grimmwolf · 1 year
Craving some good ol’ meaty chicken legs. To eat and to have as my own. Thick, strong, speedy bois to hold up this body o’ mine. And to also sink my giant sharp ass teeth into.
To conclude… Chicken Legs.
fried… fried chicken legs…
Man, I’m so hungry now.
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grimmwolf · 1 year
Raptor life feels rn-
I 👏 miss 👏 my 👏 squad 👏 and 👏 my 👏 rider 👏 and 👏 the 👏 desert 👏 I 👏 lived 👏 in 👏 and 👏 my 👏 life 👏 at 👏 the 👏 palace 👏 and 👏 visiting 👏 the 👏 jungle 👏 where 👏 I 👏 grew 👏 up 👏 in 👏 and 👏 my 👏 instincts 👏 and 👏 my 👏 ability 👏 to 👏 shape 👏 shift 👏 frikk 👏 this 👏 dumb 👏 boring 👏 plain 👏 human 👏 life 👏
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grimmwolf · 1 year
Now that I’ve got your attention…Ahem…let me introduce…
Pause, for dramatic effect…
My next post lmao
Yo! I’m sick af. I’ve been sick af for a while now, and I haven’t been getting many quality shifts lately. Sad. Sad boi. Sad boi time. Sad boi hours. BUT, I did just get the most amazing and vivid shift I’ve had in a while. I think I unlocked another memory. It was of my past life as a Raptor. It started out as wolf shift, as it had done so many a time before. They usually start out as wolf shifts cuz this table I stand on with just my arms makes it appear and feel as though I’m standing like a wolf. So I was doing the usually wolf stuff. Watching, sniffing, growling, ya know. And then, I saw it…
The back of my rider’s head. Dark, curly-ish hair. Color like dark chocolate. He wore a silver headband this day. The skin on the back of his neck, tanned from the sun. Dark, and clear, like cocoa. His robes were orange, lined with golden strips. His sandals brown and woven, slightly weathered from the desert sand. His thin but strong calves exposed. He speaks…
But I don’t know what he said, can’t remember. All I saw was his head moving left and right, his mouth opening and closing, and his arm waving side to side. And all I was doing was watching. I stood behind him, tall. Taller than him, taller than most others around us. Other Raptors, other animals and creatures. Dinosaurs. I must’ve been in my Raptor form…
I was very wary, very alert, cautious, quiet, careful. I saw, and heard, and smelled things, things that were foreign to my Raptor self. I had grown up in the jungle, so these things usually found in cities were unknown to me until this day. The day they brought me in from the jungle. When they found me, I was lone. My family no where to be seen, presumably had passed on. And I had lived on my own, until they found me…
I was a bit frantic. All these new things startled me. The “Fresh Meat”. I didn’t know anything, other than this man that was in front of me, took me in, and cared for me. So I stuck close to him. Clinging to his form like a lost toddler. He was my savior, my protector. My everything I know. My everything, now. I had no one else besides him in this moment of my life right now…
I nuzzled my shoulders and neck close to him, peeking my head out passed his shoulders to see everything around us. My backside felt vulnerable though, so oftentimes I would shift my weight and turn around as to protect my other end, as I knew there were others like me here. Others, who were male. And ready for a mate. They’ve been ready to take a mate for a while now, having been no other females here before. So I, was their center of focus now…
I got lazy and didn’t feel like adding more. I’m sick, don’t blame it on me 😂 BUT, if I feel like it, I may add more to this later, or just make a whole other post relating to this. Idfk, I’m sick, I don’t gotta know these things rn
See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!~
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grimmwolf · 1 year
Scenario from my Raptor life-
( Not completely accurate but close enough lmao )
Squad: …Proceed
Me: HEH! HUMPH! HUH! HWAH! *shifts into a dragon and flies off into the endless sky*
Squad: *looks on as I fly away, not knowing if I’m ever coming back ( I do )* Huh, well that can be useful
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grimmwolf · 1 year
I want to shoot acid and spit venom. Idk if that’s a snake thing or my dino self thing, cuz I used to mark my territory using my spit. Either way, there’s a lot of spitting and gleeking going on lately.
…or is it a llama thing?
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grimmwolf · 10 months
Hi- 😳
So, today I’ll be talking about my past life when I was a dinosaur shifter. Specifically, about the wars and battles I used to fight in. This post doesn’t mention any rider or Prince of mine, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to do with these events, or weren’t there.
Anywhos, let’s get this thing going…
In my life as a Raptor Shifter, I came to live in a palace in the desert. Long story short, I became a War General, and I would often strategize on the battlefield and catch up on politics of the country and such. But as a General, I would not stay back at the palace while my troops went on to battle. I would join them, and in the end, bring victory to the palace along with my warriors. After all, I was the best fighter the country ever knew. That, and, I could shift into a dinosaur. Everyone seemed to encourage my joining 😂
I loved being a General, experiencing the thrill of battle, the bloodlust, the wrath, the frenzy I would go into. My eyes would widen as my teeth sharpened. Hungry, urges to bite into flesh and show dominance of my land made me unstoppable. I was ruthless, savage, ravenous. I loved it. And, the glorious victory, of course 😂
Some battles were accompanied by sandstorms and tornados, but that would never stop us. The whip of the sand against our skin and cheeks only fueled our efforts to win each and every battle. To keep our reputation as the most powerful military force known to the continent.
I’ve been recently having cravings of my wars again. Of fighting for my people and to protect them from opposing armies. The clang of swords and shields still ring in my head, the feeling of rips and tears of flesh still linger on my teeth, my army’s battle cries as they make their way, cutting through man after man, they continue to echo on in my mind. I still mourn the passed to this day, of the enemies, too.
War is never a good thing, but sometimes, it was necessary. To protect our nation, and let it thrive.
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