#diego you're stealing my heart darling
inklessletter · 1 year
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I'm gonna share something happy within the horrible exhausting time I've been having. Like trying to actively focus on the GOOD in the inevitably bad.
You know the basics on what's going on so yeah.
When I found out in the middle of June that my baby has a tumor in her jaw (you can see it on the pictures. It was way smaller in June), I already had like a 2 day break down about loosing her. About her feeling worse and worse.
But - She's still here as of August 6th and she's not in any pain, still eating (pureed food), still meowing at me, still coming to greet us at the door when we come home, still standing on her hind legs to try and get a better look at the food I'm making. Still following me around the house. Trusting me to wipe spit off her jaw multiple times a day. Still coming to sit next to me, looking at me expectantly. Still mrrrp-ing.
I don't know how long this will last. It won't be forever and probably not even last until her 16th birthday on the 18th (which I desperately hope she'll be there for), and I've been crying for days now because it's just a lot. Just everything on top of THIS.
But she still manages to bring me so much joy (which also hurts. But in a good way, I think.
I love her so goddamn much (and I know this is supposed to be a happy post but it still made me sad.)
She's my little baby (and I know her two sisters are still there but the bond Diego and I have is just different. I can't describe it.
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Hi love.
I'm hugging you and Diego and holding you as close to my heart as humanly possible. She's an angel, and she's full of love and so are you.
I know that there are no words that could soothe your soul right now, and there haven't been any since June. I am so, so sorry that you're going through this. It's such a heartbreaking situation, grieving something that hasn't really happened yet. I have no power to take away your pain, and if I had any, I would use is for you to focus on the love that you two are sharing in this time, and I think it is the only thing I can tell you now. Love is everything, and Diego is so beautiful, so loved and so, so, so lucky to have you as her guardian.
That bond you have I'm absolutely sure that will trascend anything, she's forever going to be part of you as you are part of her, now and always.
I wish you both the best, and if I can do anything for you, please DM me. You know I'm always open to talk to you.
Lots of love.
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princelylove · 8 months
aaa i'm kinda shy to ask this, your highness-- may i ask for yan!Doppio & yan!Diego (seperate) comforting reader,, ngl i wanna hold them//be held by them TTvTT;;
i also hope you're doing well, your highness!
There's no need to be shy, anon. I only bite sometimes, and not very hard.
Doppio is surprisingly good at comforting his darling, considering his lack of general empathy. He may be a difficult man to read, but he does love you, regardless of what the man you’ve only heard the voice of says. 
He treats everything like it’s normal, so this whole “kidnapped a stranger” thing doesn’t seem as… overbearing. He gives you a lot of space in general, you could think of him as more of a forever roommate if you didn’t like him, but when you’re like this, he can’t help himself. Doppio’s calculated nature is often canceled out by how clumsy he is, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with taking care of you. As long as he can bring you what you need without zoning out. 
You might feel like a child being consoled by a parent. A toddler, specifically. Doppio only knows what works for him- and he comforts Diavolo in…. more morbid ways, so he assumes you like to be comforted in the same way he does. He doesn’t babytalk you, he just over-simplifies whatever the problem is, and offers you a distraction.
Diavolo babies him despite Doppio being more mature. How funny. When they were younger, Diavolo would steal books for Doppio to read in his hiding spot, so Doppio assumes that’s what you would like to do. He can’t do the voices as well as Diavolo can, but he’ll try his best.
If reading to you doesn’t work, Doppio assumes you’d prefer some quiet time. Which is fine! You can just sit there while he hugs you, and talks about whatever he’s thinking about- which is likely work, or if the dynamics between Passione members have changed... it's like your own personal reality tv show, in a way.
But if we’re being honest, he cheats. He can literally look in the future to see what route is going to get him the best results. Why guess when he can have the answer ready in a few seconds? 
“Heeey, it’s okay, come here. Tell me what happened, we can fix it.” 
Diego doesn’t see what could possibly be upsetting you so much that his mere presence isn’t your immediate salvation. Doesn’t the sight of his face fix all of your problems? No? Why not. Are you not in love with him. 
When you shove your face into his stomach, he’s at a loss for words. He knew you liked touching him, but he doesn’t like to be touched when he’s emotional, so… He just didn’t expect this. When Diego’s upset, he acts out, and requires either tons of space or total worship. It depends why he’s upset…
Diego rubs your back, and lightly plays with pieces of your hair, if he can. You may sob into him as much as you’d like, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon, and won’t move from this spot for as long as you need him. He might even shut up for once, depending on what’s upsetting you! 
If your cries are getting particularly bad, he forces your face up to look at him directly. He’s gentle as he wipes your cheeks with his thumbs, and, hey, this is probably the only time you’ve seen his mouth closed. It’s closed sometimes, sure, when he’s all grumpy and pretending you’re oh-so-annoying, but never just…. relaxed. He’s finally calm, and all it took was you sobbing your brains out. 
He can be charming when he wants to be- which is normally, but not lately. He’s gotten too comfortable ever since his stand developed to really care about manners, but he breaks out all of his smooth talking skills just for you. 
“Don’t make that face… It breaks my heart to see you like this.”
Funny enough he’s the same type to go “... Did you get it all out of your system?” if you stop crying without his assistance.
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