strongfuck · 1 year
@divxne-calcmity // from here.
"What, you could do that all along, buddy?" Rhys asks, laughing. Try as he might to sound lighthearted, though, the exhaustion of spending all day walking got to him like anyone else, and it probably shows in how easily he lets himself crumple by Crest's side with a sigh.
"I gotta figure out how to get a car going."
He rubs his one hand against his thigh for some friction, then holds it out in front of the admittedly generous fire. Out here in the badlands, the nights are terribly cold. They're even colder without the temperature regulation his cybernetic arm used to provide.
For all that his empty ports ache with residual pain, however, Rhys tries not to dwell on that.
"Well... and build a new arm and eye. But the car feels a little more important."
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Lucy held her bag a little tighter, fingers wrapped around the strap hard enough for her knuckles to turn white. Her mage staff was strapped to her back under the knapsack. She didn't have much. A few robes, a couple of books. Growing up in the Mage Tower before being sent to the Chantry left her with very little of her own belongings. She looked around at her new surroundings, taking it all in. She should've been rejoicing, she was free, even if only for a little while. But she could barely contain her nerves.
She swallowed, trying not to look startled when the woman spoke to her. Gaze shifted to meet her and a weak smile curled the corners of her lips. Shelter? Was it possible that they could provide that? That she wouldn't have to go back? That maybe she could find a life that was entirely hers? "I don't...I...I mean that..." She swallowed again, trying to bury her nervousness. "I was volunteered for the Inquisition by the Chantry." She was too afraid to admit that this wasn't what she wanted. What if they didn't give her shelter? What if they sent her back?
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tevinteredeemer · 2 years
@divxne-calcmity​, closed starter.
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     “Must you bring me along on all these missions in cold and wet climates? Why not a lovely, modern city? Or out shopping? Perhaps wine tasting?”
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piinetrees · 2 years
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          @divxne-calcmity​​ said:  "You are not afraid of me? No.. I think you've seen far worse than I." ((From Crest, post Weirdmageddon))
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         Oh, the boy is definitely afraid, he has just learned to control it. Even afraid as he is, the fear takes a backburner when curiosity or wonder is in the mix. Dipper will always choose to investigate first, run later. Hasn’t proven to be a fatal flaw yet!
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         “ Who — what are you? ”     Dipper speaks in awe, big round eyes peering up and up and up to the stranger,     “ I’ve never seen anything like you before, and I’ve seen a lot of stuff. ”
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thesoulofasurvivor · 2 years
moved from an ask with @divxne-calcmity 🥳
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He may have been created to be a monster... But she disagreed with that sentiment. She just doesn't see him that way, not at all. At least it didn't seem to bother him though, referring to himself as such, he's found a way to look at it in a good way.
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Bailey leaned toward him, gently nudging his large head with her elbow. ❝ You are a friend, you should know that. I wouldn't be here if you weren't. ❞ She said, following a soft laugh as she took another bite of the meat off the bone. She made a gesture to the plush bear that sat beside her with a nod of her head, ❝ Teddy doesn't think you're a monster, either. And he's never wrong. ❞
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uncxntrxllable · 1 year
@divxne-calcmity sent:
“I pretty much lost everything. And then you show up.” ((From Crest for Lakota))
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The long fur around the back of her neck raised, something of a smile stretched at the beast's lips. Her form shifted slightly, her large paws adjusted through the tall grasses and her ears lay to the side.
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❝ Really? ❞ Is all she could muster in response, her voice is low, soft. His comment came to her as a surprise, as much as it surely made her happy to hear it. She turns her head to look at Crest, ❝ I'm glad you are here... ❞ A short puff of air blows through her nostrils. ❝ With me. ❞ She adds.
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mistercawcaw · 2 years
"Why do you want to join the Inquisition? What can you offer?" Lylra asked the other, never shying away from just straight out questioning the motives of prospective recruits.
Raven wasn't usually the smiling type. It wasn't like him. Except when someone said something funny. And that's exactly what happened when he heard that question. The ignorance of others was funny to him. However, he knew better to not to reveal himself to others. So he hoped the questioner in front of him would just assume it was a sympathetic emotion.
