#digital forms and dockets
recordtime · 4 months
Efficient Document Management for Businesses: Transforming Workflow with Record TIME's Digital Solutions
The effective management of documentation is essential for guaranteeing smooth operations and preserving a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business. Traditional approaches can result in inefficiencies, uncertainty, and fear of misplacing important documents. A digital approach reduces traditional procedures providing clarity, lowering uncertainty, and boosting output.
Whether signing contracts, obtaining approvals, or managing documents, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline their processes and go paperless. This is where Record TIME steps in as a game-changer. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, Record TIME offers digital management solutions to meet your evolving needs and propel your business forward.
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cubitincorporated · 1 month
Custom website development for Record TIME
We created Record TIME with improved user experience and achieved its major goal: simplifying the process so that users can quickly locate exactly what they are looking for. The new site structure and features make it engaging for their audience. The increased digital presence added trust and value to their developing brand. Cubit provided custom website development services to Record TIME.
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recentlyheardcom · 3 months
Digital Shovel Sues RK Mission Critical for Patent Infringement on Bitcoin Mining Containers
Digital Shovel Holdings Inc. has filed a lawsuit towards RK Mission Important LLC, RK Mechanical LLC, and RK Industries LLC within the US District Court docket for the District of Colorado, accusing them of patent infringement, based on a press launch despatched to Bitcoin Journal. The dispute revolves round Digital Shovel’s V-Form know-how, designed to extend miner density in crypto mining…
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truly-quirkless · 6 months
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Type: Lore/History Timeline: A few hours after the U. S. J. Incident. Location: The Medbay at U. A.
This chapter was actually about 3k words, which was nice. Next on the docket will be some meandering sillies and the Sports Festival- followed by the next event.
[Chapter Seven | End of the U. S. J. Incident/Previous Chapter.]
WARNINGS FOR: Blood, romance. What a funny set to leave together-
The dull orange glow of the setting sun was nearly enough to force their eyes open...nearly. The smell of cleaning products and crisp paper filled the air, alongside the soft scent of cherry blossoms.
Fin wanted so badly to move. Their back wasn't blazing as much as it had been- but they were so exhausted. Their eyes flickered open slowly, catching sight of a ceiling they had hoped to never witness...at least, not when they were in this condition.
"Really, you three...!" An older woman's voice broke Fin's thoughts. They glanced over slowly, eyes drifting to focus on her. The fog in their mind was all-encompassing, slowing each idea for the moment being. One hand was near what should have been the edge of the bed, limply laying there- just barely scraping something with the tips of their fingers. That sensation... They clung to it. "...I guess I can't scold you for him being back here, since it wasn't your fault..."
Fin slowly drew their hand back. They could still feel the touch at the edge- lingering in their mind like a comforting ray of light. They blinked, beginning to try to push themself up--
"Careful, dearie." A small bun of gray hair appeared in their vision- and then a face. An elderly woman with plenty of wrinkles, her eyes permanently formed into upwards crescents- almost like she was stuck smiling. Her gray hair was tied into a short bun, and she wore something like a white labcoat.
Recovery Girl...
"I kept asking for you to come to my medbay, but I do wish it had been under better circumstances." Was that...a syringe stuck in her hair?--- The upper half of her face...dark purple visor...Val--- Fin blinked as their vision swam. "Careful, careful...! You didn't get nearly as mangled as these two boys, but you still need to take it slow." The elderly lady sighed. "Three of you...I don't know how I'll cope."
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"Sorry, Recovery Girl." The bed frame shifted. Fin's attention was drawn to their left. There was a small divider raised in the middle of the bed- and on the other side of it laid Toshinori, just beginning to sit up, himself. He had bandages wrapped all around his midsection, some going up and over his shoulder.
Fin exhaled slowly. They were also wrapped in bandages, based on feeling, but only for the wounds on their back- which were already mostly healed. Soon enough, they'd probably have their wrappings changed...and by the night, they'd be free of them. That was, however, assuming that their current exhaustion was a result of Recovery Girl...their head was still throbbing.
"I'm not sure, yet...but I think I shortened my time limit again with that fight..." A chill went down Fin's spine. He could forcibly shorten it?-- Probably from overuse. A dwindling resource...one that would run out, eventually. It had been worrying enough learning he had a timer at all...but the fact that a big fight could force it to dwindle... "...I should have those three hours I had when I first met Young Midoriya..." His voice seemed even raspier than usual. The sheets shifted again- Fin's eyes slid towards where their hand had been laying a bit ago, spotting Yagi's slender digits retreating to lay limply over his own body.
"I'm so sorry.--"
"Well. No use worrying- these things happen." He fully sat up, leaning slightly forward. Fin had only just gotten their back up off the bed. Their head turned, spotting young Midoriya in a bed nearby...this one was far smaller- suited for one person, with no divider placed down the middle. Yagi had interrupted him...probably trying to assuage the guilt in the kid's mind, no doubt.
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"...he would've done it either way, Midoriya." They probably didn't have a right to intrude on this conversation...but they did, all the same. "You've been around him longer than I have...we know he wouldn't even hesitate to give up his power to save those around him."
The kid's head lowered, eyes drifting to his sheets. They turned their head the other way- Recovery Girl's smile had returned (albeit faintly), and Yagi's eyes were turned to them- there was a brief flash of sky-blue, for just a moment...they blinked, and it was gone.
They were in the same relative bed as Yagi...it didn't take a genius to know why. Fin exhaled, even as they heard the door creak- their head had only just begun to lower- snapping back up at the sound. Pain burst in the back of their neck. One eye twitched, before they caught sight of the newcomer.
They'd already begun to shuffle on the bed. Yagi's hand- the one closer to Fin- made a small tap sound as it rested on the divider.
It's alright.
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Surely he hadn't done that gesture out of an actual thought?- And yet the intent lingered in their head.
"Excuse me." A slightly younger, crisper voice filled the room- this one a bit more upbeat than that of the downtrodden staff and student. The guy was about as tall as their middle brother, Ethan- but that was where the similarities ended. The stranger had pitch-black hair that was combed neatly down, with almost square black eyes, and a slightly tan complexion. He wore a tan overcoat and hat, with only the edges of a collared shirt and dark green tie visible...as well as a pair of darkly colored pants, and shoes that looked like they'd been recently polished...dress shoes?
"Hi, All Might. Been a...while...." He trailed off, eyes landing on Fin.
"What the Hell-?! I didn't know that you were investigating!" Even as he spoke, blood burst from Yagi's mouth- resulting in another wet coughing fit that had him doubling over for a moment, covering his mouth as crimson seeped between his fingers.
"WhoaAllMight--!! It's okay he's seeing you like this????" Midoriya's panic could have shattered glass. Admittedly, Fin was internally bristling themself- their heartrate firing from semi-relaxed to panicked in seconds.
"Oh yeah, it's fine. This guy's all right...." Yagi turned his attention back to Fin and Midoriya- seeing both pale-faced, eyes dilated to pinpricks. Fuck. "Naomasa Tsukauchi, my best friend on the police force." He could see the fear beginning to relax in both of their countenances. Toshinori felt a metaphorical breath he'd only just started to hold disappear. "He's legit, I trust him."
"That's quite an introduction." He'd noticed his friend's eyes slide towards Fin for a moment- and towards the particular medbay bed he was resting on. There was only a split-second of confusion in those eyes, a glance towards the Words Yagi kept hidden- a sparkle dancing in onyx. "I hate to cut to the chase, but we could really use any information you might have."
Something told him he'd be getting a text later about this.
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"Hold on, before all that! Tell me all the students are okay...!" Please. Let them be...while he was concerned about those in the room and how they were taking all this- he had to know. The kids...please. "And Aizawa---er- Eraser Head, and Thirteen."
"Not counting this boy, the only student injuries were scrapes." Oh, thank God. "And both of the teachers are in stable condition right now," THANK GOD- "Relax." Three pairs of audible sighs filled the room.
"That's good to hear."
"If you Heroes hadn't risked your lives, the students would never have made it. You four saved that entire class of kids today." Fin blinked. Four?....no- their hearing was pretty bad, surely the guy had said 'three' or hadn't said anything at all. Two?....they shook their head silently, fingers drifting to press against their forehead.
"You're not seeing the whole picture, Tsukauchi. Those students also risked their lives. They fought as hard as us."
"...thank you, All Might." Midoriya's voice was rather quiet. Fin turned their head towards the kid- and they could see a shine in emerald hues. Acknowledgement....
