#divorce lawyers in utah
jamesadams0003 · 5 months
Drug Addiction and Child Custody: Safeguarding Your Rights and Your Child's Well-being
Drug addiction can have significant implications on child custody battles, creating complex legal and emotional challenges for parents. If you are facing such a situation, it's essential to understand your rights and take steps to protect both yourself and your child. A parental rights attorney in St. George, Utah, can provide the legal guidance and support you need during this difficult time.
Parental rights lawyers in St. George, Utah specialize in navigating the complexities of family law, particularly in cases involving drug addiction and child custody. These legal professionals have the expertise to help you safeguard your parental rights and prioritize your child's well-being. By seeking their assistance, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that the best interests of your child are taken into account.
Here are some key steps to take when navigating drug addiction and child custody issues:
1. Seek Legal Counsel: Consulting with a parental rights attorney in St. George, Utah, is crucial in understanding the legal aspects of your situation. Your lawyer will assess your case, provide personalized advice, and represent your interests in court.
2. Prioritize Your Child's Well-being: It's essential to demonstrate your commitment to ensuring a safe and stable environment for your child. This may involve seeking treatment for addiction, demonstrating progress and stability, and creating a supportive environment for your child.
3. Gather Evidence: Your attorney can assist you in gathering evidence to support your case, such as documentation of your efforts to address the addiction, testimony from reliable witnesses, and any relevant medical or legal records.
4. Develop a Co-Parenting Plan: Working with your attorney, develop a co-parenting plan that outlines how you will prioritize your child's best interests and address any concerns related to the addiction. This plan can demonstrate your dedication to being a responsible and caring parent. By working with a knowledgeable parental rights attorney in St. George, Utah, you can navigate the legal complexities of drug addiction and child custody, while prioritizing your child's well-being.
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saintgeorgelaw · 2 months
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ascentlawllc · 2 years
How Divorce Affect Your Taxes
How Does Getting Divorced Affect Your Taxes?
Getting divorced can have a significant impact on your taxes. Here are some key things to consider:
Your Filing Status
If your divorce is finalized on or before December 31 of the tax year, you will be considered divorced for the entire year and must file your taxes accordingly. This means that if you were previously filing jointly with your spouse, you would now need to file as a single or head-of-household taxpayer. Your filing status can significantly impact your taxes, as single taxpayers generally have a higher tax rate and a smaller standard deduction than married couples who file jointly.
Your Divorce Settlement
If you and your ex-spouse agree to split your assets and liabilities, this can also affect your taxes. For example, if you were awarded a portion of your ex-spouse's 401(k) plan in the divorce, you may be subject to taxes on the distributions you receive from that plan.
Minimizing The Impact
To minimize the impact of your divorce on your taxes, it's essential to carefully review your divorce settlement and understand how it will affect your taxes. Consider consulting with a financial advisor or a lawyer to help you navigate the tax code's complexities and ensure you take advantage of all available deductions and credits.
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Divorce and Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are looking for a legal advice about divorce and tax or in need an attorney, call this law firm for free consultation. We have the Best Attorneys in Utah.
Ascent Law LLC
8833 S Redwood Road Suite C
West Jordan UT 84088
(801) 676-5506
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if legal advice is sought to contact a licensed attorney in the appropriate jurisdiction.
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lawassist-001 · 2 years
How best do you deal with divorce?
How best do you deal with divorce?
First, know that the way you experience a divorce is completely unique to you and your situation. There are no right or wrong ways to deal with this kind of life-altering event, but there are some questions that you might want to ask yourself in order to prevent any potential issues.
For instance, if there are children involved, how do you plan to tell them about the change in living arrangements? How will you handle holidays and visits? Will one parent have more visitation time than the other? These are all things that need to be thought about and carefully considered. If possible, it's best to work out any disagreements with your spouse before the divorce is finalized so that you can focus on healing after the fact.
If you happen to be the one who instigates the divorce proceedings
you may find yourself dealing with a lot of guilt in addition to your feelings of sadness and loneliness. You may feel like you're competing with your ex for the kids' affection or have an overall sense of not being good enough or being unworthy of love.
Going through divorce
These kinds of feelings can lead to depression if left untended, which may make it hard for some people to get through their divorce peacefully and as smoothly as they might have liked.
Children involved in a divorce
Divorce is hard enough on the people who are going through it, but when there are children involved, the situation can be even more delicate. Children need stability and love in their lives, and divorce can come with a lot of changes that can make achieving that stability and love a little bit harder. No matter what your age or situation is, though, you deserve to be happy.
If you have any questions, you can get a free consultation with the Best Attorneys in Utah.
Ascent Law LLC:
8833 South Redwood RoadSuite C
West Jordan, UT 84088
(801) 676-5506
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legalassistant1 · 2 years
Divorce Lawyers Ensure Clients With Their Legal Separation Cases Go As Smoothly As Possible
Ascent Law LLC
Choosing the right divorce lawyers will ensure your legal separation case goes as smoothly as possible. When you’re looking for a lawyer, it’s important to ask questions and look for a professional with years of experience.
An attorney can help you navigate the legal system, find assets, and even protect you from debt. They can also help you create a separation agreement, which can be legally binding.
If you’re going through a separation, it’s likely you’re under a lot of stress. It’s best to seek out legal counsel, especially if you have children. An attorney can help you navigate the maze of laws and make sure you are getting the most out of your divorce.
