Astrology Update Vol. VI
Artemis Stranger • What's in Store for '24 Part 1
     Artemis Stranger reports back for her analysis of what the stars and planets predict for the first half of 2024.  She will return mid-year to discuss what we can expect for the second half of the year.
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Episode 41: Wherein We Wonder Where the Road Went
Our guest this episode is Seriah Azkath, host of the Where Did the Road Go podcast and the Last Exit for the Lost radio show.
This was quite a long discussion, so I’ve split it into two parts.  In this episode, Seriah talks a little about himself and what led him to an interest in the Occult and paranormal, and we segue into a multitude of topics including magick, Kundalini, UFOs, lost civilizations, and conspiracies.
  Look for Part 2 in about a month!
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Episode 40: All Hallows 2023
   Lock the doors, light a candle, and settle in for the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard's first ever All Hallows special!  You'll hear tales of true encounters with the supernatural told by the people who experienced them.  We've got cryptids, we've got ghosts, we've got extraterrestrials, and we've got multidimensional entities from beyond the veil.  Nightgaunt throws in a few of his own stories throughout, so join the mad monster party and prepare to be unsettled!
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast Astrology Update Volume V
   Artemis Stranger is back, discussing the USA's first Pluto Return, slated for February 22nd, 2022. After a recap of the last Astrology Update, Artemis plunged headlong into an analysis of the Taurus/Scorpio "Dark Side of Finance" we're experiencing, followed by a look at older nations that have experienced multiple Pluto Returns: Rome, England, and Russia. she touched on the Closing Square in 1982 that set the stage for this Pluto Return and we discussed how it will manifest and what echoes of the nation's birth will claw their way into the public's consciousness.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 39
     Our guest this episode is Johnny Khaos, a multidisciplinary occultist, astrologer, fine artist, and fellow Detroiter. We covered quite a bit of ground in this discussion, from Hellenic Astrology to Symbolism to art to cults. Johnny also spoke extensively on his early experiences with Occultism, including Shamanism, Wicca, and Hermetic magick.      Johnny can be found at JohnnyKhaos.com and on Facebook.
     Additionally, our buddy from Episode 24, Phil Brucato, has a new Urban Fantasy Novel entitled “Red Shoes” getting ready to drop. Phil is a fantastic writer and his role-playing game books have influenced thousands of creative folk, including Yours Truly through the years. Please support this worthy project if you’ve the means to do so!
     Another dear friend of the Salvage Yard, S.J. Tucker, has two online concerts coming up! The first, “On the Water” is coming up in just a few days on November 21st and the second, “Midwinter Music” will be on December 20th. CLICK HERE to be instantly transported to all the sonic bliss you can stand.
     Also, if you find the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast, valuable, interesting, or entertaining, please share this (or any other) episode on social media. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell the clerk at the corner gas station. Take a look at SalvagedWisdom.com and see if anything there speaks to you. ALL proceeds go to help keep The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast afloat. Thank you, everyone, for your continuing enthusiasm and support! Nightgaunt loves you.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 38
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 37
     Tonight’s interview went a little differently than most.  It was less an interview than a sort of rambling conversation looping back on itself and picking up loose threads.   Our guest is Jason Kero...oneironaut, visual artist, musician, and seeker after truth.  The conversation touches on several topics, from music to lost civilizations to altered states of consciousness to...well, a lot more.
     Among the wide range of subjects is Jason’s project Resolution Soundwerks, under which banner he releases his own music, but also provides help to other artists in finding their audience and even help with translating the art in their heads into the real world.
   You can find Resolution Soundwerks at: Instagram
     An extended version of this interview and assorted other candy is available to Salvage League Patrons!  You too can help support the Salvage Yard over at the Salvage League Patreon page!
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 36
     Before the interview, Nightgaunt told the sad tale of the passing from this world of his water heater Pauline and of the injuries he sustained therefrom.  Based on some social media comments, he spoke a little on the nature of the DKMU and about some of the erroneous rumors about it. 
     Our guest this episode was Ian Jaydid, author of the fictional Tripping the Field and the non-fiction Migration, as well as the host of The Paranormal Atheist YouTube channel.
     Ian first spoke a little about himself and the experiences which led him to the understanding and realizations that form the groundwork of Migration, which involve our changing relationship with media and the narratives we create and frequently adopt from outside sources.
     The discussion then segued into the nature of consciousness.  Ian contended (and Nightgaunt concurred) that consciousness likely isn’t what the prevailing scientific assumption says it is and that it likely exists outside of mere electrical impulses within the brain.
     Ian then spoke about disconnecting from not only one’s personal narrative, but from all narratives, and about how this opens the door to a more balanced appreciation of art and other media, as well as increased ability to travel out of body and dream lucidly.
