#disappeared in Mexico
eldritch-ace · 25 days
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I love this trend and I’ve been seeing some regional Mikus, so take a New Mexican birthday girl in honor of Zozobra and hatch chile season. 🌵🫔⛰️
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thebubblybutcher · 5 months
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the cannibals!!!
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philyuri · 3 months
gotta say it is fascinating to me that the phandom is so largely built on archives and memories and retrospective and yet i'm seeing so many people be SHOCKED to learn of dan's (in particular) past racist remarks/actions. we have the deleted videos. there are links to them. they are found in the same place as the 2009 timeline. people (mostly poc!!! wonder why!!!) have been discussing it. so why is it that there is broad phandom memory for tweets from 15 years ago but a more recent history of racist actions is seemingly only remembered by fans of colour? interesting. lol.
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goldenpinof · 8 months
apology anon-either one! I didn’t know he had a reasoning for it but I wanted to know why you thought that as well
idk his reasoning, i just have my observations :)
he doesn't like apologising, and even if he does apologise he usually waits till the last moment when people are yelling at him or something. also, written apologies are very rare. the types of apologises that people can screenshot and share around, you know. the only written apology i can think of is for Iceland's cancelled shows. and i think we got it only because he was pissed at the promoters or/and his team because HE had plans for Iceland as well. Oxford/Cambridge got an apology in an instagram live that not everyone saw. there were angry and confused comments under Dan's ig post about these shows being postponed way after the liveshow. Kitchener got "i'm sorry" in an igstory 4 days before the show (and it took him 2 weeks to address the cancellation. legendary, ngl). clearly, a written apology would have been better. easier to find and process than a 30-min liveshow or a story that you have to listen to. and even today he did not apologise for the mess with today's tickets, btw. and i know, it's not his fault, he doesn't press buttons to drop tickets. but as a face of his brand and the shows, he is the one who has to say sorry to his audience.
added and cancelled wad shows weren't addressed at all. like, AT ALL. they didn't exist in Dan's universe. nothing said about wad shows that initially didn't have the whole range of merch on sale. he could and should have apologised for all of this.
and don't even get me started with ii Mexico and Brazil 😂 like, i'm sure we eventually got apologies in a few 2018 glitching liveshows (and in 2023, for once) for all the mess, but the whole tour there was barely anything, and definitely not a written apology (this is NOT an apology) for the lack of communication and misleading expectations. if you know, you know. now they have to apologise every time they mention it, and i'm not sure that that would ever be enough, considering that Dan likes to make remarks about "people in Mexico and Brazil" (shout out to wad.Belfast, everybody).
those are recent examples that i can name from the top of my head. usually it's about tours and shows, because that's when his inability to communicate with us shines bright like a diamond.
if anyone wants to prove me wrong with screenshots and clips, go ahead! i'd actually be happy to know that he does apologise more often than it seems.
edit: omg, anon i remembered something. did he ever apologise for racist, sexist and just problematic videos that he deleted in 2018 and even recently (wizard one)? i know he deleted them, and i think the majority was deleted silently.
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gwydionmisha · 4 months
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actaecon · 6 months
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Disappeared. Mazatlán Sinaloa Mexico
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gregmarriage · 7 months
succ/brba crossover, where jesse and greg meet because greg goes to score drugs for kendall. then, he starts going to score pot for himself, bc jesse is nicer than a lot of other dealers, even if greg thinks he’s weird, and vice versa, but also, he’s a relaxing change of pace from the roys, and feels more akin to his old life, when he wants to go outside of himself and all the stress of his job and current life. he never has any idea what jesse gets up to, and neither does jesse of greg. one day, jesse disappears… and greg has to find a new dealer, and starts to forget about the weird fucking guy he used to smoke pot with sometimes.
#they also fuck nasty#yeah yeah the timelines and geography don’t match up#stop ruining my beautiful world <3#could also be greg spends some time in new mexico pre canon and he met jesse then#and one day he tells tom about a guy who used to deal him pot and they were sort of friends until he disappeared#could also be slightly pre brba canon or at least early into the canon#greg would have been about 17/18 in 2008 right?#if he’s supposed to be between 27 and 30#i always lean more towards 27 but if succ passes at least 2 years then he’s closer to 30 then#do i have to write this now?#is succ even set in 2018? bc it never really says and you can kinda twist shit bc the timeline makes no fucking sense so i can honestly say#anything and it’s not necessarily false#either way tho#it’s only a silly crossover and we can pretend and ignore if things aren’t correct <3#also they both have it in common that they have 4 and 5 seasons respectively but only take place over the span of two years like#that’s crazy#jesse in s1 is the same age i am now#well he turns 25 in and amongst the pilot and i’m not yet 25 but same thing#and is barely 26 at the end of the show#he’s so young!!#which kinda makes everything worse#bc obviously the thing about jesse is he may be a grown man but he’s also secretly soft and childish in his ways#and 26 isn’t old in any way#like he’s a child in my eyes#i always think he’s younger#like 19/20#he tells walt high school was a long time ago but i would also say that even if i’d just got out of high school imaoooo#anyways he and greg are both my baby boys is the point of this post imaooooo#gwen rambles#gwenposting
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vampy waking up on a beach in cancún after going on his silly goofy little spree disoriented asf except there was probs a lot more blood involved
vampy, waking up naked on the beach at 3 am, covered in blood with Mitch frantically shaking him: HARRY! HARRY, GET UP WE HAVE TO GO! NOW!!!