A divorce lawyer can also help you find a reputable daycare provider, if you’re working to provide for your child. It’s also possible to find day care on short notice. A lawyer can also file for a name change, if you want to.
A good lawyer can help you determine which issues are most important to you, as well as create a parenting plan for your children. A good lawyer can also protect you from an abusive partner. If your spouse is abusive, a lawyer can petition the court for a protective order.
In Utah state, a divorce law is not a private agreement. It’s a formal contract that can be enforced by the court system.
A lawyer can help you find the most important assets and liabilities. They can also help you create a proper separation agreement that will ensure your case goes as smoothly as possible.
If you need Divorce Lawyer, please call this law firm for a free consultation.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S Redwood Road Suite C West Jordan UT 84088 (801) 676–5506 https://www.ascentlawfirm.com
Best Attorneys in Utah
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hanks58 · 2 years
Getting a Divorce in Utah? Why You Need a Lawyer
When people in Utah think of the word "lawyer," divorce is not what comes to mind. They usually think about those bigshot criminal lawyers you see on television. But, believe it or not, there are various areas of law in which one can practice, and one of those areas specializes in divorce. Now, one option people have when they are going through a divorce is not to have any legal representation because they believe the legal proceedings will go smoothly as the separation is amicable. Bringing in a lawyer could make the situation messy and, not to mention, they cost money. However, the painful truth about legal proceedings like this is that proceeding amicably does not usually happen with divorce. That's where having a lawyer comes in handy. First things first, when it comes to having a divorce lawyer, they ensure everything is in order. That means showing up to mediation and court dates. That means making sure every bit of paperwork is filed on time. While these things sound minuscule, they help in the mediation process. It's harder to keep track of all of that without legal representation. Second, they can speak on your behalf. No matter how well you think you can prove your own case in a divorce, a lawyer who knows exactly what would help someone be more deserving would know better. Having someone who has expertise in this branch of law to speak for you can go a long way in helping you get the ruling you want. Third, and here's what's most important, they think of the children. They think about what is best for the children's futures so that they have as normal of an upbringing as they can, even with their parents no longer married. That is, of course, if you have children. So, now that the reasons why you would want a lawyer for your divorce are out there, the next step is figuring out where in Utah you can find the best law firm for these legal proceedings. So, let's cut right to the chase. It's Hanks and Peterson. Those at Hanks and Peterson have been practicing this line of work in Utah for years. So they not only have professionals who know there is to know about this particular area of law, but they have plenty of experience to their name, too, so you know you're getting your money's worth. If you want the best divorce lawyers in Utah to get you the most favorable ruling possible, then you need to get in touch with Hanks and Peterson immediately.
Hanks and Peterson is a law practice that contains divorce lawyers in Utah that will help their clients get a favorable ruling when the divorce is finalized.
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janeyseymour · 4 months
Love Thy Neighbor
saw a prompt from @givethispromptatry
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So... here we are... as usual, not edited in the slightest and hoping it's alright!
WC: ~3.45k
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After your (not so amicable) split from your dirtbag of a husband, you packed your things and moved back to Philly. It was the city that held a special place in your heart, you knew the area like the back of your hand, and your parents still resided in the place that you grew up. It only made sense now that as a single mother to a six year old girl, you would move to be closer to your parents so they could help bear the load of being a working mom. Elizabeth, but you usually stuck with the nickname Ellie, was a rather easy child. But moving from across the country and leaving the life that she knew and loved behind was rather hard for her- and it was even harder knowing that Mom and Dad had split, and that Dad didn’t necessarily want anything to do with either of you anymore.
So, after about a month of living with your parents, making trips from Utah to Philly and back multiple times to gather all of your things from the house, show the house, sell the house, and deal with the divorce lawyers… the two of you have finally found a little apartment that should be an appropriate size for the two of you while still staying within your budget.
You had been granted full custody, not that your ex would fight you on that, but you also managed to get him to fork over a decent amount of child support- and you would need it. You still haven’t found a job in Philly, and while little jobs here and there were helpful (you mostly did DoorDash on your bike, Ellie’s bike trailer attached so you could bring her along and hold the food), you knew that you absolutely needed to find a job- and quick.
In between attempting to unpack all of your things, get Ellie settled, looking for a new job, and Doordashing, you haven’t been able to take a breath at all. You don’t even know who your neighbors are or what they look like. And you feel a little guilty at that, but none of them have stopped by to introduce themselves to you either. You remember though, that Philly folks aren’t nearly as kind as the people that you had surrounded yourself with in Utah… so them not introducing themselves to you isn’t the most unheard of thing in the world.
Today was brutal. You had signed Ellie up to start school next week, searched and applied for a few teaching jobs (one of which would be at your daughter’s school if you could land it), gone grocery shopping, and then done a nice load of Doordashing with your daughter in tow because your parents couldn’t watch her.
The little girl had missed out on the nap that she usually takes after a day at school, so she’s absolutely miserable the entire time that you bike around. You had tried to placate her by bringing along her iPad so she could watch videos while you navigated the city, but she wanted nothing to do with it. All she did the entire time was whine about the fact that she wanted to go home and cuddle.
After hours of delivering food, you’re satisfied with the amount of money that you made today.
“Okay, little love,” you turn and look at your daughter. “Are you ready for home?”
“I’ve been ready,” she grumbles, arms crossed and brows furrowed.
You give her a soft smile. “I know, sweet girl… but Momma has to make money so we can stay here.”
“Why can’t we just stay in Utah where I like it?”
