#dmitri altin-plisetsky
yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
Child AU: Altin-Plisetskys daily things
Yuri: Dmitri. Where do you think you're going wearing THAT ?!
Dmitri: uh, Ekate is organizing a huge party tonight so... two streets over ?
Yuri: ... are Adam, Camille and Yu Li gonna be there
Dmitri: ....... no
Altair, passing by: yes they are
Otabek: well, Yura, he does take after you
Yuri: excuse me what I wasn't going around wearing an almost see-through shirt at 15 ?!
Dmitri: yeah right you were too busy getting Dad to bite your gloves off on the ice amirite
Yuri: .....
Altair: Dmitri, 1, Yuri, 0
Yuri: well I-
Dmitri: you know I'm right
Otabek: yes Yura, you know he is
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ao3feed-anastasia · 6 years
Love from St Petersburg
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JdODzQ
by Clovesstory
The Duke Yurochka has been missing for ten years, Dimitri wants to cash in with his supportive best friend Victor.
Words: 4457, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Anastasia (1997)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Yakov Feltsman, Nikolai Plisetsky
Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin & Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: Inspired by Anastasia (1997), POV Dimitri | Dmitry (Anastasia), Aged-Up Yuri Plisetsky, Yuri Plisetsky is a Brat, POV Otabek Altin, Established Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Supportive Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov is Extra, Katsuki Yuuri in France, Name Changes, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JdODzQ
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jbankai89 · 6 years
Never Let Me Go [39/41]
A/N: Next update scheduled for May 3rd, aka my birthday ^.^
All the italic segments in this chapter will cover Otabek's experiences. These scenes will contain Electroconvulsive Therapy, torture, violence, starvation, sleep deprivation, disassociation, infanticide-related hallucinations, gory hallucinations, abuse, and some gross things that I'm not totally sure how to categorize. If you wish to skip over it all, just avoid the italics.
Chapter Thirty-Eight – Otabek's Tale
The floor of the police car rumbled. It vibrated so hard that Otabek thought that he was being transported over uneven road or a bed of rocks, but after a moment, he realized that it was not the car trembling, but him.
Otabek stared ahead. His fear was so acute that though he was aware that the policemen were speaking, he could understand none of the words. They were oddly muffled, as though he was hearing them from behind a thick pane of glass.
Yuri was gone.
Yuri was pregnant.
Yuri had betrayed him.
The three thoughts did not aid in calming him, and he felt his eyes sting at the thought of it. It was true, as Otabek had always suspected—Yuri had never loved him, and only used him as needed to keep himself safe.
Otabek blinked. Tears leaked from his eyes and streaked his cheeks. He heard the policemen laugh, but he ignored it as he allowed the tears to drip from his chin and into his lap. He felt as though he was traversing the road to Hell, and nothing helped to calm him or bring him peace. Everything he had ever done was a selfish act; everyone he had ever loved had either left him or never loved him in return.
Sheshe, Otabek thought miserably, I wish I knew what to do.
The police car stopped in front of a grey, rectangular building, with bars on its windows. It was surrounded by a thick fence made of brick walls, and it was topped with curls of barbed wire. The interior of the landscape was strewn with bodies and splatters of blood staining the snow. Some of the figures were moving feebly, others were still and screaming, while the rest were black—frozen and dead, left to rot in the harsh elements of Russian winter.
Otabek was dragged from the cab of the car, and though he could hear the tone of the police officers' voices as they spoke scathingly to him, the words refused to register, and he would not answer them.
Angry and disgusted, they shoved Otabek to the ground. The alpha grunted with pain as his chin bit into the asphalt, hard enough that he felt the skin break, and a thin rivulet of blood trickled from the small wound and down his throat, before it soaked into his shirt.
Dragged to his feet again, Otabek was frogmarched to the door, where he was transferred to the care of a thick, heavyset man, visibly strong despite his girth, with a bald head and small, beady eyes.
Otabek was shunted into a locked cell with thick bars over the window and door. Once inside, he was forced out of his clothes. It was only then that Otabek realized that the inside of the building was almost as bitingly cold as the outside, and as he looked around the cell, the gravity of his situation began to hit him.
Save for a pail in the corner, Otabek had no bed, no blankets, and the floor was made of ice-cold concrete.
What is going to happen to me? Otabek wondered as he rubbed his hands up and down his arms, and gazed out of the barred door of the cell. One year in this place...will I even survive it? Do I have any reason to?
Otabek had no answer, and shifted back to the farthest corner of the cell, the move reminding him chillingly of the only time he had beaten Yuri in punishment, and he felt a sick sense of bitter irony wash over him. Yuri had been so scared—terrified—during that encounter, and now he was getting his just rewards. Otabek sank down into the spot, buried his face in his knees, and tried to forget Yuri Plisetsky.
 Days passed. Otabek was given no food or water, and his stomach ached in protest. His lips were cracked, and the inside of his mouth was sticky and uncomfortable. Swallowing was difficult, and his head spun from the lack of nutrients.
On the fifth day, he was given a bottle of water. As desperate as he was, he chugged half of it down too quickly, and threw it all back up again into his bucket. The second half he took much more slowly, but his stomach still ached and protested the sudden intake, and Otabek struggled to keep it down.
No food. Otabek began to try and not look at himself as his body fat and muscle seemed to dissolve, and after twenty days of no contact—save for the occasional bottle of water or scant bite of food—he began to wonder if they would simply allow him to starve to death.
“Time for your education to begin,” a scathing voice said, jerking him from a fitful sleep the very next morning, exactly three weeks into his incarceration.
Otabek was marched still naked and shivering down a narrow hallway. He was too weak to fight even if he wanted to, and felt a wave of panic nearly overwhelm him as he was led into The Room.
A wooden chair sat in the centre. Steel cuffs upon the arms and legs of the chair were affixed to curls of wire, and there was a steel dome set upon the top like a hat. More wires with suction cups dangled from the wall, and upon a table there were a row of dowels, all marked with deep tooth marks in the pale wood.
Electroconvulsive Therapy.
“No,” Otabek croaked, and tried to back up, but the man at his back merely laughed and shoved him forward.
“You seem to be under the misapprehension that you have a choice, Mr Altin,” the man sneered. “You don't. A lowly omega deprogrammed you, and it is our job to fix that crass mistake. When you leave here—”
The man broke off, and laughed.
“Or, should I say, if you leave here, you will be a better, stronger alpha, and more than capable of taking an omega, and keeping him firmly in his place.”
“And my child?” Otabek rasped shakily, “my omega—Y-Yuri, he was pregnant, I—ah!”
Otabek crumpled to the ground as the man hit him across the face. His cheek ached, and he looked up at the man as he wiped off the hand he'd used to hit Otabek with with a handkerchief, as though Otabek was carrying some sort of contagious disease.
“You have no child, and no omega,” the man snapped. “You shall never see that beastly omega ever again.”
 The electricity of the chair was not designed to kill, only to hurt—but excruciatingly so.
The dowel in Otabek's mouth muffled his screams. His body was frozen by the electricity as choked cries escaped him from a blinding pain that he had never previously known. During his sessions, he tried to remember how much electricity the body could take before the heart gave out, but he could never remember. His skin was pink and smoking when he was finally freed, and he always had to be carried back to his cell at the end of it.
His feedings were sparse and irregular. He could discover no pattern, beyond the fact that they were meant to keep him feeble of mind and body. They were small, barely a mouthful at first, and gradually they went up to a roll of bread every couple of days, fed only when it became impossible for Otabek to stay conscious without some form of sustenance.
 “Today we're going to have fun, fun, fun!” chirped his guard in a terrifyingly chipper voice one day, though Otabek had no idea when it was—the days had all begun to bleed together, and Otabek was no longer able to pick one out of the din. “It's a movie day, isn't that exciting? And, on top of it, we got you a front row seat. It's called, A Good Alpha.”
