#haeji answers asks
akoumi · 2 years
if you're not going to write mwad anymore you should just kill yourself
this is my last straw
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mahalii · 4 years
🍓uwu ms oat milk
mi amor!! my spouse!! OKAY just give me one fat second to gather all my thoughts together because honestly, i have way too much to say. you are, without a doubt, one of the most gorgeous ( putting an emphasis on this because we all the know the truth teehee ), coolest, and loveliest people i have ever met. excuse me when i say that your voice was specially hand-crafted by god himself, because it was. it’s truly one of the most beautiful things i have ever heard. on top of that, you are also the most intimidating and strangest person i have ever met. intimidating in that, i could never bring myself to talk to you when we were mere mutuals because of how cool you literally are. as for strange, it’s both amusing and interesting to me how you can look at a drawn cartoon character and decide that they would be a... suitable partner or something like that... LMAO. but that’s what makes you the way you are, and i’m sure none of us would have it any other way. thank you for being here. life is just so much more fun when you’re in it. manifesting that you’ll send me some nice chocolate fudge one day; i love you harni!! 😼🌞✨
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whorizcn · 4 years
!!!! andi, hi ! how're you doing ? also please ramble to me about arula i love her so much,,,
aaaa  hello  teo !!!  i’m  doing  very  well ,  currently  working  on  writing  and  filling  out  arula’s  google  doc  rn  because  im  obnoxious  and  am  pouring  way  to  much  time  into  developing  her  <3  also  because  i  already  know  my  arula  ramblings  r  gonna  be  long  as  HELL ,  im  gonna put  them  under  the  cut !!  <3 
OKAY  SO  ARULA  RAMBLING  TIME !!!!!!  so  i’ve  been  working  on  her  backstory  a  lot  and  i  just ,,, love  her  so  much  dude  its  crazy . so  u  know  how  i  told  you  abt  how  ppl  came  and  killed  her  entire  dark  gnome  city but  i  didnt  know  who  did  it ???  WELL  GUESS  WHAT  BITCH  I  FIGURED  WHO  DID  IT !!!  well  i  didn’t  completely  figure  out  who  did  it  cause  im  kinda  torn  between  two  different  races  but  STILL !!!  so  i’m  deciding  between  either  having  drows  be  the  cause  of  it  (  since  in  ~ dnd  lore ~  that  i’ve  found  drows  are  huge  fucking  assholes  and  hunt  the  deep  gnomes  for  fun >:(  i  hate  them  )  or  humans  be  the  cause  of  it !!  for  the  humans  i  was  thinking  that  maybe  younger  arula  used  to  have  a  human  friend  that  she  always  snuck  out  to  meet  (  possibly  their  gnome  city  was  built  underneath  a  human  one ???  idk  )  but  mayhaps  one  day  the  humans  found  out  abt  arula  and  thought  she  was  trying  to  kidnap  their  daughter  or  some  shit  so  they  came  and  tried  to  kill  them  all ???  idk  humans  are  fucked  so  them  doing  wouldn’t  rlly  surprise  me  </3  but  yeah !!  thats  been  the  biggest  thing  in  her  backstory  rn  that  im  trying  to  work  out  since  its  rlly  fucking  important  adkwjdkawjd  also  later  on  in  her  life  when  she’s  taken  on  her  ~ performer  persona uwu ~  she  lives  in  a  room  above  a  tavern  which  is  actually  the  same  tavern  where  she  works  at !!  also  to  pay  for  the  tavern  room  she  sleeps  w  the  tavern’s  owner  who  kind  of  acts  like  her  sugar  mommy  in  some  ways ???  but  the  tavern’s  owner  also  treats  her  like  shit  which  >:(  miss  arula  rlly  can’t  catch  a  break  </3  i  feel  so  bad  for  her  wkdajwjd  BUT  YEAH !!!  thats  rlly  all  i  have  now ,  thank  u  for  giving  me  a  reason  to  ramble  abt  arula  because  she  is  the  ONLY  THING  I  CAN  THINK  ABT !!!  ISTG  THE  ONLY  THING  I’VE  BEEN  DOING  FOR  THE  LAST  THREE  DAYS  HAS  BEEN  DEVLOPING  HER  CHARACTER  LMAPWODKAWD  HELP  SHE  LIVES  IN  MY  MIND  RENT  FREE  <3
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semblanche · 4 years
what's templeton had to do for dragonborns in the past??? - not haeji
ah shit sorry man this is an answer only reserved for my dear friend haeji :/ come back with a warrant
