#do warabie's parents even like each other at this point
yesyourstalker · 5 months
Ikkan: Are you sure you don't want me to come back home?
Neta: please don't....I'm sorry. Please don't leave your vacation because of me. I'm really sorry I didn't mean to worry you
Ikkan: .mmk
Neta: I'm sorry
Ikkan:don't apologize babe it'll be ok
Neta: *yawn* I know I just...I just needed to vent
Ikkan:I just want you to get some rest. Call me in the morning ok?
Neta: alright. I love you.
Ikkan: I love you too.
Neta: I didn't mean to worry you.. I really don't want you to come back. I don't want your trip to be ruined because of me.
Ikkan: noooo no don't say that babe
Neta: I really feel like I am though. I shouldn't have called you. I just feel like I'm being........ too much because-
Ikkan:because you're not.
Ikkan: we'll talk about it in the morning
Neta: it'll actually be after 12:00
Ikkan afternoon yeah we're in different time zones I forgot
Neta: it's ok....*sniff*
Ikkan: I love you
Neta: I love you too............*yawn*...
Ikkan...babe get some sleep.
Neta: hmm ...............................hm hey......
Gai:..... I'm sorry.... I just thought you should know I didn't expect you to get this upset
Neta: dad ......*sigh*..... thank you for telling me.....*sigh*....... I just need to process this..... I'll see you.... I will call you when I'm ready to talk.
Gai: alright..... have a good night
Neta: yeah. Have a good night............. fucking hell ........
Merv: ikkan help set the table
Ikkan: ok...
Merv: Noji help me bring out the food. We're having tuna steak and scallop octatoes and gravy.
Ikkan: you really went all out Dad
Merv: yeh well we have guests over they should have a nice meal for the first night.
Noji: only the first..hehehe
Merv: dinner is ready!!
Cirrina: I'm coming!
Warabie: smells good
Shimi: hmm.....*eating*....wow it's not that bad... it's
Merv: fresh?... yes we have a farm to table house hold. Almost everything on your plates comes from my farm or from the locals farm or ranch. It's all prepared by hand. We are a homestead family and community we give to our neighbors and they give back to us. The bread that we are serving now came from the bakery, we gave them wheat and they gave us bread in return. Eventually you'll learn the way of the community and learn how to harvest, grow and take care of the livestock.
Cirrina: do we get to see the manatees now?
Ikkan: not yet Cici eat your dinner
Cirrina: damn....
Ikkan:hehehe... Be patient
Cirrina: hehehe.....did you call dad?
Ikkan: yes.... he's... he's doing ok
Cirrina: alright...
Ikkan: he doesn't want you to worry.
Merv: alright everyone time to head in. Tomorrow we start working.... Ikkan, Noji help me with the dishes
Noji: on it. Good night Cirrina I see you tomorrow.
Cirrina: night! Hehe.
Mahi:......*sleeping*.........*sleeping*......hm.....*Yawn* morning....uhhh... What time is it?
Mizole: it's 7:45
Mahi: haaaaa...*Stretch*.... I'm going to get some free coffee, see if Toguni is up. You want something?
Mizole: nah.,...
Mahi: do you want anything?
Mizole: nah ......
Mahi: come on...get up
Mizole: mmmmmmm
Mahi: cooommmme oooonnnn... let's go..
Mizole: mmmmm....no....stop...you smell...
Mahi: so do you. it's 95 outside and we're sleeping beside a bunch of strangers....get up let's get some coffee and see the line for the community showers.... come on..... mizole get up...(Kick)
Mizole: UGH... FINE!.. I gotta go to the bathroom anyway. If I see ichiya I'm kicking his ass!! Embarrass me in front of everyone. He can't let shit go
Mahi: *sigh*.
Mizole: what?
Mahi:... nothing.....
Mahi: *huff* it's just you spent most of the day yesterday fighting with your ex. If it wasn't fighting it was constant complaining. I thought this was going to be a fun thing we could do but If you had fun this year we could go every year but... Like a tradition we do every summer
Mizole: hey listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such an asshole and I'm having fun actually......... [kiss] we're going to have fun today. I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to bitch and I'm not going to fight with ichiya. I'm just going to ignore him... Today's going to be about us k ?
Mahi: .....alright...[kiss].... Let me get some coffee....... morning Toguni....you sleep well?
