#dinoetae au
electro-strike · 2 years
Lazy Morning
This horrible fic is brought to by and is a direct result of @incorrectclonequotes​ pulling me into their Dogma/Hardcase shipping hellhole. Is this fic good and are the characters fully in character probably not. But did I have fun writing it, definitely. Will I get better at writing, potentially. Will I make more, probably I love these two. But for now please enjoy fic of my creation
Dogma likes rules, it’s just who he is. Rules keep you on track and out of trouble. Though his time with the 501st has definitely influenced and made him realize blind loyalty to the said rules is not always the right decision. Dogma still follows a schedule and his own “rules” even after leaving the GAR and becoming less of a rigid and by-the-book trooper since rules still hold a value to him.
That is why even though he is no longer required to, Dogma always gets up at 7:00am every morning and starts his day. It's not as early of rise as in the GAR and well, always is a strong word since some day the rules are forgotten and he sleeps in a bit longer. Leading to a ratio of 70% getting up and 30% sleeping in. Today however, he got up, the world still dark outside, left his bed and walked into the bathroom. Rubbing his eyes he picked up a toothbrush and was just about to turn on the faucet when he felt arms around his waist. 
“Why did you leave?” said Hardcase sleepily.
Ah Hardcase, what Dogma saw in him at first he couldn't tell you. A brash, headstrong, often rule breaking trooper somehow snuck his way into Dogma’s heart and refused to leave. So after the war they both settled down together on a planet well known but still secluded enough to live a peaceful and quiet life together. They both still have connections to the GAR and many of their closest friends also live on this same world. Hardcase, though he may seem dense and not particularly bright, is very smart, designing and testing new types of weapons such as blasters and explosives. Dogma handles the more technical side of things often dealing with the paperwork.
“You know I get up every morning,” Dogma replied.
“Yeah, but you were so warm” Hardcase replied rubbing his face into the back of Dogma’s neck “so come back to bed please”
Dogma wanted to say no, to get his day started, but he was still kinda tired, wanting to stay with his husband may have also influenced that opinion, so he agreed.
“Fine, but only for five minutes okay, then I am leaving, understand?”
“Perfectly” Hardcase replied “ would you like me to wake you then? 
Both men walked back to the bed and Dogma settled into a comfortable position with his back up against Hardcase’s chest with Hardcase’s arms circled around his chest. Hardcase quickly buried his face into Dogma's neck. Dogma looked at the clock on his night stand and it read 7:15am, it's only five minutes. What's the worst that could happen?
When Dogma awoke, the room was very warm and not because of his husband's body directly next to his. Weird, the room was also bathed in much brighter light than before. Did they forget to turn off a light? Dogma looked up at the clock, 10:15am. 
“What?” his soon to be very dead husband replied.
“I told you to wake me up after five minutes!”
“Well, I could of but I was already starting to nod off, and you looked so calm and peaceful, I didn't want to wake you” Harcase said sheepishly “ beside you going to tell me that you didn't enjoy sleeping in with me?”
Domga gave a slight blush of embarrassment and said “Well… no.. but I still wanted to get up!”
Hardcase smirked and started planting kisses on Domgas neck.
“Hey stop it” Dogma said as he squirmed and tried, and failed, to roll away.
“Never” Harcase retorted as his kisses become more passionate.
“You are the worst,” Dogma said.
“But you love me” Hardcase replied after planting a few more kisses.
Eventually Hardcase would stop and Dogma could finally begin his day but he was right. Dogma had enjoyed sleeping in Hardcase’s arms, though he probably wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that, however he wouldn't change anything about it.     
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electro-strike · 2 years
Here is another fic that I do not claim to be 100% accurate but just satisfies the feels. I mention clone trooper medic Slasher(belongs to @alamogirl80) who I fell in love with. I hope they are okay with me letting me use him in my AU (mostly just as a background character) but if they are not then just let me know and I will remove him.
It was a beautiful day on Dinoetae, Hardcase and Dogma had taken their work out to the back deck. They usually worked indoors but today was so nice it seemed a waste to spend it inside. The sun was shining with decent cloud cover and there was a slight breeze that shook the trees surrounding their house, but not enough to disturb their work.  A small flock of Enantiornithine A flew overhead and a few settled on the railings to observe the two clones. 