“Somehow, I doubt this film is one I'm supposed to enjoy,” Otabek rasped as he dragged himself across the floor, far too weak to stand on his own. “I think I'll pass.”
“Now, now, we've discussed your backtalk. If you keep it up, you'll have to be punished again. Is that what you want?”
Otabek fell silent.
“Yeah, that's what I thought,” he sneered. “You're too weak to withstand multiple beatings, and we don't want you to keel over on us. So if you keep it up, I have a really nice punishment in mind for you.”
“I can take it, do your fucking worst,” Otabek snarled, though his voice was so soft and whispery that it did not sound very threatening.
“If you wish,” the man said with a high giggle and clapped his hands twice. “Vladimir! Dmitri! Punishment Number Fifty-Three for Mister Mouthy Tough Guy.”
“Oh, another one, eh?” chortled one of them as they sidled into view. Otabek had anticipated another guard, and he felt a cold chill run through him as a doctor and nurse stepped up to his cell. “Shall we do it here, or would you rather we do it in the examination room?”
“I shall have one of the guards help you move him,” he said, “there will not be enough space in the cell once he starts thrashing around.”
“Oh, yes, stitching a mouth shut certainly gets messy...”
Otabek froze, and his guard smirked when he spotted the reaction out of the corner of his eye.
“Oh, did we not tell you?” he asked sweetly, “that's the punishment. You wanted our worst, well congratulations, we're giving it to you.”
 With the two guards bracketing him, Otabek was dragged screaming and thrashing out of his cell, down the hall, and up two flights of stairs to the infirmary. A number of the beds were already filled with alphas recovering from burns, severe frostbite, and a number of broken limbs, but there was one empty bed at the end that there were dragging him towards remorselessly as he continued to cry out.
The guards all but threw him down onto the cot, one holding his wrists, the other his ankles as he was strapped down onto it. Otabek struggled, but in between his weakened limbs and the strength of his captors, he could do little more than scream as the nurse grabbed his head and jammed a needle into the space around his mouth, numbing his lips.
“Can't feel...I can't feel...” he mumbled, his words clumsy and slurred.
“Of course not, idiot,” the doctor scoffed as he stepped up to him, snapping on a pair of rubber gloves as he went. “Wouldn't want you to faint, now would we? This is supposed to be a punishment, after all, and it is not very punishing if you're unconscious for it.”
“No...” Otabek moaned as he watched the doctor thread a thick suture needle and bring it close to his face.
“Now, hold still,” the doctor said, “if it tears, this will take twice as long, and I don't want that local anaesthetic to wear off...”
Otabek stared at the ceiling with tears streaming down his cheeks. He could feel no pain, but he could feel the faint tug of the thread as his mouth was steadily sealed. He tried to move it experimentally, but half of it would not open, and that fact sent a horrifying chill through him. Otabek began to hyperventilate while the doctor and guards laughed merrily, and soon, he couldn't open his mouth at all.
“All right,” the doctor said abruptly, “gas him.”
Before Otabek was able to react, a mask was placed over his nose, as well as his bloody, sealed mouth. He blacked out, and when he woke again there was a capped tube jutting from the base of his throat, surrounded by thick suture thread—a feeding tube inserted into his throat, and he could feel it go all the way down into his stomach. Otabek buried his face in his hands, and let out a muffled scream.
 The months progressed with a new torture every day. His mouth remained stitched shut, and it took what felt like ages to heal. He was fed through the tube, tiny portions of some sort of liquefied meal and water, which made his breath taste like the inedible parts of a chicken. It made him feel sick, but he couldn't vomit it up—he'd lost the number of times he fought his own gag reflex to keep the vile meals down.
He was shown the video after he'd acclimated to his sealed mouth. Special dull hooks, like paperclips, were slipped under both lids of his eyes, forcing them to stay open, with an eye-drop apparatus above it, misting his eyes periodically to keep them from drying out. The video in question was nothing short of horrific.
Not unlike the fifties-style American how-to videos, it showed graphic images of an alpha beating and raping his own omega, with an upbeat narration paired with every action.
“This is Kyev,” the narrator said, “he is The Good Alpha. Kyev rules his household, and keeps his omega in line...”
“Here we see the omega acting out. Shame on him! Kyev knows what to do, and punishes his omega accordingly for not preparing the evening meal correctly...”
“And once a month, the omega goes into heat. Here is the naughty omega resisting the advances of Kyev, but Kyev knows what to do! Tying down an omega is an easy way to stop his pesky struggling, and shows the omega that the easiest thing to do is just give in. It is more pleasurable for everyone involved...”
Foolishly, Otabek thought that if he just shut down, it would help him to cope with everything that was happening. His mind descended into a dark void, and he stopped listening to the film. When he brought his mind back to the present, it wasn't by choice, but by painful cold. He was outside, still naked, his skin red and blue from laying in the snow.
His pained cries were muffled, and he blacked out again. When he woke, he was back in his cell, his skin red, but thankfully, all his limbs were still attached. He disassociated again.
His disassociation was not looked on kindly by the educators and guards. He was ripped from his peaceful dark by any means necessary—beatings, whippings, cutting, boiling water thrown on him, food restriction, and at last—sleep restriction.
The sleep restriction, while technically painless, was the worst. His yawns tugged at his mouth sutures and made them bleed. Every time he started to nod off he was beaten into wakefulness, and felt sick and dizzy from the lack of rest. Dark shapes floated into his vision, making him scream inside, still unable to vocalize the horrors of what he was seeing—visions of Yuri with no eyes, Yuri with his stomach cut open, and a bloody infantile corpse in his bloody arms. Vacant, dead faces of his friends and family, every horror imaginable brought before his sleepless eyes.
When he was to be moved, Otabek was convinced that the vision of Georgi was simply another illusion. He was like a messenger of death, and Otabek welcomed it.
Except, it wasn't death. It was a doctor—a real doctor. He mended Otabek's wounds, he carefully removed the tube from his throat and sealed the hole. He snipped the mouth sutures away and cleaned the wounds, on the cusp of infectious, they'd barely caught it in time. Otabek's various wounds and broken bones were tended to, and under the doctor's care, he was taken care of day and night, until he was deemed healthy enough to travel, and brought to the airport where his friends were waiting.
 “You know the rest,” Otabek said dully, while Yuri stared up at him with wide eyes, his mouth dropped open in horror. Otabek would not look at him, and instead kept his eyes down in shame. His shoulders were slumped, and he was picking at a loose thread on the blanket, his entire form tense, as though he was bracing himself for something.
He's bracing himself for me to leave him, Yuri realized as he gazed at his alpha. In the dark, it was difficult to see all of Otabek, but Yuri had seen him enough times in recent months to know that he had many new scars, and knowing where they came from made Yuri ache with sadness.
Yuri reached for his alpha, his hand skating over the back of Otabek's arm lightly, and though he jumped at the sudden contact, he did not pull away.
“I love you, Beka,” Yuri murmured as he trailed his fingers down the alpha's arm to his hand, and threaded their fingers together. “Knowing what you went through...I can't help but be in awe of you; you're so strong for enduring that and coming out the other side of it in one piece. You've been here for our daughter, and for me, and now it's my turn to be here for you. You don't have to carry this all on your own, not anymore. Thank you for telling me.”
Yuri leant in to kiss him on the forehead, and felt his alpha trembling like a leaf. Like he'd done so many times with Alvinia, Yuri pulled Otabek close and pressed the alpha's head to his shoulder. He rocked Otabek slowly, and a choking sob slipped past his mate's lips. Yuri rubbed his back, hushing him gently while Otabek clutched onto Yuri and wept.
“It's all right, my alpha,” Yuri murmured as Otabek continued to cry and clutched to him desperately, as though he was afraid that Yuri might suddenly disappear. “You have been strong for long enough. I'm here, I love you—I will always love you. Just let it all out.”