Toguni: *yawn*.... yeah...the bus has pretty good air conditioning.... what you want?
Mahi: I'll just take two iced coffees with milk and two pumps of vanilla....
Toguni: it's going to be a wait we ton of others to fill
Mahi: we can wait
Mizole: I can't. I'm heading to the porta potty... Maybe take a quick shower.....
Mahi: *siff*...ugh.....I'm gonna go change I'll be right back.
Merv: warabie. Son get up it's morning time put on your pants and boots and head downstairs for coffee and a corn muffin. Let's go!
Warabie: what?.......... it's only 5 30 in the morning
Merv: and it's a very beautiful morning. Now get up and wake up your father too
Warabie: *huuuuuuu*....The sun's not even up
Warabie: you're already up
Ikkan: yeah I came back up here just to get my work boots...*eating*... here you can borrow my old ones. They're a little big....*sip*... Head downstairs for the coffee gets cold
Ikkan: morning sweetie, have some milk.
Cirrina:...hmmmm...morning........*sip*....hmmmm taste different.
Ikkan: That's because it didn't come from the grocery store...
Noji: yep, it came straight from Patty. No preservatives, no additives, non-homogenized and freshly pasteurized milk.
Ikkan: morning guys... Coffee still hot muffins freshly baked
Warabie: so what do you want us to do today?
Merv: well we have to harvest all of our crops to make room for a new crop.... but let's do our regular chores first. Ikkan load the manatees up and drive them to Mr Graves field to graze, take Cirrina with you.
Ikkan: alright
Merv: I need you to go to let the krill out for and collect their eggs and clean the coop, warabie you can help him
Noji: on it ! Let's go warabie!
Warabie:... Do we at least get gloves?
Merv: Shimi you're going to help me clean the barns and collect manure and replace the feed
Shimi: what!...uhh..let me just call my wife. I uh.... I'm.... worried about her...... I'll be right back..................pick up pick up pick up
Oshi: *sigh* righhhht there......[POP]..*moan*...
Masseuse: you have a lot of tension in your shoulders and upper back ma'am
Oshi: That's what happens when you raise eight kids...... Nine counting my husband....*sigh*....... that's nice ....hm? .......hm.. let it go to voicemail......
Shimi: oshi!
Oshi voice mail: sorry I can't answer the phone right now. Please leave a message at the deep
Shimi: damn it oshi!.............*huff*..........
Merv: here's your boots and gloves.... also I would change into something more..... work orientated... wouldn't want you to rip your pants.
Neta: *typing*........*typing*.....
Naomi:um....uhhh.... neta...... The store is closed um... Everything is organized and clean. We just need to put the money away....... We need your help to do it.....
Neta: right...... right I'll be there.......*sigh*......
Neta:...*counting under breath*. ........*sigh*....
Antho: You're quiet today... usually you're loud and annoying
Neta: just a lot on my mind I guess.......... life is really hitting me hard right now ...*huuuu*
Naomi:........oh.... I'm sorry
Neta: I'll be fine tho.... I don't need you guys to be concerned.......... But I do appreciate it though. Thank Naomi and you too Annnnnthooooo you're sweet!heheheh
Antho: (swat)...stop ..
Naomi: hehehehe
Antho: I'm headed to the food court Naomi you want to get some cold wontons before we leave
Naomi: ok ...bye Neta
Neta: see ya kids............ I could go for some room temperature Pizza............
Mahi: alright... coffee time. Tonugi! Where's my coffee?
Tonugi: here's your two coffees and a salmon and eggs breakfast sandwich
Mahi: Sweet! I thought coffee was just free
Tonugi: No coffee is free. You have to pay for the food but you get it free. That guy actually paid for it I think he knows you
Spyke: (waving)
Mahi: * gasp*....you.... you can keep the sandwich I don't want it.....I-I have to go ..
Tonugi: but-
Mahi: I need to leave.....*huff*.... I... I'm going to the porta potties.......ugh..... DON'T tell him where I'm going. Lie or something
Tonugi: yeah... yeah...yeah... No problem
Mahi: thanks....*huff*...
Spyke: wait! Hold up! I just want to!....damn lost them... Did they tell you where they were going?
Tonugi: uhhhhhhh.... No I have no idea. I think they were going back to their... Van... they parked their van in the trailer park spots down over there past the food stalls and the showers they're going to be in slot OV All the way in the back
Spyke: All the way over there? Ehhhh I'll catch up with them later maybe.