djkdj but also bc i'm a sucker for talking about this stuff, jokesy joaks aside -
in-game, nothing too bad, surprisingly. he's gotten shoved around a few times, once with a low grumble of "fucking tieflings" when he didn't get out of the way fast enough (to which templeton, blushing and giddy, went "i know right??"). once anton, a party member, was asked by a dragonborn jeeringly to lick his boots, and templeton was already on his knees before anton had time to refuse. he's also uhh forced himself to drink alcohol when asked, which is a pretty big deal since templeton has a strict No Drinking / No Gambling policy going on (one of the few opinions he's cultivated for himself.) then again, it was an alt version of himself, so,,
outside of game, nothing specific. i've left templeton's past pretty open in that regard. i do however have my own hcs, which i play templeton as following sometimes - ie, i can definitely see him being like something for dragonborns to mess around with, ordering him around / stepping on his tail to keep him in place / general testing of his limits. idk if it ever veered into more ;) territory, but templeton is quite pretty, so,,, who's to say, really?
but. i would like to talk about two moments that don't exactly fall in either of the above categories. one bc it wasn't a dragonborn, and one bc it's canon in game but was never actually acted out.
1 - after hanging out a while with a party made of anti-empire revolutionaries and heretics, templeton at some point found himself feeling a bit ... emboldened. we were trying to gather data on a lizardfolk by the name of luca, so templeton offered to cast charm person on him. keep in mind, a lizardfolk in this world is like, considered a noble.
we get to our destination. we've agreed with another party member, anton, that he'll try for diplomacy, and templeton will use his spell if it fails. luca shows up, and anton tries for diplomacy, but it's clear right off the bat luca doesn't intend to cooperate - he listens absently to anton's proposal, then takes one look at templeton and grins, all "and what do you have to say?"
and it turned out what templeton had to say was turning bright blue and squeaking "I CAST CHARM PERSON."
which failed.
luca swatted it away, looking annoyed. he went to say something, but templeton, now panicky, casted command. which also failed. by now luca is angry, he's grinning wildly and he whips out a scimitar to point at templeton's throat, going "i don't appreciate this, friend."
anton stepped in the way, trying again for diplomacy, but the weight of the entire situation just suddenly hit templeton like a ton of fucking bricks. he suddenly realized just what he'd been trying to do - charm and command a lizardfolk?? him????? who the fuck did he think he was, he was lucky luca didn't want to kill him, oh god, luca should have killed him, luca should have-
anton was still talking, but templeton just. blanked. did a complete 180 to his empire principles. he started fucking bowing to luca, just teetering over himself, babbling apologies - about how sorry he was, about how luca could do anything to him, about how luca had every right to do anything to him, etc.
luca entertained this a few seconds. then, while templeton was bent over in a bow, he casually lifted one boot and just fucking placed it on the back of templeton's head. keeping him in place, frozen. caught on his knees so he didn't fall over. at some point templeton tried to move and luca just applied more pressure, so templeton went slack again.
he then continued talking to anton, cool as you please, with his boot just resting on the back of templeton's skull. it felt like forever. when he finally let up and left, templeton had his big breakdown :')
2 - our party has not so recently discovered that we exist in a timeline that's not the original. none of us are originals. at some point we met the original versions of ourselves, and we noticed both templeton's and cawub's (another party member's) versions weren't there - an npc clarified that, in this timeline, we had actually died.
cue this delicious interaction with templeton
*note: red is a dragonborn, jacob is a kenku & templeton's potential love interest. lydia is irrelevant.
