#diner!jj x deer!reader
cute-sucker · 4 months
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note: inspired by @lionasvault diner!jj x deer!reader ! <3
short masterlist: part two here, part three here, part four here, part five here, part six here !
being a single mother with a rafe camerons child was never easy.
the little girl hung on your shoulder giggling as she held onto you, and you tried to hide the squeezing pain that you felt in your heart. she knew nothing about her situation completely obvious. 
you were a kook. all through, the short bikinis, strutting upon everything you owned, winning pageants, and academic awards. it was your life. you were a soccer player on the side of it all, a crazy defender. you had enjoyed your life, knowing that you were going to marry someone. 
that's who the person was going to be. the sweet boy who gave you roses on your anniversary, telling you was better than any kook girl he had met. and it was all fun and games, sneaking away to be with someone older, someone bad, someone playful and someone who treated you "well." it helped that he was kook too, smug about his place in the world, and a callous hand dragging you across to show you around at parties. 
school ended on a good note for you, and you headed to university, with high dreams and a cute boyfriend at that. sure he was brooding, sure he was mean, sure he dropped notes about you not needing a higher education because you were wife material. but your parents had told you to go and be independent. 
so that's what you were doing. now, escaping from his clutches, a six-month-old baby girl gurgled at you as you tried to ignore the unfamiliarity of the whole new place you had rented. it was a cute town you thought, the little painted signs, and you found yourself staring at the flat. your landlord's little painted key felt warm in your hand, and you found yourself tearing up. 
finally, you set down your small brown suitcase, willing yourself to be stronger. willing yourself to look at the bright side of things, the fact that the apartment had 1 room for the two of you, and the fact that the sink had pretty roses on it, and the fact that you were finally free. 
you gazed back at your baby, her sleepy smile, as her eyes blinked and when it found a familiar face - gurgled with happiness. you felt as if your heart was going to burst with happiness, and with that, you decided that you should explore the town
the town was better than you thought it would be, there was a small ballet studio across the street, meek book stands nearby, and a farmers market that sold you the ripest strawberries known to mankind. so yes, when you saw those strawberries you bought a carton. immediately your baby girl made grabby grabby hands, and you smiled down at her, brushing a curl of hair away from her face. 
"what, baby? you want one too?" you cooed, before giving her a red strawberry. she squealed before taking a big bite out of it, mushing it in her claw hands, giving you an inquisitory look. you sighed, and continued to push the stroller. 
jj's diner. 
that's what it read on bright rusty red letters, it was colored a gorgeous gray, and the glass windows showed a homely setting. grandparents sat with one other, sipping on coffees, you watched kids take big bites out of syrapy pancakes and stripes of bacon. this was a scene to beyond, and you couldn't help but yearn for it, as you opened the door of the diner. 
a sweet smell wafted by, as if fresh blueberry muffins had just been made. it felt like home, like a safe space, and before you knew it you were dragging in your stroller, and sitting down near the window. finally you found yourself smiling with joy as you looked down at the laminated plastic menu. 
"i'm jj, what can i get 'cha?" a gruff voice muttered, and you pursed your lips before looking up. it was a guy with dirty blonde hair, a backward hat, and white tee with what looked like mustard to you? "c'mon mama, i don't got all the time in the world." 
he looked at you pointly as if annoyed. the name 'jj,' seemed to flash in your mind. that was the diner's name? this was his diner, wasn't it. clearly they were short on staff. 
you flushed quickly, and you picked up your menu, "yeah i'll take the pancakes? extra syrup, and maybe some..." you crinkled your nose before looking at your baby girl who had a menu in her mouth, giving you a gumless smile "can i have mashed banana?" 
he looked baffled, chuckling while putting a hand on his hip, "mashed bananas? i don't serve that." once again you felt like an idiot stammering out your words. finally it was as if he looked at you properly, your creased clothes and messy hair. you had been up all night worrying about this move. 
he shook his head, and then swiped a hand to pick up the menus, "yeah. it's alright. mashed bananas and pancakes. got it." and somehow when he gave you that half smile you felt your heart lift up. 
by the end of the trip to the diner, you had gotten up to clean your hands asking a kind lady to look after your baby for a second - and when you came back jj was sitting next to your baby cooing. 
he gave you a confused look when you came back, as your baby chewed on his finger, giving a delighted shriek. you found yourself trying to figure out what was happening. 