Otabek wept, holding tightly to Yuri as all the pain, all the anguish, and all the trauma was leached from his body like poison from a wound. Yuri held onto him, rubbing his back and rocking him like a child while he tried to process everything that Otabek had told him. It was even worse than he could have imagined, even knowing beforehand all of the tortures that Otabek had been exhibited to, it could not have prepared him for the horrifying truths of what Otabek had endured for the sin of treating an omega like a human being, instead of chattel.
The alpha was quick to exhaust himself, and once he seemed to have finished crying, Yuri eased him to his feet, walked him back into the house, up the stairs, and into their bedroom. Once inside, he helped Otabek change into his pyjamas before putting him to bed, then returned to the back deck to retrieve the blanket and baby monitor and extinguish the candle, just as the first few drops of rain tickled his nose and began to paint dark spots upon the wad of warm fabric in his arms.
Yuri made it back inside just as the rush of heavy rain began to fall, while the sky rumbled with thunder and flashes of sheet lightning, which, amazingly, did not disturb Alvinia—if the silence on the other end of the monitor was anything to go by.
The omega headed upstairs in silence, Minami and Phichit having apparently gone to bed, and amidst the soft rush of summer rain and rumbles of thunder, his mate and his daughter slept on peacefully.
Yuri draped the blanket over Otabek, and smiled as the alpha let out a soft sigh of contentment as he rolled over, hugging the blanket like a treasured childhood toy. Yuri smiled at the sight, and reached out to brush his fingers across Otabek's forehead before he leant in to kiss him gently, and finally changed out of his own clothes and into his pyjamas before he joined his mate, curling up and smiling more broadly as Otabek hugged him close, the demons of the past finally abandoning their host, and it seemed as though Otabek was finally beginning to forgive himself for enduring such a horrible ordeal.
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NLMG Masterpost
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YOI Anastasia AU
OK! So, I’m not going to write a full length story for this because, not only has it been done, it has been done well...REALLY WELL. (check out “The Tsesarevich lives!” by mtothedestiel if you want to see an amazing example) But, if I were to, this is how I would cast an Anastasia AU with YOI characters.
Yuri Plisetsky (as Anya/Anastasia)
The amnesiac heir to the usurped Russian royal family. An engraved necklace reading “together in Paris” and two conmen are the only clues he has to his past. He’s not taking it very well. To his great luck, at least one of them seems tolerable...maybe more than tolerable.
Victor Nikiforov (as Vladimir)
One of the conmen accompanying Yuri on his quest for identity. He’s a Russian noble who found himself separated from the Dowager Empress’ court after his family was overthrown like so many others. He’s coaching Yuri on how to pass for royalty, hoping it will be his ticket back to his place in court. Or rather, back to his place at the side of the Empress’ right hand man.
Otabek Altin (as Dmitri)
Born in Kazakhstan, his family moved to Russia to find work as servants for themselves and their family. Otabek’s parents were killed when the palace was sieged leaving him to scrape a living off the streets. First he was a beggar, then pick pocket, finally a con man. He finds himself caught up in Victor’s plan to pass an amnesiac orphan off as the lost heir to Russia’s forgotten throne. But there’s something different about this boy. Maybe even familiar.
Yuuri Katsuki (Sophie)
The most trusted friend and companion to the Empress. Yuuri was a noble-born teenager in her company when the siege of the Palace struck. He escaped with Her Majesty to Paris and remains her most loyal supporter to this day. Something seems to be stirring back in Russia, though. Rumors that the Prince lives have crossed Europe and reached the grieving grandmother’s ear. Not to mention his long lost lover, Victor Nikiforov, has resurfaced after years of silence claiming he has the solution for all their problems.
Lilia Baranovskaya (Marie/The Dowager Empress)
Years of coming to terms with the death of her family have left her solemn with grief. Now, as Yuuri brings her the news that her beloved grandson may yet live hope has been brought back into her life. Still, she remains guarded. If she knows anything it is that life can be cruel. She can only pray the remainder of her will is not stripped away.
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ao3feed-yurionice · 7 years
Family is More Than Blood
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CqA5KP
by Cherry101
Married and living in Almaty, Otabek and Yuri are years into their marriage and have adopted a kid. Everything's great, until Otabek gets the flu. Out of options, Yuri takes Karina to Otabek's friends so she doesn't get sick as well.
OR the "my husband's sick and I don't want my kid to get sick please take care of my kid" fic nobody asked for. Featuring the ocs of Otabek's friends introduced in And These Promises I'll Keep
Words: 5100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Fluffverse
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Inzhu, Dmitri "Dima", Ruslan, Aiman, Azat, Bolat, Kamila, Karina, Amara makes a brief entrance as well
Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Additional Tags: Fluff, otabek's friends - Freeform, Married OtaYuri, they have a kid, Illnesses, beka has the flu, POV Original Female Character, POV Original Character, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Christmas fic, but not really
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CqA5KP
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ao3feed-victuuri · 7 years
The Official Katsuki-Nikiforov Family Group Chat
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rFyBJV
by cathy_hasbak, livixbobbiex
Initially, Viktor made the group to check up on his son. But, like most things, it escalated, and we're left with a historical document in the form of a group chat log, the fullest and most potent examples of the crazy going on amidst the world's favourite family.
Words: 1417, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Viktuuri Child Universe
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Misha Katsuki Nikiforov - OC, Mirai Katsuki Nikiforova - OC, Odette Katsuki Nikiforova - OC, Dmitri Dolmatov - OC
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Additional Tags: Group Chat Fic, Kid Fluff - Freeform, parents viktor and yuuri, This family is absolutely crazy, just fluff, Domestic Fluff, Comedy, kind of
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rFyBJV
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
Child AU: actual nerd Dmitri
Dmitri: What about you adopt a rabbit instead of me then ?!
Yuri: Dmitri, stop making Disney references while I'm yelling at you ! Who do you think you are anyway young man ?!
Yuri: .... just shut the fuck up
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
Child AU: Beware of Ekaterina !
Why hello there ~ Today’s masterpost will be about our cute little Ekaterina Katsuki-Nikiforov, Ekate for her bro Dmitri (+ the rest of us lmao), Katia for the others. Well, who is she ? Her name kinda speaks for itself; she’s Viktor and Yuuri’s adoptive daughter. All aboard the train to Hell, where this beautiful sinner dwells <3
Ekaterina was five when Viktor and Yuuri adopted her. Contrary to the popular belief that everything immediately went well between her future dads and her, she was extremely rude at first, because she couldn’t trust adults
Her mother left her on the side of the road when she was four and never came back, which is why she started believing adults weren’t to be trusted
She kinda realized she would have to be an adult too someday and was horrified, but she thought that if she pushed all adults away, she wouldn’t be forced to become one
She caught Viktor’s eye first, because ‘blonde, rude and lonely russian kid’ kinda sounded like someone he knows
Viktor and Yuuri both had to come back at least six times until she finally opened up to them. She quickly felt like being with them was ‘right’. Thus, she was adopted
She grew up to be a mini-Yurio, except she’s a lot more cheerful and playful, and kinda hyper sometimes
But don’t forget that her fathers are the Mighty Eros Lords so... Yeah. She grows up to be a Mighty Eros Lady herself
Btw, she’s a skater too ! And lives up to her fathers’ names truly
She won the Worlds at least six times to beat her Dad’s record
She looks up to Yuri a lot and he’s pretty much her role model, which makes her bickering with Dmitri all the funnier
She sees him as a younger brother and loves teasing him but really is overprotective towards him (let’s face it, everyone is)
She’s pretty, sexy, and she knows it. Ekaterina is known for being flirty but is honest and would never cheat on anyone she dates seriously
Speaking of dating: her girlfriend’s name is Victoire Leroy, who is JJ and Isabella’s daughter, and they are rivals both on and off the ice
After the media heard Dmitri calling her ‘Ekate’, they started nicknaming her ‘The Bewitching Princess of Russia’, as Hecate is often referred to as the goddess of Magic, and Viktor is pretty much the Russian king of ice staking lmao
Her ‘canon’ age would be 18, so she’s one of the oldest of the 2nd gen (the only two people older than her would be Altair and Adam)
She’s a lot into fashion and Viktor is extra proud of her
That’s why she gets along really well with Elijah Weir-Lambiel (yes. Yes we did that. No one can stop us, right @rilya-dewilder ?)