     Media, Ian asserted, is in many ways like a drug, capable of releasing mood-altering chemicals in the body.  Recognizing what it is about certain media that keeps you hooked can facilitate breaking free from its control and appreciating it for what it is.
     Another benefit of effectively managing the narratives in your life is an increased ability to make sense of spiritual experiences and viewing them with more clarity.  Ian gave several examples of this in his own experiences.
   Finally, Ian spoke about techniques to step outside of one’s narratives and provided meditation suggestions to help with this.
I am now doing this podcast full-time, with plans to greatly expand its scope, now that I have the time, but I need your help to bring this vision into existence. While the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard will always be free, there is now an associated Patreon where supporters can get early access to (much more frequent) shows, access to exclusive content and our new Discord server, Salvage Yard swag, discounts at SalvagedWisdom.com, and first look at all the new stuff that's on the way! Our initial goal (to cover the costs of producing the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard and help keep the lights on at Casa del Nightgaunt) is 500 Patrons. You can become a Patron for less than the cost of a fast food value meal or a fancy coffee from one of those trendy caffeinemongers! Please take a look and select a membership tier that's comfortable for you over at the Salvage League. Thanks so VERY much for your support! Also, if you find the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast, valuable, interesting, or entertaining, please share this (or any other) episode on social media. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell the clerk at the corner gas station. Take a look at SalvagedWisdom.com and see if anything there speaks to you. ALL proceeds go to help keep The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast afloat. Thank you, everyone, for your continuing enthusiasm and support! Nightgaunt loves you.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 35
Join Ryan Loyd, Sorcerer Tal, and your Friendly Neighborhood Nightgaunt as we devour a mouthwatering smorgasbord of Occult topics...and some not-so-Occult topics! The impetus of our meeting this night was to compare and contrast the Linking Sigil and S1 Sigil, which we did at length and the discussion moved on from there.
In response to some questions from Ryan, Sorcerer Tal talked about the nature of the Horde and about his interactions with it, also covering the Nothing and the Roadhouse. More about these topics can be found in Episode 30, if you’d like a more extensive overview.
We talked about the effects of child-rearing on Occult studies and one’s personal magickal practice, which ended up leading to a discussion about the nature of archetypal entities such as the Grim Reaper, as well as the give-and-take between humans and their gods. This lead to further conversation and personal experiences with various spirits.
An anecdote from Ryan about an outlandish dream from his childhood sparked an examination of animal lore involving behavior and symbolism. At this point, all three of us were fairly sleep-deprived and getting a little loopy and the discussion moved into how to annoy various kinds of animals. Sorcerer Tal gave his tips on how to irritate a goose and Ryan spun a tale about how he had once inadvertently enraged an octopus.
We ended the night with a discussion concerning the Occult in politics (focusing on the Trump administration) and the pitfalls one encounters when attempting to influence politics with magick.
Before the discussion, I told the story of what's been going on at Casa del Nightgaunt these last few months. I am now doing this podcast full-time, with plans to greatly expand its scope, now that I have the time, but I need your help to bring this vision into existence. While the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard will always be free, there is now an associated Patreon where supporters can get early access to (much more frequent) shows, access to exclusive content and our new Discord server, Salvage Yard swag, discounts at SalvagedWisdom.com, and first look at all the new stuff that's on the way! Our initial goal (to cover the costs of producing the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard and help keep the lights on at Casa del Nightgaunt) is 500 Patrons. You can become a Patron for less than the cost of a fast food value meal or a fancy coffee from one of those trendy caffeinemongers! Please take a look and select a membership tier that's comfortable for you over at the Salvage League. Thanks so VERY much for your support!
Also, if you find the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast, valuable, interesting, or entertaining, please share this (or any other) episode on social media. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell the clerk at the corner gas station. Take a look at SalvagedWisdom.com and see if anything there speaks to you. ALL proceeds go to help keep The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast afloat. Thank you, everyone, for your continuing enthusiasm and support! Nightgaunt loves you.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 34
Tonight, we’re talking with Rich Kiska and go on a captivating journey through the world of an occultist on the cutting edge. From Rich’s fascinating “origin story” through her manifold projects and experiments, I guarantee you’ll find new ideas and perspectives to play with in your own practice.
   First we explore Rich’s massive yet elegant viral servitor projects involving mass-scale emotional therapy and talk about muscle testing as a form of divination and spirit communication.
   From there, we backtracked a bit and heard Rich’s extraordinary origin story and how a spontaneous Kundalini awakening paved the way for her true self to move to the forefront, casting off the mask of who she was before.
   Rich went on to discuss a wide variety of topics including “The Map of Consciousness”, Attraction and Dominance, curses, spirit therapy, the natures of discarnate entities, how the Astral behaves like the Internet in more than just superficial ways, and the “nothing is too weird” services that she offers her clients.