Templeton: So. Um. If Cawub - died. Like that.
Helder: Yeah.
Templeton: Then how did I-?
Helder, slowly, quietly: You ... died in the first rite. When we fought against Red and Lydia.
Templeton: We? We were in a party? We- fought Red?
Helder: Isn't that what happened here?
Templeton: Are you kidding? I could never fight Red. She's - you know. (falls silent.) We fought the kenkus.
Helder: Oh yeah, the kenkus. They exist in our world too.
Templeton: Are they all okay?
Helder: I think so. Mostly they keep to themselves. Do their own thing.
Templeton: There are still all four of them?
Helder: I think.
Templeton, so quietly: Do you - Uh. Know anyone. Named Jacob?
Helder: Jacob.... What does he look like?
Templeton, automatically: Perfect.
Templeton: I mean, well, no he's uh, he's one of the kenkus, so I don't-
Helder: No, I don't really talk to them. They seem okay though?
Templeton: That's... That's good.
Templeton: So we fought Red in this version? And I-?
Helder: We were fighting Red, yes. And at some point she - she had her hands around your throat. And she was strangling you.
Templeton, softly: Oh.
Helder, in frustrated disbelief: And you just. LET her do it. You didn't even fight back.
Templeton, weakly, jokingly: That sounds about right.
Helder: I still don't understand why. I know you're not him, you've been through different things, but. Is it because she was a dragonborn?
Templeton, avoiding eye contact, suddenly guilty: I - no, it's more than that, okay, she's also a purple dragonborn, and that's the highest ranking one, so I can see why-
Helder, SO SOFTLY, SO SAD: Oh, Templeton.
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thenerdcommander · 5 years
Idk anything about mass effect but how about: Inik Haeji + best friend, large gun, "Oops"
Thanks for the prompt, nonny ^u^For anyone who dislikes Tumblr formatting, I also uploaded to AO3.
 A slender finger pressed on the trigger and held it.  Trained. Patient. Steady hands kept the shotgun’s aim on its target.
 Dark eyes sized up the large bony creature ahead of them, unafraid in spite of the danger it posed.  The closer it came, the closer came death, and the more excited the salarian behind the weapon grew in turn.
 He eased off the trigger.
 The charged shot from Inik’s Venom hit its mark and detonated.  Five smaller bomblets scattered and popped around the feet of the remaining kett.  Brownish green blood coated the ground, grass littered with huge chunks of Fiend. The bodies of several Chosen and their Wraiths lay deceased and unmoving, visibly scorched and…mostly intact.  Sort of. He couldn’t help but to admire the carnage as he proudly brought his shotgun up to rest on his shoulder. They never let him do shit like this back in the STG. A shame, really. He was getting really good at it.
 “Ugh!”  A grunt of disgust sounded from nearby.  “You got kett guts all over my new uniform!”
 His attention snapped toward the voice, staring two figures down as they pushed their way out of the brush.  Humans. Female. Both sporting APEX armor and carrying Initiative-issued firearms. One held her hands up where he could see that she wasn’t a threat while the other, covered in green goop, stomped up beside her companion arms crossed and visibly seething.  She eyed him up and down, as though assessing how much of a challenge he’d be in a fight. Her partner put a hand on her shoulder and spoke up before she could get them into trouble.
 “Sir?  I’m…we’re with APEX.  Sorry we startled you and, uh, sorry about Nora.  This is her first mission. She’s a little…on edge, I think.”  She gave the other woman a pat, earning herself a sharp glare.
