bonestheartist · 5 years
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megaechoposts-blog · 5 years
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The deceptively barren hills and mountains of Crete, the rocky landscape, thick olive groves, uncultivated plots, even the rugged coastline host a most interesting flora, a unique evolutionary crossbreed of the European, African and Asian flora. Many of the plant species endemic to Crete actually naturalized from other continents centuries ago. In particular, the Cretan flora includes 57 species native of Asia and not found anywhere else in Europe, and 231 species not encountered in mainland Greece.
In the 19th century botanist M.Rikli published a list of 28 African plant species endemic to deserts and the steppe, however 8 of those were also recorded on Crete. This explains the enthusiasm of Austrian born physician-botanist F.W. Sieber who visited Crete and later wrote, “
what impressed most was a leafless and flowerless sprig of the capparis egyptiana. On closer examination of the stem, I concluded that I was looking at a capparis shrub. I identified the Egyptian species of capparis following examination of its golden reflexed spines. This species is not found in Europe.”
In his three-volume work “Vegetation of the Mediterranean region”, M. Rikli provides a table of plant spcies encountered in five of the largest islands in the Mediterranean – Sicily, Sardenia, Cyprus, Corsica and Crete. He notes that although Crete is comparatively the smallest of the five, yet it hosts the richest flora of all with more than 2,170 species. The comparison is even more compelling on the basis of the following facts: England, although double in size than Greece, hosts only 2,133 plant species, while prewar Germany and Austria numbered 3,500 plant species.
  Our information about the variety of plant species flourishing during the Minoan period on Crete is very scanty, originating mainly from archaeological excavations which yielded murals and vases with representations of fruit, trees, herbs, etc. other information comes from paleo-botanist research. However, we should take into account that all living organisms, including plant life, evolve through time. Therefore, known plant species today may be the evolutionary descendants of species that existed in varied forms in the remote past. Identification of past plant species is rather difficult, however, information about their applications can be deducted from their representations on excavated murals and artifacts. A vessel containing vegetable remains was found during excavations at the Minoan palace of Malia. Three kinds of fruits, corresponding to different plant species (cedar tree, coriander, wild fennel) were identified. Even today cedar fruits are consumed by the inhabitants of the isle of Gavdos, south of Crete. Furthermore, the rich aroma of wild fennel is much appreciated by the modern Cretan cuisine.
During the summer of 2000 new excavations at the village of Archanes by Cretan archaeologists Yiannis and Efi Sakelarakis confirmed the belief that aromatic herbs were used and traded by the Minoans. Unearthed vessels of 1 and Âœ lt were probably used as containers for the kinds of herbs exported to mainland Greece and Egypt. The Minoans used the saffron crocus in their meals and in the rituals. This is testified by mural representations. We know now that the saffron crocus was intensively cultivated and used up to the 16th and 17th century. This is supported by the following extract from popular literature,”
Oh! Spaghetti with grated cheese and richly saffroned
dearest chesse pies
”. More information about the plant species of Crete comes from authors, botanists, and physicians of antiquity, e.g. Homer, Theophrastus, Discurides, Pliny, Galen, Diodorus, and Oreivasius. On the basis of ancient literature and research the following plant species were of outmost importance to the ancients: dittany, the Cretan cypress tree, palm tree, oregano, thyme and the cedar tree. Claudius Galen, the personal physician of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, reports on the unique medicinal properties of edible Cretan herbs: “Many of the herbs cultivated in the emperor’s gardens originate from Crete. Many of the greens, herbs, fruits and seeds on this island cannot be found anywhere in the world
However, from 5th to 15th century AD we have very little information about the flora of Crete which comes from Cretan literature, particularly from Cretan theatrical plays. From this information we can deduce that Cretans consumed considerable quantities of wild greens and vegetables: “She either harvested greens from meadows all day, or kneaded, sieved, wove till nightfall.” (Chortatsis, “Panoria”).
No other flora on earth has been investigated so thoroughly as the flora of the island of Crete. It all started in 15th century when a large number of botanists, pharmacologists, historians and travelers arrived on the island of Crete for a thorough examination of the local flora. French botanist Piere Belon recorded 96 plant species in their original local names.
By order of the king of France Luis XIV, French traveler researcher Tournefort traveled east and came to Crete wher he recorded 396 plant species. In 1974 on more French traveler, Olivier, arrived on Crete to report, in fascination, that the Cretans used the chickpea’s leaves raw in salads and fried the leaves of beans stalks in olive oil.
Dutch physician Dapper, who visited Crete in the 17th century, reported a wide range of edible herbs, greens and vegetables, among them the dittamy (dictamus) which was also chewed by goats to heal their wounds.
