#dj is fine i'm not liking it too much but it's objectively a better song than ay-yo
girlsgenerati0n · 2 years
oooooof ummmmm..........
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curestardust · 11 months
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Dust Watched: D4DJ All Mix
Genres: Music, SoL // 12 episodes // S01 (x)
I always try to insert an objective view into my reviews but I... literally can't do it with this one.
✧  story  ✧
For anyone not in the know, D4DJ has a mobile game with one of the tightest story event release schedule I've seen. Honestly, it was a bit difficult to get into for me because it's so... chill? Slice of Life just isn't my preferred genre but before I noticed, I grew to really like these girls and started actually having fun. Which is exactly why I can't write about this anime from an objective point of view.
This anime starts out even referencing one of the stories in the mobile game (the 2nd Road to D4FES . of Lyrical Lily) which means that there's about 1 year of event stories between this season and the first one. The problem is, I have NO idea what it's like to watch this as a non-D4DJ fan. I've absorbed the game stories so much that I don't know what doesn't make sense for others besides the obvious.
One of the core points of the first season is the fabled D4FES , a DJ festival. Well, all 6 of the units present take part in that event when it comes back... but that's ingame. It's talked about a few times too but for only anime viewers, that VERY important event was just "skipped" and I think those people would've much rather watched that over this.
Because this anime is pretty much just a pretty long SoL event story. I personally enjoyed it because this is what D4DJ is 90% of the time but it'd probably be boring and a bit confusing for most. The anime spans over a year, with each focusing on one month. Lyrical Lily is invited to do a revitalization project for the shopping district by holding concerts and they decide to invite the other 5 units. And that's pretty much it. It's cute, chill but has an insanely crazy episode (EP6) with focus jumping from unit to unit.
I *would* say that there's a lot of "cute references for fans" but this felt like it was made FOR said fans. Because if I wanted to grab the anime only viewers, I would've adapted the D4FES saga.
✧  characters  ✧
I think the biggest problem here lies with the amount of characters which is 24. Happy Around!, Peaky P-key and Photon Maiden were the focus of the first season and Lyrical Lily has a lot of spotlight in this one. However, even though Merm4id and Rondo got a short OVA in D4DJ Double Mix (which I didn't review but would recommend watching) they were the ones with the least screentime in this anime. Merm4id is my favourite unit but I was honestly fine with it because I think they have some of the most event stories in the game but Rondo probably has the least so it was sad to see them get shafted even here. I did really enjoy getting to see sides of the girls I haven't before (despite there being 20+ hours of content ingame) and just generally hanging out but... the average viewer wouldn't have the attachment I did going into this. I don't know how enjoyable it'd be to watch like that.
✧  art  ✧
The same CG models. I don't know if I've just gotten used to them but their movements didn't feel as janky as in season 1 (still far from perfect though). There are some 2D characters which is quite odd but they try to not show them together on screen (or for too long) to not break immersion.
✧  sound ✧
They toned down and got better audio mixing for the sfx, thank god. The OST is still pretty mid for some reason. The OP/ED are bops and the insert songs are hit-and-miss depending on which unit's style you prefer.
✧  overview ✧
Honestly, I'm surprised how many details I remembered from the event stories cause SoL stories usually get deleted from my brain in a few days. But D4DJ just has some odd charm to it that I just can't explain.
My Rating: 7/10 (completely biased)
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lixxen · 2 years
Foolishly Wrong (Luke x Male!Reader)
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This is heavily influenced by Foolishly Wrong by Autoheart! This song has been the only song I've listened to in about a week. On repeat.
I'm starting this while in a manic episode, so let's see how good this is lol. This is going to be based off of a real relationship or two, so I'm sorry for everything. I will get carried away. I've been meaning to write for this mother fucker for a hot second and have another draft going for him. He's, uh, OOC I'm pretty sure. I'm reflecting too much of someone else onto him. So, cheers.
(Edit: I finished this around 3am and I am barely conscious. And crying.)
Dedicated to every lovely Stroma Boy writer on this platform. Also specifically, @neptuneswritingwork. I gotta dedicate my Stroma Boys works to you because you have to listen to my asks <3
Warning for (light?) angst and souring relationships/arguing over cheating.
It started off like any college relationship in movies.
Fleeting smiles and a quick laugh when coffee gets dropped. The scrambling of words and an apology. Hands brushing each other by accident when reaching for the same object.
Then came the awkward flirting, which wasn't normal for Luke. It baffled everyone who knew Luke to see him nervous and off of his game.
Then the confession.
Y/n had never been more happy when Luke had asked him out. Everything seemed like it was out of a fairytale when it happened. He hadn't expected it and he automatically accepted it. He liked Luke, and as a freshman he wanted to have some type of stability and someone to simply be with when things got hard.
The relationship started easily. The two of them knew each other enough to put their differences aside and spent any time they could together. Everyone noticed how well the two got along and made it work. Their schedules kept them apart sometimes, but they made it work as best as they could.