She loved the Anastasia movie as a child. She still does now and one of her routines is based on Once Upon a December
She started ice-skating real young, Yakov still hadn’t retired but he did as soon as he saw her on the ice
‘She reminds me of Vitya. And Katsuki, too. And Yurachka.’
‘I’m retiring.’
‘But Yakov, you can’t, my sweet little Katia was so so so soooo excited to meet you you know, because you trained both Yuuri and I but also Yuri and Mila and Georgi and -’
‘... You have no hair left Yakov’
Besides that, Yakov spoils Ekaterina as if she were his granddaughter
Annnnd that’s pretty much all you need to know about Ekate for now, but don’t worry, there’ll be a lot of her coming in the future 8D I hope you’ll love that character, she’s every bit as extra as her dads, maybe worse lmao
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
Child AU: Sascha the prankster
Soooo, I talked a lot about Sascha and their twin in my Camille masterpost, given they both consider Camille to be their big sib and all It seemed only legit that I’d have to introduce y’all to those beautiful twins, starting with Sascha ! Kudos to @rilya-dewilder (love you sib <3) they were their idea - I managed to fucking forget about Milasara. How could I forget about those beautiful lesbians ?? Anyway, here we go !
Sascha is a beautiful intersex and genderfluid child
They are the aroace friend and a fucking prankster (as if it wasn’t obvious enough)
They’re always the one to initiate the pranks and Chel always follows
Except when they’re having a prank war
Meaning, almost once a day
They have a great relationship with both their moms, Sara is the more responsible and scary one while Mila is more of a cool mom 
They have Sara’s dark skin but blue eyes and pink hair (though I seriously doubt it is Mila’s natural hair, I know it’s anime but YOI hair colors are kinda... normal, except maybe Viktor, so I think she dyes it ?? If she does then let’s just say Sascha wanted to do the same as their mom)
They keep their hair real long and style it in various ways because they like having fun with it !
Because of them not looking like their sib, they can’t use their appearance as prank material
That’s why they have found even more ingenious tricks !
They always do puns and jokes about the pronoun ‘they’ to refer to themselves, or the both of them (see ? Pun.)
They love their Uncle Micky and their Uncle Micky loves them and spoils them to no end
Which explains them being kind of capricious sometimes but who cares they’re so cute ???
I’m not sure about who was the one who had to bear with pregnancy between Mila and Sara but I think it was Sara ?? Idk what do you think ?
They’re the same age as Dmitri, so 15 years old, and the latter is always wary of them for some reason
It makes Mila laugh a lot because it reminds her of her own relationship with Yuri
Yuri is like ‘I know, son. I know. Don’t even try escaping them there’s no way to do that’
Their favorite person in the whole wide world, besides their own family of course, is Camille, because they kinda identify with him and he gives great life advice
That’s when Dmitri realizes why he can’t stand them, that’s because they’re stealing his boyfriend away from him
Both twins love faking they’re in love with Camille to mess with him
They also love their Uncle Emil, though it did took some damn long time for Mickey and him to start dating (Mickey still denies being bi as hell to this day)
They’re the kind of child to fuck off to the Bahamas just because someone challenged them to
And then, once they’re there, be like ‘whelp since I’m here let’s just have fun’
And proceed to prank the entire town nearest to them
So basically they’re really ambitious, competitive and fucking extra
Yakov silently thanks the gods they’re not into ice-skating
He still spoils them
He spoils every child
This is not a Yakov post Ginny stfu you can write one later
They don’t know what they want to do with their life, the only thing they do know is that they wanna live it to the fullest
Annnnd done !! What do you think of this beautiful prankster ? I love them a lot, pranksters are one of my fav character tropes <3
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
Child AU: Camille doesn’t care
‘But, Ginny’, you may ask, ‘who is Camille ?!’ Well, my dear puppies, Camille Leroy is JJ and Isabella’s elder child, and therefore is the older sibling of Victoire. He was mentionned in Dmitri’s masterpost so I believe it is time for me to introduce him properly 8D
Camille is agender but uses masculine pronouns, his general mood being ‘meh, I don’t care’ (btw, Camille is a neutral French name)
He isn’t into ice-skating like his sister is, and doesn’t really know what he wants to do with his life
He’s kind of a lone wolf and spends a lot of time outside, usually just walking aimlessly around 
He doesn’t talk a lot but when he does he’s fucking hilarious and/or sassy
That’s why Dmitri fell for him in the first place
It’s also the reason why he and his dad very often argue
JJ being an outgoing and cheerful person, he has a lot of trouble putting up with him, even though he loves him dearly
Camille adores his mother, and thinks she’s the coolest person on Earth, what with her being so pretty and stylish
He and Victoire often argue, especially since Victoire is kinda spoiled, being the second child and all
He goes to every competition she attends though, just so he can proudly say that ‘that woman is my baby sister and I would protect her with your life, Dad’
His canon age would be 17 years old
He’s dating Dmitri, and is kind of possesive with him, but would never lay a finger on Adam and Yu Li since he knows it would hurt Dmitri
While both Otabek and Yuri are plain adorable with him, he’s still embarrassed whenever he comes to St-Petersburg to visit them
He acts like an older sibling towards the Cripsino-Babicheva twins, Sascha and Chel (who will both be introduced in tomorrow’s posts, I believe ~) and spoils them a lot
The fun thing is, they both are as cheerful and outgoing as JJ and he has no problem with them, so everyone by now has guessed that he’s just going through his ‘I HATE YOU DAD’ phase
Since his sister is dating Ekaterina, he knows her, and they quietly respect each other (although Camille can sometimes play the overprotective older sibling card)
People often say he’s similar to Altair in that they both are lonesome and very chill but they actually are super duper different
Camille isn’t motivated by any kind of passion, nor is he a hardworking or determined person, he just goes on with the flow
He likes science and astronomy though, and while art isn’t really his thing, he likes drawing constellations on his skin
He likes alcohol too. A lot. And is a happy drunk so it’s kinda unsettling to see him like that (the drunk hcs will be coming up btw, but I still have A LOT to do lmao)
Also he’s real messy
‘Camille, just clean up your goddamn room, it’s so messy I can’t even walk in !’
‘Why don’t you get out then, Victoire ?’
Fun fact: Camille uses social media a lot, but is the kind of fb friend who never posts but tags people in silly posts (yeah basically he’s me), most of the time said posts involve cats
Because he loves cats and Dmitri sometimes just gives up on both his Papa and his lover because HOW CAN THEY TALK ABOUT CATS FOR HOURS AND HOW IS IT THAT CATS ARE THE ONLY TOPIC THAT PUTS CAMILLE AT EASE BEFORE YURI
Someone please save Dmitri from the cat maniacs
I think I’m done with Camille ?? Idk it seems kinda short to me and I’m pretty sure I had a lot of other things to say about him but oh well, it’s not as if I was gonna do a single post per character for this AU anyway, you’ll get to know him better through some interactions with the others ~ Next up is his baby sister, Victoire !
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
Child AU: some Dmitri things
Or Mitya for friends and family, lil’ monster for Otabek and Yuri <3 If you have read my Child AU OS, you might know that Dmitri is Yuri and Otabek’s son, whom they adopted. So here we go for a more thorough introduction of this sweet cinnamon roll, who easily is my favorite out of the whole 2nd gen (I shouldn’t be doing favorites. That’s like, a mother choosing between her children. But Dmitri is waaayyy too relatable for me not to love him) !! 