vampy, not being able to recall a single thing from the last few days: What…What’s going on? What happened?
Niall, nudging a dead body with his shoe and scrunching up his nose: You took the term “open bar” way too far.
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Western history is full of the daring feats of explorers—Lewis and Clark in North America, John Cabot in Canada, Marco Polo along the Silk Road, and the list goes on.
But what about the explorers who set out with the same optimism as these navigational celebrities, only to face mysterious adversity?
Here are five explorers who had all the advantages of their more successful counterparts, only not to reach their goals and leave very little trace of their true fates.
Franklin’s failed Northwest Passage quest
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British explorer Sir John Franklin left England in 1845 with 129 crew members and officers in search of the Northwest Passage, a shipping route from the Atlantic to the Pacific through Canada.
They were expertly equipped with iron-sheathed ships, three years of food and drink, even an early daguerreotype camera.
Instead of finding the passage, however, the ships became trapped in the Canadian Arctic’s most treacherous, ice-choked corner, north of King William Island.
Twenty-four men died by April 1848, including the captain.
The new captain, Francis Crozier, apparently abandoned the ships and set out with the remaining crew over the icy terrain in a desperate attempt to reach land.
Inuit hunters reported seeing bedraggled crewmen dragging sleds across the ice.
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A few bodies have since been found, along with deserted campsites and bits and pieces, including silver dessert spoons and cotton shirt fragments.
In 2014, the wreck of Erebus was located, followed by the Terror in 2016.
While the wrecks themselves did not solve the mystery of what killed the men, the recovered bones of some men bore knife marks, suggesting the crew was fending off starvation by cannibalism.
Fawcett’s Lost City of Z
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British explorer Col. Percy Harrison Fawcett already had undertaken several expeditions into the Amazon early in the 20th century when he came across an irresistible Portuguese document at the National Library of Brazil.
Detailing the discovery of a “large, hidden, and very ancient city, without inhabitants, discovered in the year 1753,” it told of grand ruins hidden in the Mato Grosso jungle.
Fawcett instantly decided to find the ruins, which he named the Lost City of Z.
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After one failed attempt to find this awesome site, Fawcett, his son Jack, his son’s friend Raleigh Rimell, and two local laborers departed into the Brazilian wilderness in April 1925.
They wrote their last dispatch home on May 20.
Their Brazilian helpers had left them, Fawcett noted, but “You need have no fear of failure.”
No one ever heard from the party again.
Their disappearance became an obsession, with adventurers over the next decades trying to retrace their steps.
A reporter who went after Fawcett in 1930 also disappeared, as did a Swiss hunter and his search party.
Unconfirmed reports filtered out from the jungle of pale-skinned prisoners and their young children, but Fawcett and his party have never been found.
Mallory’s ill-fated Everest summit
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The hopes of the world, or at least of the world’s mountain-climbing community, were pinned on George Leigh Mallory when he began his third attempt to reach the summit of Mount Everest in April 1924.
The handsome English climber had reached 27,235 feet, 1,800 feet below Everest’s peak, on a 1922 expedition.
This time, he intended to make it to the top.
On June 8, Mallory and his young companion, Sandy Irvine, set out on what they hoped would be the final sprint.
A fellow climber spotted them, two black spots, about 800 vertical feet below the summit. Then a snow squall closed in, and the climbers disappeared.
Mallory’s body was not recovered for 75 years.
In 1999, climber Conrad Anker discovered Mallory’s frozen corpse at 26,760 feet on the moun­tain’s north face. Irvine’s body has not been found.
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Whether Mallory was on his way up to the sum­mit or was coming down from a successful ascent is unknown.
If he did reach the peak, he would have beaten Edmund Hillary, the New Zealand mountaineer who has been lauded for being the first man to reach the summit since his successful ascent in 1953.
But the world may never know.
Amelia Earhart’s strange disappearance
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Amelia Earhart was world famous. She was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic and the first person to fly from Hawaii to California.