 He found the display rather unimpressive, so he held his stare.  Cold. Blank. Uncaring. This seemed to put Nora off, and she quickly straightened up.  Sort of. Just enough not to appear totally hostile.
 “Kandros sent us to take care of…well…” she gestured to the mess behind him, “them.  You stole our kills.”
 There was a long pause.  Empty staring. Then an indifferent shrug.  “Oops.”
 Nora’s eyes narrowed, caught in a deadlock on his.  His sarcasm had not been lost on her. One corner of his mouth twitched into a faint lopsided smile.  Usually humans were easy to intimidate, yet this one seemed to think of his act as…a challenge? Or perhaps she was offended by his behavior.  It was difficult to tell. Humans weren’t as straightforward in expression as the elcor or as easy to read as the krogan. Either way, the reaction was more than satisfactory.  He was starting to like this one.
 A brief moment passed before the other woman cleared her throat to break the tension, then pointed to his gun.  “So, uh…I’ve never seen a weapon like that. What is it? Kett?”
 For the first time since they appeared, Inik blinked in her direction.
 “My best friend.”
 “Well, that doesn’t tell me much.  You just took out an entire kett squad in one shot.  The stuff the Initiative gave us can’t do that. So what exactly is it?”
 Another blink.  Slowly this time.  A little      too     slowly.  Then he held the Venom up so she could see it.  “Shotgun. Salarian design. You’ll probably see more when more colonists are revived from the Paarchero.  Ask one of them if you want the details or schematics. She and I go way back. Prefer to keep all her secrets with me.  You understand.”
 “I, uh…yes, sir.  I understand. Sir.”
 “He’s fucking with you, Annabel,” Nora chided, glaring daggers straight into his skull.  “You stole our job, frog man. You owe us. At least answer her question.”
 A sly grin crept onto his face, eye contact with the other woman – Annabel – remaining unbroken.  “Since I like your friend here, I’ll tell you what.” He pulled up the interface on his omnitool and began tapping away.  “Next time you’re on the Nexus? Meet me at Vortex. I’ll tell you everything about her over drinks.” His eyes flicked over to Nora.  “I’d like for you to come too. She may need more help calling out my varrenshit.” With a wink and the tap of the interface, he sent them his contact info.
 “Oh!  Uh-um…thank you, sir.  But, uh…you never gave us your name.  We don’t know who you are.”
 Nora rolled her eyes.  “It’s on your omni, Anna.”
 “O-oh!  Right!” She pulled up the contact and read it over.  “Thank you, si- errrrr…mister Haeji.”
 “Call me Inik,” he nodded farewell to them both.  “Hope to see you both again soon.”
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kaikarie · 6 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ then had been complete strangers. 
the day after christmas. how depressing must you be to ruin someone’s day after the best season of the year, or at least, the best season for soomi. as usual, soomi had woken up late and for some moments she had gazed onto the ocean. as usual, she had taken her water and sat by the balcony despite the cold -- despite her friend still being asleep. she was happy. christmas had been nice. she had drank, she had rambled, she had laughed and spent time with people she adored most in this world. her family. if there’s something you need to know about soomi is that she’s a family girl. she’ll do everything in her will to make her family happy (and her friends too). she is not upset at her mom for constantly getting her numbers of random men for her to get married, or her dad to force her to go to elite parties even if it’s not her -- even if it’s not related to how she is and how she cooperates with life. even if her siblings have given up on how her parents are, soomi is the one who is patient and tells them to calm down, after all: we are all family. 
but, little did she know her family would disappoint her again and that this time she would not be able to endure it so easily -- so passively. soomi took her steps down to the kitchen and hugged her sister from behind while the younger cooked. they both could hear their parents fighting. it was ridiculous how after every christmas this would happen. between shouts soomi decided to just ignore it, she took the bowl of kimichi in her hands and began to eat. but curiosity stroked her the moment she heard her mom crying. she was yelling more than she had ever seen. placing the bowl down, she and her sister decided to get a closer look to what was happening -- figure why the hell they were fighting in the first place. both knew they already didn’t love each other anymore but still, what was it this time?
