slack off trying to," her brow furrowed at trying to find the words.
"Sweep you off your feet?"
"Yes." Olivia's nose wrinkled out of habit over something so sappy. "He now seems to work even harder to not only keep my love but to make me love him even more."
"Good." Amanda linked her arm through hers again. "He better or he will have me to deal with."
Olivia burst into laughter. "And what will you do if he doesn't?"
Amanda's smile grew. "Don't worry. I've been trained by the best on how to torture a man." She winked at her friend. "You always did give the most interesting lessons."
Christmas was approaching and with it, Ethan invited Olivia to drive to Providence to spend Christmas with him and his father.
She was both excited and extremely nervous to meet his one family member he had a relationship with.
She was completely out of her depth in this situation. She had never had a man invite her to, "meet the parents,". She knew though how big this was for Ethan to include her in his family's Christmas tradition.
He seemed so happy, so proud, to introduce her to his father.
The drive over had been filled with his sharing some of his childhood memories. Her hand had remained in his as she watched the play of emotions on his face. He was opening up to her again, showing how much he trusted her with these bits of himself.
The modest, in need of a new coat of paint home had surprised her. She didn't know why she expected Ethan to have had a childhood a tad more luxurious than this. He seemed so cultured at times, that it impressed her even more that he had learned all of it on his own.
Ethan's father, Alan, had come outside to welcome her while helping with their luggage.
The genuine delight in the elder's face at meeting the woman his son had brought home made her feel slightly giddy. He teased Ethan with saying he had not done nearly enough in describing how pretty she was.
"I did." Ethan teased back. "You just didn't pay attention."
The three shared a meal with Olivia watching in fascination at their closeness. So many of her friends either had parents dead or were not close to them at all. This was something entirely new.
Alan had charmed her into sharing a little about herself. His understanding smile and deep laugh had made her relax. After dinner he pulled her away from the table while ordering Ethan to do the dishes.
"You're taking her to the mantle aren't you?" Ethan grumbled while fighting a smile.
"Don't worry what we're doing." Alan reciprocated. "Just make sure to soak that pan before putting it in the dishwasher."
Olivia allowed herself to be ushered into the small den. A Christmas tree stood with slightly old ornaments next to a warm crackling fire. Her gaze lifted to the different sized picture frames on the mantle.
Picking up one that seemed to be the oldest, Alan handed it to her. "This was a few weeks after Ethan was born."
Olivia's lips curved at seeing what looked like any other baby. She studied each picture he handed her, giving her glimpses into Ethan's life. Her smile grew at a photo of a ten year old Ethan smiling while puppies crawled all over him.
She then noticed the woman in the background.
"That's his mom." Alan's joy seemed to dim some. "She had been the one to decide we go to a nearby farm to let Ethan choose a puppy for his birthday."
Olivia studied the image of the woman who had so easily left her husband and son.
How could she do that to him?
The sound of Ethan returning caused Alan to quickly switch the picture for another one.
"Here he is with his first car."
"Dad." Ethan grumbled good naturedly. "I'm sure Olivia doesn't want to go down through every mundane event in my life."
"I do." Olivia blurted out. Heat flooded her cheeks. "I like seeing your childhood."
Alan beamed at her. "Here's one of my favorites. He was around five years old and had opened a clinic for stuffed animals."
"Did he?" Olivia cocked an eyebrow at Ethan.
"I'll have you know that I save many from losing their limbs." Ethan smiled at her laughter. "I had to since most of the injuries my toys suffered were from my rigorous playing."
The three sat down and began to talk about Ethan moving to Cordonia.
"You will have to visit." Olivia insisted. "You will always be welcome in Lythikos."
"I plan to." Alan stood and stretched. "I think I'll leave you two to get some sleep." He patted Ethan's shoulder then squeezed Olivia's hand. "I'm so happy you're both here."
Ethan settled his arm again around Olivia once they were left alone in companionship silence.
"Your father is very kind."
He chuckled. "Yes, I know. Nothing like me."
She smirked at him. "Don't sell yourself short. You have your moments."
"I do, huh?"
"I think so." She snuggled closer within his arms.
Smiling to himself, Ethan reached into his pocket.
