#do not worry he has been rescued from the Awful Terrible Cold and is snuggled up under my bed. recovering from his ordeal
daughterofsarenrae · 2 years
Doesn't LIKE the snow. Hates it!!!! Cold and wet!!!!!!!!
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ashsapple · 4 years
Tamaki Amajiki - Stargazing
This is my gift for @soradragon for our discord server’s secret santa. I hope you’ll enjoy it, Happy Holidays Sora <3
Life with a pro-hero wasn’t always easy, their schedule was always packed and between interviews and rescue missions they rarely had time for their partner. Which is why when Tamaki came home tonight, you weren’t expecting him at all.
Sat on the couch of your shared living room, you were trying to select a movie to go with the mood you were in. 
Tamaki had been busy this week and you missed him, the holiday season was always more dangerous because of all the crowds forming outside and the multitude of events in preparation. Dressed in your comfiest clothes, you had decided to take time for yourself to forget your sorrow and somehow get in a more festive disposition. So when you heard a key enter your front door’s lock, your whole body tensed up. 
Eyes locking on the front door, you grabbed the remote control and slowly got up, the door cracked open and a “Sunshine ?” resonated in the room. Dropping your “weapon”, you let out a laugh and headed quickly to the front door. Your boyfriend was standing in the doorway looking slightly confused with a blush covering his cheeks.
“ Sunshine are you okay? I heard something loud, did you drop something? Are you hurt?”
“No, no Tama I’m fine, sorry. I thought you were a thief, and I grabbed the remote control in a desperate attempt at self-defence.”
He breathed out a laugh and you smiled at his relief. Stepping forward and wrapping him in a welcome hug, you let your mind wander.
Tamaki had been struggling with anxiety ever since he was young but his constant worry about others weirdly helped him in his job. 
You two had met during his internship in Fatgum’s agency while you worked as the secretary’s assistant. You don’t think you could forget how panicked he looked when he first entered the building: slumped over, eyes locked on the ground with his entire body slightly trembling. He couldn’t let out a word after arriving at the secretary’s desk and you don’t know how he managed to get to Fatgum’s office after being in such a frantic state. 
The first few weeks after his arrival were quite peculiar, he looked alone most of the time and seemed to avoid every contact he could with other individuals. So when you arrived, bento in hand, one Thursday and asked if you could eat with him, you thought he was going to refuse. 
Yet a few minutes afterward, here you were sitting on the bench next to a tense Suneater, eating your lunch. You quickly managed to make this a ritual of some sort. You two ate together at least once a week when he was at the agency and you had noticed his shoulders always seemed to relax when you were around him.
During that year, you had learned that Tamaki Amajiki was a wonderful listener. He never interrupted you in your passionate rambling and always wore a small smile on his face when you got lost in your thoughts, sometimes leading you back on the trail you had formed, others letting you find your way back in hopes of learning even more about you.
Stepping out of your dreams, you looked up to meet the eyes of your partner. Seven years had gone by now and Tamaki became a high ranked pro. His anxiety still got the best of him at some points but his firm resolve and the bit of self-confidence he managed to build up over time made him one of the most beloved heroes of the nation.
Smiling softly at your expression, Tamaki stepped out of your embrace and let his bag fall on the ground. He took off his shoes and walked towards the kitchen, turning on the heating plate.
" I'm making some hot chocolate, do you want one darling? "
You nodded at that and began to prepare a tray, setting down cookies you made during the afternoon on it and opening a small bag of marshmallows. The sweet scent of chocolate soon filled the room, and your heart swelled with bliss. You filled the cups and moved to carry the tray to your couch before the spark of a candle caught your eyes. Now heading to your balcony, shine changed into soft lighting as you got closer and candles multiplied on your path.
"Tamaki, are you out there ?" you slipped your head out of the window to see him, standing outside trying to lay down big blankets for you two to relax on.
"Ha... huh I'm sorry, I thought this would take less time but lighting all those candles and trying to lay down our blankets directly to surprise you with ended up being way more difficult than I thought, I feel like I've ruined the surprise I'm so sorry Sora, I just wanted to create a small place for us to relax by because I know we didn't get much time together these last few days but I didn't succeed-"
"Tama" you whispered, stopping his panicked rambling "It's ok, you can relax, thank you for your surprise. I wasn't expecting it, it's really sweet of you to think about us" you topped your sentence with a smile. 
Stepping forward, you put the tray down, right next to the messily laid blanket. 
"Tama, can you ?" you asked while grabbing two corners of it, you smiled when he mirrored your actions and let down the fluffy cover "Thank you, darling".
Tamaki and you were now sat, hot chocolate in hand, narrating your day to each other and laughing at a few jokes you would get out at all the perilous adventures he lived trough. 
