ultrahenry101 · 3 years
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kklkmlm · 2 years
Diet Chart for Weight Loss for Female
A diet is an important part of a weight-loss plan. It is the first step to losing weight.
A diet chart for weight loss for female can help women find out what they should eat to lose weight and how much they should eat every day.
The diet chart also provides guidance on when to eat and what type of food to eat.
This article will give you an overview of the diet chart for weight loss for female. It discusses what are the best foods to eat and what not to eat when trying to lose weight. It also talks about how much water you should drink a day and how many calories you should be eating on a daily basis.
The article also provides tips on how to start your diet plan and how to maintain it so that you can keep your weight loss goals in check.
A diet chart  for weight loss for female is a popular topic in this day and age. Many people are trying to lose weight, but it can be hard to stay motivated and get the results they want.
This article will give you a diet chart for weight loss that will help you achieve your goals. It is not something that is only applicable to one gender, so it will work for both men and women.
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chaitanyabharatnews · 5 years
इन बातों पर देंगे ध्यान, तो रात में देर से भोजन करने पर भी नहीं बढ़ेगा मोटापा
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज ज्यादातर लोगों का यही मानना है कि, देरी से भोजन करने से वजन बढ़ने लगता है। इसलिए यह कहा जाता है कि देर रात या शाम में हल्का भोजन करना चाहिए। अगर आप भी यही सोचते हैं तो आप गलत हैं। एक अमेरिकी रिसर्च के अनुसार, आप कब खा रहे हैं यह मायने नहीं रखता बल्कि क्या खा रहे हैं वह मायने रखता है। आप रात में भी भर पेट भोजन कर सकते हैं लेकिन इस दौरान आपको कुछ बातों पर ध्यान देना होगा। जसलोक हॉस्पिटल और रिसर्च सेंटर, मुंबई के मुख्य आहार विशेषज्ञ डेलनाज टी चंदूवाडिया ने बताया कि, रात के समय हरी सब्जी, दाल, सादी रोटी तथा फाइबर भरपेट खाएं और 200 ग्राम से ज्यादा पानी न पिएं। आप चाहे तो खाना खाने के पौने से एक घंटे बाद भरपूर मात्रा में पानी पी सकते हैं। अगर आप ऐसा करते हैं तो आपका वजन नहीं बढ़ेगा। रात को घी, मिठाई, फास्ट फूड, मांसाहार, सै���डविच, चिप्स, कोल्ड ड्रिंक्स, जंकफूड, चीज, नट्स, पनीर जैसे अस्वस्थ आहार का सेवन करने से दूर रहना चाहिए। अगर इन सब चीजों का सेवन करते हैं तो आपके वजन बढ़ने का खतरा दोगुना हो सकता है। दरअसल, रात में शारीरिक श्रम नहीं हो पाता है जिसके चलते खाना सही तरीके से पच नहीं पाता है। खाना नहीं पचने की वजह से शरीर में कैलोरी जमा होने लगती है और इससे वजन बढ़ता है। बता दें, 70 के दशक में लोकप्रिय डाइटीशियन एडेल डेविस ने कहा था कि, 'हमें एक राजा की तरह सुबह का नाश्ता, एक राजकुमार की तरह दोपहर का भोजन और एक कंगाल की तरह रात का भोजन करना चाहिए।' अगर आप इन सभी तरीकों का पालन करेंगे तो हमेशा स्वस्थ्य और मस्त रहेंगे। ये भी पढ़े रात में लाइट या टीवी चलाकर सोने वाली महिलाओं का तेजी से बढ़ सकता है मोटापा! सिर्फ खड़े रहकर भी आप कम कर सकते हैं अपना मोटापा, हर मिनट बर्न होती है इतनी कैलोरी इन 5 गलत आदतों के कारण तेजी से बढ़ने लगता है मोटापा Read the full article
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6 Weight Loss Tips
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6 Weight Loss Tips
