#do i tag this asra?
hellothereiplaygames · 8 months
Some thoughts on Asra's route...
Replaying Asra's route after having played Muriel's really hits different...
In one of the other routes Asra and Muriel appear to start a romantic relationship, and in Asra's route it's very clear that Muriel cares very deeply for Asra and dislikes the Apprentice. He mentions in one of the paid? dream scenes that he's worried about Asra and the Apprentice fading into their own world and leaving everyone else behind (again, apparently), and that he's determined to stop this from happening. His concern for Asra and initial hostility toward the Apprentice may be rooted in jealousy, not only because his oldest (and only) friend was more or less taken from him, but perhaps with romantic connotations as well.
In Book XI: Justice, Asra and Julian stage a mock trial by combat against Muriel. Though he apparently agreed to participate and is implied to have returned to the Coliseum of his own volition, presumably out of concern for Asra, who has been accused of being Julian's accomplice... he is still more or less backed into a corner and forced to play along with Asra and Julian's plan to stage a fight.
Now, to be fair to Asra, he states after everything goes wrong that it wasn't supposed to end this way, and it appeared that he was attempting to not only exonerate himself and Julian from their charges but somehow help Muriel overcome his past (he does disintegrate Muriel's chains during the fight no matter what choices you make). There was a point during this that I thought I could guess what Asra's plan was regarding Muriel's past, but being refreshed on how it actually pans out, I can't remember it now. Something about making the people of Vesuvia realize how barbaric the Coliseum was under Lucio.
The thing that stands out to me throughout this whole ordeal is that Asra knows about Muriel's trauma. He knows he was enslaved to Lucio and forced to fight and execute people in the Coliseum. He knows that Muriel is terrified of hurting other people, especially those he cares about. In Asra's route, the only person Muriel cares about is Asra, so hurting him is triggering for him. He literally is in a stupor after the board he was using as a weapon splinters off and hits Asra in the mouth, making him bleed. This is clearly meant to make the reader worried about Asra, but Muriel reacts as well, and appears hypnotized by the blood. I remember the first time I read this I thought he was going to have some crazy berserker-Hulk sort of reaction, but having read his route, it's way more tragic.
Though Muriel did seem to return to the Coliseum of his own volition, it does seem that Asra took this as a sign that he was coming to terms with his trauma. He was willing to exploit Muriel's care for him in order to save his own skin so he can be with the Apprentice. Though I recognize Asra's other toxic traits to some degree, I also have similar ones myself so they don't really stand out to me. This, however, where he more or less disregards Muriel's feelings on the matter, is actually really crushing. In Muriel's route, his whole thing is that he DOES NOT want to fight, he DOES NOT want to even spar with the Apprentice with blunt sticks out of fear of hurting them, so why would he willingly go along with this unless he was more or less in the same position Lucio put him in? Fight in the arena, or something bad will happen to Asra.
Asra knows this, and puts him through it regardless. During the whole fight, Julian's actions are written so as to make it seem like he's the one messing things up--he takes the "finishing blow" that Muriel was going to deal to Asra and gets knocked unconscious. Asra spends most of the entire time doing flashy, dramatic magic tricks that get the crowd cheering for him. After he "wins", he and the Apprentice are carried out of the Coliseum like heroes. Though Asra will try to soothe Muriel if the Apprentice so chooses right before the end, and he does look for Muriel in the crowd, he seems otherwise unbothered or unaware of the impact this may be having on his oldest friend. Which is pretty shitty.
Of course, Asra, Julian, and Muriel are all playing characters during their fight--Asra is the flashy magician, Julian is the rogueish BDSM dagger guy, and Muriel is the Scourge. Asra obviously can't show his concern even if he wanted to because he's supposed to be fighting Muriel. But putting his bro into this situation in the first place says a lot about his character. Though Julian is the one whose route is based around self-loathing because he believes he hurts everyone around him, Asra is the only one who gets what he wants out of this ordeal, and he even says so right before the chapter ends. Muriel was forced to relive his trauma and didn't get the resolution that was intended, and Julian gets KOed by a punch that literally sent him flying across the arena (though he probably enjoyed it tbh, he's a nasty little man like that lmao).
