littlebydigital ยท 1 year
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queermediastudies ยท 2 years
Behind the Umbrellas: Marginality as Joyful Resistance
Final Queer Video
When we first talked about the video project, I thought of Parasol Patrol, a non-profit founded by Eli Bazan and Pasha Ripley in 2019. I wanted to show how Parasol Patrol creates a queer space in the midst of a visual culture filled with hate and violence aimed at LGBTQ children. The Barker and Scheele (2016) graphic novel informed my goals.
1. I wanted to show one type of queer activism (p. 51). As queer people of color, Eli and Pasha are uniquely able to address the threats facing queer children, including queer children of color.
2. Barker and Scheele describe โ€œhow queer theory has engaged with popular cultureโ€ฆโ€ (p. 6) and given the increasingly violent actions directed at trans people and at drag events, I wanted to show how a local organization could resist the hate targeting LGBTQ folx.
3. Barker and Scheele say, โ€œQueer activism is a form of sexuality/gender activism that opposes assimilationist agendas of trying to show how โ€˜normalโ€™ LG(BT) people are. Instead it celebrates difference and diversityโ€ฆโ€ (p. 15). Pasha often says, โ€œWeโ€™re here because of the hate groups. Weโ€™re not here for them.โ€ Parasol Patrol carves out a space in the midst of violent hate that doesnโ€™t try to change LGBTQIA childrenโ€”it celebrates them. I wanted to show this joy.
4. Most importantly, I wanted to make queer media about queer people. So I focused on how Parasol Patrol creates space for youth to grow into powerful adults. Parasol is really about queer elders modeling community care for queer youth. This is our genealogy and I want to document it.
5. As a secondary goal, I wanted to create something Parasol Patrol can potentially use in its marketing because yay capitalism and the Nonprofit Industrial Complex.
I had good access to Eli, Pasha, and the rest of the Parasol Patrol regulars. Iโ€™ve been a Patroller since their 3rd month, so I knew getting footage and photos wouldnโ€™t be a problem. I also felt pretty sure I could show the change in atmosphere when participants move from the hate group side of the venue to the protected queer-friendly side behind the umbrellas. I questioned how much of the hate I should show, and Iโ€™m still not sure I balanced that right.
I had some other problems. Iโ€™ve never made a movie, so in terms of technology, I started at zero. Mia provided some helpful guidance, and the links on the module helped with editing. I also tend to be pretty wordy (ha!) so my first proposal was enormous. I needed to cut the scope down.
I had some tech issues, all user error, but I finally got a first rough draft posted. Moss watched it before I submitted it to Canvas. Their feedback basically boiled down to โ€œwhat does Parasol Patrol even do?โ€ but said in a very nice way. I reworked the intro, but after submitting the 2nd version, I still needed to clarify some things, rethink some quotes, and work on my ever-lagging tech skills (note to self: film in landscape next time). This is when I added voice over, bullying my husband into being the narrator. He agreed because heโ€™s scared of me I think.
Unique helped me figure out how to script something that made sense without having to redo the whole video. She answered tech questions. She also gave me snacks and tea, both of which gave me enough energy to work on the video when the cold hit.
I sent the 3rd draft to Mia, she gave more feedback, and I changed roughly 1/3 of the video. I also added some different images about recent events.
While the assignment was for a 5 minute video, mine goes over that. The credits begin at 5 minutes 25 seconds, so thatโ€™s where the for-a-grade project ends. But. Because I wanted Parasol to be able to use the video, and because I adore the owner of Second Star to the Right Bookstore (she always gives us food when we patrol there), I added a Marvel-Studios style post credit clip. Honestly, in my eyes, Eli and Pasha and the rest of the patrollers are superheroes, and Dea has been a long-time knowledge-keeper and child-protector, so it seems very apropos.