"How do you manage to not quit after all that ?" 
"Sunshine, I have no idea. I like to think that it always ends up helping others and I have to put my quirk to good use. Yes, I do admit, some situations are quite terrifying but rescuing is one of the best parts of the job."
"I mean, the scariest thing I've ever done looks like a piece of cake next to yours" he laughed for a bit before turning his head towards yours.
"And what would that be ?" he sounded genuinely confused. You looked at him then burst out laughing.
"Pretty sure it was six years ago, I had this really big crush on a guy I met during one of my internships." His eyes widened as they filled with worry. "I don't know if you know him, his name was Tamaki Amajiki" you laughed "He was really cute, and I had no idea how to ask him out, I was sure he was going to reject me."
"Don't be an idiot, I was head over heels for you already." 
"Well, I wasn't aware of that at the time! My heart was beating out of my chest and I thought I was going to stop breathing when your eyes met mine after I called your name that day"
"Tamaki ?" your hands were shaking behind your back "Can I speak to you for a second ?" 
The hero in training rose from his seat, nodding. You were fiddling with your hands now, cold sweat running down the nape of your neck.
"So, we've known each other for a year now and huh... I think I might have developed a crush on you" lowering the volume of your voice at the end of your sentence. Seeing his frozen expression, you kept going. "And it's perfectly ok if you don't like me back because I would hate to ruin our friendship but I also wanted you to know how I feel because I felt like it was important in a way." 
You looked up from the spot on the ground you were starring at to see a pale and close to fainting Tamaki.
"I thought you had a heart attack at that point," you added.
"I was not expecting it !" he said, defending himself. "It was a shock"
"Tamaki, are you ok? Did I break you? Oh, gods, I broke you, I'm so sorry"
"No, no" he whispered. "I-I'm fine, huh I like you too. I- are you sure you like me? Because I know I can be a lot and difficult to deal with at some times but I'll try my best to not be too annoying"
"You're far from annoying, and yes I do very much mean it. I like you and I would like to go out with you. If that would be fine of course"
"Yes." he responded quickly "Sorry that was quick, I- hum, I'm really happy that you do" he smiled at you, the tip of his ears reddening before he hid his face between his hands.
"Well, that fear was all worth it. I'm really happy that I managed to make a move. And that I'm still here with you today."
"How could I let go of you Sora, you're not getting rid of me that easily."
"Oh, but I wasn't planning on doing so." you laughed.
"Apart from my scary experiences at work, I've had my fair share of frights in our relationship"
"I know, I'm terrifying."
"We both know that's not what I meant !" he said, blushing "I meant that even if I wasn't the one to confess, I've had my "shaky hands and sweaty palms" moment" he paused for a minute, tearing his eyes from the stars to look at you, snuggled in his arms, reddened nose and cheeks.
"Do you remember the first time I told you that I loved you ?"
It was in late March, the year you started dating. The cherry trees had started blooming and you and Tamaki were planning a picnic date in one of the parks near UA.
"Of course I remember, I tried making takoyaki for you and failed miserably !" you said, laughing at the memory.
"They were not that bad, I swear"
"You're only saying that because you love me Tama, you're not impartial"
So there you were, sitting on a blanket under big cherry trees with not so well made takoyaki and other snacks stuffed in a basket sitting in front of you.
"Are they good ?" you asked tentatively
"Well, I- I wouldn't say they're awful" he paused for a bit
"There's a "but" right ?" he sighed.
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be. Don't be sorry, it's not your fault, you're not the one who made them. Here let me taste them" you grabbed one and did as you said... Just before almost spitting it out. "Eww, Tama, you liar. Those are disgusting, how could I have made this..." you gasped "How could I have let you eat all of those ?"
"Now you're being dramatic Sora. They're not terrible, there's just room for improvement"
"That's just a nice way to put it," you breathed out a laugh "they are terrible, and you're way too nice. I guess the day has come for us to realize that you are the good cook of our relationship." you giggled, shortly followed by him.
His laughter died down as he gazed at you.
"I- hum I love you" he looked down, blushing. "I wanted to say "I love you" for the first time without stuttering, but that failed"
You smiled brightly, a spark in your eyes.
"I love you too..." you let out "I also failed my takoyaki, so I guess we both had to fail at something"
"I was right, we were even, we usually are"
"Are you implying we didn't change ?" he wondered
"In a way... I mean I still love you as much as I did at the time, well, maybe more. But I hope my takoyaki skills improved, for your sake"
"Well, that's debatable"
"Hey !" you hit him lightly, laughing at his blushing ears. He still felt bad teasing you sometimes but you were glad he felt confident enough with you to do it.