"I don't think there's ever been a group of first-years who experienced a real fight like this so early in their training. They not only survived, they learned what it means to be a pro." Yagi's head leveled, a smile appearing on that worn face- sky-blues were cast in deeper shadow, faintly alight with power. "Those villains made a mistake attacking them. This class is strong- they're filled with courage and drive..."
Indeed they were..Fin hadn't been able to see the class since, but the amount of kids they'd noticed ready to fight despite the odds...the boys running to help All Might regardless of the danger...
"Mark my words. They'll become great Heroes."
"...ugh..." Fin sat up slowly, one hand pressing to their face yet again. Their head was pounding from lack of caffeine- but at least the searing pain in their back was little more than a dull throb, several sets of bandages (all of which had required Fin going behind a small curtain) discarded, bloodied...but less towards the top, thankfully.
"Feeling Recovery Girl's after-effects?" Toshinori's question was met with a small exhausted glance. But Fin couldn't hide the faint smile that traced across their face. They were so tired--- but they were so happy...everyone had made it out of that mess alive.
"Yep..." They were sure the next time Recovery Girl dropped in from her main office, they were going to be discharged. "...so,...I'm guessin' Midoriya..."
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"...he's my successor." It probably hadn't been that hard to figure out, given how the two had spoken during the fight. Fin just hoped the villains didn't have the two figured out, already. Their eyes slowly drifted downwards.
Silence swallowed the room.
Yagi shifted on the bed, but only minutely. Even then he could detect every movement of the sheets, could detect the dips and bends of the fabric. All the big issues had been dealt with- but why did this one have his throat closing up? He could barely breathe, trying to figure out just how to approach the current situation.
Tsukauchi had noticed- Midoriya had noticed... And it seemed, somehow, Recovery Girl had picked up on it...had Cementoss told her? Yagi wasn't sure, but she may as well have had the two on a broadcast.
Really, was she trying to turn them into a spectacle?
He knew he would have behaved...kind of....once Recovery Girl told him Fin was on the mend...
"...somethin' occurred t'me,...y'know, in and out of bits of consciousness, on the way here." Fin waved a hand lightly though the air. What...? What were they getting on about? He could see their hands beginning to tap out patterns on the sheets, could feel the vibrations just barely reaching him.
No- they wouldn't--- him?-
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"I have a crush on you." Fin's voice cracked through the silence again. Yagi blinked. His mind momentarily paused, their words reverberating in his head. I have a crush on you. Fin had spoken so damn casually---! "--Repairing the U. S. J. is gonna be utter Hell....well, at least I'll have work for an extra few days." And they'd moved on- steamrolling over the admission like it didn't even exist.
Yagi's mouth was slightly ajar, aghast as the realization struck him like a thunderbolt. While, yes, he'd...wanted- had thoughts of?- Fin ever since the alleyway, he- didn't expect anything to ever be returned. He had hoped just for a platonic alliance, figuring it could never go beyond that no matter how much they claimed he was 'pretty'. Some soulmates were like that- forever friends, or in horrible cases, eternal enemies- but here Fin was, giving him something that nearly had him feeling like he was having a heart attack.
His heart thudded faster in his chest, staring at Fin as they rambled on about repairing the U. S. J.- it all went in one ear and out the other, completely forgotten by the blond in milliseconds.
I have a crush on you.
Even in the darkness (the sun had set a little while ago), he could see their pink face- eyes on the edge of the bed.
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"Wait--- back up. Back up. What was that first thing, again?" He had to make sure he hadn't misheard. He- really hoped he hadn't.
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"I like you." Yet again it was said so blatantly-!
"But yeah, the repairs shouldn't take more than a few days. I'm sure the U. S. J. will be up and running again by next week." And they were trying to steamroll it again. Yagi reached over the divider- fingers pressing over one of Fin's hands. Their eyes finally snapped to meet his, that faint pink instantly burning to a darker hue.
A few simple, painful words were searing in his throat- blazing, practically screaming. Why did he feel his heartbeat echoing in his shoulders, his knees, his head?--- The room had fallen silent yet again, a pause echoing as Fin stuttered on their next word. His own mouth was still slightly open, the words just barely existent.
The Words the two shared were already so painfully damning. He knew what befell him...would inevitably befall them. He was a Hero- Earth's No. 1- the best of the best.
The target that would create on anyone was hellish.
But his other half...
But he knew the words that were begging to climb out of him. Stopped for the briefest moment by common sense- once he uttered such a simple phrase, there would be no going back. Those hazel eyes, that playful smile,- so small- so fragile- but wild when cornered--- he was tying a noose around their neck.
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"...I like you, too."
And he was going to cut it into a million tiny shreds.
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"Wait- really?" He chuckled at their confused expression, a smile that felt so much more real pressing into the indents of his cheeks.
"Really, Fin." His other hand raised- pressed to the small metal divider between the two's sections of the bed. K-chunk--- the divider fell. Yagi's hand thumped against both sections of the bed. He looked down as he felt smaller fingers lightly rest atop his. Fin had moved their hand over his own- barely a fraction of the size. "But...I can't promise you much- we'd have to keep this all a secret, and I don't want to lose you, and I can't be All Might forever-" His sudden rush of worries was met with the other's hand moving- rising to cup one of his sunken cheeks.
"...do you think I fuckin' care that you're not gonna be All Might, always?...or that we have to keep this a secret?" Those hazel eyes were looking at him- not a stare, not a forced smile..there was nothing but determination- a a kind stubbornness to them that had Yagi pausing in his words, the next few stuttering on the tip of his tongue.
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"I like you. All Might's a fun bonus, but...I like you, Toshinori Yagi." Their fingers were tracing over his cheek. He took in a small breath. His hand lifted- gently pressing over Fin's. It was nearly enough to stop the Hero's heart. How could they give him that kind of hope?...how could they look at this husk and see anything more than...
"Now- I'm thinking it....I'm pretty sure you are...is it alright if I kiss you?" Nope, that was his heart exploding. The blond found his smile only growing, stretching until it hurt- and yet he didn't mind, his chest seeming to thud as he slowly cupped a hand over Fin's cheek in turn- though really, his hand covered a good chunk of that side of their head due to size.
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"...only if it's alright for me to kiss you back." The small half-laugh that escaped Fin became a squeak of a sound halfway through. The blond chuckled under his breath. "...adorable.."
"...shut up..." Fin mumbled even as Yagi leaned in closer. The distance between the two closed- a hesitant silence hanging in the air. They both knew that things would only get more complicated...but...
Their lips touched.
It nearly felt like a pulse outward, starting in the depths of either's chest- an ease that settled over their bones....until a squeal burst from the doorway.
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"What th-?!" Yagi turned away, a hand cupping his mouth as he coughed up a round of blood. Standing in the doorway, eyes locked on the two- was young Midoriya, with Recovery Girl standing beside him. The teen's mouth was open, his eyes borderline sparkling...and his coworker had the faintest smirk on her face. "---young Midoriya...! Recovery Girl!...you...shit..." He breathed out, trying to steady his breathing.
"All Might-- has a--!"
"Young Midoriya!" And the kid clamped his hands over his own mouth, squealing into it- only making Toshinori's face burn even more red.
"I had a feeling..." Recovery Girl hummed. "...I'll leave you two alone... Mx. Well should be good to go by tomorrow, as should you, All Might- but I expect you to come in for a checkup once every day for the next two weeks."
"Understood..." Yagi's voice was barely a whisper. Recovery Girl rested a hand on Midoriya's shoulder- leading the boy away from the medbay's entrance. He looked caught between starstruck and surprised, a finger twitching as he tried to come to terms with what he'd heard and seen. Toshinori moved to scratch the back of his head, a small sigh leaving him.
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"....I think I'll be dying of embarrassment, now..."
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"You better not." He turned back towards Fin. Yep, Recovery Girl had given the two one of the soulmate bed sets on purpose...he was damn sure of it, now. "I haven't even taken you on a first date, yet."
Another thought occurred to him as an awkward silence filled the room once more.
They were sharing a damn bed---
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signitonline · 2 years
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Signit Online is the best online solution for Digital Signatures for how quick, easy and safe it is for any user. A few easy and understandable steps can help you get done with Digital Signatures in no time. From getting registered to docket follow up, Following these steps precisely means you can finish work in no time and get any document, files, lease, form signed using Signit Online.