"she yours?" he asked, and you gave him a quick nod before trying to pull her into your arms. you avoided his gaze. you didn't want him to say anything about it. after all, you had enough people judging you. 
instead you zoned on your baby who gave a final cry before letting you pick her up. she still reached her chubby arms for jj's, eyes welling up as if she was going to cry. 
you sighed, "really sorry about this. i know it's not okay." 
jj looked at you again, reaching for his hate before waving his hand to console you, "nah. i don't mind." 
you gave him a tightlipped smile, and then put your baby in your stroller to head out, "thanks for everything." 
"don't mention it." 
somehow you felt as if you had made a friend. 
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cute-sucker · 4 months
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note: this is pretty dark! so please tw for toxic relationship (with rafe obviously!!) + this is for liona (inspo)
short masterlist: part one here, part two here, part three here, part four here, part six here !
words: 2,024 words
rafe was following you.
you could almost feel his gaze on you from the diner sometimes. as if he was waiting to strike. the first time you saw him, he was standing outside the glass diner a strange expression on his face. clearly, he was high out of his mind as he tried to stumble and hang onto the street lamp. you had been talking with jj, him chuckling about you having whipped cream on your face - and you spotted him.
he was staring dead into your soul, and you felt your breath quicken pardoning yourself to the bathroom. no, you couldn't do this, and when jj asked you what happened you had whispered some excuse.
he knew where you were. your masterful escape hadn't been masterful after all.   
sometimes rafe scared you. it was the early stages of your pregnancy with him. the feeling of being so suffocated carrying his baby. and it wasn't like he didn't love you no, sometimes you cried to him fists drumming on his chest, screaming, wondering where you had gone wrong.
where had you gone wrong for him to be so punishing. for his protective cage to make you fall prey to him? it was the feeling that your heart would break if he whispered a bad word, and you hated it cowering against his heavy words and hoping that he wouldn't get you back from putting a toe out of line.
being with rafe had been some of the worst and best times of your life. it was when you got a taste of teenage freedom, putting out a small dress to sneak to a party, tasting punch and he was there. you looked a mess with pink glowy lipstick, shyly trying to ease into your new shining persona.
he saw you, a hopeless deer in headlights and suddenly if anyone tried to bump into you - he was there. it felt nice to be cared for, and sometimes he'd take it far. taking you anywhere in your car, and making sure that his hand wandered near your waist.
but it was after the baby that things went wrong. he was cursing at you for being so stupid to get pregnant. you had cradled your head in your chest as he cussed you out, heavy drums in your heart. he tried to persuade you first -
"you don't need a baby. no, you don't need one," he would coo, eyes red from whatever he was on, as you tried not to stop yourself from sobbing. you made miek sounds, practically folding into yourself as you rocked from side to side.
he took this as you disrespecting him, "hey?" he snapped his fingers, eyebrows furrowed as he clenched his jaw, "what the hell is wrong with you? fucking embarrassment," he would spit out, almost as if he was disgusted with your behaviour.
then you would whimper with sadness, and it only amplified his anger, "jesus christ. i'm always taking care of you, and this is how you reward me?" he barked, his voice sharp and unforgiving. you shook your head, telling him you were sorry.
you had your baby in the morning, an early baby. he wasn't even there in the reception, as her wrinkly face mewled for someone. you had tucked her into your lap, swearing - swearing to get away.
but then he came like your prince charming, eyes red while carrying a baby bag, and a stupid pink outfit that he told you she could wear. it was tacky and too big, yet you felt the need to cry. maybe this was a sign that he would change. maybe this was a sign from the gods. there was a forced smile on his face, as he looked at your sticky baby.