You settle back inside his arms, your back against his chest. Empty hot chocolate mugs left out on the tray and plate of cookies almost clear after all the reminiscing.
You couldn't wish for anything other than this, living and getting the chance to stargaze with Tamaki Amajiki.
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whitetigerdemoness · 5 years
The epilogue! Just wrapping some loose ends up.
A fox will tell you a thousand lies without once saying anything that isn't true.
Master Post of All Chapters
“Today the most sensational trial of the decade concluded with a guilty plea from Gabriel Agreste, better known to most as Hawkmoth. Mr. Agreste has been sentenced to serve only ten years of prison time, a most controversial decision. One month ago his final akuma rampage killed no less than forty one people, this reporter included. By only one deciding vote the jury has decided ‘not guilty’ to the accusations as thanks to Ladybug no permanent damage was found to be done. Additional charges included-”
Nathaniel tapped the x in the corner of the video to close it and shut his eyes with a sigh. Nadia looked tense in the report, clearly not agreeing with the verdict, and he sympathized with her. That same sympathy was why the jury had voted the way they did. Mr. Agreste may have pleaded guilty, but he still had very good lawyers. They spun a thrilling tale of desperation and love, a man grieving his fallen wife (who had secretly been a superhero) and doing anything he could to revive her. The fact that Paon was now a public hero (the peacock miraculous being repaired) only helped matters for him. With Hawkmoth gone Paon was more of an everyday hero, using her sentimonsters to help with things such as construction and rescuing kittens from trees, but the city adored her. Knowing Mrs. Agreste personally Nathaniel knew she did it out of guilt for what Gabriel had done to the city to revive her. 
Speaking of heroes he knew personally, Marinette had been lightly hinting that he and Marc should come out with her, Adrien, and Luka on a double date. Nathaniel supposed being the embodiment of a luck based superhero was good for something. Nathaniel was felt he was lucky just to have one boyfriend. A boyfriend he was currently hiding on the school roof to avoid. Not that there was a problem with Marc! No the problem was entirely with Nathaniel, or rather his memories. In his final moments, Reverser had attempted to use his powers to allow Nathaniel to keep his memories of his time as an akuma. Due to the miraculous cure it had half worked. One moment he could be looking into Marc’s dazzling green eyes in the art room, and the next he would be looking into a different, otherworldly pair of green. His treacherous mind giving him flashes of warm lips and an even warmer body against his own. He was sixteen, male, and not at all equipped to deal with sudden feelings bowling him over out of nowhere.
So he did what any boy his age would do in that situation and ran away to hide on the roof in hopes that the cold air would help those ‘feelings’ go away. Why did his akuma self have to be so-so...bold! Penknight might have been able to just kiss his boyfriend whenever and wherever he wanted, but Nathaniel sometimes worried his heart was going to explode just holding hands. Sure, he was a little more confident in private, but a sudden urge to heavily makeout in the middle of a public space? Not possible. 
“Nath?” Marc popped his head around the corner. The sound Nathaniel made was not manly. The bastard had the nerve to laugh at him. Face burning, Nathaniel scooted back to where he had been sitting before Marc decided to jump-scare him halfway across the roof. Said boy sat down next to him, their shoulders touching.
“It happened again, didn’t it?” Marc asked, resting his head on his knees. “Judging from the look on your face before you ran I’d say it was a pleasant memory.” He teased.
“It um,” Nathaniel coughed to try and prevent his throat from closing up, “It was.” They both blushed and looked away from each other.
“...You know,” Marc began “One of these days you’re going to have to actually give me more details about what you keep seeing other than ‘hrk’ ‘gack’ ‘hnnng!’ and changing the subject. I mean, with how red your face goes I can guess, but it would be nice to have it confirmed if I still have my virginity or not.” ‘Hrk’, ‘gack’, and ‘hnnng!’, plus more were included in the intelligent reply Nathaniel tried to stammer out. His only consolation was Marc looked just as embarrassed. 
“We-” The redhead started, then took a deep breath for strength. “We didn’t go...that far. Hawkmoth was...watching.” Nathaniel left out the part where the villain had been gone for several hours, leaving the two to their own devices. He was in the area of 90% sure they hadn’t gone farther than making out, and fervently hoped he was right. If just remembering kissing sent him into fits, he would probably die if he suddenly recalled...other things. Time to change the subject.
“So um, you usually don’t come after me when I get overwhelmed from remembering stuff. What are you up here hiding from?” Marc had offered, when the flashbacks first started, but Nathaniel needed the time alone to sort out what he was feeling, after.
“Berger and his cronies are here.” Ugh, that man. 
