kathybarnes · 5 months
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Finding God’s way not only gives us a sense of direction and purpose in life but also promises us eternal life in His Kingdom. However, the question remains: How can we discern and navigate His path amidst the distractions and trials of this world? Finding God’s way requires us to begin our journey with God. This involves completely placing our trust in Him and making every decision according to His will. This entails having a steadfast faith deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, guiding us every step of the way...
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spiritualsoull1969 · 8 months
Navigating Life's Journey: Trusting in the Divine Guidance
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Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
In a world filled with uncertainties and complexities, finding guidance and direction can often feel like navigating through a dense fog. Each decision, whether big or small, carries weight and consequences that can shape the course of our lives. In the midst of this uncertainty, the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 3:5-6 offers a beacon of hope and assurance: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
The essence of these verses encapsulates a profound truth that has resonated with believers for generations. At its core lies the invitation to relinquish our grip on control and surrender to a higher power. It calls us to trust in something beyond ourselves, to acknowledge the limitations of our own understanding, and to embrace the divine guidance that promises to illuminate our paths.
Trust, the cornerstone of faith, forms the bedrock upon which the journey of life unfolds. It requires a surrendering of our doubts and fears, a letting go of the need to have all the answers. Trusting in the Lord with all our hearts entails a profound acceptance of His sovereignty and wisdom, even when the road ahead seems obscure and daunting.
Yet, this trust is not passive resignation but an active choice to submit our will to His. It beckons us to align our desires and intentions with His divine purpose, to seek His guidance in every facet of our lives. In doing so, we acknowledge that our human understanding is limited, susceptible to biases and misconceptions. Instead, we place our confidence in the omniscient and omnipotent Creator who sees the end from the beginning.
The journey of trust is fraught with challenges and uncertainties, testing the resilience of our faith at every turn. It demands perseverance and steadfastness, especially when the storms of life threaten to overwhelm us. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of adversity that the power of trust shines brightest. For it is in the crucible of trials that our faith is refined, strengthened by the unwavering assurance of God's faithfulness.
Central to the concept of trust is the recognition of God's providential care and guidance in our lives. Just as a loving parent watches over their child, guiding them through the pitfalls and perils of life, so too does our Heavenly Father tenderly shepherd us along the path of righteousness. His wisdom surpasses our understanding, His ways transcending our own.
In embracing trust, we relinquish the illusion of control and embrace the freedom found in surrender. It is a paradoxical truth that in yielding our will to His, we discover a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. For when we cease striving and allow God to chart the course of our lives, we experience a peace that surpasses all understanding.
Yet, trust is not without its challenges. In a world that prizes self-reliance and autonomy, the notion of surrendering control can seem counterintuitive. We are conditioned to believe that success and happiness are achieved through our own efforts and ingenuity. Yet, the folly of this mindset is revealed in the futility of human endeavor, the emptiness of pursuits devoid of divine purpose.
The path of trust requires humility, a willingness to acknowledge our inherent limitations and fallibility. It compels us to set aside our pride and ego, to humbly submit to the wisdom of the One who knows us intimately. In doing so, we open ourselves to receive the abundant blessings that flow from a life lived in alignment with God's will.
Moreover, trust is not a one-time decision but a daily practice, a continual surrendering of our will to His. It requires discipline and diligence to cultivate a heart that is fully reliant on God's guidance. Through prayer, meditation, and reflection on His Word, we nurture the seeds of trust planted within us, allowing them to take root and flourish.
In all our ways, whether in times of joy or sorrow, abundance or lack, we are called to submit to Him. This submission is not a sign of weakness but of strength, a recognition of our dependence on the Source of all life. It is a conscious choice to align our thoughts, words, and actions with His divine purpose, trusting that He will direct our paths accordingly.