it finally came down to how he acted around the baby. never cleaning up after. after all, you were eighteen when you had her, practically children as if you were playing family. he was smoking, abusing drugs and then coming back to your apartment telling you he'd get better.
the day you left was a breath of fresh air.
so what was he doing coming after you? you tried to ignore it, but sometimes out of the blue - weeks after his first sighting, he would be looking at the glass window with a clear look on his face. as if he was going to come in, and yet he didn't. every single time you dared him with your eyes, meek hands shaking as you tried to stay away from that entrance.
at this point, your favourite place was next to the counter, next to jj where you could yap as much as you wanted. sometimes jj would tell you to shut it as he made food, because one time the two of you were talking and he'd messed up an order. the guy had yelled at him, and all jj could do was shrug, a playful smile on your face looking at your flushed face.
the two of you were taking it slow. you didn't know how to do it all, but since that day he sat you down in his lap, playing with the strands of your hair - you didn't know who you were to him. yet, it felt right laughing with him, letting him touch your waist leaving you completely rendered. you were under a spell as if he was the sun and you were the moon.
you were running back to him every single time, a bright smile on your face. after all he was the one who told you to go to art school. so that's what you did at night while leaving your baby at the elderly women's house. she was so sweet, as your baby girl blubbered and giggled. she was the grandmother you had always wanted for your little girl.
everything was fine.
it would be a lie if jj said he hadn't noticed the strange guy staring at the glass from time to time. he was always there when you were, giving you a stare that could bring the dead back to life. jj didn't know who he was, and to be honest he was giving him the creeps.
you always seemed to stiffen whenever the guy came into view, and jj couldn't help but scowl when the jackass came to view. it was the only time he hated the wide glass windows in the diner. it meant that you had to see that guy peeking in.
what creeped him out even more was the amount that the guy stared. sometimes he came out drunk, eyes red as he stumbled onto the sidewalk. jj was waiting for him to come in. waiting for him to confront him - and yet for his whole ordeal, he had never taken a step inside the diner. he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"i like this dress," jj mused the next day you came in. he wiped the table looking up at you. the diner was closed up, and the little bell jingled he knew it was you. he didn't know how this became a thing - but you always came after things ended.
sometimes the two of you would share an ice cream sundae sitting next to the counter, sometimes he'd get you some chocolate milk - but never had he asked why you came.
you liked talking about your day during those times. you sat there all pretty and prepared, he'd never admit it but he liked how much you dolled up for him. there was always some flowery blouse you had on, or a tight skirt. sometimes it was a maxi skirt or some jeans. but you always look so pretty.
you smiled bashfully at the compliment, biting your lip as you tilted your head. you held your baby tight, and yet she wiggled out of your hands to make it to jj.
"oiagh," she sputtered out, "wah, wah," incomparable words but jj couldn't hlep but chuckle, lifting her up to look at her better. she was around 10 months now, her tiny curls in pigtails. she was wearing tiny overalls and a backwards hat.
"look at you," jj murmured, toying with her hat, "such a cutie," he sighed, and she shrieked with happiness as jj poked in her in the stomach. he couldn't help but gaze over at you. you had this dazed happy expression on your face that made him giddy with joy.
you wiped your babies drool, before pinching her cheek, "she wanted to look like you."
jj laughed, eying you in an incredulous look, "i don't wear overalls," he pointed out, tugging at the straps for her to only scream with joy again.
you rolled your eyes, "close enough. it's the cap for me."
"alright. alright. i'm not fighting with you mama. c'mon lemme get you something..." he paused pretending to think, and you giggled, "you want something sweet, am i right?"
"ding, ding, ding! a point for mr. mayback!" you drawled, before sitting next to the counter. "chocolate milk, please."
jj folded his arms, a teasing lit to his voice as he watched you fix your dress, "you're working me to the bone."
"i like my men hardworking."