“They really don’t seem to care about those restraining orders, do they?” Nathaniel sighed. “Who are they after today, Adrien, Lila, or us?” While Adrien still roamed the city as Chatnoir, only a select few knew who was behind the mask. The Wah Wah were more interested in him as the son of Hawkmoth and Paon. The interviews and public admissions to her identity the first time she had become Volpina had really come back around to bite Lila in the ass. She had been publicly declared innocent of any all and crimes committed while Volpina, as cured akumas were acknowledged to have no memory or control of their akuma actions, but the zealous Office of Akuma Affairs hounded her without mercy. Nathaniel had zero sympathy for her, as she had outed him and Marc as Penknight and Prism the first chance she got to try and take some pressure off her own skin. It didn’t work, and now all three of them had to deal with idiots stalking them.
“Anyone they can sink their claws in I guess. Principal Damocles was arguing with them by the entrance when Rose let me know they were here. I figured freezing my ass off up here with you was the better alternative than trying to sneak past them.” Marc grumbled, pulling his knees in tighter. Early March in Paris was not the best weather to be sitting around outside without a coat in. Nathaniel hesitantly put an arm around him. Marc snuggled into his side with a sigh. 
“Sorry, the roof seemed like a good idea at the time.” Nathaniel apologized. Marc didn’t reply, only scooting closer. “We could probably sneak into the library from here if you would like to go back inside?” 
“Oh my god yes. If I stay out here any longer I’m going to be a popsicle.” Marc wasted no time jumping to his feet and pulling Nathaniel along with him. Letting himself be pulled along, Nathaniel smiled, grateful that this entire ordeal had ended on a happy note.
“Thank you so much for letting me wait for Marinette! She’s been so helpful tutoring me.” Lila waved to Mr and Mrs Dupain-cheng, her smile fading as she climbed into Marinette’s room and out of sight. She didn’t know how it had happened, but after being cured she had lost her place as the class favorite to Marinette. She had tried every trick she could think of, saying that Nadia and Jagged had been forced by Penknight to claim not to know her. That Hawkmoth had manipulated her for his own ends. That she was just a poor victim in that awful fiasco, but nothing had worked. The class had neatly split down the middle between her supporters and Marinette’s. Heck, Nathaniel had been outright hostile to her.
She had used his animosity as an excuse to switch classes and while her new class was happy to give her the admiration she deserved, she could not, would not, accept that Marinette had beaten her. Glancing about the girl’s room she looked for anything she could use to incriminate her. To blackmail her. Hell, even to just plain HURT her. She picked up a ladybug bug shaped box on Marinette’s desk and looked for a way to open it. Figures the girl would be a Ladybug fan. Running her hands over the spots, she felt one give slightly. When she pressed again a compartment opened, revealing a silver and purple butterfly pin. 
The compartment came all the way out and could be folded over into a small box. Much more convenient than taking the entire thing. Lila pocketed the first box and reached out to touch another spot, only to hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Hastily, she set the box back on the desk just in time for Marinette to appear.
“What are you doing here?” Marinette growled. 
“Marinette! I came to apologize.” Lila turned up the charm. “This past month, in my new class, well some distance from the situation really made me realize how horribly I treated you and-” Marinette cut her off.
“I don’t believe any of that for a second.” She fumed. “What are you really doing here?”
“Marinette” Lila sighed. “Can’t we ever put all this passed us and be friends?” She smiled.
“Not until you prove you’ve actually changed. Sneaking into my room while I’m not here is a terrible start.”
“If we can’t have an honest conversation, I should just go…” Lila trailed off, schooling her expression into a remorseful one.
“Please do.” Marinette was not moved. She did hold the door open for Lila and walk her all the way out, no doubt to keep an eye on her. Lila didn’t mind. She might not have gotten anything world ending from this trip, but maybe she could at least pawn the pin in her pocket for some cash. The thing looked as though it was made of real silver, sure to be worth a good amount.
Oh yes, she had a good feeling about how this was going to end.
Well there you have it, that's it for Holloa. Will there be a sequel? Perhaps. It is canon that there is a Hawkmoth several years in the future. Not sure how I would go with making that Hawkmoth Lila without her knowing who Ladybug was, or at least where to get the rest of the miraculous since she picked up the Butterfly from Marinette. Oh wait I do have an idea....hm. Maybe. I'll think about it ok. Lila makes the most sense out of everyone to be Hawkmoth 2.0
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futurewriter2000 · 7 years
Cold (Draco Malfoy x reader)
A/N: I am so proud of my Draco imagines, you have no idea. Anyways it took me a long time to write this one but I just wanted it to be perfect. So here it is. I hope you like it.