Tonugi: alright....*sigh*.. .
Stefan: morning tonugi....*yawn*.....oh! Salmon and eggs.. I'll take that thank you very much...*eating*....hmmm just like mother used to make...
Mizole: The bathrooms were surprisingly clean....hey Mahi..*oof*... What happened to the coffee?
Mahi: I dropped them....
Mizole: oh .. well you can just go back and get -
Mahi: I don't feel like going back there right now. We can do it later
Mizole: hey... are you okay?
Mahi: I'm fine ....... let's just go to the stage I think Trip tank is going playing let's find a good spot.
Mizole: sure. Are you sure you're okay?
Mahi: yeah... I'm fine...
Mizole:[looking around].....…....…………………………………
Mizole: [grimacing]............Come on. Let's go. It's a day just for us. Remember?
Cirrina: how many manatees do you have?
Ikkan: we have eight of them. We're about to have 10... Luna and honeydew are going to have their calves soon
Cirrina:awwww they're going to be moms. That's sweet..
Ikkan: you want to feed one?
Cirrina: yes!! Yes..
Ikkan: * whistle whistle*...*kiss kiss* come here Luna!....*whistle*.......ok so just hold the squid plant and let her eat
Cirrina: *gasp* she eating it!!.....ugh.....ewwww!
Ikkan: aww she's giving you kisses..
Cirrina: give me another squidplant............ So what did dad say when you called him?
Ikkan:................ your father is doing just fine. He's just a little stressed out with work and wedding planning.
Cirrina: he sounded upset on the phone.... I couldn't hear what he was saying. Why did you offer to go home early? we just got here.
Ikkan:.........*sigh*...... I'll tell you tonight...... your father doesn't want you to be concerned. He wants you to enjoy this trip okay...
Cirrina: alright........... So how long are they going to be grazing
Ikkan: we usually let them stay here for 8 hours Mr Graves is going to keep an eye on them.. let's head back home and get the tractor ready
Mr Graves: hold up! I got a couple ice chests for you.... Manatee chops, prawn steaks.. krill Patties. we also got a great haul last week so we have some whale fillets freshly cut and some Lobsters dogs for you. As a thanks for the fresh produce
Ikkan: thanks Mr. Graves really appreciate it.
Mr. Graves: hhmm..
Ikkan: let's go home and see how warabie's holding up
Noji: we're almost done!
Warabie: how many eggs do these things lay? We've been doing this for hours
Noji: It's not even 7am yet... Look how many eggs you've collected? That's a lot. You're doing a good job considering this is your first time doing this
Warabie: there we're done! So can we go back to bed?
Noji: now we just need to replace all of the dirty hay and replace it with new hay which should take 45 minutes...
Warabie: UHHHHH
Noji: warabie.... This doesn't seem fun or worth it right now, but you'll soon realize that this work is actually really rewarding
Warabie:....pfft....yeah right
Neta: *eating*.....*sigh*..........
[knock knock]
Neta: *eating*...hey baja... What brings you here?
Baja: My apartment's empty
Neta: ha! So is mine
Baja: I saw you at the food court and I was going to say something but you really didn't seem like yourself
Neta: hmmm...*eating*... You want some pizza?
Baja: ok...sooo how's everything going?
Neta: It's fine. My dad came to visit today
Baja: That's nice to have family over
Neta: *eating*........ Yeah......... he's dying heheh
Baja: uh...oh.....neta. ....neta I'm.... I'm really sorry
Neta: yeah cold water disease..... He found it on his arm. He didn't go to the doctor it got worse and started to spread and now it's in his ink sack and they can't do anything sooooo..... Yeah...*sniff*... that's great.......
Baja: do you want to talk about it? I mean I lost my father I don't know if have any good advice but I'm welcome to hear-
Neta: I don't even understand why I'm so upset. It is not like he was there for me or he was a good father or a good person. It's like.....like I shouldn't be this upset. I guess I'm just more angry and frustrated than upset because you could afford treatment now. Why didn't you get treatment like this isn't like my mom. ... She died of the same thing. We couldn't afford to go to the doctor... but now you can!! Why didn't you!!
Baja: well..