Dmitri is three when Otayuri adopt him, merely a few months after he was sent to the orphanage
His biological parents were very loving and plain adorable, but they unfortunately died in a fire. He has no memory of it though
Dmitri is a sassy, salty, trolling human being who has literally no filter
He grows up to be freakishly tall for his age and is super lanky. I’ll post his design later <3
This boy loves music more than Yuri loves pirozhki. He listens to pretty much anything and everything and also writes music, sometimes with the help of Otadad and his big bro Altair (EDIT: the Altair masterpost is here !) ! He wrote some of the pieces Ekaterina used in her programs, too
Btw, he was pretty much raised with Ekaterina and they have a sibling-like relationship. She calls him Mitya, he calls her Ekate to reference the Greek goddess Hecate and he’s the only one allowed to call her that
Viktor and Yuuri are family to him, and he loves them very dearly. He likes calling them ‘Gramps and Grandpa’, respectively, to mess with them
Of course, he really loves his dads, and would do anything for them. While Yuri often acts like a mama bear with him - a salty, sassy and angry mama bear -, Beka is more on the soft and understanding side of things (don’t worry, domestic Otayuri + children are coming 8D)
He also has a really good relationship with Altair; despite them not growing up together, they treat each other like brothers and both are extremely grateful to the other for it
He is a giant history and pop culture nerd (granted, this is kinda cliché but I guess we all love that cliché lmao), as well as a freaking Memelord
As stated in the Child AU OS, Dmitri has no interest in taking up his dads’ legacy in ice skating and he feels really bad about it. He’s always afraid he’ll end up disappointing everyone
He’s mentally gifted and very often overthinks things, which makes his relationship with others a bit difficult as he tends to doubt pretty much everything
So Dmitri is panromantic, asexual and polyamorous, and here comes the fun part
His “canon” age, the one I’ll most of the time be writing him in, is 15 years old. He’s dating three people (who know about it and are perfectly okay with it, even though they do compete to see who Dmitri loves the most out of the three of em xDD)
First is Adam Giacometti, who is Chris and Steven’s eldest son. He’s 18, so, the same as Ekaterina
Second is Camille Leroy, 17 years old. He is agender but uses masculine pronouns (I’ll develop that part later in his very own post <3) and is the child of JJ and Isabella
Last but certainly not least is Yu Li de la Iglesia, 15 years old, who is Leo and Guang Hong’s daughter ~
The first time Dmitri introduces them all to his parents, as his lovers, Yura just goes into Mother Hen Mode
“If even one of you little bitches dare hurting my beautiful son I will tame my cats so they will fucking destroy you”
“Yura, you can’t be so rude to our son’s lovers”
“… How does that even work, though. These relationships I mean. Wtf Dmitri”
“Shut up Altair”
Dmitri isn’t a dog person, nor is he a cat person. He’s a squirrel person (anyone who finds that reference will win a cookie. And no @rilya-dewilder, you can’t play, I know you know what it is xDD). But cats and dogs always seem to love him (Makkachin does, and the feline army permanently crashing at the Altin-Plisetskys’ place do as well)
And I think we’re done for today 8D Of course, there’ll be a lot more of him in future posts ~
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
The Child AU Masterpost
Well I think the one who’ll use that post the most will be myself lmao, it’s just so I can get back faster on each child’s masterpost in case it needs editing (I’m mostly on phone during weekdays, so it’s a bit of a hassle) And since I have nothing better to do (Sleep ? Nah. Study ? That’s for the weak, I’m going with my raw, naturally non-existent talent) I’m gonna list em in alphabetical of their last names order lmao
Dmitri Altin-Plisetsky
Celeste Crispino-Babicheva
Sascha Crispino-Babicheva
Yu Li de la Iglesia
Adam Giacometti
Flore Giacometti
Luciano Giacometti
Makoto Delia Hanyu-Fernandez
Ekaterina Katsuki-Nikiforov
Camille Leroy
Victoire Leroy
Altair Solak
Elijah Weir-Lambiel
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
Child AU: Altair is here ~
... Sorry for the rhyme I couldn’t help it Anyway, this post will be introducing our smol little (not so smol nor little lmao) Altair Solak ! You might or might not have read some little things about his relationship with Dmitri in his very own masterpost, but by then you still had no freaking idea who Altair was !!
Altair is a Turkish muslim boy
His canon age would be 20 years old
He lived with his parents, older brother, cousins and uncles and aunts and at some point, his older brother had to go into hiding as he was being accused of taking part in some big heist (Altair never really knew if it was true or not)
Altair started ice skating then, he was 10
He kept it a secret from his parents until his cousins found out and went running to tell them
The Solaks weren’t too happy with that but if this was what their son needed to be happy until his brother returned, they didn’t mind paying him lessons
However, even when Altair’s brother came back (he would have been 12 by then), he kept skating
He was competing at a Junior Cup in Ankara when Otabek spotted him and immediately identified to him
He was invited as a guest commentator and saw a bit of himself in this determined, hardworking boy who ‘only lacks the natural talent the other competitors have’ but still shows them how good he can be
Then Otabek approached Altair and asked him if he wanted to be his protégé
Altair said yes ofc, but his family wasn’t too happy with this. They ended up kicking him out of home when he was 15
Otabek offered to take him to St-Petersburg, and Altair accepted
The thing is, Altair had never paid too much attention to Beka’s private life
So when he met a crazy punk russian, a sassy nerd boy, and an army of over a thousand cats, he kinda got scared and ran away
Beka runs after him, and just asks him to stay so he can at least have a roof to sleep under
Turns out the Altin-Plisetskys are adorable, even though their values are very different than the conservative values he was taught as a child, he begins to actually like them and they end up being family to him
Otayuri signed the custody of child papers when he was 17, and they had to try the Solaks in court to do that
He has had a huge crush on Ekaterina ever since they first met, but since he’s lithromantic, he’s fine with her dating Victoire and just really wants her to be happy
As stated above, Altair is really determined and hardworking, as well as a bit ambitious. He doesn’t know and doesn’t care about past achievements of great figure skaters; all he knows is that he’s gonna be better
He likes writing music with Dmitri and can play the guitar
Likewise, he sometimes does pair skating with Ekaterina just for the fun of it
He doesn’t really understand everything about everyone (such as being polyamorous like Dmitri is) but has grown to be very understanding and open-minded 
While he gets along very well with Otabek, having known him for years, he sometimes has trouble understanding what exactly happens in Yuri’s mind. He eventually learns to live with it and ends up being pretty chill with him
He’s overall an extremely chill person
Being the oldest of the 2nd gen but the last one to join it, his interactions with the others are sometimes a bit awkward, but he’s some kind of big bro to them all
He gets along really well with Yakov and Lilia, for some reason
He has heterochromia. One eye is green and the other is brown, which made the media claim he is a perfect mix between Yuri and Otabek when they were younger
Ever since he came to the Altin-Plisetskys’ house, he’s been questionning everything he was taught and now says his life had been a lie before that. Therefore, one of his themes for a season is ‘Lie’
Wheeew, Altair, done ! What do you think of this smol and precious son ? He’s kind of a more chill, airheaded Beka lol I think I’m done for today o/ Next up will be the Leroy siblings I believe <3
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yuriplisetskysglove · 7 years
YOI Child AU ! First OS ~
Ok seriously, you guys deserve to know how the Child AU happened. So, @rilya-dewilder and myself were kinda angry (understatement) with all the hate in the Otayuri tag lately (aaannnd we both ship Otayuri like hell. Seriously. That ship will be the death of me and I love it more than my life. Moving on ~) so we got an idea to troll em. Annnnd thus, this OS was born. But it ended up being too good of an OS to actually let antis read it (ok no seriously, I don’t know if it’s actually good since I’ve only had one person read it, and although I’d never doubt Riri’s tastes in fanfcition, I’m worried about the quality of my own work lmao) Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy reading it, sorry if there are grammar or spelling mistakes (and feel free to tell me if you spot any !) !! And while tumblr isn’t really a fanfiction platform (well... isn’t supposed to be lmao) I’d be really glad if you could provide me with some constructive criticism to help me improve >W< OS under the cut !
