#diop draws
kookiecamera · 6 months
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Youssef: “Why are you like this??!”
Assane: “💕☺️✨like what?✨☺️💕”
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elliottjpg · 8 months
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I binged season 3 of Netflix's LUPIN this weekend. I'm coping with the pain by drawing some blorbos.
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reeve-in-a-suit · 7 months
trying to find fan any fellow fans of Lupin <3
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It’s a sketch of Raoul in season one. I literally didn’t touch paper once school started and then he worked a miracle for me.
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melonlthawne · 10 months
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princess of Tamaran! tloml Starfire. Based this drawing on Anna Diop as well as comic star
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literaryspinster · 2 years
Picturing Annakory in this outfit as I brainstorm is making me feel... feelings.
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dankovskaya · 2 years
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first drawing on new tablet AND first time using csp... I’m about to act hilarious.
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fantezimuzik · 1 year
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When I was young, my mother was often absent. She worked hard, she was always tired. Even if she had high expectations of me, there was always a distance between us.
Saint Omer (2022), dir. Alice Diop
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gay-dorito-dust · 28 days
do you have your own batboys fancast? Also who do you picture as Bruce any fic with him I just picture Christian Bale, sorry I love asking people this to try help me with my own because for the life of me I cannot place jason I just picture him as a comic drawing, I cannot unsee Brenton Thwaites as dick and I don't want to because he was perfect imo And Anna Diop was the perfect starfire! I want a starfire movie with her 😩 I LOVED the Gotham Alfred but also Michael Caine forever also, I think David Castañeda would be a good older damian especially a Batman damian. Idk if you've watched any arrowverse stuff but I freaking loved their Nyssa!! Also do you have a Talia fancast, I also just picture Talia as a comic drawing because I cannot place her although I sometimes picture her as Tarja Turunen because I think Tarja is so cool! Sorry for all my rambling I hope I'm not being annoying apologies
Totally unrelated but I am forever in love with the arrowverse Laurel Lance, she also needs her own movie 😭 on the verge of rewatching that entire ass longgg show/crossovers for any Laurel scraps I can get, she was actually perfect 🥰 All the canaries were so cool esp when Sara became the white canary
I don’t usually get into the whole fan cast stuff as if probably suck at it tbh but when it comes to Jason I’ve seen Jensen Ackles come up along with Matthew Daddario, both of whom I love but just don’t see as Jason Todd in the slightest.
Like yes Jensen did voice Jason in under the red hood but I don’t think that’s a plausible excuse to have him play as the live action version. I love him but no.
The guy they had as Jason in titans brought a lot of emotion to the character as Jason practically wears his heart on his sleeve, but he just didn’t fit, I love him but he didn’t work.
Dick I’m not too certain tbh
Anna Diop, love her, gimme more of her as Starfire plz and thank you.
Michael Cain was amazing as Alfred, would love to see him as the character for a small part but I don’t think he would tbh.
Damian Wayne, all I can say is I hope they don’t fuck his character up bc people already do that enough with mischaracterising him to be someone he isn’t, I haven’t read comics and even I know half of the stuff ppl make up about him are bullshit.
So I just hope they get him right for DC’s sake.
There is a lot of dc characters that I don’t see a lot of actors being able to fully embody bc no one is ever going to be happy with the outcome, everyone is hard to please as they want the casting to be perfect and that’s just not possible.
I don’t watch much of the arrow verse but the actress for Laura lance? Love, love,love her. Gay as fuck for her ngl.
Now for Talia? I’ve got no clue, none at all, as I’ve said before fancasts aren’t my thing and I haven’t seen many ppl talking about how they would like as Talia tbh. If they ever do I hope it’s faithful to the comic character and not a watered down version of her but that’s asking too much apparently.
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astorianyxkings · 5 months
So recently on tiktok I saw that one scene from the Titans show where Rachel accuses Jason of drawing crucifixes on her mirror and the others essentially start adding on to it when HE DIDN'T DO IT BY THE WAY and I was reminded of why I have a love hate relationship with the show.
And one part of that is Kory and Rachel's characters. The show really took two badass besties, made them have a mother/daughter relationship and then have them be absolute assholes to any and everyone they didn't vibe with. When in the comics or other shows they're calm and collected and nice and bubbly.
And yeah Kory's beautiful and to this day I'd die for Anna Diop, but wow I hated her character when she interacted with Jason. She was always so patient with Gar and Rachel but never Jason. Did you really decide to stop being a mentor after two kids? And no one else was there. Hank was the being the bitch he is, Dawn was just there and Donna was just like "why Jason?😕" and Dick was well a dick.
I mean I get it, not a fan of his replacement, got the issues with Bruce, figuring out his relationship with the team yada yada yada. But you mean to tell me Jason had no one's support on that team?? (Aside from Gar theire little bestie moments were so cute). And when strange things happen when Rose shows up why are we looking at Jason? Why aren't we using critical thinking and looking at the new person? The daughter of Deathstroke?? Did we loose all ability to use common sense?