I wonder if this dynamic between Asra and Muriel was intentionally written this way in order to further amplify his tunnel vision when it comes to the Apprentice. Is this is how he acted in the past, causing Muriel to hate the Apprentice as he does and remark that he won't allow it to happen again? Maybe (probably) I'm reading too much into it, but as a survivor of abuse and trauma it rubs me the wrong way much more than Asra's obsessive, clingy nature. Of all of the reversed ends, Asra's is the one that actually scared me and kind of haunted me, because it hits a little too close to home.
These are all just thoughts that I wanted to spill out because I thought it was interesting and I wasn't sure if anyone else has talked about it before.
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nicadilly · 2 years
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I’ve been sitting on this for way too long and at this point i just want it OUT OF MY WIP FOLDER (2 versions bcs peuuu weuu i dont know what i want to do with this anymore)
fr i posted a draft of this in august 2021 THATS WAY TOO LONG However. Last two semesters were insane, and on top of all the bs irl stuff/NH continuing to be a horrendous company i just completely didnt feel like partaking in arcana stuff. Please someone just buy the IP please pleas
also i feel like drawing halloween stuff with pumpkins but who knows IF I WILL. I should probably finish my mountain of wips before adding to it. But i might also perform a magic trick and DISSAPEAR ONCE AGAIN
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mossarchives · 3 months
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All the cards I've done for my personal tarot project so far!
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loriane-elmuerto · 2 years
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Aminata Clarmonte (Star Wars) | Victoria Adler + Beelzebub (Metro)
Asra Kamal (Marvel) | Adelaide Kane + Salem (COD)
got tagged by @chuckhansen and @florbelles to do this picrew. Thanks, loves! 😙😙
tagging @queennymeria, @cryptcombat, @frankwoods, @stevegrants, @lucky-107, @countessrooster, @shellibisshe, @blackreaches, @jackiesarch, @indorilnerevarine, @jennystahl, @roofgeese, @risingsh0t, @heroofpenamstan and @cobb-vanthss
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murielsnipples · 11 months
My askbox is open btw I would love to take drawing requests/suggestions if anyone has any!
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thetreeturnedoff · 2 years
so, i went through all the links and folders myself on both my phone and laptop, and only the only issue i encountered is one i'm already aware of and will be fixing in the coming weeks. if any of you encounter issues though, please shoot me a message or send an ask!
and i realized i haven't said this in a while, but some folders can't be opened in a mobile browser, i have to set my phone browser to desktop mode. it's the ones that are shortcuts to other folders. as far as i'm aware, the only solution is to not use shortcuts and actually create new folders. i'm planning on doing that once all six tales are out, because it'll take a lot of time to go through. so, the issue should be temporary. sorry for the issues that causes though.
to the anon that sent me a message about this, if the folder shortcut thing isn't your issue, please please feel free to get back in touch and let me know what's going on and i'll try my best to fix it for you!
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lancelitttle · 2 years
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Alrighty Aphrodite (go listen to the song, it's by Peach Pit).
Anyways... I read the wikipage for scallops so I'm an expert now <3
Scallops have 1000 blue eyes (this is my favourite thing about them). They're also associated with Aphrodite bc of fertility.
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anime-academia · 10 months
Aug 08 To Do list (08/100)
I am getting back on track with my dissertation writing, so it's time to start with the language learning again in earnest
read 2 articles (+ the one i stared this morning)
write out ideas in relation to decolonisation article
response to today's articles
500 words on Maha novels
Gulliver and Moll Flanders thoughts and summaries
download Anki
30 min hiragana and katakana writing practice
read an article/short story in Spanish
Only when I looked at this list now did i remember i needed to download anki. I am starting to think I don't want to actually do work for the undergrad stuff, but unfortunately I'll need the Gulliver notes for Thursday, so that'll be priority 1 tomorrow. I'm just going to watch 1 JP and 1 Spanish video 'cause it is late and my brain is tireddd. I'm really happy with the writing i got done today, and i managed to finish it all before 10pm :)
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bakerysnake · 1 year
I finished his route. All I can say is that I feel empty now BUT YAYY HAPPY TIMES W THE LOML
i played a bit more of portia's route today and I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE ALMOST DIED I ALMOST STARTED SOBBING
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opaleyedprince · 1 year
me, finishing my coffee:
my brain: hey i bet asra could literally change his tattoos bc of his powers
me: >83
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temporal-malady · 2 years
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loriane-elmuerto · 2 years
got tagged by @chuckhansen and @blackreaches to do this awesome uquiz, thank you, lovelies! 🥰🥰🥰
gonna tag @queennymeria, @cryptcombat, @frankwoods, @pheedraws, @prometheas, @lucky-107, @countessrooster, @stevegrants, @statichvm, @jackiesarch, @florbelles, @indorilnerevarine, @risingsh0t, @shellibisshe, @jennystahl, @cobb-vanthss, and @heroofpenamstan
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Calculated Revenge
You have been planning and waiting for all of the pieces to fit together. You didn't want to have to go this far but you've been pushed to the brink. You're ready, you've been ready for so long, and when those who have caused you suffering finally get what's coming to them, they will feel it completely. No holding back. No regrets, you're ready and you're following through.