A/N: Steven is Mystery Man’s name (I’ve seen people calling him that so I just kinda went with it lol)
Such a nice and sunny winter afternoon rarely came in St Petersburg. What was even more rare was that both Viktor and Yuuri had managed to get a day off.
The latter was peacefully taking a nap on one of the couches, Makkachin laying at his feet. He had been pushing himself too hard lately, given that plenty of old ladies in town needed help with their grumpy cats and other ill puppies. Moreover, he had been taking in wandering pets that their owners had lost or abandonned, and currently was dedicating himself to finding them new homes. That’s why Viktor didn’t dare waking him up, choosing instead to enjoy some time with the children. Ever since Ekaterina and Dmitri had been made part of the family, Viktor’s daily life had become both a mess and an everlasting party, full of the ‘L words’; namely, ‘Love', and ‘Life'. If it was hard for him to manage his job as an assistant coach, it was even harder to deal with Yakov’s frequent angry rantings about the drama queen team he was training that season. And Viktor being their second coach did nothing to ease him. The living legend of Russia chuckled, suddenly remembering Yuri’s face upon learning he was to choreograph his free skate.
‘Why are you laughing, Daddy ?’ Ekaterina asked when she heard him.
They were watching Anastasia, a movie they all loved. Dmitri often would joke that the male lead had been named after him; while Ekaterina would tell him to shut it and watch the movie. They were eight and eleven, respectively, and thankfully none of them had begun their rebellious phase, although Dmitri had taken a bit of a sharp tongue from Mila.
‘Just wondering whether Guang Hong is mad at Yuri for getting gold again or not.’
‘He wouldn’t’, Dmitri objected. ‘They're friends. Also, Guang Hong is a good sport, unlike some people…’
‘Are you implying that Uncle Yura isn’t a good sport ?!’
They exchanged a very serious look. And then, Dmitri snorted, and started laughing uncontrollably. His loud laugh woke Yuuri up.
‘Dmitri…? Oh, I thought you were screaming because of something…’
‘Don't mind him, Papa’, quickly said Ekaterina. ‘He's just being dumb and rude towards Uncle Yura.’
She went near the couch, kissed her father, and then went back to watching her movie. Yuuri yawned, then shot a look at his phone.
‘Ah, speak of the devil. I got a text from Yurio.’
‘What's he saying ?’ Dmitri asked eagerly.
‘His plane has just landed ! He’s exhausted, though, so I don’t know if we should invite him for dinner…?’
‘Of course we should !’ the young girl said, tugging at Yuuri’s t-shirt. ‘I bet he missed your katsudon ! Also, it’s been a while since we’ve last seen him.’
‘It’s barely been a week.’
‘That's too long !’
Smiling, Viktor ruffled his daughter’s platinum blonde hair. She pouted, muttering something along the lines of ‘stop treating me like a baby !’.
‘She's right, though. A week might be nothing for old geezers like you but…’
‘What did you just call us ?!’ Viktor screamed before throwing himself at his husband. ‘Yuuri, did you hear that ?! He called us, old geezers. Old geezers ! We’re barely in our mid-late-something-thirties, Yuuri ! Are we really that old ?! And who taught him that, anyway ?!’
‘I'm guessing it’d be Yurio’, the ex-skater sighed.
‘Old geezers !’
‘At least, it’s better than… What was it, last time ?’
‘Out-of-date dinosaurs. Something like that. Yuuri am I old ? … Am I getting even more white hair ?! Is it getting thinner ?!’
‘Daddy, your hair is silver’, Ekaterina muttered.
She was more than used to her father being all dramatic about getting older. She, for one, couldn’t wait until she was old enough to compete in the senior ice-skating category. While Dmitri had given up on the sport, being more fond of reading or learning how to play the guitar, she loved ice-skating and was aiming to win at least six World Cups, to beat Viktor’s record, even though she wouldn’t compete in the same category.
‘Ah, I got another text.’
‘Are you not going to pay attention to me, Yuuri ?’
‘I'm paying attention to you every night, Vitya.’
‘... Smooth.’
The children exchanged a puzzled look. The adults were so very weird sometimes… All they knew was that they were doing ‘nasty adult stuff’. And they honestly didn’t want to know what that was.
‘He says that he’s gonna go home first to get rid of his stuff and hug every single cat he owns. And then he’ll come. Says he missed you two as well !’
‘How sweet of him. A few years back, he’d have gone with ‘who needs some dumb katsudon anyway. Still coming though, ain’t gonna let you waste your money over some rubbish.’’
Ekaterina’s eyes widened. Her Papa was the best cook in the entire world, she was sure of it.
‘Would Uncle Yura really say that ?’
‘Haven't you seen the photos ? He used to be such a drama queen - and, according to Dad, a tsundere.’
‘Dmitri, how do you even know what a tsundere is ?’ Yuuri sighed.
‘Went on a website called ‘tumblr'. There’s a fan page - well, over ten thousands, really - for the ‘Ice-Skating Prodigy Family’. Which apparently is made of the three of you. Ekaterina isn’t there, though.’
‘That’s because I’m still a junior competitor !’
‘Dmitri, don’t go on tumblr ever again, please.’
‘Why ? I mean, the fan page is pretty cool. There’s a lot of pictures of y’all. Like that one time you two skated together at the 2016 GPF Exhibition Gala. Pretty sure you wouldn’t fit in your costumes anymore !’
‘Dmitri, that was unnecessarily mean, and offensive, and rude.’
The boy rolled his eyes, and both men couldn’t help but do the same. He was taking a lot after Yuri. Feeling like getting in an argument would ruin the mood, Viktor paused the movie and turned to both the children, and his husband.
‘He'll want to eat katsudon and pirozhki, knowing him. Maybe we should make him some.’
‘Daddy, please don’t put a single toe in the kitchen’, Ekaterina begged. ‘Last time, when we tried to bake a cake for Uncle Otabek’s birthday, you managed to turn it green. Green, Daddy.’
‘That was -’
‘Definitely not an accident’, Dmitri smirked. ‘It's when you actually cook something edible that it is.’
‘Hey ! I’m not that bad, and -’
‘Also, both Yurio and Otabek got sick for two whole days after that. If I remember well, Yurio tried to kick you in the face with his skates when he got better.’
This shut Viktor down. He pouted, slowly went back to sitting on the couch, and tightly hugged Makkachin while pretending to cry.
‘Do you hear that Makkachin. This family hates me. This family hates me, Makkachin. What have I ever done to deserve that.
‘Vitya, I swear to… Ugh. Nevermind. We’re going to make that katsudon and those pirozhki.’
‘Yuuri is so cruel to me Makkachin. He hates me.’
The black-haired man rolled his eyes again, then went into the kitchen without his husband noticing his smirk. I’ll hug him later.
The two children listened carefully to Yuuri’s instructions, and even though there were some… flour battles when making the pirozhki, everything went rather smoothly. They had barely been done cleaning the kitchen that they heard the bell ringing, and Viktor went to get the door. He had stopped sulking, at least it seemed he did, because when he saw Yuri, he immediately shot him his heart-shaped smile and gave him a tight hug.
‘Viktor, stop, I’m suffocating and besides this is embarrassing, also -’
‘Uncle Yura !’
Ekaterina ran to hug the blonde, mercilessly pushing her father out of the way before she crashed onto the young man’s torso, crushing his bones in an even tighter hug.
