#Johnny and Robby
messymindofmine · 2 years
Something that caught my attention about s5 that I haven't really seen a lot of people talking about is how the entire first half of the season is pretty much Robby cleaning up Johnny's messes. From the very first episode, Johnny gets into a fight with those scammers and Robby has to jump in to help Johnny. Johnny has no reaction to this. Then when Johnny loses the van, Robby is the one who goes through that stupid spice contest to get enough money to get the van back. Then he helps Johnny win that fight in ep3. Then in ep5, after that completely insane forced apartment fight where Robby is forced to completely shut down and surrender himself to Johnny and Miguel for the rest of the season, Robby is the one to fix that lock that Johnny messed up. It's something that really struck me. On the other hand, there is an argument to be made about how Robby has been dealing with Johnny's messes his entire life. Robby had to worry about supporting himself and his mother bc Johnny abandoned him. Robby had to survive by himself bc Johnny couldn't be bothered to even check on his son every once in a while. So yes, I could see how Robby has been dealing with Johnny's mistakes his whole life. It's just interesting to me how this season took it a lot more literally
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wraftofotters · 2 years
"The Title That's Given To You"
Here's an excerpt from my rewrite of the Johnny/Robby arc from the end of Season 3 to the end of Season 4
 Scene- Slight rewrite. Season 3 finale confrontation between Johnny and Robby at Cobra Kai dojo. Johnny: You don't understand. You can't trust him!
Robby: And I can trust you? 
Johnny: Robby please listen to me-
Robby: Sensei Kreese has shown more concern for me in the last week than you have in 16 goddamn years. Why should I trust you?
Johnny: (pleading) You can’t be around this man Robby it's not safe-
Robby: You suddenly care about my safety? I was gone for two weeks and all you did was get drunk. I could've been dead in a gutter somewhere and you didn’t give a shit. (Robby begins to shove Johnny. With each statement he shoves Johnny more and more aggressively. Johnny doesn’t retaliate. Robby’s rage builds to the point in which he is yelling)  I was getting my face kicked in every day in juvie and all you cared about was Miguel. I was so stupid to think that maybe this time you’d show up for me. Why did you come back in my life if you were just gonna leave me again? Why? (during this we see a shot of Kreese. He has regained consciousness. A smile spreads across his face. The seed has been planted) Johnny: Robby…that’s not true… Robby: No. You don’t get to hurt me again. Not again. This time I’m gonna hurt you. (Robby attacks Johnny and the fight from the season 3 finale ensues)
(Scene Daniel, Johnny, Miguel and Sam facing Kreese outside of the dojo. This is right after they make their agreement with the tournament. Robby enters holding his head. Johnny comes toward him)
Johnny: Robby! Are you okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you (Robby takes a step back away from Johnny. Kreese puts a protective arm around him)
Kreese: You alright son? (Johnny explodes with rage. He grabs Kreese by the collar of his shirt)
Johnny: You son of a bitch. You goddamn piece of shit I’ll kill you. I swear to god I’ll kill you. I’ll take one of those knives off the wall and gut you and make sure you bleed out and gladly go to jail. I’ll fucking end you. What kind of sick twisted game are you trying to play? You kidnap my son? You try to brainwash my son? (Daniel attempts to hold Johnny back) Daniel: Johnny c’mon don’t make things worse. Kreese: (oddly calm) I didn't kidnap him. I'm not holding him hostage. The boy came to me.  He asked for a place to stay until he can be with his mother and I'm providing that. He's been through a lot lately. It seemed like he had no one else to turn to (Johnny lets go of Kreese’s shirt collar) Daniel: Robby…you’re not living here are you? (Robby shrugs) Daniel: Robby, I told you, you can stay at our place Robby: Why? So you can toss me out again?  I’m fine right where I am Johnny: No you’re not. There is no way in hell you are staying here Robby. Just get in the car and we can talk about this later Robby: You have no right to order me around. Johnny: I’m your goddamn father of course I have the right. Kreese: You aren’t his legal guardian. He doesn’t even bear your name. Johnny: (to Kreese) YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! (to Robby) You do a lot of dumb shit to spite me kid but this really takes the cake. You’re not staying here. If I have to get you out of here by force I’ll do it Robby: Are you threatening me? Johnny: Robby! I’m not- Daniel: Johnny….easy let’s just stay calm. I’ll call the police Robby: That’s your favorite thing to do isn’t it? (Daniel sighs helplessly)
Johnny: Fine. Call them! Tell them my son straight out of juvie is throwing a goddamn temper tantrum and staying with a psycho
Daniel: Johnny!
Robby: If either of you try anything like that I’ll run away again. You’ll never see me again. Not that you even gave a shit before.