Hardcase was tinkering with a new type of small bomb as the GAR was asking for new prototypes. After Hardcase and Dogma left the GAR they needed a job and the Republic was offering positions for weapons engineers of various availability. Hardcase took the one where you worked off sight and sent in new designs on whatever schedule you signed up for and the GAR would look it over and either reject or accept it. If accepted it would be produced if rejected Hardcase could either try and sell it to a smaller company that wasn’t at odds with the Republic or drop the design. More often than not the designs were accepted leaving no real reason to look elsewhere. Dogma offered to split the job with Hardcase, leaving him to do the designs and Dogma dealing with the paperwork, emails, and legal processing. Occasionally, both of them would assist the other if need be, but most of the time that wasn't necessary.  
Hardcase worked on his newest project on a table and Dogma was sitting cross-legged on one of their cushioned outdoor sofas nearby. He had a pile of daptands next to him on his left and was currently reading one of them, probably sending or receiving emails.
 “Hey, do you remember Wooley?” Dogma asked.
“What?” Hardcase replied looking up from his experiment “sorry, wasn’t listening” 
“Do you remember Wooley?” Dogma asked again.
Wooley. Hardcase had to think about that name for a bit. The name sounded familiar but nothing was coming to mind, wait-
“Wasn't he apart of the 212th?”
Dogma nodded. Hardcase remembered seeing him one or twice during the war but they didn't interact to any significant degree.
“Why are you getting emails from Wooley?” 
“I didn't, Tup sent me a message saying he met Wooley on Coruscant at that artists convention he was invited to showcase at”
“Well Tup knows him better than I do, apparently he became a ARC trooper during the war”
“Really” Hardcase said as paired two wires together
“Oh and get this apparently he is married to some 212th medic named Slasher”
“I've never heard of him before” 
“Neither have I” replied Dogma “they are also going to be moving out to Dinoetae pretty soon though”
“That’s good, it’s nice to have more brothers out here”
After that last comment Dogma went silent and both men went back to work. However, Hardcase found himself watching Dogma more than he was actively focusing on his tinkering going into an auto-pilot mode. Dogma looked so much more relaxed and at peace than he was during the war. His face wasn't tense and his limbs were held casually. It was a rare occurrence to get Dogma to truly relax and let go during the war, but now he was free and had no reason to be stressed.
Hardcase smiled lovingly at his riduur, Dogma was perfect in his eyes and he was just so happy to be with him. Dogma suddenly smirked while scrolling on his datapad. Hardcase was confused at what he was smirking at, was it something he read or-
The Enantiornithine A scattered and Hardcase fell backwards hitting the ground as his bomb exploded on the table. Hardcase started coughing from the smoke and from having the wind knocked out of him. After his senses came back to him he sat up and heard laughter. Standing up he saw Dogma clutching his stomach as he laughed.
“Oh har dee har har” Hardcase retorted, crossing his arms “just laugh as the love of your life nearly kills himself!”
Dogma spoke with a smile, his shoulder still shaking slightly from his laughter. “I saw you staring at me but I didn't say anything.” He collected himself then went on “I also watched you connecting the wires which I knew would cause an explosion”
“Wow, watching me about to kill myself and you did nothing” Hardcase said sarcastically.
“If you were about to do something legitimately dangerous I would have said something!” Dogma said in a deadpan manner.  
Hardcase smirked and walked over to his riduur, resting his fists on either side of Dogma’s legs and leaned down so their heads were level. Dogma slightly blushed as Hardcase looked him in the eyes.    
“Nothing, just love you” Hardcase said smoothly.
Dogma blushed again and turned his head away from Hardcase “your such a sap you di'kut.” 
Hardcase simply raised one hand and gently guided Dogma in for a soft kiss. As their lips parted, Dogma said “C'mon we should get back to work.”
“Alright” Hardcase replied and he pulled away but stopped to give a quick kiss to Dogma’s forehead “but I intend to finish that little moment in bed tonight”
Dogma blushed even more and yelled “HARDCASE!” with more affection than anything else.
