#dingo king is adopted
princeweenie · 2 months
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more wof ocs!!! :D
random info under the cut hehe
Prince Genesis of the SkyWings is violent and angry, often participating in his mother’s cruel arena, taking out his anger on dragons forced to fight against him. He envies his twin brother, Prince Horizon, and his relationship with the lovely Princess Ephyra. Genesis wants everything Horizon has, and more.
Prince Dingo went from living the life of an abandoned orphan in the streets of the Scorpion Den, to living a lavish and spoiled life when he was adopted by King Badland. He spends his days causing chaos in the SandWing Stronghold and (obliviously) avoiding assassination attempts from his Aunt, Princess Seraphina.
Princess Ephyra is stoic, showing very little emotion at all times. She is soft-spoken, but harbors an impressive temper. Though not ever acting outright angry or violent, she can be cruel in her own way. She doesn’t care for much in the world and only desires a bit more fun in her luxurious, classy life.
Queen Paradise was a cruel, selfish dragon. Her ignorance and pettiness is what led to her death at the hands of Andromeda. She ignored the rising tensions between the NightWings and the RainWings, which caused many— especially Andromeda— to see her as an unfit queen.
Queen Evermore is a kind, motherly MudWing. She is quite easygoing and understanding, viewing her entire tribe as her family. Because of that, she can be a bit hesitant in offering aid to outsiders.
Queen Avalon doesn’t feel like a queen at all. After the death of her mother, Queen Paradise, she was forced onto the throne at the young age of 14. Avalon was once sassy, playful, and a bit mean; but ever since her mother’s death, she became quiet and subdued, hardly ever speaking or showing any emotion.
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bcyesandisaidso · 16 days
Adopt Me inventory drop!!!!! (Pets)
I am so bored lmao
1x Diamond Griffin
1x Fallow Deer
1x Glormy Leo
1x Golden Dragon
1x Golden Griffin
Lunar Gold Tiger
1x Metal Ox
1x Peacock
1x Zodiac Minion Chick
1x Badger
1x Black Springer Spaniel
3x Corgi
1x Ginger Cat (Neon)
1x Gingerbread Reindeer
1x Gold Mahi Mahi
1x Halloween White Skeleton Dog
1x Hydra
1x King Penguin
1x Ladybug
1x Lunar White Tiger
1x Magma Snail
1x Orca
2x Persian Cat
1x Pomeranian
1x praying mantis
1x Red Panda
1x Squirrel
1x Ribbon Seal
2x Robot
1x Salamader
1x Shiba Inu
2x Skunk
1x Space Whale
1x St. Bernard
1x Starfish
2x Swordfish
2x Toasty Red Panda
2x Toucan
1x Wyvern (Fly)
1x Zombie Wolf
1x Abyssinian
1x Australia Kelpie
1x Beaver
1x Black Moon Bear
1x Bloodhound
2x Blue Jay
2x Bunny
1x Dotted Egg
1x Gecko
1x Ghost Wolf
1x Gorilla
1x Halloween Evil Duchshund
1x Hippo
1x Ibex
1x Koi Carp
2x Lunar Tiger
1x Orange Betta Fish
4x Orangutan
1x Ox (Neon)
3x Parakeet
2x Rabbit
1x Shetland Pony Dark Brown
2x Singularity Beetle
1x Singularity Pisces
1x Snow Puma
2x Starhopper
1x Weevil
1x Woodpecker
3x Zebra
1x Angler Fish
2x Banded Palm Civet
1x Bat
1x Dorhyaena Gigantica
6x Camel
1x Chickatrice
3x Chocolate Labrador
1x Dingo
8x Donkey
1x Ermine
1x Fennec Fox
1x Fossa
1x Frogspawn
2x Halloween Black Mummy Cat (1x Neon 1x Rideable)
1x Halloween Black Scorpion (Neon)
2x Kirin
2x Mahi Mahi
3x Mole
2x Poodle
2x Puma
2x Red Cardinal
2x Rhino Beetle
1x Rock Pigeon
1x Rodeo Bull
1x Slug
4x Snow Cat
1x Snow Leopard (Neon)
1x Tanuki
1x Warthog
1x Angler Fish
5x Ant (1x Neon)
1x Bandicoot
1x Beluga whale (Neon)
3x Bufflo
4x Cat (1x Neon)
1x Chick
1x Cockroach (Neon)
1x Dog (Neon)
1x Flying Fish
3x Garden Snake
1x Kid Goat
1x Maleo bird
9x Mouse
2x Otter (1x Neon)
3x Piranha
1x Walrus
3x Wolpertiger
0 notes
fenheart87 · 4 years
Sprint Challenge 2 - Colorwheel
The silence echoed in the room, Marinette and Adrien were glaring at each other, a battle of wills making the silence oppressive and settled like a heavy weight on the other occupants of the room. Juleka never glanced up from her phone, Rose watched the heated debate-turned-argument unfold and Nino was fighting to keep Alix from adding fuel to the fire. Dingo had just left to pick up Luka and the rest of Kitty Section from the repair shop.