He held a box out to her.
She sat up with a start when her eyes fell upon the little velvet box.
"I think you know what I'm about to ask." Ethan said softly as he opened it for her.
Carefully lifting the diamond ring that sparkled in the firelight, he paused right at the tip of her finger.
"You know how much I love you." His vulnerability was once more on display. "You make my life better than I thought possible. I need you, your passion, your heart." He glanced down at her hand trembling in his grasp. “I can’t imagine a life without you by my side.”
His bright blue eyes lifted once more to her green ones shimmering with unshed tears.
"Olivia, will you marry me?"
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umccall71 · 4 years
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The Dinner Party
Characters: King Liam & Queen Sexy, Drake,Maxwell,Bertrand,and Hana
Rating:Mature, NSFW,profanity
Word Count: 5177
Chapter One
Disclaimer:All characters are property of Pixelberry. The use of these characters are for entertainment only and I am only borrowing them.
Summary:A simple dinner party among friends is always a welcome distraction until the friends become the distraction. Friends always share everything, hugs, support,love,honesty… Can friendship weather true honesty and the fallout from said ....honesty?
Warning: This series contains sexuality,profanity, a bit of adult content.This story is far from fluff,this is a walk amongst open relationships. Please be advised If you're reading this series you are acknowledging you are 18+.
King Liam was head over heals and in love with his bride of a year.He is in heaven reveling in his every heart’s desire waking up next to his Queen Sexy. Liam and Sexy were an ideal down to earth couple, they worked together, lived together, loved together, played together, and tackled life on a world’s stage. So much of their life is spent under the scrutiny of the public eye, the press, their adoring people of Cordonia.Liam & Sexy relished those quiet moments when they experienced a rare period of downtime. When this rare moment occurred they spent it with the people closest to them, their friends, the friends that quickly turned to family during their courtship that was by no means conventional.
Sexy for Liam was it… the oxygen that he breathes...the blood flowing to his heart...she gave him all of herself and taught him that he is worth every ounce of love that she had to give.Liam had never imagined meeting the love of life on a spur of the moment trip to New York for a “bachelor” party.The chance meeting was an awakening for this mild mannered prince turned king, the meeting that flipped his world upside down... in a good way. Liam was all in with his marriage, their relationship was ideal goals for navigating love and life in the monarchy.Sexy was a tether for Liam in the maddening times that he fought hard for his people, his kingdom. He fought hard, he loved hard , and Sexy showed hjim that it was okay to play hard occasionally… he deserved it...they deserved it.
Life by all means was perfect, so perfect it was scary to the couple. They were now given another slice of heaven on earth...a family...expecting a baby...expecting an heir. Life was good, hell it was great for them. Liam and Sexy ran Cordonia like a well oiled machine running smoothly. When Liam’s ocean blue eyes locked with Sexy’s hazel eyes everything made sense. Every obstacle was surmountable, every decision could and would be handled.They both knew together there was nothing they couldn’t handle. It took them for a bit of a loop when Sexy was instructed to step back from her duties somewhat due her pregnancy hitting a bit of a hiccup. The doctor wanted to take extra precautions with the royal heir. She had been on limited restriction for 2 weeks and finally was about to be released to travel with her king. They were slated to leave in 2 days for a two week mini tour in North America. Sexy had not been back to the States since she and Liam became engaged. She thought back to the walk down memory lane from the bar, the beach, the pier, the boat ride to the Statue of Liberty that was accented by the love of her life dropping to her knees and flourishing a beautiful diamond ring.
Sexy rubbed her belly smiling at Liam, “you know i love our baby...i need some outside adult conversation”, she sighed exasperated and giggled.
Liam sidled up behind Sexy wrapping his arms around her waist stroking her baby bump, “I will try not to take offense love”,he smirked as he softly kissed her neck from behind. “Are you not entertained by my sparkling wit and humorous banter?”, he closed his eyes breathing in the scent of Jasmine and Vanilla.
