moxxie-m · 2 months
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Just a lil something I'm working on for Bobo's new gf, Dianne ✨ gonna attack her creator in artfight with this image ;>
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juliusnovachrono · 8 months
i'm sorry for being a basic bitch but i love negramaro what can i do about it
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anitalianfrie · 5 months
exctract from the "Passa dal BSMT" podcast episode with Marco Bezzecchi
minutes 9.17-12.44 on Spotify
minutes 8.47-12.14 on Youtube
I: what do you think in that moment, before the race? 
Bez: well, that’s a hard moment, maybe the moment when I personally suffer a bit more, obviously suffer so to speak, it’s when I’m a bit more tense. I try to visualize a bit the race, try to think back about all the work we’ve done during the weekend, think about the details for the start we studied together before starting the race, and I try to remain calm, to take big breaths, to not let the agitation take over. Obviously it’s not easy because around you there are six billion people, cameras, people who maybe pose next to you to take a picture, this kind of things 
I: I mean, I’ve seen selfies with you behind obviously serious, motionless, like a statue from Madame Tussauds 
Bez: yes, I look at the clock, because we have a big clock under the lights, maybe i have my specific times when i know i have to do certain things but I try as I said to remain cold and to think mainly about the start, because it’s a very important part and it’s difficult to make big plans for after it. But i try to stay there, to remain calm, maybe I whisper a bit to the bike 
I: you talk to her 
Bez: I talk to her, and- 
I: what do you tell your bike? 
Bez: I have a great relationship with the bike, I am very- I mean, I am convinced she can hear me. I try to speak to her, to make her calm too, and to encourage her to do a good job with me 
I: and you call her by name 
Bez: yes because I gave her a name- well I’ve always done it, but since I’ve been in motogp and i have two bikes – because I've always made the connection as if the bike was a bit like my girlfriend and, diobo’, you can’t have two girlfriends theoretically 
I: yes it’s a bit of a mess 
Bez: so i tried to give her a name composed by two names. I chose Marianna, since I've been in the motogp team, and one is Maria and the other is Anna 
I: you united those two things 
Bez: I've united those two things 
I: and what do you tell her, do you pet her, do you tell her to stay calm? 
Bez: yes i always try to keep my hands in the same places, I always do the same things, and... because they help me to remain calm and I know that if I do them – this is a big trip, I’m telling you, it’s a big mental trip I have – but if I do everything well and in the same way I always do, if maybe i make an error or if something doesn’t go as it should I know it hasn’t been one of those things  
I: ah, so you remove the blame, let’s say 
Bez: I remove the blame, yes 
I: so you know it wasn’t that 
Bez: and also it helps me to concentrate, to find the concentration for the race and for the start which is as I said the most difficult thing 
I: but if you had to describe the start, technically, what do you do? 
Bez: technically? Well, we arrive from the warm-up lap which is to warm the tyres, the brakes, and... I engage the front holeshot, that you engage braking, lowering the front suspension to a certain point, it blocks them there, so the bike is a bit lower in the front. I stop in my place on the grid, I lower the back, because there’s also a holeshot in the back, I activate the starting procedure because we have a control that limits the engine speed because otherwise the engine might break, I do a couple of my usual rituals, I kiss the bike, and after that there’s the lights and I go. 
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formulapookie · 1 month
under the cut to read
it started as something @giuventus asked me to write, amo spero sia bella, l'ho scritta mezza da fatta e l'altra metà da addormentata
They can only dream beznaia, 1.6k words
They’re running late, they both know that, they spent way too much time in the shower making out and jerking off like teenagers and way too little actually getting ready for the press con they have to attend in 5 minutes.
“Pecco I told you we had to be quicker, they're gonna ask for our heads, ITS FIFTEEN MINUTES FROM HERE how are we supposed to make it?”
“We would’ve been there on time if you didn’t tease me back in the room.
Do you think I am a man intelligent enough to not think about railing you when you walk around in just  my jersey and nothing under it?”