“You are unbelievable, seriously Adrien!”
“How did they even get into this argument again?" 
"No Idea I place my bets on Marinette.” Juleka murmured, eyes flicking to the arguing pair and back to her phone.
“Not even your own brother? So does that mean that you are going to bet Against me?” Alix chimed in, somehow holding resigned Nino in a headlock.
“Leave them alone dude, they will figure it out when they stop listening to respond and listen to talk.”
“Would you just stop being stubborn-”
“Me?! Pot meet kettle, you stop being stubborn!”
“Hey does anybody know what started all this like they seem that they might try to kill each other…” Rose cut in, concern growing as the quarrel was getting louder and louder. 
“Why are you being so dramatic over this?!” Marinette was well past being just plain worked up, rolling her eyes with a huff.
“Because it doesn’t make sense Marinette.” Adrien shot back, crossing his arms again.
“It makes perfect sense! It you would just do your job and let me do mine-” The designer exploded, pointing aggressively with her words.
“Not when you don’t make sense!” Adrien interrupted again, frowning hard enough that his resemblance to Gabriel uncanny.
“How?! How doesn’t it? I’ve been staring at these with you for at least six hours! I need to know which shades!”
“Why can’t fashion just have some good old color names, why do they always have to be so weird and unique and why can’t we just call them simple colors as what they are! Blue, dark blue, light blue I get. Cerulean, regal and bahama are just different shades of the same blues! They don’t need ten names for ten colors that look exactly the same.”
All eyes snapped to the quarreling pair, a dramatic offended gasp from the other pink person matched Marinette’s outraged face. Dingo and Luka slid into the room quietly as to not draw atttention to themselves. She straightened to her full height and Adrien shrunk a bit but didn’t fully back down.
“Uh Lulu, you might want to save the groom…”
“Nah, he deserves it.”
“You take that back right now Agreste or I quit and you can explain to Kagami why she has to pick a new wedding dress!”
“They’re just colors Marinette.”
“Oi! Lime green and electric green ill have you know are two completely different colors!” Dingo chimed in to defend Marinette.
Heaving a big sigh and rolling his green eyes, the blond admitted, “I just don’t see what the big deal is, that’s all. It’s just for our wedding, one event of many that we will share together.”
“Adrien Michelle Quincy Salvatore Athanase Agretste I will end you if you do not take back those words right now!” Rose threw her notebook she had long abandoned into her chair and marched over the taller blonde, blue eyes narrowed and frown marring her pixie like face. Adrien glanced between the two women and stepped back, growing more and more nervous.
Luka moved closer, sliding in between the scared lamb and lionesses about to tear into his hide. “Look I admit most of the time I can’t tell the difference between Tiger and Tangerine, even though Marinette uses both colors often. What I do know is she has a passion and drive for colors, fabrics and sewing, like I do for my music. Just means while we see pink and light pink, she sees mauve and baby pink just like we can hear different keys in different remakes.”
“Ah I didn’t think about it that way I guess you’re right… I’m sorry Marinette I wasn’t trying to be insensitive or a jerk..”
“You’re forgiven only if you forgive me. Im sorry too, we are all stressed and I shouldn’t have started that argument. This is a big day and while I know you and Kagami won’t notice the little details I put into this, I just want it to be as special as possible. The cocoa color was your mom wore for her wedding, that’s why I wanted to include it so she could be included too. The pinks are rose and myself, Luka is hard to pin down on which blue, I still think Azure and Cyan is a great idea mixed if you trust me to dye the fabric.”
“There’s a whole story hiding in this…” Adrien moved closer to the quilted banner that Marinette had been pestering him about for days.