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"If you don't have problems with mages. I can offer my magic in the service of the Inquisition. My magic however is not tolerable for healing. But I can use other skills if necessary." He gave a quick bow of respect. Or maybe in debauchery.
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darknessweavd · 2 years
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@divxne-calcmity​ whispered:  ❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ sender bandages receiver’s wounds (( From Maple for Matthew ))
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»» ──────ஓ๑☠๑ஓ ────── ««     ᴛʜɪꜱ  ᴡʜᴏʟᴇ  ꜱɪᴛᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ   still  felt  so  incredibly  surreal  ...  he  found  it  difficult  to  stay  awake  during  the  ‘ ride ’  home  on  crest,  and  ended  up  passing  out,  only  to  be  awoken  by  what  felt  like  a  stinging  SLAP  to  the  face.   he  opened  up  his  eyes  to  see  an  unfamiliar  face  gazing  down  at  him,  and  he  jerked,  only  to  be  pinned  against  the  bed  frame  underneath  him.   he  winced  and  almost  groaned  out  in  pain  as  he  felt  a  BURNING  sensation  across  his  arm,  which  was  likely  a  disinfectant  solution  being  applied  to  the  scratch  he  remembered  getting  on  his  arm  when  he  fell  back  in  the  empty  warehouse.   ❝ ...  wh  ...  what  happened  ... ? ❞   he  muttered  out  in  confusion.
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blueblcd-a · 2 years
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@divxne-calcmity​ whispered:  ‘ i got us a place to stay for the night. you have to get out of this rain. ’ (( From Crest, I'm imagining Blue/Red crashed on patrol or something and Lance got hurt so Crest is helping ))
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»» ──────ஓ๑☄︎๑ஓ ────── ««     ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ  ᴡᴀꜱ  ᴀ   lot  of  anxiety  about  this  whole  situation,  and  the  rain,  despite  usually  being  what  would  calm  him  down,  only  made  him  a  lot  more  worried.   he  had  no  idea  where  the  castle  was,  he  was  out  here  all  alone  with  a  shapeshifter  who  he  wasn’t  sure  knew  how  to  navigate  space  or  help  him  find  the  castle  while  his  out-of-commission  lion  was  crashed.   the  air  was  chilly,  sending  SHIVERS  along  his  skin  as  he  weakly  dragged  himself  through  the  mud,  coughing  as  the  dry  air  was  sucked  into  his  lungs.   he  allowed  crest  to  guide  him  to  the  makeshift  den  he  had  made  for  them  ;   while  it  wasn’t  like  anything  back  home,  or  even  on  the  castle,  it  was  still  dry  and  warm  enough  for  just  the  night.   hopefully  someone  would  NOTICE  how  long  they  had  been  gone  and  would  come  looking  for  them  soon.
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strongfuck · 1 year
@divxne-calcmity sent: "I'd say 'thanks for freeing me' n' all. But then I remember the fact you only entered the vault for the riches." Hyper grumbled as they tugged at the relic collar around their throat with their claws. "Oh and that now I'm indebted to you for the rest of your life. So yeah, fun all around!" (( I couldn't help it, have some Hyper ))
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Why is it that everyone he meets has to have some kind of attitude?
Nevertheless, Rhys resists the urge to roll his eyes, and crosses his arms over his chest instead as he watches them struggle.
"You don't have to be indebted to me if you don't want to be."
It's kind of sad seeing how pathetic their claws are.
"Seriously. With an attitude like that, I'm surprised you'd think I'd want you around at all."
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"No, it's fine. Really." Lucy shook her head, her brown curls that were haphazardly pinned back fell around her shoulders. Perhaps the comments should've bothered her, and maybe they did a little more than she was willing to admit. She'd spent most of her life hearing 'jokes' about her small size, and having people call her crazy rather than believe that she really did receive visions. "I'm used to, it's not a big deal." Despite her words of reassurance, her tone betrayed her. The jests had become exhausting.