“No, that’s why I do it but -PECCO THE LEFT TURN DIOBO”
They almost miss it, but somehow manage to get there in 10 minutes, parking the bike somewhere random next to the Ducati garage and sprinting to the press con room.
“Where were you two?” Carola is furious, rightfully so, but hands them the pass.
“actually I don’t wanna know, just go in there and fucking act normal”
“What do you mean normal?”
“Like you didn’t just fuck maybe? I don’t want this 
type of mess to deal with right now”
Bez is red as Pecco’s jersey now, Pecco throwing Carola a look that kills while pushing Bez to the room.
“She knows?”
“She’s my sister guess it’s like -siblings thing or something”
They make a run for the room and find Martin already sitting there, smiling at Pecco, just waving at Bez. 
Him and the Spaniard don’t have the best relationship, but he knows he and Pecco in the past have shared one too many nights for calling it casual, and one too many moments together for Bez’s liking.
“Bastardo” he says before sitting on Pecco’s left side.
“Stop it Bez we’re live”
“Tell your little friend to stop being an asshole then”
He shuts up, knowing it’s best to not piss Pecco off if he still wishes to walk afterwards.
The press con goes by pretty easily, they’re asked usual questions about the championship and how they think they will manage a possible title fight up to Valencia.
Then it’s the turn of those bothering personal questions Bez never liked.
Why do journalists care what one does in private he will never understand.
“And for you Bez, do you feel that for Jorge having a girlfriend could be a distraction?”
Now what kind of question is this?
Like what the actual fuck
“Eh I don’t have idea, I’m not currently taken so I don’t know if it can be an incentive to do better or no, you asked the wrong guy sorry” “No girlfriend for you then?” “Not currently no, am free”
He can feel Pecco’s eyes on him, he can’t look back, he’s sure he would combust if he did.
They ask a few more questions to Martin and Pecco about their battles on track and if they think the championship can go to Valencia, Bez doesn’t listen, he’s trying to hide his blush as Pecco compliments him on a last minute action he pulled last weekend.
They get up for the group picture, Jorge’s arm goes to wrap itself around Pecco’s waist and Bez would very much like to push him away from him.
They go out and cross paths with the other three having to undergo presscon, they greet each other, then it’s only them three.
“So Bezzecchi you really have no girl?”
“Nah, focused on racing, plus I have Rubik he’s great company”
“If you say so, see you tomorrow, I have - company waiting for me”
Bez pulls a half disgusted face, turning towards Pecco, who looks everything but relaxed right now.
“Care to come with me to my motorhome Bez?”
“Yeah sure”
He follows Pecco silently, he looks pissed off, he doesn’t know why exactly, could be a question he didn’t bother to listen to during the presscon.
They get to the Ducati garage, they all greet Bez, luckily enough it’s normal for him to be there, so no suspicions arise between the mechanics.
“Lock the door”
Bez does it with no questions, it’s not like they never lock doors to talk, but usually the room doesn’t feel this charged, it’s a space where they usually chill before and after races.
“Everything ok Pecco? You look - I don’t know you look” “Angry?” “Pissed off, did a question bother you or something? I stopped listening after mine, I knew they were stupid questions anyway”
“It’s not the question per se that bothered me, mostly it was the answer”
Pecco goes to sit on the edge of his bed, the other absentmindedly going to find his place on his lap, as Pecco wraps his hands around his hips.
“Did Martin say something bothersome? I’m going to find him if he did” “No no amore nothing like that”
“Then what?”
They are really close now, Bez can smell the shampoo they both used before on Pecco, it’s something mint scented which Bez doesn’t particularly like, but uses anyway because it’s Pecco’s favorite.
“You saying you’re not taken. Saying you are free. I didn’t like it. People are going to get the wrong idea don’t you think? They’re gonna assume they can flirt with you, and touch you here” Pecco’s hands draw small circles on Bez’s hips, that by now is fucking crimson and sweating.
“Or here” he moves his hands lower, to Bez’s thighs, still drawing patterns on them.
“Or even here” Bez lets out a moan when Pecco presses one of his hands against his bulge, feeling him through the jeans he’s wearing.