But the one that actually made me stop watching for a couple weeks was when Kory was talking about Jason's death and was like "this is an example of what not to do" knowing goddamn well if anyone said such a thing about Rachel she'd go ballistic. And nobody said anything? Like hey, let's maybe not indirectly call the dead KID incompetent right after his death, I know you're new to earth but its called decency.
And then to AUDACITY for all of them to act surprised when he comes back as Red Hood and wants to kill them? Hell I would've gone to Bruce, grabbed his contingency plans and put them to use because ain't no way I'm the bad guy after you assholes assholed a little too close to the sun.
Like the show really ran with "we made him the villain but its still his fault". Part of the reason Jason's death was a tragedy was because he was HAPPY, and I think the show forgot that.
Like I would've killed to see Rachel, Gar and Jason as a little trio doing shit together, perfect opportunity to be besties. And then see them mourning him when he dies and Dick would have to convince them not to go after the Joker, yeah I'd love to see that. Not this.
In conclusion, Titans Jason deserved better, I hope Kory slips down the stairs, I'm praying Rachel has a migraine and I'm still pissed they didn't even apologize when they found out it wasn't Jason messing with them. AND THEY DID IN FACT FIND OUT.
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auntieheart2 · 5 months
Just saw Book of Clarence, weird AF but I felt like drawing Anna Diop
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hadestigers · 1 year
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ALT: A drawing of Wild Wings player Letitia Diop, a Senegalese woman wearing scorpion-themed armor and holding a spear in one claw. Included is a screenshot of the game log, reading: “A Knight swears at Letitia Diop! They embark on a Side Quest!”
ok so maybe a lot of bad things happened this season maybe a lot of people died. but consider this: they knighted my girl tisha
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dukuzumurenyiphd · 4 months
sbA kmtyw - "Towards Pan-Afrikan Economics" Trailer
sbA kmtyw - "Towards Pan-Afrikan Economics" with Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. will be a weekly one-hour podcast | video that discusses and analyzes pertinent economic news of continental Afrika and the Afrikan Diaspora from a Pan-Afrikan perspective as seen through the lens of Maat in the spirit of Martin Delany, Edward Wilmot Blyden, Henry Sylvester Williams, Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Dubois, Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure, Patrice Lumumba, Julius Nyerere, Malcolm X, Frantz Fanon, Walter Rodney, Amilcar Cabral, Thomas Sankara and Cheikh Anta Diop. 
Topics discussed will include but will not be limited to national economic self-reliance, wages, employment and unemployment, entrepreneurship, debt, interest rates, balance of payment, prices, profit, foreign exchange, credit, economic growth, sustainable agriculture, land tenure, land reform, neoliberal economics, social democracy, paths to economic development, corruption, illicit financial flows and alternative economics.  
On the show we will take complex economic issues drawn from the mainstream and independent news outlets of the countries of Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas and through cultural, historical and political contextualization make them comprehensible to the audience regardless of their economic background, empowering the listener to analyze their personal economic situation in relation to the national and international political economy. 
Special shows will also be designed around the particular economic questions and concerns of the listeners. Our specialty is in utilizing a multidisciplinary inquiry based Pan-African analytical perspective drawing concepts, ideas and theories from the disciplines of Africana Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Political Anthropology, History, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Geography, Linguistics, Political Science, and Economics. The use of this methodology serves to broaden the discussion and analysis and center it within the African subjective historical experience.
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mimmixerenard · 2 years
I drew dices, guys
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(Queen Dice's face model is Anna Diop, if you were wondering)
I was inspired to draw human (+genderbent) version of the fabulous, the one and only, King Dice from Cuphead. I'm not immune to his charms
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theinsatiables · 4 months
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AP: Why do you think you were compelled to go to the trial [of Fabienne Kabou, who one night in 2013 left her 15-month-old daughter on the beach to die]?
DIOP: I went to the trial because I had a very strong intuition. But for a very long time, I didn’t know what it was about. I didn’t think, ‘Oh, I’m going to go to the trial and make a film about it.’ I think as a woman, as actually many other women around me, I was completely fascinated by this story. I really went as a woman. What struck me was a sentence that the defendant said to the police. When the inspector asked, ‘Why did you kill your daughter?’ she said, ‘I laid my daughter on the sand because I wanted the sea to take her away.’ For the French, it carries a very profound, psychoanalytic dimension because in French, the mother and the sea are the same word (mère and mer). In my head, I had the fantasy that she offered her daughter to a mother that was more powerful than she felt. It is this imagery of this mythological concept that became a magnet for me. But during the five days that I listened to this trial, I had no idea that it was going to draw me to the deepest, darkest place of my being.
AP: Having a child myself viscerally changed how I processed movies and stories about children in distress. Did you have an experience like that too, as a mother thinking about a story like this?
DIOP: I can’t exactly say that. But it is true that my partner was very concerned by my obsession with this story. Even for me it was a complete mystery. I did not understand why me, as a Black woman, could be so fascinated by this story of a Black woman that had killed her child. That was incomprehensible to me. I’m going to tell you something very personal, which I never talk about. I actually had a very deep postpartum depression when my child was a baby. And I believe that this trial is what helped me heal out of that depression. I not only forgave myself, but I also forgave my mother. It’s as if this trial was helping me, killing all this trauma.