“Nino and Alya,” she pointed to other color swatches, “Chloe and of course our heros to help watch over and keep you both safe… That’s why I’m being a pain, your colors are red and gold with hints of blacks and whites but this is my wedding gift for the both of you. Kagami was upset she cannot wear her chosen wedding dress but I was able to get free reign for the after party and we might need an EMT at the party.”
“Marinette… I love it and thank you for being so thoughtful. I don’t know the color names but I think I can at least pick out the colors with the swatches”
Marinette sniffled and pulled Adrien into a hug, surprising the ex-model for a moment before he returned it. Rose joined in, dragging Juleka and Alix, Nino wandering over on his own.
“Group hug!” Dingo shoved Luka in behind Marinette and with the help of Ivan, squished everyone together until they broke apart in laughter.
“So Marinette, what are your dream wedding colors?”
“Periwinkle.” The color choice slipped out as she stretched, meeting Luka’s frozen blue eyes. “Pink and blue make purple after all!”
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verfound · 4 years
FIC: OC-tober 2020: Day 23: Revenge (MLB/Dingo (OC))
Prompt: Revenge
Character/Pairing: Dingo King (OC), Luka Couffaine
Rating: T / PG-13 / Teen
Notes: This song came on Pandora.  And that’s about all the excuse I have.  xD (Nods towards “Totes His Goat” and all the headcanons that’ve been tossed around LBSC where Luka Compulsively Adopts All The Disabled Animals, to the point where they have to get a farm.)
Dingo’s waited a long time for this opportunity. By the time he finally gets the phone call, Dewey is almost five.
That’s a long freakin’ time to wait for revenge.
But he’s patient (sorta).  He knew the opportunity would come.  If he could just wait.  And, because Luka really is the best mate ever, when Dingo had waited long enough he practically gift-wrapped it for him.
Revenge is a dish best served cold, after all, and Dingo’s been letting his chill for decades.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
154. Sonic Super Special #14
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Law of the Land
Writer: Evan Skolnick and Jim Spivey Pencils: Suzanne Paddock and Harvo! Colors: Josh and Aimee Ray
This is more of a silly story, which, while the timeline isn't specified, I estimate to take place sometime before Eggman's return at the beginning of the era. This is due to the fact that it begins with Sonic and Sally strolling peacefully through the forest while discussing how nothing has been going on lately, a statement which is hugely at odds with what has been going on lately. Suddenly, a zone portal opens up in front of them, and two echidnas in riot gear burst through, slap Sally knocking her out, and grab Sonic while telling him he's under arrest for "extreme mental anguish and permanent emotional scarring," which if you ask me just sounds like an average day on Tumblr. They drag him through the portal into the city of Litigopolis, and take him to the castle, where the J.U.D.G.E. - the Judgmental Unrelenting Digitized Governmental Enforcer, which of course looks exactly like original Robotnik - is to sentence him for his apparent crimes. He's greeted by Johnny Snively, the prosecutor, but luckily for him his lawyer is Sally McAcorn, there to act as his defense. It takes them ten hours in court, but McAcorn eventually manages to get him out on bail, and explains how the law became so strict in the city.
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Eventually, the amount of lawsuits and crimes became so high that the king hired Robotnik Enterprises to build the J.U.D.G.E., a supercomputer which was supposed to help manage the city's legal system. It of course quickly took over, sentenced the king to life in prison for "ruler malpractice," created a bunch of new, unreasonably strict laws to keep the populace fearful and complacent, and hired a bunch of echidnas as his security force. McAcorn tells Sonic that no one has tried to shut off the J.U.D.G.E. because of their fear of said security force, which is of course Sonic's cue to race away hoping to pull off just such a scheme. However, as expected, the moment he enters the J.U.D.G.E.'s HQ…
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He runs for his life, deciding to abandon his attempt for now and racing back to safety at McAcorn's residence. She's irritated at his rash decision, thinking he's only made the case for his innocence worse, even though they now have video proof from amateur videographers on the streets that the original crime he was arrested for wasn't even committed by him.
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Of course it would have been Evil Sonic, zone-hopper extraordinaire. McAcorn cautions Sonic against committing any more crimes, thinking it best to lay low as committing even one more crime might cause the J.U.D.G.E. to have a massive meltdown. And thus, Sonic gets his second crazy idea of the day.