Ultimately, the promise of Proverbs 3:5-6 serves as a beacon of hope and assurance to all who dare to trust in the Lord wholeheartedly. It reminds us that we are not alone in our journey, that He who created the heavens and the earth is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives. As we navigate the twists and turns of life's journey, let us cling to the timeless wisdom of these verses, trusting in the Lord with all our hearts and allowing Him to make our paths straight.
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cardsforthoughts · 1 year
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A Timeless Message for the Collective with the Butterfly Affirmations by Alana Fairchild + Divine Directions by Jade Sky 💖
"Today, I choose hope."
"HOME — It's time to renovate or change something in your home environment, or move home."
This combination gives me the impression that We have been searching for what Home is - what it looks like, sounds like, feels like. We've been doing our best to be hopeful and keep faith that what We are searching for is around.
The real answer is that Home is within ourselves. What does your internal environment look like, sound like, feels like? How does that reflect onto the environment that is outside of us? Is there calm or chaos? What thoughts are we choosing to nurture?
For example, what does our bedroom (a place of comfort and rest) look like? What does our kitchen (a place of sustenance and warmth) look like? Our living room (a place of togetherness and connection)?
If it's chaotic looking and feeling, what can we do to adjust, modify, clean? What excuses are we making to avoid it? It doesn't have to be all at once - starting with a corner is still a good start!
A suggestion would be to switch from "I need to do X" or "I am choosing to do X because I want Y."
Sometimes a shift in language can work wonders!
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. May you be joyful, peaceful, loving, and free from suffering. Asé, Amen, Ayibobo, and So It Is. 🙇🏾‍♀️
With Reverent Love and Gratitude, Sól
P.S. Did you find this resonating? Do you wish to dive deeper? I am open for appointments 🙇🏾‍♀️🪷🦋
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newprophets · 1 month
john 16 Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives
The Divine GPS: Navigating Life with the Holy Spirit in John 16
Imagine setting out on a road trip without a GPS. You’re bound to get lost, miss turns, and possibly end up miles away from your destination. Now, imagine the relief of knowing that you have a reliable GPS that not only guides you but also recalculates your route when you make a wrong turn. In John 16, Jesus introduces us to the ultimate spiritual GPS—the Holy Spirit.
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Jesus knew that His disciples were about to embark on a challenging journey, one that would test their faith and endurance. So, in John 16, He promises to send the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to guide them into all truth. Just like a GPS, the Holy Spirit helps us navigate the complexities of life, offering direction, correction, and even recalculating our path when we stray.
The Holy Spirit is more than just a guide; He’s an advocate who speaks on our behalf. In a world filled with confusion and misinformation, having the Holy Spirit as our guide ensures that we stay on the right path. He brings clarity to situations that seem murky and helps us make decisions that align with God’s will. And when life gets tough, the Holy Spirit is there to comfort us, wrapping us in a peace that surpasses all understanding.
But here’s the fun part—the Holy Spirit isn’t just a one-way communicator. He’s interactive! He encourages us to engage in conversation with God, to seek His guidance, and to trust in His plan. It’s like having a spiritual co-pilot who knows the way better than we do. All we need to do is listen and follow His lead.
So, the next time you’re faced with a tough decision or feel lost in the journey of life, remember that you have the Holy Spirit as your divine GPS. Trust Him to guide you, comfort you, and lead you to your destination—the abundant life that Jesus promised.
#HolySpirit #John16 #SpiritualGuidance #FaithJourney #ChristianLiving #DivineDirection #BibleStudy
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vinceleemiller · 4 months
3 Keys To Unlocking Divine Guidance | 1 Samuel 3:8-10
Three keys to unlocking divine direction.
Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.
This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 3. I've titled this chapter "Into Our Silence God Speaks." Today, I am reading verses 8-10, it reads:
And the Lord called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” Then Eli perceived that the Lord was calling the boy. Therefore Eli said to Samuel, “Go, lie down, and if he calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant hears.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant hears.” — 1 Samuel 3:8-10
Today, Samuel demonstrates how to unlock the divine direction that you want and need. Three keys:
Key One | Persistence
God called Samuel four times before he realized that God was speaking to him. Four times! You thought you were slow.