‘Ekaterina, I can’t fucking breathe’, he muttered. His skinny built had never been much for bone-crushing hugs, especially the Katsuki-Nikiforov daughter’s.
‘No swearing, Yurio !’ Yuuri claimed before hugging him as well.
‘Yeah, yeah. Beka said he’d be coming later, he wanted to finish washing his bike before that. Is that okay ?’
They went inside, and Yuri had a bit of a hard time dealing with an over-excited Makkachin - the dog really did like him, and even though Yuri was definitely more of a cat person, he actually had nothing against him and even played with him a little.
‘Where's Dmitri ?’ he asked after Viktor had managed to calm Makkachin down.
As soon as he asked, the brown-haired boy came dashing from the corridor.
‘Papa !’
He threw himself onto the blonde’s back, and the latter, unused to having unexpected weight being thrown at him, fell down on his knees as his son started tickling him.
‘Dmitri - fuck, Dmitri stop it I - I said, stop it, ugh, stop, my sides hurt !’
The boy obeyed, albeit reluctantly, and offered his father his brightest smile.
‘Where's Dad ?’
‘He'll be late. How’re you, lil’ monster ?’
‘Hey. I’m more of a gremlin, really. And I’m great ! Uncle Vitya lent me a few cool books, you should totally read ‘em Papa.’
‘Uh, tell that to Beka. Y’know I’m not that much of a book person.’
‘Liar, I saw Romeo and Juliet on your bedside table just last week.’
‘When have you become such a ninja ?’
‘Oi ! Dmitri, don’t keep Uncle Yura all for yourself, that’s unfair !’
The two children started bickering, and all three adults exchanged a knowing look. They had always been like this.
‘So, Uncle Yura, what does Beijing look like ?’
‘I sent your dads a few pics already, y’know. It’s pretty cool, I guess, just a bit… crowded. But Guang Hong and Leo took us to some restaurant and even though I still can’t use fu… frea… um… chopsticks, we had some good time.’
‘And then ?’
‘And then what ?’
‘Dad said he wanted to take you on his bike and drive around the city. Said it’d be romantic.’
Yuri almost instantly went red. Despite him being twenty-six already, he still was embarrassed by Otabek’s not-so-well-hidden idea of romance, and his face showed it quite well. Viktor and Yuuri smirked at the ice kitty of Russia, who, fortunately, didn’t see them. Otherwise, he’d probably have punched them both.
Just as he was mumbling something like ‘Otabek you’re such a dumbass why did I even marry you’, the bell rang again, and this time, Dmitri went to open the door. As soon as he recognized his father’s black coat, he hugged him tight, and Otabek smiled gently before stroking his head. He closed the door behind him, then went to meet the little committee.
‘Sorry for being late. I really wanted to get this done.’
‘No problem, Otabek’, Yuuri smiled. ‘Actually, Yurio’s been here for just a few minutes, you know.’
They started chatting, mostly evaluating the chances of Yuri winning this season’s GPF - even though he had won gold for both qualifying events, he was to compete against some new skaters, who were inexperienced indeed, but extremely talented. Besides, Yuri had already proven that experience in the Senior bracket didn’t actually matter as long as the skaters worked hard and took full advantage of their talents - which had granted him a gold medal for his Senior Debut.
‘Hey, Dmitri, given that both your dads made it to the GPF this year, who will you be rooting for ?’ Ekaterina asked.
‘Dunno. Both, I guess ? At least if I’m in both fanclubs, I’m guaranteed to be satisfied.’
He smiled at his parents, and they chuckled, smiled, and Otabek fist-bumped him.
‘I hope Guang Hong and Leo make it, too.’
‘Yurio, is JJ really going to be singing for the opening event ?’
‘Uh… I didn’t ask him and I really hope he’s not ‘cause I seriously won’t have the time and fucking patience to deal with him…’
‘Come on, you two are friends now. And that dress he wore for your wedding was fabulous.’ Viktor winked at the children, who didn’t know of that story. After all, Ekaterina had been part of the family for eight years only, while Dmitri hadn’t spent more than five years with his foster family.
‘I still have the pictures Phichit took ! They must be in some photo album, I’ll show you later’, Yuuri smiled.
‘Mr. Katsuki, I don’t think it’s a good idea.’
‘You know, Otabek, you can call us Yuuri and Viktor. I mean, we’ve been Mr. Katsuki and Mr. Nikiforov for years now. I know, I know, you think it’s disrespectful but, really… Nevermind. Why is it a bad idea ?’
Otabek shook his head.
‘Mr. Giacometti is featured in a few of them.’
Silence fell upon the room, and Ekaterina broke it first.
‘As in, Christophe Giacometti ? Daddy’s best friend ? Uncle Chris ?’
‘Himself', Yuri groaned. ‘Why did he even have to come… He spent the entire afternoon getting drunk off his ass with Emil and Michele… Not to mention Georgi giving Minami some makeup advice… And Mila and Sara flirting… Ugh… Seriously, the only guy who stayed chill until the end was Seung-Gil.’
‘Leo went wild on the dancefloor, and both Yuris had a dance-off with him’, Viktor smirked.’
‘Leo did ? I thought he was cooler than that…’
‘What's that s’posed to mean, Dmitri ?!’
‘But Uncle Chris is so sweet !’ Ekaterina said. ‘Last time, he brought us Swiss chocolate for the Easter holidays !’
‘Yeah well now he’s calmed down, especially with Steven tempering him. But seriously… I’ve seen things at the GPF Gala that I’d rather not remember.’
‘Like what, Papa ?’
‘I said I didn’t wanna remember that.’
When the clock hit nine in the evening, they suddenly realized they had completely forgotten about the katsudon and pirozhki, and both Yuris went extremely pale, fearing for their beloved dishes’ lives. Turns out they actually weren’t half bad at all, and they ended up staying up quite a while talking about different things - although Yuri fell asleep halfway, his head laying on Otabek’s shoulder while the latter was starting to get tired as well. After all, he also had had an exhausting trip from Beijing to St Petersburg, and he moreover had to wash his bike and prevent their four cats from running away.
Seeing how tired both of them were, and having a hard time dealing with Dmitri and Ekaterina’s over-cheerfulness, Viktor and Yuuri let the Altin-Plisetsky couple sleep in a spare room. When they were done making sure that everything was comfortable enough for them, they went back to the living room, and found their sweet daughter, fast asleep on the couch.
‘Awww, Yuuri, an angel has dozed off on our couch. Should we wake her up ?’
‘No, let her be… Let’s just bring her a cover and that cat plushie Yurio gave her, she loves it.’
‘That reminds me… Where has Dmitri gone ?’
They went back in the kitchen, but the boy was nowhere to be seen. Viktor quickly checked in Yuri and Otabek’s room, but he wasn’t there either. They kept searching for a few minutes, until they heard someone sneezing, only to find a wide-awake Dmitri on the balcony.
‘You're going to catch a cold, Dmitri’, Yuuri said as he gently took his hand to lead him back inside.
But the boy didn’t move an inch, and kept looking at the scenery that spread before his magnificent blue eyes. The ever-so-cheerful St Petersburg was drowned in its own silence, beautiful and intimidating. They could see some lights coming out of other houses, where other people lived other lives. Both adults stared at the boy.
‘Is it bad that I’m different from everyone in the family ?’ he finally said in a quiet, shy voice.
‘Are you ?’ Yuuri asked. ‘Different, I mean.’
The boy seemed to regret his words at first, and it looked like he wasn’t going to try and answer Yuuri’s question. Instead, he went back inside to grab Otabek’s giant coat, put it on like some kind of oversized costume, and sat down on one of the balcony chairs. His gaze fell upon the peaceful city again, as he started talking in a voice that didn’t quite sound like his.
‘Ice-skating isn’t my thing. Sure, it can be cool. Sometimes. Mila said that I would grow to like it. But it’s not the same ‘like' as you two or Ekaterina or my parents’ ‘like'. It’s not even a hobby.’