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mafmove ยท 2 years
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#banthear15 @joebiden @speakerpelosi @chuckschumer @kamalaharris before the end of the year. #guncontrol #stoptheviolence #disarmhate #enoughisenough https://www.instagram.com/p/ClM4Tb_O74l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
heartsoulrocknroll ยท 5 months
WWE WrestleMania 40 Night One 4/6/24
Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Becky Lynch for the Women's World Championship -- Beautiful Northern Lights suplex by Rhea. Becky reverses a vertical suplex attempt by Rhea into an inside cradle for two. Nice delayed vertical suplex by Rhea. Becky with an arm drag off the top! Commentary mentions Rhea's taped arm. Becky lands a tornado DDT off the ropes for two! Becky lands a leg drop on the apron, as Rhea hangs over the ropes. Becky lands an exploder into the barricade outside! Becky lands a leg drop off the top inside for two! Rhea catches Becky off the top, slams her down to the mat, and lands a nasty knee to the face for two!! Damn! Becky escapes a Riptide attempt and yanks back on Rhea's arm, pulling it into her double knees, then transitions into an arm bar. Rhea muscles Becky up and lands two consecutive powerbombs with Becky still hanging onto the arm, then Rhea lands a third, huge sit-out powerbomb for two!!! Geez!!! Rhea with a big boot for two! They exchange overhand chops, Rhea lands a big headbutt! Becky locks in Disarmher in the ropes for 5 and slams Rhea's head into the ring post! Becky goes for a leg drop off the top, but Rhea catches her in a standing, inverted Cloverleaf! Rhea falls to the mat and maintains the hold with body scissors as well. Becky gets Rhea's shoulders down for two. Becky reverses another Riptide attempt into a Manhandle slam for two! Rhea finally lands Riptide into a high stack, but Becky kicks out at 2.5! Wtf!! Becky lands a superplex off the top, holds on, and quickly transitions into Disarmher! Rhea escapes by maneuvering Becky onto her shoulders in electric chair position and standing up!! Becky flips Rhea over the ropes to the outside. They both go over, but Rhea manages to hold onto Becky, who is still on her shoulders on the outside. Rhea falls back and slams Becky back-first to the floor!!!! Damn! Rhea lands a frog splash off the top for two! Becky goes for a Manhandle slam off the top, but Rhea reverses and lands Riptide onto the top turnbuckle!!! Holy shit! Then another Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pinfall!!! Hell yeah!!!!!
This was an awesome match. Great arm work by Becky, great power stuff by Rhea as usual, awesome finish with the Riptide on the top turnbuckle. Loved it. Rating: 4
Finn Bรกlor and Damian Priest (c) vs. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate vs. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. The Miz and R-Truth vs. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller -- Ladder Match for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships -- Bate with the airplane spin on Bรกlor, then hurls him into a ladder in the corner! Bate and Dunne land beautiful stereo moonsaults off a ladder to the floor outside!!! Bate climbs the ladder inside, but Priest hurls Dunne into the ladder and Bate falls down! Truth with a five knuckle shuffle, then an AA on Bรกlor onto a ladder! Truth pins Bรกlor for three and thinks he has won the match. Miz lands a SCF on Priest. Gargano hits Sweet Chin Music, then Ciampa hits a Pedigree at Truth's encouragement. Waller and Theory sneak in, climb the ladder, and grab the SD tag titles. Wtf is going on???
Bate comes in with a right hand to Theory, then Dunne and Bate land a double powerbomb over the top rope onto a ladder laid horizontally between the apron and announce table on Waller!!!! Damn!! Gargano lands a somersault senton off the apron! Xavier with an elbow drop off the top rope onto Ciampa onto a ladder propped horizontally on the ropes! Nasty looking. Kofi and Xavier are on the ladder inside, and Kofi falls backward onto everyone on the floor! Theory comes in and climbs. Bate and Dunne land a Birminghammer on Theory off the ladder!!!! Damn!!
Gargano lands a slingshot DDT over the ropes/apron and through a table on the floor on Dunne!!! Holy shit!!! Ciampa lands White Noise on Bate off the top of the ladder inside!!! Oh my god!!!!!! Truth climbs the ladder, but JD McDonagh comes in to suplex Truth off the ladder and tries to help Bรกlor climb. Kofi stops it with chair shots to Bรกlor. Xavier and Kofi tip the ladder and send JD flying through a table outside! Priest comes in with Razor's Edge on Kofi onto a chair! Geez. Priest grabs a ladder. Truth comes in to stop him, and lands an AA over the ropes, dumping Priest to the floor! Truth climbs the ladder and grabs the RAW tag belts!