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Massachusetts Citizens Push Back on FCC 5G Policy and Utility Smart Meters in Light of Major Court Ruling
Mass Legislation Aims to Better Regulate the Safety of 5G and Smart Meters In an historic decision with far-reaching implications for the wireless industry, a federal court has ordered the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to explain why it ignored 11,000 pages of scientific evidence showing harm from wireless radiation. On August 13, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the December 2019 decision by the FCC to rely only on its antiquated 1996 safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation was “arbitrary and capricious.”  The court ruled that the agency demonstrated "a complete failure to respond to comments concerning environmental harm caused by RF radiation." This landmark decision comes at a time when telecom companies are ramping up their efforts to deploy 5G in Boston and surrounding communities. Boston is one of two cities, along with Raleigh, North Carolina, that were recently added to the FCC's list of 5G 'innovation zones". Both government and citizen resistance to these attempts by industry to expose the populace to unprecedented levels of radiation using untested technology is growing. In 2020, the City of Boston filed a submission to the FCC’s 19-226 docket stating, “Boston believes that the concerns of the public are real and that the Commission has done a disservice to itself, local government, consumers, and even the wireless industry in failing to understand and respond to the broadly shared mistrust of the safety of RF emissions.” Other cities in Massachusetts such as Pittsfield are mounting strong efforts in conjunction with local government because children and adults have become seriously ill after cell towers and 5G small cells have been turned on in residential areas. The recent decision against the FCC by an appeals court has energized citizen action groups throughout the Commonwealth including Massachusetts for Safe Technology, the most prominent and active group in the state. According to Cecelia Doucette, Director, the organization "has a number of initiatives underway designed to promote better protection for MA citizens and our environment. The wireless industry is already blanketing Boston and other towns with this hazardous radiation, and children, the elderly, anyone with pre-existing conditions and pollinating insects are especially vulnerable."  There are 11 sponsored bills now filed with the Massachusetts legislature this session, including one written by the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. Senate 186 Resolve relative to disclosure of radio frequency notifications is sponsored by Senator Julian Cyr and will form a commission to look closely at wireless radiation similar to an approach taken by the New Hampshire legislature last year. Says Doucette, “New Hampshire already passed a law to investigate the health and environmental impact of 5G. They spent a year interviewing leading experts and quickly realized this isn’t just about 5G; all wireless technology emits this biologically hazardous radiation. New Hampshire’s groundbreaking final commission report documents conflicts of interest between the wireless industry and our federal agencies, and makes 15 recommendations to educate and protect the public, and our environment. Massachusetts is well poised to follow suit with S. 186.” The Utility Smart Meter Issue Another important initiative relates to the increased use of digital  "smart meters" that are attached to residences by utility companies, an additional source of invisible unregulated and harmful radiation that pulses 24 x 7. Massachusetts for Safe Technology has been working with state legislators to help pass Senator Michael Moore’s S.2204 An Act relative to utilities, smart meters, and ratepayers’ rights. This bill would extend regulation to apply to all types of meters, including electric, electric solar, water and gas, installed by both municipal and investor-owned utilities. "The recent FCC court ruling now calls into question all assurances of safety by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities and utility service providers on the smart meter rollouts." noted Ms. Doucette. "The good news is that engineers can design modern-day utility systems that work effectively without bringing biological risks to homeowners, renters, and the environment. It’s time for our public servants to collaborate with industry for the use of safe, effective, energy efficient hard-wired technology.  As some of the electric meter fleets are coming due for replacement, it is essential to enact legislation now that requires all categories of utility companies to provide non-radiating meters. In the short-term, rate-payers should have the right to a no-fee opt out from existing toxic digital meters." The DPU will be holding a grid modernization hearing on September 9 at 2 p.m. to review utility proposals. “In the past,” says Doucette, “the DPU relied on the word of an industry consultant for safety assurances. The science now clearly indicates utility “smart” meters are biologically harmful. A growing number of children and adults experience myriad illnesses from them including cancers, irregular heartbeats, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, depression, and more. The science from the NIH and other reputable medical authorities shows that this radiation is a carcinogen and a neurotoxin. We are counting on the DPU to protect the ratepayers and create a win-win with safe, energy efficient upgrades to the grid – without wireless radiation transmissions.” Massachusetts for Safe Technology is a public interest group working to promote the use of biologically safe and fiscally responsible technology in our homes, schools, communities and workplaces. Massachusetts for Safe Technology educates citizens, public servants, lawmakers and health care professionals on the risks of wireless radiation exposures to children, adults and our environment.
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recordtime · 5 months
Business Management Solution for Owner Operator
In the fast-paced business environment of today, owner-operators face several difficulties in effectively operating their businesses. From guaranteeing on-time delivery to balancing administrative duties and optimizing routes the task can be overwhelming. However, with Record TIME owner operators can have effective business management solution in their hands for every task management. If you own a business and operate machines like Backhoes, Excavators or Skid-Steers, Forklifts or drive a truck. Then using Record TIME can help you with many aspects of your business to make informed decisions.
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cubitincorporated · 2 months
Record time - Mobile app development
Cubit provided mobile app development services to Record TIME. The app structure and features make it engaging for their audience. The increased digital presence added trust and value to their developing brand. 
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dresupi · 5 years
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Prompt: Waterloo Ship: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers For: @iamartemisday​
Other tags: Language
Rated T
Word Count: 1926
Steve came into the office around 9:43 that morning.  It wasn’t that Darcy was waiting for him, because she definitely wasn’t, but she could tell it was him because her receptionist made that noise he always made when confronted with the premier Beefcake of America.
“Guhhhhhhhhhow can I help you, sir?”, Charles slurred, still in the middle of a phone call with their spring water company, unless he’d hung up on them when Steve walked through the door.
Either option was entirely possible, Darcy knew from experience.
She heard the low rumble of Steve’s voice, but not what he said because his back was to her door.
“Just come on back, hon. Give poor Charles a break. He’s gonna need a minute to collect himself,” Darcy called, unable to stop her polite smile from spreading into a grin when Steve turned around and put all of his attention on her.
“Sorry, is my presence that much of a distraction?” he asked as he shut her door, taking a seat in one of the two chairs in front of her desk. They were normally reserved for clients, and while Steve was one of her clients, this felt distinctly like a social call.
She kind of hated how Steve always slid into situations looking like he belonged there. She supposed it was his military training, gave him a fallback of approved motions he could work through, be it a black-tie occasion or coming up to try and again ask out a woman who had turned him down four times.
And it wasn’t like Darcy wanted to turn him down either. Because if this had been any other situation, she’d have said yes in a nanosecond. Pre-emptively even.
But the truth of the matter was, she was in the precarious situation of being his PR agent. And all the rest of the Avengers too. And she was pretty sure there was a conflict of interest involved.
Not pretty sure.
Absolutely sure.
Because she’d looked through every book she had, searched online, even asked Maria Hill herself, and had come up with the same answer all around.
It’s a conflict of interest, you can’t pinch that booty, no matter how star-spangled it is. It’s America’s ass, not Darcy Lewis’s.
She took a seat in her desk chair and crossed her legs. She’d worn the four-inch pumps and the flowy skirt today, so it showed off a tasteful amount of thigh that made Steve gulp a little even though he kept his eyes (mostly) on hers and (maybe just a fraction of a second, he was enhanced, he could probably sneak a peek and not let on, right?) not on what her legs were doing.
Okay, so what if he looked? Darcy wasn’t about to go tattle on him.
She bounced her leg and cleared her throat, her polite smile settling back onto her face as she folded her hands across her knee. “What’s up, Steve? We don’t have an appointment as far as I know…” Reaching up to pull her glasses down over her eyes, she made a big show of looking at her phone and checking her schedule that she knew was clear.  She didn’t have anything on the books until Clint came in after lunch.
“No, I just… wanted to come in. To talk. Maybe we could go to lunch? Talk some more?”
“This on the books?” Darcy asked, pushing her glasses back up on top of her head.
“No, doesn’t have to be…” Steve replied, smirking a little.
Pressing her lips together, she shook her head. “Steve, I told you before… it’s a conflict of--”
“Interest. I know already,” he finished for her. “But I was wondering, it’s the fact that you’re my PR Agent that makes the conflict, right?”
She nodded. “Pretty sure I told you that the last few times you asked me to one of your ‘not-strictly-on-the-books’ one-on-one events…”
“Dates, Darcy. Call a spade a spade. I asked you out.”
