#discord threads ;; renee
jakehawk · 9 months
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Take A Break
Jake whisks Renee away from Redwood for a short while so she can take a break from things.
Jake Hawk
-Jake was still a little unsure if this was going to be a good idea but instead of worrying about that, he chose to lean into the idea that this little trip out of Redwood will hopefully help Renee. She has been through a lot recently and needed some space to take a break. She wasn't going to do that herself so Jake is now stepping in.-
"You ready to go?"
-He gives Renee a smile as he shifts his backpack filled with supplies so it sits more comfortably on his back-
Renee Brandon
-Renee still wasn't sure where they were going or if this was actually a good idea, but Jake seemed pretty adamant. So she packed up a couple necessities and a first aid kit before slinging her bag over her shoulder- Yeah, I think so....where are we going?
Jake Hawk
"You'll see soon enough. It'll only take us about half an hour to get where we're going."
-Jake, holding his bow in his dominant hand, just in case, motions with his other hand which direction they'll be heading-
"I promise to get you back before sundown."
Renee Brandon
-Renee nodded and looked back towards her place. It was one of Andy's first times left alone with the boys and while she knew he'd be okay, she still worried just a bit- Alright, alright.
Jake Hawk
-Jake can see Renee is still stuck in her thoughts instead of relaxing. But he allows it for now, given she's leaving Redwood and her boys for a short while.-
"You OK? What's on your mind?"
Renee Brandon
Yeah, I'm okay. -the response is so automatic she doesn't really realize it- It's Andy's first time alone with the boys. I guess I'm just nervous.
Jake Hawk
-Renee quickly follows up her automatic answer with more information, preventing Jake from using their safety word so soon into their trip.-
"That's perfectly understandable. Andy does have the support of his siblings and the rest of the town if he needs it."
Renee Brandon
Yeah, you're right. I think it's just the mother's instinct about leaving your kids for so long with someone new. I mean, he's their dad but he hasn't been alone with them yet. Hopefully it's not overwhelming.
Jake Hawk
"Yeah but I bet the boys are looking forward to some quality time with their dad. That's gotta be good for all three of them in fact, right?"
Renee Brandon
They are, especially Oliver. He was still really little the last time he saw Andy. I had to remind him that dad is still healing and might not be able to do everything he wants to do just yet.
Jake Hawk
"But right now, they get to spend time together and create new memories."
Renee Brandon
-Renee smiled as she walked along Jake- That they do. You should have seen his face when he saw Andy for the first time. I don't think I had ever seen him so happy. -Renee hummed happily as she recalled Oliver's face until she realized what she was talking about- We can not talk about this if you don't want.
Jake Hawk
Jake gives Renee a small smile-
"I appreciate that but this is important to you. They're your family after all, right?"
Renee Brandon
Yeah, they are. -she nudges him- Oliver and Henry spent the whole day drawing pictures and even handmade a banner for him. Oliver basically cleared the couch the second Andy walked through the door. Henry was a little shy at first but he enjoyed bedtime. Andy got to read them their bedtime story, although Henry definitely didn't fall asleep. He was a little too excited to sleep.
Jake Hawk
-Despite a bitter taste of jealousy burning at the back of his throat, Jake smiles as Renee talks more about Andy and their kids. He ignores the jealousy, deeming it unwarranted and instead focuses on the positive of Oliver and Henry getting their dad back-
"Some bedtime stories stir up my kids to the point of them not sleeping. Anything that involves dragons gets Erin way too excited for sleep."
Renee Brandon
Oh yeah, I try to steer clear of dragons. The library had a copy of How to Train Your Dragon and I thought it would be a good idea to show the boys and now, Henry is absolutely infatuated with Toothless.
Jake Hawk
"Henry has good taste! Toothless was Leo's favourite for a long time. Leo reckons he's now too old for those kind of stories but he still has a copy of it in his room. Don't tell him I told you that!"
Renee Brandon
-Renee laughed as she pretended to zip her lips together- My lips are sealed. Yeah, Henry loves Toothless but the problem is he'll see black cats and instantly think they're the dragon and try to bring the kitty home. Pretty sure I had to apologize to Mayra about Henry trying to catnap her kitty multiple times.
Jake Hawk
"So what you're saying is Henry should get a black kitty for Christmas?"
Renee Brandon
-Renee laughed as she shrugged- I'll make you a deal, Jake. If you can miraculously find a black kitty for Henry, you are more than welcome to give him one for Christmas.
Jake Hawk
"Got it. One black cat for Henry for Christmas. Just don't tell my kids because they've been bugging me for a pet of some kind for weeks!"
Renee Brandon
Well if you're getting Henry a black cat you're going to need to get Oliver something too. Can't have you playing favorites.
Jake Hawk
"What does Oliver want then?" 
-They came across a particularly thick growth of bushes. Rather than go around it, Jake pulled some of the branches back to give Renee enough space to walk through.-
"After you."
Renee Brandon
Well, Oliver wants a horse. He so very much wants to be a cowboy. -Renee was getting ready to go around the bushes when Jake parted it- Where are we going?
Jake Hawk
"You're gonna need to talk to Cass about Oliver's present in that case. Horses hate me!"
-Jake follows Renee through the overgrown bushes and lets the branches he held to one side fall back into place behind him-
"You'll see soon enough. Shouldn't take us much longer to get there."
Renee Brandon
All of the horses are too big for him. I'll tell you what, though, if you get him a cowboy hat or something, he'll be the happiest little boy. -she walks through the bushes as he pushes them away, being mindful not to get snagged on any- So secretive.
Jake Hawk
"Well, I kinda promised not to tell anyone about the place we're going. Hence the secrecy."
Renee Brandon
-Renee looked back at him with a quizzical yet intrigued sort of look- Isn't taking me there breaking that promise, Jake?
Jake Hawk
"Yeah but I figured you're worth it." -the words are out of his mouth before he thinks about it. But at least it was the truth.- "I trust you not to get me into trouble!"
Renee Brandon
-Renee's face flushes and her smile turns less mischievous and more sweet and endearing. There wasn't any point in hiding that, especially from him- I won't get you in trouble. Promise.
Jake Hawk
-he notices the flush in her cheeks and how her smile changes. He really shouldn't try to read too deeply into this but he can't help himself. For the time being, he nods in acceptance of her promise. He bumps his hip against hers as they continue walking-
"Good, thank you. See, I knew I could trust you!"
-Up ahead of them in the distance, the low rumbling sound of falling water can be heard. They're getting close to their destination-
Renee Brandon
-she stumbles a bit and laughs as she bumps right back into him- Course you can trust me, Jake. -she hears the waterfall and she looks to Jake with a sort of excited disbelief before stepping closer and closer and only stopping when the waterfall comes into view- Wow.....this place is beautiful....
Jake Hawk
-He grins back at her when she realises where they're headed. He lets her go up ahead of him to reach the waterfall first. As she admires the view, he stands next to her, paying more attention to her than the beautiful scene in front of them.-
"Knew you'd love this place."
Renee Brandon
-Renee was aware of Jake standing beside her but she was too enamoured by the view to notice that he was staring at her. She only realized that when she turned and looked at him- You were right. I can't remember the last time I went and saw a waterfall like this.
Jake Hawk
-when Renee looks at Jake, he snaps his eyes forward to try and hide how much he had been staring at her. He knew he had been caught but he wants to try and pretend differently for the sake of his pride.-
"Come on. Let's find a spot to sit. I brought some food so we can have a picnic."
Renee Brandon
-Oh Renee had caught him staring and the way he tried to hide that fact was adorable. She laughed as she took his hand and gave it a squeeze- Thank you for this. -she let go of his hand as she walked towards a flat looking area and lowered her bag onto the ground before sitting and leaning against it- Picnic, huh? Don't tell me you got sandwiches in there.
Jake Hawk
-He tries not to think too much about how his heart skipped a beat when she held his hand and instead focuses on putting one foot in front of the other as he follows Renee over to the flat looking area.-
"What if I do have sandwiches in here?"
-He asks with a cheeky looking grin. Before sitting on the ground, he puts his bow and bag down. Once he's sat down, he makes sure his bow is close enough for him to grab quickly in case of emergencies. He opens his backpack and pulls out a couple of squashed looking peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Renee Brandon
Well, if you have sandwiches, I will be pleasantly surprised. -she tucks her hair back behind her ear so that it's out of her face and watches him sit down. Her weight shifts a little as she curls her legs to one side and when she sees the sandwiches she laughs a bit- Alright, I am pleasantly surprised. -she's laughing as she takes one from him-
Jake Hawk
-He laughs as Renee takes one of the sandwiches from him-
"I figured if I brought food, you'd stay a bit longer and, y'know, actually take a break for yourself for once. Instead of rushing back to town and back to work."
Renee Brandon
-Renee shot him a look but it wasn't as fierce as with that smirk on her face- I'm not that bad.
Jake Hawk
"Right, yeah. You're not exhausted and close to running yourself ragged at all."
Renee Brandon
-she laughs and playfully nudges him with her palm- That sounds like a normal Tuesday. -she laughs as she takes a small bite of her sandwich-
Jake Hawk
-Jake takes a bite from his sandwich and laughs quietly- "Am I gonna have to effectively kidnap you every time you need a break?"
Renee Brandon
You know, you just might. -she manages to swallow her sandwich before she laughs again- I never really had breaks growing up. I was either taking care of my sisters or going to school or doing sports to earn scholarships for college. And then med school didn't allow for breaks or parties. Hospitals, you were almost always on call and then Oliver came along.....I'm pretty sure I've been going non stop since I was a kid.
Jake Hawk
-Jake listens as Renee describes her life so far. He gives a whistle when she finally finishes her list- "Yeah, definitely kidnapping you for future breaks. You ever heard of the phrase: can't pour from an empty cup? I know I'm coming at this with a much more lax work ethic than you and I truly admire your determination to help as many people as possible. But you gotta look out for number one a little more, no?"
Renee Brandon
I do look out for number one, although both Oliver and Henry are number one because I can't choose favorites. -she was hard on purpose but in a way, she wasn't lying. Her boys would always come first, no matter what- Well if you do, let me know ahead of time so I can plan appropriately.
Jake Hawk
-Jake rubbed his hand over his face to hide the brief expression of frustration. Of course Renee's kids should come first but that wasn't the point he was failing to make. But he wasn't here to argue with Renee since that wasn't going to be relaxing for either them-
"Got it. Due notice will be given prior to each kidnapping."
Renee Brandon
-Renee laughed softly before taking a bite of her sandwich- Just gotta make sure the boys have someone to watch them. -she playfully nudged him- Thank you for this, Jake.
Jake Hawk
-He puts on a smile as she nudges him- "You're welcome. Although I might have to think of other ways to get you to relax since we won't be able to come out here each time I 'kidnap' you."
Renee Brandon
Why not? -Renee leans back on her hands as she looks at the waterfall- I kind of like it out here. It's quiet and there's something relaxing about a waterfall.