Neta: *crying* It's like why the fuck are you even coming to me now? *Sniff*. You had plenty of time to form a relationship with me and try to rekindle something but you didn't. *Crying*...now that you're dying you're going to try to do it? Why!!? So? If it doesn't work out you can just escape responsibility!!?....*crying*... I fucking hate him!!!... I don't want him to die................. not Anymore.....*crying*.....
Neta: *crying*.......... I'm sorry I shouldn't have dumped that on you.........
Baja: oh it's ok.... I overshare a lot too
Neta:...... Hehehee.....*sigh*....*eating*....ugh........ This pizza is gross
Baja: yeah....hehehe.......... You want me to stay over?
Neta: what?
Baja: My apartment is super quiet like scary quiet. Can I sleep over maybe give you some company
Neta: ............................yeah....*sniff*.......yeah....*sniff*.....fuck it I'm going to order a real pizza..... Get some blankets, pillows............here pick a movie, any movie............. Take my old pajama pants.
Baja: alright a day just for us!
Neta: hell yeah!......... hello.....hi baby!!..... Are you having fun on the farm?..... yeah...... I'm fine sweetie......... yeah....*sigh*.... So how's ikkan and warabie.....HE FELL?!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry that's not funny, that's not funny. Tell him I said sorry hehehehehehehe hahahaha!...ok...ok....oh alright bye sweetie.. Tell ikkan I said hi.. and I'll call him tonight
Mahi has been secretly filming the shows and sending them to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort and antho
Tonugi, Stefan and Pacifica are the cleanest mother fuckers at that music festival Everyone else is sweaty and stinky @conkreetmonkey
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doramasquishy · 4 years
WATASHI WA DOUKA SHITEIRU                            (jdrama)
(Spoilers ahead)
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                                The best scene so far!!!doki doki
A short drama with only 8 episodes starring Ryusei Yokohama (Takatsuki Tsubaki) and Miname Hamabe(Hanaoka Nao) who are both childhood sweethearts.
Nao and her mother(Okada Yuriko) used to lived in Kougetsuan and the latter work there as a confectioner. Takatsuki Itsuki is the son of the master and the only inheritor of the Kougetsuan shop that sells traditional Japanese sweets.
When Tsubaki met the young Nao he prefers calling her "Sakura" instead of her real name. They both enjoyed making sweets together and having stayed in Kougetsuan, Nao learned not only the art of making sweets and delicacies but she found a new home.
But not all things go as planned. An unfortunate incident happened,Nao saw the unconscious body of Itsuki lying on the cold floor and Tsubaki holding a bloody knife and when authorities arrived in the scene Tsubaki pointed Yuriko as the culprit. Since then Nao developed a phobia or even feared anything that is red in color. Her mother was accused because of the fingerprints found on the knife and unfortunately passed away losing any chance to clear her name. Nao vanished from Kougetsuan and was sent to the orphanage.
Years have passed and Nao having inherited her mom's incredible talent, Now works in a confectionary shop and one of her customers who later became one of her good friends invited her to make the sweets for her wedding. It so happened that there was a competition in which Kougetsuan is also part of. At first,Nao was hesitant to join the competition.
Suddenly a stranger appeared and handed her a letter from her mother claiming her innocence.
The stranger is no other than Kaoru Takigawa who helped Nao hid her identity and even asked for Yuko Miyabe's help to pose as Nao's mother.
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                            Tsubaki and Shiori Hase visiting Yuko Miyabe  
Nao who was recently fired from her job and after reading her mother's confession motivated her to join the competition. 
Tsubaki now the heir of Kougetsuan met Nao who had no idea that she was her childhood friend.
For this competition, Kougetsuan won but Nao won praises for her work as well. Tsubaki was seemingly impressed and probably was drawn to her. What is even more shocking is that he offered Nao to marry him after the competition.
Nao determined to prove her mother's innocence willingly agreed to his offer
On the other hand, Tsubaki wanted Nao's help to stop an arranged marriage and to gain more knowledge in confectionary making.
Tsubaki was set to marry Shiori Hase who was the daughter of a well known family. There marriage was part of a business deal.
Nao finally set foot in Kougetsuan after 15 long years.
Kougetsuan the very place who stole her mother and her dreams.
As promised, Nao helped Tsubaki to stop the wedding and she packed her belongings and willingly agreed to move in his home.
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But Kyoko(Tsubaki's mother) gave Nao a cold shoulder and wanted her out of the house. She would sing verses in the middle of the night and uses underhand tactics for personal gain.