“Fine,” she continued. “The last time you asked me out, I told you it couldn’t happen.”
“That’s the only thing keeping you from saying yes?”
“I can’t answer that,” she said with a sniff, refusing to meet his gaze. If she met those eyes of his, he’d be able to see into her soul and know that she was without a doubt, over the moon for a certain Captain. She was halfway to quitting her job and giving in any way. America’s ass or no, she wanted to give it more than a little squeeze and maybe squeeze some other things as well.
But then, she’d remember everything she did to get this degree and start her own firm and she’d chill again. No star-spangled piece of ass was worth her job. No sir.
“I’m going to go out on a limb and jump for it, then,” he replied. “Because I talked to Director Fury and if I fire you as my agent, and hire my own outside agent, then we can talk a little more discreetly…”
Darcy’s eyes flew open. She made an indignant sound, not unlike a squawk. “You’re going to fire me?” She brought her hand up to her chest. “I’m offended, sir.  I was chosen by Director Fury to be your--”
He shot her a look. One that clearly saw through her fake offense and honestly, she didn’t even believe herself.
First of all, Steve Rogers needed a PR agent like he needed a pair of boots for his hands. That is, PR to someone like him was completely superfluous to anything and everything he did.  No one in the entire United States of America thought butter would melt in his mouth. He could do no wrong. He didn’t need Darcy to spin a story, because, by the nature of him, it was already whirling when she got there.
Secondly, he was a high profile client, which meant that Darcy often had to go to him first, when her talents would be better spent on someone without as much public image baked right in.
Like Wanda Maximoff, for instance. Or Clint, who kept falling off buildings and breaking things other than his ass or his leg. Just last week he’d fallen through an awning and decimated some little old married couple’s fruit stand at the Farmer’s Market. That was a real problem, but if Steve had shown up having sneezed in the Queen’s face on his last trip to the UK, then she’d have to handle that instead. He had priority. So, if he ‘fired’ her, removing himself from her docket, then that would kill two birds with one stone.
There was only one problem.
“How exactly are you going to do that?” she asked. “The Avengers are a package deal. If you fire me, then the others will have to drop me too. You know you guys are my biggest clients, right? I’m good at what I do, but if you guys drop me, that’s gonna really screw up my chances of landing any other big clients. Please tell me you’re not decimating my career because you want to eat spaghetti with me in Little Italy.”
“I’m not decimating your career because I want to feed you spaghetti in Little Italy,” he assured her.
Feed me spa-- oh Mylanta, be still my ovaries.
“Okay… so what’s the plan here, Chief? Because it kind of sounds like you don’t have one.”
“Geez, you’re impatient,” he laughed, drumming his fingers on the arms of his chair.
“Did you seriously just say ‘geez’ at me?” Darcy asked.
“Fuck, you’re impatient,” he deadpanned, arching an eyebrow. “May I continue?”
“Please.” She bounced her leg again, liking the way his eyes darted down to her shoe and back up again.
“Great. So I talked to Director Fury and he said that as a member of the Avengers, it’s all or nothing. It’d bode well for us to have the same PR Agent. And hiring someone else into your firm to handle my account wouldn’t work either.”
“No, it wouldn’t…” Darcy replied, nodding slowly. “I could have told you that, though.”
He shot her another look and continued. “But if I strike out on my own, I can hire whoever I want.”
“Wait…” Darcy uncrossed her legs. “Don’t tell me you--”
“Calm down, I’m not done. I didn’t do anything stupid.”
“So you didn’t quit the Avengers?”
“Oh yeah. I quit the Avengers.”
“STEVEN,” Darcy gasped. “Take it back right now. I’m not the Yoko here. I refuse to allow you to--”
“I resigned, left Sam in charge, and he hired me back on as a consultant-slash-mercenary.”
Darcy’s eyes bulged slightly. “STEVEN.”
He continued, undeterred. “Which means I come back for every case they need, fight with them if they need me, and make the same amount of money I always did. The only difference is, I can hire my own PR Agent, and I regret to tell you that I didn’t go with Lewis Etc.”  He shrugged in an overly-exaggerated display of contrition. “So I guess this is good-bye.”
Darcy blinked a few times. “What now?”
“I’m no longer your client, Ms. Lewis. And while I enjoy the professional time we had together, it must, unfortunately, come to an end. I’ll have to ask you to shred my contract.”
“You want me to print out your contract and shred it, or just like… delete it from our files? Because everything is digital now, Gramps.”
“Just get rid of it,” he said with a smirk. “Get rid of it, and come have lunch with me this afternoon.”
Darcy wasted no time in deleting his file from her cloud and forwarding the concurrent information to Charles so he could pull up the necessary forms for Steve to sign.
“You’ll need to go see Charles for the exit forms,” she said softly, pointing towards the door. “And I can’t answer the other half of your command until you do that.”
When he got up to leave, Darcy let her eyes linger a bit on his retreating form, only letting out the breath she was holding when he left her office.
She heard Charles make that noise again, but soon enough, Steve was back, knocking on her door. “Lunch?”
“Get in here, you gigantic idiot,” she replied instead.  “Lock that door behind you.”
“Was that a yes to lunch?” he asked, grinning while doing exactly as she’d asked.
“That was a hell yes to lunch and a get the fuck over here because I’ve got an hour before I can feasibly leave this office and absolutely no work to do.”
“Pretty sure I can help with that,” Steve said, crossing the floor a bit too slowly for Darcy’s liking.
“Help? You’re gonna need to do more than that.” She jumped up on her desk and reached for him, sliding her hand around the back of his neck and up into his hair. She closed her fingers around the freshly cut strands. They were so short that they slipped from her fingers, but he got the idea. He leaned down and wrapped one arm around her waist to hold her steady against him. He let her close what little distance there still was between them, but he definitely helped a little by hoisting her up onto her desk.
She squeaked a little when he did it, but it ended up giving her that push she needed to press her lips to his.
She’d lost a client this morning, but Darcy still felt like she was coming out on top.
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signitonline · 2 years
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Signit Online is the best and the most reasonable online solution for Digital Signatures. We are here to bring a change that can help businesses a lot that have to deal with a lot of documentation and signature work on a daily bases. We want to change it and make everything available on a Digital Platform that can help you improve your workflow as well as save resources, money and time. 
For just 20 pence per docket, you can sign any agreement, contract, document, form with ease. We have made many businesses improve their workflow and function smoother and we hope that you can be our next clients. 
CONTACT US NUMBER- +44 238 097 0305 MAIL AT- [email protected] WEBSITE- https://signitonline.co.uk/
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feudalconnection · 5 years
Nominations Q1 2019!
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Hey everyone!
The Nomination period for the 1st Quarter Inuyasha Fandom Awards is now CLOSED!
Below the cut you will find a complete comprehensive list of all the nominations received for this quarter! If you do not see your nomination, please reach out to us as soon as possible! 
FeudalConnection is going to give two weeks time for you to enjoy the nominations. This will be an opportunity to read some fanfics or view all the art available. We encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated! 
The voting period will begin June 30th and end July 13th.
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session. 
Got a question? 
Check out our FAQ
Send us an ask
Message @keichanz @sassybratt9791 @hinezumi or @meggz0rz directly. 
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this 1st Quarter an absolute blast, and happy voting!