6 Weight Loss Tips ماہرین صحت کا کہنا ہے کہ آپ مٹاپے اور اس سے وابستہ بیماریاں ،مثلاً ذیابیطس ،ہائی بلڈ پریشر اور ہارمونوں کی خرابی سے بچنا چاہتے ہیں تو آپ کو اپنی عادتیں اور طرزِ زندگی کو تبدیل کرنا پڑے گا۔تمبا کو نوشی ترک کر دیجیے اور مناسب غذائیں مناسب وقت پر کھائیں ۔مناسب غذا سے مراد ہے متوازن غذا۔ذیل میں طرزِ زندگی کی تبدیلی سے متعلق مفید معلومات دی جارہی ہیں ،جو آ پ کے لیے قابلِ عمل ہیں ۔ :صحت بخش غذائیں کھائیے متوازن اور صحت بخش غذا سے مراد ہے نشاستے ،لحمیات (پروٹینز)اور کم چکنائی والی غذائیں ،جن میں پھل ،سبزیاں ،بغیر چھنے آٹے کی روٹی ،پھلیاں ،کم چکنائی والا دودھ ،دہی اور گری دار میوے شامل ہیں ۔غذائیں کھاتے وقت یہ خیال رکھیے کہ آپ کو ان سے معدنیات (منرلز)،حیاتین (وٹامنز)،مانع تکسید اجزا (ANTIOXIDANTS)اور ریشہ حاصل ہوتا رہے۔ :صحیح وقت پر کھائیے صبح آپ کو عمدہ ناشتا کرنا چاہیے ،۸گھنٹے کی نیند لینے کے بعد جب آپ بیدار ہوتے ہیں تو آپ کے اعصاب ڈھیلے پڑ چکے ہوتے ہیں اور آپ کو بھوک لگ رہی ہوتی ہے ،کیوں کہ رات کے کھانے کے بعد آپ نے کچھ نہیں کھایا ہوتا۔ جب آپ صحت بخش ناشتا کرتے ہیں تو اعصاب کو تقویت مل جاتی ہے ۔پھر آپ کو دوپہر میں اضافی حراروں (کیلوریز)کی ضرورت نہیں پڑتی ،بلکہ ہلکی پھلکی اشیا ،مثلاً دلیا،دودھ،شہد اور گری دار میوہ آپ کے لیے کافی ہوتا ہے ۔دو پہر کے وقت آپ کوئی پھل ،تھوڑا ساگری دار میوہ اور حبئی (OATMEAL)کھالیں تو یہ آپ کی جسمانی ضرورت کے لیے کافی ہے ۔ :ورزش سے پہلے اگر آپ ورزش کرتے ہیں اور اس کا زیادہ سے زیادہ فائدہ اٹھانا چاہتے ہیں تو ورزش کرنے سے پیشتر پھل،گری دار میوے اور انڈے کھائیں ۔ :ورزش کے بعد ورزش کرنے کے بعد آپ کے عضلات تھک جاتے ہیں اور آپ کوکھُل کر بھوک لگنے لگتی ہے ۔اپنی توانائی میں اضافہ کرنے کے لیے ۳۰ سے ۴۵ منٹ کے بعد پھل اور لحمیات والی غذا کھائیں۔ :رات کا کھانا اپنی مصروفیات کی بنا پر بعض افراد دن میں پیٹ بھر کر نہیں کھاپاتے ،لہٰذا رات کو انھیں بھوک پریشان کرتی ہے اور وہ کھانے پر ٹوٹ پڑتے ہیں ۔اس طرح سے وہ زیادہ کھابیٹھتے ہیں اور ان کے جسم میں زیادہ حرارے جمع ہوجاتے ہیں ۔اس کا اثر اگلے دن کے کھانے پر بھی پڑتا ہے اور انھیں کھٹّی ڈکاریں آنے لگتی ہیں ۔مٹاپے سے نجات پانے کے لیے رات کو ہلکا کھانا کھائیں ،مثلاً سوپ ،سلاد ،بغیر چربی کا گوشت اور دہی وغیرہ۔ :پانی خوب پییں دن بھر میں وقفے وقفے سے پانی پیتے رہیں ،اس طرح ہاضمہ بہتر رہتا ہے اور جسم میں پانی کی کمی نہیں ہونے پاتی ۔پابندی سے پانی پینے سے ہضم وجذب کے نظام میں بہتری پیدا ہوجاتی ہے اور وزن بھی کم ہوجاتا ہے ۔ Health experts say that you want to avoid obesity and its related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and hormones, then you have to change your habits and lifestyles. Eat foods at a reasonable time. Basic diet means balanced food. The useful information about lifestyle changes in the nail is being offered, which are useful for drinking. Eat healthy foods: Balanced and healthy diet refers to starch, protein and low-fat foods, including fruits, vegetables, unhealthy bread, beans, low-fat milk, dairy and nuts. Keep in mind that you get them from minerals, proteins, antibodies and antioxidants. Eat at the right time: In the morning you should have a nice breakfast, after 8 hours of sleep, your nerves are loose and you are hungry, because you did not have to eat anything after dinner. . When you make a healthy breakfast, nerves are strengthened. So you do not need extra poultry in the afternoon, but also lightweight products, such as pearls, milk, honey and nuts would have been enough for you. Is . It is enough for your physical needs if you have any fruit, little skill and OATMEAL skins at 2 PM. Before exercise: If you exercise and want to make the most of it, eat fruits, nuts and eggs instead of exercising. After exercise: After exercising your muscles are tired and you feel hungry. To increase your energy, after 30 to 45 minutes Eat fruits and gourmet foods. Dinner: Due to their engagement, some people do not abstain from their stomach throughout the day, so they disturb their appetite in the night and they break on food. Thus they cover more and their body gets more and more. 6 Weight Loss Tips  The effect also occurs on the next day's meal and they start to dry. Eat lighter food in the night to save from obesity, such as soup, salads, meat without fat and yogurt etc. Drink water: Drinking water regularly during the day, this type of diet remains better and lack of water can occur due to water. Drinking water from digestive system helps improve the digestive system and reduces weight.source #fasting diet to lose weight, #diet chart for weight loss, #fruits and vegetables diet for weight loss, #protein rich diet for weight loss, #how to lose 6 pounds, #fasting for weight loss, #meals for fat loss, #dinner for fat loss, Read the full article
