#also something something venti playing multiple roles
vv-ispy · 5 months
something something samsara cycles I don't think it's a coincidence that the overthrow of Decarabian involved Jean and Diluc's ancestor + Venti's lookalike friend -> Mondstadt archon quest the key players taking down Dvalin were Jean and Diluc + Venti
Is. Traveler Amos?
Or put another way, traveler is the one with the floaty friend -> bard has the floaty friend. Venti is friends with Dvalin the terror of the tower/Amos is friends? Lovers? Something? With Decarabian the tyrant in the tower. Venti -> Amos, Traveler -> Nameless bard, Paimon -> Venti?
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ventiiology · 3 years
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title . windtrace characters . kaeya , diluc , venti , childe type . fluff , bullet-point headcanons
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an interesting man in mondstadt is advertising for a game that represented mondstadt’s history but eventually got less played and forgotten over the years. he wanted to bring back the tradition, with more exciting edits made to the game in hopes of attracting more players. you have convinced your boyfriend to play it with you, and hell, it was a wild ride.
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kaeya, upon hearing about the game from you, would already be interested
it sounded really fun, so he played it with you asap
he may or may not have skipped some duties from the knights, but in his eyes it was completely within reason
he didn’t tell you about that, of course, or else you would’ve forced him to go back to favonius headquarters and finish up whatever boring paperwork he needed to sign.
as a hunter he would be quite experienced, as expected, since he was a knight and had to do similar activities when hunting down criminals like treasure hoarders, the abyss order, etc
you’d have to be good at hiding, otherwise the game would end very quickly
“hm? i’m surprised how you were able to outrun me the first time with your height. i don’t usually fall for the same thing twice, that’s why i was able to catch you~”
as a rebel kaeya would also be surprisingly good at the role
he’s scarily good at hiding and even with your perks as a hunter to trace wherever he is, he still made it really challenging
if you ever get too close to wherever he’s hiding or disguising he might take advantage of having a cryo vision to slip you up somehow
whether that be literal or not
although he’ll get called out for cheating later
“my, you’re freezing up. come on, don’t be salty you lost. you were pretty close to catching me, i’ll give you that.” kaeya says as be brings you into his embrace, warming you up in dragonspine’s bitter cold.
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diluc would honestly not be interested at first
it would take quite some pleading, daily bugging, and perhaps a bit of bribery to get him to agree to play
tell him that he wouldn’t have to see kaeya around for the week or something
as a hunter he would spend a good 30 seconds just standing there wondering what he should do. there are a lot of places to hide, and the map was very big. also you could’ve disguised yourself as something from the area, so how could he be completely sure it’s you?
he’s really quiet so you wouldn’t hear him coming
using the hunter ability to trace where you went, he’d be somewhat indecisive on whether he should take his time or run to follow the traces
will use hunter abilities at the most inconvenient moments
for you, as the rebel, at least
like when you think he didn’t notice you and is walking away he’ll activate the hunter ability ‘insight’, which reveals your location and points you out with a pillar of light
diluc will be annoyingly good at finding you this way
“did i scare you? i— i’m sorry. i’ll try not to repeat my actions.”
as a rebel, he’d probably be more hesitant than when being a hunter
multiple times throughout the game, he will mutter to himself that he is not suited for this role
however diluc always seemed to take the longest to find... you wondered how he pulled it off every time
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he’s definitely aware of this game
venti, of all people, should know about windtrace, especially its origins...
so he’s actually the one who invited you to play with him
as a hunter he’d love the thrill and challenge of finding you
he would much prefer to be a rebel, but the hunter role was still fun to play as!
he’d take his sweet, sweet time as a hunter
not sprinting all over the place will give him more time to examine places
but if he gets as much as a glimpse of action, he’ll go running towards that
“heeeey! that’s not faaaair! i declare a rematch! if i win this one, you owe me... an apple! no, five apples!”
as a rebel he’ll be able to find hiding spots in places you didn’t even know existed within the map
he might use a little bit of his anemo powers to let him climb up to higher places... if needed
will climb trees a lot, so when you start looking in trees, he alternates his hiding style
and he’s a speedy little shit too— so speedy you can hear him leaving sonic behind
like if you manage to get his disguise out of commission and you spot him since he’s unable to hide, he’ll literally just speed away behind something then you lose track of him
like???? what??? how does he??????
he will taunt you
one time he was disguising and you got pretty close
when your back was turned, he whispered, “missed me~” then will use the rebel skill ‘transparency’ to just disappear and sprint away since he knew that your hunter abilities’ cooldown wasn’t done yet.