Jake Hawk
"No one else is supposed to know about this place for one." -Jake took a bite of his sandwich, gave it a couple of chews before continuing- "And for two: we might not always get to leave Redwood. Like if we go into a lockdown situation or something. Not that I'd be trying to force you into taking breaks during such a time but you never know!"
Renee Brandon
-Renee had been watching the waterfall for a minute, just taking in the view of it all. She was smiling but it did soften just a bit when she looked back at Jake- Yeah, there's that...-she takes a deep breath- I'd like to think something like that won't happen, but I guess that's just the world we live in now, huh?
Jake Hawk
"Gotta make the most of the now, right?" -Jake says, casting a weighted look at Renee before forcing himself to look away, reminding himself she was off-limits. If he was going to make the most now, he would've pulled her into his arms and... The rest of that was only going to torture him so no point in finishing that thought.-
Renee Brandon
Something like that, yeah. -she felt the guilt settling in her stomach, although she wasn't sure what she felt the most guilty about right now - that she was spending time with Jake instead of Andy, she was enjoying being with Jake, she hadn't given Jake an answer when she was sure she knew the answer or the thoughts she was currently having but didn't think it was good to mention- You know you're amazing, right?
Jake Hawk
-In the time it takes for Renee to consider whatever thoughts she's having, Jake finishes his sandwich. He wipes his hands on his trouser legs before planting his hands on the rock behind him and leaning back, his legs now stretching out in front of him. When her compliment comes, he's not expecting it and so he blinks at her a couple of times before softly laughing-
"Yeah I know but I like hearing you say that."
Renee Brandon
-she looks at her half eaten sandwich and sets it aside on her pack. Not that she wasn't enjoying the sandwich, rather she just wanted her hands free before she fiddled with it and dropped it on the ground- I mean it, Jake. You are. I know things have been hard and weird and you had every right to move on from everything. I wouldn't have blamed you if you did. And it sounds selfish but I'm really glad you didn't. -she pinched her lips together as she watched his reaction to see if he was maybe getting at what she was very badly suggesting-
Jake Hawk
-Jake listens as Renee talks, his eyes narrowing just briefly as he considers what she is saying (or not saying in this case). He pushes off his hands so he can sit up straighter since this was getting serious and he needs to pay attention. Or else he could screw this up and finally lose whatever shot he has with Renee-
"I nearly did. Move on, I mean. I thought about it, even kinda fooled around with someone else. But it wasn't the same. They weren't you so... Yeah. Back to waiting to see if you might choose me." 
-He doesn't look at her as he talks, unsure if saying all of this is the right thing to do. But if she is going to try and be honest with him, he should at least do the same for her.-
Renee Brandon
-did she feel kind of jealous that he had fooled around with someone else? Yeah, a bit, and she couldn't help it. which should have been indication enough that there was no point in holding it in anymore- Well, I don't think you have to wait for long. -she was picking at her boot laces- I still need to tell Andy, but I wanted you to know first, even though I don't know how things are gonna work out and it might still be weird, but.... -she was at a loss for words and she laughed at how awkward this was sounding- You get what I'm saying, right?
Jake Hawk
-Jake doesn't mean to hold his breath as he watches Renee fiddle with her boot laces but he does anyway. Because is this finally it? The very thing he had been waiting for? Pining for, even? He wants to jump to his feet and scream with joy at the sky above his head but he doesn't. Renee hasn't actually said the words he wants to hear out loud yet. He does, however, reach over and put his hand on her back. A tentative motion, as if he's testing the waters with her-
"I think so. But in the interest of being all above board before I start making all kinds of wild assumptions: you've made your decision and it's gonna be you and me together. But you still gotta talk to Andy. Right?"
Renee Brandon
-Renee is very, very aware of the fact that she hasn't flat out said what she's wanting to say because she doesn't know exactly how to say it. Well, she does, but she wants to say it the right way and every way seems awkward and wrong. His hand on her back actually relaxes her and she looks into his face. A smile falls across her face and she nods- Yeah, Jake, that's what I mean. You and me.
Jake Hawk
-Jake just... grins back at her. Hearing her say those words, you and me, out loud was what he had been waiting to hear from her for so long. His patience was finally paying off. There was still work to be done for both of them as they went forward but at least now they are actually going forward together. He leans in and places a kiss on her shoulder. Does he want to kiss her properly? Fuck yeah but it's not right for him to do that yet, not until she talks to Andy first.-
"At the risk of ruining the moment, can I say 'fuck yeah'? Because I really wanna say that!"
Renee Brandon
-That stupid, dopey, adorable grin on his face makes her heart melt just a little. She half expected him to lean in and kiss her and boy she knew she wanted to as well, but she knew she owed it to Andy to discuss things with him first before she did anything physical. But still, he kisses her shoulder and she takes that with a laugh and a nod- Go ahead and say whatever you want, Jake.
Jake Hawk
-He threads his arm around her as he shuffles himself to sit up close to her. He's not going to kiss her, he's not, but he is going to sneak in a snuggle if he can. He just wants to feel Renee nestled against his body for a little while before they need to head back to Redwood. When she gives permission, he gives her another one of the grins he saves just for her before pumping his fist in the air-
"Fuck yeah!"
Renee Brandon
-his arm appears around her and she smiles while scooching closer to him as he moves in closer to her. Why not, right? It was just the two of them out here and she had finally told him she wanted him. There was no harm in leaning against him and being cuddly together, right? But she does lean away as he pumps his fist into the air and she laughs. A genuine, heartfelt, full laugh- You are ridiculous.
Jake Hawk
"Yes, yes I am. Thought you had picked up on that already."
-Jake declares that proudly. If Renee couldn't tell, Jake's demeanour has become more relaxed, as if all is right in the world for him now. It wasn't: he had 5 kids to worry about, zombies were a continuing issue and winter was closing in fast. But for now, everything was as good as it could ever be and he was so grateful.-
Renee Brandon
I did, but I just wanted to remind you. -this feels good. It feels right. Like how things were before Andy reappeared in town. Almost every single stressor in her life seemed to disappear as she enjoyed the moment with Jake. Just the two of them and nothing else- And I wouldn't have you any other way.
Jake Hawk
"That's really good, especially that last part."
-He really wants to lean in and kiss her but he doesn't. He can't do that to Andy. He's already done enough to mess with that man's life without adding to it all. For now, it is enough for the two of them to sit together, their bodies nestled together as they watch the waterfall.-
"Thank you, Renee. Genuinely. Thank you."
Renee Brandon
-Renee's laugh quiets down to more of a hum as she leans into him. If Jake is trying to hide the fact that he wants to kiss her then he's doing a bad job because she can see it and honestly, she wants to too, but she owed it to Andy to at least give him the head's up about them before they started showing it. But she did rest her head on his shoulder and interlock their fingers because why not? But she does look up at him with surprise in her smile- For what?
Jake Hawk
-Jake looked down as Renee threaded her fingers with his. A faint smile appeared on his face at how natural this all felt to him. In previous relationships (if you could even call them that!), this kind of affection wasn't easily given from Jake; his heart just wasn't in it. Obviously it was entirely different with Renee.-
"For choosing me. For being you. For putting up with my dumb shit. For countless other things you do to make everything better. Thank you."
Renee Brandon
-Renee smiled up at him and felt a warm color flooding her face- You don't have to thank me for that, Jake.
Jake Hawk
-He nodded before smiling at the sight of her blushing cheeks-
"OK, fine, but I'm gonna do it anyway. What are you gonna do? Stop me?!"
Renee Brandon
I could certainly try. -she was laughing, although her thoughts on how to stop him were maybe not the best ideas until she had a talk with Andy-
Jake Hawk
-Jake was having very similar ideas and also had the same mindset of not following through with any of them until after Renee talked with Andy-
"I feel like that's something we can figure out later, huh? So I won't push it. But when I can push it? Phew! So much of you stopping me!"
Renee Brandon
-The blush that was already in her face burned a bit more because obviously he was tuned in to the same wavelength she was. So instead she laughed and playfully nudged him- So much, huh?
Jake Hawk
-He laughed as she nudged him.- "So much stopping that I won't even know how to start up again. It won't be a permanent thing but yeah, for at least ten minutes, I'll stop."
Renee Brandon
Oh, ten minutes? -she laughed as she leaned away from him just to give him a teasing, incredulous look- Just ten minutes?
Jake Hawk
"Yeah ten minutes minimum. Maybe more. I mean, we'll find out eventually but my prediction until proven wrong is ten minutes." -He laughing, his words punctuated with bursts of more laughter.-
Renee Brandon
-Renee's face is red from laughing and just thinking of being with Jake. She almost wanted to rush home to have that conversation with Andy but she also didn't want to cut short their date- Alright, tiger, I'mma hold you to that.
Jake Hawk
"Tiger? Oh, I like that." -Jake laughed, trying not to get too caught up in how much he liked seeing Renee blush and laugh and joke like she was now. Despite wanting to keep the conversation upbeat, Jake frowned as the next words escaped from his mouth before he could stop them.- "Do you know what you're gonna say to Andy?"
Renee Brandon
-This was such a nice breath of fresh air and she really was enjoying herself fully with Jake. She didn't want this to end, but at the mention of Andy her smile faltered just a bit and she leaned into Jake- I don't know. Probably something along the lines of I love him and I will always love him, but I also love you and I'm not the same woman he married... -her cheeks blushed as she realized what all she had confessed and she avoided looking anywhere but at Jake's face-
Jake Hawk
-As she leaned into him, he draped his arm around her shoulders. He resisted the temptation to pull her any closer, knowing they were already treading a very fine line as it was. But then Renee said what she did and Jake thought time had stopped-
"Wait. What?"
-She was avoiding looking at him but he cupped her face and made her look at him-
"Run that second to last thing past me one more time so I can know for certain what you just said."
Renee Brandon
-Renee had almost hoped that he hadn't heard what she said and could gloss right on past it, but obviously he had and she felt his hand on her face and how it was turning her to look at him. She bit the inside of cheek as her eyes caught his. Well, she couldn't deny it now, right?- I....I love you, Jake.
Jake Hawk
"Holy fucking shit."
-Those words were definitely out of his mouth before he could stop them. He had to sit there, processing what Renee has said and figure out his genuine response, not the curse-filled knee-jerk one.-
-OK, that was also a follow-up knee-jerk reaction to her declaration. He shook his head as he tried to regain control over his dumb mouth-
"Wait. Don't answer that last one."
-God, he wanted to kiss her, have that action tell her all he needed to say. He had never been in love until he met her so he had never said those words to someone before, besides his kids. He told them he loved them all the time. But that was a completely different situation. With Renee, it was all unknown and therefore terrifying. It was also sublime and what he wanted more than anything.-
"I- Yeah, I love you too." 
Renee Brandon
-that reaction seemed so on brand for Jake that she just had to laugh, albeit it was definitely nervously. The entire time she waited for him to say something back she felt like time had literally frozen and she was wondering if there was maybe a way to recover in case this had just done a little too far. His question as to why had her heart seemingly drop because that, while she did know and could answer, was maybe opening the can of worms too much and could really backfire in her face but he followed it up and she breathed out- It's awkward, right? I made it awkward. We can pretend.... -but then he said it back and her words died on her tongue. Instead she smiled a real, genuine, relieved smile- Really?
