#doctor potan
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scalecallerpeak · 4 months
1, 4 and 18 for the ask meme!
I decided to spin a wheel on my Akavri characters (as I've got way too many TES in general to put in a wheel) so lets go off that!: Zhusharxhi - How are their parents? Are they good? Are they terrible? Are they dead?
Zhu's parents are a complex issue because Zhu techincally has three fathers and one mother. And their mother is the problem mostly. Zhu was in line to be the Mynakaci Potanate through their mother, though of course when she died their older half-brother Haroshi-Vek became potantate instead.
Zhu's issues started with their parents as Zhu has chimerisum and is also superfecundation. Meaning Zhu has two biological fathers and one mother depending on which part of their body you ask. This causes issues because it means Zhu's mother was having an affair at the time. This caused Zhu's father to leave, the other father not to bother and then later on they got a step father who also eventually left cause as gathered Zhu's mother was not a great partner. Zhu still has mother/father issues.
Sylin-Dras - What is the most dramatic bad thing that happened to them?
The most dramatic thing that happened to Sy that was not his own doing was when he first gained Vamperisum. He had been walking home after working over time back when he balenced being a Potantate and a Financial lawyer. It was late and he was walking in a secluded area alone when some 'homeless blackguard came out of no where' and attacked him. This assailant managed to bite Sy on the shoulder and eventually Sy managed to fend him off and get away.
What Sy didn't know is that had been a vampire with the Satakal Strain in stage 4, and he was lucky to even be alive. He didn't know he'd contracted vamperisum and just went home where his wounds where seen to.
Over the coming days he then fell extremly ill and begun to bleed profucely, he couldn't eat or drink anything without throwing up, he was light sensative and achey, feverish, agressive/irritable, teeth falling out and could not control what form he was in. It was genuinely belived he was going to die as the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with him.
But then after the third day he appeared 'fine' or at leasr getting better. Everyone just assumed whatever was wrong with him had cleared its way. And to an extent that was true. They noticed he has some permenant effects of his illness, such as now having a seeminly continus subconjunctival hemorrhage in both his eyes. and a strange food allergy that made him change his whole meal prep.
What people don't know is Sy became a vampire on the third night and as the Satakal strain works he was pushed directly into stage 4, a poor servent came to check on him and they where never seen again.
Chorin-Rai - Are they easily scared?
Chorin-Rai's life is entirely consumed by fear. Traumatized at an early age by witnessing his father Sylin-Dras eat and kill his new born child under the influence of his vamperisum. Sylin-Dras then proseded to gaslight his son for his entire life. Always telling him that was just a horrible nightmare and playing the 'good father' role of ensuring he got help for his trauma.
Chorin always knew his father knew he knew and that scared him. The stress of it all caused Chorin to grow up with mulitple health issues and mutisum. With only made it easier for Sy to keep him quiet about what he knew.
Chorin is positive his father wanted him dead to take the secret with him to the grave but Sy hesitated too long in fear that acting would reveal the truth
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phenomenalfacts · 3 years
Does apple contain alcohol.??????????🤔🤔
Apple is a food which can be found in any market any could me very good for our health.,”” A apple a day keeps the doctor aways””,The apple contain many nutritions nessary for daily life.Is it also contains alcohol.??let’s find out …….. Alcohol in apple.. Apple cantain various nutritiants like sodium, potanism and various other Protein.it also cantain substantial amount of ethanol which is up…
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bdj4startrek · 6 years
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THE POTANIC CANNOT a weapon imagined by the doctor but enough to back off the enemy.Sometimes I think we see the same in technology today.But it’s not suppose to be used for battles,but often it is and sometimes for our defense.But the social media part is suppose to connect people.To boldly go where no man or woman has gone before.To find something noble not something that’s hateful.@StarTrek.
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