#didnt even talk about awani-gunari hybrids here. they are possible but rare.
antisolararc · 6 months
Species Traits and Variants
The two human-descended species of Celantri have signature traits that easily differentiate them from one another, but they also display variance within their own species as a result of adapting to various climates. Though notable gene pools are listed, the variants are very intermixed on modern Celantri. Most individuals carry traits associated with multiple variants, even if one appears more dominant.
Skin - Shades of beige and brown. Similar to human skintones, but often a bit more greyed. Their blood is wine red.
Hair - Can be any color (usually on the muted side), but black is most common. Always a different color than frills. All Awani have hair on their head, armpits, and pubic area. Most have a tuft of fur on the chest. May or may not have body and facial hair depending on subtype and scale distribution. Some may have short, fine hair on the tail (see below).
Scales - Three scale types are most common - smooth, coarse, and fine. Smooth scales are rounded and evenly spaced. They are usually semitransparent. Coarse scales are opaque, diamond-shaped, and grow in clusters. Fine scales are very small, giving a gradient-like effect as they fade into the skin. Scales are most often the same color as frills, but not always.
Tail - Thick tails are better for storing fat and floating in the water, while thin tails are better for agility. The body of the tail may be bare (skin color), fully or partially scaled, or covered in a fine, velvety hair. Frills grow near the tip of the tail, and may continue upwards all the way to the base. A rare gene also exists that causes the end of the tail to grow spikes rather than frills. They can drop their tail under extreme stress, though this will lead to discomfort and balance problems afterwards. It will take anywhere from 6 months to a year to completely grow back.
Eyes - Iris/pupil shapes and colors vary widely - the evolutionary significance of this is unclear.
Hands/Feet - Awani have clawed fingers and toes, with the knuckles typically reinforced by thick scales. Heavy scaling on the hands is a fairly common trait, as are hard, stiff "fully clawed" toes. They often have durable pads on the underside of the feet, and, less commonly, on the palms of their hands. Some individuals may have 4 fingers or toes per appendage instead of 5.
Teeth - They may have any combination of sharp and flat teeth, but will always have at least one set of visible fangs. Some may have a full mouth of sharp teeth. Some fangs will continue to grow with age - older Awani are more likely to have teeth that stick out even while their mouth is closed
Ears - Ears come in various shapes and lengths, usually with one or two points to them. They may have frills surrouding them entirely, or only on the top or bottom.
Frills - As mentioned above, frills always grow around the ears and tail. They may also grow between extremities, on lower limbs, and/or the torso.
Whiskers - Awani have 1-3 sets of thick, flexible whiskers that grow between the mouth and the jawline, made of the same material as their frills. These whiskers allow them to sense changes in barometric pressure and wind currents. Individuals have varying whisker lengths and growth patterns. They can comfortably be trimmed down to a smaller base, but will always grow back to their full length.
Primordial – The “original” Awani that the other variants later descended from. Typically pictured as heavily scaled with smooth scales, large fangs, long whiskers, and black hair and tails. Common in Kalibaru and Auvedaya.
Coastal – A variant most suited to living around the water. They have fine scales, very little body hair, more frills, and large, thick tails. Common in the Spiral Isles and Auvedaya.
Arid – Adapted to harsher desert conditions. They usually have coarse scales, longer ears, slitted pupils, and thin, flexible tails – they are the carriers of the spiked tail gene. Most likely to have 4 digit hands/feet. Common in Ishanyr.
Continental – Compared to the other variants, these Awani are better suited to colder conditions. They are prone to more body hair, short whiskers (but multiple pairs), coarse scales, fully sharp teeth, light hair, and short, thick tails. Common in Ishanyr.
Skin - Dull tones of purple, blue, or red. Their blood is a deep indigo.
Hair - Can be any color, but never the same color as the antennae. They tend to have more body hair. There may be tufts of hair around the wrists, ankles and tail, and/or in or around the ears. How far up the appendage this thick tuft of hair grows depends on the variant.
Ears - Large folded ears. May stick out straight (the most common), swoop back, flop down, or even point upwards like a cat. Some are more rounded, while others are more pointed. The outer part of the ear is a different color, while the inner part matches the rest of their skin. Usually has only one point, but may have several. Ear size and range of movement vary. Those with more reactive ears will show their emotions more easily.
Antennae - Antennae come in various shapes and sizes. They may be fluffy, bare, or have a thin growth similar to an insect’s wing.
Markings - Some Gunari carry a recessive trait that causes them to have skin markings in the same color as their antennae - these may appear like freckles, splotches, or stripes.
Tails - The Gunari have long, thin tails topped with an appendage similar to their antennae. The shaft of the tail is the same color as their outer ears.
Hands/Feet - Rounded fingers and toes with nails but no claws. Their hands and feet have gecko-like properties that allow them to easily climb up vertical surfaces.
Eyes - Round iris/pupil, any color. Those that evolved the deepest underground may have full-colored eyes. All variants have some degree of night vision
Teeth - Flat teeth.
Forest – The first group of Gunari to settle on the surface. They usually have long, fluffy antennae and small tufts of fur on the tail, wrists, and ankles. Their ears generally stick out straight with a pointed tip and are very reactive. They are the most likely to have skin markings, which may have served as a sort of camouflage. Common in North and South Florene and Ishanyr; the most common variant overall.
Tropics – Gunari adapted to a warmer environment. They have the largest ears on average, which are usually rounded and floppy. Their long antennae usually have the thin “insect wing” growth on the ends. Of the Gunari variants, they are the least hairy. Instead of hair, their tails will have the same membrane on them as the antennae, which is often iridescent and considered quite beautiful. Common in South Florene.
Tundra – Adapted to the coldest environment; this variant spreads further north than any other group on the planet. More hair, including inside the ears and all the way down the tail. Ears are shorter and usually point up. Short, thick, fluffy antennae. Common in North Florene.
Deep – More alien in appearance than the other variants. Their hair covers much of their body but remains quite short. Their pupils are large enough as to fill the entire eye, and their antennae are long and bare. The ears have multiple points and stretch backwards around the head. Uniquely, the do not have a defined nose, only nostril slits. As they live deep underground on North and South Florene, they are rarely seen on the surface, much less across the sea.
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