son? giving away? was she even listening to it well? they had another son? without even thinking clearly soomi burst the door open of the office and stared deeply into her mother’s eyes which was the first to turn around. “another son?” she mouthed. not showing enough emotion. while her sister was already shaking and screaming at them. soomi meanwhile, was unable to surface her emotions well, they could barely make it to the top. “what other son?”
midst trying to avoid answering and faking excuses her mother finally lost it and explained it to them: “your dad cheated on me, again and had a kid with a woman. while we tried find a decent family to keep him, because we couldn’t allow another scandal, he stayed with us. I was pregnant of haeji back then and you are too young to remember. you were just six years old. he stayed with us and i- i- i grew attached to the baby and so did your father but we had to give---”
“it’s a child mom. it was a child and you gave him up for reputation?” she spoke her words calmly, especially with contrast with her sister who was already saying how disappointing they were. and they were. but why couldn’t she say the same? why couldn’t she speak. all she could feel was that chest pain again. what an awful, morbid pain, her body shaking and her head dizzy. she could not confront them, not when her mother was crying, her sister was yelling and her dad -- god knows what her dad does when he’s angry. she simply stood there, thinking a child, a baby -- had been given away for reputation. she moved to ask her sister to leave the office. she was apathetic it seemed. she just wanted to leave the house.
she had her heart broken.
she was disappointed.
and she hated she couldn’t speak up.
she had been hurt,
by the ones she loved the most.
so what the hell is love. 
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akoumi · 2 years
any reason why sascha is explicitly said to be extremely attractive? i guess its a subversion of the trope in many fantasy books where the mc is plain or ugly, but was that the reason you were going for?
yes its partly a trope subversion but also.
theres just smth about corruption and literal evil being inhumanly gorgeous. and yes saschas attractive but like. even in canon its mentioned that his characteristics are beautiful taken by themselves, but all of them put together is somehow unnerving. objectively he's handsome but the way he carries himself along with something about him clues you in that something is deeply, deeply wrong.
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akoumi · 3 years
okay can you please stop rbing nsfw posts about mens' chests and focus on actually writing? we havent had any content from you in months.
what do you mean writing im strictly a man tits appreciation blog
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akoumi · 4 years
yeah you don't have to make ocs straight if you don't want to, but it's shitty that you're making sascha bisexual. you keep talking about what a bad person he is, and then you make him bisexual? that's fucked. you're pretty much correlating bisexuality with being a bad person, and i doubt that any bisexuals will enjoy or even read your stuff.
i know i said no discourse on this blog but this ask is sending me dsfsfkl. i have a cast of 14 characters of varying levels of morality, and about 60% of them are bisexual. sure sascha’s bisexual, but so is katya and so is pavel and roksana and lidija and deniska - ALL of which fall in different levels of “goodness” and “badness”. if you want a “good” bisexual character, just look towards katya or lidija or tashi. if you want a “bad” bisexual character, go for sascha or roksana. most of my cast, good or bad, is bisexual because - guess what? i’m bisexual!! seriously. shut up.
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akoumi · 3 years
Your writing is so horrifically problematic.
thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺
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akoumi · 3 years
I just think it's kind of poor taste that you're writing a wip featuring Russia considering the whole Russia/Ukraine thing going on, especially seeing as you're American.
fuck off with your self-righteous bs somewhere else motherfucker i am not entertaining any debate about mwad and current events until and unless sascha nukes ukraine himself
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akoumi · 3 years
I have to ask--mwad is a pretty dark book, right? what kinda inspired you/made you want to write it? did you kinda go "i wanna see how dark it can get and how ppl fall" or are you still trying to make it hopeful, or like... I'm just curious if there's theoretically anything you would want to see readers getting out of your book
my thought process @ every other fantasy protagonist:
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slightly longer answer: i just. really enjoy dark books. they don't even have to have deeper meanings about humanity or people or whatever i just really love violence and evil people. honestly it was inspired by me going "i want to write a high fantasy book", and nah i don't really plan on making it hopeful. i really enjoy how i can be unabashedly gory about it, without having to tone anything down because "my character wouldn't do that".