   Rich Kiska is an energy healer and interdimensional correspondent based out of Connecticut. Her work pulls from a combination of traditional occult practices, yoga philosophy, and new energy healing modalities. If you’d like to contact Rich Kiska, she can be reached through her Facebook Profile.
   Also, if you find the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast, valuable, interesting, or entertaining, please share this (or any other) episode on social media. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell the clerk at the corner gas station. Take a look at SalvagedWisdom.com and see if anything there speaks to you. ALL proceeds go to help keep The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast afloat. Thank you, everyone, for your continuing enthusiasm and support! Nightgaunt loves you.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 33
Tonight, we hear from Yavhe Alexander and Cristian Velasco, two of the movers and shakers behind DKMU Latin America and the Hexorian Movement, a movement that was born of a DKMU operation and a mysterious dream.
Hexorius is a godform whose sphere of influence is the unique magick of cities and the “shadow cities” that exist in a sort of mirror realm. Hidden spaces, city spirits, and urban mages all fall under Hexorius’ purview.
Alexander and Cristian told the fascinating story of how first contact with Hexorius was made and of the ensuing rapid growth of the Hexorian Movement as people from all over the world took it up.
The Hexorian Manifesto Magic Exists; its fire burns in all beings. The Assault on Reality has triumphed; it is time to rebuild. Every group and organization that promotes and supports magical cooperation is Hexorian in nature. Hate and discrimination will not be tolerated. We will learn together. We will learn by doing. The City will Feed Us. Finally, we talked about the Assault on Reality and what should come next, as we see it having been at least partially successful. How do we continue to build a new magickall world as the old world crumbles around us? Finally, we talked about the Assault on Reality and what should come next, as we see it having been at least partially successful. How do we continue to build a new magickal world as the old world crumbles around us?
Also, if you find the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast, valuable, interesting, or entertaining, please share this (or any other) episode on social media. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell the clerk at the corner gas station. Take a look at SalvagedWisdom.com and see if anything there speaks to you. ALL proceeds go to help keep The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast afloat. Thank you, everyone, for your continuing enthusiasm and support! Nightgaunt loves you.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast - Astrology Update Volume IV
   Artemis Stranger has once again graced us with her presence to discuss the election aftermath, the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, and shed some light on Astrological Ages and specifically, the Age of Aquarius.
   Before Artemis popped in, I spoke a bit about “the Hexorian Movement”, a growing network of magicians that started in Latin America and has begun to spread into the U.S. and Europe. It’s concerned with hidden places within cities and the power that collects there (at least, that’s my impression). Hexorius is a recently awakened godform whose sphere of influence is these hidden urban areas. During the course of recording this episode, I was able to make contact with the Hexorian Movement and we’ll be hearing from a spokesperson in the first half of January, so stay tuned! 
   Artemis and I first touched on the election aftermath and what we can expect to see begin to coalesce as we press forward. We spoke a bit about the recent rumblings from QAnon, which, at the time of this publication, seem to have been largely baseless.
   The great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction taking place on December 21st will be the first such occurrence in Aquarius since the 17th Century, and according to Artemis, we will all be noticing an energetic shift as we head into 2021. We are entering a new era, but how things shake out depends on us. Have you done the work Saturn demands in order to reap the blessings of Jupiter?
   Following was a discussion on the Astrological Ages, starting with the Age of Leo about 12,000 years ago all the way up to the present day, on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius. Each Age has certain hallmarks, and right now, we’re leaving the Age of Pisces whose motto is “I believe,” and heading into the Age of Aquarius, whose motto is “I know.” 
   Finally, Artemis spoke at length about just what the Age of Aquarius means in terms of humanity as a whole. A more collectivist mentality, extreme scientific breakthroughs, and new ways to communicate. Aquarius is very much about tearing down old structures and building something new, so buckle up; this could be a wild ride indeed.
   Artemis Stranger is a seasoned astrologer and writer of the Cult of Perception blog and provides astrological and Tarot divination services. Artemis can also be reached on Facebook and Instagram.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 32
In this episode, we get to know Witchdoctor Utu, founder of the award-winning and world renowned pagan drum troupe, the Dragon Ritual Drummers, member of the New Orleans Voodoo Spiritual Temple, founder of the Niagara Pagan Men’s Circle and the Niagara Voodoo Shrine, dedicated to Harriet Tubman and the spirits of the Underground Railroad.
For over twenty years, he has been active in the Canadian and American pagan communities where he is a highly sought-after presenter and educator.
Here, we focused on Utu’s book “Conjuring Harriet ‘Mama Moses’ Tubman”, covering the key concepts of this unique practice, as well as some of the rituals, history, and spirits. Utu’s approach is respectful, reverent, and loving and these qualities really came out during the interview.
Finally, we discussed some of the controversy and criticism Utu’s work has been subject to over the last couple of years, how he has dealt with it, and how we, as pagans and occultists, can address such occurrences in a positive manner.