Hardcase's only response was a laugh as he walked back to his work table.
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electro-strike · 2 years
Here have this crappy sketchy drawing that happens in the background of my upcoming fic 
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Just Echo scuba diving over a sandy seabed while being followed by a Plesiosaurus
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electro-strike · 2 years
What is Hound up to in your Dinoetae AU?
Hound is living in a house on Dinoetae with Stone and Thire. They are not in a relationship just platonic bros sharing a house. He obviously took Grizzer with him when he left and also adopted a domesticated spotted Tatooine Anooba named Scout on Dinoetae. Scout is more calm and collected and likes to observer situations before going into them, but that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy having fun. If Hound is not at home he likes to sit by Stone. Grizzer may seem intimidating but she just wants to give and accept love. The two get along well and will often sleep on Hounds bed during the night with one on each side of him.
Hound works at a therapy center that uses animals as a way to help the patients. This center is open to all life forms but clones use this specific center the most. Hound doesn't do the therapy session but more so takes care of the animals there, but if a brother reaches out to him he won't turn them down. Grizzer and Scout occasionally put some time into the center themselves as support animals.
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Scout: Image from The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide
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electro-strike · 2 years
Here is another crappy sketchy storyboard sketch for my upcoming fic
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Jesse you should be careful when surfing
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electro-strike · 2 years
Where is the Dinoetae planet located?
Dinoetae is located right where that yellow dot is
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electro-strike · 2 years
This fic is another one that could be better, but I like it. I will improve as a writer but for now please enjoy some nice Dogma/Hardcase interactions.
Neither Hardcase or Dogma were interested in gardening. There was no particular reason it was just not their thing. However their house did have some plants in the front of their house that needed to be cleaned. So when the weekend rolled around both men set to work. Hardcase was on one end currently trimming the bushes branches back. Dogma was on the other and on his knees pulling out all the dead plants.
“What did you do?” Dogma asked with a sigh as he pulled on a particular small bush that refused to budge.
“I may have cut a bit too far,” Hardcase said sheepishly.
Dogma looked up and sure enough one side of the bush had a huge chunk missing out of it and simply gave Hardcase a deadpan expression.
“Don’t look at me like that, I didn't mean to!” Hardcase said while laughing.
“Mm-hmm” Dogma grunted going back to pulling on the bush “and you wonder why I don't let you handle sharp objects.” A Chamops, disturbed by Dogma’s actions, skittered away. 
“Hey, I am a mature individual, I can handle sharp pointy things!” Hardcase retorted with a teasing voice.
“Yeah your so mature, like that one time where you, Fives, and Jesse thought it would be a good idea to throw darts at each other”   
“That was one time” Hardcase retaliated “and no one got hurt.....except when Kix found out and nearly killed us” 
“Case in point” Dogma said and pulled again on the bush, but only a small branch broke off. Dogma sighed and threw it in the pile behind him with all the other garden waste. A few Enantiornithine B nosed around the pile looking for small insects or reptiles to eat. 
Dogma finally had enough of twisting and pulling the bush and getting no results. So he got up and then squatted down over the bush and braced himself and pulled with all his might. Eventually after a few seconds it gave way and Dogma tumbled backwards. Hardcase turned when he heard the noise and came over 
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, this was just giving me trouble” gesturing to the bush. Hardcase nodded and went back to trying his best to not disfigure the rest of the plants in the yard. Dogma paused to examine the bush before throwing it in the pile. The bush had a long root system that was so entangled no wonder it was so hard to get out. There was also something else in the bushes roots, a long thick object that almost looked like a rope, weird. Dogma took a closer look at the mysterious object which then moved, what in the-
“GAAAH” Dogma yelled, throwing the bush away.
 “What's wrong, are you okay?” hardcase asked alarmed.
“Yeah I'm okay, there just a snake in that bush”
“Woah really?”
“Yes I sugge- Hardcase what are you doing?”  
Hardcase went over to where the bush had landed and bent down and gently picked up the snake. “Oooh he is so cute, look at him.” The snake seemed unbothered despite it being thrown about and now being picked up by a clone. It simply flicked its tongue in and out and started slithering around in Hardcase’s hand. Hardcase stood up and shoved the snake in Dogma’s face.