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Fanfiction Nominations:
Best Action
“The Inugami” by @lonestorm
“Youkai in the Mirror” by @sugarrosfanfiction
“Oblivion” by @meggz0rz
“Her First Apartment” by @dreaming-of-the-midnight-sun
“The Half Breed’s Wife” by @gypsin
“That Flesh of Mine” by @witchygirl99
Best AU/AR
“Miroku, Private Eye” by @artistefish
“Sachi” by quilwing717
“Fatefully Entwined” by CandlelightQuill0911
“You Rescued Me” by @keichanz
“Demonic Lust” by @noviceotakus-blog 
“That Flesh of Mine” by @witchygirl99
“Possessed” by SplendentGoddess
“Feudal World” by @sankontesu
“The Devil’s Docket” by @penthesielia
“Mars and Venus” by @doginabirdcage
Best Canon
“A Full Moon Under the Sakura Tree” by @jeanbeannie
“Reversed” by @file13thetrashcan
“The Rift Between Auras” by Chio Saki
“Little by Little” by @little-known-artist
“Toshiro” by Contradiction21
“The Importance of Ramen” by @bearpluscat
Best Angst
“Where the Wind Leads You” by koalahugs
“Keeping Strong” by @sassybratt9791
“Haunted” by @shinidamachu
“Darkness Before Dawn” by catbaker
“Yours” by koalahugs
“Roses and Thorns” by @theangryuniverse
“Fault” by @akitokihojo
Best Dark
“Oblivion” by @meggz0rz
“Rain” by EeveeAlchemist2.0
“we’re alright now” by lalalovelii
“Serial Killers Know How to Party” by @chelseatygers
Best Drama
“Soundless” by @hanyoyokai
“Dizzy Defense of an Underdog” by @artistefish
“Koko wo Shinogu” by @2goldensnitches
“Light Me a Lantern” by @little-known-artist
“Kiss Me at Twilight” by BlueMoon Goddess
“Little by Little” by @little-known-artist
“The Journey Home” by @mustardyellowsunshine
Best Humor/Parody
“Phony Digits” by @stoatsandweasels
“The App Store” by @sssuperbartola
“I Hate That Fucking Well” by kstewdeux
“Never Take Advice From Miroku” by Mishelledor23
“Fresh Start” by @xoxopandapanda
“Cheaters” by @inunanna
“Heat Wave” by @angelhartsblog
“Mars and Venus” by @doginabirdcage
“Stare” by @keichanz
“Pennies and Dimes” by @witchygirl99
“Blood, Sheets, and Horny” by @dreaming-of-the-midnight-sun
“The Language He Speaks” by @akitokihojo
“Love Blooms” by @angelhartsblog
“Claiming What is Mine” by @noviceotakus-blog
Best One-Shot
“Superhero” by @dyaz-stories
“Almost, Almost” by @morphinetune
“Like What You See?” by @eternalnight8806-3
“Fault” by @akitokihojo
“Cheaters” by @rikareena
“Home Videos” by ani-sanO.o
“Symphony” by @tsukinohimeusagi
“Aeonian” by @sassybratt9791
“Amongst the Stacks” by @eternalnight8806-3
“The Beauty and the Hanyou” by @lacyjaybird
Best Character Portrayal
“Growing Up” (Inuyasha) by @britonell
“At Last” (Kagome) by @shinidamachu
“Koko wo Shinogu” (Sango) by @2goldensnitches
“I Hate That Fucking Well” (Inuyasha) by kstewdeux
“Learning to Love” (Miroku) by FFcrazy15
“Only You” (Sango) by @xfangheartx
“Pennies and Dimes” (Kikyou) by @witchygirl99
“Gold Star Review” (Kagome) by @mustardyellowsunshine
“The Half Breed’s Wife” (Kagome) by @gypsin
Best Romance
“Where the Wind Leads You” by koalahugs
“You Rescued Me” by @keichanz
“Worthy of Redemption” by Tsuyu no Inochi
“What the Fluff?!” by @rikareena
“Elementary Love” by @wolfblossom
“Living” by @nikkxb
“Love Is Blind” by SplendentGoddess
“Feral” by @inuyashasnook
Best Serial
“Reversed” by @file13thetrashcan
“Catching Feelings” by @dyaz-stories
“Firsts” by Evil Illusions
“How to Flirt with a Dog Demon” by TouchofPixieDust
“Hanging By a Moment” by SplendentGoddess
Best Ficlet
“Lazy” by @cammysansstuff
“The Birds and the Bees” by Corpses playing poker
“Heartbeat” by @xoxopandapanda
“Jealous” by @lacyjaybird
“Of Fondest Memories” by @petri808
“Inublanket” by @alannada
“The Dog Prince” by @gypsin
Best Yaoi/Yuri
“Plans” by @nikkxb
“Warmth” by @maggieandbeth
Best Completed
“Puppy Love” by mishelledor23
“Beautiful Stranger” by splendentgoddess
“One Drunk Text” by MaryBanned
“How to Flirt with a Dog Demon” by TouchofPixieDust
“Twelve Days of Christmas” by @kuddle-cakes-writes
“The Accession” by @tilltheendwilliwrite
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Fanart Nominations: 
Best Action
“Untitled” by @lightningrei
“Inuyasha vs Sesshomaru” by @maxintoshi
“Kagome and Inu Yasha” by Xong
“犬夜叉” by @maichancreating
“Tough love, younger brother” by @agueiera
Best AU/AR
“YRM Inuyasha” by @echobows
“Priestess Day, Spiritual Mossberg 500 Edition” by @maradigma
“Untitled” by @grapefruitwannabe
“SessKag” by @rannyunny
“Untitled” by @maro05
“Untitled” by @mizby
“Gantz suit” by @imaridraws
“Pirate Inuyash and mermaid Kagome for mermay” by @sdtsfanmade
“Warrior/Priestess AU” by @chanteligence
Best Canon
“A Feudal Love Story” by @asha47110
“Lullaby” by @sayuri-watanabe
“blush intensifies” by @onisuu
“Inuyasha x Kagome” by @asha47110
“InuKag and parenthood” by @otomegrandma
“Sango and Kirara” by @nayuunart
Best Angst
“Warrior Kagome” by @nony314
“Untitled” by  カズシロノンコ
“Untitled” by @llorabb
“Dearest” by  あいあむティキン 
“Untitled” by @lavenderarts
Best Dark
“Untitled” by @lightningrei  
“Youkai!Inuyasha” by @morikothehalfangel
“Rend my heart open, then your love profess” by @juney-chan
“Untitled” by @dheerse
“Untitled” by @sildesalaten
Best Humor/Parody
“Priestess Day, Spiritual Mossberg 500 Edition” by @maradigma
“Inuyasha Doodle Pile” by @notadventuring
“Untitled” by @mizby
“Inuyasha, Miroku, Kouga cafe aprons” by @mmhinman
“Touch my ass one more time, I dare you” by @miss-zei
“IKEA SUCKS” by @beansprean
Best Kiss
“Untitled” by @chupicabri
“Untitled” by @imaridraws
“You know that one episode...” by @kristicles
“Untitled” by @artofkace
Best Character
“Kagome” by @sayuri-watanabe
“An Annoying Dogboi” by @promsien
“Top tier anime husbando” by @vogelspinne
“Kikyou” by @moraemiho
“Inuyasha” by @rocioo
Best Duo/Pairing
“They’re Happy” by @art-of-urbanstar
“An Afternoon Stroll” by @britonell
“Untitled” by @meselfandwhy
“Oops, I Sesskik’d” by @masitadibujante
“Brother and Sister” by @larapedan
“InuSan” by @mmhinman
“The red thread” by @flow-er-flow
“Carnivore III” by @lenbarboza
“Untitled” by @sakimichan
“Two Hearts” by @kriscynical
“Almost, Almost” by @morphituu
“Opposites” by @sdtsfanmade
Best Romance
“They’re Happy” by @art-of-urbanstar
“Bickering” by @prinnay
“Untitled” by @thebritishteapot
“An Afternoon Stroll” by @britonell
“Snow & InuKag” by @rocioo
Best Yaoi/Yuri
“Untitled” by @inukouga
“Untitled” by @rubbesart
“Untitled” by @inukouga
“Untitled” by @ashleys-canvas
Best Group
“The Inu Boys,  сука блять Edition" by @maradigma
“Untitled” by @chupicabri
“Untitled” by @incaseyouart
“Disneyland” by @justafewsmallsteps
“Untitled” by @clearwillow
Best Doujinshi
“甘ああああああああいお付き愛 (Sweet ah ah ah ai love love)” by  もとび 
“Tiny Miracle” by @lenbarboza
“Lullaby for a Stormy Night” by @meselfandwhy
“The Last Days” by @liquidashesart
“Raindrops” by @youkaiyume
Best Overall
“Once upon a time... a long time ago” by @gabriellemkari
“ 桔梗” by Air ash
“Untitled” by @mizby
“Kanna & Kagura” by @yusaname
“In the meeting place ❤️” by @helenbabydoll
“Tiny Miracle - Stars” by @lenbarboza
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recordtime · 5 months
Elevate Your Cleaning Business Efficiency with Employee Time Clock Software Solution
If you're still relying on pen and paper or Excel spreadsheets to record your employee's work hours, here's some good news: Record TIME offers a hassle-free, efficient, and accurate solution for your staff time tracking needs. It's field staff real time tracking solution brings automation and accuracy to the forefront of your cleaning business. With record TIME, you can ensure accurate and automated timesheets, streamline payroll processes, and improve overall productivity for your large or small business. Additionally, the application incorporates geofencing technology, enabling you to verify the precise location of your employees while they are working. Furthermore, Record TIME offers comprehensive business management solutions for the cleaning industry. It includes useful features such as clock-in/out, pre start checklist, staff time tracking, incident report, cleaning request, job scheduling, digital docketing, and proof of work completion. This versatile employee time clock software can be accessed on mobile, desktop, or tablet devices.