"so you say."
then the two of you were off, talking about the different things that had happened. he told you about the mess with the muffins, and you talked about your favourite show. it was a perfect evening, and before you knew it you were yawning resting your head on jj's shoulder.
"you look tired," jj breathed out, softly moving your hair out of your face. you stirred, sleepy eyes looking at him a gentle smile gracing your face.
your heart stuttered staring at him, "it's that one that keeps me up," you said pointing at the tiny baby who was also asleep next to the couches. then suddenly you watched jj get up alert but thought nothing about it.
he finally spoke up, "how about you take a small nap?"
that sounded great to you, and before you knew it you were burrowing yourself in jj's sweatshirt, sleeping in a warm bed.
jj was practically running while trying to keep up with the man in the window. he was there again when the two of you were speaking, and he hated it. like a stalker following your tracks, so jj did what he was best at.
act recklessly.
"hey! stop right there asshole."
the man turned around at the sound of jj’s voice, his expression shifting from one of eerie calm to a volatile mix of anger and amusement. he stopped in his tracks, turning to face jj with a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"what do you want?" the man sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket, rocking back on his heels as if he had all the time in the world.
jj’s eyes blazed with fury as he closed the distance between them, his fists clenched at his sides. "who the hell are you?"
the man scoffed, "i'm rafe. rafe cameron. i thought you'd know about me by now."
"i don't know what you're talking about fuckface."
for a moment, something dark flickered in rafe’s eyes, and his jaw tightened. but then, just as quickly, the mask of arrogance slipped back into place. "you're telling me you have no idea who you’re dealing with?"
jj's glare intensified. " listen man, i don't give a shit who you are," he started scoffing, "but i know the food looks great but you can't stay out there staring at people. it's messed up, makes you look like a creep. come in and get a bite or jus' fuckin' leave."
rafe’s laughter was cold and hollow, echoing in the empty street. "oh, i will. don’t you worry about that." he took a step back, his gaze never leaving jj’s. "but for now, i have better things to do."
and he jumped into his car, a shiny truck with blaring lights. all jj could do was look into the dark wondering who the hell rafe cameron was.  
taglist: @yourmumstoym @lionasvault @saturnrings77 @rainbowpiss34@wowza31419 @tcddszn@maraudersmyloves@stxr-slut@redhead1180@dinnodallas @breeistired @obaex 
let me know if you'd like to be added !! + feel free to request <3
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cute-sucker · 3 months
i LOVE your jj's diner series <33 could you do one of him, reader and the baby going out for something like shopping or a picnic!!
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let me tell you that man does not know how to choose clothes.
short masterlist: part one here, part two here, part three here, part four here, part five here
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jj tells you that he's gonna take you out to treat you.
you've put your baby in cute clothing, a small cap and you're in a flowery dress. jj is waiting for you, playing with his keys, tongue peaking out of his mouth. there is something rugged about him, as he's got his hands shoved down his shorts, you just want to shove your tongue down his throat.
but what you really do is awkwardly gawk at him like a pining teenager, feeling your heart beat faster. theres something shy in his gaze as well, as if he's looking for your approval. as if he's asking if everything is okay.
"ready?" he murmured, and you kissed his cheek, a blush evident in your face as there was a spring in your step. you were practically hopping from side to side. jj looked surprised at the soft kiss, biting his lip before nudging you to the side with a begrudging grunt.
you liked him as an old grump. there was something nice about making him smile after that. and there was something about his smile, so sweet and peculiar. something that made you want to etch into your skin forever.
but instead, you tried not to blush as you wobbled over to the truck. it was a decent old thing, some scratches, but it was enough to take you and jj anywhere, but he took care of it like it was his baby. you tried not to notice the baby seat that was plugged in, but when his blue eyes wandered to look at you, you couldn't help but grin, biting your lip as you did so.
