tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
/ * * honestly what zen would consider his worst trait is that, like...he can     * promise his goddamn child that he won’t put himself in danger anymore     * and he can genuinely want to do that but, he knows deep down that if     * someone he loved were in trouble he would step in at the drop of a hat.     * he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.     * /
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hackernewsrobot · 2 years
All About Libpas, Phil's Super Fast Malloc
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5ppi · 7 years
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
sticks leggy out real far hello i'd like one (1) fun zen fact
ZEN FACTS hmmmmmm i haven’t thought about Those in a while
he has most definitely used people’s perceptions of him As A Monk to his advantage. like most of the time he sticks fairly close to the ‘do no harm’ model of things but like, especially as someone who’s traveled to so many places and has seen for himself how completely arbitrary Human Laws are (and as someone who’s been... like ...legally discriminated against.. .yknow) sometimes he does things that are not quite Moral depending on who you ask
he’s most definitely lied to people and stolen things and walked out with his hands folded talking about the ~~majesty of the Iris~~ and laughing quietly to himself. He’s let people put their guard down so damn low around him and then kicked their entire ass.
Zenyatta is chaotic good and cares for broader patterns much more than individual instances
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
please consider: zen's voice glitching out when he laughs too hard
/ * * sjkfdgKJSFG OH NO it’s like when someone’s voice cracks when they get     * too excited     * /
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
sticks leggy out real far tek tell me a Nice Zenyatta Fact
/ * * zenyatta? i dont know him    *    * ………. he knows absolutely nothing about technology. his knowledge    * basically tops out at general first-aid type things for omnics. Keep any    * damage as dry as possible, this-and-that can be used to block pain    * responses, electrical tape is pretty great, etc. “but zenyatta, aren’t you ,”    * [insert zenyatta voice here] oh-sorry-i-didn’t-realize-all-human-beings-are-    * brain-surgeons    *    * catch him trying to send an email and sitting there for five minutes just kind    * of guessing at different buttons (okay , he’s smart enough to figure out basic    * functions, but anything that’s based on previous experience is just… not    * gonna happen. “oh, just swipe down for notifications, see?” “ oh….i see…” )    *    * I think probably it’s not a problem very often because his whole ‘monk’ aura    * overrides the ‘robot’ thing so people tend to not really be surprised by this.    * And I mean, why would you expect someone who spent most of their life    * in a monastery / a wandering vagrant to keep up to date with technology?    * But probably at least once someone made the mistake of… “ Okay Zen,    * once we complete this part of the mission you’re going to use this to notif–”    * “[gently hands it back] You should give this job to someone else.”    * /
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
can one Speak the omnic language? does it sound like what bastion does? or is it only a written thing? is it a Transmission that doesn’t make Sound like humans know it? are there omnic things that humans wouldn’t understand, like body language and stuff? i mean there’s the Forehead Touches and Pressure Affection and there’s probably other things that omnics do to indicate emotional state since, no face!
but then like ?? noises?? is laughter/sighing/annoyed huffs, any Breath kind of thing just like, imitation of human expression that they only use to interact with Humans? Like Code Switching? so are there omnic noises that are more like the actual reactions omnics have to emotional things? like voice glitching and things like that ? are there many Natural noises omnics make that are just, an automatic reaction to emotional stimulus, like so many of the Breath things that humans do?
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
/ * * i think zens harmony and discord orbs are pretty...idk, low-dose, in a     * way. their effects are noticeable but not very strong, despite the amount     * of focus it takes from him. but if he really really wanted to, say, relieve     * someone from having a severe anxiety attack, he could probably do it,     * it would just take a lot out of him     * /
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
// zen isnt ... male
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
HC TIME tell me more about zenthulu (g-d what the fuck was his actual name)'s early existence. how long was he with the people that created/summoned him. what was that like. tell me fun things.
brain: well, it obviously happened like this, didn’t it?
early one dark autumn morning, three occultists found a desolate omnic on the side of the road and kidnapped it. any witnesses turned a blind eye.
the ritual wasn’t pretty, but it stopped screaming after fifteen minutes or so. well–lost the ability to scream, at least
(theyd never heard an omnic make those noises before. didn’t even think that they could feel pain–because who would program that in? it was all meant to fool them into being more sympathetic, right? trick them into thinking they were humans?
but after listening to that–anyone would have their doubts)
whatever it was they’d summoned ate at it from the inside out. dissolved metal and merged with it, slithering out and bubbling and drawing back in before it decided on its form.
it didn’t move for three days. they kept it shackled regardless. it was still warm, after all. and no one knew what it was capable of.
(he doesn’t remember any of it. it’s a blessing, of sorts)
he was there for….. waggles hand… he doesn’t have a good perception of how long it was, but a couple of years at least. most of the people there probably didn’t even realize he was capable of speaking, which was actually a point of amusement for him once he got around to feeling amusement. he liked to whisper things behind people’s backs and watch them freak out about it. poker face tentacle undulation.
but yeah. everyone was pretty convinced he was more or less brainless which at least made it remarkably easy to escape. [acts tangled up in shackles, someone unchains him, just fucking ‘goes on an errand’ and never comes back]
im actually wondering what its like in his head now. whether he feels like there’s some part of him that he’s forgotten.
in any case. he spends a lot of time alone and talks to himself a lot (maybe even actually Talks To Himself?) and ends up the nihilistic squid that he is
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
steeples fingers. tell me about zenthulu. how does zen's altruism and benevolent spiritual shit translate into this au. tell me fun facts. also can those face tentacles be used in an offensive capacity at all.