“You know what I mean Liam, these last few weeks have been non-stop talk about the baby. A laundry list of do’s and don'ts from the doctor and from you. Trust me when I say that I will never do anything to jeopardize the health or life of our baby”,she twisted in his arms and planted a kiss on his nose after coming up on her tiptoes to reach. “I say we invite the gang over for a harmless dinner, in our home, to socialize and catch up,”she leaned into his ear lobe and pulled the soft flesh between her teeth as she whispered, “come on dad, it will be worth it.”
Liam could never say no to Sexy. He meant it when he told her that he would do everything in his power to provide each and every one of her heart’s desires.Sexy asking to spend time with their friends that had long become family was a no brainer. He had to tease her by making her think that he was not pliable to the idea.Liam knew that he had started living the night he met this firecracker in New York.Now his life began and ended with Sexy. He never wanted to imagine life without her again. Even during those months that they were separated by a pesky “engagement”.
He playfully palmed Sexy’s ass and asked, “What did I ever do to deserve you”?
She squealed from the sudden gesture, “ I guess lady luck is shining on you.”
Sexy slowly wrapped her arms around his neck tugging at the hairs on the nape of his neck. She knew that she could be starting something that she had not been in a position to finish. She felt guilty that her Liam was going without due to her pregnancy scare,but soon things would be back on track.Sexy ran her slender fingers down his chiseled chest. “Liam, what do you think about happiness? Do you ever feel that there is only so much to go around?
Liam’s blue eyes locked on his Sexy thoughtfully. “Sometimes it feels surreal how much happiness is in our lives. I have you , we have our baby on the way, the kingdom is thriving, life is good. Hell I'll even say great”,he chuckled.
“ I sometimes think that when one person’s tears stop, another starts to cry. It feels like a balancing act to keep our happiness without sacrificing the happiness of the ones closest to us.It’s like when a couple falls in love, somewhere in the universe another couple is ending in heartbreak.”
Liam considered her words as he pulled her tightly into his embrace as he stroked her belly, he smiled. “We are not in any danger of having anything but an abundance of happiness. You are making all of my dreams come true day after day.”
Sexy and Liam shared a kiss , their lips melted together drawing each other deeper into the kiss as they got lost in the moment as lips turned to tongues battling and twisting in a long shared desire. Liam missed these moments that would lead to him having his way pleasuring his queen … his name rolling off her tongue as he enjoyed the symphony of mingled moans and groans and whispers of I love yous.Sexy pulled back giddy with the feels from tasting her Liam’s lips. “If we keep up this pace we will never get anything done.”she giggled.
“I suppose you are right, Sexy. I never tire of getting lost in your touch, your kisses”, he peppered soft open mouth kisses down the supple skin of her neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him as he playfully ground his hips against her hips.
“You call to make the invites and I will arrange the dinner menu with the kitchen staff to make sure everything is to your satisfaction my love.”
“ I am looking forward to this time catching up and enjoying friends that are like family, good food, good drinks, and I am sure a night that we won't forget.”
The following evening Liam and Sexy looked forward to welcoming all of their friends. They had been so busy with duties and Sexy’s pregnancy, things had gone quiet.The knock at the door startled the couple as Sexy slipped into her flats and Liam adjusted his collared shirt. “Ready love?” Sexy smiled and nodded as they jointly went to the door to find everyone one of their friends had arrived simultaneously.
“It is wonderful to see you all tonight, it's been too long. I'm glad Sexy suggested we get together to catch up, especially before we leave on our trip.”Liam clapped his dear friend Drake on the shoulder. He pulled each Drake, Betrand and Maxwell into a quick hug. He nodded in the direction of Hana, “good evening Hana, it's good to see you too.”
Sexy smiled as she ushered the group into the great room for appetizers and drinks. “What can I get everyone to drink? Just because I cannot drink doesn't mean the rest of you can't enjoy it.” Sexy giggled as she rubbed her baby bump. She didn't miss the alcohol especially to keep her baby growing big and strong.
“Hey Taylor , it feels strange not drinking together. We shared quite a few strong whiskeys over the social season.” Drake smirked, shaking his head at the brief memory. “I'll help you with drinks...we couldn't do any heavy lifting with this little one.” Sexy and Drake retreated to the bar cart in the corner of the great room.
“It really is good seeing you all again… felt like forever . I admit I was going a little stir crazy without any outside conversation.” Sexy subconsciously rubbed circles on her belly as she looked over her shoulder to Liam with a sparkling glimmer in her hazel eyes.