Also, if you find the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast, valuable, interesting, or entertaining, please share this (or any other) episode on social media. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell the clerk at the corner gas station. This podcast is about to expand far beyond its current limitations and in order to make that a success, we need as many folks tuned in as we can get! Thank you, everyone, for your continuing enthusiasm and support! Nightgaunt loves you.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast - Astrology Update Volume III
Artemis is back with her analysis of the coming U.S. Election! She breaks down the charts of DJ and Uncle Joe, analyzing how the current and upcoming astrological conditions will likely interplay with each candidate leading up to and including the election.
Perhaps more importantly, Artemis talked about how the upcoming few weeks are going to affect all of US. How will some people react to a Trump win? How will others react to a Biden Win? And how will the astrological weather influence those reactions?
Nothing is certain in these times, but forewarned is forearmed. Don’t miss this analysis of what is arguably the most contentious election in American History!
Artemis Stranger is a seasoned astrologer and writer of the Cult of Perception blog and provides astrological and Tarot divination services. Artemis can also be reached on Facebook and Instagram.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 31
SJ Tucker
(All links active in the show notes at ancientwisdomsalvageyard.com)
This episode, the incomparable SJ Tucker joined us for an in-depth discussion about music and magick. Sooj described her early years and chronicled her magickal and musical journey from childhood to the pixie pirate mythpunk rock star we’ve come to know and love.
Sooj went on to speak about the magick she weaves into her music and the dynamics of music, community, and the historic times we’re living in right now. We both had our say concerning creativity and performing the the Age of COVID and Sooj talked about what it took to create a new online concert venue from scratch.
Next up was “Parenting for Weirdoes”, wherein we discussed parenting from a pagan and occult perspective, specifically the best ways of handling introducing children to magickal concepts. Throughout the episode, we played some of Sooj’s new tracks.
SJ Tucker can be found at her website SJTucker.com, Online Concert Thing, BandCamp, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.
And of course, please consider becoming a Patron at Sooj’s Patreon!
NOTE! Due to unforseen events, this episode is a bit late coming out, and as a result, the events that Sooj gave a heads-up about have already transpired. Please check out Sooj’s upcoming “Words & Music” event, as well as her concert calendar for events yet to be added!
Also, if you find the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast, valuable, interesting, or entertaining, please share this (or any other) episode on social media. Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Tell the clerk at the corner gas station. This podcast will be gradually expanding over the coming months and in order to make that happen, we need as many folks tuned in as we can get! Thank you, everyone, for your continuing enthusiasm and support!
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard Podcast - Astrology Update Volume II
Mars, the planet of anger, war, assertion, passion, and separation is about to loom large in all of our lives and Artemis explained what that’s going to mean for us as the Red Planet interacts with other celestial bodies over the next couple of months.
   It’s going to be a tug-of-war between the tidal forces of Oppression and Liberty. The State will be using every weapon in its arsenal to guide the masses back into line, and it will be a seductive web it weaves. Can we face down what lurks within all of us that makes us want to play Follow-the-Leader and use that Mars energy wisely to forge a new path to the future?
   Artemis provides us with a detailed breakdown of what to expect and perhaps most importantly – why events are unfolding the way they are. The fires are stoked in a time of transformation and the time is nigh to start asking ourselves if we have it within us to fight for the future.
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The Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard - Episode 30
In this episode, Sorcerer Tal, Master of the Sorcerer’s Guild, joins us for a compelling and thoroughly fascinating look at his personal magickal journey and the framework within which he works. To start, Tal talked about what set him upon his magickal path and also about the Sorcerer’s Guild, the forum he began to give practitioners of all stripes a place to learn and teach each other.
The S-1 Sigil Next, Tal introduced us to the Horde, a confederation of evolved beings existing outside of Time. The Horde observes, but does not interfere, yet will provide guidance if approached in the right ways. From there, he went on to discuss the S-1 Sigil, which can be used as a means of contacting the Horde, among other uses.
Tal went on to talk about his extensive experimentation with egregores, specifically “living” egregores and the possibility of cultivating a hive-mind or collective unconscious for them. The evolution of egregores was touched upon, along with the differences between servitors, egregores, and tulpas. Tal also spoke about “Tulpa’s Rights” and how the ways in which we treat our created beings can make a difference.
Wrapping things up, Sorcerer Tal talked about some upcoming projects of his, including ghost “hunting” and further work with the S-1 Sigil. Going back to the Horde, he talked about a Horde meeting place known as the Roadhouse, which exists in a null space of sorts within the Astral which he refers to as The Nothing. Anyone can visit the Roadhouse and consult with the Horde, use their library and obtain assistance in building one’s own Dream Platform that can be used during one’s lifetime, but also as a touchpoint after death.
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