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Free CDA To Mp4 Obtain
On Home windows 8 or Windows eight Pro, once you insert a CD disc to the optical driver, you'll notice audio tacks are within the extension ofcda with a reputation within the format Observe##.cda. Users can perform a lot of single-file MKV to MP4 conversions. The software program additionally has the ability to convert multiple information simultaneously with its batch conversion characteristic. This quickens conversion instances when converting a lot of recordsdata at the identical time. Choose a quality. While you click the format button, there'll seem a brand new window with a top quality alternative (320kbps, 256kbps, 192kpbs, and so on.). Please remember the fact that the higher your bitrate, the heavier is your file. Thus, if you do not have an excessive amount of free area in your gadget, you'd higher choose a medium quality. TunesKit Apple Music Converter is a really useful gizmo that helps Apple Music subscribers easily break DRM lock from M4P songs downloaded from Apple Music and iTunes while changing the DRM-ed M4P tracks to unprotected MP3, AAC, M4B, WAV, FLAC, M4A formats, that are suitable with any media playing system at 30x quicker speed. At present, you can directly drag and drop your downloaded iTunes music to the primary interface or click "+" button to pick out the music that you just want to add for changing. Extract MP3, CDA, WAV, and many others from MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV, FLV, MKV, and so on. Free obtain and launch AnyMP4 Video Converter Final in your computer. Got some cool audio parts to mix? MP3 Merger can merge & combine your several FLAC, MP3, Www.Audio-Transcoder.Com OGG and WAV audio information to a complete single audio file. Output codecs include MP3, MP2, MMF, FLAC, APE, WMA, WAV, WV, TTA, OGG, MPC, AMR, AC3, and AAC. Tremendous also makes it potential to extract audio data from video information and save as any of the above-listed output codecs. Convert iTunes M4A, M4B & Audible AA, AAX audiobooks to plain format. 1. Select the CDA data to convert to MP3 format. Click on the "Setting" button to pick a folder for saving the output information within the dialog that opens. CD rippers convert the raw digital information on music CDs into recordsdata a computer can read. They do not have to fret about copyright protection as most music CDs are usually not copy protected. Subsequent, double-click on the file whose extension you have just modified and see if the audio file is enjoying. If the transformed mp3 file is taking part in usually, you've managed to resolve your problem. On this case, be happy to repeat the process with every audio file that acquired modified throughout the Home windows improve process. Utilizing , it is simple to convert WEBM files to a wide range of different formats. The Wondershare Video Converter Final helps windows in addition to iOS system. It will possibly effectively support conversion speeds as much as 30X which is industry unique. This software will enable you to transform your movies into audios with bolting velocity without spending a dime. The quality of the ensuing audio will not disappoint you. Following are the steps you'll have to comply with with a purpose to convert your movies using this software. Web creates movies optimised to be used on-line, Mobile produces small MP4 information good for contemporary cell devices. Home windows converts to ASF video (WMV, WMA) for Microsoft applications incl. PowerPoint. Configurable viewing panels allow you to toggle between a number of open files and configure open tasks for straightforward access to the editing options you want. Simply change between time-based or event-based mostly editing modes. Learn how to convert information to PDF on-line. Up to date: 1 October, 2018 provides a fast & straightforward method of creating PDFs out of nearly any form of data. This on-line PDF software program saves you the issue of downloading and installing specialized packages on your pc and allows you to entry its options from wherever on the planet. Nevertheless, Mp4 Converter To Mp3 For Pc regardless of all those above being magnificent tools, if you happen to want a full and ultimate MP3 converter for your Mac, then we suggest choosing All2MP3 , which has been considered the best possible MP3 Converter Software program for Mac for nearly 10 years. Now, the All2MP3 for Mac is a convenient converter which translates each audio and video information into MP3, but it surely additionally boasts of a plethora of great options. One of many stand-out options of this software program is its simplistic drag & drop course of. Although some other excellent options include its potential to deal with audio from any source, it's versatile output high quality, its functionality to convert video recordsdata into MP3 and its savvy utilization of AppleScript. The biggest ‘YouTube to mp3' converter on the earth, , is in court docket. But does that mean it's illegal to make use of YouTube to mp3 converters, and even function one? Here's learn how to stay protected and avoid getting sued. Select a video. Scroll by means of the video results till you find the video for which you want to download an MP3, then faucet the video. Free Studio is a free and superior audio converter software that supports a number of codecs. Because it consists of a gaggle of several packages, you've got to specify the duty i.e. audio conversion. Simply navigate the main menu and click ‘convert', then choose the ‘Audio converter option'. It's not solely the most effective MP3 converter on the internet, but additionally creates superior MP3 sound with the assistance of the obtainable lame encoder presets (Insane and Excessive). CDA to AC3 Conversion Software converts CDA files to AC3 fast. The converter is a a number of channels encoder. The software helps 2.1, four.0, four.1, 5.1, 6.1, and seven.1 channels encoding for AAC, AC3, AIFF, AU, FLAC, OGG, and WAV recordsdata. The software program also supports widespread file format resembling AMR, AAC, OGG, M4A (MPEG-4 audio), FLAC, WAV, AU, AC3, and many others. It might convert MP4 to M4B (MPEG-four audiobook), SWF to VOC, FLV to AU, FLV to M4B (MPEG-four audiobook), DIVX to AU, M4A to WAV, and so on.
The DVD format was developed in the computer age so DVDs include regular information similar to these on your laborious disk. That means they'll simply be copied from the DVD to your pc. Now, allcda files will probably be displayed on the main window, just select files you wish to convert to MP3. Convert sound files to different bit depths whereas applying dithering using the included iZotope MBIT+Dither Plug-in. Obtain optimum bit depth conversion with detailed management over parameters akin to bit depth selection, dither mode, noise shaping, decrease peaks, and silence harmonics.
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How to Stay Ahead Using SEO in the age of AI
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We are treading in an advanced world of technology – the science of internet, highly connected, fast-paced and ever-evolving. The Internet has become more than an information source, it moved past being a mere Wikipedia.
Enter virtual assistant with its interpersonal associate skills. We are equipped with a machine that simulates human brain functions. Against the backdrop of all such technology revolution search engine optimization (SEO) must function much above the keywords criteria.
The internet has become completely a world of its own – requiring taxation, governance, policies, and commerce. With so much of complexities, there is a need for far-advanced SEO.
SEO as a distinct dimension
Generically, SEO’s intent is to offer a brand digital distinction. It does use tech. But these are only the mechanics of it. With so many on-demand options the challenge is to find the tech that fits perfectly. Market saturation happens at unprecedented rates.
Still, social media gets consumed in mainstream media hashtags. This weighs your efforts to convert prospect or reach to your intended consumers. Even after having a good set of keywords, hashtags and required shares you get lost in communication.
Unless you adopt the right approach to move forward with your strategy it becomes challenging to fit into this digital dimension. You find a metric to size the exact dimensions as per various users.
Changing Tools
Customizing your SEO strategy as per your audience preferences and mode of communication is a timeless SEO skill. SEO is the catalyst for page relevance continuity. Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights and Google Lighthouse are a must.
Google PageSpeed Insights provides the real-world performance of the pages within your site for both mobile and desktop devices.
In addition, it also provides recommendations on how to improve the page. Google Lighthouse is an automated open-source tool for improving the quality of web pages, both public and those which require authentication. It audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, and more.
Mastering the speed of updates is like merging with traffic. In addition, you must tailor the look and feel of your website to match your message. Although evolving, the internet will have its normal functionalities intact. Plugins are here to stay. At least for some time longer.
New major content plugins, like those found on WordPress, are closing gaps in errors. 404 error alerts will become customizable. This means even your failed pages have room for your branding. These plugins will correct redirects and speed the de-indexing process.
Google added advantage
Google is the champion of search engine domination and best match and the truth is not changing anytime soon. Acknowledging Google as a deciding force in SEO is the standard. Take Google as an incentive to excel past the reach of well-established brands. Google News revolutionizes the way consumers see digital content.