This was a very entertaining match, but Theory and Waller winning the SD titles in the middle of the match was not only confusing (because I didn't ever hear anyone state that there could be two winners before), but an absolutely ridiculous choice that sucked the wind out of the match for me. Truth grabbing the RAW titles was pretty obvious and not necessarily something I needed to see, but it's a nice moment for Miz and Truth. Overall, this was a great, fast-paced, chaotic match with lots of awesome spots, especially Gargano's slingshot DDT through the table and Ciampa's White Noise off the ladder. DIY and Dunne/Bate were the obvious stars of this match, and should have been the winners. Rating: 3.75
Rey Mysterio and Andrade vs. Santos Escobar and Dominik Mysterio -- LET'S GOOOOOO, ANDRADE. Andrade fakes a boot, then absolutely MURDERS Escobar with a disgusting back elbow!!! Damn!! Andrade has Rey in electric chair position on the top and jumps, and they land a double cross body to the outside! Nice lol. Escobar with a nice tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Rey for two. Dom blocks a 619 with a spinning elbow. Escobar has Rey upside down on his own back, but Rey reverses into a Code Red! Andrade lands his aggressive running double knees to Dom in the corner, and goes for a moonsault off the top. Dom moves, and Andrade follows with a standing moonsault for two! Rey lands 619 on Escobar, and Andrade lands a beautiful moonsault off the top rope to Dom on the floor! Escobar lands a hurricanrana on Rey off the top! Zelina lands a moonsault off the ropes to Elektra on the outside! She kinda misses, and only really hits Elektra with her legs. Looked kinda nasty. Rey lands a double 619 on Dom and Escobar, and Andrade lands his beautiful double underhook neckbreaker on Dom! Rey lands a frog splash off the top on Escobar for the pinfall!
Very good match! Very entertaining. Andrade looked fantastic here, outshining everyone else in the match by a mile. I am so happy to see him get a nice WrestleMania moment here. Rating: 3.25
Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso -- Jey jumps Jimmy before the bell. But Jimmy turns it around and dominates the match. Jimmy with multiple superkicks to Jey. Jimmy comes off the top, but Jey avoids it and catches him with a superkick. They trade shots in the middle of the ring. Drop down uppercut by Jimmy, and Jey responds with one of his own. Enziguri by Jimmy, and Jey responds with one of his own. Superkick by Jimmy, same by Jey. Superkick by Jimmy, same by Jey. Two more superkicks by Jey. Dropkick by Jey. Jey goes for another superkick, and Jimmy covers his face. Jey hesitates. Jimmy says he is sorry for everything and he was wrong, and reaches out a hand to Jey. Jey takes it. Jimmy has suckered him in for another superkick. Jimmy lands a frog splash off the top for two. Jimmy sets up for a spear, but Jey cuts him off with a spear of his own, then lands a frog splash off the top for the pinfall.
That was so mind-numbingly boring. It only went 11 minutes, and yet I felt like it would never end. If I had to see one more superkick, I was going to start crying (and people talk about the Bucks). It never felt like the big, animosity-filled grudge match that it should have been. There was no heat at all really. The crowd didn't care. The Usos didn't seem like they cared. I didn't care. I hated this. Rating: 1
Bianca Belair, Naomi, and Jade Cargill vs. Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai -- Sane with a big elbow drop! Bianca goes nuts with a backbreaker to Asuka, delayed vertical suplex to Sane, nice tilt-a-whirl gutbuster to Dakota, spinebuster to Asuka, press slam to Sane onto Asuka and Dakota, and a springboard handspring moonsault into a cover on all three! They all kick out! Jade comes in with a chokeslam to Dakota, then catches Sane off the top and lands a backbreaker on her knee, then just hurls Dakota over her shoulder and lands a Michinoku Driver! Jade covers, but Asuka and Sane break up the pin. Bianca ducks a kick by Asuka, whips the hell out of Asuka with her hair, then lands KOD! Jade lands the Jaded facebuster on Dakota for the pinfall.
This was a technically solid match with good action in the ring, but it didn't really go anywhere or mean anything. The obvious team wins, and Jade gets a big moment that I'm not sure she's ready for. Rating: 2.75
Sami talks to his wife and son backstage before his match. Oh god, not the family. This does not bode well for Gunther. Gable asks Sami if he is ready. Sami says, "Let's go do this." Gable says he wants Sami to go out there by himself. He says Sami's got this on his own, but Sami owes him a favor. Kevin meets Sami as he is about to walk through the curtain, hugs him, and screams for him to go do it! I am not crying, Hunter!!!!!!! No matter what you do, you can't make me want Sami to win this match!!! It's not working!!! Lmao.
