#does hands on helmets go in the same category as hands on caps?
alasarys · 2 years
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themonkeycabal · 3 years
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep 2
Last week Bucky was a terrible patient and his new BFF is the father of a guy he killed while he was the Winter Soldier (so super healthy), Sam gave up Cap's shield and returned home to try to help salvage the family business (that went poorly), and some — I guess he must be from the Defense Department — dick made a big speech about needing heroes and he gave the shield to some goober (John Walker, but he'll always be Goober to me) in a Cap suit who strongly reminded me of Langly from the Lone Gunmen. (I'm not familiar with the actor, so I don't know what he actually looks like, but the helmet and the camera angle did him no favors at all, I'm just saying. Super punchable.)
Oh, and Sam has an adorable little minion named Lt. Torres who is getting himself into trouble with some weirdass terrorist group who like to slap red handprints on everything.
Zemo's out there lurking, too, but we haven't seen him yet.
I'm still slightly dazed that this show is real and we get to watch it.
Ep2: The Star-Spangled Man
Weird slow-mo opening shot of a close up of somebody unzipping their jacket. I mean. Okay. (Ohhh, it's the garment bag the Cap suit is in.)
And then we're on to Goober, he's wearing BDUs and he's in a football locker room (maybe high school?), fondling the lockers. He peels a name sticker off one, and underneath it says JW 10. A woman comes in and asks if he's reliving his glory days. They yada yada I don't care.
Now I guess they're talking about him becoming Captain America. "Everybody in the world expects me to be … something. And I don't want to fail them." She tells him to be himself and that they're gonna love him. Well, I've already decided he's a goober. I mean, he might not be, but he's got a hill to climb with me.
He spends a few seconds trying out his Captain America voice, then his buddy Hoskins comes in to talk him through it and give us some exposition. "Two weeks ago we were prepping for a special ops mission to Chile and now this."
Goober whines about how it's been handshakes and meetings and senators and whatnot and he just wants to get to it. But his buddy is all, that's part of the job man. Gotta glad-hand, too. You big baby (he doesn't say that part).
"You can't just punch your way out of problems anymore." Well, I mean, I think that was Steve's MO, mostly. That and 'hit it with the shield until it stops moving'.
Nu Cap is making a big showy thing at a rally at his old high school (Custer's Grove HS, GA) stadium for Good Morning America. He's still looking punchable in that helmet. But, they do bring out a kicking marching band, so there's that. It's a boring GMA interview. I don't care.
"John Walker, first person in American history to receive three Medals of Honor. Ran RS-One missions in counter-terrorism and hostage rescue. The government did a study of your body at MIT and you tested off the charts in every measurable category — speed, endurance, intelligence." (I legit laughed out loud. Lookit Captain Gary Stu over here)
Blah blah super humble yada yada. Just wants to make people feel safe, he has sooooo much respect for Steve Rogers, yada. Look, he could be a great guy and maybe I'll warm to him. But not yet!
Back in Brooklyn, Bucky's watching this and his face is all "No! No? What the shit is this? NO! NO? WHU NO?! No." Also, Bucky, I know you have a couch, why are you sitting on the floor? Love yourself just a little bit, dude.
In Louisiana Sam is in an Air Force hanger, staring at a garish 'Cap is Back' poster and looking a little queasy. Rhodey told you, subtly and not really directly, to not give up the shield, buddy. I hope when Bucky gets there the first thing he says is "He gave the shield to *you*, dummy. Not Captain Gary Poppins over there."
Torres says Nu Cap seems like a good guy. Sam's like, uh-huh, sure, so anyway. There's another "cap is back" poster and Sam's like 'ugh'. And they're off to Munich. I guess for the Flag Bros. Hey! There's Bucky! Finally, they're in the same scene. It's been nearly sixty minutes of screen time to get to this moment, Marvel. No, I wasn't counting.
"Shouldn't have given up the shield." lol. Hi Bucky! You forgot to call him a dummy.
Sam's like I haven't got time for this. And Bucky points to the umpteenth Cap is Back poster (seriously? Good lord.) "You didn't know that was going to happen?"