"jj, you didn't have to-"
he didn't bat an eye before scoffing, but he looked pleased. "i thought i'd be taking you place. milking me for all i'm worth, aren't you?"
you laughed, before resting your head on his car. he winked at you before looking at his truck with a proud look, "good old thing isn't itm" jj murmured, winking at you before you nodded, and then squeezed the baby girl's cheek, "such a cutie, aren't ya?"
the baby smiled, chubby hands reaching for jj again. in moments she had jj's cap on, shrieking with joy. she had a small lamb blanky with her too, something that she had taken from jj at the apartment. you could barely believe that old thing had stayed so long in jj's apartment, but the way that jj looked at her when she cried for it told you everything about him.
he cared for her.
and now here he was paying for your little girl's clothes, and taking you on a picnic. when he heard your stomach growl, he gave you a small cupcake and you smiled at him gratefully. he was so caring, so attentive to your needs.
the whole situation may have been nice, but you couldn't help but feel shame remembering how it came to be. you had been at the diner, scrambling to pay the bill before you noticed jj's watchful eyes land on yours.
all of a sudden you were crying, tears welling in your eyes telling him about how hard it was to scrape a dollar to pay for everything. as you sobbed, you told him how entitled you felt now - running away from the life that you always knew and now complaining about your issues.
if there was anything he didn't like, it was you beating yourself down, and before you knew it he was soothing you. his warm hand was rubbing your back, as he whispered to your softly, "bambi, ya need to calm down before you give me a stroke."
you nodded, "yea' i'm sorry-"
at this he had shaken his head, "what did i say about saying 'sorry,'? you don't need to say it."
you felt your throat clog up, "yes jj! i swear i'm sorry-"
he held a finger up to your mouth, "nah, nah that's enough of that. i can always help, now what do you need help with?"
quickly enough you found yourself looking at the chaffed clothes that your baby was wearing, and you cringed at yourself. jj eyes travelled to your sweet blubbering baby and laughed to himself, "yeah? she needs different clothes doesn't she?"
before you knew it, you were planning a day to go to shopping for the baby as he grumbled about it all a smile on his face.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
"jj! i am not dressing my baby in those disgusting khakis. she's going to be fashionable."
jj gave you a flaux look, before bringing the pants closer to her face, as she grinned, clapping her hands, "yeah! you like it don't you."
"the jury has decided! the khaki's stay."
you gave him a pointed look, as he shrugged tossing it in the basket, "listen, this wasn't up to me. it was up to her."
god, you thought you loved him.
taglist: @yourmumstoym @lionasvault @saturnrings77 @rainbowpiss34@wowza31419 @tcddszn@maraudersmyloves@stxr-slut@redhead1180@dinnodallas @breeistired @obaex @maybankslover @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @alliisinwonderland05 @darlingchronicles @wearemadeofstardust0 ,@niyalovests @psyches-reid @lillell467 @crangrapel0ver @tcddszn @hxlcyxnn
let me know if you'd like to be added !! + feel free to request <3 (omg the taglist is getting longer...)
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cute-sucker · 4 months
can u write something about diner!jj and deer !!! maybe something angsty or fluffy!! maybe just like their relationship overall
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short masterlist: part one here, part three here, part four here, part five here, part six here !
diner!jj is really shocked when he sees you in his diner the first time. theres something about the cute overalls you're wearing, a bubbly baby in your hands. you give him a tired smile when ordering, and then you leave in the middle of your food.
he's surprised, before heading over to check on the table you're sitting in. the baby is still attached in her stroller, and her big doe eyes are turned on jj. he wasn't sure what to do, but there was something so irresistible in those big watery eyes, and he ends up cooing to the baby in his gruffest voice.
everyone in the diner is shocked.
jj kicks people out if they act just slightly weird, and yet he's got that little babies pinkie around his hand, and the baby is grinning, beaming almost in that cute way.
when you come back, all tired and holding a baby bottle or whatever it was you went to do. he felt embarrassed, you were a single mother and he was acting like a creep playing with your baby. yet you give him the most grateful smile when your baby squeals and giggles.
suddenly he's stopped smoking. theres a sign with no smoking on the top of of the boards in his diner, and somehow he always manages to weasel himself into being your server. you barely notice how weird it is that the owner will only be your waiter. you swore you saw him hush another server before heading over to you.
one time though it backfires on him.