“That doesn't get old at all … seeing how happy you two are. “Drake reflected on the path traveled for Sexy and Liam.
“It's something that you can have some day. Once upon a time you were a fixture around the palace, lately it has been ...crickets.”Sexy playfully swatted Drake’s arm as she approached the subject of Drake’s whereabouts as of lately.
Drake poured himself a tumbler of whiskey as he got quiet as if he contemplated if he should broach the elephant in the room. He ran his hand across his face before taking a swig.
“A penny for your thoughts… earth to Drake. Hey where’d you just disappear to a moment ago?”Sexy’s tone was low and concerned.”Something on your mind?” Drake’s chocolate orbs thoughtfully scanned the room as he considered if he should go there in his thoughts. “You seem ...different, a little distracted. What gives Walker?
Drake sighed deeply before he turned his back to the group focusing on Sexy. “What I'm about to say isn't exactly... public knowledge.”
“Well color me intrigued”, she teased. `No seriously, I'm not exactly going to release a press statement broadcasting to all of Cordonia that Drake Walker. The Drake Walker has a secret.”
“The reason I haven't exactly been a permanent fixture is because… well i've been spending some time in the Northern part of Cordonia.”Drake glanced to the floor before taking another sip. Sexy was pouring Liam a scotch, Bertrand a bourbon, Maxwell a whiskey, and Hana a glass of Red wine.
Sexy paused momentarily and quickly turned to Drake, “ Now i really wish Olivia were here.. She would know all the dirt around those parts of Cordonia.”
Drake threw back the remains of his drink and sat the tumbler down a little louder than he would have cared to place it down.
“Hey Walker, I'm just teasing. Whatever you share with me goes in the vault. Now...please share with me some juicy tidbits of what's been going on.” Sexy bumped her shoulder to Drake’s in an effort to help him feel comfortable enough to open up. “You're not about to make a pregnant woman beg , are you?” Sexy quietly laughed.
“Sexy, I've been up there spending time with..with ah .. with Liv.” He lowered his voice to keep the conversation to a minimal audience.
Sexy’s eyes stretched to the size of saucers as she processed the news. “ So wait.. You.. and OLivia? You two are dating?”
“Don't make a big deal of it Taylor. We have been enjoying each other’s company..no labels… no expectations. Just having fun.” Drake’s eyes did not convey the sentiment of his words..his empty words.
“ Why am I not believing you when you say it's just fun? I call bullshit Drake.” Sexy noticed the slight aversion from making eye contact.
Drake scoffed, “I don't see what's wrong with two people just having fun without any expectations.”
“Whose idea was it to just have fun? Yours or hers?” Sexy sensed the hesitation in his glance as he failed to respond. “Well for what it's worth, i'm happy that you're having… fun. You deserve that and so much more. I wish you both the best.”Sexy grabbed Liam’s scotch and Hana’s wine as she nodded approvingly.
Drake refilled his drink and grabbed Maxwell and Bertrand’s drinks joining them in the great room. As Sexy was about to join the group she was caught off guard when she noticed Hana staring intently,almost hypnotized in the direction of the group.She smiled and her smile faltered when her line of vision came to rest on whom it was in Hana’s sights...her king. Sexy was not one to jump to conclusions so she gave it another moment. She spied Hana’s doe-like eyes transfixed on watching Liam in silence, no rhyme or reason behind her fixation on the king...her king.
Sexy slowly approached Hana, careful not to startle her or interrupt her train of thought . She had stood behind Hana for a couple more minutes before she gently cleared her throat to make her presence known. “Hana,how are you doing over here?
Hana tried to mask her discomfort from the thoughts that were in her mind moments ago. “Oh Sexy, i'm good. You caught me a little by surprise is all.” Hana quickly composed her facial expression not to betray her thoughts moments earlier.
Hana smiled before engaging in small talk, “it's still hard to believe that Liam would have met and married a woman he had met in New York.”she feigned a laugher that was dry and humorless.