Jake Hawk
"Yeah, really really."
-He laughed then, all of relief that he had finally admitted that to himself and to the woman he loved. Because of their self-imposed rules of not getting intimate until Renee had talked to Andy, Jake resisted the urge to kiss her and instead rested his forehead against hers.-
"Only took me 45 years to fall in love but I finally did it!"
Renee Brandon
-His laughter was infectious and she couldn't stop herself from laughing. Especially his little proud accomplishment at the end- Well, it's never too late to do something. -She looks up into his eyes- I'm just sorry it was the most complicated person you had to fall in love with.
Jake Hawk
"I'm not sorry. Not in the slightest."
Renee Brandon
-Renee laughs as she loses herself in his gaze. Damn did she want to kiss him and it was so tempting. His lips were right there- I really want to kiss you right now.
Jake Hawk
-And he really wanted to kiss her too. But he knew they probably wouldn't be able to stop at just one kiss.-
"Talk to Andy, then we can kiss."
Renee Brandon
You drive a hard bargain, Jake. -She ends up pulling away but just because if they stayed like that any longer she was gonna kiss him-
Jake Hawk
-It hurt when she pulled away, taking her warmth with her but Jake knew it was for the best.-
"It will be worth it, I promise."
Renee Brandon
Oh, of that, I have no doubt. -She does reach out and take his hand. She could settle for that soft touch for now-
Jake Hawk
-He sits back now, knowing it really is for the best for now. He smiles as she takes his hand-
"The Hawks are gonna freak when we tell 'em."
Renee Brandon
-Renee laughs as she leans back and stares at the waterfall- I'm not sure how the boys are going to take it. I know before Andy got here they were happy I was happy, but now their dad is back so.... hopefully they're not too mad.
Jake Hawk
-Guilt bubbled in Jake's stomach, threatening to ruin this wonderful moment for him-
"I mean, they were part of the prank to lock us in the same room during Prom. I know things have changed drastically since then but still."
Renee Brandon
That they were and Henry absolutely loves you. Oliver, too,  of course. You're Inspector Bulbasaur.
Jake Hawk
-Jake wanted to ask if being Inspector Bulbasaur was going to be enough when the same guy is the reason why Mommy and Daddy aren't together anymore but he figured that was too big a question to unpack now- "The Hawks all adore you. But that ain't a hard thing to do since you're so fucking adorable."
Renee Brandon
-Renee laughed- No, the Hawks are adorable and you do an amazing job with all of them.
Jake Hawk
-Jake laughed too- "They don't make it easy for me, that's for sure. But I think every parent has that, no matter how many they have."
Renee Brandon
Well, they gotta keep you on your toes. I think it's a silent pact between all kids. Never make it easy.
Jake Hawk
"Just you wait until yours are teenagers. I thought they'd be easier somehow but they're not."
Renee Brandon
I don't want to think about that. They're still my little boys and I want to keep them that way for as long as I can.
Jake Hawk
"Maybe your boys will be different. My teenagers were already teenagers when I found them. The incredible levels of sarcasm and sass were already installed!"
Renee Brandon
I'm hoping for that. Since they were born I wanted them to grow up to be respectable gentlemen, although I think the whole rebellious teenager thing is something everyone has to experience at least once....I just hope when they do get to that age they don't try something stupid like sneaking out of town.
Jake Hawk
Jake blew out a breath. "Yeah, I'm waiting for the day, or more likely night, Cass gets escorted back to the house by security for trying to sneak out. She's the most likely to try, that is until Erin gets older."
Renee Brandon
"Doesn't that terrify you?" She knew that their roles were different in town and he spent more time outside the walls than she did but still, he knew what was out here.
Jake Hawk
"I'm scared shitless about it." He didn't bother to sugarcoat it. Renee was one of the very few people he could be honest about this kind of thing. "The kids know the risks of going out of Redwood but Cass is the kind of person to do her own thing, especially at the moment. She doesn't want to listen to me warning her about the risks. She wants to see the risks for herself and make up her own mind. I think the only reason why she hasn't tried anything yet is because she'll have to face the Council if she gets caught."
Renee Brandon
Renee listened to him before rubbing between his shoulder blades. "Have you thought about taking her out yourself so she's with you?"
Jake Hawk
Jake managed a small, tight lipped smile as Renee rubbed his back. He leaned slightly in towards her. "I was thinking of asking someone like David to take her out. If she's not gonna listen to me but insistent on going on, I want her with someone I trust. I trust David. But that can only happen if he agrees to it."
Renee Brandon
"David, huh? Well, I mean, he is super serious and watchful. I could see him being good to take her out and see what it's like out there. It might be funny, too."
Jake Hawk
The weight on his chest felt as if it was ever so slightly lighter now. Talking about Cass to Renee had helped and Jake was grateful for that. He gave her a smile that communicated that for him without the use of more words. "I'll talk to him when we get back to town. Speaking of," Jake's expression took on a regretful shadow. "We better head back soon."
Renee Brandon
Renee noticed the fading light and nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right," she muttered as she pushed herself up to her feet. "Thank you for this, Jake. I really needed it."
Jake Hawk
Jake packed up their picnic, making sure to leave no trace of them having been there behind them. He got to his feet and pulled his backpack on. "You're welcome." He gave her a smile and held out his hand to her to hold as they walked back to town.
Renee Brandon
Renee was double checking that they had everything and covering their marks. She slid her bag on her back just as he held out his hand. Renee's smile only grew as she took his hand and let him lead the way.
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alessandrxs · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i joined back in 2018 , which is crazy to even think about because it's now six years later ! i remember having seen the group a few times in the tags but didn't apply until a few months later ... but when i DID pluck up the courage to join , it was just before the olimpiel wedding which was so fun to be a part of ! i think i was literally just starting a new job too around the time i joined , so it was changes all around , which was really refreshing !!
2. which characters have you written over the years ?
too many ... starting with prycilla , aurora , danilo , amon , kris , ale , renee , aalayna , omari , pretty sure i had a kelsey merrit at one point , eloa , the madelyn cline and drew starkey i had for seconds , i think there was a sofia carson in there somewhere too ...
3. what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
being a part of the italy plotline was so fun ! i'm not good at politics by any means but being around people who had so many good ideas which would always boggle my brain bc i'm dumb as shit was so fun to be a part of ! but also , the egypt plotline will always have a place in my heart ...
4. what about other people's plotlines ?
so so SO many !! the english plotline , the french ..... i was always on the edge of my seat whenever they were written out on the dash waiting for the next person to reply so the tea could be dished out ! but honestly every single plotline was just so interesting and amazing to read that i was always in awe
5. who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
considering how many times i've brought him back after thinking his time was done , without a doubt my favourite would have to be ale ... i just feel like he became such a comfort character for me , especially since when i've been going through things he's always been the character i've reached out for to write ! but kris was also so much fun to write and then my fool of omari , he really was my comedic relief character !
6. if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
kris realising just how much of a prick his dad is and becoming firmly team silje <3 it was a defining moment for him , and now silje has a job and is in college !! she's doing so good !!!
7. is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
literally not a single one ! i loved all the twists and turns , seeing how things unfolded , it was fun to just be able to write them out and see where they led and go from there
8. what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
definitely the egypt plotline ... it happened at a time where i really didn't have time to be fully involved in and i think it's just been so unresolved , if only life didn't happen 😔
9. what is your favourite ooc memory ?
the panic in the ooc chat when evy fucked up the counting bot when we were at like 300+ ..... AKJDNFKJDF there are so many moments that i'll cherish forever but this one is the first that came to mind !
10. where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i have a tumblr for indie / 1x1 purposes which is @gcdlybehaviour ( currently under co ) and a discord that's with the same name ! honestly feel free to contact me at either of them at any time !
11. what else would you like to say ?
thank u all so , so much for all the memories and making hshq such a special place <3 i joined at a time where joining groups had become such an anxiety inducing experience for me but everyone was so , so welcoming and it soon became a place of comfort and to just get away from everything ! i've genuinely loved writing out every single thread , plotting out every single plot and just being able to be in an environment where everyone has been like a family ! i'm going to miss everyone so much <3
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cliqbaits-moved · 6 months
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🫦 cliqbaits × an independent multimuse roleplay blog ; as curated by sugar. featuring limited original muses. follows back from @cliqed
blog specifications : mutuals only × minimalist blog × dashboard/default blog view only × gif icons & iconless replies × low / very sporadic activity × runs on a queue × twenty one plus only × always accepting inbox memes × beta post editor × anti’s dni × plotted threads will have priority × discord roleplay & 1x1 preferred × icon template by sugarsource / psd by cavalierfou / promo graphic by supersources
weston jacobson × looks like vinnie hacker. bisexual.
charli abrams × looks like leah halton. bisexual.
asia prince × looks like tyla. bisexual.
gus hartley × looks like noah beck. bisexual.
jacob raymond × looks like nicholas galitzine. bisexual.
spencer bell × looks like lucas smith white. gay.
amanda brant × looks like renee rap. lesbian.
rhys morrison × looks like ryan manick. bisexual.
maxence pelletier × looks like corrado martini. bisexual.
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cornus27florida · 2 years
Curses and Cures : Magics and Science
A Tumblr post thread that @randomgentlefolk about a panel in episode 145th of CPC 'Prison Break' makes me realizes that I've been writing quite much about these topics of the title
Also special thanks to @meritre2460 there as our conversation in discord is the one that helps make these points that could be united together on a long Tumblr post
So here, I make the post about these in as much as orderly possible - but it seems this post might be the long one, I am not forcing anyone to read it. To anyone that willing read this thou, I am really appreciates it and really hope you guys enjoy it ! Cheers from me as a biology nerd gal there. Let's start things with a quote to start the post:
"Science is a way of talking about the universe in words that bind it to a common reality. Magic is a method of talking to the universe in words that it cannot ignore. The two are rarely compatible." — Neil Gaiman, The Books of Magic
So... Before we wanders to the topic.. First - I really like to give some introduction facts about CPC universe there :
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Curses might not mended completely (or we could say as 'partial curse' like what Whitney had) or there's no known remedies for their curse (like crow transformation of Monika, which later could be refers as 'full curse') - that currently any doctors (science faction) and wizards (magic faction) of their universe know of. Also there's some common belief roots from what most fairy tales shown that curses could be broken easily, when the reality isn't.
Cursed people (especially for the royals - princes and princesses - due to them have high expectations from their kingdomhoods) thought to be unfit fot their kingdoms. They aren't really viewed kindly out in the public so they're (usually) keep hidden (or even locked) by their own families to avoid public's reactions to them that varies from fear, panic, and even violence. Leland the Plaid king thought the 'Cursed Comfort Fund' is compassionate solution for any cursed citizens of a kingdom that he thought have no value until they can be fixed. It's totally wrong - as anyone has their own value and shouldn't be ashamed of what they are
'Curses in CPC universe comes in various forms, for the examples - It make the cursed got curse at their : (1) eyes [Jolie and Nell] (2) nose [Syrah and Whitney]; (3) mouth [Aurelia and Renee]; (4) hand [Saffron and Thermidora]; (5) body transformation [Monika and Calpernia]; (6) skin (Abbi); (7) condition [like have a tail for Bernadette's case].