Source: Myrsini Lambraki “Herbs, Greens, Fruit. The Key to the Mediterranean Diet”, Third Millennium Press Ltd.
The post Herbs, Vegetables, Fruits of Crete appeared first on Travel Zone Greece.
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casimagesbrasil · 6 years
Problemas para dormir depois de casar
Um especialista em sono da Universidade de Michigan, Dr. Beth Malow, afirmou que os casais gastam quase um terço de suas vidas dormindo juntos.
Ela encoraja casais a se abraçarem. Muitos especialistas em casamento acreditam que dormir juntos em paz pode manter um casamento saudåvel.
Por que compartilhar uma cama?
Por que as pessoas compartilham uma cama com um cĂŽnjuge se dormiriam melhor sozinhos? Normalmente, a resposta Ă© porque, mesmo que vocĂȘ nĂŁo tenha a melhor noite de sono, encontra conforto e intimidade emocional ao dormir junto.
E se vocĂȘ nĂŁo consegue dormir bem com seu parceiro?
Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo consegue dormir bem com o seu cĂŽnjuge vocĂȘ nĂŁo estĂĄ sozinho.
Muitos casais tĂȘm problemas para dormir juntos. Se vocĂȘ estĂĄ tendo dificuldade em ter uma boa noite de sono por causa dos hĂĄbitos de sono do seu cĂŽnjuge, ficando duas camas de solteiro ou, no caso do ronco (existe um produto chamado Stop Ronco, quartos separados podem ser a melhor solução.
Dormindo juntos estatĂ­sticas
De acordo com uma pesquisa de 2001 da National Sleep Foundation, mais de um em cada dez (12%) americanos casados ​​dormem sozinhos. AlĂ©m disso, “menor satisfação conjugal afeta os hĂĄbitos de sono de acordo com a pesquisa.
Quase metade dos que tĂȘm menos satisfação conjugal (47%) dizem que estĂŁo dormindo menos hoje do que hĂĄ cinco anos e que mais de trĂȘs quartos sĂŁo mais propensos a ter problemas de sono do que os mais felizes (77% vs. 69 %). ”
Para surpresa de ninguĂ©m, a pesquisa tambĂ©m mostrou que havia mais problemas de sono em lares com filhos. “Pessoas casadas com filhos dormem menos durante a semana do que aquelas sem filhos (6,7 vs. 7,2 horas / noite) e pessoas solteiras sem filhos (7,1 horas)
Mais de um em cada dez adultos casados ​​(12%) com relatos de crianças tipicamente dormindo com uma criança; a grande maioria desses adultos (81%) relata um problema de sono. ”
RazÔes para Problemas do Sono
Aqui estão situaçÔes que podem criar problemas de sono para casais.
PosiçÔes de sono diferentes;
Temperatura do quarto;
Abraçar ou não abraçar;
Problemas de mordidas;
Um dos dois levanta-se muito no meio da noite;
O tamanho da cama;
A firmeza do colchĂŁo;
Tendo uma janela aberta;
Dormir com crianças ou animais de estimação;
Ir deitar na cama com raiva;
Quantidade de travesseiros;
NĂșmero de cobertores;
Síndrome de excitação conjugal;
Hora de ir para a cama
PosiçÔes de dormir
Quando vocĂȘ pode dormir juntos, muitos especialistas em sono recomendam “colher”. Esta Ă© a posição de dormir onde as pessoas dormem juntas como colheres. Acredita-se que essa posição de dormir aumenta a intimidade e diminui o estresse.
Às vezes as pessoas se preocupam porque o cĂŽnjuge estĂĄ dormindo de costas para elas ou parece estar longe na cama. NĂŁo tire conclusĂ”es precipitadas.
Embora as posiçÔes de sono possam ser uma bandeira vermelha em um casamento, os especialistas dizem que nĂŁo hĂĄ posiçÔes de sono “boas” ou “ruins” em um casamento.
John Dittami: “No meu caso, meu parceiro e eu passamos um tempo juntos conversando ou trocando carinhos antes de dormir, mas depois de 10 ou 15 minutos ela se vira, e eu me viro, e cada um de nós dorme da sua forma. Sei que eu ronco, então isso atrapalha um pouco. As capas separadas são como a nossa versão de um tratado de paz “.
Melhor Solução: Compromisso
EntĂŁo, o que vocĂȘ faz se vocĂȘ tem diferentes preferĂȘncias de sono? Encontre maneiras de se comprometer. Se isso nĂŁo funcionar, seja realista e considere quartos separados ou duas camas individuais.