Kreese: No need son. Let them call. By all means Johnny. Call the police. And we can show them the nasty gash on your son’s head from when you threw him into those lockers. Right after you and your little friend here broke into my place of business and tried to kill me. That doesn’t look great next to your latest arrest from another one of your petty barroom brawls. I’m not the one with the criminal record here. Any one would take one look at you and throw Robby in foster care. I guess that’s what you’ve always wanted for him right? Father of the year. I think you’ve done enough now.
(Johnny looks sick taking in what Kreese says. He feels powerless)
Johnny: Robby (helplessly) Please. Please don’t do this (he puts his hand on Robby’s shoulder. Robby immediately shrugs him off and takes a step back)
Robby: Don’t touch me. Don’t go near me. Don’t talk to me. Ever again. I’m done. I mean it, Johnny.
(Johnny’s eyes fill with tears. He looks like the wind has been knocked out of him. Out of all the names Robby has called him…this one hurts the most)
(Johnny turns and leaves)(Robby has a microsecond of regret on his face before:)
Miguel: Sensei?
(Miguel goes after Johnny. Robby’s expression turns back into disgust and hatred)
Daniel: Robby….
Robby: That goes for you too. For both of you.
(Daniel takes one last helpless look at Robby. Sam nudges her father gently to leave with her. They exit. Robby watches them go and Kreese puts his arm around him again)
End scene. 
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c-writes-sometimes · 2 years
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New chapter now up!
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emletish-fish · 2 years
I’ve binge read your completed cobra Kai fics on AO3 and I just want to say you have an amazing gift and I am literally gonna go back and reread them now even tho I only finished yesterday! If you’re gonna write any more Robby-Johnny centered fics especially now that the newest season is out with the addition of a new baby, I would literally be the first reader!
Thank you for making my week better ❤️
Aww thank you so much!
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Robby and Johnny really caught my attention. In this dumb karate soap opera, what those two had going on was genuinely riveting for me. I felt properly inspired. I really wanted them to have a better relationship and when the show wouldn't give it to me, I wrote it myself. I'm super fond of Good Boy and No Be There as writing projects.
But daaayyum, the babyplot in season 5 kinda killed my inspiration stone-dead.
I have an idea to re-write the way Robby and Johnny and Miguel work through their issues without the babyplot, simmilar to what I did with No Be There after season 4. I'd take the plot beats of the season 5 but re-work it to be more emotionally satisfying.
(I'd also like to re-introduce the continuity fairy, because the idea that Robby has healthy, well-adjusted grandparents that he normally spends the summer with going fishing and hiking was just thrown out there with no explanation this season, all to service the babyplot???? so, like, I want to be consistent with what has been established as canon prior to that).
So yeah, that's an idea I've been tossing around in my head, and hopefully I'll write it. But it's a bit of a struggle atm because the babyplot did Robby and Johnny so dirty - but in a way that sapped all the narrative tension out of their relationship. Lack of narrative payoff is a bit of an inspiration killer for me.
So I can't make you any promises, but I do have some ideas.
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reddie-as-ill-ever-be · 2 months
I love that everyone in Cobra Kai is in a different genre.
Daniel and Johnny are in a homoerotic buddy-cop comedy, Tory is in a Saw trap, Miguel is in a coming-of-age movie, Kenny is in a coming-of-rage movie, Hawk and Demetri are in a BL sports anime, Sam is in a teen drama, Robby's in a reboot of a hit movie from the 80's, Chozen is literally just there, Kreese and Silver are in a psychosexual thriller, Amanda is in a sitcom, Kyler-
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redroses07 · 2 months
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if miguel introduced johnny to snap
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rosie-tyler · 2 months
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ihatethebrits · 28 days
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gaffney · 2 months
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happy74827 · 3 months
Real Life Fairytale
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[Robby Keene x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You tried so hard not to be that girl, but the more you were around him, the more you were convinced clichés could be a good thing.
WC: 712
Category: Fluff, First Kiss
Since Cobra Kai coming back later this month, here’s some fluff with the Marty Mcfly of karate.
It was a typical cliché, and as much as you hated it, there was something that still pulled at you. Something that pulled you right into the arms of none other than Robby Keene.
Your relationship had been rocky at best; it had started out with him pickpocketing your purse and the two of you becoming friends because, at the time, you believed he was simply returning what you lost.
Of course, when your friendship officially became a friendship, he told you the truth and apologized. LaRusso had offered him a job, and everything he did suddenly became about changing his life and earning his place. He wanted to prove to his father that he was more than just some punk-ass kid from the wrong side of the tracks.
So, how did that bring you to where you are now? How did a guy like Robby Keene, dressed up in Marty McFly attire, become the center of your universe?
The Halloween Bash, of course.