The reason of the first clause is because the topic of curses is complex, like the general mainstreamed cure for the curses - 'true love's kiss' - is very complex. How to define a love to be true? Is the 'kiss' supposed to be with lips - what if the love source doesn't have any lips for example? Also the witch said that true love doesn't necessary to be one, so if there's multiple options, how to choose it ?
I honestly don't know what Maria refers to "guessing some weird's man name" - but who the one that guessing it? the one that got cursed? What if the cursed in the state that makes them can't guessing - like for example got sleeping curse or becomes quite mindless ?
The notion of the source of cure like 'Prince Charming' or 'A happily-ever-after' could fades away, leaving the cursed people in their state of getting cursed -> another reason of possibility of the 'no cure' for the curse because the externall part of cure is evaporates of it's existence.
The CPC (Cursed Princess Club) is a secret sanctuary - founded and lead by the 'Prez' Calpernia - located in the 'haunted' forest of Pastel kingdom with having commandment of P.A.N.D.A that basically want to make a place so the members could support each other and remind themself that they're beautiful and worthy of happiness regarding of what anyone said. The Club throughout the series going to have improvements like allowing people that not cursed to joins (Gwendolyn) and learn to forgives people (Aurelia, Whitney, Frederick).
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So as the facts gathered (I heavily referencing from CPC episode of the 13th 'The Cursed Princess Club' and the 100th episode 'Curses'), we'll move to the topic - curses and cures: magic and science - The topic will starts with the analogy of curses as (not yet curable) 'incurable diseases', so in that term is science - but things can't be literally rationale and the magic might fell into the discussion... But to limits things, I am only explain what I can which is relating it to science then if magic involved, taking things from other series reference like Harry Potter universe-series. Also the discussion could happened because we got confirmation that modern aspects (which is science faction) is existed and even integrated in daily live of CPC universe; like the existence of pills, plumbing etc -> plus, the period delayed medicine confirmed to could counterattack Prez' transformation = becomes her cure.
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(Image Xth. Prez disdain to the acclaimed 'cure' for curses, I am waiting with fingers crossed when Prez realized the one that makes fake crystal is Leland then demolish him)
So, here the first discussion point of the topic - Prez cure!
Prez cure: Period delayer pill -> Medicine-Biology aspects
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Period delay tablets contain norethisterone, an artificial version of progesterone (reproductive hormone). These work by keeping the progesterone levels in the body artificially higher for longer – ultimately delaying the arrival of a period.  By artificially keeping your natural progesterone levels up, it stops the lining of your womb from shedding and delays your period. Good news but it means Prez need to keep taking the med. Also the usage description of the medicine is right, BUT please to only taking medicine with professional advice ><
What happens if you take norethisterone 2 days before period? Taking Norethisterone a few days before your period is due, for example, will fool your body into believing you're pregnant, and you won't have a period until you stop taking it. If you take Norethisterone a few days before your period, your body will believe you're pregnant.
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it seems even thou the medicine will works and Prez not gonna transform to spider anytime soon - the side effect totally make her irritated etc = not feeling too heahltly, but if she routinely drinks it then her body might adaptable to not getting period there = no more curse of become were-spider!
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For anyone nerdy enough to be able stands chemistry there - the ingredient of period delayer drug surprisingly 'simple' imho : The active substance is norethisterone. Each tablet contains 5mg. The other ingredients are lactose, maize starch and magnesium stearate. I am afraid the herbal ingredient gonna be tongue tying ingredients but it seems easy enough imho -> latin name for Maize/Corn is Zea mays
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-> So to conclude, Science canonically beats Prez curse that latched to her periods = Cure of curse could be viewed in science aspect, not necessary to be 'magical' one.
So as Prez basically cured, how about other members of CPC? Do they have chance to be cured from their curses?
Let's moves to Aurelia, which her step-father said that he found a leading knowledge to cure her curse in episode 145
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Theory regarding the cure for Aurelia -> Chemistry (pH)
If trying to be logical, I think the way to cure Aurelia's curse is to determine what kind exactly the 'spit' is in Aurelia's mouth - does it some kind of acid that could neutralized with something alkaline-based? If the spit pH (power of hydrogen, the value score to determine the acidity of some material-the lower the value, the more acid it is and vice versa) could be neutralized somewhat, that means Aurelia won't melt anything = she'll get cured as her curse get countered.
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As in real world, high extreme pH value of acids is even inside our body - in form of stomach acid that help body to melt and digest anything we eat. So by the same sense, I feel Aurelia's curse is something similar but more fast-acting then what we had in our stomach. The pH value of stomatch acid is 1.5 to 3.5 (which extremely aciditic, and it actually become disease if the pH value of it not on balance range). Our stomach acid can theoretically dissolve some metals, so is other materials like various foods we ingested (and like Aurelia's example - some parchment paper as well) but ofc the melting pace and how it disintegrate it varies to each material - like in form of food, things like breads will easily melts but the foods with fibre ones like fruit and vegetable will have slower melting pace compared to breads.
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From the image above we could see how much acidity is the stomatch acid, bro literally near the limit on the left
About the Sleeping 'potion' curse -> Medicine-Biology-Psychology (Science aspect) ~ Potions (magical aspect)
Now we hits the possibly the longest topic in this post -sleeping potion 'curse- that very delicate and complex, this topic actually triggers from my conversation at the Tumblr of science might being the cure for certain curses - Confirmed with Prez' curse that latched with her period. Which is "Does sleeping potion that the witch made used science ?" - I think it might, but before we talking about it I want to explain that this part is the most complex as we have 2 aspects that usually clashes each other (the Science and the Magics) intertwined together on their way of explaining the curse of getting 'sleeping potion' and how to cure it. Also from the witch answer, it's seems anyone that consumed sleeping potion will succumbs to indefinite sleeps that irl-counterpart will be like if someone fells in the coma.
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As some researchers (here the link if want to read: https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2019.00019 and https://massivesci.com/articles/brain-disorder-of-consciousness-coma-smell-test-odor/) found that people in coma could recover themself especially if they could senses things (like could hear or smells) - but they're indeed on the lowest state of human awareness in deep sleep.
Now in science aspect, we could see the condition after someone gets cursed to sleep could be related to the coma. Now we moves on to the aspect that begins intertwined science with magic - does 'sleeping potion' curse could be similar to the 'over-the-counter'/OTC sleeping pill?
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By Jamie tasting in episode 5 'Pie Tasting', it confirmed that the poisoned Apple is coated with sleeping potion
-> Feel free to read this article about IRL sleeping pill (https://www.bannerhealth.com/healthcareblog/teach-me/are-over-the-counter-sleep-aids-risky#:~:text=“Most%20over%2Dthe%2Dcounter,its%20own%20risks%20and%20benefits.”). the interesting part is where herbal ingredients of OTC sleeping pill (Valerian, Chamomile, Saffron). One of it, Valerian, is the main ingredient of HP-universe sleeping potion which is 'sleeping draught'=which means the overlapping fact that sleeping agent IRL also the ingredient of making a sleeping potion (here the link for Sleeping Draught: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Sleeping_Draught)
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Also interesting fact that I found to be a big irony of what-ifs, is that Frederick almost cursed by CPC to be sleeping (which what happened right now to Gwendolyn, don't worry I will talk about the possible cure for sleeping potion after this intermizo) during the time he followed Gwen to CPC.
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As calming tea that Monika have likely contains Chamomiles, the same herbal in sleeping pill. Imagine what-if possibly could happened in episode 84 [Intruder part 2], CPC brewing too many tea bags at once=It seems will be ends no good, and might make CPC accidentally conconts a cursed 'sleeping potion'.
Imagine If Frederick really drinks or sips that tea, thus he might won't wake up 'directly' as what CPC's planned.. So the CPC comes to Gwendolyn to asks something like these ; "Ermm, hello Gwen? We're really sorry.. we kinda accidentally cursed your fiance to sleep in that flower meadows and he not waking up ever since.. Could you give him 'true love's kiss' to wake him up?"
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Crying as the one that got cursed with sleeping potion not necessary get 'pleasant dream' - confirmed by the Witch.
~ Now we've on the latter part, THE CURE! Based on the witch, the rules is the curse only could be broken up by 'true love's kiss' or some way of 'witch-only' thing that IMHo gonna be the potion's antidote (which in HP universe, the counter of sleeping potion is 'the Wiggenwald potion : )https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Wiggenweld_Potion). I like to talking about magical aspect first, starting with interesting trivia about this potion that could reverses the effect of sleeping draught ;
A wizard prince once used this potion to awaken an unidentified princess who had been given the Draught of Living Death by the hag Leticia Somnolens. The prince first smeared some of the potion on his lips and then kissed the princess, awakening her from her slumber. -> Imagine that Frederick tried 'the witch way' by copied what this prince wizard did - he smeared the potion first on his lips thus kissing Gwen (imagine the similar scene of the 'misleading scene' of Jack and Lilyth there : -> Jack and Lilyth has similar romantic scenes with Frederick and Gwendolyn, just saying)
This 'antidote' potion main ingredient is 'Wiggentree barks' - which I wonder if CPC-universe have that ingredient (based on Abbi attempt to making potion during episode 31-32, at least canonical CPC potion ingredients are: Newt's eyeballs, chimera/chimaera's blood, Centaur hair and Racoon's teeth -which are all have unknown properties in potion, with only newt eye ball that ever used in HP universe potion-> usually for 'archaic' potions like the ageing potion).
Now we back to the first option of the cure for the 'sleeping potion' curse which is "true love's kiss". The witch stated in the Gala that the 'true love's kiss' doesn't necessary come from one source in our entire life (and it could be inanimate thing, like Waffles for Jamie's case) - as sometimes we can change and grows - that's perfectly okay. From here, I bet there's so many theories about how to cure Gwen's sleeping curse - be it from Frederick (honestly real kiss of them will be really nice, but there's also people that dislikes that notion and thinks their love is foolish thing -sighs), Gwen's sisters - Lorena and Maria (so Gwen could waken up like the movie 'Maleficient' which princess Aurora got peck from the Maleficient that essentially becomes her family), or by Gwen herself (so the biggest lesson of the CPC "Self-Love" could be explained with the analogy of she waking herself up, like the analogy is Gwen kissing her [mirror image etc) self ).
