#does amos have an eye colour? her eye colour is now the blue sky the bard always wanted to see
vv-ispy · 5 months
something something samsara cycles I don't think it's a coincidence that the overthrow of Decarabian involved Jean and Diluc's ancestor + Venti's lookalike friend -> Mondstadt archon quest the key players taking down Dvalin were Jean and Diluc + Venti
Is. Traveler Amos?
Or put another way, traveler is the one with the floaty friend -> bard has the floaty friend. Venti is friends with Dvalin the terror of the tower/Amos is friends? Lovers? Something? With Decarabian the tyrant in the tower. Venti -> Amos, Traveler -> Nameless bard, Paimon -> Venti?
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lukatheselkie · 4 years
HMC - “I really did think you were cute when you were jealous.”
Pairing: IceMano (Again, reminder the age of consent is 15 for Iceland, and 14 for Italy. Iceland is 16-17, Romano is 22-23)
All Icelandic is translated from English using the Bing translator, so I apologize if it’s horribly off. I put English in parenthesis.
    Emil grabs his boyfriend’s hand and smiles reassuringly at him. Lovino instantly relaxes, leaning heavily against him. “You’re going to knock me over,” he mumbles, pushing at his arm.
    “I know you like it,” he teases, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Emil bats him away, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.
    “I refuse to confirm or deny that.” He tugs on his hand a bit. “Come. I’m excited for you to experience this.” His voice is cool and careless, but Lovino knows it’s an act. Emil practically drags him into the blue water of the Myvatn Nature Baths. He closes his eyes and tilts his head up to the sky. He’s beautiful. Breathtaking, even. Lovino lets out the smallest sigh of content.
    “You’re so unfair,” he mumbles, watching his boyfriend’s white hair rustle in the breeze. Emil lets out a quiet laugh, and looks at him.
    “You’re the unfair one.” He motions at the pool. Many people are staring at them, and some of the more daring women wink suggestively toward Lovino. The Italian flushes slightly. It feels like everyone is staring judgingly at him. He’s suddenly very conscious that his skin is darker than most of the people in the water. He sinks into the water a bit, watching his hands disappear into the murky, mineral-filled water. A stunning woman swims over to them, eyes Emil for a moment, then turns her attention to Lovino.
    “Góðan dag, myndarlegur herra. (Good afternoon, handsome sir.)” She giggles. “Vilt tú hava teir saman? (Would you like to have a tea together?)” Emil bristles angrily.
    “Hann er kærastinn minn. Ekki þitt. (He’s my boyfriend. Not yours.)” She rolls her eyes, and reaches out to brush Lovino’s shoulder. “Hafði enginn sagt þér að snerta ekki fólk án þeirra samþykkis? (Didn't anyone ever tell you not to touch people without their consent?)” She decides to ignore him, and starts flirting with Lovino again. Emil’s eye twitches angrily. He pulls him into a kiss, glaring at her out of the corner of his eye. She puts her hands up in surrender and swims away. He parts from Lovino with a huff. “Ég sagði þér að hann væri kærastinn minn. (I told you he was my boyfriend.)”
    “I have no idea what just happened.”
    “Good.” He narrows his eyes after her. Lovino carefully wraps his arms around him.
    “Calm down. She did no harm. And I think your unprompted kiss made everyone else realize we’re a couple.” He crosses his arms, pouting. “You’re so cute.” He runs a hand through Emil’s hair. His eyes close almost against his will. “Feel better now?” After a moment, he nods.
    “But that doesn’t mean you can stop!” Lovino chuckles.
    “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
    “Keep your eyes closed! I have a surprise for you.” Emil giggles, obviously excited. Lovino does as he’s told, humoring him. He lets him lead him over the ground, trusting he won’t let him fall. It makes his stomach knot up nervously. Emil is one of few he trusts enough to do this with. His brother is not on that list. He can be oblivious sometimes, and Lovino doesn’t need that to happen when he’s blind and could trip over a rock or run into something. But Emil is being cautious with him, and they’re walking slowly. His hands are on his waist, which is driving him slightly mad, but in a good way. They stop, and he giggles again. “Alright! Open your eyes!” When he does, a gasp is pulled from him.
    “It’s lovely. But not as lovely as you, bello.” He takes pride in the red that blooms across Emil’s face. They’re facing a semi-circle of waterfalls. The fading pink from the sunset shines in the water. He wraps an arm around the short man’s shoulders, hugging him from the side. “I really did think you were cute when you were jealous.”
    “I was not jealous!” He was. Lovino can tell from the deep crimson of his face. “Anyway, welcome to Goðafoss.”
    “It’s a wonderful surprise.” He shakes his head.
    “This isn’t the surprise. Wait.” This makes Lovino curious. If their location isn’t the surprise, then what is? He’s already getting cold, despite the layers. He’s just not built for this climate! But anything for Emil. He loves him. Soon enough, he spots a bit of green reflecting in the water. “There! Look up!” He’s pointing excitedly. Lovino lifts his head, and smiles.
    “Aurora Borealis.”
    “Mmhmm! This is one of the most beautiful places to watch in Northern Iceland.” They stand together, watching the green grow. It’s more than breath taking. It’s quite possibly life changing. He had no idea something could be so beautiful. As the stars start to appear, it looks more and more like a painting.
    “I can’t believe you get this all to yourself sometimes.” The water looks like it’s glowing.
    “Isn’t it perfect? Sometimes I wish more of the world could see it. Other times I want to keep them all to myself.” Lovino doesn’t blame him. It feels sacred, somehow. “Is this your first time?” A wordless nod. “That makes me happy. I’m glad I could experience it. You look so awed.” It’s Lovino’s turn to pout.
    “I do not.”
    “You do. I like it. Thank you for letting me see it.”
    “I could say the same about you.” And it’s true. He looks at peace here. That’s something rare. And his appearance! The colours swirl vibrantly in his hair, almost like a mirror. He could get lost in that. He could get lost anywhere here. It’s all so… untouched. No wonder Emil has such a hard time keeping up. He hugs him close. “Ti amo.”
    “I love you too.” He turns his head into the crook of his neck.
    “Ah! Your nose is cold!” He can almost hear Emil smirk.
    “And you’re cold because we’re not in Italy. We can go back to the cabin anytime you want.”
    “I want to watch the lights with you. I like seeing you so relaxed.” He whines quietly.
    “Don’t you dare tell anyone. Especially Lukas!”
    “I want to keep it to myself. This is something I’ll be selfish about.”
    “Good. Stay that way.” He tightens his grip around him. “I’m going to be selfish about this moment too.” A happy warmth spreads through Lovino’s chest, and he stares across the water. Things couldn’t be better.
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Pictures not mine! They were found through Bing, with the search “Godafoss Iceland Northern Lights”
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