Gunther makes his entrance, and now I am crying. My god. I love that man. Help me.
Gunther (c) vs. Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Championship -- Gunther with some disrespect to Sami from the beginning. Sami lands some chops, and Gunther catches him off the ropes with a German suplex! Gunther lands a HUGE chop!! And boots to the face!! Gunther with more nasty chops and uppercuts! He hangs Sami over the top rope, lands a chop, and stretches his back/neck over the ropes for five!! Gunther with a nasty chop to the back!!! Then an uppercut, a knee, and more chops!!!! Sami slaps Gunther in the face, and Gunther responds with CHOP FROM HELL!!!!! HOT DAMN!!!!! They exchange chops! Sami lands a big lariat! Gunther lands nasty overhand chops to the throat!!! Geez!!! Sami responds with a flurry of strikes and lands two half and half suplexes!!! Gunther turns Sami inside out with a huge lariat for two!!!! Sami with a big overhand chop and a tornado DDT off the ropes! Sami goes for a Helluva kick, but Gunther stops it and catches him in a sleeper! Sami escapes! Gunther blocks a Blue Thunder Bomb attempt! Sami lands clubbing blows to the back of Gunther's head, and goes for the Blue Thunder Bomb again, but Gunther reverses again and locks the sleeper back in deep, falling aggressively back to the mat with body scissors!!!! Ahhhh!!!! Sami gets to his feet and reaches for the ropes, but Gunther stops him with a German suplex! Gunther runs at Sami, but Sami stops him with an exploder into the corner! Sami goes for a Helluva kick, but Gunther cuts him off with a big shotgun dropkick, then lands a NASTY powerbomb into a high stack!!! Sami kicks out at 2.5!!!!!!!!!
Gunther lands a HELLUVA KICK OF HIS OWN!!!! But Sami follows up immediately with a Helluva kick and covers, but Gunther kicks out!!!! Sami goes for another Helluva kick, but Gunther turns him inside out with a lariat, then lands two consecutive powerbombs without letting go into a high stack!!!! I AM CRYING!!!!!!! Sami kicks out at 2.5!!!!! Wtf!!!!!!!
Gunther yells at Sami's wife in the front row!! Dreamy sigh!!!!!!!!!!! Gunther with chops to Sami on his knees, a boot across the throat, and STOMPS TO THE HEAD!!!!! OH MY GOD, I AM FREAKING OUT!!! Gunther lands a huge lariat!!!!! Gunther gestures at Sami's wife to come on!!! Beautiful shit!!!! Gunther lands ANOTHER POWERBOMB!!! Gunther lands two frog splashes off the top!! He goes for another, but Sami fires himself up on the mat and finally comes back with a Helluva kick to Gunther on the top!! Sami lands a BRAINBUSTER ON THE TOP TURNBUCKLE!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! Sami lands two more Helluva kicks!!!! Cover by Sami!!!!! 1, 2, 3!!!
Oh my god, I am freaking out. That match rocked so hard. Both guys were absolutely amazing. It was structured perfectly with Gunther doing the dominant, heel shtick to perfection and wrestling like the badass that he is, and Sami playing the perfect babyface, rallying at the end, and having to pull out something absolutely insane like the top turnbuckle brainbuster to put Gunther away. Needless to say, I am devastated about Gunther losing. Just devastated. As well done as this match was, the build to the match was not given nearly enough time and focus for Gunther's historic 660+ day reign to have ended here. I'm so upset. I love Sami, and I have waited for a moment like this for him for a long time, but the only thing I didn't want was for it to happen at Gunther's expense. I am overcome with emotions. Rating: 4.5
Roman Reigns and The Rock vs. Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes (If Reigns and the Rock win, Reigns vs. Cody tomorrow night will be Bloodline Rules) -- Roman and Seth start the match. Cody tags in. He and Roman do a bunch of nothing. Seth and Rock tag in. They lock up. Seth shoves Rock. Rock and Seth trade rights. Rock lands a lariat to Seth. Rock gestures for Cody to come on. Seth tags Cody. Cody with a drop-down right and some kicks to Rock in the corner. Seth and Cody land double back elbows to Rock. Seth lands a slingblade on Roman.