“let’s play again! hold on, let me write a song about this...”
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you didn’t even get to finish asking him if he wanted to play windtrace with you and he already agreed
this man is a simp
he’ll never admit that, though. he has pride.
as a hunter, the games played with childe will be so nerve-racking and intense
while he’s hunting for you, it’s like his whole aura’s changed
he seemed far more intimidating and scary than usual
“[name]~ where are you~? i can tell i’m getting close...”
why was he taking this game so seriously????????
when playing with childe, you could truly feel like you were the prey and he was the predator
he’ll give you a false sense of security. he’ll make you think that you’re safe from his watchful gaze.
you used your ‘transparency’ ability to become invisible to him
he’ll pass by and you hold your breath, nervous that if he hears a single movement, whether it be an exhale or the small brushing sound of your sleeve moving against your shirt, he’ll be able to find you
he walks away and sprints out of sight. he probably saw movement ahead and went to track that
you started to calm down and your tense shoulders relaxed. phew, he was gone.
then, you heard a whisper behind you as someone grabbed your shoulders.
you jump out of shock and he starts laughing at the scare he gave you
“that was not funny. i’m gonna hate you forever for that one.”
“you can’t hold it against me for that long, and you and i are both aware of it.”
as a rebel he would be annoyingly good at it too
after him scaring you as a hunter you got somewhat paranoid. who says he won’t pull off the same kind of thing as a rebel?
you swore you saw a wooden crate move so you turned around to face it but then it was gone
childe’s light on his feet and barely makes a sound
you’d get more panicked as the timer ticked closer to the end of the game. you really wanted to win this one.
according to the ‘hunter’s intuition’ skill you were able to pinpoint the place where childe was at
you sprinted closer to the beam that gave away his location
you wandered around the area, trying to find where exactly the pillar of light was pointing you to... then the light disappeared
you saw a hay roll near a house which definitely wasn’t there last time you checked, so you took your chance
you were 5 metres away from it when you felt a certain someone pull you into a hug from the back.
at the same time, your timer rang, signifying the end of the match.
how does childe keep sneaking up behind you?
“hah, was it really that hard to find me, love?”
“i’m just a natural at it, i guess. haha, don’t worry~ with enough practise, you might surpass my skill level!”
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jade-parcels · 3 years
Modern au careers
For Kaeya, Jean, Zhongli, Ningguang and Venti
Something quick between longer posts!
Kaeya would totally rock being a police officer you can’t convince me otherwise
He and Diluc went though the academy together. Diluc dropped out and took another career path which left Kaeya feeling kinda betrayed cause they were going to be awesome cops together! That was the plan :/ oh well
He’d excel in the police academy, he’s physically fit and fast which makes it easy for him to go through training
He won’t be a captain/commander for a long time since that’s a high position that takes years of testing and promotions to get to so for now let’s just settle for officer
He loves being out on the road doing real police work! There are plenty of times where he has to sit at his desk to write reports which he doesn’t exactly enjoy but oh well, it comes with the job
He won’t be promoted for awhile since he’s only 23 but man oh man, he’s been on the job for 2 years and he already has the best stories of chases, public interactions and just general stories about messing around back at the station
Kaeya isn’t exactly supposed to but when the K9 is in the building, he’ll neglect his work to go play with the dog :’)
He doesn’t have a long term plan, he’s taking things one step at a time and loving every minute of it
She’s also a police officer, she ranked very high in the academy and graduated the year before Kaeya! They work at the same station
Jean and Kaeya work together a lot! They are even partners most of the time! They have a lot of laughs but Jean is really the one keeping Kaeya in charge
Her goal is to be the chief of police one day! The first female chief in a looooong time
She takes her paperwork seriously, she almost never makes mistakes. Additionally, she patrols populated areas so citizens will see her face and she can chat with people! She wants them to trust her! And she wants to learn about the people she has sworn to protect
There are female bosses above her who she really looks up to and aims to impress! She hopes they’ll be the ones to promote her too :)