‘Does that make you feel… Apart from us ?’ Viktor muttered.
‘Kinda. I mean, I won’t force myself to like it just because the people I love do. But I don’t like being left out either. Papa and Dad spend so much time abroad because of it. And yeah, I know they come back as often as possible ‘cause they wanna see me, and all of us really, but… It’s not the same…’
‘If this is what worries you, Dmitri, know that they love you. Deeply’, Viktor smiled.
‘It's not. I know they do. I guess I just missed them quite a bit and I really want to spend more time with them. I know what it’s gonna be. One of them will get gold at the GPF, and then they’ll go for the Europeans, the Four Continents and the Worlds, and then they’ll come back, only to go away again…’
‘Geez, aren’t you too small to worry about these ?’
All three turned around, and met a pair of tired, green eyes. Yuri was leaning against the door, staring at his son.
‘Papa ! I… I thought you were asleep…!’
‘I was. But Beka snores like a freaking grizzly. Shouldn’t have given him any booze.’
He sat down, his torso and bare arms inside the living room while his legs laid on the balcony.
‘I’m sorry’, he said. ‘I'm sorry we don’t get to spend as much time with you as we’d all like.’
‘... I didn’t really want you to apologize, y’know ? It’s not really your fault if you like skating that much.’
‘This one is our last season.’
Yuuri couldn’t help but let out a faint exclamation, but he was quick to cover his mouth, afraid he might wake Ekaterina up. Viktor simply frowned, and then sighed.
‘I knew there had to be a reason for you to be this invested this year.’
‘We’re not gonna stay competitive forever. Besides, we’ve been talking a lot about you, lil’ monster. Viktor and the piglet aren’t always gonna be taking care of you when it’s our job.’
‘You can’t ! You… That’s your passion ! You’ve loved it since you were three !’ Dmitri yelled. ‘Don't give up just because I’m an attention whore and -’
‘Language, kid. And trust me, if you were an attention whore, I’d have punched you long ago so don’t go around saying that.’
‘Then, Yurio, what… What are you going to do ?’ Yuuri asked.
‘Dunno. I’ve been asked to work as a model but to be honest, it’d be a pain in the ass. Beka thinks he’s gonna start in the music industry, though.’
‘Are Uncle Yura and Uncle Otabek retiring…?’ asked Ekaterina’s soft voice from the couch.
She was looking at them with bright grey eyes, her hair falling before her face as she slowly stood up and went to sit next to Yuri.
‘Yeah. We are.’
‘We'll never get to see you skate again ?’
‘Not during a competition.’
‘But… You’ll keep loving it, right ? Like Papa and Daddy do ?’
‘Course we will.’
He patted her head, and yawned. She looked like she was about to cry, but she didn’t and simply went to hug Yuuri.
‘Yuri', Viktor said. ‘If none of you win gold this year, or beat your records, I’m keeping Dmitri here and you’re not taking him back ever again.’
‘What ?!’ both Yuri and Dmitri screamed.
‘That's so fucked up, old man ! Who d’you think you are ?! Also are you serious ?! I knew you were stupid but this is some JJ-level bullshit, have you even heard what you -’
‘Yura ? Why are you and Mr. Nikiforov arguing… Again...?’
Otabek had just entered the room, still sleepy.
‘Beka ! Tell the old man that he can’t keep our son all to himself even if none of us win gold !’
‘... What ?’
‘That’s his way of encouraging you’, Yuuri sighed. ‘Well, as long as none of you ask him to marry you if you win gold…’
‘Not happening, the guy’s way too old for me, you can keep him.’
‘Yuri, that was rude !’
‘But I don’t wanna keep living with Grandpa and Gramps, though.’
‘Why would you call my Papa and Daddy ‘Grandpa and Gramps’ ?!’
‘Well, remember that website I talked about earlier ? Tumblr ? People say that Papa is Viktor and Yuuri’s son. So, technically, they’re my grandparents.’
‘... Does that mean Uncle Yura is… Big Brother Yura ?’
‘That also means Dmitri is your nephew’, Otabek said bluntly.
‘Which is fucked up. Also, I’m not their son for fuck’s sake ! Could they stop with this bullshit for even a fucking minute ?!’
‘Yurio, I’ve been trying not to pay attention to it but please don’t swear that much in front of the children’, Yuuri begged.
‘Yeah, Papa, listen to Grandpa Yuuri !’
‘Wait, I get to be Gramps ?! But… But I wanted to be Grandpa !’
‘Dude, you have your priorities set straight.’
‘I'm pretty sure he’s not.’
Silence followed Otabek’s declaration as he stared extremely seriously at everyone in the room. Yuri ended up facepalming, stood up and pulled his ear.
‘Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my bad-puns-free-Beka.’
‘I'm Drunk Beka.’
Then, Otabek collapsed in his husband’s arms, who winced before putting him down on the ground.
‘Wow, now that’s a side of Dad I didn’t know’, Dmitri smirked before taking a picture.
‘Don't even try blackmailing him, kid.’
‘Aww, Yuuri, our son is so protective of his boyfriend !’
‘Viktor, shut your fucking mouth ! He’s not my boyfriend, he’s my husband. And. I. Am. Not. Your. Son.’
Viktor was going to reply, when Ekaterina sneezed. Everyone agreed to go back inside. They hadn’t even realized how cold it was. They spent another few hours talking and playing some board games while Otabek was still asleep on the fluffy carpet; Ekaterina and Dmitri then went with Yuuri to take all covers and pillows off the beds and out of the closets, and gathered them all on the floor. Everyone fell asleep together, Yuri hugging Dmitri and Ekaterina being comfy between her two fathers.
Needless to say, the following week, they were all tied up to their beds with a nasty cold, and Yakov came running to scold every single one of them, even the two children who knew that the man was much, much kinder than he’d ever let people think.
AAAnnnnnd done !!! I hope you liked it, and especially Dmitri and Ekaterina >W< Sorry it ended up way angstier than expected - I do that, sometimes. Truth is, I love writing angst so... Beware of your feels 8D Anyway
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ao3feed-yurionice · 7 years
The Official Katsuki-Nikiforov Family Group Chat
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rFyBJV
by cathy_hasbak, livixbobbiex
Initially, Viktor made the group to check up on his son. But, like most things, it escalated, and we're left with a historical document in the form of a group chat log, the fullest and most potent examples of the crazy going on amidst the world's favourite family.
Words: 1417, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Viktuuri Child Universe
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Misha Katsuki Nikiforov - OC, Mirai Katsuki Nikiforova - OC, Odette Katsuki Nikiforova - OC, Dmitri Dolmatov - OC
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Additional Tags: Group Chat Fic, Kid Fluff - Freeform, parents viktor and yuuri, This family is absolutely crazy, just fluff, Domestic Fluff, Comedy, kind of
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rFyBJV
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ao3feed-yurionice · 7 years
For the First Time, I Have Hope
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pJ4qAr
by plisestkypng
Yuri has resigned themselves to a lifetime of bullying and worse, until a new student shows up, showing them that they might be able to have a second chance at life.
Words: 4266, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuuri!!! on Ice - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Otabek Altin, Yuri Plisetsky, Dmitry (OC)
Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Additional Tags: TRIGGER WARNINGS: MENTIONS OF RAPE/NON CON, Transphobia, Homophobia, INTERNALIZDD HOMOPHOBIA, Bullying, aka i wrote this on a really rough day so it is Angst Central bear with me, sorry everyone, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, i love the idea of bodyguard otabek??? idk man i blame the mafia au's, i almost made JJ the bad guy but i literally couldn't bear to do it lmao, i put down his name and immediately erased it, jj don't deserve that, High School AU, Alternate Universe-High School, theyre both in junior year ig, Genderfluid Yuri Plisetsky
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pJ4qAr
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