this is such a good question because Big Shrug Emoji. They’re so….. very different? But I think their views align on at least one axis…maybe im mostly just trying to justify this but
like, zenyatta had the shambali so he…like his worldview quickly jumped around from, being more or less ignorant of everything to having the shock of “oh shit sometimes people do bad things i don’t agree with, why ?? why do things like this happen??” but he joined a group that said “do not worry ~~we all have our destinies~~ ~~everything will work out in the end~~”
which, isn’t exactly his belief system anymore. but that’s what he got to build it on and decide what he wanted to keep
whereas zen’zoth like
had very unfortunate circumstances of creation that also kind of necessitate a steadfast belief in this… Thing. Not a faith. Certainty of its existence. And it’s the kind of thing that convinces you absolutely that nothing in life matters so you might as well do everything you can to survive (serve those in power to assure it)
and his awakening was like
hold on, I can do things that people don’t agree with,
waves hands vaguely
idk i think both of them are very focused on one’s current life rather than anything that may come after and making the best of it, just in very different ways
zenyatta in canonverse is, i feel, kind of at the end of his character arc. He’s Done The Thing.
zentacles still carries around a lot of dissonance in his beliefs and is still figuring things out
(he’s more benevolent than he’d have you think)
and, yknow, to end, im sure those face tentacles can do some very offensive things ,
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
here's a fuckin question: what the fuck is the 'beyond mortal comprehension' or w/e 'calling' that zenthulu and swordsman answer to. what the fuck.
blizzard lore answer: the old gods! n’zoth. whatever. i mean, cults and their cult things. WoW is about to go all old gods and the devs are getting hype about it probably
my answer: ZEN DOESNT FUCKS WITH NZOTH ONCE HE LEAVES like, as i said he has absolute certainty that this force exists but he’s not going out of his way to Appease it or anything, he would much rather be Left The Fuck Alone than get whatever weird. ‘favor’ he might gain from such activities. so i wouldnt imagine he finds himself answering to any kind of calling once he runs into genji, Whenever The Fuck That Is In This Bizarro World Timeline (lbr canon ovw is also bizarro world timeline)
but then again like, despite his complete lack of Worship to this thing i think the acknowledgment of such a being could really come off as ~answering to a mysterious power~ to those who dont have the inner scoop on his personal beliefs. like just wandering around like ‘yes, the entropy of the old ones will one day consume us all.’
I GUESS REALLY ITS ???????? ITS JUST THE IRIS? like zen doesn’t worship the iris by any means its just a Fact Of Life for him and where he gets his ‘powers,’ so like the whole. Every Thing He Says About The Iris Ever definitely reads very strongly as, “answering to a power” outside of himself though he doesn’t see it like that at all
SO ZENTACLES IS THE SAME. iris but with more tentacles and nihilism. Genji Can Come Too.
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
chinhands tell me abt some of zens FLAWS
nothing, flawless, perfect
LIKE HONESTLY THOUGH i have trouble even playing him sometimes cause he’s like. He’s So Good.
There are a few things though, like he complains a lot that people are overprotective of him and don’t trust him to defend himself and part of that is, yeah people do underestimate his physical capabilities but also. ZEN YOU PUT YOURSELF INTO SO MUCH DANGER. like for all his love of life he really does not place the same value on himself as he does other people? though, wiggles hand, i think he’s equally permissive of other people putting themselves in danger, he doesn’t feel he has anything to say abt other peoples choices in that way, but
he could definitely take better care of himself. i guess there’s that thought of like, Being The Thing He Represents meaning more than…. his life, sometimes, though I don’t think that thought often occurs to him in so many words.
and then also he’s really forgetful about a lot of things especially when it comes to, again, taking care of himself, like the grime has to build up to a point where its basically Constantly bothering him before he keeps it on mind long enough to actually do anything about it. his mind is just always off doing other things. he is most definitely not the person you send to the store to pick up groceries he will come back an hour late with half of the things you wanted and eight things you didn’t
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
// now, im not saying zenyatta could freestyle, BUT,
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
/ * * so ive spoken about the effects of discord/harmony orbs before ...     * zen’zoth is more like     * a complete lack of thought or feeling, thoughts just kind of slipping away     * like water on oil, you can’t really keep hold of anything, it might be kind of      * panic-inducing if you like, had the capacity to feel panic in that state     * vs.     * just. horrid, horrid hallucinations     * /
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tekhearthazenyatta · 7 years
tell me a fun zen+kids fact !!! (pLS)
a fun zen and kids fact is… is …
i think this is a little bit recycling from things ive already posted but back when he was a caretaker he would always like reading bedtime stories to kids, he would try his best to bring books theyd be interested in Especially if they were the type of kids who thought reading was boring, and he’d do all the voices and act out being emotional at all the Right Parts. sometimes the parents would not like the books he brought but he’d bring them anyways
and there were always kids of a certain age where he couldnt get very far in reading because they’d ask questions and he would stop and do his absolute best to answer them and if he didn’t know he might write them down and try to answer them later… he just wanted so bad to encourage a spirit of learning and curiosity and, he couldn’t teach them very much in the little time he had but he could at least try to teach them how to Learn things and go seeking out answers ….
he just wants kids to have a healthy curiosity for life that’s all he asks for
(and maybe for them to grow up to be curious adults)
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