In my Humble Opinion, all of the theories could be true - but not in the way of making Gwen suddenly awakes from either option -> Is to strengthen the belief in Gwen-self the fact about everyone loves Gwen in their own way (be it familiar, platonic, romantic, friendships, and self-love) - but Gwen need to stop blocking her negative thoughts first (taken from episode 139 'Lilyth's diary part 5' ; Frederick never loved you, No one ever loved you -> all false!), then taking closure to the facts that people loves her just as the way she is & Frederick's love to her is genuine one - no act and fakeness - which imho the idea of everyone that loves her will surrounding her to strengthening the belief it will be so lovely and heartwarming. Also I think Lilyth's diary that Aurelia brought upon will be immensely helpful for the notion of Gwen getting closures, like it possible for Leelathea appeared in Gwen's dream + I really hope Frederick as well! In a way to helping Gwen fixing the shattering image of her - as Frederick experiences the same thing when he bullied during his military academy
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Then after Gwen finally taking closure (especially to Frederick's apologies, and the fact that everyone indeed loves her), I theorized (based on the CPC's webtoon banner where dream Gwen wearing her mother's robe, looking confused in some unknown place that feels very similar to the Crystal Room Jamie+Leopold art exhibition) that Gwen found a mirror then bracing herself to see her image in it - which she found there's no shatterings anymore while reflecting her image as perfectly as she is (like the Potrait showdon arc).
What-if they meet the witch (the character that chill enough and even helpful) + Possible cure for CPC members
Before going to telling the prediction of what the witch could do to help CPC members, let's talk about how I view a curse is. It's seems safe to assume that the curses could be seensimilar with disease - as like there's incurable diseases 'till this day (but humanity could manages the conditions of the patient e.g people with the cancer and HIV/AIDS)
Those incurable diseases becomes quite 'manageable' by treating the sympthoms;
- Cancer: eliminate the mass of cancerous cells as much as possible, by various means like operation and chemotherapy. - HIV/AIDS: manage the patient's body to always in healthly specturem and trying the best to avoids getting sick espcially from infectious agent, by always to keep the medication that helps the immune system in high performance routinely and never misses out.
So in sense of science, curses that deemed 'incurable' could be manageable by counteracting the cause/trigger of the curse. Which for example being in state of the following : anxious (Monika), dishonest (Syrah) and in period (Prez)
Few of curses of CPC members, I have no idea yet to counters it (in Science way) aside from asking the curser to reverse it are (so make peace with the curser;
- Abbi (how the box that like Pandora box works anyway?)
- Renee (where the frogs come from? Like at the base of her throat or at her vocal chords? Does anytime she opens her mouth, the frog comes out? What if she sneezed or yawned for example - which makes Renee need to opens her mouth involuntarily??)
- Saffron (No, his incapability to growing heard isn't actual curse as any hair growing concoction might works - I am talking about his cursed hand that uncontrollable).
-> P.S: I want to add Syrah's pinocchio curse too, but I realized that her curse could be manageable if she living in honesty - become wiser to realize there's consequences to lies - aside from the blatant one which elongates her nose.
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What if CPC meets the witch (that making poisoned apples) and fortunately as she knows a lot of cures, she knows the cures as well? I feel many curses that CPC members actually could be cured, but mostly by making negotiations (and even forgiveness) to the ones that curse them - such as following:
1) Prez kinda cured with that period delayer medicine (and irl if taking regularly, it even making the body thinking it on pregnant phase=won't on period), and Whitney's curse is actually from the same place where Prez curse is... What if the curse serums merchant confronted? He know how to make the curse serums - he probably know the antidotes as well -> kinda busted with the possibility that the merchant simply the seller and don't know how to make serums, but if that's the case he could be the lead to find who the makers of the cursed serums and CPC could deals accordingly.
2) Abbi curse is come from the box that kinda like 'the pandora box', I think if we carefully check out the box and tracking the box giver - they could relents then give the cure
3) Syrah and Renee and Saffron and that background OP character (I taking her OC name from @IHFrederick fic, nickname Cori right?) - all get it because they cursed by someone (jealous ex/love rival)/goblin/banshee with vengeance intent - maybe when they asks and negotiate (and asks for forgiveness like Renee's case) thus making necessary amends, would the curser forgive the CPC members and helps to cure them? -> Bernadette that has tail is kinda lacking information, we don't know how she got cursed yet but seems she quite chills with her curse
4) Speaking of chills, it seems Jolie is the one that the most alright with her curse (it also kind of perk to have infinite inventory space in person) + she knows of why she got cursed and alright with it (literally to saving her kingdom) and her parents is loving her very much -> if she want to get cured, she need to meet the dealer again - but will she? the only drawback of her curse according to her is can't wear mascara after all
5) Nell's curse is the most problematic (because it giving her epileptic-like attacks) and the most mysterious (does she cursed from birth? who cursing her?) -> so I truly have no idea of how to cure her, but probably the witch and her associates could have lead of cure. Also like epilelpsy, certain medication might helps to eases her pain -> Just make sure to never let Nell (and anyone with epilepsy) alone, as once they experiences the attack they can;t control their own movements which could leads them to hurt themself.
Nell's family way to locks her up in solitary confinement to make her utters prophecies is very very wrong - I am really glad that Prez saving her from living alone in there.
6) Aurelia's cure: imho science way as the explained above, analyze her spit then determine how to counter the effect.
7) Monika's curse is that she's cursed to be crow by a wizard (might be the witch's associate, and she could reach out to asks him to counter the curse completely) -> her kingdom's solution (is still theory, but quite rationale to believe) is to counter the curse by making her 'human' (similar to Thermidora's curse, which makes her turn to be part human) but with contra indication of still turns back to be crow every time she's anxious -> or continue the CPC's way - to keep Monika calm and alright with everyday life, including when meeting new people like when ordering the food or when her dream of opening the jewerly shop could become true = meeting new people like her Jewerly store's customers
8) Bernadette's curse - having tail: Her curse remind me HP, when Rubeus Hagrid cursing Dudley with pig tail then Dudley sent to a hospital so his 'cursed' tail could be cut off = and it's works. The witch may know the counter of her tail curse, or her collagues does - but science way of operation is open too
9) The background character that wearing blue dress and have cursed by her love rival `to make all men in vicinity to cried in anguish'-> imho her curse not severe (not to belittle her curse or anything) as CPC men (Curtis, Saffron, Whitney) seems fine around her (well we don't have them really beside her all throughout story but still). Also she dislikes the rowdiness of royal parties' fake politeness : which imho becomess her own reason to stays in CPC not to find her cure but to chills out. Idk if she want the cure for her curse honestly = also how to cure her?
10) Thermidora's curse seems could be countered with 'doing something to makes her back to full-lobster' -> could be potion or cursed serum, but for latter part I am not trust it as the curses that merchant makes seems make the cursed lost their mind when transformed (as Prez' case when transformed to be were-spider) -> but it seems the witch could concoct something much safer for Thermidora.
~ So here all the text about the topic 'curses and cure: magic and science' there! Hope you guys enjoys it ^^
Thanks a lot for reaching this far! I am gonna close the post - but not by any means closing the discussion, feel free if wanna to talk with me :D To the lovely webtoon CPC!!
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https://discord.com/channels/825884625087758347/825884835481911337/1085842424603103232 about Sleeping potion
https://discord.com/channels/825884625087758347/825884835481911337/1083767412173836381 theory regarding the cure for Aurelia
https://discord.com/channels/825884625087758347/825884835481911337/1084310573879148616 possible cure for CPC members + what-if they meet the witch
https://discord.com/channels/825884625087758347/825884835481911337/1079156499747709098 Prez cure: period delayer pill
Those links that inspired this post: https://www.tumblr.com/randomgentlefolk/711913847246782464/interesting-im-still-in-the-beginning-of?source=share + Article from TVTropes https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicVersusScience
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revolutionfm · 2 years
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the  official  holiday  of  love  might  be  over,  but  romance  is  never  truly  out  of  season.  with  their  ten  year  anniversary  coming  up,  renee  carlisle  and  her  wife  taylor  moreno-carlisle  are  inviting  the  entire  company,  employees  as  well  as  all  signed  artists,  to  the  love  themed  party  of  the  year.  having  gotten  married  relatively  privately,  they  have  now  set  their  mind  on  making  their  anniversary  a  happy  occasion  for  everyone.  keeping  their  plans  to  renew  their  vows  at  this  occasion  private  for  now,  all  everyone  knows  is  that  this  event  will  include  a  live  set  by  danai  herself  and  endless  love  themed  amusements  for  the  guests  to  take  their  minds  off  of  their  daily  struggles.  renting  out  a  gigantic  old  farm  venue,  they  spared  no  expenses.  from  a  fair  with  several  love  themed  games  and  rides,  to  taking  boats  out  on  the  nearby  lake  and  feeding  the  swans  or  sending  cute  notes  to  your  loved  ones    —    there  is  no  end  to  the  amusements  one  might  find  here.  there  is  only  one  rule,  renee  and  taylor  are  asking  guests  to  leave  their  phones  at  the  front  gate,  wanting  to  keep  this  event  private  for  the  safety  and  comfort  of  all  its  more  or  less  famous  guests.  but  does  everyone  truly  follow  those  rules  ?    who  knows.
꒰ 001 ꒱   WHEN:   in  character,  the  weekend  getaway  takes  place  march  18  and  19.  out  of  character,  the  event  will  take  place  from  tuesday  14  march  4pm  est  /  9pm  gmt  to  tuesday  21  march  4pm  est  /  9pm  gmt.
꒰ 002 ꒱   WHERE:  the  carlisles  rented  out  an  old  farm  venue,  spanning  not  only  a  vast  amount  of  land  and  old  barns  but  also  considerable  guest  acommodations,  so  that  all  guests  can  spend  the  night  there.  the  farm  is  about  two  hours  outside  of  new york city  by  car. 
꒰ 003 ꒱   WHO:   all  revolution  records  employees  and  signed  artists.
꒰ 004 ꒱   HOW:   muns  are  invited  to  post  open  &  closed  starters  within  this  event  starting  tomorrow.  you  can  use  the  tag    revolution.event    for  all  your  event  related  posts,  including  starters,  but  also  social  media  posts,  lookbooks  or  anything  else  you  might  want  to  post.  you  are  allowed  to  continue  regular  threads  during  this  event  as  well.  there  will  also  be  the  option  for  your  muse  to  send  roses  with  notes  to  other  muses,  which  will  take  place  on  discord,  so  keep  your  eyes  peeled  for  that  the  upcoming  days.  more  information  on  this  will  be  made  available  through  discord.  
it  isn’t  all  to  often  you  get  invited  to  an  undercover  vow  renewal  super  bash,  but  it  is  certainly  reality  for  everyone  working  at  revolution  records.  so  now  it’s  time  for  your  muses  to  pack  their  things,  maybe  form  some  rideshares  and  make  their  way  out  of  the  city  for  a  weekend  of  fun.  generally  speaking,  they  are  invited  to  stay  there  from  saturday  around  noon,  until  late  afternoon  on  sunday.  their  stay,  including  accomodations  and  food,  is  paid  for  by  the  carlisles,  who  felt  after  their  super  private  wedding  the  vow  renewal  party  should  be  all  the  grander.  the  only  thing  they  request  is  for  all  the  guests  to  leave  their  phones  at  check-in.  this  party  is  expecting  a  fair  amount  of  high  profile  guests  and  they  are  supposed  to  feel  safe  and  free  attending,  just  like  everybody  else.  however,  there  might  be  some  ways  in  which  your  muse  could  trick  the  system.
saturday  is  the  time  for  partying  and  exploring  the  grounds.  there  is  certainly  enough  time  for  them  to  get  around  to  all  the  experiences  the  pair  has  prepared  for  them  as  well  as  catch  up  with  all  their  labelmates  and  co-workers.  they  might  also  send  out  roses  with  notes  to  their  ( more  or  less )  loved  ones,  that  will  be  delivered  on  sunday.  sunday  will  start  with  a  celebratory  brunch.  for  this  reason,  guests  have  been  asked  to  follow  a  semi  formal  dress  code,  encouraged  to  wear  outfits  with  red  or  pink  colours  to  celebrate  the  love.  the  brunch  will  be  followed  by  the  actual  surprise  vow  renewal,  featuring  a  touching  speach  by  cfo  nikhil,  and  celebration  afterwards.  there  will  be  champagne,  there  will  be  cake  and  pictures  taken  by  the  hired  photographer  but  most  importantly  a  performance  by  danai  herself. 