"yeah? and she wants chocolate milk?" jj said raising his eyebrows under his hat. your baby giggles when he winks at her. she's already reaching out for jj's hand, and he can't help but give it to her. suddenly she's got jj's rings in her mouth, suckling on it, before giving him a proud gummy smile. he can't help but laugh before noticing how you're looking at him.
he gives you a teasing look, and you find yourself blushing looking down, "nah. that's for me."
he loves it. how quickly you can flush under his attention, your eyes bright as you look up at him. he smiles, a big cheesy smile that makes you play with the hem of your skirt, "does mama want some whipped cream and a cherry on that too? making special demands, aren't we now?"
he gives you a pointed look, and you fidget before nodding. he lets out a bark of a laugh, "dang. you're spoiled."
you roll your eyes in protest, "you've spoiled me!"
at this he stops laughing, a strange look on your face that makes his feel like your heart is too big for his chest. he feel as if the whole world has stopped when you look at him like that.
"jj," you sigh, placing your small hand on his bicep "i know i tease, but thank you for everything."
jj shakes his head, feeling nervous as he shakes it off, "it's nothin'."
theres something electrifying about your touch, and he knows that if you continue to touch him like that, something is going to happen that he doesn't want to be responsible for. suddenly it's too much to take, the starstruck way you're looking at him, and the way that your baby fits in your arms as if she was his daughter. it makes him hurt.
what bastard would leave you?
"is that all?" jj finally finds himself saying, voice hoarse, and you nod quickly giving him a smile. he nods, before tucking his hand away from the baby. she lets out a small shriek, and jj playfully places his finger against his mouth to make a 'shh,' where she quickly complies busy with the small toy next to her stroller.
"hey? waiter?" a group of teenage boys snap their fingers jeeringly at jj. he stiffens up, a snarl set on his face. jj swirls around, a glare set on their voice, and the two of the boys seem to notice the tension and quickly put bow their heads, stammering out sorries. except the one boy. he doesn't understand it.
he's grins almost fueled by the glare, "listen, can i have a table by the windows?"
jj tilts his head to the side and ignores him while placing the menu's back on the table, "got work to do," he mutters. "leave or sit down." the boy is left dumbfounded and you feel confused as well. doesn't jj serve everyone?
you find yourself scooting closer to an elderly lady in your booth, you point to the boy, and where jj left back into the kitchens, "why didn't he serve him?"
a woman sighed before leaning in closer to you noticing your confused face, she has a soft elderly face, purple eyeshadow dapped on her eyes, "honey, he only serves you."
then the women gives her a pointed look, a coy smile flittering across her face.
and you're left more confused, a shy smile on your face.
taglist: @yourmumstoym @lionasvault @saturnrings77 @rainbowpiss34
let me know if you'd like to be added !!
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cute-sucker · 4 months
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note: these few asks will be a tribute to liona!! (inspiration) feel free to send me a few of your diner!jj asks as well :)
short masterlist: part one here, part two here, part four here, part five here, part six here !
you're a regular now, and you can't believe it. you can't believe that you make it to jj's diner, and people greet you with a smile. you can't believe that your little girl sits on jj's lap with happiness, and that jj's made chocolate milk a thing on the menu. 
it's something about the little things with him. theres sweetness in his eyes every single time you come in, and you can't help but bashfully sit down. your baby shrieks in happiness, kicking her chubby feet every single time she sees jj. 
and it's all great. your tiny apartment feels so small and cold when your in it. sometimes you get out and know exactly where to go. it's jj's diner. 
the next time you walk in, you're a daze.