Her round-the-world flight in 1937 was her final challenge.
Accompanying her when she took off from Miami on 1 June 1937 was an experienced navigator, Fred­erick Noonan.
The first legs of the 29,000-mile trip were ardu­ous, but the 2,556-mile Pacific leg from New Guinea to tiny Howland Island was the toughest of all.
From the air, Earhart radioed she couldn’t see the island and was running low on fuel. Then silence.
Recent forensic analysis suggest that bones found in 1940 on the Pacific island of Nikumaroro were those of the avia­tor.
Dimensions of Earhart’s body accord­ing to photos and clothing matched measurements recorded of the bones.
Unfortunately, the bones themselves were lost—so DNA testing cannot be done.
Researchers are still following every lead, from a skull fragment found in a museum to underwater fragments possibly from her plane, but so far, her disappearance remains a mystery.
Ambrose Bierce’s baffling Mexican quest
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Ambrose Bierce isn’t the typical explorer. A Civil War veteran, he was also a journalist and poet, known for his cynical and misanthropic writings.
One such entry in his Devil’s Dictionary, for example, reads, “Fidelity: A virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed.”
In 1913, with his family dead and his career waning, the 71-year-old Bierce headed out to visit Civil War battlefields, including Missionary Ridge and Chickamauga, and onward to Mexico.
“I am going to Mexico with a pretty definite purpose, which is not at all presently disclosable,” he wrote to his secretary.
He may have joined up with Pancho Villa’s rebel army and traveled with it to Chihuahua.
Reports from one of Villa’s battles told of an “old gringo” killed in the fighting.
Could that have been Bierce? Or did he live on in Mexico, California, France, or Brazil, where reports have placed him over the years?
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mirrorofliterature · 1 year
people who slander imelda rivera have a standing invitation to fight me
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
incase anyone doesn’t know Max and Liz’s first kiss in Roswell New Mexico is televisions best first kiss
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emletish-fish · 2 years
I’ve binge read your completed cobra Kai fics on AO3 and I just want to say you have an amazing gift and I am literally gonna go back and reread them now even tho I only finished yesterday! If you’re gonna write any more Robby-Johnny centered fics especially now that the newest season is out with the addition of a new baby, I would literally be the first reader!
Thank you for making my week better ❤️
Aww thank you so much!
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Robby and Johnny really caught my attention. In this dumb karate soap opera, what those two had going on was genuinely riveting for me. I felt properly inspired. I really wanted them to have a better relationship and when the show wouldn't give it to me, I wrote it myself. I'm super fond of Good Boy and No Be There as writing projects.
But daaayyum, the babyplot in season 5 kinda killed my inspiration stone-dead.
I have an idea to re-write the way Robby and Johnny and Miguel work through their issues without the babyplot, simmilar to what I did with No Be There after season 4. I'd take the plot beats of the season 5 but re-work it to be more emotionally satisfying.
(I'd also like to re-introduce the continuity fairy, because the idea that Robby has healthy, well-adjusted grandparents that he normally spends the summer with going fishing and hiking was just thrown out there with no explanation this season, all to service the babyplot???? so, like, I want to be consistent with what has been established as canon prior to that).
So yeah, that's an idea I've been tossing around in my head, and hopefully I'll write it. But it's a bit of a struggle atm because the babyplot did Robby and Johnny so dirty - but in a way that sapped all the narrative tension out of their relationship. Lack of narrative payoff is a bit of an inspiration killer for me.
So I can't make you any promises, but I do have some ideas.
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rowanhoney · 2 years
Also wild I accidentally over shared with a customer earlier that my mother disappeared to Central America and that as a child there was a solid 2 years where all sides of my family United because my mother was planning to run off with my brother and I and just go and live in the middle of nowhere in Mexico. Like no plan no income no home. Just take her kids and wing it in a dangerous place
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artsygarbitch · 2 years
oh my god it's the day of the last show of 2022
idk what i'm gonna do with myself after this i hope we still get semi-regular gerard updates
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letsgethaunted · 22 hours
Episode 196: The Disappearance of Jacobo Grinberg
Jacobo Grinberg was a famed Mexican scientist, neurophysiologist, and psychologist who dedicated his life to studying an unseen reality, or "lattice" which existed at the intersection of psychic ability and shamanism. But as Jacobo's controversial research begin revealing things he was "unable to explain with modern science", Jacobo found himself at the center of political upheaval and was ostracized from the scientific community...until he went missing altogether. In this episode, Nat asks Aly a question that has haunted the Mexican mysticism scene for decades: What happened to Jacobo Grinberg?
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qupritsuvwix · 5 days
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