  Sam did not know that was going to happen. "You think it didn't break my heart to see them march him out there and call him the new Captain America?"
Bucky will not let this go. "You had no right to give up the shield, Sam." You tell him!
But, Sam's kind of not in the mood. Look, I get it Sam, you didn't feel equal to the shield, but Steve gave it to you because he knows, my dude. Trust him. Come on.
But, he's feeling very raw about this, right now. "This is what you're not gonna do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights." Well, ouch. 
He says he's got bigger things to worry about, but that seems unpossible to Bucky "What could be bigger than this?" Terrorist douchebags wearing funny masks in Eastern and Central Europe. Well, fine, Sam; be all puts-things-in-perspective guy.
Redwing traced the far-too-strong maybe leader to a place in Munich. For some reason Bucky does not have good feelings about Redwing. Uh-oh, Bucky, you're going to extra hurt Sam's feelings.
Oh lol, it's the "Big Three" convo. "What big three?" "Androids, aliens, and wizards." Still funny. Sam's so proud of himself.
"I'm coming with you." "No, you're not." Bucky went with him.
Did they glare at each other the whole way to Munich? lol. I love this show so much already.
"Enjoy the ride, Buck." "No, you can't call me that." "Why not? That's what Steve called you." "Steve knew me longer. And Steve had a plan." lol, Steve Rogers never had a plan a day in his life.
Bucky wants a chute, but Torres who wisely stayed out of all of that, is like we're way too low for a chute. "I don't need it anyway." Then Bucky drama school bitch rips off the left sleeve of his jacket and jumps out while yelling like the dumbass he is. And he hits every branch of the dumbass tree on his way to the ground.
"I have all of that on camera, you know that right?" And Redwing zooms by to hovers over Bucky. So, maybe it's not a mystery why he doesn't like Redwing. lol.
Bucky and Sam meet up at a dilapidated warehouse in the middle of the forest. Only good things ever happen in dilapidated warehouses in forests. Like extra shady weapons smuggling. Bucky's gonna stalk after them. Sam messes with him a bit.
"Look at you all stealthy. A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther." lol. ilu Sam. "It's actually White Wolf." "Huh?" heh. What he won’t tell you, Sam, is that he earned the name from the kids near his goat farm who liked to spy on and giggle at the grumpy growly white guy. 
"Hello. How are you?" "Great. What did I miss?" They're a delightful disaster! And they bicker and bicker and ahh, finally.
Also the people they're stalking are hella strong. And then these two idiots knock into an old bit of metal and make some noise. The shady people stop for a mo' but then move on. Sam scans one of the trucks the shady folks were loading (there are two), there's a figure sitting in the back. "There's an eighth person. I think they have a hostage." And Bucky zooms off! And Sam after him.
Bucky jumps onto the lead truck and then just like wanders around inside. I'm pretty sure the truck behind you noticed you, dummy. Anyway, it's loaded with crates marked "keep frozen." "They're stealing medicine. Vaccines." Those utter bastards. He spots a girl peeking out between containers. "Hi." lol, idiot.
He thinks it's the hostage, but I'm waiting for her to kick his butt out the door. She's not, you know, tied up in anyway. So … Also, again, does the second truck not have a radio to the first truck? Like was the driver texting while Bucky climbed up the back of the truck right in front of him? Now he's strangely incurious about the open door?
And, then she smiles at him and kicks him out the door, he hits the windshield of the second truck (maybe they've finally noticed you, Bucky!) and she puts on a mask with a red handprint. As you do. Two guys on the roof of truck 2, pull Bucky up ready to beat him silly.
Super strong girl, jumps over to truck two and punches Bucky some more. The Redwing zooms over and she jumps up, grabs it, and smashes it over her knee.
"I always wanted to do that," Bucky says, sad he didn't get the chance.
Sam shows up, there are more guys on the roof of the other truck. And there's fighting and fighting and then Sam is pinned down and the bad guy gets plonked with the shield and here comes Captain Poppins dropping down out of a helicopter. What timing. The CGI and green screen for this whole sequence are pretty dire. I'm sorry but it's true.