During her stay in Kougetsuan, Tsubaki and Nao learned to rely on each other and help each other in running the shop.
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                       Tsubaki telling Jojima to keep his distance from Nao
The lovely pair both help Jojima who once made Shimaya warabi mochi with his father. 
Jojima met Tsubaki a few years ago during a fair and mistakenly thought he ruined their sweets a few years ago. But it was Kyoko who was behind all of this. Nao's kindness moved him and he finally learned to let go of his hatred towards Tsubaki. The warabi mochi is now one of the best selling Japanese sweets in their shop.                                      
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                                          “I love you Nao”-Tsubaki
Nao and Tsubaki may have grown to hate each other because of what happened in the past but their love was able to conquer all of that. They could no longer hide their feelings and they did fall in love. Tsubaki told her about Sakura and he wanted to believe Nao that he was not his childhood friend. They both spend the night together.
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What could have been a fake relationship turns out to be real. Tsubaki wished to marry Nao for real.
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However, one big revelation is gonna ruin their newfound happiness. As Nao was investigating the incident, she found letters and a paternity test result. This was a huge surprise that even Tsubaki is not even aware about.
Yuriko and Itsuki were lovers in the past. They were together even before he was arranged to marry Kyoko. They were both married in paper but never acted as a couple.
Itsuki soon found out that Yuriko was carrying his child which is Nao.
In the previous episodes it was emphasized that Tsubaki all his life wanted to win his grandfather's trust and approval. 
On the other other note,Nao made a firefly confectionary and the grand master had the chance to taste it.He was so delighted because he have tried a similar one before.He realized that Itsuki his son also made the same sweet that only a true Kougestuan heir can make.
Before the real culprit was found Nao kept this as a secret and even hid her pregnancy.
On the night of the Twilight Tea Ceremony, the grand master drafted a will and the only heir to Kougestuan is Itsuki's natural descendant. Kyoko found out about this and was so furious refusing to help the old man who was ill.
Kyoko and Nao had a confrontation and Tsubaki overheard the conversation between the two. He felt betrayed that he trusted her and was even unware of her pregnancy. 
Suddenly a fire happened and he was trapped inside but Shiori came to the rescue and earned Tsubaki’s favor.
After the incident, Tsubaki and Nao never had the chance to mend their relationship and went separate ways,
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Years after, Nao opened her own confectionary shop with the help of Takigawa.
Shiori refused to marry a new man and decided to runaway from home and worked in Kougestuan. She was so infatuated with Tsubaki even lying to her parents that she is carrying his child when in fact Tsubaki never really liked her.
Later Tsubaki found out about Nao's pregnancy but it was too late, they lost their baby because of the fire accident.
His grandfather is sick and Tsubaki is diagnosed with an eye problem.
The very reason why Nao wanted to inherit Kougetsuan as soon as possible was for Tsubaki to rest and do the eye surgery.
Tsubaki have served Kougetsuan for so long that he never had any chance to pursue what he wanted.  
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The Grand Master wanted to choose between Nao and Tusbaki to be the next heir of Kougetsuan. To make things fair,he prepared a competition but with a twist. He asked both of them to prepare their own sweets and whoever wins will be the next heir. 
He called Kyoko and asked her to choose which of the sweets is the best. Unaware of what Tsubaki made she picked the one made by Nao.
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The tables have turned now and She was so enraged of the result.
Meanwhile, there was another one big surprise that shooked everyone. Kyoko after marrying Itsuki found out that he was still in love with Yuriko. To win him back she had an affair with a a married man who happens to be Takigawa's father. She bore him a child and was raised as Itsuki's son. Yes,Tsubaki and Takigawa are half-brothers.
Takigawa found out about his father’s affair decided to visit Kyoko on the night of the incident but Itsuki stopped him and accidentally stabbed him. He flee away from the scene and Kyoko intentionally replaced the weapon with Yuriko's  own knife and had the perfect alibi with the help of Tsubaki. The little Tsubaki saw that Yuriko was the last person he saw with his father.  
Takigawa finally surrendered but it was very sad because Nao could no longer have the chance to have a complete family.Same goes with Tsubaki,The only redemption his mom did was when she donated her eyes for Tsubaki's surgery.
It must be hard to be trapped in a loveless marriage but ruining someone's family is never an option.