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ancestryfound-a · 2 years
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@divxne-calcmity​ whispered:  "My my, a human here? What is your name young one?" The tyrak turned his head towards the teen and his companion dragon, usually he kept to himself in the hidden world but having smelled a human within the confides of his territory: it was his duty to inspect. ( Crest )
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»» ──────ஓ๑⚘๑ஓ ────── ««     ᴛʜᴇ  ʙᴏʏ  ʙʟɪɴᴋᴇᴅ,   suddenly  overtaken  by  that  now  incredibly  familiar  sense  of  curiosity.   this  individual  wasn’t  quite  like  anything  he  had  ever  seen  before  ;   he  didn’t  quite  look  like  a  dragon,  although  he  could  technically  be  one,  given  the  sheer  amount  of  differences  he’d  seen  in  all  the  dragons  he’d  come  across  so  far.   but  what  struck  him  as  ODD  was  how  the  newcomer  spoke  his  language,  and  likely  could  understand  him  as  well.   he  cleared  his  throat  awkwardly,  placing  a  hand  on  thunder’s  snout  to  calm  him  as  he  stood.   ❝ o-oh,  uh  ...  i’m  tom.   i  live  aboveground,  but  i  kinda  just  come  here  from  time  to  time  ...  seems  like  i’m  not  the  only  one  who’s  found  this  place  ... ❞
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the-purple-hero · 2 years
“I Feel Fired Up!”
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{{Hello! Thanks for reading my guidelines! c:}}
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thesoulofasurvivor · 2 years
a closed starter for @divxne-calcmity​‘s Crest 
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As bad as this storm was, at least there was no thunder. Just rain... Lots, and lots of rain. It was pouring down in buckets and she could barely see through it all, she was drenched and to make matters worse she was somewhere in the woods. Where, she didn’t fucking know, but she was starting to shiver from the cold and losing hope that she’d find any shelter from the rain. At this point, she’d take a rock to hide under. 
But luck would eventually be on her side, finally, after all the endless wandering she spotted a cave. As soon as her eyes landed on the entrance to the large cave, she ran toward it to get out of the rain, a few several feet inside before she turned around to look outside. She was still a little cold but at least she wasn’t stuck in the rain anymore. 
Her fingers brushed the left side of her hair over her ear, a sigh of relief through parted lips, eyes closed briefly. It certainly wasn’t ideal but staying in a cave was better than ending up passed out in the rain. It’s not so bad, really... Besides not having any dry clothes and being lost somewhere in the woods. But it could be worse, it really could. Look on the bright side, you’re still breathing. Oh, and the rain may suck, but it’s free water. 
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Bailey inhaled deeply and exhaled quietly, turning back around to face the darkness of the cave’s depth. Big cave, which meant she should probably look around before assuming it’s safe to settle. She turned her flashlight on that was bound to the strap of her bag. 
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ancestryfound · 2 years
@divxne-calcmity (ADIR & PLUNGLE)  ||  liked.
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»» ──────ஓ๑⚘๑ஓ ────── ««     ❝ ꜱᴏ  ...  ʜᴏᴡ  ᴇxᴀᴄᴛʟʏ   did  you  find  your  way  down  here  to  the  fissure?   did  you  live  around  here  when  it  was  opened? ❞   the  blond  had  had  conversations  with  the  stranger  before,  but  nothing  having  to  do  with  where  he  and  his  dragon  had  come  from,  and  how  they  had  met.   plungle  was  a  lot  bigger  than  he  remembered,  and  they  were  cute  ;   their  demeanor  was  very  much  like  that  of  feathers,  and  it  was  quite  endearing  to  him.   part  of  him  wanted  to  retract  the  last  part  of  his  question  ...  how  would  it  have  been  POSSIBLE  for  the  other  teen  to  have  survived  if  the  fissure  opened  up  right  under  his  feet?   wouldn’t  it  have  been  hot,  dangerous,  full  of  earthquakes  and  other  unpredictable  activity?   he  suspected  that  something  as  dramatic  as  that  would  have  had  to  have  caused  a  lot  of  DEATH  ...  he  considered  the  fact  that  adir  had  likely  experienced  much  trauma  if  that  were  the  case.
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uncxntrxllable · 1 year
@divxne-calcmity sent:
❝ it’s okay to not be okay. ❞ ((Crest for Lakota))
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No matter how many years go by, you cannot escape your past. The experiences that left a mark. A wound you could not see, one that doesn't heal the same way something physical does... It is a horrible feeling.
It's been so long one would think she'd be over it by now, and most of the time she is okay, but sometimes those past feelings come back to haunt her.
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❝ Have you ever done something you were not supposed to do? ❞
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