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The plan works, and the J.U.D.G.E. blows up, sending Snively flying out of the building. When Lieutenant Knuckles of the police force tries to show up to arrest Sonic once more, McAcorn simply whacks him with her suitcase. Sonic worries about how he'll get home, since the technology used to create the zone portals was destroyed in the explosion, but you know who always ends up showing up when zone-hopping takes place - Zonic, of course! He cheekily sends Sonic back off to his home zone before he can get a grateful kiss from McAcorn, which is probably a good thing even though Sonic's mad about it, because… well, c'mon buddy, that may be a Sally, but that's not your Sally!
Best of Times Worst of Times
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Josh and Aimee Ray
So Knuckles' whole story has kind of been put on hold lately, due both to the cancellation of his own series, and the Sonic Adventure adaption that had been taking up all the screentime until recently. But Penders has finally found a solution to this: from now on, until the end of the fourth era (with only a few exceptions here and there between issues), Knuckles and his race get the backup story all to themselves. Karl handles most of the main stories of each issue, which all deal with Sonic and Knothole and, you know, the main thing most people are probably coming to the comic to see, while Penders gets to handle everything past each halfway mark. I would say this is mostly a good thing, as there's quite a few loose ends that need to be wrapped up from KtE, and y'all already know I quite liked that series. However, now that all of Knuckles and the other echidnas' ventures have been reduced to backup stories within the main comic, the quality of said stories begins to suffer drastically. This story is of the same quality of the original KtE, probably because it gets to be a normal story length thanks to the double length of Super Specials, but it also marks the beginning point of a pretty infamous arc within the comic, simply dubbed the Green Knuckles Saga by many fans. Wondering what the hell the Green Knuckles Saga might be? Well, we only have a few issues left before we find out - so for now, let's press on!
This story hilariously opens with an honest-to-god *record scratch* "Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation" moment. A confused Knuckles finds himself running for his life from a massive, expanding orange blast of energy, which chases him all the way to the edge of his island. Having no other choice, he leaps for his life over the edge, into the ocean far below.
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Well, that's probably not good. But how, indeed, did Knuckles *record scratch* get into this situation? It all began at his mother's wedding that morning. She and Wynmacher have finally gotten married, and while Knuckles is still a little torn about how to feel, ultimately he's happy for his mom, recognizing that Wynmacher really is a genuinely good guy.
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Romance is in the air on this day, and Vector, predictably, has a bit of a sour attitude about it, flippantly dismissing the mood while Julie-Su happily hangs onto Knuckles' arm. They find Constable Remington in the crowd with his pretty companion Komi-Ko, but they don't get long to chat before he gets a call from the precinct, calling him back to deal with a brewing situation. While he leaves, telling Knuckles he'll call if he needs backup, we head over to Haven, where we find a very, very unexpected guest visiting.
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Man, just when you thought Kenders had introduced enough grandfathers, we get one more! This guy is the father of Hawking, who if you'll remember is still lying in the medbay on life support in a coma. If you're wondering why we haven't heard of him before, it's because he apparently transcended his physical form a while ago so he could spend the rest of his "life" in quiet meditation in another zone, you know, as one does. However, just a little while ago he felt a disturbance in the Force, and realizing that Dimitri was amassing his forces for yet another attempt to take over the island and echidna civilization as a whole, Mathias just plopped himself back into the physical realm somehow so he could lead his many, many descendants into battle against the Dark Legion. I really just can't get over how this guy, never once mentioned or even hinted at before, has suddenly appeared out of goddamn nowhere to introduce the next plot hook. While this is going on, Knuckles, Julie-Su, and the rest of the Chaotix (still minus Charmy - he's really been missing for a long time now, hasn't he?) all saddle up on some streaking pashas and gallop out of the city to let off some steam. Really, now that the whole Chaos situation has been resolved, life seems positively idyllic on the Floating Island, doesn't it? After dropping Komi-Ko back off at her apartment, Remington hails a cab which just so happens to contain our old friend Harry, who is not at all happy to see him.
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He tells Remington that apparently, General von Stryker has decided to organize a massive protest - meaning, since we're talking about the dingoes here, more like a riot - as apparently, conditions for the dingoes in the city still haven't improved, even despite Remington taking a personal interest. Remington is worried that with the High Council due to make a decision on the matter soon, things will quickly spiral out of control if the protest goes forward, and Harry apparently agrees, as he doesn't even demand payment for the cab ride, just telling Remington to forget he ever saw him there as Remington meets up with his men nearby. Meanwhile, we learn that Knuckles apparently didn't take everyone along on the pasha ride purely for leisure - he's in fact led them straight to the Grand Conservatory, the very place he first met Archimedes and fought Enerjak.
