artthefork · 7 years
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For #familynight I went with a #subtle look. I am well aware that I can't #blend #eyeshadow for shit but i still feel like I'm improving. #makeup #spooniefashion #disabledisnotabadthing #feelshittylookpretty
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fromthesources-org · 7 years
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#GPRepost, #reposter, #notetag @cur8able via @RepostApp ======> My mantra is, “Be the person you needed in your life when you were 15.” You can’t change your past, but you can make a difference in someone else’s future. Mentorship and community have been essential in my life, and my development as a strong disabled woman. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without those who came before me and help me learn that who I am was a strength and an asset, not a weakness or a flaw. Without my community, I never would have realized #DisabledIsNotABadThing, or learned to be unapologetically #DisabledAndUnashamed. As activists and advocates, not only do we have a responsibility to honor those who came before us and inspired us to take up the cause but also to nurture the next generation and help them find their spark and passion for changing the world. @khitselberger #AdvocacyTuesday #TeachTheBabies #missionstatementforlife #claimingcrip #ceepstyle ============ [image description: a black and white selfie of Karin, a young white woman with dark glasses and a white colored hair smiling at the camera next to a quote in black type text on a white background reading, "My mantra is, "Be the person you needed in your life when you were 15. You can't change your past, but you can make a difference in someone else's future." Underneath the quote is an attribution reading Karin Hitselberger, activist and writer in small text at the bottom of the post is a watermark reading www.claimingcrip.com]
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bunnyaimee · 3 years
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Its #NationalWheelchairDay! 👩🏼‍🦽 Im so thankful for my wheelchair, yet an inanimate object gets such bad press! 🤯 Ive seen people literally create social media accounts about different kinds of chairs, people buy & sell all kinds, if you bought an armchair with a recliner, or one that lifts up to help you out of it, would it be bad? If you bought an office chair with wheels to make it easier to move around the office, would it be bad? If you bought outdoor chairs to cope with weathering, would it be bad? No, it would all be HELPFUL. So why is a wheelchair seen as bad, tragic or pitiful?🤔 🦽 My wheelchair is independence, my wheelchair is helpful, my wheelchair is part of my body. My wheelchair is the reason i can drive, is the reason I can leave my bed, my home, the reason I can go and experience such fun and incredible things, the reason I can work, the reason I can go out and see people, its not a tragedy, its not pitiful & its not bad. By considering a wheelchair as bad, by extension you are saying that my life, and I am also bad & someone to be pitied. I refuse to be seen as anything other than amazing, and my wheelchair deserves that same respect.💖 _________________________ #Wheelchair #WheelchairDay #disability #disabled #disney #lovebirds #parakeets #parakeetsofinstagram #paradisepark #wildlife #paradiseparkcornwall #birds #birdsofinstagram #primark #mickey #mickeymouse #disneyfashion #disneyoutfit #disabledselfie #disabledlife #disabledisnotabadthing #disabledisnotabadword #stoppitying #notyourtragedy #ableism #ableists #chairs #furniture #notbad (at Paradise Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL4iYcgFZah/?igshid=9a3s2m27yu9f
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jchannigan · 7 years
The Stigma of Chronic Pain: Having Kids
The Stigma of Chronic Pain: Having Kids #chronicpain #spoonies #DisabledIsNotABadThing
“I wouldn’t have kids if there was any chance they could inherit a chronic pain disorder from me. It’d be unfair to them.” 
I’ve heard this statement–and variations of it–many times since I gave birth to my kids. More often than not, the speakers are able-bodied. Sometimes though, another person with a chronic pain disorder will be the one behind the words.
Every time, those words hurt.
I can’t…
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ceepstyle · 7 years
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It’s homecoming season again, which means you’re probably going to see at least one of those “feel-good stories” about disabled people being voted homecoming king or queen or being asked to the dance by a (usually popular) nondisabled kid. Just a reminder that these stories are not newsworthy, and are not inspirational. If you or someone you know wants to go to the dance with your disabled friend, that’s awesome! Do it and have a great time. Do it because you genuinely want to go with that person. Don’t do it because you want people to think you’re a good person. Don’t do it out of pity. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON’T TURN IT INTO A STORY ABOUT HOW YOU’RE A GREAT PERSON FOR SPENDING TIME WITH SOMEBODY WHO HAS A DISABILITY. Stories like those are super dehumanizing, and they ignore the fact that disabled people are, in fact, people, with a myriad of qualities that make us worthy of real satisfying relationships. Disabled people are not here to inspire you, or to be your sob story. We are people, living our lives, in our bodies, the best way we know how, just like you. Read more: http://www.claimingcrip.com/2015/09/what-youre-really-saying-when-you-call.html http://www.claimingcrip.com/2015/11/loving-me-does-not-make-you-saint.html http://www.claimingcrip.com/2013/11/being-my-friend-does-not-make-you-hero.html [Image description: On an orange background, white text, offset by oversized teal quotes reads: “Disabled people don’t exist to inspire non-disabled people or remind them life could always be worse. We are not props for feel-good stories or self satisfying acts of charity. We are people living our lives just like anybody else.” The quote is attributed to writer and activist, Karin Hitselberger, and in the upper right-hand corner of the image is a watermark that reads: www.claimingcrip.com] #DisabledIsNotABadThing #DisabledAndUnashamed #NoQualifiersRequired
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ceepstyle · 7 years
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#Repost @cur8able with @repostapp ・・・ Our Advocacy Cur8tor @khitselberger is a brilliant advocate and she has a new campaign. Here is what she has to say: “I am #DisabledAndUnashamed not because it’s easy, but because it’s the only way to survive.” cur8able#cripplechic #cripplepunk #disabledindc #disabledfashion #DisabledIsNotABadThing #disabilitypride #DisabledAndProud #ChronicIllness #spoonie #Disabled (at Washington, District of Columbia)
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