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Divine Madness
You have the power. You have always had the power but you never knew what to do with it. The time has come and suddenly you know exactly what to do. What you were always meant to do, you feel it now... you know the steps to take, the ritual, the sacrifice... everything that you life has been building towards. You take that last step, knowing that this divine rite will be everything you need to be. Finally...
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Divine Madness
You have the power. You have always had the power but you never knew what to do with it. The time has come and suddenly you know exactly what to do. What you were always meant to do, you feel it now... you know the steps to take, the ritual, the sacrifice... everything that you life has been building towards. You take that last step, knowing that this divine rite will be everything you need to be. Finally...
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Unrestrained Violence
It's been building, waiting, festering. You have finally snapped and now you are letting loose. There is no sympathy for the innocent. You no longer distinguish between others. You have been holding pain in your heart for so long and the restraint holding you back has been pushed to its limits. There is nothing you will not tear apart. You will scream and bite and break just for the visceral experience of it. You are pure energy.
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Here's a fun (modern au) one: full hc for the M6's airport/airplane flight experience >:3
The Arcana HCs: M6 at the airport
~ loosely referencing this old ask arcana post from the nix hydra era - @themushroomgoesyeet hope you like this friend! I had so much fun writing it!! ^.^ ~
Does Julian love the concept of flying through the air as a mode of transportation, travel, and adventure in general? Sure!
Does that mean he does well with it? Not at all
Major flight anxiety and will cope with it to varying degrees of healthy depending on who he's with and what his options are
If you're the sort of person to pack soothing gummies and noise cancelling headphones with pre-downloaded guided meditation tracks and some sleep meds, he'll be all over them
If you're the sort of person who doesn't mind a drink or two before a flight just to soothe the nerves - well - he won't say no to that, either. Just make sure he's sober by the time you land, so he doesn't take a ride on the luggage carousel out of relief
Can and will grip your hand during take off and landing and then apologize when it briefly cuts off your blood circulation
Always offers to put up at least three people's luggage for them in the overhead bins and drops at least one on his head
They are one of those very weird people who think airplanes, airports, and any public area of transportation are relaxing
He's in tie-dye loungewear, a neck pillow, crocs, fuzzy socks, hair pushed out of his face with a sleeping mask-turned-headband, a rolling duffle bag dragged by one hand and a snack in the other
They are v i b i n g
Misses flights way less than you would expect him to, mostly because he's so familiar with all the major airports at this point that he has boarding just in time down to a fine science
And when they do miss a flight, it turns into an extended chillout session because they know all the best hangout spots there
His capacity to fall asleep anywhere, anytime works in his favor on cramped flights beautifully
They've started a new tradition with you of looking through all the available in-flight entertainment and picking what promises to be the cringiest movie, just to make you laugh with their commentary
Her usual reason for flying is business, which is exactly how she approaches the entire traveling process
Her luggage is all one elegant, efficient set (she has bought you a matching one) with personalized tags for ease of spotting
Always purchases business class tickets, refuses to take any chances on missing her special traveling experience and arrives at the airport three hours early as a result
There are multiple reasons for this - first, less stress at security, second, she has one of those fancy passes that gets her into just about any exclusive club lounge in the world
Enjoys the hour or two pampering you in the lounge with nothing else to do more than she does any other part of the travel
Won't hesitate to critique/send back her meal on the airplane if she doesn't like it, tends to load up on sleeping meds for longer flights since the fluctuating air pressure triggers her migraines
Brings an extra skincare routine for you to do during the last hour
Look at him. Do you see him? Look at him. Now look at the size of an airplane interior. Look at him again. Now look at the amount of available legroom. Look at him again. HE IS 6'10.