You bite your lip. “I want to be closer to my parents, baby… and this way you get to see Gram and Pop more than you used to. I think if you give Philly a chance, you’ll learn to love it like I do.”
She huffs a little. 
Deciding that you probably aren’t going to get much more out of her, you turn and start biking in the direction of your apartment. As you’re doing so, you silently thank God that you’re in good shape. At least if anything comes out of this, your legs are going to look incredible.
You chain your bike to the bike stand in the garage of your apartment complex, only to remember that you had forgotten what you needed to make dinner tonight. With regret, you begin to unchain it- much to Ellie’s dismay.
“Momma!” she stomps her foot.
“I know,” you say softly, but you gesture for her to get back into her trailer.
You take a shaky breath. You really don’t want to have to put up with a trademarked Ellie tantrum, but it seems that’s what is in store for you tonight. “Love bug, please. We just have to go to the store, and then we can come home, I’ll make dinner, and we can cuddle.”
“I want to cuddle now!”
“Well, we have to fill that belly of yours with food first,” you poke her stomach gently, trying to elicit a giggle out of the little girl. 
It absolutely does the opposite of that. She bats your hand away, and you raise an eyebrow before standing back up straight. “Ellie, you know we do not try to hit.”
“I don’t care,” she tells you defiantly.
A redhead that lives in the building comes into the garage, eyeing you and your child. You hope she isn’t judging you for the fit your child is currently in the middle of having. She climbs into her car and rolls down her windows, but she doesn’t quite pull out yet. She glances at her phone instead.
You blow out a breath, eyes closed and trying to ground yourself, before looking at her again. “Elizabeth, we need to get food for dinner. All you have to do is sit in your trailer while I bike us to the store.”
“Why can’t I stay home?!”
“Because you are six and too little to stay home by yourself.”
“This isn’t home!” you daughter stomps her foot and bursts into tears.
The woman that lives in your complex is still sitting in her car, and you know she can hear your daughter’s and your words. Why hasn’t she pulled out yet?
You soften immediately, crouching back down and opening your arms for her to hug you if she needs to. She does. She immediately curls into your arms and clings to you. “I know, love bug. I know it doesn’t feel like home right now… but no matter what, Momma can’t leave you in the apartment alone. So, I need you to get into your trailer so we can head to the store. The faster we get there, the faster we can come back and curl up on the couch together, okay?”
Your daughter clings to you a little tighter, but you feel her nod into your shoulder.
The woman pulls out of her spot and gives you and your daughter a small wave as she drives past. 
You hold your little girl until she begins to pull away, and then you wipe her tears with the pads of your thumbs. “I love you, Ellie.”
She climbs back into her seat before mumbling back the same sentiment.
You’re able to do your quick run to the grocery store, and Ellie refuses to walk but also refuses to sit in the cart like she usually does. So, you carry her on your hip the entirety of your walk through the aisles. As you’re strolling up and down, you see the redhead that you had seen in the garage earlier, and she gives you a questioning look at the sight of you carrying your daughter when she could be in the cart that you’re pushing along.
You just give her a little shrug and continue on your way. Ellie is getting heavier and heavier by the minute though, so you pick up the pace and are out of the store.
You make your way back to the complex, bags around your arms and in the trailer with your daughter. When you lock your bike to the rack, you look in, and the little girl is fast asleep. Shit.
“Ellie,” you crouch down and whisper. “Sweetheart, we’re back. You have to wake up and carry the bread and juice in for me.”
The little girl stirs slightly before repositioning herself and closing her eyes again.
“Baby girl,” you say softly. “Please wake up for Momma.”
You see headlights, and the car that has the redheaded woman in it pulls in. Great. You get to make a fool out of yourself in front of her yet again.
Not being able to hide your stress, you decide to grab a few of the lighter bags, put them on your arms, and then wiggle Ellie out of the trailer. She’s asleep on your shoulder as soon as she’s in your hold. You silently take a moment to pray that your produce won’t get stolen in the few minutes it will take you to get Ellie upstairs before making your way into the building.
The elevator is broken. Of course it is. So you’re forced to carry three bags of groceries and your six year old daughter up four flights of steps. By the end of it, you’re wheezing. You manage to unlock your door before gently setting her on the couch. With a sigh and a wipe of your now sweaty brow, you lock the door behind you and begin to head down to get the rest of your groceries.
There’s that woman again… and she lives in the apartment across the hall. You give her a friendly nod of the head and a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes before you continue your trek back down.
After your second trip up, your body is entirely exhausted. You hardly have it in you to cook dinner, but you dragged Ellie out, so you have to make the meal.
You’re able to wake her with the scent of her favorite meal, but as soon as she’s finished, she’s curling up against you and falling asleep.
After your daughter lays on top of you for quite some time, you know you have to put her in her own room. So, you silently make your way into her bedroom and tuck her in. With a quick kiss to the forehead and a soft “I love you”, you make your way back out to the kitchen.
Ellie is out for the night- she was exhausted halfway through your DoorDash shift- so you grab a glass and fill it with wine. The sweet drink helps to melt away some of the stress as you clean the dishes and settle on the couch for some much needed adult time.
That time is interrupted though when you hear a few rough knocks rattling your apartment. Instinctively, you grab the baseball bat that you keep behind the couch and make your way to the door.
Who the hell could be at your door at this hour? You don’t know anyone here, it wouldn’t be your parents… Could it be your ex-husband? No. He’s out in California with the woman he was cheating on you with. So who the hell is it?
