#diseases of aging
ruushes · 11 months
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not dead not alive but a secret third thing
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uncrossedrhyme · 1 year
Mitochondrial Melatonin Makes Melatonin More than Just the Hormone of Darkness
Mitochondrial melatonin, made by near-infrared light from early morning sun, is an anti-oxidant, pro-metabolic factor separate from the pineal gland melatonin that causes sleepiness, and it can only be balanced by optimizing your light environments.
New knowledge expands outward within each new layer it has penetrated, increasing complexity while, with everything properly contextualized, increasing the ability to maneuver and innovate. Mitochondrial melatonin, made by near-infrared light from early AM sun, is one such example of knowledge increasing complexity. It reveals melatonin as not just a molecule of darkness and sleep, but an…
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canisalbus · 11 months
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✦ Mom ✦
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extendedlongevity · 2 years
Diseases of aging
Most scientists agree aging is currently inescapable, that it is characterized by the progressive loss of functioning of our bodies and that it is the principal cause of what we call the Diseases of Aging (Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Respiratory disease, Diabetes and Dementia) and that its path is inevitably towards death. We have brought the solution. For more information, you can call us at +1 (844) 420-0193.
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pirpintine · 4 months
solavellan brainrot sketchdump 😔👌
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
DP X DC X Subnautica
Where the Justice League (mostly focusing on the Superfam or Batfam or Flashfam) are large leviathan-esque creatures living on Planet 4546B. Maybe they can change forms due to Precursor experimentation, maybe not. Those with young hang out around the shallows more than the others, what with most of them being large super or specialized predators.
Enter Danny Fenton, interning on the Aurora when the ship is shot down by the Quarantine Enforcement Platform. Oh sure he probably would have tried to stop the destruction and help, but his ghost powers are a bit on the fritz and a well-meaning worker pushes him into one of the last life pods seeing as he's a child.
Now the leviathans may not know what a ship is exactly, but they can definitely understand that in most cases things technology = precursors. As far as they understand, a metal deathtrap not unlike the old labs or caches fell alongside several metallic eggs, with the emerging hatchlings misshapen and not living long.
But then there's the egg that landed in the shallows, which at first they thought was empty. But a hatchling- much smaller than the previous ones- emerges, a day later than the rest, but they're alive even if their swimming is all wobbly! It's so tiny, and obviously hatched too early with the strange split tail and how it keeps swimming to the surface for air, and they have to protect it! Now if only the little hatchling would answer their calls and not dart into hiding spots whenever they approach...
Honestly this is up to the writer lol, but I like to think that Danny's ghost form, when he finally manages to achieve it again, goes a little naga-esque. Almost like a sea snake instead of just a whispy ghost tail, which while better for swimming doesn't help his freak out over most ghost powers still not working.
Danny is just trying to survive man, maybe find other survivors, turn off this big alien gun, stop creating frost crystals when he sneezes, the usual. He doesn't need giant humanoid-esque leviathan-sized sea creatures poking around!
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lomlompurim · 5 months
Aside from the "running around the peak with a boner bc you are escaping your shizun/crush who is chasing after you for every disciple to see" that Binghe did in his disciple days, what other cringy or embarrasing things you headcanon that he did or would think to do in his disciple era?
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doxxed0367 · 8 months
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Character: writes on the walls
Me: omg just like gra- blows up
(Bonus meme under cut)
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vaulttecvevo · 6 months
im just out of nowhere thinking abt how much damage solas has done to the overarching narrative of dragon age just by being so inexplicably popular
his only personality traits are being condescending and dismissive and this made him like a heat seeking missile for ppl w daddy issues
this made the idiots in charge have him kill flemeth and usurp her rightful place in the narrative and now the next game is all abt him :/
flemeth, who was a million times more interesting and was actually foreshadowed to have world shaking ambitions.
this is so stupid i cannot think of any other writers doing smth like this. i dont even know what to call it, populist writing? to change the course of the narrative as its being told, discarding previously heavily foreshadowed and set up characters for a new guy some volcal fans want to fuck...
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highfemmelover-moved · 5 months
I seriously need to up my pancake game I'm never going to get a wife like this
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zelphafrost · 1 month
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My sweet grandma's Alzheimer's has progressed to where, with the exception of my grandpa and my mom, she doesn't always remember us right away. Or she doesn't remember us in our current forms. She has been in the nursing home for a few months now because she can't walk and falls a lot. My grandpa has heart issues that took a turn for the worse and now he's in there, but separate from her. He made the difficult decision to sell their house this week. We went to visit them for mother's day and I caught this beautiful moment where they're greeting each other for the first time today on camera. When I was growing up and my own home life was toxic chaos, they were stability. It's so difficult to see them this way.
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ancientorigins · 3 months
From the perilous spread of Meningitis through mere human contact, to the lethal encounters with Yersinia and Salmonella from contaminated food and water, our ancestors faced immense challenges without the aid of antibiotics. How anyone survived is miraculous!
A new study sheds light on the silent but deadly role of bacterial diseases during the Stone Age.
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crowreys-wormstache · 3 months
Do you think he slipped back into his old ways when he lost her again? Do you think he screamed at paintings of himself, demanding to know how he could have been so selfish that once he realized he'd fallen for her, he hasn't sent her away and instead let her lay with him? Did he ask himself how could he ever have loved her if he let her forsake her chance at paradise for him?
How did Dracula handle losing Lisa all over again?
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extendedlongevity · 2 years
Diseases of aging
Most scientists agree aging is currently inescapable, that it is characterized by the progressive loss of functioning of our bodies and that it is the principal cause of what we call the Diseases of Aging (Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Respiratory disease, Diabetes and Dementia) and that its path is inevitably towards death. We have brought the solution. For more information, you can call us at +1 (844) 420-0193.
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alicelufenia · 3 months
Just spent the last 15 minutes infodumping to my wife about drow, because that's one of my love languages and they are my hyperfixation right now. At one point I mention (im still rusty with lore so take with a grain of salt) that no drow has yet to die of old age, but always meet their end either in combat or poisoning, or straight murder/sacrifice/assassination, preferably by an ambitious offspring. So it remains inconclusive as to whether they even have a max lifespan.
At hearing this she came in with the comment "So like lobsters?"
And now I can't get lobster drow out of my head. Crustacean Gromph is over here pushing over 7 centuries. Lobster Liriel escaped the tank and it's now everyone's problem. Hard Shell Maine Minthara is pinching you SO hard right now.
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heardatmedschool · 2 months
“Vancomycin is a bad antibiotic, get over it.”
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