Muriel would prefer almost any form of transportation to flying. It's busy, security makes him move too fast, all the signs and bustle of the airport are hell on his anxiety, and that's before boarding
Always tries to get an aisle seat because that lets him expand into the walkway if he needs to, and so he's less likely to glance out the window and see just how far away the ground is
The ground belongs right here. Under his feet. Not a terrifying drop down through the clouds!!
The airplane experience is sensory hell for him in general, the deafening sound of the engines, the constant vibration, the recycled air, the ways his ears pop, the stiff seats, the armrests -
Really the only way he'll get through this is if he knows there's no other options and if you're next to him as his emotional support
An airport champion
And it's really not from that much experience. She's traveled enough to know she likes it, but it's still so exciting every time she gets the chance to fly somewhere! Especially with you!!
Has done all of her research ahead of time and is packed for everything. Her massive mom bag has pockets for snacks, documents, meds, chargers, electronics, drinks, travel cushions ...
Does get restless before a flight and will drag you all up and down the terminal to take a look at every single shop and restaurant
The type to start chatting with whoever's in line with her, whether in security lines, bathroom lines, coffee lines, or boarding lines
Will befriend whoever is sitting next to/across from her and spend half the flight getting to know them and trading stories
Will offer to hold any nearby crying baby if said baby's caregiver could clearly use five minutes to use the restroom or eat
Takes so many pictures out the airplane window
Traveling is one of those things that he tries (and fails) to hide his excitement around. In his mind, this is something that he as a worldly, well-traveled person should be nonchalant about
He is not nonchalant. He is thrilled to be doing something fairly exciting and to spend a whole day with excuses to be in close quarters with you - and to book a first-class ticket
The only issue is that (if it's left unchecked) his FOMO will prompt him to try to squeeze every single thing to do out of the terminal before he boards the plane, which can end in missing his flight
Massage chairs! You two should definitely get a massage
A massive perfume section! You two should sample five each
Gets extremely impatient during the boarding process and will start grumbling and fidgeting in place when the person in front of him is taking forever to put up their luggage
Laughs loudly enough at the comedy he picks to watch for the whole airplane to hear him
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hydrasra · 1 year
The wind knows
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SYNOPSIS: trust and rely on teyvat. it'll always help you out.
DISCLAIMER: NOT FROM THIS WORLD's fourth and before last part before it goes on a hiatus and I get to experience fontaine so I know what to write for that region to further continue my story. ooc moments. probably swearing here and there, I forgot yet again. I'm serious about the fact that if I see someone's rewriting/stealing my story, I'll stop posting. just asra going crazy in this part. this part is probably shorter than the previous ones ngl.
TAGGING: [4/30] @bloop-booop @sunsethw4 @neverlandlostchild @code-roevember
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as soon as you were calm, paimon immediately took hold of your hand and gently tugged on it, "come on, you need to breathe some fresh air!"
and you meekly protested, saying how you didn't want people to see your tear stained face but lumine soon joined in and took your arm in hers, smiling from ear to ear, "so what? tears are no signs of weakness!"
nahida followed behind, giggling, "I agree with lumine, tears are no signs of weakness and crying is a normal emotion," she was walking by your side in mere seconds, "though, here," she gave you her handkerchief, "if you still don't want your people to see your tears, it's all right."
already thanking her for it, you would have taken her handkerchief if one of your hand was free and seeing this, lumine let go of your arm, grabbed nahida's handkerchief with a big smile and gently wiped your face, stopping paimon in her tracks.
"there! no need to complain anymore, or else, paimon will get angry," paimon joked and you couldn't help but giggle.
paimon prided herself in the fact that she made you let out a happy sound.
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"you... are still alive?"
those words should have put the former geo archon on high alert, however... he simply nodded, bowing his head once more.
