writers-lovers · 5 years
i just saw your tags on the post you reblogged from me (the one about dmptd being on wattpad) and i just wanna cry you're too sweet
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I honestly am just ahh! I'm so happy I got to read this you have no idea. I'm not super far in but lemme tell you, I am just so in love with the relationship and I really hope Jesse gets his mans back. Just,,, everything about it from the characters to scenery is so immersive. You deserve to know that your work is jaw dropping. 💖💖💖💖
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i mean, i love writing YA stories about dorky teenagers, especially since i am a teenager
but then i see WIPs where the characters are in their 20s and i want to write stories where the characters are in their 20s, mostly because of the dynamic and just, more interesting characters in general
also they're really good looking
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diabhals · 4 years
holy shit @holotones i just binged dmptd and i’m having a bit of a crisis now. THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! jesse has got be one of my favourite protagonists, his voice is brilliantly distinctive, especially in his first scene and his interactions with the demon -- it’s so fitting that someone with such a devil-may-care attitude is being hunted by the devil! and jesse & casey’s relationship,,, the scene where jesse recited all those dates, that was beautiful, i love how as soon as they’ve found each other again they just fit together. casey explaining why he left broke my heart, that he cares so much for jesse he knows he’d forgo his own happiness just to make jesse happy.
the vibe and the writing,,,, it has such a southern/american gothic feel, it’s delightfully ominous -- the imagery really sticks out to me, especially the dream sequence. god,, it’s all around amazing,, i’m not sure i can properly articulate how much i adored it. i’ll definitely be rereading it soon!!!
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congrats on 500!!! can i request 🌊for my wip dead men pay their debts? thank you! also ily 💖💖
thank you!! ily more b
your edit is here!
(also good luck w editing dmptd you’re doing god’s work)
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akoumi · 4 years
just reread dmptd and i forgot about a) just how good it was and how much fun it was to write :’) and b) hOW MANY EDITING ERRORS I MADE. I SAID JESSE SHOT THE “UN” LIKE SIX TIMES. 
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akoumi · 4 years
jesse & casey for the soft headcanons thing! ❤️
what they smell like
jesse: a slight hint of smoke, and a crackling fire!
casey: petrichor and freshly baked bread :) 
what their favorite smells in the world are
this is going to sound so cheesy but it’s each other :’) although if you asked jesse he’d say the smell of whiskey 
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in
jesse: depends on how warm it is, but usually just soft pants 
casey: he’s too self conscious to sleep without a full shirt and pants, like a loser 
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
jesse/casey IS my favorite ship and my cute hc about them is that they sleep all curled up together, bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. even when they’re apart, they’re in the same positions they’d be in if they were together :’) 
a song that reminds me of them
jesse: i’m a wanted man, by royal deluxe 
casey: fire, by barns courtney
what animal i think they would be if they were an animal
jesse: a fox!
casey: a stag! 
what position they sleep in
jesse: on his stomach, usually facing casey
casey: sleeps on his side, curled up 
their favorite drink
jesse: whiskey :’)
casey: he’s partial to coffee
a gift i would give them if i could
i’d give them both a happy life with each other if i could,,,,,,,,,,
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akoumi · 4 years
rereading dmptd and omg. i can’t believe that i wrote this, i can’t believe that all of this is mine. feels good man :’)
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akoumi · 4 years
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dmptd memes #1 
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akoumi · 4 years
fun fact about dmptd: 
elisha was never meant to exist. for the longest time, barns, nicolas, and sierra were the only children there. until i saw this super cute guy on the bus wearing his id card(like a loser, but it informed me of his name so i can’t complain) and i was like damn im not gonna TALK to him but i’ll write him into something 
so i created a new character, just for this kid on the bus. i named him elisha after elisha from the bus, gave him blond hair and brown eyes like elisha on the bus. except bus elisha has short hair and dmptd elisha has long hair. bus elisha looks very shy and reserved i think and dmptd elisha most definitely is not. 
mayb i should go up to him and tell him he was the only reason i finished writing dmptd lol
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akoumi · 4 years
If one of your wips was being adapted would you want a mini series, a movie, or a television series? Also who would you cast?
i would totally want a movie!! or a miniseries, but i think a tv series would be too much. actually, i think a miniseries would be the best. i like the idea of episodes!! 
scott eastwood is almost exactly like i imagined jesse!!! 
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casey looks just like tarjei sandvik moe!! 
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and sierra would look just like raffey cassidy! 
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akoumi · 4 years
i shouldn’t be tagging my dmptd posts with #wip: dmptd because IT’S FINISHED Y’ALL!! IT’S NO LONGER A WORK IN PROGRESS 🥺🥺🥺
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akoumi · 4 years
so dmptd is finished and done but i’ve never really wanted to traditionally publish it as like, a novella. but i was reading this graphic novel today and it was so so good and i loved the art style which made me think
i would totally love to publish dmptd as a graphic novel omg 
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akoumi · 4 years
i kinda want to do a little one shot thing about jesse and casey before the events of dmptd, before jesse died and casey left. back when they were still in the gang together tbh.
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akoumi · 5 years
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akoumi · 4 years
what are jesse & casey doin now,,,, pls gimme some post dmptd headcanons (ig since its urs its canon :0),, im begging
so!!! we’re all gonna have a lot of post-dmptd jesse and casey fluff in atct(its sequel) even if atct focuses on the kids! so...... 
jesse’s original plan was to head out of graymore, find the people who sold him out, and kill them all. beyond that, there wasn’t really anything. but then all of the business with the cowskull and the demon happened, where he lost his legs. so that kind of ruined his plan. 
after all of the nasty business, he didn’t really have much choice than to stay in graymore, slowly healing. but even then, he had sort of decided, deep inside, to stay in town with casey and sierra. 
basically in atct, jesse and casey are the adult figures to sierra, nicholas, elisha, and barns! we don’t see too much of them, but we definitely get enough!! 
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akoumi · 4 years
△ jesse, what's the worst thing you've ever done and why did you do it?
Jesse: “Well, I reckon that’s a bit of a difficult question. 
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve done a lot of terrible things - comes with the territory of being an American outlaw, I s’pose. But if I had to pick one, I would probably say...
I was about twenty or twenty one when me an’ the gang robbed this town. Yeah, it was the whole town. It was a lil’ place out in the middle of nowhere, and...they didn’t have much, but, well, we wanted what they had. Went out and looted the whole town. I got a bit separated from them, and ended up in front of this ol’ church. 
I looked inside, though I knew that people like me weren’t...we shouldn’t be in there. There was one man in there, a priest. He was kneeling, an...he was praying. I could hear what he was saying. And I - I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for this - but I shot him. Right in the back of the head, in the church, while the man was praying. I don’t even know why I did it. 
I reckon it was because the differences between the two of us really hit me then. That old man kneeling in front of Christ and praying, and me....me standing outside of the church, gold in one hand and a pistol in the other, and...
8/10. I’ve never told anyone else about this, not even Casey.”
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