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goatnoise1234 · 3 months
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Welcome to Playa Del Rio! We're super excited to have you:
Frenchie (Maverick Maxwell-Moon; Jungkook, Vanessa Maldette-Vondra; Camila Mendes, AJ Siciliani; Noah Centineo, Luna Siciliani; Renee Rapp)
Paradise awaits. Please view the checklist under the cut to begin your journey.
( Jeon Jungkook, cis-man, he/him ) Enter Maverick Maxwell-Moon. Word on the street is that he's a ( 26 year old ) basketball player / socialite hailing originally from Santa Monica, California. This is his first year in Playa Del Rio.
( Camila Mendes, cis-woman, she/her ) Enter Vanessa Maldette-Vondra. Word in the street is that she's a ( 28 year old ) fashion designer / socialite hailing originally from London, UK. This is her eleventh year in Playa Del Rio.
( Renee Rapp, cis-woman, she/her ) Enter Luna Siciliani. Word on the street is that she's a ( 22 year old ) History Major / Bartender hailing originally from Chicago, Illinois. This is her second year in Playa Del Rio.
( Noah Centineo, cis-man, he/him ) Enter AJ Siciliani. Word on the street is that he's a ( 27 year old ) football player hailing originally from Chicago, Illinois. This is his ninth year in Playa Del Rio.
The Blog: Make sure your blog theme is easy to navigate and to read! This needs to be sent to the main in the first 48 hours. Your first activity post (a starter or reply to a thread) must be posted within the first 72 otherwise your role will be reopened.
The Communication: Make sure to open your inbox, submit, and tumblr IMs to be able to communicate.
The Follow List: Here's the masterlist / mobile masterlist for you to follow your fellow members!
The Chat: Feel free to message the main to be let into the ooc discord server! This will be the go-to hub for plotting, announcements, and more!
The Tags: Don’t forget to follow all the tags! They’re listed at the bottom of the navigation page.
Get Acquainted: Take a look around! Revisit locations, check out the inspo page, and more!
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nectaric · 6 months
NAME?: renee PRONOUNS?: she / her MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: zeus, hades, hera, makaria RP PET PEEVES?: i get a little frustrated by the general lack of engagement a lot of people participate in. i know we can all be guilty of it - scrolling past memes mutuals post, not liking starter calls, etc. i know we all have our reasons / sometimes lack the spoons. but i think sometimes there's this very big "well they haven't sent me something so i can't send them something" mentality that goes on, and leads to people feeling isolated and frustrated. if someone's not getting interactions, but they're also not making an effort to interact with others, it just feeds into this continued isolation and i have a hard time finally bad for them. sometimes, you have to make the first move, because if we're all waiting for someone else to do it, its not gonna happen. this is a collaborative hobby. (obviously, i'm not talking about people who have genuine difficulty getting interactions for other reasons, like oc's/female muses/poc muses/etc) EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: most of my experience has been with indie rp, but i started roleplaying through facebook groups, those old quiz sites, and eventually tumblr group roleplays in various fandoms, which i think puts me at about 12-13 years of roleplay, i think. EXPERIENCE?: mostly tumblr, but some skype, facebook, google docs, and discord thrown in there. FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: angst is literally the thing that fuels me, and its my favourite thing to write every time. to me though, angst isn't just about pain but about creating scenarios for character's to really grow and i just can't accomplish that as well with fluff or smut. both of them are good options, but they're for specific moods. i'm all angst all the time baby PLOTS OR MEMES?: memes are the easiest way to get things going and explore dynamics quickly. i do not have the attention span or often the desire to communicate ooc enough for plotting so memes are the way to go! LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: i like a happy medium, i think. too short and i get bored, but too long and i get overwhelmed, so usually 1-3 paragraphs is golden for me. depending on the nature of the thread, of course. TIME TO WRITE?: first thing in the morning usually. its when i'm most productive and have the brain worms so i'll usually write before work, or during my first hour there before the kiddos come in. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: in some ways, yes. but i think in a lot of ways, my muses are versions of what i would like to be like, in one way or another. minus the trauma. good lord, minus that. but yeah, i think i share some similarities (i make jokes about being ares, for example. i'm just a Dad). but no, i don't think i ever intentionally pick muses like me or actively model them after myself. if i do, its completely subconscious.
tagged: i stole it tbh tagging: you!
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staboteur · 5 years
Munday meme - 🐶📝💘🔪
It’s Tuesday, but do I care? Not Really (accepting)
Send  🐶 for a role play related pet peeve.
//omg there are so many but like,, ok one of my biggest pet peeves is like if you want. To ship. With Rene. Just tell me. Or like bring it up in a thread idk, like have your muse ask him out in a thread we set up. At least at that point he can rebuff you if he’s not interested or he can be like “eh maybe” and see where it goes. I hate the whole song and dance of skirting around the edge just bc i put “highly highly selective shipping” in my rules, like it’s not subtle, and I’m not missing it. My radar for picking up cues that someone wants to ship is really sensitive, but I don’t usually take the first step bc i would rather we wrote together a little first, then discuss shipping. Establish how they work together first, in an IC setting, then talk shipping, like I won’t ship with people who have never written with rene before, like IC, i have a bunch of rp memes that are good for first interactions in my drafts rn i can post a few of them??
Send 📝 for a rule you think is important when it comes to role playing
//communication. I hate it when people ghost, block, delete, otherwise cut contact without even trying to resolve the problem. Anxiety isn’t an excuse, and frankly, people who do use anxiety as an excuse aren’t compatible as rp partners with me anyway. This is a communication based hobby, and if you can’t communicate with me, we won’t rp, full stop.
Send 💘 for your policy on shipping with your muse(s)
//THIS WENT LONG LIKE EVERY TIME I TRIED TO EXPLAIN IT HGABGKSJGDALHFKJHSKJGBDFJLAHKSHJFKJ IM JUST NOT SURE HOW TO QUICKLY EXPLAIN THAT SHIPPING WITH ME IS LONG AND CONVOLUTED and that people shouldn’t get their hopes too high for a romantic relationship with Rene since he’s extremely picky and requires a deep emotional bond with someone before he considers dating them and even then, the feelings have to be mutual for the ship to happen and obviously that doesn’t always happen so yeah
//the crux of the thing is that we need to have an ic and ooc connection and trust each other lots. I also have preferences for certain ships over others and that influences rene’s trust of muses who are a certain class (also based on team, he’s more likely to trust teammates than enemies, etc). Oh and I want long term ship partners. I also want the relationship to feel special, like all of Rene’s romantic relationships should be. This means i want every plot point possible, not just first kiss/falling in love plots. I want fights, i want making up, i want the messiness that comes with real relationships. This also means Rene’s not here to be another character to add to your collection. I want each ship to be equally meaningful, and it’s hard to believe a ship is meaningful to my partner if Rene’s like the 5th in a line of BLU Spies on someone’s blog. However…
//he’s open to casual hook ups, no strings attached, all they have to be is compatible in bed (any questions, DM me or ask for my n/sf/w blog, since I don’t talk about risque headcanons here). This is the only time it’d be okay to add René to a collection, bc that connection doesn’t go much deeper than that on either side.
Send 🔪 for a fandom you refuse to associate with
//oh there are so many but the main ones are he.tal.ia and st.eve.n u.niv.ers.e. Mostly bc the fanbase can be super toxic, so I tend to only associate with people on a case to case basis. I also don’t really write in either of those fandoms so eyy yea (but I do have an su verse for rene and will sorta in the backlines…. i’ve had rene and will for so long that i’ve got a verse for pretty much every major fandom/idea you can get out there–sometimes multiple versions of the AU)
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chronicparagon · 2 years
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
[I made a lot of friends here! Some I met in real life or see on social media outside Tumblr. I would love to tag as many as possible. If I missed anyone, please let me know via im or ask. I included people I have known for some time or met irl but I want to include everyone who wants to be mentioned.]
One friend would include you. I actually spent a week with you and had a lot of fun. The trip to the zoo and playing video games together were my faves. We go to each other Animal Crossing islands too and I love seeing the improvements on yours.
@theamazingchickenman - I visited him twice and he is always fun to hang out with. I had a blast at the arcade with him and my sister, dinner at the rainforest cafe, and the aquarium. We also went to a zoo and witnessed the porb (puffin orb). I always have fun when I see CM-mun! He’s a wonderful friend.
@the-expatriate - I known the Mun as far back as my FF7 rp days. I love seeing updates about her and her cat. My hope os one day, we will meet.
@quantumseraph-blog - It’s been a very long time since I heard from them. But I miss them a lot. We met a few years ago, even went through a haunted house together. I still think about them and that adventure. I hope they are doing well.
@pinklocksoflove - We often talk on Discord. I would love to talk more but things have been a bit hectic on my end. However, I appreciate the pictures of their muses and cats that they send. I think Karine is adorable too.
@sunflower-dancing - We sometimes talk but I consider the mun as a lovely friend. I like their portrayal of Saphir and their OC’s are wonderful!
@skullboysfinale - Another great multi-muse rp blog! The mun is someone I enjoy talking and plotting with and look forward to their updates on their muses!
@makoheadrush - one of my first rp partners here. She inspired me to try fanfic writing which I still do from time to time. I see her on other social media platforms and I love seeing updates about her trips, pets, and cooking.
@lickmyemr - Another friend who I met in FF7 rp. I miss her but I still see her on other platforms more and I’m glad she is doing well.
@tredispade - I known the mun for a few years now since I used to rp only FF7. I moved on to expand to other rpcs focusing on horror rp but I am always open to writing with them and catching up when give the chance.
@shutupreno - Known them for years. We used to send each other stuff from time to time. I still have their post cards and the French coin they got in their trip to Europe. I pinned the cards to my board in my room along with the cards from friends and family and tickets, one of my omamoris, and stuff from my travels. I keep the coin at my workstation. I think of it as a good luck charm. It’s special to me because they thought of me by sending it.
@mybikeasmypride - It’s been a long time since I heard from them, but I miss them. They’ve been a good friend. We got pretty close and talked on Skype several years ago. I still have the woodblock burning that’s a picture of Reno and the scarf they made. Sometimes, I wear it when it’s cold out.
