#do they just ignore him being the coprotagonist or what?
sometimesrosy · 5 years
Hello Rosie, I really like reading your analysis. And I have so many questions in mind but there has been one for some time that has concerned me, you may have already answered, in which case I haven't seen it, my favorite character is Bellamy and i love his evolution over the seasons, I like to know what people think, and even if we aren't all agree, I respect their opinions. There is one that I see a lot of appearing: [1/4]
[2/4] it's the fact that " Bellamy doesn't have his own storyline, each time it revolves around Octavia and Clarke". And I don't know I'm mixed because I think he has changed a lot, with Octavia he learned to detach from her, it took time but the development is there. With Clarke it's different but I don't see why it's bad that he wants to protect her given the importance she has for him. The same for his protectiveness towards others.
[3/4] He matured, he had a pretty good arc in s3 ( for me ) and it's the continuity of s4 where he tries to repair his faults and understands that he can't save everyone. In s5 he's mature, makes thoughtful decisions, and even if he tries to reason with his sister, he clearly takes opposition to her. With s6 it's also a continuity of that, their relationship is at its lowest but it tended to improve at the end.
[4/4] And yes he spent most of the time trying to save clarke, but i think that is one of the decisions where we understand that he makes this choice for him first, because he needs her . If it's not having his own storyline, then I didn't understand anything, and i'm a bad Bellamy stan. What do you think about all of this ?
Thank you @wardasmo 
When they say that Bellamy doesn’t have his own storyline they are absolutely, 100% incorrect. It’s a ridiculous statement for the character who is the secondary protagonist and has had MULTIPLE storylines focused on his development as a character and a hero.
They are simply wrong. They have an agenda, and they create a story to back it up, whether that fits with canon or filmmaking or storytelling or what have you, doesn’t matter to them, because they only want to be right, to stan what they stan, and say there’s some sort of injustice there that makes the story wrong and them right.
And you know it. You have already stated his storylines, which is the opposite of not having any storylines. You are right. They are wrong. But they’re so certain they are right and will allow no subtlety of discussion, that they make you think they must know something you don’t.
They don’t.
You’re the one whose following Bellamy’s narrative, character development and storylines. They are not.
Stan/antis are NOT good at understanding story, because they erase whatever they don’t like and focus only on what they do like. They aren’t INTERESTED in the story. They are interested in the communal activity of worshipping whatever it is they love. 
You have already explained some of Bellamy’s storylines. I can add more.
season 1. Bellamy faces his mistakes, after a life time of protecting his sister, and learns to share the. burden, and also gains freedom and power he never had before, dealing with the high price of that.
season 2. Bellamy, after losing his delinquents, is afraid to take power, and gives it away to Finn, disastrously, before deciding to take matters into his own hands and saving the delinquents himself.
season 3. After the trauma of MW, Bellamy refuses to lead and instead gives his power to Kane. He is retriggered by the destruction of MW and Clarke’s betrayal and then gives his power to Pike. S3a is a fight for Bellamy’s soul between Kane and Pike. Octavia and Clarke are not a part of it. 3b he’s finally accepted his own power and leads the mission and promises to do better to make up for his mistakes.
season 4.  Was about learning how to let go of the need to save everyone, to allow himself some happiness, to trust himself.
season 5. Was the season where Bellamy Blake became a hero. He learned from everything that happened and saved EVERYBODY’S asses. He used his head AND his heart. He refused to take responsibility for his sister’s actions. He told everyone what to do and he was right.
season 6. Ahh see, now. Bellamy’s hero’s journey is over, and NOW he’s that hero, and he gets a love story. He’s been separated from his true love for many major reasons, and he’s willing to sacrifice that love to do the sensible thing and stay with Echo, but when he almost loses Clarke again, he is no longer okay with not having Clarke and he goes after her and admits that he needs her, that he loves her, that he can’t let her go.
And YES. That means season 6 was about a partner, a girl. Clarke. Bellamy Blake has a romance story. This has actually been his romance story the whole time. And it’s finally coming to fruition.
Bellamy is the heart. I believe his story does in deed work around his relationships, and not only with Clarke and Octavia, but also Monty and Murphy and Echo and Raven and the rest. 
A character interacting with other characters and making connections that change them is NOT A FLAW IN STORYTELLING. Holy crap. What are they even thinking?
Let me tell you what my theory is about that theory that Bellamy doens’t have a storyline (ridiculous, he has more than anyone but clarke.)
I believe that is a theory built around the concept that Bellamy should be the star of the show, the main character. That Clarke should NOT. That Clarke is “the hero,” bothers them, because a woman should not be the heroic center of the show. A man should. Women are supposed to have stories about relationships, and families, and MEN are supposed to be the statesmen and saviors and warriors.
SO I think it’s internalized misogyny that is telling these Bellamy stans that if BELLAMY isnt’ the main hero and isn’t who the story revolves around every season then the story is wrong. Because Clarke SHOULDN’T be the hero. 
Despite Clarke being the hero. 
SO, since Bellamy has 25% of the storylines to Clarke’s 25% of the storylines, people feel like Bellamy is being shorted. Overshadowed. Ignored. Despite the season being ABOUT Bellamy’s emotions and character development HEAVILY. 
I think the idea of Bellamy being at the center of the romance plot line this season bothers them. He’s the romantic hero, and Clarke’s the action hero. And that is backwards for them. They’re jealous, and erasing Clarke as the hero in her own story.
I think it’s icky.
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