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nutratimesgarcinia · 5 years
Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss
For losing weight, you need not starve. Even when you are on weight loss diet you can enjoy delicious meals and dishes. If cooked wisely meals can be made both tasty and weight loss-friendly. Foods for weight loss need to be low in calories & fat, high in fiber & proteins. From sabzis to soups, from salads to starters, from desserts to main course dishes, everything can be cooked in a way that’s healthy for the body and helpful for weight loss. Here are some of best Healthy Recipes for weight loss…Read on to learn more:
Oats Idli
Oatmeal commonly known as Oats enjoys immense popularity amongst the weight watchers. It is often considered a weight loss super food due to its high fiber content and low calorie count. You can make really tasty, puffy and spongy Idlis from roasted oats flour. In the batter you need to use roasted rava and yoghurt too. Adding chopped, steamed veggies to the batter will only enhance its nutrition and taste. The batter may be spiced up with green chilies and black pepper powder. Once the healthy, non-fattening Oats Idlis are ready you can enjoy them with coconut chutney.
Chia Banana Smoothie
This yummy smoothie made from Chia Seeds and Bananas can serve as a meal replacement or as an in-between meals snack. Chia seeds; those tiny weight loss powerhouses are packed with fibers and proteins both of which come with immense metabolism boosting and appetite suppressing properties. This frothy smoothie made from mashed banana, skimmed milk, soaked chia seeds all blended thoroughly in a blender is both filling and delicious. Cinnamon powder may be used as topping and pure organic honey as sweetener for enhanced taste & flavor.
Khaman Dhokla
This Gujarati snack can be great at breakfast or as evening snack for anyone trying to lose the extra pounds. It is a steamed preparation and thus is free from the fattening oils. It is prepared from the fermented batter of Chickpea flour or Besan. It is mildly spiced with mustard seeds and can be relished along with sweet Tamarind chutney & Green chutney. The Dhokla is loaded with proteins as the chickpea flour is enriched with proteins and healthy carbs that can curb your hunger.
Egg Bhurji
Spiced scrambled egg or egg bhurji is loaded with proteins and healthy fats. When veggies are added to the bhurji it becomes all the more filling and delicious. When mingled with spice powders like cumin powder, dhania powder, garam masala powder, the bhurji turns out to be a lip-smacking dish which is both tasty as well as weight-loss friendly…starting the day with a bowl of this desi anda bhurji especially when it’s raining outside is indeed an incredible idea!
Ragi Roti
Ragi or finger millets are great for weight loss. Its gluten-free, fiber rich & contains a hunger-curbing amino acid Tryptophan. Flat bread prepared from Ragi flour thus is a healthy roti. It combines a crispy as well as soft texture and is flavored with chopped onions, green chilies and chopped coriander leaves that are mixed in the flour while preparing the dough. Ragi roti may be relished with bowl of dal or with green chutney at dinner or lunch.