Quartos separados ou duas camas individuais podem salvar seu casamento. Quando os casais começam a dormir juntos, eles estão dispostos a sacrificar o conforto para estar perto do parceiro. Depois de cerca de cinco anos, muitas pessoas só querem ter uma boa noite de sono novamente.
O post Problemas para dormir depois de casar apareceu primeiro em Hospedar imagens - Hospedagem de imagens grĂĄtis - Casimages.
from http://www.casimages.com.br/problemas-para-dormir-depois-de-casar/
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universallyladybear · 6 years
De la matiùre de socle et pieds 120 x 93 x 80 cm 1950 euros + 4,5 m de tissu qui se craquelle vite

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Ikea Tour De Lit De la matiÚre de socle et pieds 120 x 93 x 80 cm 1950 euros + 4,5 m de tissu qui se craquelle vite...
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Research Reveals The Health Benefits Of Sleeping Next To Someone You Love
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/research-reveals-the-health-benefits-of-sleeping-next-to-someone-you-love/
Research Reveals The Health Benefits Of Sleeping Next To Someone You Love
Tanya Arora September 3, 2018
Love is closely connected to a multitude of emotions! Some of them are positive – happiness, comfort, security, etc., while some are negative – jealousy, anger, sadness, and the likes. However, it’s not just your emotional state that love has a deep impact on. It largely influences your health too! And in a good way, in fact, if a recent study on love’s health benefits is to be believed.
According to a University of Pittsburgh study, couples who share a bed at night are generally healthier than those who sleep alone (1). Scientists of the study go on to say that even though sleeping with a partner comes with its fair share of nighttime interruptions, couples who sleep together tend to live longer too (2)!
The lead researcher of the study, Dr. Wendy M. Troxel, explains that sleeping with a partner comes with a host of psychological benefits. These psychological benefits far outweigh any kind of physical discomfort that may be experienced when snoozing with your better half. Dr. Wendy M. Troxel is an assistant professor of psychology and psychiatry at the same university that conducted the study.
Troxel along with her team of researchers discovered that women who are a part of a stable, long-lasting marriage were more likely to doze off quicker and experience better quality of sleep overall as compared to single women or women with broken relationships. The study was carried out over a course of 2 years and it further mentions that women with stable relationships barely woke up in the middle of the night, leading to less disturbed sleep (3).
You might be curious to know why this happens, right? Well, University of Vienna’s biological rhythm specialist and behavioral endocrinologist, John Dittami has the answer. He explains that when women sleep with their partners, they enjoy their presence despite it taking a toll on the number of hours they eventually get to sleep.
Troxel too has another explanation up her sleeve for this phenomenon. She says that sharing a bed at night with their partner makes women feel more secure and safe, which leads to better sleep and consequently, better health. Troxel also points out that a shared bed leads to the reduction of the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body (4). Another benefit of sleeping together is a decrease in the level of cytokines, which are responsible for the sensation of pain as well as inflammation in the body (5).
That’s not all. Sleeping together has many other wonders in store! Troxel’s study also espouses the fact that being physically close to one’s partner can increase the production of oxytocin – the feel-good aka. ‘love’ or ‘cuddle’ hormone (6). This hormone can bring down anxiety levels and promote better sleep. Oxytocin, as a matter of fact, is produced in that very part of your brain that regulates your sleep cycle.
So, what we can safely conclude is that conking out with your partner each night effectively solves two major health problems – aches and pains in the body along with stress. Isn’t that amazing? Looks like the power of love is very powerful indeed!
Another thing to note here is that when you’re less stressed (whether it’s because of pain or work pressure), you give a major boost to your overall health! Your chances of becoming a victim of major diseases such as cancer, heart issues, and chronic disorders also reducex. This can obviously lead to the prolonging of your life in a healthy way.
Thought that’s the end of the benefits of sleeping together? No, it’s not! Sleeping by the side of your partner has one more very interesting role to play. And that is of the regulation of your body temperature. You see, as you sleep at night, your body temperature tends to change (7). That’s actually a good thing as it ensures restful and better-quality sleep. However, sometimes your body temperature can drop to a point way lower than is conducive to sleep, leading to disrupted sleep. That’s where your partner comes to the rescue! Cuddling with your partner as you sleep can help you bring your body temperature back to normal due to the latter’s warmth.
Lastly, a very important benefit of sleeping together is that it helps strengthen your relationship. As psychotherapist, Barton Goldsmith explains, couples who do not sleep together face a harder time in resolving conflict, which can damage their relationship. So, even if you fight, you might want to sleep in the same bed rather than take your pillow and blanket to another room!