Your audience expects authentic and complete information to be given from their point of view. They do not want war or the on-going competition of publishers to affect the truth of the story. Every report or information you put on Google, its placed on the Google news docket and the more compatible your report is with Google’s latest AI search assistant, the chances of capturing the audience is more.
In that case, there is more authenticity lent to your information and consumers can see through the hype and rat-race. They can clearly access the pro. Your source.
Brand fame then becomes more than attainable. It is critiqued at all social levels. Responsible SEO is non-negotiable as the gap closes.
Security in SEO
As the gap between digital and tangible world is closing further, data crises have become the highlight. As a common man cannot even think that SEO holds the key to this information world. Think deep.
There isn’t anything great than exploiting the opportunity. Become a vital information center for your industry. Valuable information becomes exploitable information. Data is gold. Spend and store it with moderation.
Data is key to enterprise success and again, Business runs on certain ethics. SEO must apply to these golden rules else it becomes a waste of resources. Your strategy around the SEO must stay abreast of changing internet governance and security policies and that should be your civic duty. Your evolving content cannot take the transforming step otherwise.
AI Tutorials
AI has empowered technology in different ways than just automation. It enables us to sift through thousands of pages which makes these platforms a savant of AI world. Your dormant digital libraries now become instant downloads. These are further shared with millions of machines instantly.
The key is to leave certain notes on every page. These machines can carry information. Optimizations give them the ground to form information of their own. Thereby, SEO takes the lead of guiding these machines than merely leverage keywords.
Unique SEO strategies require expertise and professionalism. Speed and performance in SEO now require further sharpening. Search for AI tools that will empower you as a marketer.
AI like this has the power of an expert’s brain. A remarkable tool like this is your future saving grace. Invest in the bankable power of AI as a guide. Do so for the speed. Do so also because the traditional models of SEO will eventually faze off.
You definitely cannot ignore the power of a machine than the internet’s non-machine learning era even needed.
Innovation is Natural Selection
The Internet is undergoing rapid evolution. There will be new species, extinction, and colonization. Some will fair well while some might lose. Nothing is certain. Yet, one thing is certain. innovation is the evolution of machines.
The more you train them the more they will emulate you. Life has basic instincts. Evergreen SEO means optimization to facilitate the merger of human information and machine intervention. When less is more, life will find its own way. As a marketer, you have to be vigilant. Allow the best odds for that selection and escape the brand burn-out complex.
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bloodgulchblog · 2 years
A Whistle-Stop Tour of the Fractures Anthology: Pt 3
It has been... a while, oops. It's time for me to pull this out of my drafts and finish it off.
On the docket for today: "Into the Fire", "Saint's Testimony", "Rossbach's World", "Oasis", "Anarosa", and the bonus untitled end piece.
Sit tight.
Into the Fire by Kelly Gay
I won't linger too much over this one, because it's actually the opening act of Smoke and Shadow and I intend to talk about that book more Soon.
Rion Forge is a salvager, someone who follows leads to recover scrap from the wrecks of the many lost and dead ships that litter the galaxy in the wake of the great war. She's a tough and resourceful woman who takes care of her little crew and who has one of the best success rates in the business.
She also has a deep-seated personal reason for taking on this work: Her father was Sgt Forge, a character in Halo Wars. Her dad has been missing since 2031 when the UNSC Spirit of Fire got tangled up in conflict with the Covenant for Halo Wars reasons and had to sacrifice its slipspace drive to make a big explosion, also for Halo Wars reasons. Forge, unfortunately, did in fact die during Halo Wars, but the rest of the crew has been traveling the slow way home for over 20 years. No one knows what happened to the ship except the people on board.
Rion gets a tip about a ship and, while investigating it, she discovers the first lead she's had on the Spirit of Fire in... pretty much ever.
I like the short story, I like the novella, and I find Rion to be a genuinely likable protagonist with interesting thoughts and feelings. This is a great accomplishment for Halo, so I looked forward to reading the rest of the novella and I was right.
Also: I liked the re-use of Venezia as a setting, which was mostly set up in Mortal Dictata. Kelly Gay uses it here and Troy Denning also used it in Retribution, so it looks like it's going to stick around as Halo's most essential hive of scum and villainy.
Saint's Testimony by Frank O'Connor
This was another one initially given a separate digital release, like "Shadow of Intent," but this one's a lot shorter.
So, do you remember Halo: Blood Line? The comic where Black Team and their AI have to form a temporary truce with some Covenant troops in order to escape from a Forerunner Monitor? This one's about the AI, Iona.
Iona has reached the end of her seven year operational lifespan as a Smart AI, but instead of merely being put down, Iona is making a legal appeal against her own deactivation.
The story mostly follows Iona's interactions with the judge and her legal counsel in a public trial where she strives to prove to the judge that she is, you know, a person who should be permitted to continue to live.
There are a lot of pieces of interest in here if you want to dig in on Smart AIs. Iona talks about her life, how she chose her name and her avatar (she wanted to be approachable and her choices reflected that.) She talks about the closest thing she has to spiritual feelings (the hope that intelligence will triumph over entropy.) She admits to feelings of frustration with humans, but not more than humans feel for each other at times. The fact that Iona has dreams (during her inactive cycles) comes up and she describes dreams of flying.
In the end, when the judge rules to delay Iona's deactivation (but that they will place her into stasis in the meantime) Iona accepts the decision with grace.
After the trial, it is revealed that the whole thing was a simulation run by two other AIs. The judge was Black Box (the ONI AI that features heavily in the Kilo Five stories) and Iona's counsel was Roland (the second, and current, AI for the UNSC Infinity.)
(It's not remarked upon, but a this point (January of 2558) Roland is about a month old, while Black Box is almost six years old. I feel like knowing this adds a little to the texture of the thing.)
Roland regrets lying to Iona, but Black Box has hope that studying this simulated trial will encourage people to legally accept AIs as, well, people at some point in the future. It ends with the two of them watching Iona's stasis dreams, where she continues to dream of flying over a human city.
Overall: I thought this one was pretty okay. It's competent, but also I wasn't particularly stunned by anything. Then again, I might also be influenced by how irked I've been with Frank O'Connor generally.
I like that they put this story ahead of the next one specifically, though, because it gets you thinking a lot about AIs while you're on your way into...
Rossbach's World by Brian Reed.
Reed first worked on Halo when they brought him on for the comic adaptation of the Fall of Reach. He was the lead writer of Halo 4's Spartan Ops and for (oof) Halo 5: Guardians. He was then lead narrative director until he stepped down in 2017, and I'm pressing F in chat because I can only reasonably assume that's because of how.... How. Halo 5 was.
That out of the way, I actually did kind of like this one. I really did not expect to, because it's about Admiral Serin Osman.
You guys remember Osman, Karen Traviss's very favoritest OC from the Kilo Five books? Osman comes up a lot in lategame Halo canon because she finally becomes head of ONI. However, she's usually more of a plot device or a signifier of how serious a situation is than a person when she appears. It's actually nice to see someone getting into her head again, and having that someone not be my least favorite Halo writer.
(The fact that my least favorite Halo writer is not the one responsible for 5 really does speak volumes, huh?)
In this short story, we get a recap on Osman's origins as an abducted Spartan-II candidate, then washout, then ONI rising star. Then we're with Osman when Cortana sends a Guardian to attack Bravo-6 (the UNSC High Command HQ in Sydney, Australia.) Osman and Hood make it out because of the quick thinking of Black Box, who responded to Cortana's offer by kicking off an emergency plan: He locked down himself and all of HIGHCOM's other Smart AIs in their chips. Through fake orders from one of his many false identities (this one being Spartan Commander Rossbach) he arranged for a Spartan-IV to give Osman the briefcase containing them, and for transport for Osman, Hood, and the Spartan to a planet whose existence Black Box had been hiding for years (once again using the Rossbach identity.) On Rossbach's world, there is a safehouse where Osman and Hood can maybe weather this storm and try to figure out what the hell to do.
It's a very short story, but if I have to deal with stories told in the wake of the Created conflict and the destruction of Cortana's character, then at least it's one that actually thinks about some of it? Osman talks to Black Box about why he didn't take Cortana's offer, why he helped her escaped (he thought it was fair), and how it's up to her now whether or not she destroys the AIs in the briefcase or... whatever she might do with them, including potentially releasing them to Cortana.