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                           Shiori and Jojima ended up together
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Finally Nao became the heir of Kougetsuan. She is no doubt the daughter of a master having showed exemplary skills in confectionary making. She overcome her fears  made her own delicious sweets.
Tsubaki returned and they shared a very sweet kiss. The curse in Kougetsuan is now broken.  
I want to see their future family and their cute little babies together. For them to live a happy life that they both deserved.
Overall this drama is well written with a lot of shocking revelations. Yokohama Ryusei looks good in every angle and Miname Hamabe is also very pretty .They both are very good actors.
The first J-drama I saw with this kind of theme was Kyoto Love Story that aired a few years ago. This one deals with revenge and betrayal. The mouth watering delicacies are such a masterpiece .The savory sweets were made from the heart and rich in Japanese culture. The scenery is breathtaking.
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illusionalmochi · 6 years
Trick or Treat
Halloween Eve, Whole Cake Island:
Chicory, Beignet, Warabi and Abita, Katakuri's and Absinthe's children were about to begin their annual Trick Or Treat tour, this time however they had someone with them, someone unusual, much older one than they were themselves.
Former Headchef, Streusen(Age at this time 97, sufferer from alzheimers disease), was standing idly aside of Chicory, looking around slightly confused. The old man was fragile standing on his two feet, slight wobbly, so he held on to the girls arm tightly. Abita rolled her eyes while Beignet tried to fix her younger brother's outfit.
Chicory: Alright guys, this should be about everything. Everyone has their costumes? Their pumpkin box to collect sweets? If yes, then let's go. As you all know we take Auntie Compote's father with us this year, which we will do happily, are we clear? *raises her voice slightly*
Abita: Clear as a day, we`re not stupid you know?
Beignet: I just dont understand why we have to take him with us, is he even understanding whats going on?
Warabi: Yeah, not that he starts to act out like crazy out of sudden,this would totally decrease our chance of sweets...
Chicory: *glares at her siblings* He will doing fine if we guide him. Now stop complaining and let's go. We don't have all evening. *grabs Streusen's hand gently*
Streusen: I wanna go home
Chicory: Later, for now we are going Trick or Treating! You will have tons of fun, trust me! *gently pushes him to walk*
Warabi, Abita and Beignet simply rolled their eyes and followed their sister and old tag along outside in the streets of Totland.
After walking a couple of minutes they came by their first house, Abita was straight forward and was the first one to knock.
The door opened only a couple seconds later and an elderly woman looked out, her face wrinkly, yet very friendly. She smiled at all of them and gave them a lot of sweets. As her look fell on Streusen she couldn't help but to snicker. She knew him only too well, she used to date him couple of years ago and was quite charmed by his personality. But now the old lady knew what was up with him and pitied him silently.
Old Lady: Well, have a good night young lads, and keep a good eye on the Headchef here *nods towards Streusen who gobbled up one of the sweets just given*
Chicory: Thank you Miss Belle, we shall do our best
Warabi snickered, copying his sisters speech which caused Abita and Beignet to laugh mercilessly. Chicory ignored them and pulled them away from the house to the next. This time, Warabi knocked on the door.
Again the door opened, this time it was a chef that opened them, his name was Datile and he was one of the personal patissere of Katakuri himself, so he knew Warabi and his sisters only too well.
Datile: Ahhh just look at these scary monsters, here you go, nice fluffy baked goods. I hope they`re to your liking!
All three bowed slightly, thanking him for the sweets. Streusen looked at Datile for a long time, then he walked up to him clumsily, tugging on his robe. He wanted to say something but the words weren't able to come out, so he simply stood there, wondering why this man was so familiar to him.
Datile: Streusen, is that you?
The old man had to look twice but then he recognized his old friend under the rather childish looking costume. His mouth gaped open wide and his eyebrows furrowed a little. He had heard about Streusen's current condition but that it was that severe he never had thought. As the shock had subsided a little, Datile sighed and looked down on the former chef.
Datile: Do you remember me?
Streusen: Uhh, not sure, should i? *tilts his head slightly*
Chicory watched them talking and couldn't help but to be curious.
Chicory: Is he an old friend of yours, Mr.Datile?
Datile: You can say that, we used to be in the same club, we played cards together and spent a lot of time after work together. Until his unfortunate accident, we were very close and i visited him daily. But now...seeing his condition and all that, to be honest, i haven't seen him in quite a while.