“Who is it?” you yell, gripping the bat so tightly your knuckles turn white.
“You the woman that just moved in?” a gruff voice calls back.
You move a bit closer as you call, “What’s it to you?!”
“Saw you have a kid. Was wondering if you needed help with anything. You look real stressed.”
At that, you move closer to the door and glance out the peephole. It’s the woman that you ran into in the garage and at the grocery store. You open the door just slightly, still unsure of her.
“I ain’t gonna bite,” she teases. “You looked really stressed, so I thought I’d come over, introduce myself, and see if you needed any help.”
You lessen the grip on your bat as you open the door a little further. You take in the woman’s full appearance now that you aren’t trying to calm your daughter and aren’t terrified of being mugged. She’s… she’s really pretty.
You don’t realize that you haven’t say anything back until she’s waving a hand in front of your face. “Hello?”
You shake your head to bring yourself back to the present. “Hi. Sorry… today’s just been… a lot.”
“I could gather that. Can I help?”
You shrug. “I think I’m good at the moment, but I appreciate it.”
“Well,” the redhead purses her lips. “You ever need anything, I’m just across the hall.” 
She turns to walk back to her apartment, but she stops when you call a gentle, “Hey.”
“I uh, never got your name,” you say quietly.
“Schemmenti. Melissa.”
“Nice to meet you,” you smile at her. “I’m Y/N, and the little girl you saw me with is my daughter, Ellie.”
She looks at you thoughtfully before nodding. She heads back to her apartment after that.
You run into her a lot in the following few days after that encounter. She sees you haul Ellie with you pretty much everywhere, and she has quite a few questions that she just can’t seem to work out on her own. So, one day after you’ve brought up Ellie and the groceries, she can’t help but knock on your door.
“Who is it?” you call, not bothering to move from your place on the couch with your daughter.
“Melissa,” the familiar voice calls back.
You sigh before making your way over to the door. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Just checkin’ in on you,” the redhead says. “I saw you hauling up Ellie and your groceries.”
“All good,” you chuckle. “Just about to make dinner for the two of us.”
“You haven’t had dinner yet?” She looks concerned.
“About to get the microwave pasta going now,” you admit sheepishly. “I was gonna have it made earlier, but El decided that she would die without Momma cuddles… and who am I to deny my sweet girl of such a request?”
“When’s her bedtime?”
“In about an hour,” you tell her. “Why?”
“Let me make youse two dinner,” she offers. “I’m a damn good cook, and I can make a pasta dish way better than the packaged sh-stuff.”
“Oh,” you say softly. “You don’t have to do that.”
“No, please,” she argues gently. “I insist.”
“O-oh,” you rub your collarbone nervously. “Are you sure?”
“I haven’t had dinner either,” she lies through her teeth. “So let me make us all a meal while you relax and hold your daughter.”
You finally manage to nod- she does not seem like the type of woman who would lose an argument.
“Just give me a couple minutes to gather some ingredients, and I’ll come back over?”
You smile in lieu of an answer. You close the door gently once she’s back in her apartment before making your way to Ellie.
“Sweet girl, our neighbor, Miss Melissa is coming over for dinner tonight. Can you be the polite little girl I raised?”
She nods, but she reaches for you. You pull her into your lap and hold her close until the redhead knocks on your door again. You pull yourself and your daughter off the couch to go open the door.
In her arms are a few different cans, some produce, and pasta that has clearly been homemade.
“Baby,” you tease the ends of you daughter’s locks gently. “This is Miss Melissa. Can you say hi to her for me?”
“H-hi,” Ellie manages to squeak out. “You’re really pretty.”
Melissa smiles at her, and when she speaks her voice has turned to butter. It’s much softer than when she’s speaking to you. “Thank you, hun. I’m Melissa. It’s so nice to meet you, Ellie.”
“How do you know my name?”
“I’ve been talking to your momma,” the woman chuckles gently.
The little girl’s lips form into an ‘O’ shape, and you can’t help the gentle kiss that you plant on her temple.
“Miss Melissa is going to make us dinner,” you tell your daughter softly. “Does that sound alright?”
She nods against your neck.
“I’m gonna make spaghetti,” the redhead tells Ellie. “That sound okay?”
“You might become her new favorite person,” you joke. “Little girl eats so many noodles, she’s gonna turn into one someday.”
You girl giggles against you. “Nah uh,” she scrunches her nose and makes a funny face at you. “That’s not possible, Momma.”
“I know, my love. I’m just teasing,” you chuckle before returning your attention to the woman in your doorway. “Well, come in, come in. Make yourself at home.”
She carries her things to the kitchen before starting her prep. The way that she gets everything done so efficiently is mind blowing to you, and you can’t help but watch in awe as you continue to hold Ellie.
“Sit down, hun,” Melissa instructs softly as she stirs her sauce. “Take a load off. I got this.”
“Are you sure you don’t want any help? Maybe a glass of wine for your troubles?”
“I won’t say no to a glass, but you absolutely are not helping. I got it.”
You pour her a glass and offer it to her before quietly sitting down and continuing to watch as she makes her way through your kitchen effortlessly.
Dinner is placed in front of you before you know it, and Ellie is nearly wiggling with glee at the plate in front of her. She dives in, and her eyes light up.
“This is so yummy!” your little girl cheers as she takes another forkful to her mouth.