"yes, your divine eminence."
and everyone in the room, the servants entrusted by the liyue qixing to their 'creator' sitting on your throne, stared at the bowing man.
their 'creator' crossed their arms, a brow raised while they stared.
the silence was uncomfortable.
what were they waiting for?
after a couple of minutes, they spoke again, "rise, former geo archon," they paused, contemplating their next move, "we have a contract to make."
after the 'creator' has gone public, thanks to ningguang, many went to see them with offerings, gifts and went to them in hopes of finding cures or blessings from their 'creator'.
and, after their visits after requesting blessings and cures, those people... either mysteriously disappeared or nothing happened, making them turn their backs on the one they used to worship.
if they couldn't help out their own people, it only meant that they were fake.
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"a trip to mondstadt would do you good," lumine had said.
"and it'll be loads of fun!" paimon added.
so why were you running for your life, following the two ahead of you while ducking and turning right then left on your trip to mondstadt?
what they forgotten was that: outside of sumeru's vast desert and forest, you were seen as an impostor in liyue, maybe in the other nations as well, you were not certain.
and to get to mondstadt, you had to go through liyue either way.
despite lumine choosing the safest, less populated route, after you voices out your concerns, you ran into some millelith.
"don't let the impostor escape!" one of the men yelled, a few feet behind you, prompting you to turn and look at them.
another mistake on your part.
nahida was against you going to mondstadt, for your own good and you'd agree with her. but you couldn't stay in one region only. this was the game that had you look up to something in life after all.
you agreeing to the traveler and her companion then convincing nahida to let you go and that lumine, who puffed out her chest in pride, promised to protect you, nahida couldn't do much... was the first mistake.
wanderer has suggested to go along with you but he could not, for he had duties awaiting for him and those duties could not wait.
you stepping in liyue was the second mistake.
their shouts were bound to attract the attention of nearby... authorities? threats? you no longer knew.
but seeing at how they were chasing you as soon as you walked by them, stating that 'their grace' was in liyue right now and tending to the people of liyue's matters, they immediately assumed that you were an impostor.
and a part of you agreed with them.
though, you knew that this was your face, the one you were born with, it was not your fault.
"halt, in the name of the liyue qixing!"
"eat shit!" the words were out of your mouth before you could even think about it and, somehow, that made lumine and you laugh, paimon nowhere in sigh yet you could hear her muffled laughter.
the path in fron of you seemed void of obstacles, yet, when you looked back again, the millelith were further than they previously were and you noticed that there suddenly were obstacles.
looking forward again, you noticed that you were nearer to the traveler, who, upon noticing your presence, grabbed your hand and made a sudden turn to the left.
that's when you noticed the waypoint.
and once she was near enough, she laid her hand on the teleportation device and mumbled, "the city of freedom!" in a hushed whisper.
then everything went white.
not before one threw their polearm at you, which cut your forearm and made it bleed, leaving behind a few drops of gold.
however, at the time, no one noticed.
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for the first time in a long time, beidou had docked the crux in liyue harbour, having been summoned by ningguang whom, speaking of which, had been waiting for her friend's arrival.
"hey, ning!" beidou said, putting an arm around the tianquan's shoulder as kazuha jumped off the crux and onto the wharf before walking to the two women.
"captain beidou, I surmise that you have already gotten the letter I sent out to you while you were at sea," ningguang said, making no move to remove beidou's arm, having grown accustomed to it by now.
"what letter are ya talkin' about ey? there's lots," the captain of the crux said, laying her head against the tianquan's shoulder, and moving her arm to now rest on ningguang's waist, once kazuha was close.
"about the creator-"
the inazuman bowed in greetings once he stood in front of the tianquan who nodded at him in acknowledgement.
"ah, yes, yes! I remember."
"they've requested to see you."
somehow, at the same time, both of their blood ran cold, making the two exchange glances. which the tianquan noticed. she frowned and asked, "is something the matter?"
beidou pulled away and plastered on a fake, albeit convincing smile, "what are ya talkin' 'bout? nothing's the matter! we'll meet 'em shortly."
the always elegant woman nodded, gave them instructions on how to reach the 'creator's palace in the sky, almost the same way one was to reach the jade chamber before she left.
and once ningguang was out of earshot, beidou turned to kazuha who was staring up at the sky, the wind blowing gently around them.
"so? what's the wind sayin'?"
kazuha stayed quiet, eyes closing as he listened to the things the wind had to tell him.