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Well well, nice to see Julie-Su actually acknowledge the meeting she had with her adoptive father a while ago! Though it's certainly suspicious that he apparently just "disappeared" shortly thereafter… Now get ready for some rapid skipping around between characters! Knuckles isn't the only one who's come to the Grand Conservatory - Mathias has led the entire Brotherhood there, as it's apparently where the Dark Legion has holed up for now. Spectre rushes especially aggressively into the battle, with the others noting that this seems personal for him, and the entire Brotherhood teams up to begin the assault on the Legion's new makeshift base, causing them to begin an evacuation. Far away from here, Wynmacher and Lara-Le land in their personal aircraft on a landing pad at the "Albion Chalet," which despite its name is just a luxury destination on the Floating Island itself, for their honeymoon. At the same time, von Stryker leads his soldiers into their riot, firing their guns wildly into the air with the safeties off, shouting about how the echidnas aren't treating them nicely enough. Gee, I wonder why, General? Remington and his men arrive at the scene, and Remington orders everyone to hold fire, still hoping that he can convince the general to see reason. On Knuckles' side of the Conservatory, Legion members begin pouring into the room, and before Knuckles can react a group of soldiers grab Julie-Su and drag her off into one of their flying saucer vehicles, which flies away leaving the others unable to help her as they're attacked by more soldiers. And finally, back at Haven…
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Man, I genuinely feel bad for Hawking - he was literally kept on life support this entire time, with obviously no hope of recovery, and he had to wait until everyone was out of the place to even be allowed to properly die. Remember, it's been nearly a year by now of him just lying on this table, with Locke even expending his own energies to keep Hawking alive at one point when he started to flatline. Julie-Su is taken to a large battleship flying just off the edge of the Floating Island, where Lien-Da gloats about capturing her and mockingly reminds her of how she's her half-sister, clearly still not over their father having remarried in the past. Geez, what a petty bitch, right?
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Oh man, we finally get to see Simon again, as well as seeing Floren-Ca for the first time! Back on the bridge, Dimitri defends having had Julie-Su abducted to Moritori Rex, who has by now gotten rid of his visor to reveal perfectly normal-looking organic eyes (something which seems a little at odds with his previous backstory), saying that Julie-Su is still a part of his family whether Moritori likes it or not. Huh, didn't take you for the sentimental type, Dimitri. He then orders Moritori to fire the Quantum Beam, and it bursts out of the ship's cannons in an explosion of light, consuming every part of the Floating Island, interrupting every scene, happy and unhappy, over the entire island.
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Goddamn. Honestly, this kind of reminds me of the scene from Sonic '06 where Solaris begins consuming all of time and space. Dimitri expresses regret that he had to pull the trigger with Knuckles still on the island, but ultimately recognizes that Knuckles only ever stood to get in their way, and claims that they can finally reclaim what is rightfully theirs. The ship flies off toward the island, which has begin to fade from existence as if into another dimension. No one is aware of Knuckles' survival, a lone figure floating unconscious on debris left in the waters far below…
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whaaattheflower · 7 years
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Aloha Aroha! Hi Gabby! @sunkissedjae I’ve been your buddy for the last two weeks during the Arohas Network Aloha Aroha Project! Through sending you anons every day I feel like I got to see a glimpse of what kind of a person you are and I can honestly say I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. I hope this can be beginning of our friendship and I’m glad you were my buddy. Here’s a little gifset I put together based on some of the things I learned about you through our anons. Hope you enjoy! 🖤
Over the past 2 weeks I sent Gabby a lot of asks trying to figure out things about her that I didn’t know before this project. Some of the things I learned were:
Young and Free by Xiumin and Mark is a song that puts Gabby in a good mood. 
One of her favourite videos is “Lets do the fork in the garbage disposal”, which is a funny video in itself, but, she’s also a fan of Got7. The first time I watched their video on dingo for Never Ever promotions, Yugyeoms little dance in the back made me think of the meme. (x)
If she could see anyone live in concert, it’d be Green Day because she grew up listening to them and her entire family likes them. 
One of her happiest memories is the story of how she and her girlfriend got together. Also, she asked her girlfriend to go to homecoming with her and she said yes and Gabby is super excited for it. 🤗
Her current fave songs last week were Outro: Her by BTS, You’re So Fly by BTOB, And JULY by Heize ft Dean, ラビリンス by Mondo Grosso, and Take Me by MISO.