Captain Poppins is joined by his buddy Hoskins. "Sam. John Walker, Captain America." They know who you are, goober. Though, pausing to introduce yourself in the middle of the fight is a very Steve Rogers move, so points for that, Goober.
Lol, the look on Bucky's face when he catches the shield and Goober takes it from him. He's like 'rule two, rule two, rule two, remember rule two.'
Lots of fighting lots of fighting. Bucky is knocked off the side of the truck, he digs in and sort of zippers down the side, and then hangs off the bottom, his head inches from a tire, clinging to the underside by his vibranium arm. A bad guy stomps on it. Um, it's vibranium, guy. Like … though, somehow it works? and Bucky's arm sort of flops onto the road, sending up sparks. Sam does a neat little move, flies under the two trucks, grabbing Bucky as he goes, and knocking them both free.  None of that worked out particularly well, guys.
"Could have used that shield," Bucky says helpfully. lol. "Those were all super soldiers, Sam." Well, bummer.
Back on the trucks, I think Hoskins is in trouble. Cap Goober is pulling himself back up. Hoskins is thrown from the truck, but Cap Goober tosses the shield and Hoskins lands on that. Now Goober squares off against super soldier chick. He does not fare well. And he's thrown from the truck to land on the windshield of a following car. You know, if I'm driving down the road and I see people fighting on a pair of big rigs, I don't follow close. You know what I'm saying? I maybe pull over and let them get way far away from me. Anyway, sorry for your body damage.
Bucky and Sam walk along the road, a pair of sad sad heroes who did not have a plan.
"I'm sorry about Redwing." "No, you're not."
Cap Goober turns up in a sorry looking vehicle of some sort. "So that didn't go as planned." Bucky and Sam keep walking. lol
So Goober's vehicle keeps pace with the disaster duo. "We're pretty sure it's one of the Big Three."
Bucky: "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS WIZARDS!" That's his hill, he'll die on it.
Since it's super soldiers, and that's bad news, Cap Goober thinks they should work together. Sam's quiet but not thrilled. Bucky is not quiet. "Just 'cause you carry that shield, it doesn't mean you're Captain America."
Cap Goober has apparently jumped on a grenade 4 times. "It's a thing I do with my helmet. It's reinforced." Okay, I laughed.
He persuades them to ride with him, because it's like 20 miles to the airport. It's probably for the best, since I'm pretty sure they might try to strangle each other in five.
"They (Flag Haters Anonymous) say their mission is to get things back to the way they were during the blip." This group's goals are so hazy and weird.
oh, lol. Sam wanted to know how they tracked the Flag Smashers, and Hoskins is like, um, actually, we tracked redwing. "It's not exactly hacking," Captain Goober explains, "it's government property. We're kind of the government." Not winning any points, Goober.
Bucky's just glaring at him.  "Does he always just stare like that?" lol
We get a bit of exposition about a group called the GRC, the Global Repatriation Council, which is tasked with helping the previously blipped reintegrate. Sam's like, okay, and? Hoskins explains "they provide the resources, and we keep things stable." The GRC sounds even more make believe than super soldiers, to be honest. But, whatever. Not here to analyze the bizarre and unlikely geopolitics of the MCU. Cap Goober makes a pitch for Sam and Bucky to sign up but Bucky is very firm about his "No".
Hoskins insists he has mad respect for them, but they were getting their asses kicked until he and goober showed up. Um, Hoskins, my dude, you also got your ass kicked.
Bucky stares for a second. "Who are you?" "Lamar Hoskins." Sam insists he needs more than that. "I'm Battlestar. John's partner."
Bucky says Mm hmm. Stop the car. And he's gone.
Cap Goober gives a pitch to Sam about how he's not trying to be Steve, or replace him, he's just trying to do his best and be the best Captain America he can, and it'd be great to have Cap's 'wingmen' on his side. I sense sincerity, but you're still punchable, goober. And Sam isn't buying it either. He shakes his head and laughs bitterly, "It's always that last line." He hops out and follows Bucky.
Elsewhere, the super terrorists have reached a safe house with a way too chatty dude who is trying to make them at home in his dicey looking shopfront. He rattles on about how they're becoming legends and the people love them because they're pushing back! Against … the GRC? I guess?