“I’m glad you like it, sweetheart,” Melissa smiles. She gestures for you to take a bite as well, and when you do, you can’t help the small sigh that comes out of your mouth.
“Wow,” you say softly. “This is… incredible.”
“Thanks,” she chuckles as she take a bite of her own creation. “It’s a family recipe.”
Dinner is pleasant. The woman does her best to ask Ellie all about herself, to which your little girl answers delightfully. She’s even able to ask Melissa a few questions of her own. But once her plate is cleared, Ellie climbs into your lap and lets out a yawn as she fiddles with the chain around your neck.
“Is my little girl tired?” you coo softly.
She nods against you.
“Why don’t you start getting ready for bed, sweetness? Momma will be in in a few minutes to say goodnight,” you tell her. She nods again. “Well, off you go. But first, what do you say to Miss Melissa?”
“Thank you,” your daughter smiles brightly before climbing off your lap. Surprisingly, she makes her way over to the redhead’s side of the table and hugs her. Melissa wraps her arms around the little girl gently.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Get some good sleep tonight, yeah?”
Ellie nods before wandering down the hall to get to her bedroom, leaving you with Melissa.
“Thank you for dinner tonight,” you say softly.
“Any time.”
“No, seriously. I usually cook, but I was not feeling it tonight. So, thank you.”
“I’m sure. I saw you biking all around today, starting with this morning when I was heading to work and ending with you coming back from the store.”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “I’m a busy woman.”
“Where are you always biking anyway?”
“I’m in between jobs at the moment, so I’ve just been DoorDashing with El until she starts school next week,” you sigh. “Hopefully I get a job soon… I need all the money I can get to keep this place and give El everything she needs or wants.”
“You’re doing great,” Melissa tells you honestly. “She adores you.”
“She likes you too,” you say quietly. “You’re really good with her.”
“Well, I have some experience with children,” she chuckles quietly. “I guess I should head out so you can get the little one to bed and get some sleep yourself, but I’ll see you around?”
“Next time, dinner’s on me,” you tell her.
“We’ll see about that one,” she laughs as she heads for the door. “If you need anything, don’t be afraid to holler.”
“Thank you, Melissa. Goodnight.”
You see her out, and as you close the door behind her, you sigh. You lean against it for a second, a little confused with the way you’re feeling after this diiner. 
Maybe this new neighbor will become a close friend of yours… maybe something else. Only time will tell. But for now, you have to get back to your daughter. 
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By: Miriam Grossman
Published: Aug 2, 2023
I was contacted by lawyers in Salt Lake City about a 13-year-old boy whose divorced parents were in litigation over his social transition. Zach had recently declared himself a girl, and his mother was 100 percent on board—new name, pronouns, dresses. His father wasn't going along with it.
I reviewed the records from Zach's recent psychiatric hospitalization. Staff listed gender dysphoria as one of his diagnoses and consistently used his girl's name and female pronouns, but the reasoning for those clinical decisions was absent. The hospital records indicated Zach heard voices and saw "ghosts." I searched for more information about the voices and the ghosts but found none.
Was it possible no one had asked? Psychotic symptoms such as auditory or visual hallucinations always warrant further questions. An obvious one: what did the voices say? Was Zach hearing voices telling him he's a girl?
These were questions that demanded attention from his clinicians prior to affirming a new identity. Maybe Zach's gender dysphoria was related to his disordered thinking and hallucinations. Perhaps instead of lip gloss he needed Risperdal (anti-psychotic medication).
I found similar problems in the care of 17-year-old Nicole in Boston. Nicole's life had been chaotic; her father left when she was two, her mother had five other kids with two other men, she was sexually abused by a neighbor, and her family had been homeless for months on several occasions. She had an IQ of 68 and was on three psychiatric medications to treat hallucinations, ADHD, and depression. When she discovered her mother was pregnant, Nicole came out as a boy.
At the time I was consulted, Nicole was in foster care due to charges of physical abuse by her mother.
Nicole wanted testosterone. I was asked by the court to provide my professional opinion regarding "gender-affirming" care, including testosterone, for her.
Having read this far, I trust you can figure out what I said. No testosterone for Nicole.
Zach lives in Utah and Nicole in Massachusetts—both states that ban "conversion therapy" for minors. That means any approach that fails to immediately affirm a child's new identity is prohibited.
I put myself at l risk when I argued that Zach and Nicole should not be affirmed but instead have their long-term mental health issues treated.
At least with those two consultations, my role was to provide my professional opinion. But that wasn't the case with David, a patient in Colorado with whom I worked directly.
One day David told his parents that he is transgender and asked to be called Zoe, "she," and "her." He wanted blockers because the hair sprouting over the corners of his lips and his cracking voice reminded him he's a boy. If only he could take estrogen, he told me, having breasts and wider hips would make him feel confident and secure.
The medical establishment, the DSM-5, and the state of Colorado say the only permissible response is to act as if he was a girl. David must be in the driver's seat—forget about "do no harm." If he picks a different gender identity, name, and pronouns next week, I must use those. I am to instruct parents to tell everyone—family members, school staff, his piano teacher and dentist—to do the same. His mom, dad, and I are all supposed to celebrate what doctors at Johns Hopkins call David's "evolving sense of self."
Celebrating an evolving sense of self sounds fine and dandy. But I happen to know that when David first appeared at a family event in a dress, his mother—a strong feminist and lifelong liberal who supported gay marriage and survived 9/11 and breast cancer—had to flee to a restroom, where she had the first panic attack of her life. I also know puberty blockers might be followed by estrogen and perhaps even orchiectomy—castration. He could end up disfigured and infertile and still not be satisfied with his body.