Her top 3 groups & biases as well as their favourite songs are Monsta X’s Jooheon and the song Rush, BTS’ J-Hope and the song Blood Sweat & Tears, and Got7′s Bambam and the song A.
Her hobbies are colorguard, dancing, theater, writing and film. Some of her favourite movies are Coraline, Finding Nemo, The Grand Budhapest Hotel, and the Chucky series. Also, when asked “if ye had the chance te change yer fate, woodyeh??” Gabbys response was “I’m sorry I don’t speak bear” sdjhksfhfe
She has family in Mexico and wants to visit there, but also go to Japan because she thinks its beautiful and shes really interested in their culture.
Her ideal day would be a date with Jooheon where they wake up early and watch the sunrise together on a mountain, spend the entire day at Disneyland, and then go home to their cat and dog (Thor and Wasabi in case you were wondering) where they fall asleep watching The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Shes very interested in writing, filiming, editing, and choreography. She’s currently directing the dance number for You’ve Never Had A Friend Like Me from Aladdin for a production and she’s going to be Genie. She’s also going to be a lead dancer in her school’s fall play 💃🏽
Her dad is someone that she really looks up to and gets inspiration from. She’s very close to him and wants to grow up to be like him.Her favourite animal is actually a monkey because he’s called her Monkey since she was 2 and used to joke that her real dad was Rafiki from The Lion King. 🐒
And some last few tidbits of info are that she loves all colors equally, is a morning person, and her favourite season is winter. 
If Gabby won the lottery, the thing’s shed do with her money is put some in savings, rent her dream apartment, pay off debt, adopt a pitbull or bulldog (or maybe both who knows), buy a new colorguard rifle, and be an annual pass holding Club 33 member at Disneyland. 
Last but not least, we have the same favourite disney movie, The Princess and the Frog, and our all time favourite disney song is Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast. 
Even though this project was only 2 weeks long and this post marks the end of it, I really enjoyed getting to know you. I had fun talking to you every day and I hope that we continue to get to know each other better from here on out. 
Love always, your Aloha Aroha, Ru. 💟
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Elect Now to Help People Magazine Choose the World’s Cutest Rescue Dog
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Updated September 10, 2020|For Dog People By Rhona Melsky
How do you obtain featured in People publication? If you’re a cute rescue dog, after that you have a leg up (no pun intended). And also, People is going to make it take place for one lucky pet dog in its 3rd yearly World’s Cutest Rescue Dog Contest. This very special competition highlights not simply the marvels of these dogs however the advantages that they bring to the people who embrace them.
Open up to all saves despite the dimension, age, or type of pet, the contest running in July and August got greater than 10,000 entries from pet dog parents throughout the nation, as well as each included a photo as well as a pleasant fostering story. People judges after that had the hard option of selecting just 10 finalists.
From left, pictures by Kristine Welsh-Loveman(Bolt), Nina Aguero Rios(Diana), and also Christin Schubert(Lamb Chop). Currently it’s time for People readers and also followers to step up for these fuzzy close friends by voting to narrow down the entries to three. Each pet dog is adorable with an one-of-a-kind rescue story, so it’s certainly not mosting likely to be a walk in the park. Each vote is crucial and brings the competition one action closer to finding out who will certainly wear this year’s canine crown. Ballot finishes quickly on September 14.
Judges from People and also contest sponsor Pedigree, along with star courts, will handle the following action: picking the winner from the three continuing to be leading pets. Those celebrity courts include: Lara Spencer of Good Morning America; Carrie Ann Inaba of Dancing with destiny and also The Talk; and also singer/songwriter Cassadee Pope.
From left, images by Stacy Koslek(King), as well as Lisa Wakida (Koa). This year’s winner will certainly be in excellent firm. In 2018, the competition’s first year, a one-eyed gold retriever called Penny won. She was conserved from a violent street life in Turkey and also currently lives the great pet life in Maryland. Kasey the Keeshond, a former pup mill pet, discovered contest fame in 2019 when she won. She’s now in New Jersey with her adoptive family members where she gets lots of love.
Interested citizens can help make one of the doggy
entrant’s dreams come true, from King, a previous stray Husky to Missy Fox, the American Dingo that just had days delegated live at the sanctuary. You can elect your preferred by click on this link.
