#dndads has seniority discount
bigfatalligator · 2 years
i switch between my two special interests (?) every few months and i hate that i lose complete interest in one when i get into the other
so i, being super smart genius man i am, thought ‘hmm maybe theres a way to combine the two’
but i thought about it a bit more and i realized that they’re for two completely different audiences and they’re completely different pieces of media
one is an otome dating game about falling in love with demons and angels and one sorcerer while going to a school in hell and it’s mainly marketed towards tween girls
the other is a dnd podcast about four dads isekai’d into a magical fantasy world trying to rescue their sons and get back home and has themes of fatherhood, specifically relationships between father and son. this is mainly marketed towards older dnd nerds
tbh i dont think their audiences overlap that much
and there’s probably some way that i could interconnect the two in some way but idk :(
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