══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
he opened his eyes once more and looked at beidou, nodding,
"the true creator is in mondstadt and the one currently sitting on their throne is a fake."
the beidou main in me is so happy rn.
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vampyan · 4 months
blog & request rules ⨟
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minors and ageless blogs do not interact! you will be blocked on sight.
this blog is dom!reader x sub!yandere!character only. you can find sub!reader everywhere else so don’t come looking for it here.
all gender identities are welcome but this blog mainly caters to fem/afab!readers.
this blog is yandere-centric and will be littered with dark content, though all of these things will be tagged.
anon hate & rude asks will be ignored & deleted on sight cus idc.
this is a sideblog and i’ll mostly be posting fic here, so it won’t be nearly as active as my main -> @vampcubus
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characters i write for ⨟
-> kimetsu no yaiba
kyojuro rengoku ; obanai iguro ; tengen uzui & wives ; shinobu kocho ; sanemi shinazugawa ; shinjuro rengoku ; zenitsu agatsuma ; inosuke hashibira ; tanjiro kamado ; genya shinazugawa ; muzan kibutsuji ; akaza ; gyutaro ; gyokko ; hantengu clones (sekido & urogi preferred) ;
-> telltale batman
john doe / joker ; edward nygma / riddler ; harvey dent / two-face ; harley quinn ;
-> my hero academia
cathleen bate / star and stripe ; toshinori yagi / all might ;
-> helluva boss
blitzø ; fizzarolli ; asmodeus ; mammon ;
-> the arcana
lucio ; muriel ; asra ; vulgora ;
-> dragon ball
goku ; vegeta ; gohan ; broly ; frieza ; frost ; beerus ; android 17 ; android 18 ; zamasu ; goku black ; jiren ;
-> miscellaneous fandom yanderes
mizu (blue eye samurai) ; sidon (loz botw & totk) ; john doe (visual novel) ; victor van dort (corpse bride) ;
-> original yandere characters
coming soon!
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request rules ⨟
requests aren't guaranteed and might take me a while (especially since i run another blog as well) but i'll try to finish as many as i can >:3
yandere!character is the main focus of this blog, but yandere!reader is also acceptable!
all characters aged up to 18+ if applicable
please be specific and have a concept instead of sending something like ‘kyojuro x reader smut’ i’ll be more likely to write it if you know exactly what you want :)
will write ⨟
fics, headcanons, and quick thirsts/drabbles.
dom!reader x sub!yandere!character. (top! or bottom!reader so long as they are dominant)
fem or afab!reader for nsfw. will do fem or gender-neutral reader for sfw. (pls specify if you’d prefer a gn!reader)
non-sexual non-con, dub-con, non-con touching/affection, stalking, controlling behavior, kidnapping, manipulation, blood & gore.
polyamory, threesomes, and harems (ex: uzuren x reader, obamitsu x reader, inotan x reader, kamaboko trio x reader, fizzmodeus x reader)
a/b/o dynamics. alpha!reader x omega!character preferred, but will write for dominant omega readers (ex: prime omega!reader)
monsterfucking/teratophilia, monster/cryptid au yanderes (ex: cryptid!kyojuro, werewolf!sanemi, eldritch horror!yandere)
kny demon pet au (@/invertedphantasmagoria, @/phantasmiafxndom), hybrid au, catboys, puppyboys, bunnyboys etc...
won’t write ⨟
sub!reader x dom!character
male or amab!readers.
kink no-no’s: sexual non-con, incest/stepcest, daddy kink, piss play/watersports/omorashi, foot fetish, maledom.
forced pregnancy, miscarriages.
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saintunhinged · 2 years
Yandere Asra
content warning; possessiveness, manipulation, obsession if you squint.
“I’m doing this because I love you.”
if you’re being honest, you figured Asra was a little too protective of you.
everytime you asked to join him on a journey, he told you staying home was safer.
he started asking you to not leave the shop while he was away, sometimes going as far as to put a spell around the perimeter to make sure no one entered or left.
this time you’re more than a bit upset that he left you, AGAIN.
you were used to it, but it still hurt.
what did he expect you to do alone with no freedom?
when he returns home, he can’t wait to reunite with you.
he tells you, while persistently insisting you cuddle in bed with him, “I love you.” “I need you.” “I missed you.”
but you don’t feel like being bothered, especially not by him.
you roll over, escaping his embrace.
