#dk how much I like this but I spent awhile on it so here u go!
averaillisa · 2 years
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“Sit down & have a drink.” 
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fromnatwithlove · 8 years
Dear Nat,
I know you didn’t see this coming. As in, you kinda did, considering that you really did like SHIT in your TSAs, and you never expected to even get an interview slot in the first place. But somehow there was a small hope in you that you could get a shot. That’s good, hope is good. Don’t beat yourself up for having hope because everyone who even bothers to apply, has that bit of hope.
I want you to know that firstly, you are the majority. I mean, 19 out of 200 RJ kids get into oxford. Minus the science kids, that kind of just leaves like.. 10 kids. And it’s okay if you’re not.. that 5%!  Let’s be real here. Firstly, your grades are mediocre. Like, you dont even get As.  With that in mind, we both know that oxford was never really meant for you. like. can you imagine rushing 2 term essays in a week? you dont even do 2 essays voluntarily (or for homework) in a week and you can barely cope. Do you really want to feel so miserable and stressed in a cold country, having to skimp on meal time, having to stress about whether you have to impress your professor, or whether you’re saying something dumb, or how people think of you? that being said, you might feel sad that you’ll miss out on the nice experience of having international friends. Let’s be real here. You’re really not that serious with your studying. Like. you would rather go to UCL or LSE, do well, have time for CCAs and mix with more chill people. Assuming you have a scholarship, my question to you is....what are you even studying so hard for??? LIKE, DO YOU ACTUALLY EVEN LIKE ECONOMICS??????? can u imagine having those long conversations everyday with the scary professors. about philosophy and like shit. you’d have to do research paper on policies and financial dk what dk what (insert jargon here) when, in actual fact, you can just be excelling in another school and doing equally well!  that being said, you’ll probably be really lonely. Oxford is a really competitive place, with people hiding in libraries and nothing much to do in Oxford town except the same few cafes and libraries and you’ll also really miss home. It’s NOT your only ticket to overseas university experience. I guess it matters so much to you because its the one you put in most effort in. But that doesnt really mean that it’s your dream! UCL, LSE, are equally good :) and i’m sure you stand a good chance of getting in!  So ya. Think of your HP experience. You obviously wanted to leave a place that was intensely acads-focused, where everyone is judged SOLELY on their intellect and how well they perform in class, cramming for tests, studying like mad. Its prestigious yes, but after awhile your family is not going to care or fawn over you everday. After a while you will just wake up in your lonely ugly dorm, having to go for tutorials, then hide in your room, either that or force conversation with your overseas friends, and then study (to no avail, because you’re so fucking unproductive)  3 days you spent in oxford and you already couldnt wait to stop studying and get out of there with your family just to relax.... imagine 3 years???  So honestly, it’s no big deal! You still have a shot for other universities. Even if you just stay local, that’s fine too. Let’s face it, you’re not exactly the most independent person either, and you’re definitely more comfortable mixing around with Singaporeans. SO, go join NUS where you will be with JJ and Jenyong and all your seniors, enjoying Hall life, trying something new, performing for NUS Dance, meeting new people and staying in HOT singapore where you dont have to worry about flights or luggage packing or getting lost or getting robbed or losing your stuff or managing your bank account.  OR you can always go to NTU and join softball or something and try something new :) AND EXCELL!!! take a local scholarship, do bloody well in it, meet a good guy to marry and make new friends (Cos like tbh your international friends.... wut. they are just angmohs who are really not on the same wavelength as you. like. honestly, half the things they were talking about you didnt even know what the shit they were saying. HAHA) SO YA. its okay. Maybe overseas life isn’t meant for u la. LIke u also know what. going around independent is probably exciting for a few days but maybe for a few years it will get quite shag (+ the cold, and the INABILITY TO EXERCISE and extremely high probability you’ll become fat and pretentious) DONUT WORRY. you are okay. I know maybe rn you feel like, you disappointed your parents abit. but honestly they will get over it! They know you tried your best and well there are other things more important. Study hard for your SATs even if you dont want to, so at least you dont feel so bad paying to take the test lol. But all in all, its okay. The people who really love you won’t really love you any less just because you didn’t get in. Honestly you thought Oxford was the dream just bc of its prestige and you were so close. But can I remind you that you thought that dream was over immediately after you took the TSA test. So like, you already exceeding expectations by going for the interview! that is your success story HAHAHHA. Dont be bitter or discouraged, as i said, its just one of the millions of future rejections you have yet to face in the future. If it was meant to be, it would have happened. You are a strong capable girl, who is going to make her way somehow! and impress everyone but most importantly yourself!!! :))) WHOOHOO
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