"hey? waiter? can i have some food, please. been waiting for a goddamn ten minutes," a older man snaps at you. you feel bewildered as you stare at him, and back at the little girl in your hands. somehow something in you breaks and you walk up to their table. 
he glares at you, "didn't know it was bring your child to work. this place is a pigstry." 
hurt stabs in your chest, yet you feel scared, hands shaking as you try to continue holding your sleepy baby. it's all a misunderstanding you can tell, but he continues to ramble about the food he wants, raising his eyebrows as he points to things on the menu. you want to shake your head, you're not a waiter! you clearly look like a mom who's confused. sure, you're wearing a shirt that has jj's diner on it. 
that. that was a gift from him, something jj fished out for you that one time your baby girl spat on your dress. and to surprise him, and maybe even giggle about it you decided to wear it. goddamn it! of course, you'd get messed up with it- 
"did you get that?" he man scowls, a heavy set of brows furrowed. you feel tears well in your eyes. suddenly you turn and see jj heading your way. fear strikes your heart, oh no. you need to find a way to fix this. 
you shake your head quickly, "yes sir, i got that-" 
"hey, bambi what are you doin' here?" he laughs uneasily, giving you a quick look before eying you and the older man. you find yourself giving him a sheepish smile, trying to wipe your tears with his shirt. 
"listen here. i don't know who your manager is, but really your staff is not qualified to do their job. i've been talking to this girl for over ten minutes and she can't even do her damn job." 
you watch his eyes go wide almost realising what had happened. there was almost a sharp smile on his face before he turned back to you with a concerned look.
"hmm don't really remember hiring, do i?" he teases, before looking back at the man with a serious face, "i'm the owner." 
now the man sputters, before jj leans down to rest his hands on the table, "listen man. she doesn't work here, catch her a break. when we're ready to take your order, one of our staff will get your order, alright?" 
the guy looks as if he's going to say something, before jj gives him a tense smile, and quickly turns you around. he's got a tight hold on your arm, and you drag your legs to follow him. finally, the two of you are behind the curtan, near the kitchens. 
you can feel tears swell in your eyes, hands weakly rubbing your babies back. he's got his hand in his hair, and all you can see is his back. he's mad, you can feel it, and you can't help but let words tumble out of your mouth. 
"sorry jj, 'm really sorry. i know i'm stupid-" you croak out, trying to be as quiet as possible with the baby on your shoulder. jj turns around, noticing the way you look. your knees are about to buckle, and he seems to quickly pull a chair. 
then he places a finger on your lips, "shhh now. listen, i'm not mad. but you really gotta work on that confidence," and then he gently takes your baby from your hands. you let him hold her because your scared that she'll fall out of your hands. 
a keen sound escapes your mouth, as you try to collect yourself, "yeah. yeah i know," but all it sounds like is soft sighs, and you lower your head. 
suddenly he's next to you, holding the baby on his shoulder, as his coarse hand strokes your head, "don't worry about it mama. nothing to worry about," he cooes, before you scoot and you sit on his lap. 
you can feel his heart stuttering out, and you wonder what this is? is this a relationship with him holding your girl like that? is this love? but this was not the time for it. no, instead you wrap your hands around his waist, taking a deep breath. 
you let him hold you like that.
taglist: @yourmumstoym @lionasvault @saturnrings77 @rainbowpiss34 @wowza31419 @tcddszn @maraudersmyloves @stxr-slut @redhead1180 @dinnodallas
let me know if you'd like to be added !!
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cute-sucker · 4 months
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note: more for liona!! (inspiration) <3 send me some requests if you'd like some of diner!jj
short masterlist: part one here, part two here, part three here, part five here, part six here !
diner!jj learned early on that you hated loud noises. he watched you carefully the first time you were invited to the kitchen when the two of you had to curate the perfect version of the chocolate milk. he watched you cower at the noise, skittish as you tried to give him a smile.
all he did was place a soothing hand on your waist and pull you closer, and it was as if that worked. your body seemed to soften at his touch, and he bit back a smile.
but somehow you continued coming back into the kitchen, sitting on one of the counters and eating chocolate-covered strawberries. he could tell you loved chocolate. today you had come alone, leaving your baby with some granny near your apartment complex.
