#digging my own grave in the wip pile here…
newtsnaturethings · 9 months
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Hear me out:
I think Zelda should have kept a couple of dragon traits. Just a few.
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pinespittinink · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag
I have so many of these but I’m gonna finally get through them-- you all ask such good questions, I genuinely want to answer ;;--;;; tagged this time by @carrotgirl-1​ <3
I’m gonna hold off on tagging others until I get some more of these done lmao, so look out for a tag in the future 
1. How do you pick character names?
Depends! I’ve been known to use baby names websites, digging around in meanings, taking from irl people I know, cobbling my own together off of aesthetic sounds and other language roots, and any combination. A lot of the time though, I really just comes down to sound. I have an ear for that sort of thing, and if the first name I land for a character isn’t quite sticking, it usually does if I change a letter around. (i.e. how Eames became Eaves)
2. Which OC would you like to meet irl?
Cleophas. I just want to share space with him. And honestly, I’d fall in love. 
3. Sunset or sunrise?
4. Would you rather explore the deep space or the deep seas?
Hhh, had to consider a moment, but deep space. Both of them are scary, but I think being down in the sea would really freak me out-- at least in a different way than deep space-- space feels like it would be more freeing. 
5. What inspired your latest WIP?
Latest as in newest or current? Because..... the freshest idea is probably either my “taemin/hozier inspired primeval gods in the dirt” waste wip, or my “girl who buys an egg from an attractive magical shop owner and ends up having to chase them down again because now she has a dragon” wip, which was inspired by taheyung’s aesthetic in the airplane pt 2 mv, the moving castle part of howl’s moving castle, my memories of jeremy thatcher dragon hatcher, and my love for asra. 
6. Happy endings or sad endings?
Happy. I can take bittersweet-- in fact I love bittersweet because of the hurt, but I can’t do total unfettered tragedy or grimdark. 
7. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yesss? I think so. In some form. 
8. What’s the first line from your favorite WIP?
At this point first lines make me want to role over in my grave. I’ve posted Bloodlines’ multiple times by now-- here’s Star White
“ The ship moves slowly through the dark satin of space, almost iridescent in the starlight. ”
9. If you could shapeshift into any animal, which would it be?
My first thought was a bird, but I really just want to fly as I am. I want to be a dog. Let me turn into a golden retriever or a labrador. That would make me happy. 
10. So if you’re heading to a lovely garden buffet, with every cuisine imaginable, and you had free-flowing drinks and a chocolate fountain and desserts galore, and you’re wearing a nice dress or suit, right, and there’s a line in front of the roasted meats area, but you’re drooling and you just can’t wait to bite into that juicy steak so you go–you go to the seafood section, and then you see this person, this person who’s hogging all the lobster, just smiling at you as they keep piling on lobster after lobster, they can’t hold it anymore, they don’t have enough hands or plates, so you help them out, and after you help them out they smile sweetly and ask if you’d care for some lobster.
Who is this person?
Someone who needs some help. (Carrot what in the world prompted this one)
11. What’s your favorite line from your favorite OC?
okay... okay....
so there isn’t one single line of Cleophas’s that I love above the others; if it’s possible, I love every line he appears in. He speaks so carefully, so wholly, but his eloquence is so simple. It’s really at odds with the sheer prose of The Witch Market.
but... here’s a scene I love. 
“ At the end of the street, the silver clad body of a police officer appears. Cleophas moves discretely behind the nearest building, pressing his back against the wall and not daring even to breathe. He does not move until the officer passes by the sour-smelling bakery; then he closes his eyes for a long breath, tension unraveling from his body. When he opens his eyes, he notices a long pink coat trailing from the fire escape of the building adjacent to the bakery. Blue hair drapes over the collar, long and damaged by dye.
“Blathnat?” Cleophas whispers, and though there is no way she can hear him, she turns and looks down.
“Cleophas,” she exclaims, and she descends the fire escape in a flurry of limbs, pink coat billowing out like a sail. She flings her arms around him when she reaches him, hoisting him in the air and holding him to her as he loops his arms around her neck. They clutch each other tightly, Cleophas’s legs cinched around her sides. When she puts him down, her hands move to his face and she kisses him a hundred times, enveloping his lips over and over as she kisses him quickly and repeatedly. Her hands frame his face like the covers of a book.
Hello, I love you, how are you, what happened, I’m so glad to see you, I love you, I love you.
Eventually the kisses slow the way rain does as it reaches its end. The touches of their lips become tender and long, and Cleophas’s mouth opens up like a rose beneath Blathnat’s. He is reminded of a poem he read long ago.
“I love you,” he tells her, his words like unrolled parchment. “I’m in love with you.”
“I know,” she says softly, and he closes his eyes as her smell soaks him, as her voice wraps him up like a package in brown silk. “I love you too.”           ”
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