To conclude, there’s no sound reason to deprive yourself of the healing and life-improving benefits of cuddling with your better half every night. Ergo, if you wish to take advantages of sleeping together, pull your partner into bed as you tuck in every night!
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/health-benefits-of-sleeping-next-to-someone-you-love/
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sistemieconsulenze · 7 years
Sistemi & Consulenze La Certificazione #KOSHER
La parola Kosher in ebraico significa conforme alla legge o adatto e indica che un alimento Ăš stato prodotto in ottemperanza alle regole dietetiche prescritte dalla Bibbia. I cibi prodotti sotto questi dittami religiosi negli Stati Uniti hanno un vasto mercato di consumatori perchĂ©, oltre che dagli ebrei osservanti, vengono consumati anche da musulmani, indĂč e consumatori vegetariani e allergici che si fidano della garanzia della certificazione Ebraica perchĂ© considerata la piu’ affidabile nell’analisi degli ingredienti.Le regole bibliche permettono di cibarsi di animali ruminanti e con l’unghia fessa (bovini, ovini e caprini, e animali selvatici come cervi) purchĂ© macellati da esperti nel modo previsto e quindi non cammelli, conigli e suini; di pesci con pinne e squame e quindi non molluschi o pescecani; e di volatili domestici come polli e non volatili rapaci. È proibito mangiare insetti, alimenti che contengano sangue ed Ăš anche proibito mischiare carne e latticini.#ebraismo #kosher #kasherh
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Tessemae's Enters The Organic Produce Category With a New Look
Tessemae's Fresh Food Co., salad dressing and condiment provider, has entered into the organic produce category with a new brand refresh. Tessemae's will continue to rely on its use of clean and organic ingredients. Its product portfolio will be expanding this year to include a new line of creamy salad dressings, a line of organic condiments, salad toppers, single serve and family style salad kits, veggie trays, and dips.
"People are tired of eating science projects,” says Greg Vetter, CEO, Tessemae’s. “They want clean, fresh, meal solutions. Tessemae's is here to enable that clean eating for everyone, everywhere.”
The new brand look is clean and flavor forward. The hand-dipped wax has been replaced with an easy-to-open color coordinated shrink seal, and the condiment line features playful imagery. The new packaging can be found on shelves now. The company will be re-launching their website in April with a new look and improved user experience.
In January, Tessemae's launched single serve salad kits – exclusive to Kroger and Kroger banner stores, but will now be expanding to other retailers in the near future. The salad kits feature organic grilled chicken, salad greens, Tessemae's dressing and a salad topper. The salad kit is available in four flavor varieties: Spinach Bacon Ranch, Power Kale Caesar, Sweet Kale Crunch and Sesame Ginger Greens. 
"The most important thing to us is how a product tastes, and how it makes us feel,” says Kristen Dittami, executive vice president of research and development. “It all connects back to our mission of simplifying food to amplify life. That's what drives our innovation.”
from Grocery store Advertising News http://www.groceryheadquarters.com/Whats-New/Tessemaes-Enters-The-Organic-Produce-Category-With-a-New-Look/
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robertmcleroy · 7 years
Tessemae's Enters The Organic Produce Category With a New Look
Tessemae's Fresh Food Co., salad dressing and condiment provider, has entered into the organic produce category with a new brand refresh. Tessemae's will continue to rely on its use of clean and organic ingredients. Its product portfolio will be expanding this year to include a new line of creamy salad dressings, a line of organic condiments, salad toppers, single serve and family style salad kits, veggie trays, and dips.
"People are tired of eating science projects,” says Greg Vetter, CEO, Tessemae’s. “They want clean, fresh, meal solutions. Tessemae's is here to enable that clean eating for everyone, everywhere.”
The new brand look is clean and flavor forward. The hand-dipped wax has been replaced with an easy-to-open color coordinated shrink seal, and the condiment line features playful imagery. The new packaging can be found on shelves now. The company will be re-launching their website in April with a new look and improved user experience.
In January, Tessemae's launched single serve salad kits – exclusive to Kroger and Kroger banner stores, but will now be expanding to other retailers in the near future. The salad kits feature organic grilled chicken, salad greens, Tessemae's dressing and a salad topper. The salad kit is available in four flavor varieties: Spinach Bacon Ranch, Power Kale Caesar, Sweet Kale Crunch and Sesame Ginger Greens. 
"The most important thing to us is how a product tastes, and how it makes us feel,” says Kristen Dittami, executive vice president of research and development. “It all connects back to our mission of simplifying food to amplify life. That's what drives our innovation.”
from Tips About Supermarkets Marketing http://www.groceryheadquarters.com/Whats-New/Tessemaes-Enters-The-Organic-Produce-Category-With-a-New-Look/
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