Sexy laughed along with Hana playing her part as if the intended message was lost on her. Her hazel eyes cut across taking in the sight of her husband that was sharing a good time with friends. “I don't follow, you all knew that Liam would be getting married at the end of the social season.Whats so hard to believe?”, she asked as if she didn't already know the answer.
Hana eyes darted back and forth nervously, “no we knew that he would marry, i guess we figured that he would be getting engaged to a lady of court.” She sipped her wine to cover for the faux pas that had taken place.
“He did marry a lady of court.”Sexy chimed in without revealing her annoyance at the implications.I was here in Cordonia as a member of the royal court at the request of the Beaumont brothers.” She pushed her golden lock curls behind her ear as she considered her words.
“Thats … thats not what i meant. I mean I would have thought he would have chosen a woman that had a similar background growing up in the life of ...nobility.” Hana began fidgeting with the tiniest thread on her blouse to distract her.
“Well he did choose someone from Cordonian nobility… we call it the Madeline period”,she chuckled to break the awkwardness of this conversation.
“Oh I know... we all knew that Madeline was nothing like Liam when he chose her.I would have expected a woman with a similar temperament.”Hana stumbled to clear up the confusion in what she was trying to say.
Sexy bit the inner cheek before she took a deep breath, “ nobody expected that the beautiful man would fall for and marry a waitress from New York no less.” She glanced at the tumbler in her hand, “where is my head ? I need to get Liam his drink. Let's join the group...wouldn't want them to think we were starting a party without them.”
Both of the ladies turned and sauntered back over to join the men. Hana sat in one of the two leather wingback chairs as Sexy perched on the arm of the couch closest to her king . She extended her hand holding out the drink to Liam. He looked up at her instantly smiling as they locked eyes and accepted the drink. “You take such good care of me love.” Liam leaned forward planting a gentle kiss to her baby bump.
Drake reacted excitedly,”wow i still cannot believe in several months you two are going to be parents! Who would have thought a year after marriage you two would be waiting on the birth of a little Liam & Sexy?”, he laughed and raised his glass to propose a toast. “To King Liam and Queen Sexy…”, he was interrupted by Liam.
“We are all here tonight as friends...none of the king and queen titles.”Sexy reached down and gripped his shoulder massaging sensually.Liam’s eyes traveled the length of her body hungrily biting his lower lip.He playfully pulled her into his lap, grinding ever so subtly into her ass . Liam whispered, “careful...this little shindig could be over before it starts.” Sexy swatted his hand as he held her firmly, she could feel his member hardening at the touch. She knew that they were a very physical couple. They loved each other in every way. They both got a sense of satisfaction from pleasing the other.
There was another knock at the door, Bastien announced, “sir the kitchen has delivered your dinner. The staff is ready to serve if you both are.”
Liam nipped at Sexy’s shoulder, “saved by the dinner bell.” She stood and ushered their guest to the dining room as Liam adjusted himself to hide the gift that Sexy had left him within his lap. “Great, just what i need to explain to the peanut gallery.”
After waiting a couple of minutes he joined everyone in the dining room.He took his place at the head of the table with Sexy to his left. Drake sat next to Sexy, Maxwell to Liam’s right, Hana, and Bertrand.The staff began service of Caesar salad, lasagna, garlic bread, a continuous flow of libations, and followed by a dessert of Tiramisu and coffee.
The conversation between friends flowed as easily as the alcohol.Drink after drink opened the floodgates of I remember when and I missed the time when we…
Sexy observed the inebriated state of the table. Liam was extra touchy feely under the table prying her thighs apart try to touch her sex.She eyed Maxwell stealing glances at Hana and Hana imperceptibly gazing at Liam again.Betrand seemed a little deep in thought as he nursed another bourbon.
Sexy broke the ice when a lull in the talks slowed. “Bertrand, how is life with Savannah and Bartie? I could only imagine how it must be to learn that the woman you had feelings for has given birth to your child, your son.”
Betrand stared down into his glass reflectively. He felt honored to realize that the next generation Beaumont was born of his loin. “A father to a son, that is an amazing feeling. I am thrilled to have Savannah back in my life. We are settling into life as a couple nicely...since I finally removed my foot from my mouth and allowed her in...truly. She is a wonderful woman.” He flipped his cell phone to briefly look at his lock screen photo, his family.