Originally, the entire group of friends, the past feud between Robby and Miguel, had long been forgotten, so they decided to do one big group costume. Demetri thought it would be a good idea to go with the Power Rangers, which was fine, except for the fact that Eli was the only one who actually wanted to be a Ranger. Everyone else was either not impressed or completely clueless about who they were.
In the end, the group split off into their own individual costumes, and that's how you ended up with your favorite movie being used as the basis for your outfits.
It took a lot of convincing on your part. I mean, the dude looked practically identical to the real actor; he was the obvious choice. Throw a Walkman on him, and boom, the costume is perfect.
He blamed it on the hair, which it technically was. Ever since he ditched Dora's cut with Diego, he just became that geeky kid who freaked at the word 'chicken.'
And in all honesty, you truly believed he hated that word, too. Eli said it to bait him once, and he did not go down easily.
It only took you an hour to convince him, but after a while, he relented, and the costume was finalized.
So, obviously, when the two of you walked in with swag that only the 80s could pull off, you stayed for about an hour before Robby got bored and decided ice cream was the cure.
Now, the two of you were sitting on the steps of an apartment building, eating a gallon of ice cream and talking.
You swear, you didn't mean for it to happen, but the way he looked at you with those soft, blue eyes and the smile that could make a nun blush, you found yourself leaning closer.
"I had fun," he spoke quietly, his words dancing over your lips. "Even if I do look ridiculous."
You giggled. "Well, isn't that why we have Halloween? To look ridiculous?"
He shrugged and leaned closer, his eyes searching yours.
"You don't look ridiculous, though," you continued. "I think you look pretty good in a life preserver."
He grinned. "Yeah?"
It was something about the way he said that. The way you could hear the smile in his voice, but most of all, the way he looked at you when he said it. Like he was looking for permission to continue with what was already happening.
So, you answered by leaning in, connecting your lips with his, and giving him all the permission he needed.
His hands instantly flew to your hips, tugging you closer, and you found your own hands wrapping around his neck, deepening the kiss.
It was perfect, just like the movies. You regretted dressing up as Doc Brown, though. Not only was the radiation suit itchy, but you were acting like Jennifer Parker, and you didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Still, with the white hair off and his headphones finding their home around his neck, you figured maybe you'd force him to keep that part of the costume because, the way he was looking at you, you didn't want it to end.
You were sure it wouldn't, not any time soon.
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hauntedfictionland · 11 months
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mr-foods · 1 year
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peter and friends
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cades-outsider · 5 months
NSFW Alphabet: Young Johnny Lawrence
Warnings: NSFW
NSFW Alphabet
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A= Aftercare (What he's like after sex) Younger Johnny definitely has no clue what aftercare is at first. He's not used to affection and receiving love, over time you'll start to show him how important aftercare is to both of you. After that, his go to aftercare would be making sure you use the bathroom after sex, cleaning you up, then cuddling naked until you both fall asleep.
B= Body Part (His favorite body part of yours) Your boobs for sure, that's the first thing he looks at, more like gawks at. While in missionary he'll use each hand for each boob to hold on to, he's so gentle because he doesn't want to hurt you.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically) He doesn't have a preference, although the thought of cumming in you is very appealing to him, he doesn't know what he'd do with a kid while he's a teenager.
D= Dirty Secret (Johnny's dirty secret) Johnny really wants to make love to you in his car, it's a wonder it hasn't happened yet. He wouldn't admit it, but he's kind of nervous to even ask and he doesn't know when or how to approach the topic.
E= Experience (How experienced is Johnny) He definitely doesn't know much especially if you were his first, but he knows a lot from his imagination that he just uses on you. Though he makes it seem like he's more experienced for the first time you both have sex.
F= Favorite Position (His favorite position) Definitely missionary, he's a simple teenage hormonal boy who likes to get the full view of his girl while he makes her take his cock.
G= Goofy (Is he goofy during sex) Not really, he tends to be more serious during sex, especially if it's a very romantic and intimate moment with you, then he's the opposite of rough or goofy.
H= Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes) Definitely. Johnny will pretty much always have the mindset that it's more manly to have hair down there. But he did experiment when you first got together, he tried shaving incase you decided to have sex or go down on him, but he quickly decided it wasn't for him.
I= Intimacy (How romantic is Johnny during the moment) Johnny isn't very romantic, but that doesn't mean he isn't sweet during sex. He cares about his pleasure, but he also has the need to make sure you're taken care of. Now, if it's a special day (anniversary or valentines), then he'll be more romantic. Rose petals around the bed, some pretty candles lit up... if you're both alone at his mom and stepdads house, then he'll even run you both a bubble bath afterwards. He truly cares about you, and while he may have a hard time expressing it, he still tries for you.
J= Jack Off (Masturbation) Johnny does it all the time, when he's not busy with you or karate of course. But if there's no possible way to get off then he'll get off by the thought of you or some of your Polaroid pictures he has.