When David is ready, I must share those dangers with him. I took an oath to prevent harm, no matter what the gender medical establishment or the state of Colorado might say.
For refusing to validate the opposite-sex identities of David and many others, I risk an investigation, but I'll live with that. I'm going to do what's best for my patients.
Miriam Grossman MD is board certified in child, adolescent and adult psychiatry. The author of five books, Dr. Grossman's work has been translated into eleven languages. She has testified in Congress and lectured at the British House of Lords and the United Nations.
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jamesadams0003 · 6 months
Decoding the Legal Landscape: Key Distinctions Between Legal Separation and Divorce
Navigating the intricate legal terrain of family matters can be a challenging journey, especially when faced with the decision to pursue legal separation or divorce. In the heart of Utah, residents of St. George may find themselves contemplating these significant life changes. This blog aims to shed light on the distinctions between legal separation and divorce, providing clarity for those seeking guidance. For personalized assistance, it's essential to consult with a knowledgeable St. George Divorce Attorney.
Understanding Legal Separation:
Legal separation involves a court-approved arrangement that enables spouses to live separately while remaining legally married. Couples opting for legal separation often do so for various reasons, such as religious beliefs, financial considerations, or the hope of reconciliation. It's crucial to note that legal separation does not terminate the marriage, and both parties remain bound by marital obligations.
Key aspects of legal separation include:
1. **Financial Arrangements:** In a legal separation, spouses can determine financial responsibilities, such as alimony, child support, and property division. However, they remain entitled to certain marital benefits, such as health insurance or social security.
2. **Decision-Making Authority:** While living apart, spouses may still share decision-making responsibilities for children, including custody arrangements and visitation schedules.
3. **Healthcare Benefits:** Legal separation often allows spouses to maintain access to each other's healthcare benefits, a factor that might be significant for couples facing health challenges.
Understanding Divorce:
Divorce, on the other hand, is the legal termination of a marriage, dissolving the marital bond entirely. It is a more definitive and permanent solution compared to legal separation. When couples choose divorce, they sever all legal ties, allowing each party to remarry if they wish.
Key aspects of divorce include:
1. **Termination of Marriage:** Unlike legal separation, divorce concludes the marriage legally. Both parties are free to move forward independently and remarry.
2. **Property Division:** In a divorce, assets and debts are typically divided between spouses. Utah law follows equitable distribution principles, aiming for a fair but not necessarily equal division.
3. **Child Custody and Support:** Divorce settlements include formal arrangements for child custody, visitation schedules, and child support payments, ensuring the well-being of the children involved.
Choosing the Right Path:
Deciding between legal separation and divorce is a deeply personal choice that depends on the unique circumstances of each couple. Consulting with experienced Attorneys in St. George, Utah, specializing in family law, can provide invaluable guidance. A St. George Divorce Attorney can help individuals understand their rights, navigate the legal process, and make informed decisions tailored to their specific needs.
As individuals in St. George, Utah, grapple with the complexities of family law, understanding the distinctions between legal separation and divorce is crucial. Seeking the counsel of a seasoned Divorce Attorney in St. George, Utah, can provide the necessary support to make well-informed decisions, paving the way for a smoother transition into the next chapter of life.
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saintgeorgelaw · 3 months
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Estate planning lawyer to assist you in protecting your family’s future through an estate plan. Estate planning lawyers in St. George & more Utah areas. For more information contact our St George lawyer and call us today at 435-375-3959.
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juste-des-trucs · 1 year
another daydreaming is the Ross-Rachel-ification of portwell when is like 10 years after the finale and they found each other in a NYC coffee house bc Gina runaway from her wedding and Carlos gave her the Ashlyn's usual hanging spot address and EJ is going through a divorce and being miserable.
the WE WERE ON A BREAK would be I DIDN'T ASK TO BE THE DIRECTOR and Ashlyn would be like 🙄I thought you guys had figured this out already
EJ's ex wife is a lesbian but no unplanned pregnancy, her names is Catalina Cortez, Kate for short. She was also an athlete and they met when he transferred from Utah University to some other in NY (to lazy to do my research) he had been attending for 2 years living his best womanizer life until he went to NY, started therapy and also living with Ashlyn was helpful to heal. Kate was also MCU fan but team captain america so that was fun
Gina's almost husband is called Henry Mars and they met bc she befriended his gay brother in dance school at UCLA (Anthony) and he invited her to a family vacation, Henry asked her to marry him bc he needed that serious but also inclusive light to run for some political position. he was a good guy and she actually liked him but she started questioning if she really wanted that life for her and Anthony and Carlos, who were with her doing her hair and makeup, encouraged her to escape
Kate's new gf is a lawyer so the divorce goes smoothly. Henry on the other hand tries to convince her but Gina has made her choice already. There's a conversation at some point with EJ where he tells her "you don't need to get back with him, just explain yourself and listen what he needs to tell you" and she reflects on the unspoken things between them 🫶🏻
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ascentlawllc · 2 years
Defining a No-Fault Divorce
What is the Definition of a No-Fault Divorce?
A no-fault divorce is a type of divorce in which the dissolution of a marriage does not require any specific findings of wrongdoing or fault on the part of either spouse. In other words, a no-fault divorce allows a married couple to divorce without having to prove that one spouse did something wrong or is to blame for the failure of the marriage.