i guess i just got a little tired of reading fantasy with main characters that could easily be interchanged for each other without changing the story at all, too. they're all naive and goodhearted and plucky orphans with powers too great for them and a heart of gold or whatever, and as much as i love them, sometimes you need a change of pace. it all seems to end the same way too - they defeat the clearly evil king/sorceror/emperor who is ruining the country/city/world and as the new ruler they rule justly and everyone lives happily ever after.
so mwad is kind of my way of exploring how what could very easily be a typical fantasy story can be turned on its head with a completely different main character. which is why i included typical fantasy elements such as a king, a rebellion, a prophecy, and magic. if sascha had been just a bit different, a bit more of a classic fantasy protagonist with different values and belief systems, this could very much be a conventional fantasy story (maybe with the slight advantage of being russian fantasy). in fact, if i chose to make it from the pov of the enemy characters, sascha would VERY much be a typical bad guy character.
instead, as the protagonist, he single-handedly turns the whole archetype onto its head - the main character doesn't believe in saving everyone, he doesn't believe in diplomacy over war, he doesn't believe in fighting honorably, he doesn't believe in loyalty, he very very much believes in the ends justifying the means and the "greater good" (and the greater good means whatever's best for HIM, instead of everyone).
in fact, it's most of the enemy characters that embody traits like loyalty, honor, kindness, sincerity, etc. if these enemies were the main characters rather than sascha, it would be such an archetypical fantasy story - plucky goodhearted teenagers protect the country and their king from an evil rebellion and win and rule happily forever after, but instead, it's the other way around: sascha, with his murdering and lying and cheating and violent genocide ends up winning, killing everyone in his path, and gets to become king. he doesn't learn any wise lesson, he doesn't get any punishments for the terrible things he's done - instead, he gets everything he wants after betraying everyone on his side and killing everyone who isn't. he doesn't face ANY consequences for the things he did.
i didn't really write/create this to push any moral lesson or to impart words of wisdom to anyone who potentially reads mwad. so really, you're free to get whatever you want out of it, but there's really nothing that i want everyone to understand. other than that i modelled sascha after my ideal man and want him to rail me <33
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akoumi · 3 years
what do you believe in
the innate goodness of human beings and nothing that cant be scientifically proved
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akoumi · 4 years
the fact that you said everyone in mwad is bisexual or at least lgbt kind of rubs me the wrong way. writing should reflect reality, and in reality you will never have 14+ lgbt characters. you can have a few, sure, but you must have majority straight characters. especially when you have fantasy like this.
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you can pry my lgbt cast out of my cold dead hands >:)) 
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akoumi · 4 years
yo if youre gonna make a slavic wip can you actually pay attention to the culture instead of just using it for the aesthetics? bc thats lowkey kinda racist. same way you shouldnt take japanese aesthetics for your wip and not acknowledge the culture
no 🥰
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akoumi · 3 years
do you have an accent?
as far as i know, i don't think so! with irls i do use whats considered californian slang like tubular, groovy, rad, etc etc a bit more than might be considered appropriate.....
other than that, i noticed that smth i tend to do is not pronounce "t" sounds if they're anywhere except the beginning of a word hmm. though i'm pretty sure this is just an american thing. anywhere in the middle, i probably won't pronounce, and if it's at the end it's almost certain i don't pronounce
so words like "to" are pronounced objectively correctly, but something like "posting" will likely sound like "posin" while "post" will definitely be "pos"
i also tend to slur my words together a bit so "what's that" ends up becoming "wassat" <3
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