Requested by the lovely @jpgharrypotter: The reader and draco are a couple and its winter so they go down to the lake (which is frozen) with the other slytherins and the reader and pansy start arguing and fighting which leads to the ice breaking and the reader goes under the water so draco starts panicking and then rescues her but she’s unconscious and has barely any life in her so he prays and prays but then its okay because he gives her cpr and saves her life. 
Warning: fluff, a bit angst? My English?
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It was white and cold winter. The crystal white snow was covering every inch of Hogwarts and the ground surrounding it. The sun always shined in the mroning, showing off the trees covered with snow and the frozen lake few kilometers away from Hogwarts. It was beautiful.
Draco was just in the Common room, reading a book you gave him for Christmas. He didn’t want to admit it but he loved it. This was the second time he was reading it. Pansy dropped herself on the couch and smiled. 
“Still reading this awful book she gave you?” she asked with a raspy voice.
“Yup.” he replied, not taking his eyes off of it.
“I bet it’s so terrible you can’t even read it.” she continued.
“Yup.” said Draco, still not bothering to take his eyes away from the book. Until he heard your laugh coming from the entrance, his eyes shot up like lightning. 
You walked with Zabini and kept laughing. When you saw your boyfriend sitting with your book in his lap and smiling, you immediately ran over to him and sat on his lap. 
“Hello love.” you said and gave him a kiss. 
“Hello gorgeous.” he replied looking up to your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes and wrapping his arms around your waist. “What were the two of you laughing about?”
“We were thinking of going to the lake. It’s frozen and it would be amazing to just get out from all of this. So are you coming? We invited Higgs, Goyle and Ruby. Plus Zabini and I and hopefully you?” you quievered.
“I would love to.” he smilled and kissed your nose. 
“Can I come to?” asked Pansy and stood up.
You and Blaise looked at eachother and gave a sypathetic look. “Sure?” said Zabini and shrugged his shoulders.
“Okay. I’ll just go grab my scarf.”
Great. All you needed right now was Pansy Parkinson. The bitch, who is after your man since day one.
You were walking with Draco, your arm around his and your head on his shoulder as you continued to watch the guys and Ruby have a snowball fight.
It was perfect. 
Pansy on the other hand wasn’t enjoying herself so much. The whole time she was glowering at the two of you holding hands and being all cute. She wanted that. She needed Draco. Draco was supposed to be hers. And yet here you were, taking her man away from her.
“Hey Draco!” yelled Zabini with a huge snowball in your hand. “10 Galleons you hit Goyle from that tree over there?” he pointed to the tree a few feet away from you.
“You’re on Zabini.” smirked Draco and ran towards the tree.
And as soon as Draco left, Pansy walked next to you. “So? I was thinking about you and me..”
“Oh?” you looked at her and furrowed her eyebrows.
“Yeah. I noticed you don’t like me because of the whole Draco thing but I’m here to tell you I’m totally okay with it.” she lied. “I’m actually going for Higgs now.” she winked at you. 
“Oh?” you exclaimed and looked over to Higgs on the top of the hill.
“Yeah but I need him to notice me so, can you maybe help me a bit..” she asked and rubbed her hands together.
“I don’t know…” you hesitated as you knew something didn’t feel right. 
“Oh. I see. Just because you’re dating Draco does not mean you are better than me.“
“What? I didn’t say that!” 
“You think I didn’t see the look you and Zabini gave eachother when I asked if I could come along! You are probably shagging him don’t you?” she yelled, stepping closer to you and backing you away towards the lake.
“Oi! What’s happening down there!” yelled Higgs from the hill.
“This bitch here is accusing me of sleeping with Zabini!” you yelled feeling your blood boil. “If you think you have a chance with Draco you are dead wrong! I love him with all my heart and he’s my man so you better stay away from him. He doesn’t love you. He doesn’t even like you. Who would like a snarky ugly snake like you?” you seethed and glared at her.
She was fuming inside. How dare does a peseant like you talk down on her like that. Her eyes drifted to the big, heavy rock, sitting on a small him above the lake. She looked down on your feet and saw that you were standing on the frozen lake. And that’s when it popped. She pushed the rock from the hill and it fell down on the ice and the next moment you knew, the ice beneath you collapsed and you were in the ice cold water.
You swam up to the surface and started taking deep breathes. The cold was washing all over your body. You couldn’t feel your legs anymore and you couldn’t stay afloat. It kept dragging you down and the last thing you saw was that snarky smirk of hers as she left the scene.
"Oi! What happened?! I was just abou to throw whe you moved." yelled Draco as he ran up the hill. They all looked at him with worried eyes and glanced down at the hill. Zabini and Higgs were already running down there when Draco noticed you were nowhere to be seen. He looked towards the lake and saw a green scarf laying next to a hole in the lake.