“Look at him, isn't he great?”
“Nope get that thing out of my face” Dogma said backing away.
“Awww are you afraid of snakes,” Hardcase said teasingly.
“No, I'm not afraid of snakes, I’m just aware of them.” 
Dogma looked down at the snake who gave him a dead eye stare and flicked his tongue. Though he did have to admit it was pretty with its dark brown body broken up with black stripes outlined with white and sets of two dorsal spots that run down its body. Hardcase let it slither up his arm and hang around his shoulder. 
“Well you can keep entertaining yourself with that thing, I’m going to finish our job” 
“I’m still going to help you just let me put this guy somewhere”
Hardcase walked over to the nearest tree in their yard and let his new friend go. “I’ll see you later, now” The snack simply flicked his tongue and slithered away. Hardcase ran back and sidled up to Dogma.
“So can we get a snake?”
“What, no!” Dogma asked.
“Aww common, why not?” Hardcase whined “it’d be fun.”
“For you maybe, not for me”
“How about we think about it?” Hardcase pleaded.
Dogma sighed “Maybe”
Hardcase simply laughed and gave Dogma a kiss on the cheek.
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electro-strike · 2 years
Dinoetae AU Wildlife
Tyrannosaurids: Tyrannosaurus Rex- 14ft tall Dromaeosaurid: Microraptorinae indet- 1ft tall Acheroraptor- 2ft tall Dakotaraptor- 6ft tall Troodontidae: Paronychodon- 2.5ft tall Pectinodon- 3.5 ft tall Coelurosauria: Richardoestesia sp- 4ft tall
Ankylosauria: Denversaurus- 5ft tall Ankylosaurus- 6.5ft tall Ornithomimosauria: Orcomimus- 5ft tall Ornithomimus- 6ft tall Struthiomimus- 7ft tall Sauropoda: Titanosauridae indet- 30ft tall Alamosaurus- 36ft tall Ceratopsia: Leptoceratops- 2.5ft tall Tatankaceratops- 4ft tall Nedoceratops- 11ft tall Triceratops prorsus- 12ft tall Triceratops horridus- 12.5ft tall Torosaurus- 13ft tall
Parksosauridae: Thescelosaurus garbanii- 3ft tall Thescelosaurus neglectus- 5ft tall Parvicursorinae: Trierarchuncus- 2ft tall Ornithomimus minutus- 2.8ft tall Hadrosauridae: Edmontosaurus annectens- 14ft tall Lambeosaur indet- 10ft tall Oviraptorosauria: Caenagnathidae Indeterminate- 5ft Elimisaurine indeterminate- 6ft Anzu- 9ft Pachycephalosauria: Sphaerotholus- 2ft tall Dracorex- 3ft tall Stygimoloch- 4ft tall Pachycephalosaurus- 5ft tall
Azhdarchoidea: Quetzalcoatlus lawsoni- 8ft tall Azhdarchidae spp- 12ft tall Quetzalcoatlus northropi- 16ft tall Pteranodontoidea: Pteranodon longiceps female- 3.2ft tall Geosternbergia female- 3.3ft tall Pteranodontia indet- 4ft tall Pteranodon longiceps male- 5.9ft tall Geosternbergia male- 6ft tall
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electro-strike · 2 years
Oh god I can’t believe I am posting this, but my friend said do it so here we go!
Here is some crappy fanart of @leeleebee​ RCAU AU Echo/Fives/Thorn
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Now for the image itself: Maybe they won a short vacation too Dinoetae and decided to go scuba diving. That young Mosaursus indent is very interested in Thorns hair. Drawing Thorn’s hair killed me, no insult to his design it’s lovely, its just my incompetence at drawing. Did I draw a rock to avoid drawing Echo’s prosthetics, you bet your ass I did. 
Again I apologize for this horrendous fanart, if you want to ignore this feel free. 
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electro-strike · 2 years
The Dinoetae AU Lore post is being deleted until further notice while I re-edit and fix the lore 
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electro-strike · 2 years
What is Dinoetae?
It's part of a AU that I am currently putting together so no definitive answers right now.
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