After her long shifts she’s always happy to come home to her sister Barbara to tell her alllll about what she did at work that day! She’s Barbara’s biggest role model so Jean strives to do her best at work in order to come home to tell Barbara all about it
Barbara has her mom drop her off at the police station on the weekends to bring lunch for Jean! They eat together in the break room away from everyone else to catch up! Jean also helps Barbara with her schoolwork when she can :) she’s a great older sister
A history professor who looks....really good for his age
He’s 40 but he doesn’t look a day over 25, all of his students either want to date him or hate the way he drawls on for hours
He’s super qualified for his job, he’s studied in China, Japan, Russia and Italy, he knows pretty much everything anyone would need to know about history
He specializes in Chinese history though and even teaches a Chinese history course for honors students who are truly interested in the subject
Zhongli is super patient with his students though he can be strict when he needs to be. If he sees them falling behind he’ll meet with them after class in order to figure things out “if you need more time to finish these papers, I can give that time to you. However, I would hope you take these seriously. Education is important. Not only that but you paid to take this class, I’d hate to see you fail...’
Zhongli is a father of two, Xiao and Ganyu and failure in school is not an option for either of them lmao Zhongli helps them with every subject. Failing math? He’ll get a tutor. Failing english? Don’t worry, he’s multilingual and will help. Failing science? He’ll stay up all night watching videos about chem or bio in order to reteach it to his kids the next day.
He loves his kids very much...he has tons of pictures of them on his desk at work and he constantly gets notifications saying he’s almost out of storage on his phone lmao
M’lady <3
Ms. Ningguang is a super successful businesswoman. She is super into the stock exchange, she is constantly buying and selling stocks
She is also the CEO of a luxury makeup brand. She took over the position and turned the basic, bland brand into something truly special
She’s been on the cover of many magazines all over the world with her success story! She went from wandering the streets as an orphan to a wealthy businesswoman.
Ningguang has a gorgeous house and two, luxurious sports cars. Dayum...You go girl!!!!
She sponsors multiple orphanages and plans on adopting kids when she settles down a little cause she is constantly on the move, she doesn’t have time for a kid right now...though she would love to be a mother :’)
Venti has multiple jobs and his additional job history is hilarious to look at because this man gets bored too easily!! So he’ll just...quit spontaneously
He’s had 3 past jobs as a bartender and got fired from all 3 for excessive drinking, he worked at a dog shelter for a month and quit because a dog puked on his shoe, he was a receptionist for a dentist’s office and was fired for yelling at an old lady (she deserved it though!!), he worked at a Target for 4 months and quit because his coworkers gave him too much stuff to do (they did not but he felt like they did)
He’s really done everything!! He has plenty of good stories to tell at the bar with his buddies!
Now he’s a songwriter. Well, he’s been a songwriter for a long time but now it’s official
But being a songwriter isn’t exactly...profitable for him yet. So he’s holding down 3 jobs. A Starbucks barista, a KFC cook and a Khols cashier. He’ll get you that sweet, sweet khols cash baby!
Is he successful? No, not yet but he will be!! Hopefully!! He makes a lot of money when he sings at bars or restaurants so he has a lot of faith in himself!
Venti is the definition of a free spirit so who knows what he’ll be doing in a month from now!! He sure as hell doesn’t know lmao
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allies’ elemental skill and bursts + combat roles?
Ayo!!! What a fun ask!!
Arthur: Dendro archer (support, dps)
Archers so far tend to be supports and healers so I’ll stick to that pattern here with Arthur since I don’t see him getting up close and personal in battle here, I think he’d be one hell of an archer like...a sniper lol
Burst: He throws a vial out onto the battlefield and enemies are coated in green powder which makes them more susceptible to pyro and electro damage
Press and hold burst (idk what thats called): throws his bow like a boomerang at enemies, it hits three and returns
Ult: “I don’t have a time for such foolishness” “Quit your whining!” “You’re making me late!” “Honestly...” He shoots a ball of vines towards enemies which will temporarily wrap 3-4 of them up. They won’t be able to move for a few seconds so you have time to run over and hit em with another character (Pyro will work best with Dendro)
Francis: hydro sword (dps?)