The match breaks down with all four throwing hands in the ring. Seth and Rock fight on the outside. Rock yells at the ref that if he counts, he's fired. Cody and Roman fight on the ramp. Rock and Seth take it out into the crowd. Cody with a vertical suplex to Roman on the stage. Rock with a plastic trash can to Seth's head. Seth lands a double axe handle off the barricade to Rock.
Roman makes it back into the ring before Cody, despite being the one on the receiving end of the suplex on the stage. Roman with a chopblock to Seth's knee on the apron, and Seth tumbles to the floor. Renowned technical wrestler The Rock with the work on Seth's knee!!!!!!! Lmaoooo. He wraps the knee around the post. Roman tags in with stomps to Seth's knee, then wraps the knee around the rope, then locks in a single leg crab! Seth escapes. Rock slings Seth back-first into the ring steps twice. Rock and Roman sling Seth repeatedly into the turnbuckles. Roman with corner lariats to Seth, then a boot to the face. Roman goes for a Superman punch, but Seth intercepts it with a swinging neckbreaker. Rock with a low blow to Seth right in front of the ref, who does nothing, because he supposedly will be fired if he does. Rock with repeated right hands to Seth. Seth responds with an enziguri. Seth tries to make the tag, but Roman pulls Cody off the apron. Rock with a sharpshooter on Seth!!! Lmao!!!! Cody breaks it up with a right hand to Rock's face. Seth lands the curb stomp on Rock!!
Cody and Roman tag in. Cody with a nice powerslam on Roman, then a disaster kick, then a Cody Cutter for two! Roman reverses a Cross Rhodes attempt. Cody goes for another Cody Cutter, but Roman stops him in midair with a Superman punch. Roman's nose is busted and bleeding. Roman goes for a spear, but Cody avoids it with a sunset flip into a roll up for two. Then Cody lands a Cody Cutter and make the tag to Seth as he does it. Seth lands a top rope frog splash on Roman for two! The crowd sings Seth's theme. Heyman: "I HATE THAT DAMN SONG." Lmaooo. Seth goes for a stomp, but Roman stops it with a powerbomb. Roman goes for a spear, but Seth stops it with a kick. Cody tags in. Stereo superkicks by Cody and Seth. Curb stomp by Seth! Cody lands Cross Rhodes on Roman and covers, but the Rock pulls the ref out of the ring at 2.5!
Roman with a low blow and a spear to Cody, and the Rock throws the ref back in the ring, but Cody kicks out at 2.5! Roman locks in a guillotine on Cody. Cody keeps the arm up. Roman drops to the mat and keeps it locked in, as Rock holds onto Cody's feet. Seth lands a curb stomp to Roman to break it up! Cody with jabs to the Rock's face, then a bionic elbow. Cody runs the ropes, but Rock catches him with a spinebuster. Rock goes for the People's Elbow, but Cody stops it with a Cody Cutter. Cody goes for Cross Rhodes on Rock, but Roman stops it with a Superman punch from out of nowhere! Roman goes for a spear on Cody, but Seth dives and pushes Cody out of the way! Roman spears the Rock instead! Stereo Pedigrees by Seth and Cody and covers on both Rock and Roman for 2.5!
Seth lands a cross body off the top on Roman. Rock slams Cody's head into the ring steps, then tells Cody's mom in the front row to look at her son, as he goes for Rock Bottom on the announce table. Seth interferes, and Cody reverses with a Rock Bottom of his own on the announce table! Roman spears Seth through the barricade outside! Cody rolls the Rock into the ring, but Roman comes in with a drive-by dropkick to Cody on the apron! Cody and Roman trade right hands in the middle of the ring! Cody lands two Cross Rhodes on Roman and goes for another, but the Rock comes from behind with the weight belt to Cody's back! Roman lands a spear on Cody, then tags in the Rock. The Rock lands a Rock Bottom, then the People's Elbow, then covers Cody for the pinfall.