@myfreespirit23 - I write and talk with them on and off Tumblr. I love seeing their muses like Joe and the story we created for them. I hope to talk with the mun more soon and write with them more!
@beloved-death - I’m grateful for Val! They have a great multi-muse blog with Mason being my favorite. I enjoy talking with Val, too. I think we followed each other for several years now but it was around last year when we got closer, which I am happy for!
@whispers-in-daydreams - I met her through two mutual friends, Rene and Blair. I’m glad I crossed paths with her because she is an amazing writer and friend. We share picture of our cats and updates while also writing threads and reply to ic asks. She is lovely and so are her muses!
@s-talking - Blair is someone I look up to as a writer, artist, and friend. He’s a dear friend of mine and I love his muses like Envy. I write more horror and dark romance because he and Rene are big inspirations. I always love seeing his ferrets and we share a love for animals. I always wish the best for him and I hope we will be friend for a long time.
@spectralhunter - Rene is a great person! I love his muses and I’m always happy to see him on my dash. His muses are becoming stronger characters and I love his ideas like with Takumi and his pet rat, Hunter. I’m working on fanart for Hunter (and Mrs. Saebom) and plan to finish those soon.
All in all, I always look forward to seeing him when I get the chance.
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ontourhq · 3 years
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑜𝑛 𝒔𝒂𝒍𝒆 !
𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄 , the popular rock / indie band composed of six members , has just announced a surprise world tour starting on december 2021 . known for their talented members and well - composed lyrics and melodies , the band has risen to fame since their debut in 2019 and are now very popular across the globe . the band’s inspired by real life bands such as arctic monkeys , the neighbourhood , the 1975 and maneskin , but we’re open to more inspirations ! the group is a semi - appless , small discord roleplay following the lives of a band and their staff during their world tour .
if you have any questions , concerns or suggestions , the inbox is open ! if you want to send your app , please use the submit box . thank you !
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : a semi - appless , small discord roleplay with chill activity , focused on the lives of band members and their staff during a world tour . it is a safe environment & diversity is highly encouraged . we focus on literacy , but one - liners and text threads are completely fine . this is not first come first serve & the admins will go through all apps and pick those we believe fit the group best .
one . basic roleplaying etiquette . muns , muses and faceclaims must be over the age of twenty . no godmodding , bubble rping , ooc drama or discrimination will be tolerated here . since this is a small group , everyone should be welcoming and treat members respectfully . should you have any problems with a particular mun , please message the admins privately .
two . this is a group focused on character development so some sort of literacy is a must . while you don’t have to write five - paragraph replies , paras are encouraged !
three . interest checks will be held weekly to make sure everyone is still interested in the group . you have twenty - four hours to react , otherwise you’ll be removed . if you need a hiatus , please let me know and we won’t remove you from the group !
four . banned faceclaims are those deceased , who do not wish to be roleplayed , anyone below the age of twenty , and problematic faceclaims . if you’re unsure of a fc , google “ fc name + controversy ” . our banned faces include : kardashians / jenners , biebers , kj apa , cole sprouse , camila cabello , ariana grande , ansel elgort , ester exposito , nicola peltz , jack gillinsky , madison beer , dove cameron , cindy kimberly , danielle campbell , joey king , gavin leatherwood & renee rapp . some of these are personal preferences , while others are considered problematic .
five . you may apply for as many roles you wish , but keep in mind we’ll only accept one muse per mun . when selecting the muses for the group , we’ll look into personality , fit with the group and diversity ( ethnicity , body , gender , etc ) . please check all available roles in the app count section below .
six . you may age bend your muse + 4 / - 4 years , as long as they remain over the age of twenty . please do not racebend your muse and cast them according to the faceclaim’s ethnicity / ethnicities .
seven . rumors / secrets around self - harm , suicide or abuse are off limits . if any of our members has other triggers , we’ll add them here .
for the application process , please complete the small app and answer at least two of the questions below in character . if you want , you can add headcanons , pinterest links , spotify playlists , tumblr tags or bios as extras .
( faceclaim , fc age , gender , pronouns ) isn’t that [ FIRST AND LAST NAME ] , one bed trope’s [ ROLE ] ? i’ve heard that they’re [ AGE IN NUMBERS ] years old and they come from [ HOMETOWN ] , is that right ? they look very [ POSITIVE TRAIT ] , but also a little [ NEGATIVE TRAIT ] . rumor has it that [ RUMOR / SECRET ] . i wonder if that’s true ! anyway , i think the concert’s about to start , let’s go ! ( ooc name / alias , age , pronouns , timezone , tumblr username , triggers )
why did you decide to follow your current career path ?
what’s your biggest dream and why ?
where in the world would you like to travel to and why ?
how would you describe yourself ?
do you like music ? what’s your favorite genre and why ?
do you have any hidden talents ? tell us about it .
extras : if you want , you can add any extras to help us feel more of your muse’s personality , background or vibe . this is not mandatory .
# 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 ( 13 / 16 ) .
faceclaims : keeawah , davika hoorne , park junhee , richard harmon , yang hyeji , park chaeyoung, florence pugh , hunter schafer , tripp killpatrick , priscilla quintana , tom holland , tanner buchanan , alexandra savior .
roles : drummer , manager #1 , vocalist , guitarist , bassist , backing vocalist , makeup artist , stylist , makeup artist , photographer , bodyguard .
# 𝐀𝐏𝐏 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 ( 00 ) .
vocalist : taken .
guitarist : taken.
bassist : taken .
drummer : taken .
backing vocalist : taken .
manager ( 2 1 spot ) : 1 spot taken .
makeup artist : taken .
hair stylist : -
stylist : taken .
videographer : -
photographer : taken .
bodyguard : -
sound engineer : -
social media / graphic designer : -
chef : taken .
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geneshaven · 6 years
Arrow, Season 6 (Threads of Discord)
The following breakdown of Season 6 has been churning around in my addled brain since 623 ended two weeks ago, and today I felt compelled to bring it out into the light of day.  I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anybody else’s take on the season. I’m only putting it down in black and white, because quite frankly, it’s a way for me to make sense of what was served up to us this season. I was left with some discombobulated thoughts and feelings when 623 was over, so much so that the next night I felt an immediate need to write a fic, (The Distance Between Two Hearts, *plug, plug*) to give everything  a happy ending and to help it all go down smoother. So, here is my final take on the Season as a whole.
When Lian Yu blew up at the end of Season 5, the writers of Arrow left a few storylines up in the air; mainly, Oliver and Felicity and their momentum of getting back together. A lot of fans just assumed it was a done deal. They kissed. They hugged. They made a promise to one another that after the smoke cleared; they would talk about being in each other’s lives again. (I’ve thought recently that the visual of Lian Yu exploding into larger fireballs could be a great summation of Season 6.)
So, hiatus came upon us in the summer of 2017 and the writers tried to pull a fast one, leaving all our beloved characters fates up in the air via a lame cliffhanger. Oliver saved William from Chase’s clutches. Samantha was killed, giving life to one of the plot lines for Season 6. Thea was caught in the explosions, blasted into a coma; a colossal waste of her character and of Willa’s acting abilities. John was injured, setting up yet another ill-conceived plot line for Dig. The Newbies---well, they survived, but a lot of fans might have wished they were blown up. Quentin survived, only to be killed off after stringing him and us along with a lunatic fringe thing with Black Siren---another waste of a good character and actor. And Felicity? Of course she would survive. But how did she survive? A really great potential scene was wasted by the writers not having Oliver searching for and finding the love of his life safe and in need of a hug. She was last seen running for cover; then after five months of hiatus, she reappeared at the Bunker with food orders from Big Belly Burger for the guys. There was a brief scene with her and Oliver alone in the Bunker, with UST hovering over them like an image of the salmon ladder calling out to them. Instead, they danced around each other and gave us an ever briefer talk about William, how they had agreed to stay apart in order for the boy to adjust to his new life. “Not tonight, another night,” Felicity promised Oliver. Had that been going on for five months? Were cold showers to be the norm for them in the unforeseeable future?
It was not to be, and plot took the lead over character for the bulk of the season. As a result, the stories were paper thin and patience thin.
To be fair, not all the episodes were terrible. There were a handful that had glimmers of promise. 603 and Olicity finally coming back together with one big kiss was pretty okay. 604 is a front-runner for me, coming in as a favorite episode. It was a rare example of character over plot, which is why it worked so well. Having Oliver and Felicity switch places, (due to another plot driven story line of Oliver giving up being the Green Arrow and passing the torch on to John) with Felicity out in the field and Oliver taking up the Overwatch mantle---it was inspired writing. Yet, having John in the Green Arrow suit and leading the charge, as well as turning him into a drug addict; it was so out of tune, sending the fandom into a tail-spin. And the Newbies? Didn’t they get blown up?
So after 604, we got some filler episodes, giving the writers more time to strengthen their plots. Slade Wilson and his mission to save his son, and dragging Oliver along with him was not a good idea, story wise. I always liked Slade Wilson’s character; the good and the bad. But the writers missed another chance to send him out with a good and final story.
We got a very brief look at Oliver getting arrested in 607, on Thanksgiving no less. It would come back to haunt everybody in 623.
The Crossover. Nazi’s. Doppelgangers. Evil Oliver as the Fuhrer. Supergirl as Eva Braun. Felicity as a victimized Jew. Quentin as the Gestapo.  The WestAllen wedding ceremony and the destruction it suffered. Whoever paid for the event probably felt the economic hurt more than the invasion. It would have been more believable than the racist crap MG and AK came up with.
Then at the end, it was a shout-out to Oliver telling Barry guys like them don’t get the girl. They were married to their loves, side by side in an impromptu ceremony. Okay, because I am an Olicity shipper, it was good to see them happy and all in with their love for one another. No rings, no wedding apparel and no vows. Just a beautiful fall day by a lake. It worked for some and was a travesty for others.
Olicity’s reception in 609 took some of the sting away from their unconceivable double wedding. We got a lot of pretty, (Oliver and Felicity dressing up) an ill-advised toast from Rene, (Rene, really? If I were John, I would have been pissed by that demotion) music and dancing, cake-cutting and bouquet-throwing---and god help us; the Hoffman’s.
So 610, to the end of the season, was nothing short of the worst writing to ever find its way onto the show. It was a flight of fancy and preference for Marc and Wendy. The whole civil war thing between OTA and NTA---how could they think that would be entertaining? And killing off Cayden James, who had the potential of being a good villain and replacing him with Ricardo Diaz---it was the writers shooting themselves in the foot and the fans in the back. Rene shooting at Felicity and taking an axe to Oliver, Curtis intentionally hurting John to get intel and Dinah just generally pissed at everyone---it was all a swirling, nauseating mess of WTF.
Then John and Oliver throwing each other around the Bunker like kids in a schoolyard? John brings out some pent-up resentments and disapprovals over Oliver’s leadership abilities. Really? It was just more piling on on Oliver to keep the plot going. Oliver is now a husband and a father, and maybe even a role model. He has earned all that makes his life full, through blood, sweat and tears. He has virtually erased the angry, violent juggernaut we all met in Season 1. He doesn’t deserve to be blamed for everyone else’s short-comings and issues. It was just backwards writing all around.