Streusen watched him rather clueless, a string of saliva was running down his chin, dripping on his costume. Chicory quickly used a handkerchief to clean him up, apologizing for it.
Streusen: You`re sooo old, look at you *points with his finger at Datiles face*
A laugh escaped the old man and he shook his head.
Datile: Have you looked yourself in the mirror lately, Streusen?
He chuckled and tried to ignore the obvious thing that was going on here. After a couple of awkward minutes, the kids decided to go again, Chicory grabbing Streusen's hand again, dragging him off Datile's home. He waved clumsily with one hand, smiling while flashing his toothless mouth.
Streusen: Bye Bye, Grampa!
Datile sighed and went back in his house, sitting on a comfy looking arm chair. What this sickness had done to his friend, he still couldn't believe it. With another sigh he went up in the kitchen where his wife was waiting for him with dinner. He sat down on his chair and started to eat wordlessly. Again and again he had to think about Streusen's childish way of acting and suddenly his own age came into his awareness quite harsh. What if he would end like that someday? Shaking his head quickly, Datile returned to eat while his wife wondered about his sudden change in behaviour.
Chicory and the others meanwhile continued their hunt for sweets and a couple hours later, they returned to their home, exhausted but happy about the mass of sweets they had earned. Streusen was yawning big time, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He started to get rather fussy so Chicory decided to take him back to Compote soon. She was good double his size and could pick him up easily which she did short handed, patting his back with a sigh.
Chicory: Alright, this years raid was more than successful if i may say so. Good job guys!
Abita: Yeah totally, and Streusen was only half bad as i thought he would be!
Warabi: Uh huh, never thought he could be that fun to be around, hahahaa.
Chicory: See? But you always have to complain first. Now i am going to take him back to Aunt Compote so you three can start to divide the sweets while i am gone and when i am back we can eat them together!
Everyone nodded their heads and waited until Chicory had left with Streusen.
Warabi grinned and looked at his sisters with a sly grin.
Warabi: Alright girls, what do you say, let's eat as much as we can before Chicory returns, who is in?
Abita and Beignet nodded eagerly, starting to gobble down the sweets without a hint of guilt. They were laughing and couldn't wait until Chicory was back. Their parents were still out on a date so they had all time of the world for themselves.
Back with Chicory and the old goat:
Streusen was half asleep and laid his head on Chicorys shoulder, drooling on it. Thoughtful like she was, she had prepared her shoulder with a cloth to prevent any spillings or whatever liquids would came. She was glad as she saw her aunts house coming up in the light of the lanterns. Chicory was tired as well and glad when she could hit the sheets later on.
Chicory: I am back, Aunt Compote, we had a lot of fun and your dad too! *she called out while entering the door with a smile*
Compote just came downstairs and smiled brightly at her niece.
Compote: Glad to hear that. Oh and it seems Papa is really relaxed, he fell asleep right away! This makes it way easier for me to prepare him for bed, haha.
The Minister came over to Chicory, lifting her father up gently, lying him on her shoulder.
Compote: Thank you for taking him out tonight, i think it really did him good.
Chicory: No prob, i had really fun with him and i am sure he had too. He was a good boy too so you can give him extra pats from me when he is in his bed. *caress the old mans head gently*
Compote sent off Chicory shortly after, smiling down at her dozing father. With an elegant swing she turned on her heels and went upstairs again to prepare her father for the night.
Katakuri and Absinthe in the meanwhile were sitting on the edge of a cliff on a blanket, staring up at the moon of this peacefully looking Halloween Eve. They were leaning on each other with a glass of champaign in their hands, wondering how Trick or Treating went for their kids knowing that Streusen had accompanied them.
Absinthe: What do you think, are the kids going to be okay?
Katakuri: Of course, they are old enough by now to take care of themselves for a while, aside of that, Chicory is with them so its a one hundred percent chance that nothing will happen...you know how she can be
Absinthe: You`re probably right, i shouldn't be so worried all the time *sips on her glass while sighing*
Katakuri: Just look at the moon, isn't it beautiful?
Absinthe: Not as beautiful as you, Kuri-Boo
Absinthe leaned in closer into Katakuri, inhaling his scent.
This night was indeed peaceful and we can only hope that it will stay like that.
The end
(Absinte belongs to @bottlebattler )
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