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orchidsangel · 4 months
ok i wanna start this by saying this is pure rant. totally unimportant feelings about the show. i’d do a whole analysis or essay type thing but i’ve done enough of that against my will </3
i started titans for nightwing and starfire bc they were my favorite actors. seriously anna diop is so gorgeous i couldn’t get over it and still won’t. in a way, i also started watching for jason because it seemed like a whole new take on his character (bc it was) and i was excited on how they’d do the whole robin/red hood story with the titans. jason’s introduced as the immature and loud teenager which didn’t seem like a good idea for the red hood part of his story but he’s also still robin at this point. at the time i think he was moreso there to introduce nightwing’s development and departure from being robin because batman in this show is just yucky. i don’t remember enough to talk about that tho lawl
then it gets suckier than it started because out of nowhere the whole team starts treating jason like shit. he goes from the goofy one to the young and always angry character and that’s when i just KNEW they were finna fuck him over. first off the team (nightwing, star, raven, yada yada) takes in this girl rose wilson bc slade’s trying to kill her. if you guessed that she’s actually there to help slade kill the titans or whatever then you’d be right, she’s basically like tera from the judas contract if you watched that. and they made her jason’s LOVE INTEREST and at first they were cute but UHJHJGJFJFJ i cant start on that rn
so like i said earlier right now jason’s the immature angry teenager of the group. at some point someone (im pretty sure it was rose) pranks everyone by putting some fucked up shit in their rooms, like drawing crosses all over raven’s room. tell me why EVERYONE AUTOMATICALLY BLAMES JASON??? they just assumed he did it for whatever fucking reason. so that’s one way the team treated him like shit 😭 another ginormous part to this: yk how jason goes after the joker even tho batman told him not to?? it’s basically that but instead of the joker it was slade that he went after. got kidnapped and tortured cuz what’s a jason todd character w/o that right. then he ALMOST died but didn’t bc superboy saved his life, blah blah blah all this other stuff and then he almost commits suicide! wowww so fun!
so at this point i’m thinking “ok thst was weird but trust the process right???” long story short nightwing fucks up, team disbands, jason and rose disappear for the whole next season or wtvr, then in a random episode jason and rose are basically confirmed to be dating and i think they live in part of bruce’s mansion or smth??? idk anyway over the course of a few episodes we see their relationship develop and they’re actually kinda cute. like jason fake proposed to her with six bigass sandwiches that he made and it was so adorable and BOOM rose tells him she was originally supposed to sabotage the titans and that’s why the team disbanded so he’s like “ykw fuck you” and then he disappears AGAIN. this was very random so i just assumed it was supposed to add on to why he did what he did later on…
ok now when he comes back we get into red hood. i guess they kinda mashed jason’s original story with the arkham knight story??? i forgot exactly what happened but i think what happened was he got buddy buddy with scarecrow and reverse engineered his fear gas so that it gives you a munch of adrenaline and makes you fearless or wtvr. this was one of my least favorite things about this interpretation of jason because making him rely on drugs to do the things he wants to without fear just. does not make sense to me??? if anything i feel like jason would despise drug addiction and things of the like but that’s neither here nor there! so now he’s pumped full of drugs and he goes to find the joker. then he dies and gets dumped in the lazarus pit in the same episode so him dying has literally no significance. THEN BRUCE KILLS THE JOKER. so now i’m stuck like wtf are they finna do with this narrative??? literally eliminated one of the biggest parts of red hood. atp i’m wondering where tf they’re going with this and the answer is they went NO WHERE WITH IT. jason becomes red hood (and no hate to curran walters but it was lame as fuck) and does a lot of fucked up shit because scarecrow promised him power or whatever so now there’s no depth to what he’s doing and it takes him getting kidnapped and almost killed for the THIRD TIME before he decides he’s not doing the right thing. so he says fuck scarecrow and tries to help the titans stop whatever he was doing and ugh it’s just such sucky writing.
tl;dr only thing that kept me watching was a thirst for jason todd content, brenton thwaites and anna diop. like there are probably hours worth of stuff in that show i skipped bc it had nothing to do with the only three things i cared about. only thing that i was satisfied with was nightwing and starfire being together. there’s more stuff i could add but this was specifically for jason and how let down i was 💔
that genuinely seems like a shit show. like idk if i could handle that. the way they mashed up like ALL of his "death and resurrection" plots?? no ma'am. you're better than be for even watching all of that because i simply couldn't. i've seen tiktok edits of rose and jason from titans and, not to sound like a broken record but, her wig??? kill me now.
i also just don't like curran walters as jason. he's too pocket-sized idk.
ALSO. i looooooooooove judas contract so bad. one of my fave dcau movies, just so fucking good!!
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literaryspinster · 9 months
Favorite practice drawing so far. Because of course Annakory is going to be my fave
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