he watched you blush when you asked to come into the kitchen, expectantly looking up at him. he felt like a schoolboy stammering out sentences, hands in his pockets as he murmured out soft, 'yea's."
you were wearing jeans and a cute flowery top. there was something about the glow in your eyes when you walked in that made him want to bundle you up and kiss your forehead, but instead he found himself gruffly making muffins.
he could feel your eyes on him, keenly watching his every move, the ripple of his muscles, and one time when his white shirt rode up his back- you were watching. he turned back slowly to see you flushing, eying you a magazine that you had brought with you.
but that whole sweet moment is ruined by his staff, ernesto moves in quickly, "chef?"
jj clenches his jaw, eyes still on your figure as you go through pages of the magazine. "what's up?"
ernesto winces, running a hand through his hair, "chef, we fucked up the pancakes. burnt. all of them," and then he sees the way jj closes his eyes, and quickly moves in front of him, "but we're on it! we're fixing it, man."
at another moment he would yell. how the hell could well-seasoned cooks mess up something as simple as pancakes? it was one of their staple foods. but then his eyes travelled to you.
you sat there, blinking owlishly as if you could tell something had gone wrong. when jj catches your eye, you seem to bite your lip to stop a grin. there was something about that sight that softened his heart.
no, he could not yell.
god, you had such a hold on him, and you weren't even dating him. but knowing the way he felt for you, if the two of you started to he would worship the floor you walked on. he would make sure nothing made you scared again.
goddamn it.
he clenches his jaw, "just fucking fix it," and he walks off eye twitching.
you would be the bane of his existence.
taglist: @yourmumstoym @lionasvault @saturnrings77 @rainbowpiss34@wowza31419 @tcddszn@maraudersmyloves@stxr-slut@redhead1180@dinnodallas
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cute-sucker · 3 months
do we have more information about deer and rafe? i tried to look for it but i couldn't find anything about them in the diner!jj storyline:(
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ooohh !! yes, well i believe i added some more info about them in this drabble: part six here !
but overall, i think i'll be doing a longer fic where i will go more in-depth into their relationship. overall deer was a kook, and ended up becoming pregnant with rafe's baby wayyy too early. it kinda messed up with their relationship, and he wanted to tie her down, and show her his "love," by trapping her into a relationship.
given her timid nature she couldn't really say no to him, but quickly enough things got really scary and so for the sake of herself and her baby she had to go! (good for her !!)
understanding rafe x deer helps show us what she wants from jj, and why she's so shy about it. she's scared of getting into another relationship because of her previous wounds and tbh she wants to keep her baby safe most of all.
that's all i want to share for now but if y'all want a one shot of rafe finding out he's the dad, or just some of their dynamics (it would be kinda dark idk,) i think i would be interesting in doing that !!
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cute-sucker · 4 months
Your diner!!jj reminds me of my friend who’s mum and stepdad met kind of this way when she was tiny; her mum had her at 18 & he came into their life when her mum was in her mid 20s and we recently went to their wedding and his speech about my friend and being able to see her grow up oh my god I was crying. When diner!!JJ & reader get married in the future, I like to think it’s like that where JJ does this speech where part of it focuses on feeling honoured to be your daughters stepdad 😭
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STOP. this is the cutest thing ever. thank you so much for sharing this story because this is so so very much like diner!jj x deer!reader. they met early on and i think jj does see her baby grow up and he's practically her dad :(
the wedding thing....yes jj is definetly writing a part about how honored he is to be a stepdad, he says (dad,) because rafe has never really been a part of her life :(
i think that the two of them just clicked when the first met, yk? like although jj would never say it but he's not a fan of kids...and he always felt like he'd be a bad dad - bc of his issues.
i feel like deer!reader though and her baby is something that so foreign for him because he can feel how eager he is to be the best man for deer!reader, i mean we can even see it in his work ethnic, how his acts and gestures all point to caring for you!
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