The first year passed and sophomore year for the two of them came like a storm. Luke gotten promotion as the head DJ, as the senior DJ had graduated, and Y/n had taken up more clubs.
Everything was fine. They struggled to plan, but they were getting there. Sometimes the two would get cross with the other simply because the other had made a comment about something. Thankfully, they would apologize and move on.
Then another year passed. Jesse and Becca had gotten their internships. Y/n and Luke became busy with their majors and work.
Y/n sat in the music booth with Luke, picking at some type of take out in his lap. He wasn't paying attention to the music that was quietly playing in the background. It was a remix that Becca had made. It wasn't bad, but Y/n didn't care for it. He didn't care for the genres that she had chosen for it.
"What do you think, love?" Luke asked out of nowhere.
Y/n looked up from his food and simply shrugged.
"It's a remix." Y/n simply answered. Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes.
There it was.
Y/n saying something and Luke seemingly having a problem with it.
"What? I'm just saying. It's a remix. I don't care for them as much. You know that, Luke. Becca is good at what she does. But she's made better ones." Y/n rolled his eyes eyes and pushed his knee against the desk so his swivel chair turned away from Luke.
Y/n and Luke's relationship had started to strain within the last few months. Y/n had started to spend more time with his classmates now that he had to focus on his course work and a lot of it was peer reviewed. Luke was around Becca a lot more since she was taking lead in the internship, unlike Jesse. Y/n couldn't show up to the booth as much anymore, which led to Luke texting him 24/7.
Not that it was a problem for Luke to text him. But Y/n was just as busy as Luke. He couldn't reply every time Luke texted. That made Luke upset.
"I know, but you could at least be nice about it. You know how important these things are to me." Luke looked at Y/n from the corner of his eye. "You're lucky Becca wasn't here to hear that."
"If she asked me I would have told her that it isn't my cup of tea but it is good. I wouldn't be an asshole to her. I know how much she means to you." Y/n felt anger bubble up in his chest.
"Whatever." Luke didn't say anything else.
Y/n shook his head slightly and went back to picking at his food.
He didn't want to argue with Luke. He really didn't. But the two of them were starting to just realize their differences weren't that great after all. They were also taking their anger out on each other and it was slowly eating at the two. Luke seemed to be insecure underneath his rough exterior and Y/n was tired and tired of just everything.
It made Y/n sad to think about it, but he knew their time was running out. He genuinely loved Luke, but they were destroying each other ever so slowly.
Y/n's phone buzzed and it started to play his chipper ringtone. Y/n and Luke looked at the phone before Y/n picked it up. He answered it and pressed it to his ear.
"Yup?" Y/n stood up and walked out of the booth, leaving Luke to stare after him.
Y/n's conversation was too quiet for Luke to hear and he didn't respond much other than yes and no's. When he was done he stepped back into the booth to see Luke frowning at him.
"My groupmates need me for our project." Y/n reached out to put a hand on Luke's shoulder. "I'm sorry but this can't wait. Our deadline is tomorrow and we thought we had it squared away."
"Ah, so you're going to leave me for that bloke you're always with?" Luke looked away from Y/n, whose face changed from his sad frown to a shocked look.
Where was this coming from.
"What do you mean that bloke I'm always with?" Y/n's voice held an edge to it and it came out through gritted teeth.
Was he trying to say Y/n was cheating on him with Steven from group? His close friend that he became close to because of their classes?
"You know exactly what I'm saying, Y/n. You always leave at the drop of the dime whenever he calls." Luke had the same edge in his voice and Y/n could see him gripping onto his ballpoint pen.
"Steven calls because he's the head of our group. We have an ongoing project that is very time sensitive. If I wanted to cheat on you I'd be sneakier than that bloke I'm always with. You wouldn't even fucking know him." Y/n took his hand from Luke's shoulder and tried to burry his bubbling anger. "I can't fucking believe you right now. You're always with Becca and I don't accuse you with cheating."
"Becca is my intern. Like you said, if I wanted to cheat on you then you wouldn't know her." Luke wasn't even looking at Y/n and it pissed him off.
"Whatever. I'm going to work on my fucking project. Call me when you pull your head out of your fucking ass, Lucas." Y/n snatched his bag and food from the desk and stormed out of the booth.
Once Luke could hear the front door slam shut, he slams his fist onto the table and swears loudly.
"You're the stupidest man I've ever met."
Luke frowned at Becca's words.
"Becca, don't say that." Luke hated how she stared at him, flabbergasted.
"Why? You're literally the stupidest person I have ever met. You literally accused your boyfriend of cheating. For what reason? Because he spends his time doing school work and working with his classmates? And specifically one calls him to work more than the others?" Becca scoffed at Luke.
"But what if he is cheating?" Luke looked back up to Becca.
"Then he's cheating. He's a piece of shit then. Break up with him." Jesse chimed in as he walked into the room, carrying a bag of take-out. "Are you being insecure again, Luke?"
"Fuck off, Jesse." Luke didn't want Jesse, of all people, to criticize him.