He ran down as fast as he could, stripping down his coat,scarfs and sweaters, and without even thinking he jumped in. It was a freezing cold water but he didn’t care. He can’t lose you. Not like this. Everything was so dark, he couldn’t even see. Untill he saw something glowing deep down. He swam down until he saw the ring on your finger. The ring he gave it on your birthday, which was reflecting a small light above the ice. He grabbed you by the arms and started swimming to the surface. He was almost out of breath when he finally reached the top and pulled you out with him.
“Help me get her out!” he shouted and they immediately obeyed. Zabini and Higgs grabbed you and carried you on land while Crabe and Goyle helped Draco out of the freezing cold water.
“She’s not breathing.” said Zabini and started panicking. 
“I’ll go get help!” yelled Ruby and ran back to school
“Move!” yelled Draco running towards you and pushing Zabini and Higgs out of the way. He removed your wet coat and your sweater from your lifeless body. He placed his ear next to your mouth and nose. He couldn’t feel the air on his cheek as he looked to see if your chest was moving and it didn’t. “Shit.” he cursed.
He tilted your head back and lifted your chin to open your airway. Pinching your nose he took a normal breath, covering his mouth with yours to create an airtight seal, and then give 5 one-second breaths as he watched for your chest to rise. After the breathes he started doing 30 chest compressions. 
“Come on (y/n).Breathe.” he begged, continuing with compressions.
And you did. You started caughing and feeling the water come out out of your lungs. 
“Oh thank god.” sighed Draco, relieved and exhausted at the same time. 
“Draco?” you caughed.
“Shh. Don’t speak. I’m here.” he said quetly, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you closer. “I’m here.”
“Looks like you’ve got a lot of friends, who care for you.” said Madam Pince, bringing in another set of flowers.
“I think half of them are just from Draco.” you chuckled, putting away your book and sitting up.
“The boy hasn’t left since you arrived.That boy sure is complicated. “ said Madam Pince, putting the flowers next to you
“Is there a chance he could come in? I would love to see him. “
Madam Pince shot you a glare but it softened after looking at your big (y/e/c) eyes. “ Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt letting him in. But only for 15 minutes. You need to rest.”
“Thank you.” you said and waited for your boyfriend to come in.
He walked in in dry clothes and tired eyes. He was exhausted and cold, but he didn’t care. As long you were well and alive he couldn’t care less about how he felt.
“You gave me quite a scare there love.” he spoke softly as he sat next to you.
“You saved me.” you replied, taking his hand. “You’re cold.” you gasped and grabbed his other hand. 
“I don’t care. I almost lost you there.” he worried.
“But you didn’t. You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.” you smiled and pulled his hands closer.
“It’s not funny. If you haven’t dragged me to that stupid CPR meeting 6 months ago I wouldn’t know what to do. I could have lost you.” 
“Not so stupid now.” you chuckled.
“Unbelievable. Here you almost died and you make jokes out of it.” he simpered, tilting his head left and right.
“Come here.” you said glumly, pulling his hands closer to you as you scooted over.
He sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around you. It felt warm. He started to feel warmer with you in his arms. “ I have to admit something.” he suddenly blurted out.
“Oh? Now when you almost lost me, you are going to pour out your deepest feelings to me. “ you teased, snuggling into his chest.
“You are terrible at making jokes at times like this.” he chuckled.
“I’m waiting.” you smirked and looked up at him.
“I wasn’t meaning to pour out my deepest feelings to you because I already did that, but since you’re waiting...” he smiled down at you. “I love you (y/n) (y/l/n). And you were right. That book is fantastic.” 
“Ha! I knew you would like it. I knew you couldn’t have been reading those three pages in one day. I’m making you a softy Draco Malfoy.” you chortled.
“I am not a softy. Potter’s a softy, I am a hard-core  Draco Malfoy.” he scoffed.
“Well hard-core Malfoy, I love you.” you smiled and nuzzled yourself in his arms.
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soopranatural · 7 years
Fever dreams
Summary: Steve takes care of you while you are sick. You did the same for him a long time ago. (Also, I made this wayyy more complicated than I needed to but that was the original prompt.)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sickness, mentions of the Winter Soldier program, mostly fluff? Feelings? Steve is a sweetheart and a worry wart. This is probably terrible sorry.
Words: 2127
A/N: being sick sucks, I can't breathe and everything's trash. (Also yay my first Marvel thing)
((Also also, imagine after CACW everyone went back to being friends))
Mobile Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
Steve remembers waking up  feeling like he was going to die.
His nose was stuffy and his throat was uncomfortably raspy. He swallowed hard and cringed at the scratch.