I’m actually not really sure what team role he’d play, I think his fighting style would be flexible and he’d work well with most team compositions, especially teams where elemental reactions happen a lot!
Burst: his burst attack would be a lot like Xingqiu’s but he wouldn’t do the little flip. He’d send a wave out of the tip of his sword to knock enemies back
Press and hold burst: a series of fancy sword flips and slashes with additional hydro damage
Ult: “That’s no fun at all!” “Dont steal my spotlight~” “Aha! Nice try!” “Showtime~” Fran is a performer so I think his burst would be something like him stomping hard on the ground and a wave will come up out of the ground to hit enemies that way? I also like the idea of enemies getting caught in the wave the way characters can be caught in hydro mage bubbles if that makes sense
Matthew anemo catalyst (healer)
I think his position on a team could be flexible, like Sucrose is also an anemo catalyst and she can be super strong if built up!!
Burst: A big burst of wind thst knocks enemies back
Press and hold burst: a double burst that knocks enemies back a few feet and also knocks them down for a few seconds
Ult: “Get away!” “Shoo!” “So much voilence...” “knock it off!” He creates a tornado of sorts, a mix of Venti and anemo traveler’s ults that sucks enemies in and shoots them out when the tornado despawns. Since the tornado is anemo itll pick up pyro, hydro, cryo and electro for swirl reactions
Alfred pyro claymore (main dps)
Pyros are always tough cause they’re always lighting their teammates on fire gosh darnit! Alfred will be a heavy hitter for sure so I can only really see him as a dps
Burst: a whoosh of fire from his blade! Kinda like Diluc’s
Press and hold burst: spins in a circle, making a very small fire tornado that will hit one enemy and engulf it in flames for a few seconds
Ult: “Haha! Watch out!” “Takin out the trash!” “You wish!” “Can’t even get near me!” He does a lil double jump and slams his claymore into the ground/enemy and a shockwave of fire bursts out from the blade, lighting enemies (and teammates) on fire. So not only are you getting a big physical damage bonus from his ult, you get a lotta pyro damage! And some friendly fire as well oops
Ivan cryo catalyst (support, can be dps)
I see him more as a support but because he has a shield he can get up close in battle
Burst: shoots tons of small icicles out at enemies
Press and hold burst: holds both hands up and pushes them out towards an enemy, creating one bug icicle to impale them with
Ult: “Leave it to me” “Struggle a little harder!” “You can’t escape the cold” “You might as well surrender” “*hilichurlian grunts*” He shoots out his hand and creates a shield of ice around himself. The shield periodically shoots icicles out of it until it despawns
Yao Dendro polearm (main dps)
I just love polearms and my main dps rn is a polearm so I may be biased when I label Yao as a main dps..
Burst: vines shoot out of his weapon and wrap around an enemy’s head however if that enemy has a shield up, it won’t work but damage will be dealt to the shied
Press and hold burst: Deals multiple blows in one burst before phasing through an enemy to the other side of that enemy which deals additional damage (like hu tao and zhongli)
Ult: “You scuffed my shoes!” “For my family name!” “Ack! Criminals these days!” “What a pain!” He’ll be able to sprint around, dealing damage to multiple enemies at once the way Xiao does in his bursts. He can do that 8 times, impaling and phasing through enemies, dealing dendro damage as he does
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mynatureofscience · 3 years
Observation and Underdetermination
I can feel myself slacking. Usually, I would stay on top of my Nature of Science tasks to avoid lagging behind and overwhelming myself with the content, but unfortunately I keep delaying the things I need to do. I also have stopped working on my position paper. My last position progress was me writing the introduction. I’ve tried multiple times to sit down and continue writing, but I don’t feel inspired. Every time I try to write something, I always end up deleting it. Hence, I will be combining Week 6 and Week 7 together as one reflection. There wasn’t much that I did for these two weeks; I think I did the bare minimum, which is watching the video in x2 speed. Thankfully, one of the videos is about observation, so at least I have some prior knowledge regarding this topic, but the video about underdetermination definitely made me confused.