"What are you afraid of?" Becca asked him. "Being alone? You two are slowly falling apart because you two can't handle your own emotions. You two obviously love each other but you don't share a future."
"No. But what else am I supposed to do?" Luke asked as Jesse handed him his order.
"Talk it out or break up." Becca shrugged. "Simple as that."
Y/n and Luke laid in Luke's bed quietly.
Luke's fingers were brushing through Y/n's hair slowly as the two simply stared up at the roof.
"I love you." Luke was the one who spoke up first.
"I love you too." Y/n responded in a soft tone.
Y/n couldn't shake the pit in his stomach as a single message stared at him from his phone screen.
We need to talk
"Fuck." Y/n placed a hand over his mouth and clicked his phone off, not opening the text.
"What's wrong?" Steven asked from next to Y/n. Steven was writing notes into his notebook; copying Y/n's notes since he missed that lecture for a doctor's appointment.
"Luke wants to talk." Y/n moved the hand over his mouth to rub his eyes.
"Oh eesh. Good luck with that." Steven looked back to his notes quickly. "I wouldn't want to be caught up in one of those."
"What should I do?" Y/n asked Steven as his hands dropped into his lap.
"Break up with him." Steven simply shrugged. "You two are bad for each other now. I remember when you two used to be two peas in a pod and the cutest couple ever. Now it's like watching two cats fight."
"You're breaking my heart, Steven." Y/n groaned and leaned back into his chair, closing his eyes.
"It isn't my fault you two can't handle your own baggage and take it out on each other." Steven sounded tired. "You two obviously just don't work anymore. Be friends or just split. It isn't hard, Y/n."
"I can't just drop him. I want to work this out." Y/n didn't know how he felt in reality. He couldn't handle it anymore to the point where he wouldn't respond to messages automatically. Which made Luke spam him until he answered.
"You're either really into this dude and want to try and make something out of this or you're the most stubborn dumbass I know. You know that, right?" Steven had shaken his head, but Y/n couldn't see it.
Y/n also couldn't see Steven freezing up as Luke walked towards him.
Steven and Luke made eye contact; Steven's mouth opening slightly as he tried to form words and Luke frowned at him.
"Ah shit." Steven got out.
"Ah shit what? Did you fuck up my notes?" Y/n didn't want to open his eyes.
"Actually, he saw me." Luke had reached the table and spoke up.
Y/n jumped and sat back up quickly.
"Luke?" Y/n gasped.
"You didn't answer my text." Luke simply responded.
"We're working and I put my phone on silent." Y/n easily let a lie out of his mouth to hope and not irritate Luke.
"Bullshit." Luke frowned. "Just come talk with me."
"Fine." Y/n stood up and shoved his phone into his pocket before following Luke to the back area of the library. Thankfully, no one was around.
"What is so important that you had to track me down?" Y/n frowned.
"We need to do something about us." Luke simply said.
"Like what?" Y/n shrugged.
"Fix our communication. Our time together. Stop arguing." Luke pointed out the obvious ones.
"Fix you accusing me of things would be one." Y/n felt petty for saying it and the satisfaction of seeing Luke's face looking regretful snuffed it out.
"That also. It was stupid of me to say that." Luke admitted.
"It really was. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend, but I didn't want to accuse you of anything. I wouldn't think you'd cheat on me." Y/n kept a straight face.
"But... could we fix this?" Luke motioned between the two. "Or do you think that we need to work on ourselves and just split it off?"
"I... I don't know Luke, in all honestly. I love you so much but we're not good for each other anymore." Y/n had to be honest. "I can't take the arguing and the spiteful shit anymore. I don't want to feel stressed whenever I get a text."
"What do you suggest then?" Luke asked.
"We need to split. Cut it off." Y/n felt anxiety and fear spike through him. The sadness already seeping through him. "We can't do this, Luke. Maybe in a year or two."
"You know that won't happen." Luke shook his head. Luke looked like he was ready to crack and cry. "We might never go back."
"I'm willing to risk that if it means to escape this hell we've created, Luke. I can't anymore." Y/n could feel the tears already forming.
"Y/n..." Luke started but stopped.
This was it, wasn't it.
Y/n knew it would end, but not this quickly. Not some shitty breakup in a library with Steven waiting at their study table.
"I'm sorry, Luke." Y/n shook his head.
"No, I'm sorry." Luke was actually crying. For the first time in the three years he knew Y/n, he was crying. "Goodbye."
The two of them reached out and hugged each other before Luke left him standing in the science fiction section.
Y/n waited until he knew Luke would be gone before going back to Steven. Steven was watching with wide eyes as Y/n sagged into his seat and started to sob.
The tears came fast as his body fully tensed up. His mouth open as he couldn't stop the heart wrenching noises from coming from his mouth. Steven hugged Y/n and let Y/n curl into him as he sobbed.
The other tables had stopped to watch the two, knowing what happened. The campus wasn't small but it wasn't super big either. People knew Luke and by default Y/n.
Steven rubbed Y/n's back as his friend sobbed.
Y/n could feel his phone vibrate in his pocket and he ignored it to continue his crying.
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