When Bucky had left the day before he had been fine. But now he felt awful. He grit his teeth when the sun filtering through the curtains made his head pound. Unable to get up, he covered his head with a groan and went back to sleep.
Maybe a few hours later, you came in, smiling sheepishly and carrying a bag of groceries.
"Sorry, I used the key under the brick, but only because you wouldn't answer and I knew you were here, I got worried" Steve looked up at you dumbly, half delirious with fever, as you strode through his apartment as if it were your home. He ignored the flutter of his heart at the thought, it was probably the fever.
You had taken care of him then, made him warm soup and kept an eye on his fever so it wouldn't get too bad. You were a great nurse.
And that's why you went to war.
He had nothing left in Brooklyn after that. He had been able to rescue Bucky, that first time, but shortly after he found out you had been shot in the field, and you wouldn't be coming home, to his apartment or otherwise.
Then he had lost Bucky, and flown a plane directly into the freezing ocean, and everything had gone to shit.
"We found her" Steve looked up from his paperwork, eyebrows raised at Natasha, who had strutted into his office already talking about something as if she was picking up on a previous conversation.
He rubbed a hand down his face tiredly. Couldn't she wait until he at least finished his coffee?
"Remember the missing soldier from last year?" He nodded, looking at her through half cosed eyes. She looked up at him and smirked knowingly.
"Jesus Cap, maybe you should go and take a nap and we can talk about this later. It's only vital international business." he grumbled at her, took a sip from his lukewarm coffee, and gestured for her to go on.
"Yeah, I remember that. You found her?" Natasha shifted her weight to one leg, hip jutting out as she pursed her lips and looked through the file she was carrying.
"Yup, she's pretty, right?" She smiled brightly and slapped the file on his desk on top of the unfinished mission reports.
Steve lifted the coffee mug to his lips, then promptly choked on his sip when he saw the picture.
"What's her name?" He breathed, his hands shaking and his breath caught in his lungs.
"Why, got a crush?" Natasha smirked playfully, wiggling her eyebrows "You know, personally I like Linda from accounting, y'know, the sane one, but if your type is..."
"What's her name, Nat" he sounded gruff but dangerous, he knew those eyes, the shape of that mouth. He knew the name was in the file, but he couldn't bring himself to read it.
Natasha straightened, squinting her eyes at Steve when she sensed the sudden shift in his tone.
"Y/N Y/L/N, she was captured by Hydra after being presumed dead from a shot wound"
How many people could say they had lost their best friend in the Second World War only to discover seventy years in the future that they had been brainwashed but alive, part of the Winter Soldier program this whole time?
Not many, he was sure.
It was weird that it had happened to him twice.
He hated every moment of getting you back, from finding you hiding out in Belgium (the old Y/N would have never approved of that apartment from hell), helping you remember your own name (you had gotten a haunted look then, "I don't know her, did I kill her?"), to trying to dig into your brain to find a cure (you had screamed as soon as you were strapped into the chair, you had broken your own finger trying to get out and they had to knock you out to stop you from hurting yourself too much).
It had been hell, these past five months, but he had slowly noticed you becoming more yourself. You still had trouble remembering stuff, and you always looked exhausted. He wondered why Hydra had decided you were a good candidate for the program, when you looked as fragile as you did. Maybe that was exactly why.
You had started to talk a bit more, mostly to him (he suspected it had something to do with the knowledge he could take you down if he needed to). And he was glad that you seemed to be making progress. The flutters were back, and he could now recognize them for what they were, but he couldn't possibly make a move on you, not while you were still like this.
Yesterday they had tried something new. They gave you a shot to lower your immune system, since the serum improved it so much, so they could take some samples and run some tests. (It was like two gallons, Steve, it hurt like hell) He was hopeful, maybe they would finally find a way to get you back for good. And if it worked for you, maybe it would work for Bucky as well, and they could finally wake him up from the cyro sleep.
The samples were still in the lab, and you were having a celebratory quiet day.
You and Steve had carried all the blankets and pillows to his room and built a nest on his bed, cuddling into it. You had planned to eat junk food and catch up on your list of movies, so you weren't planning on leaving his bed at all.
It was weird, cuddling like this. Sure, you had hugged before, but human contact had been rare since you were captured by Hydra, and hugs since you were back were short and to the point. Plus there was the Cap factor. You knew this was still your Steve, but the fact that he was now three times his previous size and could surround you completely was jarring.
You made a face and laughed quietly as you cuddled into his side. He pressed play on the remote and the opening credits of Star Wars showed on the screen.
You whispered commentary occasionally as you watched the movie, you had already finished a bag of popcorn and half a bag of chips by the time the second movie started playing. You shivered and made grabby hands at Steve so he would get back to the comfortable warmth of the nest. He chuckled and snuggled next to you, kissing the top of your head absently before settling back down.