Quinoa Upma
Quinoa, the new weight loss super food is in the spotlights these days. Many people are really fond of this nutty flavored, rice-like in taste grain. Quinoa grains are packed with proteins and fibers and thus are an incredible weight loss food. The wholesome quinoa upma tempered with mustard seeds, dry red chilies, curry leaves, toasted peanuts, grated ginger, and cooked with veggies like diced carrots, beans, potatoes and green peas make a healthy & tasty breakfast food or meal substitute for the weight watchers.
Lentil soup
Lentil soup is a nutrient-dense, mildly spiced soup that’s flavorful & velvety in texture. Its spiced with chopped fried garlic & black pepper powder. It can be made more wholesome by adding veggies like green peas, chopped beans, chopped carrots into it. Mixed Lentil Soup consists in vast assortment of lentils such as Urad Dal, Red Lentil or Masoor Dal, Chana Dal, Moong Dal and is highly nutritious. Lentil soup is one-pot preparation high in fibers, proteins and low in calories. Snacking with lentil soup can keep hunger at bay and make you consume less of calories at mealtime.
Paneer bhurji
Paneer or Indian Cottage Cheese is rich in milk proteins and thus is good for weight loss. Proteins in any form take time to digest and thus, help in suppressing hunger. Paneer bhurji is a delicious, nutritious preparation and is perfect for someone who is struggling to lose weight. Crumbled or scrambled paneer is sautéed with all types of colorful veggies and spice powders like cumin powder, coriander powder etc to give you a yummy dish that can be enjoyed as it is or even with roti/parantha!
Makhane Kheer
When untimely hunger strikes this healthy, low-fat dessert is the answer. Makhane  ki kheer is prepared from makhana or fox nuts/lotus seeds. Makhana has high fiber content, protein content and low calorie count. Skimmed milk is used in Makhane ki kheer. The puffed nuts are cooked in skimmed milk. Brown sugar is used as sweetener. The delicious kheer is laced with saffron strands, chopped almonds and pistachios and nutmeg powder to give you a finger-licking dessert…it’s great for those who have a sweet tooth and yet are watching their weight!
Peanut Chaat
Peanuts are rich in healthy fats that come with notable appetite suppressing properties. The peanut chaat is a yummy in-between-meals snack that fills your tummy as well as heart. Boiled Peanut tossed with roasted cumin seeds powder, chaat masala, chopped raw veggies and lemon juice gives you a hunger satiating, tasty snack!
Brown rice pulao
Brown Rice is quite popular among the rice loving weight watchers. It is a fiber loaded whole grain that can curb appetite significantly due to its slow paced digestion. A delicious pulao can be prepared from brown rice cooked in conjunction with colorful veggies and aromatic spices. You can enjoy the delicious & healthy brown rice pulao at lunch or dinner with Cucumber Raita.
Roasted chicken
Roasted chicken is a perfect fit for your weight loss diet. You can roast chicken using very less oil. The trick is to marinate it properly prior to roasting. Beaten yoghurt may be used for marinating the chicken. Roasted chicken is crispy golden and is flavored with herbs like coriander, lemongrass etc to give you a palate pampering preparation…Chicken being lean meat is healthy for you. Also, its high in protein and thus good for weight loss. You may enjoy roasted chicken at lunch or dinner.
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kklkmlm · 2 years
Diet chart for weight loss
A diet chart for weight loss is a list of foods and their nutritional values that can be used to maintain the body at a healthy weight. They are typically created by dietitians or registered dietitians, but they can also be created by patients themselves.
 Diet charts are not meant to be followed exactly because they are meant to provide guidelines for the individual. However, following these guidelines may help in losing weight and maintaining it.
 The best way to lose weight is through a combination of good nutrition and exercise.
 Diet Chart for Weight Loss is a free weight loss app that allows you to create your own diet plan. It is available on iOS and Android.
 Diet Chart for Weight Loss is a free weight loss app that allows you to create your own diet plan. It is available on iOS and Android. The app provides diet plans, meal plans, shopping lists and recipes, all in one place to help users lose weight easily.
   Diet is a key factor in weight loss. A diet chart for weight loss can help you to lose weight with ease and maintain your healthy lifestyle.
 This diet chart has been designed by nutritionists to help you lose weight in the most effective way possible. It's also helpful for people who are trying to build muscle or lose fat, as it provides a customized meal plan based on your goals.
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