Sometimes, we are all a little slow, but Samuel got something right. He was persistent in listening. We need the same persistence in how we listen. The world is noisy: there is political noise, business noise, financial noise, marital noise, household noise, emotional noise, and sometimes, it takes a lot of work to hear God through all the noise. This means you need to persist in listening. Don't quit listening for God after the first attempt or prayer. Listen longer because when you don't know what God's voice sounds like, you might have already heard it but just don't know it yet.
Key Two | Guidance
Samuel needed clear guidance to discern God's voice and how to respond.
If you are confused about what God wants you to do, seek spiritual guidance from someone you know who hears from God. Samuel had Eli. Eli was not a perfect man, but he did provide Samuel with enough guidance on how to discern and respond. It was just enough for him to take the first step. There are believers around you who hear from God and who have just enough wisdom to guide you as well.
Key Three | Readiness
I love Samuel's statement, "Speak, for your servant hears." His posture and positional readiness are what is needed.
Most believers want to hear from God but sometimes are not positionally ready for the answer. If you want to hear God's voice and get his direction, then you need to prepare your soul for divine guidance that may not be what you want to hear, do, or share with others. This is exactly what is about to happen to Samuel. Your posture must be that of the servant. When God speaks you need to ready yourself.
If you desire to hear from God, confidently embrace these three keys: persistence, guidance, and readiness. By applying these principles, you will consistently unlock the divine direction you want and need.
#DivineDirection, #HearingGodsVoice, #SpiritualGuidance
Ask This:
How can you cultivate a spirit of persistence in your daily life to better hear God's voice amidst the noise of the world?
Who in your life can you turn to for spiritual guidance and support, and how can you actively seek their wisdom to discern God's direction for your life?
Do This:
Do the three keys.
Pray This:
Father, grant me the persistence to listen for Your voice, the humility to seek guidance from those who follow You, and the readiness to obey Your will, even when it challenges me. Help me to hear Your whispers above the clamor of the world and to faithfully follow where You lead. Amen.
Play This:
The Struggle.
Check out this episode!
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ehabest · 1 year
Oh Allah, if you see me getting farther away from you, return me to you in a beautiful way
اللهم إن رأيتني أبتعد عنكَ فردني إليكَ رداً جميلاَ
#FaithRenewed #GuidedPath #JourneyToAllah #BlessedReturn #DivineDirection #FindingPeace #AllahsLight #HeavenlyGuidance #SoulfulReturn #SpiritualAwakening #duaa#أرجو_عودتي #اللهم_ارجعني #دعاء_للإرشاد #طريق_إلى_الله #البحث_عن_السلام #نور_الله #إرشاد_سماوي #عودة_مباركة #الاتجاه_الإلهي #عودة_الروح #استيقاظ_روحي #دعاء
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canaandreamicc · 5 years
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#Day2 #PowerFast2020 #7DaysOfMore #PrayerGuide #DivineDirection #CanaanDreamICC #More #CovenantOfMore #DavidAbidoye #LaraAbidoye #portharcourt #nigeria #africa (at Port Harcourt) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7kwFbjA87A/?igshid=4c0cq5sse1mj
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the-page-ladies · 2 years
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Book Review…Divine Direction by Benecia Ponder Divine Direction is a collection of stories of ordinary people who received extraordinary guidance in their lives. Whether it was a career or life change, a relationship in trouble, or a crisis, each of the authors found a way to listen to the Divine and let Him steer them in the right direction at just the right time. The stories are often raw and vulnerable, reflections on the human experience in all of its messy yet perfectly aligned beauty. This was a good read. Each story is about someone's personal experience with faith or personal struggles. The stories can be read in any order a reader wants. The stories are meant to be thought provoking, insightful and inspirational. I enjoyed some of the stories more than others but it was still a nice read! Thank you Lola's Blog Tours for sharing this book with me! #lolasblogtour #DivineDirection #BeneciaPonder #shortstories #books #booktour #readsta #bookishpost #bookish #bookstagram #bookstagrammer https://www.instagram.com/p/Chr0s5-LfF4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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samuelanami · 6 years
