#divine intervention: having no wifi and somehow writing 900 words of this
deepfriedtrout · 11 months
Ahab’s wicked, frankly deranged smile falls off her face. It shouldn’t be possible for anything like this to happen, but even the winds silence its loud whistling, the storm slightly quieting down its deafening rumbling. Some of the sinners take note, Outis can feel Faust’s stare on her back, intrigued. Even Ishmael has started to notice, despite her tunnel-visioned, trauma-and-vengeance-fueled rage. Outis can feel herself become singled out with the searching stare from above, and she, with nowhere to look but up, does exactly that, meeting eye-to-eye with Ahab. The old captain’s mouth hangs open. Then morphs a name that can’t be heard through the waves, but Outis knows, knows in her head what she says. “Odysseus?”
In the words of one person who commented here, I think this fic can be summarized by:
Penelope is a woman in Limbus: good Ahab is a woman in Limbus: great Penelope and Ahab are the same woman in Limbus: divinely inspired
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