How Does a No-Fault Divorce Work?
In a no-fault divorce, one or both spouses state that the marriage has irrevocably broken down and cannot be saved. This is usually done by filing a petition for divorce with the court, which typically requires the spouses to have been separated for a certain period of time (such as six months) before the divorce can be granted.
Once the divorce petition has been filed, the court will review the case and determine whether to grant the divorce. If the court finds that the marriage has broken down and the spouses have no reasonable prospect of reconciling, the divorce will be given.
What Are the Advantages of a No-Fault Divorce?
No-fault divorce has several advantages over traditional fault-based divorce. First and foremost, it allows couples to avoid the often contentious and emotionally charged process of assigning blame for the failure of the marriage. This can make the divorce process less stressful and more amicable for both parties.
Additionally, no-fault divorce can be quicker and less expensive than fault-based divorce since it does not require the parties to go to trial and prove that one spouse is at fault. This can be especially beneficial for couples with limited financial resources or complex financial situations.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
If you are looking for a legal advice about no-fault divorce or in need an attorney, call this law firm for free consultation. We have the Best Attorneys in Utah.
Ascent Law LLC
8833 S Redwood Road Suite C
West Jordan UT 84088
(801) 676-5506
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if legal advice is sought to contact a licensed attorney in the appropriate jurisdiction.
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lawassist-001 · 2 years
Can you get engaged while going through a divorce?
Can you get engaged while going through a divorce?
The short answer is yes, the long answer is a bit more complicated. "Can you get engaged while going through a divorce?" doesn't just depend on the two of you—it depends on your family, your friends, and even your financial situation.
It's not uncommon for tension to run high when it comes to divorce (especially if there are children involved), and some people might not be ready for your engagement news. After all, your wedding day is supposed to be a happy one, and there will be enough stress without having to worry about family drama as well. But there are also people who will likely be very excited for the two of you, especially once they know that you are aware of the potential issues surrounding a divorce.
Thinking through all of the possibilities
If you decide to get engaged while going through a divorce, it's important to make sure you're taking an appropriate amount of time to think through all of the possibilities. Make sure that if you choose not to share information with certain people at first, they know why they aren't being told (for example, because there will definitely be a lot of tension).
Engagement while going through a divorce
It's important to realize that there are consequences. When you get engaged while still married, you're making a public statement that your marriage is over—and it may be over in the eyes of the law and all your friends and family, but it's not really over inside your heart yet.
If you decide to go through with the divorce anyway, people will remember what it was like when you got engaged and think of you as a liar and a cheater. This would be especially bad if one of those people is your ex-spouse or an ex-lover.
If you have any questions, you can get a free consultation with the Best Attorneys in Utah.
Ascent Law LLC:
8833 South Redwood RoadSuite C
West Jordan, UT 84088
(801) 676-5506
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drawing-assassin · 8 months
Introducing the Mysteries of Lawyers: From Legal Expertise to Advocacy
Recognizing the Function and Value of Attorneys
Attorneys, commonly referred to as lawyers or lawyers, play a vital duty in maintaining justice and making certain the performance of a reasonable legal system. They are experienced people with specialized understanding in numerous locations of law, furnished to give lawful recommendations, depiction, and also advocacy to their customers. The field of legislation is substantial, encompassing varied areas such as criminal legislation, civil law, business legislation, family legislation, as well as a lot more. Legal representatives act as counselors, advisors, negotiators, and, in many cases, as litigators to protect their customers' civil liberties and also interests.In enhancement to
their expertise of the legislation, attorneys possess a variety of skills that allow them to stand out in their occupation. Efficient interaction skills, important reasoning, analytical reasoning, as well as analytical abilities are vital for attorneys to navigate complicated legal concerns as well as suggest persuasively in court. Additionally, legal representatives must remain upgraded with the most recent legal advancements, guaranteeing that their recommendations as well as representation are based on current legislations and regulations. Their dedication to justice, honest conduct, as well as dedication to supporting the regulation of regulation identifies attorneys as crucial columns of our lawful system.Demystifying Typical Mistaken beliefs about Lawyers Regardless of their significance in society, lawyers usually encounter misunderstandings as well as stereotypes. Some believe that legal representatives are only motivated by financial gain and also want to control the lawful system for their advantage. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that attorneys are bound by an expert code of ethics, which obligates them to act in the most effective passions of their clients while promoting the honesty as well as justness of the legal system.Another usual false impression is that attorneys just stand for people associated with criminal situations. While criminal protection attorneys are popular figures in the legal field, lawyers additionally give useful solutions in numerous other areas. They assist people in drafting wills, resolving conflicts, negotiating contracts, managing divorces, as well as navigating the facility web of business regulation. Their know-how extends to recommending organizations on conformity with regulations and also ensuring legal protection.In verdict, lawyers are not only lawful specialists but also promotes for justice. Their duty prolongs past court battles, as they offer important assistance in lawful issues and contribute to maintaining the guideline of legislation in our culture. Eliminating misconceptions and understanding the complex nature of lawyers' work is crucial in recognizing their important payment to our lawful system.