Diaz. One big yawn. A non-threatening blow-hard who’s only real menace was being a big whiner and killing you with annoyance. I’m still shaking my head that he is coming back for Season 7.
About Season 7. Marc, Wendy and a large part of their toxic writing staff are gone. A new showrunner (Beth) is in place, along with a new, mostly female writer’s room. Do we get more character and less plot? Can they do enough damage control to salvage the mess they inherited? I hope so. Will Diaz meet an early demise; say in the first act of 701? Will Oliver be released from prison by some lawyerly trickery? Will the Newbies get blown up? Okay, I didn’t want to push things too far.
Thea and Lance are gone (insert tears here.) But Roy is coming back, and there are rumors of an Olicity baby. The Big Bad? Well, a litter of kittens would be scarier than Dias. And cuter too.
Five months. Damn. Maybe I will rewatch Season 6, you know, to pass the time.
Just kidding. I’m not into self-torture.  
@it-was-a-red-heeler @memcjo @almondblossomme @hope-for-olicity @wordslovedreams @olicityinmyheart @olicityotp-always @swordandarrow @cruzrogue @ruwithmeguys @gabriellamarie97 @bandanab310 @dmichellewrites @wanhani @1106angel
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rebuildhq · 7 years
This is a Call to Arms!
All volunteers, both heroes, and do-gooders alike, please report for duty below the cut!
The city has been in disarray for long enough. The attacks from both the Syndicate and the Panel are no longer acceptable, and right now is the time for New York to finally be ours again.
These group pairings, plus the event upcoming on Wednesday, is this seasons all out war reenacted.
PS: I suggest using Skype, Discord, Chatzy, etc or another form of communication so you can all talk together!
Bart Allen, Peter Parker, M’Gann M’Orzz
Stephen Strange, Scott Summers,  Bruce Banner
Jessica Jones, Serenity Willow, Wanda Maximoff
Liss Amaquelin, Raven, Joker
Nebula, Wade Wilson, Elsa Bloodstone
Elektra Natchios, Helena Bertinelli, Bobby Drake
Angelica Jones, Diana Prince, James Rhodey
Tony Stark, Carol Danvers, Thor
Harleen Quinzel, Katherine Pryde, Sharon Carter
John Constantine, Zatanna Zatara, Sam Wilson
Mary Jane Watson, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff
Eugene Thompson, Loki, Dick Grayson
Barry Allen, Cassie Lang, Bobbi Morse
Lobo, Kara Danvers, Charlotte Webb
Gwen Stacy, Kate Bishop, Barbara Gordon
Jessica Drew, Natasha Romanoff, Renee Montoya
We wanted to post these + prompts right beneath before the event officially starts so everyone has time to plot! Feel free to get creative, these are just some suggestions so everyone has an idea about what to do in your group.
The city has been in disarray for long enough. The Syndicate has been staging attacks all across New York ruthlessly, resulting in gruesome murders, hospital stays, and civilians being harmed in the process. Your group, or a few members of your group, is their newest target. This will be an ambush, designed for heroes to ultimately get killed as a result of. Keep in mind that the Syndicate are skilled opponents, they won’t make it out of this easily. This attack is something that the organization planned. Your characters can be ambushed in their homes, on the street, where another hero they haven’t met observes and intervenes. The location is all up to you, just ensure that this is a tense fight!
Your group has finally had enough. Whether they teamed up along the way or planned this strike is up to you, of course. They discovered Attilan is a base of operations for the Syndicate and have decided to storm its gates guns blazing. This will be a huge risk for your characters. The Syndicate are clever enemies, and they do not care about the life around them. Their defense will be strong, implementing guns, grenades, and anything else that is necessary in order to defend their home. Your group will be in a lot of danger if you choose to go in this direction, these are no longer threads where there’s a buffering zone. This is an all out battle! Please think carefully about possible repercussions if you choose to have your group march on Attilan.
One or more members of your group are unregistered and were caught patrolling the city after curfew. Whether or not a fight ensued is irrelevant; in the end, the Strike Force won out, and the unregistered vigilantes were brought in as prisoners under the Sokovia Accords and placed in holding cells. The other member/members of your group are registered heroes. After seeing the violence brought on by the Accords and the Strike Force’s ready willingness to pull the trigger on anyone, they’ve lost faith in a cause they once supported and are looking for a way out. On their way through the Panel facility they stumble upon the unregistered vigilantes in the holding cells and perform an impromptu jailbreak to ease their guilty conscience. The alarms that went off were instantaneous, and now your group must work together in order to escape the Panel’s facility with both their lives and their freedom intact.
Your group are out patrolling the city streets searching for the Syndicate. Whether they started out as a team or stumbled upon each other and teamed up on the way makes no difference. While patrolling, the group is cornered by the Strike Force in a scenario that leaves only two options: surrender and go peacefully or work together and fight. This is a scenario that could end in arrest, injury, or even death for anyone involved, and characters should keep in mind that the Strike Force are government agents who truly believe in the cause they fight for. They are also well-trained and will not be easy opponents.
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amissaa-blog · 7 years
Mun & RP Tag;
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG! Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones,BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME: Renee
ARE YOU OVER 18? Yes / No [I am 18, not over]
IS YOUR MUSE? Yes / No [27]
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No  / Semi / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / NA (O.C.)
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gif icons 
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? No / Yes [I’m open to writing on Discord and Skype!]
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 Weeks) / Average (1-2 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Hurt-Comfort / Dark
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror/ Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? No / Yes [ Please tag depression and suicide, just to be safe. I’m a bit of a hypocrite when I ask depression to be tagged because Carrie may talk about it occasionally. ]
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Toxic/Flawed / Rivalry /Enemy 
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry Only / Yes
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual  / Demisexual / Asexual / Sapiosexual
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC / Slow Burn /
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes / Never Tried It
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes [ Depends on the scenario. Age difference is fine with me in most cases as long as both muses are 21+ and both muns are 18+, other cases need to be discussed. ]
DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? No / Yes [ I don’t do crossovers on this blog ]
– T A G G I N G! –
tagged by: Found it in the meme tag tagging: whoever wants to do this idc
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kaos-sverige · 4 years
iPhone 11 Review: 6 Months Later
Published on Apr 5, 2020
Get a free month of both CuriosityStream and Nebula (my streaming platform) by going to https://curiositystream.com/reneritchie/ and using the code "reneritchie" when you sign up! The iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro were really well-reviewed when they first came out, especially the cameras, battery life, and the lower price on the base model 11. There were some criticisms though. Namely, the lack of faster charging options and accessories, USB-C, and just how buggy iOS 13 was at launch. But, times change. Hardware gets put through its paces. Software gets updated. New competition comes out. Expectations change. And so do circumstances, especially right now when many of us are stuck at home and depending on our phones in very different ways than we’d planned to. It makes the whole question of what to buy and when to buy it just alternate reality different than it was at launch. So, I’m going to deep dive into all of that, right now. This… is the iPhone 11: 6 Months Later. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/reneritchie?s... SPECIAL THANKS: Patreon supporters who help make these videos possible: Robert Simplicio, Ruben Flores, Philippe Bueche, Jared White, Nick Florez, Michael Dreves, Sam Fingold, Front Page Tech, Sven Jasper, Clive, Kyle Giglio. Get access to exclusive Discord, previews, and the opportunity to see your name in the credits: https://www.patreon.com/reneritchie LINKS: Twitter Thread: https://twitter.com/reneritchie/statu... My original iPhone 11 review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15S6q... My original iPhone 11 Pro review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epkd4... REFERENCES MrMobile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0-Bh... Joanna Stern / WSJ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMsT0... Krystal Lora: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8e4B... MKBHD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoY7z... Painfully Honest Tech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOj1I... Nilay Patel / The Verge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr9Rv... iPhonedo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd5Z6... iJustine TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ijustine?lang=en MORE: Nebula: https://watchnebula.com/rene-ritchie Twitter: https://twitter.com/reneritchie Instagram: https://instagram.com/reneritchie Web: https://www.reneritchie.net Thanks for watching, see you next video!
0 notes
wellspringskies · 6 years
Tumblr media
Activity Check 10/20/18
Below the cut you will find whether or not your character(s) pass the check!
We have moved to discord, but you may still use tumblr to RP and list activity check posts to keep track of money.
Reminder: Due to the increase of frequency of activity checks, we have decided that you must fail the activity check 3 consecutive weeks in a row before your character is dropped due to inactivity. Additional reminder: The next check will be on 11/3/18!
Remember to add your work bonus and subtract your rent/living costs! (also below the cut) After you do your check, you are able to do all your minigames!
-Mod Fauna
Semi-Hiatus/Hiatus Passed:
Aya - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Frey - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Gerard- Hiatus Pass, ends this check Gill - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Iluka - Hiatus Pass , ends this check Jin - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Joe - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Kana - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Luna - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Lyla - Hiatus Pass, ends this check  Pete - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Tina - Hiatus Pass, ends this check Yue - Hiatus Pass, ends this check
 Alice  Barrett  Carlos  Charles  Dia  Georgia  Henry  Iroha  Julius  Kasey  Kuruna  Lillian  Mark  Molly  Porcoline
Automatic Pass - New Arrivals!
Angela Cliff Doug Elise Luke
Elli Renee
Passing Check [+1500G] Failing Check [+500G] Allowance (Under 18 Characters) [+1000G] First Job [+2000G] Second Job [+1000G] Being an Owner [+5000G] Every new open thread you make on Tumblr (Up to 3): [+1000G] Every new thread created on Discord IC server (Up to 2): [+1000G] For creating a Discord Thread Update Post: [+1000G]
Major Expenses
Oceanside Properties –Portsky Apartments [-400G] –Seafarer’s Apartments [-750G] –Seaside Shacks [-100G] –Beachside Mansions [-600G] –Gull Ave [-150G] –Palm Street [-300G]
Midtown –Meadowland Apartments [-450G] –Starfruit Apartments [-775G] –Central Cottages [-200G] –Suburban Mansions [-750G] –Honey Bee Farms [-300G] –Blue Sky Ranch [-500G]
Abyssal City –All That Glitters Apartments [-500G] –Journeymen’s Apartments [-800G] –Research Guild Housing [-125G] –City Mansions [-1000G] –Mushroom Court [-300G] –Coppervein Ave [-525G]
Minor Expenses
Food [-1000G] Transport (if you don’t work in your immediate area) [-250G]
0 notes
staboteur · 4 years
//Ok I’ve been thinking about this decision for awhile now, but I think I’m gonna put this blog on hiatus. For how long? Dunno, whenever renes muse strikes me again (maybe when comic 7 comes out lmao)
//I’m just more focused on other things right now, particularly senior year (capstone projects, heavy classes, etc), and don’t have the time or creative energy to take on this particular hobby. Maybe I’ll still write fic? Who knows.
//if anybody wants to get in contact, DM me for my discord! If we plotted something in depth I’m open to doing discord threads but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be 100% able to do it, bc I’m only gonna take threads that like really really resonate with me, so I don’t end up with like 10 that i neither love nor hate
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