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. . . “ It’s much better not to try at all than trying something that doesn’t proceed from God.” #trust #God #divinedirection https://www.instagram.com/p/BqRHn-HllYk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qiet3h1umak9
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tulil78 · 3 years
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“Divine Direction: What Does God Want Me To Do?”- Pastor Rick Ivey 1 King 3:4-14 #todayssermon #sundayservice #sunday #toknowGodandtomakeGodknown #divinedirection #wesleyunitedmethodistchurch (at Wesley UMC Beaumont) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSCIFE6LFwMqs1H1mLnU2lxc6Q8qN06FyRUKGE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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igate777 · 4 years
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#wisdombuilds, #wisdomspeaks, #divinedirection, #divinegiidiance, #godsword, #truth, #askgod #church https://www.instagram.com/p/CIrBa1qJ92A/?igshid=1mo79sqcb8ihy
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konarshalom · 4 years
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#WhereIsYourDutyPost_Mount_Morial_Sinai_or_Carmel? All na mountains abi Ooooo 😂 #ChurchNaChurch Phrase, you have heard it previously. #BewareOfYourAssociations. Is it GOD Almighty speaking or the enemy speaking behind your Peter's voice? Do not waste no time to say #Satan_get_behind_me #Matthew16vs23. Don't be enticed by voices of men attempting to redirect you and your assigned mission. On #TuesdayMarch5th2019, The LORD sent me to Winners Chapel International Los Angeles to take up their Ministry trainings. Humanly speaking that's nonsense. Inshort, I got a question, #How_Can_God_Ask_You_To_Leave_RCCG_To_Winners? My reply, #DivineDirection Which cause more fury but I hold on to my #GPS. Becareful when even your own #JohnTheBaptist will question your assignment #John7v19. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBS0QeJmSm/?igshid=187j71836ufir
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cardsforthoughts · 1 year
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A Timeless Message for the Collective channeled through the Divine Directions oracle by Jade Sky 💖
"NATURE — Reconnect with Nature; feel the sun on your skin. Walk barefoot in the grass."
This card just about speaks for itself! Getting in touch with Nature will help you at this time. Ground yourself and remind your Self of the intricate interconnectedness of All. Speak about your troubles to a tree friend and ask for their healing energy. Mother Gaia is abundant, nurturing, creative, beautiful and wild - as are you!
What is your favorite part of Nature? Is it the greenery of the grass and forest? The cool calm of the waters? The beauty of the plants and animals? Whatever the answer is within your Heart, take the time to connect with Mother Gaia. In this way you connect with your Self.
Spirit says it will only serve to uplift and strengthen you, to remind you that are supported and surrounded with and by Divine Unconditional Love.
Asé, Amen, Ayibobo, and So It Is! Loak Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu 🙇🏾‍♀️
With Loving Reverence & Gratitude, Sól
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"His mother saith unto the servants, whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.." John 2:5. #DivineDirection #BeLedByTheSpirit #PrayAndAct #TheWordApplicationNetwork https://www.instagram.com/p/B7quUEeF59E/?igshid=au752m56vqa3
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mannycabezudo · 7 years
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‪‪#success‬ #motivationalquotes #motivation #love #loyalty #mannycabezudo #zoebook #librozoe #quote #quoteoftheday #midset #reallifewithpastormanny #citychurchofocala #divinedirection #direcciondivina (at City Church of Ocala)
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gabrielleanneb-blog · 7 years
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#divinedirection by @craiggroeschel is wonderful and perfectly timed for this season in my life! I’m only half way done, I cannot wait to see what God has in store next! #direction (at Southlake, Texas)
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