From left, images
by Jane Jones (Lunas), and Barbara Sihilling (Missy Fox). Winner Takes All Certainly, all the rescue dogs are victors and also will continue to live a life of happiness and snuggles in their adoptive houses after the contest. Yet one grand reward champion will get some fantastic treats. According to People, the prizes consist of a custom photoshoot, a People magazine as well as people.com function, one year’s supply of Pedigree pet dog food and a $1,000 contribution to an animal rescue organization chosen by the champion.
Excusable for a pet day’s work!
So, surrender as well as vote. The pets are waiting.
Click here to elect!
Included pictures courtesy of, from left, Barry Murphy (Benji), Rosemary Bodell (Billy Marbles), and Stacie Miller (Ollie).
Additional Reading
Rhona Melsky is a longtime writer/editor, animal advocate, canine rescuer, as well as typically skilled vocalist who shares her home with 2 precious rescue dogs and a partner.
The Dog People E-newsletter
Register as well as obtain $25 off family pet resting as well as dog strolling!
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/vote-now-to-help-people-magazine-choose-the-worlds-cutest-rescue-dog/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/09/elect-now-to-help-people-magazine.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Elect Now to Help People Magazine Choose the World’s Cutest Rescue Dog
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Updated September 10, 2020|For Dog People By Rhona Melsky
How do you obtain featured in People publication? If you’re a cute rescue dog, after that you have a leg up (no pun intended). And also, People is going to make it take place for one lucky pet dog in its 3rd yearly World’s Cutest Rescue Dog Contest. This very special competition highlights not simply the marvels of these dogs however the advantages that they bring to the people who embrace them.
Open up to all saves despite the dimension, age, or type of pet, the contest running in July and August got greater than 10,000 entries from pet dog parents throughout the nation, as well as each included a photo as well as a pleasant fostering story. People judges after that had the hard option of selecting just 10 finalists.
From left, pictures by Kristine Welsh-Loveman(Bolt), Nina Aguero Rios(Diana), and also Christin Schubert(Lamb Chop). Currently it’s time for People readers and also followers to step up for these fuzzy close friends by voting to narrow down the entries to three. Each pet dog is adorable with an one-of-a-kind rescue story, so it’s certainly not mosting likely to be a walk in the park. Each vote is crucial and brings the competition one action closer to finding out who will certainly wear this year’s canine crown. Ballot finishes quickly on September 14.
Judges from People and also contest sponsor Pedigree, along with star courts, will handle the following action: picking the winner from the three continuing to be leading pets. Those celebrity courts include: Lara Spencer of Good Morning America; Carrie Ann Inaba of Dancing with destiny and also The Talk; and also singer/songwriter Cassadee Pope.
From left, images by Stacy Koslek(King), as well as Lisa Wakida (Koa). This year’s winner will certainly be in excellent firm. In 2018, the competition’s first year, a one-eyed gold retriever called Penny won. She was conserved from a violent street life in Turkey and also currently lives the great pet life in Maryland. Kasey the Keeshond, a former pup mill pet, discovered contest fame in 2019 when she won. She’s now in New Jersey with her adoptive family members where she gets lots of love.
Interested citizens can help make one of the doggy entrant’s dreams come true, from King, a previous stray Husky to Missy Fox, the American Dingo that just had days delegated live at the sanctuary. You can elect your preferred by click on this link.
From left, images
by Jane Jones (Lunas), and Barbara Sihilling (Missy Fox). Winner Takes All Certainly, all the rescue dogs are victors and also will continue to live a life of happiness and snuggles in their adoptive houses after the contest. Yet one grand reward champion will get some fantastic treats. According to People, the prizes consist of a custom photoshoot, a People magazine as well as people.com function, one year’s supply of Pedigree pet dog food and a $1,000 contribution to an animal rescue organization chosen by the champion.
Excusable for a pet day’s work!
So, surrender as well as vote. The pets are waiting.
Click here to elect!
Included pictures courtesy of, from left, Barry Murphy (Benji), Rosemary Bodell (Billy Marbles), and Stacie Miller (Ollie).
Additional Reading
Rhona Melsky is a longtime writer/editor, animal advocate, canine rescuer, as well as typically skilled vocalist who shares her home with 2 precious rescue dogs and a partner.
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from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/vote-now-to-help-people-magazine-choose-the-worlds-cutest-rescue-dog/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/629161167070298112
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