#dnf the box 😶
puffledthomas · 2 years
It WAS a phase 🥰🥰🥰
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15ktherapy · 2 months
r u going anti dnf 😶
NO YOU DING DONG!!!!! I mean that lovingly. I’m not going anti anything and I never will bc I just don’t have it in my stupid dumbass little heart. if I was ever leaving I would just peace out. I don’t have that scorched earth shit in me for things I love/have loved. I’m only looking to be rid of the plushies bc im moving and the three little boxes are kind of suspicious and I really don’t need my siblings hounding me bc they’re BITCHES!!!! I have a lot of shit I need to get rid of some of it and my dteam plushies are something that in sure could find a better home than where they are with me :(
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