You tensed suddenly, immediately forcing your muscles to relax. You resisted the urge to look up at him. He hadn't seemed to notice and you didn't want him to.
It hit you suddenly how much you were acting like a couple. And how much this looked like a date. You decided to ignore it. You were not normal people, and this wasn't a normal situation, you had always been protective of each other, and you knew you both needed positive human contact. Maybe he had just slipped, so you wouldn't mention it.
Instead you pulled up one of the thick blankets and tucked it tightly around you, you were feeling drowsy and the night was getting chilly.
In the span of an hour, you had managed to turn yourself into a bundle of shivering blankets. Steve was still hugging you, but he couldn't feel you trembling underneath the thick layer of blankets and covers, your eyes were burning, and you thought maybe it was because you had kept your eyes on the television for too long.
It wasn't until your teeth started to chatter that he noticed something was wrong. He looked at you for a few long seconds, but you ignored him. Jesus, you were cold as hell.
"You alright?" You nodded, but he was unconvinced. "Jus' cold", you relented, Steve frowned and pressed his hand to your forehead. It felt like ice against your skin and you closed your eyes at the feeling.
"God dammit Y/N, you're burning up" you blinked up at him blearily. "I am?" He pressed his hand to one cheek and then the other, wincing.
"I think you might be getting sick" you frowned at that, you couldn't be sick, you hadn't been sick in more than eighty years. "'Mnot sick" As if to prove you wrong, your head started pounding as soon as you said that and you groaned. "Okay, maybe I'm sick"
"We need to get your temperature down, I should probably call Dr. West, 'cmon, covers off" he started wrestling the blankets from around you and you fought him weakly, whining like a child.
He finally managed to get them off you, and the sudden cold bit your skin so harshly that you yelped. You were freezing.
"Yes, hello, Dr. West?" You groan "no, she has a fever" he hums and you try to take the blankets back while he's distracted, but he throws them to the corner of the room. You fall back to the bed face first, groaning pitifully. "Should I take her....okay, yeah, that makes sense. Thank you, I'll call you if anything changes."
He breathes out a chuckle as he takes you in, face smushed into the mattress and groaning dramatically, his hands are on his hips and you hear the smirk in his voice when he speaks again.
"Dr. West said this might happen. They lowered your immune system, so now you're sick."
"Great" you mumble. "I feel like shit."
There's a moment of silence as Steve considers the situation, then he leaves the room. You assume he left to go get the doctor, or maybe a thermometer, but after about ten minutes you start to think he just left you alone to die.
In the time he's been gone you have gotten worse. Your head is pounding and your vision is blurry, you feel hot and cold simultaneously and you feel half delirious.
You hear the door open and close, but it sounds muffled, like you're underwater. You don't bother moving.
You feel a cool hand touch your forehead and you hum. Your eyes are closed, but you hear someone move across the room to the bathroom. The door opens and you hear the tap running. The footsteps are back and then you feel a damp cloth been pressed to your forehead. You hum again.
You think it's Steve, but you only know for sure it's him when he climbs back on the bed, cuddling up behind you.
His scent surrounds you and you sluggishly move so that your face in against his chest. Your breathing is deep and heavy against him, you feel him sigh in worry and you feel his arm come around you and pull you tightly to him.
It all feels like a dream afterwards, sometimes he is cuddled up against you, with you mumbling nonsense into his side. Other times, the cold bites at your skin as he gets up to replace the damp cloth, which heats up quickly against your burning skin.
You hear him murmuring from time to time, asking questions or just talking. And you try to answer him whenever you can. Are you feeling better? Do you need another towel? Covers on or off? Do you want something for your headache?
Sometime later, you're guessing maybe a few hours considering the soft light that has started to filter in from the windows, your fever breaks. You feel weird and mushy still, but you know that your body heals faster so you'll feel better in no time.
You don't say a thing though, just breathe a sigh into Steve's neck and revel in the way he shivers. You think maybe he's asleep, but then he shifts and his face is right there.
Neither of you move, just stare at each other, silent and unmoving. His eyes are really blue.
"You're a good nurse" you say, your voice is hoarse.
"Thank you" he says, his smile is soft and shy, and your heart lurches.
"Thank you for taking care of me" you think maybe you should pull away.
"It's no problem" he pulls you closer.
He kisses your forehead before wriggling a bit. You wait a minute and then hear his breathing change and deepen.
Well then. You kiss him tenderly on the cheek before laying back down in his arms and relaxing into his hold.
You miss his blush and hopeful smile, because you're already asleep.
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
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