I think one of my learning challenges is definitely because of the environment I am in. Previously, whenever I needed to buckle down and focus on my work, I would just go to Starbucks, get a Malaysian Venti Pink Drink, and work until I had nothing else to do. At first I couldn’t go because I was fasting; I mean what’s the point of heading to Starbucks if I can’t get anything to eat and drink, so I was planning to wait until after Ramadan. But then the government imposed another MCO, and now people are no longer allowed to dine-in, so any hope of actually getting work done has now flown out the window. I don’t know. I know myself. I need a separate environment to work in so that I am less likely to be distracted, and unless I find one, then honestly I don’t feel very optimistic of my engagement for this task.
So, looking forward I need to find a separate place to study or just push through with what I currently have. I never understood why people dislike online class, but now I do.
Here is the LOs of Underdetermination
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Let me try to attempt these LOs before watching the video.This week our topic is underdetermination.
Observation is important in Science as it allows you to form theories 
I think theory definitely plays a role in observation as the theory guides you to focus on certain aspects of the observation.
As for LO3, I have not idea.
LO1: Observation helps to develop scientific explanation
LO2: Theories guide our selection of what observation does and provides the standard to evaluate the reliability of a theory.
LO3: Theory Laden Observation states that our previous experience or expectations influence our observation.
I am still unclear about realists and anti-realists views on instrumentalism and empiricism.
Surprisingly, my prior knowledge of observation has definitely helped me to understand this topic at hand. Previously, I always had this expectation that our previous experience affects how we view things. Sometimes what we observe is subjective to what we know; there can exist some sort of bias. I’m amazed that they actually have a name for this kind of thing.
Here is the LOs of Underdetermination
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Let me try to attempt these LOs before watching the video.This week our topic is underdetermination.
LO1: To try and explain what underdetermination is I will first try to break the word underdetermination by splitting it into two. Under and determination. Under would be below, whereas determination is related to one’s resolve. Therefore, I believe underdetermination is when you don’t have sufficient evidence to back up your findings.
LO2: Realists are grounded; and only believe in things that are observable, whereas anti-realists are more accepting of scientific theories.
LO1: Underdetermination is a theory of evidence that refers to a phenomenon in which there are at least two different or alternative theories to fit the same dataset.
I am still unclear about realists and anti-realists views on instrumentalism and empiricism.
I am amazed to see that underdetermination refers to a phenomenon in which there are at least two different or alternative theories to fit the same dataset. If anything I would assume that, in this context, that underdetermination refers to a phenomenon in which there is none or one alternative theory to fit the same dataset. I mean the keyword is under so I would believe that it would have something to do with not having enough evidence. As for my predicted learning outcome between realists and anti-realist it seems that I got realist and anti-realists mixed up. Previously, I thought that realists aren’t open to scientific concepts, whereas anti-realist are, but this is not the case. In the underdetermination video it states that realists believe in scientific explanations and use it as a way to explain the things that happened around them, while anti-realists are more sceptical about scientific explanations.
This topic is a little bit challenging for me as I am still unclear about how anti-realists and realists view instrumentalism and empiricism. I understand the concept itself, but I am still unclear as to how the different schools of thought would view these two concepts.
Looking forward, I think these two concepts also have improved my science literacy as I am able to get a more in-depth review of how observation. I’m still a bit dubious about underdetermination as I am a little bit unclear about what underdetermination looks like via a scientific lens. I learn well when the examples given are meaningful and relate to the topic, so I couldn’t really jive well with the sample of the apples and bananas. Although, observation could 100% help when I go to teach my future students. Observation occurs everywhere an anytime. Just the simple act of looking is observation; although I understand that there is more to just looking. You need to also be able to analyse. When it comes to teaching science observation is definitely an important element in Science especially when conducting experiments. For example, if the experiment is conducted over several days, it is important that you make good observation as what you see can contribute to an explanation for the students.
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