“Pecco fuck” he smiles, Bez’s head on his shoulder as he keeps palming him through his jeans.
“Imagine what they could think, maybe that they are allowed to kiss you or feel your pretty mouth around their dick mh?”
“Please” he’s hot under Pecco’s touch, burning with need.
“Do you think I liked that, Marco? Seeing their eyes on you like you were a prey? Seeing them thinking that you’re available?”
“I didn’t - fuck - I didn’t mean for them to think that”
“Oh I believe you amore, I do, seriously, but you see, they are now confident they can have you, and I have to make sure you’re seen as off limits the next few days right?”
Bez can feel he’s close, Pecco’s hand working him up without removing any clothes, he’s breathing hard by now, he tries to go unzip his jeans but Pecco doesn’t let him, he wants to be the one in absolute control right now.
“I bet they would pay to hear how you sound amore, and I honestly don’t think I could spend my money better than that”
“I’m close Pecco fuck”
“You know what pisses me off more?”
Bez mutters a muffled “no”, biting his lip to quieten his noises as much as possible.
“the fact they’d think about leaving marks here, all over your neck, branding you with their signature”
Pecco does as he says, pressing a light kiss on Bez’s neck, then moving up slightly, biting and sucking on the spot, which becomes purple almost immediately, drawing out a long moan from Bez, who’s fighting for the last drops of dignity.
“I need them to see that you are not available, not for them not for anyone else, you belong to me Marco, I don’t like when others try to take what mine”
He’s been jealous in the past, yes, especially with Mig, always flirting with him, or Cele, but not like this.
And it’s hot.
Really hot, knowing Pecco wants him as badly as he wants Pecco, that he wants to mark him to draw a line.
“You look so beautiful, and you’re all mine”
he’s whispering against Bez’s collarbone now, hot breath making him shiver, as he begins to leave a trail of kisses from the collarbone until the juncture between neck and shoulder that always gets Bez weak for it, slowly reaching his neck, sucking deep purple and blue hickeys on it, Bez still trying to hold back his orgasm, a whimpering mess under Pecco’s teasing.
“Don’t hold back amore, you deserve it”
Bez barely lasts another half second before feeling his orgasm overwhelm him, coming in his briefs and trousers, embarrassingly much like a teenager.
“Look how pretty you look, all marked by me”
Bez turns his head back, facing the huge mirror Pecco insisted on having positioned in front of his bed.
He’s covered in bruises and hickeys, luckily they can all be covered by a high neck sweater he currently has, otherwise he would’ve never walked out of here looking like that.
They spend the rest of the time making out, showering and making out again, Pecco sucking a few more marks on Bez’s neck, smiling after each one of them has taken its place.
“See you later amore, come to my room ok?” “Yeah yeah I will, don’t worry”
Bez puts on the sweater, pulling it as high as he can to cover his neck, until he’s fairly far from it, walking like nothing happened just half an hour ago.
“You found a girl in the end, Bezzecchi?” 
“Well it’s either that or you have a very bad reaction to something because your neck looks really…messy”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
He checks himself with his internal camera on his phone.
There’s no hiding, they show even if he pulls the sweater higher, and tries to salvage the situation.
“Yeah no, it’s just a uhm a grid girl, nothing special”
“Mh yeah, of course, see you tomorrow Bez”
The curly boy looks as the other goes back inside his motorhome, not failing to notice how he always avoids the same room. 
He thinks it’s hot once again, to be branded by Pecco like he was right now.