Read more here Probate Attorney Hyrum Utah
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demigodofhoolemere · 2 years
Being LDS on this website that’s obsessed with finding fault in different groups of people means you’re subjected — semi-frequently, at complete random, and by random blogs so you can’t follow a pattern back to one person to unfollow — to posts that are like
“Mormonism is a cult because-" *insert a) something the church doesn’t teach, b) a claim about how the church is controlling and forces its members to do things they don’t make you do, like cut off contact with nonmembers or something similarly crazy, or c) completely innocuous thing that’s completely normal for any religion to ask of its adherents*
“Mormons are crazy because-" *insert a) something that has literally never been taught as doctrine ever that was either made up about us or spread by weird members in the past who didn’t know what they were talking about and people held onto that instead of listening to corrections regarding it, or b) something taken wildly out of context or worded in a way to purposefully make it sound nuts and which makes way more sense if you’d actually bother to listen to someone try to explain it*
“Exmo here, yeah the church is horrible because-" *insert a) personal experience with individuals doing xyz that is certainly unfortunate but has nothing to do with the church as a whole or its doctrine, or b) wild claims that you KNOW this person is lying about because you literally grew up in the same faith as they did and were taught the same things and you know they’re spouting some serious garbage about what we supposedly believe but of course everyone is going to trust the person who talks like a cult survivor so there’s nothing you can do about it*
And you sit there having to either ignore it (DIFFICULT) or find the courage to message the person who reblogged it to gently explain why the post is wrong (does not go well half the time).
No, the church does not fit the BITE model for a cult (literally the only few parts of the list you could say it matches are the few that are true of literally any religion and do not scream ‘cult’). No, you do not need a lawyer to get your records removed, anyone offering those services is scamming you for money because you can literally just ask your local leaders to have it done. No, we do not genuinely believe that insane Bigfoot Cain folk story or anything else like it. And frankly, sometimes people who leave just lie. That happens. It does not make me brainwashed to say that someone who left the church and is spreading obvious crap about things we don’t really teach or believe is indeed lying and it’s frustrating to no end that the automatic reaction from so many people is that you must be the crazy one, meanwhile you’re sitting there being gaslit about your own beliefs as they go ‘Mormons teach/believe xyz’ ‘no we don’t’ ‘yes you do’ ‘we literally don’t though’ ‘shut up you’re just brainwashed’ ‘????’. Have you ever seen a divorced person spread bad rumors about their ex that are not true? Yeah.
(And before anyone goes, ‘Hey, she’s trying to invalidate the stories of people who left, that’s clearly a cultist!’, I’m referring strictly to people who make false claims about what we teach that can be easily verified as false. There are bitter people out there who do that. I’m all for listening to people who have had bad experiences with other members in the church, absolutely nothing but sympathy and love towards those who have genuinely been hurt in one way or another, and yes there are cultural things especially in Utah that have needed or still do need shifting. But as always, the same is true of literally any religion or just any group of human beings in general because a lot of the time human beings kind of suck. The church isn’t special for this. It’s just as filled with flawed people who need to repent as any other group of people on the planet and that’s no secret. There’s a reason we’re always encouraged by our leaders to continue to become better and to try to be more Christlike than we often are, and the vast majority of members are absolutely trying to live by that and it’s not fair to judge those millions of people by the ones who don’t behave as they should. You can believe the stories of people who have had bad experiences without making out 16 million other people to be horrible. Everything would be a cult if the qualification for that was to have some bad apples in your midst.)
It doesn’t take much to look at different sources to see if there’s another side to a story or another explanation for something that sounds weird. You don’t even have to look through church websites for it, you can literally just ask members if you know any. In fact PLEASE just ask us because I lose my mind a little more every time I see someone just looking at sources that are total confirmation biases against us. Ask faithful, practicing members if they’re really forced to do xyz or ask them to explain something weird you heard. We’re not exactly secretive or shy about explaining our beliefs (hence the missionaries lol), we’ll do it. Heck, I’ve got anxiety through the roof about answering questions because I’m scared I’ll word something poorly but even I will still do it, I’d rather face my fears and respond imperfectly than let someone go around thinking something that’s not true. As long as you’re asking genuinely out of curiosity to hear our perspective and not trying to just poke at our faith and be a jerk, you’ll get people who are willing to answer you and have a reasonable discussion without trying to convert you or something.
Aaaanyway. If you couldn’t tell, I’ve now seen two different posts from two different people today being negative about my faith, so. I’m tired. If you’re so inclined please pray for my ability to feel close to Christ, have love for people I disagree with, and be patient with nonsense lol. Goodness knows I need help with that sometimes. Especially right now since I apparently had enough frustration in me to write this whole thing lol.
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tyra-zeigler · 4 days
Navigating the Legal Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide to Lawyers
In today's complicated world, the function of legal representatives has actually never been more critical. From standing for customers in courts to supplying important lawful advice, legal representatives play a vital role in promoting justice and securing the civil liberties of people. Whether you are dealing with a legal problem, starting a business, or planning your estate, having a well-informed and seasoned lawyer at hand can make all the difference. In this post, we will certainly dive right into the globe of attorneys, exploring the different types of legal practitioners, their areas of experience, and exactly how to find the ideal legal representative for your particular needs.Legal specialists can be found in numerous specialties, consisting of criminal legislation, household regulation, company regulation, and much more. Each kind of lawyer has special abilities and knowledge to resolve specific lawful issues successfully. When looking for lawful help, it is vital to choose a lawyer who not just concentrates on the pertinent location of legislation yet also has a track record of success in dealing with comparable instances. By understanding the role of legal representatives and the importance of looking for professional legal counsel, individuals can navigate the lawful landscape with confidence and guarantee that their civil liberties and rate of interests are safeguarded.
Read more here Best Divorce Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
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