Sexy continued, “ finding love amongst your opposite. I'm sure you did not anticipate that happening. You love who you love Bertrand. There are people that would not have seen Liam marrying me in a thousand years. A waitress from New York, i guess i would be considered marrying down.Hell you even had the thought that your brother lost his marbles when he arrived with me to the masquerade ball.”Sexy rubbed her belly under the table as she pondered what immense changes had taken in her life since meeting and marrying Liam.
Bertrand rebuttal, “well i realized that i was wrong to come off as such an ass. I should have never doubted Maxwell or especially you Sexy.You have truly come into your own as Queen and an honorary Beaumont. You are like a sister to us Sexy, and now you are about to become a mom yourself… to the heir to the throne.”
“Understood B, I myself never expected to fall in love that night in New York, but I did and I never regret a moment of our life together.”
Hana’s eyes danced between her glass and Liam.It wasn't lost on Sexy seeing the looks again.She turned to look at Liam and noted, “ you know Liam, apparently our marriage left quite a few people pondering why you chose me. Isn't that right Hana?”
Hana fell quiet not knowing how to respond. She didn't want to make an awkward situation worse. “Sexy you two are good together and everyone sees it.”
“Answer a question for me without a diplomatic answer, just be honest. Can we all do that tonight? A night of honesty among friends?” Everyone nodded in agreement, somewhat cautious of landmines.
“Do you feel that Liam made the right choice in choosing me? You know with the sea of women that were of like minds and social status?Honesty Hana, we are all adults and can handle it. Do you think you would have been better suited to rule beside Liam?
The room went silent ,not sure anyone was truly ready...for the honest answer.Hana looked down to her wine glass again before finishing off the contents of the glass. She blew out the air from her lungs as if she were bolstering her courage to respond...honestly. “Sexy, it doesn't matter, you two are married, there is no need playing devil’s advocate now.”
Sexy’s voice raised slightly becoming irritated at the tap dancing she was attempting to do. “Thats not what i fucking asked you? I asked ``did you feel you were a better choice for Liam?”
Hana blurted out , “YES!” She clasped her hand over her mouth not believing herself that she had admitted it.
Sexy let out a loud boisterous fit of laughter, “ Finally! You finally said it, I knew that you felt that way. Now admit it, you want to fuck my husband don't you? We might well stay on a roll with this honesty. I'm a big girl, I can take it. I've seen the way you've been eye fucking him all night.”
“Sexy that's enough, we have all had a little too much to drink.”Liam reached over and grasped her hand trying to draw her in.
“No Liam, we're all good to be honest. Tomorrow we leave for the States, but tonight we are just spending time with our nearest and dearest. Now ...where were we?, thats right...Hana do you want to fuck my husband ? Have you ever thought about it? Have you considered his hands on you?”Sexy rattled off question after question waiting for Ms. Lee to get it out.
She whispered ever so slightly, “yes i have thought about it.” One by one all eyes around the table landed on Hana. She grabbed for her cloth napkin to try and excuse herself from the table, when she heard, “Don't ...there is no need to leave the table ashamed. I cant say i blame you, he is gorgeous, sexy as fuck, and willing to go to the mat to make me satisfied.” Sexy stood up and positioned herself behind her husband, “Liam, do you remember the night you proposed to me in New York, the time at the beach when we reflected on our friends and how much they've been there for us. I recall something shared that night in light of Hana’s declaration. Do you remember when you were telling me about Hana?
“What did you think about our friend Hana?”
Liam smiled at the memory“Even then I could tell we were kindred spirits.”
Sexy questioned, “ What do you mean?”
“We have a lot in common.We were both bred for a certain life...both bound by familial expectations…”
“Did you think you might pick her? The first time you met I mean?”
“She would have been an excellent match, she's brilliant at a great many things...hiding her feelings isn't one of them. Her heart simply wasn't in it. How could I choose that life for her?”
“I guess her heart was more into it than either of us would have thought. Liam, I never asked you back then , was there any attraction there...with Hana?”
“Sexy none of that matters except you and I . I have my queen...this is the life I am intended to live. I realized that a life without love and passion is no life for me. What I knew was that there were several beautiful women in contention for my hand, but only one in contention for my heart.”