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nociaograzie · 1 month
ditemi cosa cazzo prendere che mi faccia dormire serenamente per una notte diobo
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binosaura · 8 months
Ma perché ci sono solo due Gemelli Diversi raga ma poi che è l'han tagliata ci han fatto su mezza ciofeca mi state diludendo altri danni di quel coso inutile di Mr. Rain diobo ma ci doveva per forza ficcare la sua canzone di merda
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ma Diobo' ma sono aumentate le vendite di quelle merde delle Birkestock grazie a Barbie. Che schif
Speriamo che con Oppenheimer aumentino le vendite di bombe atomiche
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godisacutedemon2 · 7 months
Ask anonimi livorosi da parte di maschi che non scopano inviati a una che può scegliere che e si prende le sue soddisfazioni. Tipo la volpe con l'uva della celebre favola. Che poveretti diobo'
Sia mai che se glielo dici attaccano con "ma chi ti scoperebbe mai brutta come sei ihihih XD lol" palese proprio
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ninfettin · 2 years
In sto periodo di uova di pasqua in bottega non ci dico come sono esilaranti i ragionamenti che fanno le persone sui colori delle confezioni.
Se è giallo non è troppo da femmina? Verde? Viola? Arancione? Maskietto o femminuccia? Diobo
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anitalianfrie · 2 days
Il proprietario dell'albergo sta sparando diobo' a manetta
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Mi sono rotta il cazzo così tanto.
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zuccherodisqualo · 5 years
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I'm still brilla
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noncercosoluzioni · 5 years
Mi piacerebbe tanto riprendere a leggere qualche libro ma appena provo ad iniziarne uno, subito dopo qualche pagina, mi viene sonno e rischio di addormentarmi anche se sono le 17 di pomeriggio
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binosaura · 1 year
Che palle questa cosa degli obblighi sociali. Mio padre mi ha rimproverato perché da quando sono salita non ho mai chiamato mia zia, ma se io non ho voglia di vedere nessunə e voglio stare una settimana svaccata chiusa in casa col gatto che male c'è? Ma diobo
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void-botanist · 9 months
sid & avis or sid & horatio?
Help me with my boy lol
Sid & Avis part 2 :3
I did part 1 over here but these two have a lot going on:
She knows way more about him than he does about her, because her policy has long been to be beholden to no one. If he asked, she'd probably tell him, but he rarely asks (he's caught up in his own stuff for sure but also if Avis doesn't feel like telling him stuff that's her business). She was also there for his teen years and got to experience firsthand parts of his life that in hers she'd rather forget. I guess the only time she's more communicative is when she's sailing with someone, because not only are they in the same space for days or weeks at a time, they have to coordinate what they're doing. Sid doesn't know the first thing about sailing, though, so she also has her work cut out for her. She struggles a little bit with him not being like her and not approaching his parents as a couple of emotional freeloaders who should be thrown out on their asses. But when he says jump ("help me figure out how they've been lying to me") she says how high ("get in the boat we're going to Diobos"). Unfortunately, if he doesn't say jump, she's not always around. She never has been, but he low key thought that when they got back to Rade she wouldn't just keep sailing off whenever, because she wouldn't be avoiding Emma and Donovan. Isn't she supposed to be his emotional support? Whereas she knows he has that handled with his whole weird friend's family.
Sid & Horatio
Horatio adores Sid, and this is only somewhat because he's had 16 years of non-contact to build him into a concept of the ideal friend. Sid surprise coming to live with him is THE most exciting thing that has happened to him, maybe ever. While he considers Marcus equally as much a best friend as Sid, he and Sid have a much longer history, given that they went to school together until Sid moved to Ensaum. Sid finds Horatio comforting, but in his current exhausted state, also tiring as fuck. As he uncovers things about his parents he also slightly resents Horatio for having perfectly good parents (and an extra bonus dad??) because why couldn't he have some too? Aside from being constantly distracted by work, Horatio also isn't really sure how to help Sid, because of a lack of personal experience and because he doesn't want it to come through that he's a little disappointed that Sid is not the same upbeat person he was even in his letters. Unfortunately what he feels is a minor disappointment in the situation Sid easily magnifies into a broad personal attack, and neither of them realize they are not on the same page. He also feels like Horatio does not truly grasp the tragedy of him having lost all of Horatio's letters. Still, despite all of the challenges, Sid feels that being here with Horatio & family is the most like being home he's felt in a long time.
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bluebandit16 · 6 years
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Vige come reazione alla vita proprio:
Video: X
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