K= Kink (How kinky is Johnny) Johnny is not kinky. He's more caring and careful during sex, but there has been moments when he's jealous or angry and he takes it out on you, but he would never hurt you physically. He does like to lightly wrap his hands around your neck, and he loves to slap your ass and dig his nails into your hips while you ride him, but never beyond that.
L= Location (Favorite places to do the do) Johnny's favorite place to have sex is in his room, where no one can distract either of you. He doesn't like the idea of being in public and having sex, but if he needed a quickie or something made him jealous, then that would quickly change.
M= Motivation (What gets Johnny going) Your mouth really gets him going. The way you subtly bite your lip while you're working on homework, or the way your lipgloss makes them more noticeable. It turns him on so much and he can't help but imagine your lips wrapped around his cock.
N= No (A turn off, something Johnny would never do) He would never bring hitting into sex, with how he's treated by his sensei and his step dad, he wouldn't want that pain or trauma inflicted on you, even if you gave him consent to do so.
O= Oral (His preference in giving and receiving) He loves both, but he loves receiving more because of the way you treat him and how you respect his body. You take care of his wants and he doesn't want that to go away.
P= Pace (Is he fast and rough, slow and sensual; etc) Johnny can be both. While he's mainly sweet and sensual in the moment, he can also be very rough and fast. Especially if he sees you around Daniel or any other boy for that matter. He wouldn't tell you who you couldn't hang out with, but he would make it known that he didn't like Daniel talking to you, and if Daniel didn't take the hint, then Johnny would make it known that you were his.
Q= Quickie (Johnny's opinion in quickies/fast and rushed sex) He is always up for a quickie, he would never turn one down. Johnny likes to take his time with you, but that doesn't mean he won't fuck you in such a hurry that you can't speak. You could be anywhere and say you were mildly horny, and he would rush you into the nearest bathroom.
R= Risk (Does he like to take risks) Johnny is definitely a risk taker. If you asked him to try new things then he would for you, but never anything physically harming. You could easily persuade him to do anything for you, except, inflicting physical pain on either of you.
S= Stamina (How long can he go for, and how long does he last) Johnny can go pretty long, well, he prefers to take his time with you. The most he could last would probably be an hour, with a lot of foreplay leading up to actually fucking.
T= Toy (Does he like to use toys) Not really. He prefers for you to use him, hence, you to use his mouth and cock how you like. He would never say no to trying toys, but he just likes the feel and taste of you without them.
U= Unfair (How much does he like to tease, does he tease) Johnny loves to tease you, matter of fact- he constantly does it. He loves to drag out the process, touching you inch by inch, making you beg for his cock before giving you even his fingers. Every time he does it and you whine, he just gives you that same cocky smirk with the comment “what? Can’t take it?”
V= Volume (How loud is Johnny during the moment) Johnny is rarely loud. He gives the occasional grunts, groans, and slight whimpers- but he’s more of a touchy person, so he’d be digging his nails into your hips and grabbing all over you before he’s moaning constantly.
W= Wild Card (Random head-con for Johnny) Johnny has always wanted to lean you over his motorcycle and fuck you raw. When he’s alone and you’re nowhere to be found, he jerks off to the thought of you letting him fuck you raw as he has you bent over his motorcycle. He doesn’t like the idea of it being so out in the open, but honestly, if you were to say yes, he would lose all self-control.
X= X- Ray (Lets see what's going on in them pants shall we) Johnny is a solid 6 inches. He’s not too big, but not too small. He has a good girth too, which really adds to it.
Y= Yearning (How high is Johnny's sex drive) His sex drive is pretty high. If you’d let him, he would probably fuck you every day, twice a day. But on the days that he is extremely horny, he cums quicker. Thus, making it easier for him to fuck you multiple times a day.
Z= Zzzzz (How fast does Johnny fall asleep afterwards) Johnny doesn’t fall asleep right away, he makes sure you’re taken care of before he knocks out. He’ll usually clean you up right after and then hold you close to his chest, rubbing your lower back as you talk about random stuff before finally falling asleep.
This was like heavily requested soooo here you go!!!
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c-writes-sometimes · 2 years
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Two NEW chapters available now!
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blusandbirds · 5 months
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and the judge cried "lost boy! you're a lost boy! thank god you're not mine."
a fractured inheritance (the good place) // downward spiral (cobra kai) // molé (cobra kai) // legendaddy (how i met your mother) // bicephaly (cobra kai) // cobra kai never dies (cobra kai) // lost boy (ryan scott oliver) // counterbalance (cobra kai) // and my father's love was nothing next to god's will (amatullah bourdon)
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reddie-as-ill-ever-be · 2 months
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Cobra Kai + Textposts
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