Sexy returned to her seat, “Thats beautiful, but it doesn't really answer my question.”
“Yes she was ...is an attractive woman ,but that means nothing to me.” Liam finished the last of his drink. He stood and reached out to Sexy. Are you ready to call it a night?”
“Nope..we are just getting started. Maxwell, is there anything you would like to share with the class?”Sexy giggled. Maxwell kept looking to Hana, “I think Hana is a pretty great woman, i wouldn't going out with her...on a date.”There was no biting back what he felt when he so clearly stated , “ I could see possibilities with her .No pressure though.I'm happy to be her friend.”
“Drake… what about you? Any confessions you'd like to share?
We all spent a great deal of time together during the social season, the engagement tour and then when you two became engaged.I'm a man Taylor, was there a time that i thought things could go further?, yes. Would I act on it? Hell no i was not blind, you were very much in love with Liam and we needed to focus on Uncovering the conspiracy. I made my peace with being just friends , never to try anything.”
“I'm glad that you didn't. I never wanted to make it awkward between us. Of course i could tell that you were wanting more than friendship. I chose to ignore the signs because I knew I would never allow it to go any further than friendship.” Sexy smiled yet she was focused on clearing the unspoken that was plaguing her thoughts. She needed to get this out once and for all.
“Liam you know I would never want an arrangement in our marriage, but I want you to have a one night time only offer. Get it out of your system...so to speak. I love you enough to make this your day to … indulge.”Sexy’s eyes surveyed the table but honed in on her husband and Hana Lee for reactions.” We all need honesty of nothing else, so I will ask you both…. would you like to fuck Hana tonight with her … permission of course?”
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose as his blue eyes fixated on his queen. “Sexy, I would never ask something like that of you.We don’t have that type of marriage….”
Sexy interrupted, “your not asking me anything, I offered and I stand by my offer… only for you my love. Relax, I have no intention on fucking Drake… not my style… not my type. No offense Drake”, she flippantly advised.
“None taken… I’m not stupid Sexy. “ Drake tolled his eyes and took a large gulp of the whiskey sat in the dining table.
Sexy stood and walked over behind Hana, leaned forward and whispered, “admit that you want Liam to fuck you Hana, don’t you?”
Hana squeezed her chocolate eyes closed and nodded ever so softly. She never thought that she would be admitting , let alone considering feeling the king’s hands and manhood on her, in her… making her scream with pleasure. “ I need to hear your answer Hana… we wouldn’t want anyone thinking anything that transpired was nothing but consensual .”
“Yes… I want to be with him … in that way. I consent to whatever he wants to do to me”, she sounded almost desperate and hungry with a need to have him.
Sexy placed her hand on Hana shoulder, “stand and follow me.” Hana pushed her chair back and stood silently, eyes darting around the table in a nervously worried about judgement. Hana carried herself in a particular manner in polite society. Her parents would cringe at the thought of her being the king’s concubine… even for one night.
Sexy addressed the rest of her friend, “your welcome to stay and drink or you can see yourselves out for the evening.Either way we thank you all for spending the evening with us.” Sexy and Hana slowly started walking toward the hall leading to the guest rooms. She loved Liam , but would never violate the sanctity of their marital bed with her king screwing another woman.
Sexy stopped at the path leading to the bedrooms,”Are you going to us my king?”Liam stood from the table adjusting his button down shirt , grabbed the bottle of scotch , “ good evening gentlemen… I must retire for the evening with my queen .” He followed the two beautiful women down the hall to the last guest room on the right. Sexy sat in the comfy chair in the corner putting her feet up. Hana stood unsure of what exactly would happen next or where this evening would turn. Liam quietly closed the bedroom door only leaving the echo of a click .
Maxwell, Bertrand, and Drake each looked at each other in stunned amazement, “ So do you really think Sexy will allow Liam to … be with Hana?”Maxwell asked Inquisitively. “Silly man, what the king wants… the king gets”Bertrand scoffed adjusting his collar as he took another drink. All three men sat at the table carrying on as if a proposition had not been made for three of his friends to change the direction of the relationship .
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