“Not right now,” you distantly say, “I’m tired.”
It doesn’t stop him from pulling you back against his chest. “Are you not happy to see me?” his hot breath tickles the flesh below your neck, then you feel his lips caress your skin, “I love you.” He says it again, but you aren’t so sure you believe him anymore. If he does love you, how come you feel like a hostage in this realtionship.
You abruptly sit up, and a flash of confusion washes across his face. “What’s wrong, where are you going?” Asra asks, as he watches you stumble over him to crawl out of bed.
“Out. Or do I need your permission first?” Your tone was admittedly harsh and you felt a bit bad for snapping at him, but you were growing tired of constantly being left behind, despite your protests. You took the steps to the main floor of the shop, and Asra was quick to follow. Taken aback by your harsh tone, he stands aside while you put on shoes.
Truthfully, he preferred you consulted with him if you wanted to step out. Wherever you go he must know. What if something happened to you while you were out and he couldn’t find you? He’d tear apart the whole of Vesuvia until he did.
He ignored the last part of your indirect assumption, if only you were aware of how much truth your sarcasm held. “Where?” He skeptically questioned.
You answered, irked with his constant questioning, “The Rowdy Raven.” You probably should have provided context. Asra’s mind flooded with the worst scenarios. Why? For what? You never went there unless Julian stopped by and invited the two of you for a night out! Were you going to see Julian??? You’re not cheating on him, are you?!
He planned to see what you were up to himself. “I’ll come with you.” He hastily states, but the idea of it didn’t excite you, nonetheless.
Asra felt you didn’t need to be anywhere he wasn’t. It would be okay as long as he tagged along. After all, he was only looking out for you.
You shake your head, ready to protest against it, “No.” You simply say.
He frowns, feeling his body tense.“No?” His tone gave away to mock irony. You weren’t supposed to tell him ‘no’. You were supposed to say ‘of course, you can come. I love you, Asra!’
You had to be cheating on him! Why couldn’t he go with you?! If you were, he’d deal with Julian, make an example of him. Then Asra would make you understand you only needed him. No one else deserved you like he did!!!
He didn’t take that word lightly. If you wished to leave without him, you weren’t leaving at all. While you were too busy looking for your satchel, he conjured a spell to ward the shop. Even as a magician, he doubted you could take it down on your own.
He had a plan to convince you to stay, the ward was just a backup in case you still weren’t in your right mind after he finished.
“You didn’t say it back.”
You turned to face him, your eyebrows coming together as you stared. “What?” You cluelessly inquired. Say what back?
He forced his eyes to water under you gaze. “I told you I love you,” Asra shifts closer to you, playing up his emotions. He really did love you more than anything, and he didn’t like not hearing you return his affection, “You didn’t say it back.” so he used it to his advantage.
You hesitated, the tears in his eyes were luring you in. You didn’t see him cry often, but when you did, you knew he wasn’t okay. “Asra, I—” your words faltered catching sight of a single tear roll down his cheek.
“You don’t love me anymore, do you?” His words broke the restraints holding you back. You rushed across the shop, cupping his face in your hands.
You used your thumb to wipe away the wet streams dripping down his chin. You brushed at a white curl falling in his face to search his purple eyes. “Of course, I love you, Asra. Please don’t doubt my love for you. I just..” you trailed off, you didn’t know how to tell him you needed to be away from him for awhile.
His arms tightened around you, your head flush against his chest as he inhaled a deep breath of your scent. He thought you smelled heavenly as he rested his head on top of yours, “Then stay here with me, don’t go.” His voice dripped with despair, it left you feeling guilty to know you were the reason behind it.
That’s what he wanted you to think.
He led you to believe you had the power to choose what happened next. You didn’t. You were going to stay with him, despite what you wanted. But if you didn’t try leaving, Asra wouldn’t have to deal with you being angry with him later on. You wouldn’t know he has you on lockdown.
You stalled, letting the silence linger between you before responding, “I’ll stay.”
A complacent smile threatened to grow on his lips. His eyes slipped close, hugging you tighter than you thought necessary. To him, it was the best thing having you in his arms like this. Satisfied with his performance, his tears stopped. You were meant to be with him forever. He acknowledged how wrong it was to exploit you like that, but he had to. He knew it was for your own good.
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