I was bored to tears for the majority of this match, but that's no surprise. I'm not sure exactly how long it went on, but at least the first half was completely pointless. Nothing happened. The match was entirely too long. All of that walking around the arena doing absolutely nothing in the beginning could have been cut out. 30 minutes would have been too long for a match involving 51-year-old Rock, but 45 minutes is obscene. It picked up a little toward the end with some solid spots, but it was never going to be enough to save this match from being a disaster. Also, the Rock threatening the ref into allowing them to do whatever they wanted in this match made the stipulation of "Bloodline Rules tomorrow night if Rock and Roman win" totally irrelevant. I guess it's Bloodline Rules regardless if the Rock says so. I knew Rock and Roman would win, but Rock getting the pinfall on Cody is iffy for me. But I guess it couldn't be Roman before they face each other tomorrow. There was really no good way to finish it. Anyway, with the horrendous beginning and the solid ending, this evens out to an average match, I guess. Rating: 2.5
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megastarwiley ยท 7 months
If the Paldean SV characters had wrestling finishers, what would they be?
nemona: zelina vega - code red. she would totally flip a bitch over and not care about it at all
arven: rey mysterio - 619. simple but effective.
penny: becky lynch - disarmher. she just wants to sit there and get it overwith.
mela: tiffany stratton - prettiest moonsault ever. i cannot explain why. at all.
iono: bayley - bayley-to-belly. just her vibes in general very much match face!bayley i think. iono would def hug someone and then instantly slam them down.
atticus: finn balor - coup de grace. the grace. the everything abt 2016-2019 finn. yes.
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dynamitehq ยท 1 year
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Location: Sedona, Arizona. Exact location will be sent to everyone. Date: July 22nd - 23rd. Hosts: @cowbcyshit && @disarmhers Grab your cowboy hat! You're invited to a weekend stay in Sedona, Arizona to celebrate Hangman Page's birthday in true cowboy style. The venue sports several pools, pool tables, walking & hiking trails and so much more! [CLICK FOR MORE VENUE INFO] Saturday 12pm - We will be meeting at the Blazin' M Ranch for lunch and drinks! This ranch has everything a cowboy dreams of from horse riding, live music and the best food in town. [CLICK FOR MORE INFO] After lunch, everyone will be returning to the party house for the ultimate birthday bash to begin.
Side note: No cowboy hat? No entry. Due to Collision being on Saturday and us not wanting people to miss out, we will be presuming that Collision is a pre-taped event for this week. tags to use: dhq.event dhq.hangmansbday
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cowbcyshit ยท 1 year
@disarmhers yeah, what's this about a shoulder thing?
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clavdialxpez ยท 1 year
@disarmhersย  can you please yell at colby for me?
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gigidaddi0 ยท 1 year
maโ€™am i need your help with a mission @disarmhersโ€‹
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rxlehugger ยท 1 year
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havochayter ยท 1 year
Do I need to drag you to a pub? @disarmhers
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uceyjvcey-dynamite ยท 1 year
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sophieleekelley ยท 1 year
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โ€ข younger sister: @ccthykelley - Cathy is Sophie's ultimate best friend. Sophie wouldn't have gotten into WWE if it wasn't for her sister pointing out the seamstress opening that the company had. If there is one person that knows Sophie like the back of their hand, it's Cathy. Cathy is the person who can see past Sophie's bullshit and know when she truly is struggling.
โ€ข best friends / friends: @bloodyrxpley @clavdialxpez @disarmhers @elizabethsx @gigidaddi0 @reignsxs @dripgcd @champtiff - These people in Sophie's life make her life more enjoyable and comfortable. They understand Sophie the best and welcomed her with open arms the moment she was brought in. (These are the first couple of people that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure I missed some people, so if I did and any of your characters want to be added, reply to this post and I'll fix it!)
โ€ข short-term / long-term relationship - Sophie needs someone by her side that loves her for who she is and who would never judge her. She needs a person that understands her workload since majority of the time she works on her off days finishing up last minute touches and drawing out ideas. And someone who cares about her enough to remind her to do the little things such as taking her meds, eating, drinking water because she is known to forget a lot of times since her mind moves a million miles a minute.
โ€ข friends with benefits - Sophie is not the type of person to have one-night-stands, but friends with benefits doesn't faze her.
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dripgcd-moved ยท 1 year
@disarmhers - what's this about a shoulder thing?
8 notes ยท View notes
cowbcyshit ยท 1 year
can't wait to see you today. i need like a dozen hugs at least. how are you doing? @disarmhers
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elizabethsx ยท 1 year
Who are 3 people you'd hook up with here that you've never hooked up with before?
Is this the way you can tell who I have been with if I'm not mentioning them? damn. okay um, quick off the top of my head,
@clavdialxpez @disarmhers @taybcby
nice try. ;)
(Chuck you were gonna be my #1 but I can't remember your @ off the top, sorry cutie)
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