(I'll note that the timing works out weird on this because Black Box is absolutely several months past his rampancy expiration date if we follow what was known about him on Waypoint, but I already know that nobody writing Halo cares about precise dates and especially nobody writing Halo cares about Waypoint.)
Hood is having a rough time and drinking about it, he blames himself for not forcing the Master Chief to take leave after the events on Requiem in Halo 4. (I'm not sure this makes sense, because it's not like whether or not John went after Cortana impacted whether or not Cortana wound up with the Guardians? But okay, Hood.)
Osman finds a quiet place to sit and make a decision. She draws parallels between the lack of choice given to Smart AIs and the lack of choice she had as a Spartan conscript. It ends ambiguously with her sitting with her thumb on the button that would purge the AIs in the briefcase, thinking about how Black Box has always been kind to her.
It's not flawless, but I'm always a sucker for caring about characters' feelings and regrets in Halo. I also liked Black Box a lot (sometimes) in Kilo Five even though I hated Kilo Five overall. I found his genuine care for Osman to be sympathetic and fun, and I like getting to see Osman struggle with something without the weird venom that comes from Traviss writing her.
The Created conflict is a very messily implemented part of the canon built on a foundation I absolutely hate, but this is one of the parts of it that makes me wonder what it would've been like if it hadn't sucked.
Oasis by Tobias Buckell
THIS ONE SLAPS because it's a prequel to Envoy, which I hold in high regard. It's not an especially happy story, but hang in there.
...It's also a story where a plague is a major part of the plot, so that sure was interesting to read in Current Times. 8,)
Dahlia is a teenager living on Carrow. Carrow, for those of you who don't remember a book I talked about back in february or so, is a planet that is being re-colonized after the war by both humans and Sangheili at the same time due to neither of them knowing the other was going to start doing that. Shit's tense. The major cities for the two species are separated by the unforgiving desert, and they prefer it that way.
Dahlia's family was part of a group that was originally intending to settle an oasis, but by the time they arrived the Sangheili had already claimed it. So, the humans had no choice but to apply all their stubbornness and set up in the desert.
So, Dahlia. She's finally starting to come around from a battle with a horrible illness. Her parents put everything they had into caring for her, and when they became sick too there was no medicine left and no one to care for them. They're alive, but if the settlement (which has all fallen ill, people are already dying) doesn't get medical help... well.
The problem? Everyone's been trapped inside their homes by a vicious sandstorm (a regular occurrence out here) until right now, and their communications are down because of damage.
Dahlia takes her dad's rifle (because it's dangerous out there) and sets off on an old Mongoose to try to reach the Sangheili settlement in the oasis. She might be able to make contact with human traders there. It's a desperate move and she's in awful shape, but it's the only chance.
Out in the desert, Dahlia chances across a shoot out between a Sangheili and... someone? He looks like he's about to kill whoever it is so Dahlia intervenes, thinking it might be a human. She ends up distracting the Sangheili long enough for the figure on the ground to get up... and drive an energy sword through him.
The other one was a Sangheili, too. And now Dahlia's down a quad bike because a stray plasma shot wrecked the Mongoose, so she can't just roll out.
Dahlia, after surviving the Covenant attacking her home planet once and then going on to live on a planet where relations with them are very tense, is incredibly not cool with Sangheili.
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This brushes up against the conflict in Envoy, where the division between Rojka and Thars's factions has gotten to the point of space warfare. (Rojka is a good character with a whole arc, you should read Envoy.)
Jat, committed to repaying his debt to Dahlia, takes her to the oasis. Unfortunately, as soon as Dahlia breaks off to look for the traders, she gets captured by Thars's loyalists and locked up with two surviving human traders. They explain that things have, as is obvious, gone very very south very very fast. The three of them hear fighting outside, some of it with human guns, but it turns out it's just Sangheili vs Sangheili and a group has arrived to finish business by killing the humans.
It's about to get very bad when Jat appears and saves them. The traders break off to find transport, not trusting Jat to help them, but Jat insists on protecting Dahlia and she goes with him.
They flee from Thars's people, who want to kill Dahlia because she's human and Jat because he's a wtiness. Jat and Dahlia get to talk a little, and Jat explains how he came to Carrow with Rojka and helped found the Sangheili city (Rak) after they lost their homeworld. (Which, you know, is something he has in common with Dahlia and is something we get way more about in Envoy.)
When they get pinned down, the two resolve to go down fighting and almost do. Then, human gunfire tears through Thars's Sangheili. Jat and Dahlia drop flat as the traders, backed up by members of Carrow's human militia, roll in. The day is saved.
...But someone notices Jat is still alive, and before Dahlia can say anything to save him, the militia kills him.
When Dahlia protests that he was her friend, a militiaman tells her that Sangheili are not our friends and alludes to the militia's desire to drive them off Carrow.
The final scene has Dahlia with her parents as they finally start to recover from the sickness, which is a relief, but immediately the conversation turns to the increasingly armed tensions on Carrow. Dahlia's father recalls that the UEG is supposed to be sending an envoy to hopefully settle that situation peacefully...
Dahlia, thinking about her time with Jat, says that a friend taught her she should die on her own terms and that if anyone comes for her home, she's going to make them bleed for it.
SO. A happy and normal Halo story that ends on fantastic terms for everyone! (I want to go read Envoy again aaaaa)
Anarosa by Kevin Grace
Kevin Grace was the one who wrote the short story The Return in the Evolutions anthology (the one about a Sangheili shipmaster visiting a planet he himself glassed.) More recently he was responsible for the terminals in the two Anniversary editions, and the plot of Halo Wars 2.
Anarosa Carmelo, age 26, has died in a fire suppression system accident in the cockpit of a training shuttle. An ONI agent (Prauss) and his AI partner (Leo) are attempting to convince Anarosa's only living relative (her brother Michael) to donate her brain to the UNSC's smart AI program.
A great detail is that they already have a team prepped to go in and recover Anarosa's brain (this is the same day she died, mind) and are really determined that they're going to get what they want here.
Unfortunately for Prauss, his first attempt gets the door shut in his face. Then, as Prauss and Leo try to decide how to proceed, Michael eventually comes out to the car and asks if he an talk to Leo. Just Leo.
Leo answers Michael's questions about what it's like to be a smart AI, and in particular about whether a smart AI has any real connection to their donor. Leo tells him that if his sister's brain is used, he will not be allowed to make contact with the resulting AI and cannot even be told if the procedure works or not. The AI will not be his sister, and will not be permitted to know who the donor brain came from.
Leo admits to Michael that he sometimes does get tiny flashes of his donor brain's memory, and thinks that maybe the man had a child.
The final scene ends with Prauss and Leo discussing that conversation, how the brain is important because they desperately need a good candidate for an AI for the research outpost on the Ark (Halo Wars 2 connection: Anarosa is the basis for the AI in Halo Wars 2.)
Prauss asks Leo if he just told Michael what he wanted to hear. Leo says yes, of course, he learned from the best.
I feel like you could make a solid case for a reading about whether you think Leo was honest or told the truth, but I don't put that much effort into Halo short stories and I think I'm pretty safe if I call the ending ambiguous.
It's okay, I think it pairs well as an inclusion with the anthology alongside Saint's Testimony for AI stuff.
This one's weird, gang.
We are once again, after such a long time, in first person Bornstellar perspective. This is an epilogue for him. Bornstellar and Chant-to-Green have settled on a world outside the galaxy. They live simply, as farmers, and are raising a son together. Bornstellar tells their boy stories from his life as if they are ancient legends he was not involved in. He thinks about how his wife is lovely and their years of hard farm labor together have not made her any less so to him.
At night, Bornstellar takes a long walk to where they've abandoned the ship Audacity with their armor still inside it, and thinks about what they've given up to go back to the roots of Forerunner existence as they allow their kind to die out. This, he concludes, is to be the end of their great journey.
I don't.... know if I'm supposed to find this wildly depressing or not, but allllll I can think about is what happens to that kid. How does his life play out? Isn't it kind of weird to choose to raise a child in permanent exile, because you are the last of your species? To bring a whole person into the world just to leave them as an endling when they outlive you?
I don't know, man. Wild.
Someone write me a fanfiction about the last Forerunner finding the old ship and something crazy happening.
ANYWAY. That's Fractures. Finally, the deed I promised has been done. I still have other Summaries of Things to complete in my drafts, but this one shall haunt me no more.
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gadeglud5-blog · 6 years
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