Super soldier girl (Karli) gets a hate text. "You took what is mine. I'm going to find you and kill you." Well, sleep tight, sister!
One of the other guys has already logged into a computer system and he starts hacking and wiping their info off the internets and interpol, I guess.
"Six months ago would you have imagined people supporting a cause like this?" I'm still very unclear on what your cause is.
Maybe I'm overthinking the silly superhero universe, but I can't imagine the blip world was wonderful. You're missing half the people. So half of everybody who'd do various jobs. So half of the knowledge base of humanity on earth. Half of the experience base of humanity on earth. Half of the farmers, half of the engineers, half of the doctors, half of the people who maintain any system you can imagine, half of the people who build those systems, half of the teachers, half of the factory workers, half of the grandparents who pass down stories and community knowledge, half of the animals, half of the fish, half of the insects and so half of the plants. Ecosystems could easily collapse. Certainly infrastructure did, with half of the people needed to maintain it gone. Cities would have started to crumble, since half of the sources of goods, food, and services were gone. (we did have something of a real-world equivalent in Europe during the Black Death. Things were not nice for quite a long while after the worst years of the plague.)
I'm sure there would be areas that did better than others. But, half of any government gone, half of any police, half of any military. There would be power vacuums and probably shitheads to fill them. I don't see any particular utopia in a blip-ified world.
And that's not even taking into account the psychological damage to all the unblipped. The pure existential horror of half of everything suddenly gone.
But, that aside. I like genuinely do not know what they're trying to achieve.  
"We're not playing no more," announces Karli. "We can't let the same assholes who were put back in power after the Blip win." Literally do not know what that means. "The GRC care more about the people who came back than the ones who never left." I mean … isn't that literally what they're for? "We got a glimpse of how things could be." Chaotic and apocalyptic? In fairness, I guess if you could carve out your own thing in that, and maybe it could even be good, then you'd be bitter if everybody came back all of a sudden and messed that up. I'm sure the power struggles are real.
"One world! One people!" Okaly-dokaly. Fascinated to see how you eight will achieve that.
Bucky's brooding on a plane, Sam's trying to sleep but the brooding is too much to ignore.
"You alright?" "Let's take the shield, Sam. Let's take the shield and do this ourselves." He's using his almost scary Winter Soldier voice. And staring into the void. Sam, call his doctor. She needs to remind him of rules one and two. "We can't just run up on a man, beat him up, and take it." Good point, Sam. For real, call Bucky's doctor. He's going to the scary illegal place.
"Do you remember what happened the last time we stole it?" "Maybe." lol such a petulant little grumpus you are, Bucky. "I'll help you in case you forgot. Sharon was branded an enemy of the state and Steve and I were on the run for two years." Not everybody was lucky enough to have a goat farm during all that, Bucky. That's what the man's saying.
"We just got our ass handed to us by super soldiers and we got nothing." "That's not entirely true," Bucky says mysteriously. And he jumps down off his brooding crate to go sit next to Sam. "There is someone that you should meet."
Baltimore, Maryland
Sam has a cute aside with a neighborhood kid, then Bucky leads him up to a house that has seen better days. Somebody answers the door and Bucky says they're there to see Isaiah. But, the young guy who answers the door insists there's no Isaiah there. He's not very welcoming. Bucky says "tell him the guy from the bar in Goyang is here." The things you got up to, Bucky. I do wonder. "We had a skirmish during the Korean war." oh, lol. I mean, I'm sure it's a horrible story, but lol, Bucky you disaster.
Oh hey, Carl Lumbly! Gosh, I haven't seen him in an age. I almost didn't recognize him.
"He was a hero. One of the ones that Hydra feared the most. Like Steve. We met in '51." "If by met, you mean I whupped your ass, then, yeah." lol
Isaiah says he took part of Bucky's arm in Goyang and he just wanted to see if it grew back. And if Bucky was there to kill him. Bucky says he's not a killer anymore.
"You think you can wake up one day and decide who you wanna be?" Well, sure. "It doesn't work like that." Oh, but it must, or else what's the point? Isaiah has a lot of reasons to be bitter, though. 
"Isaiah, the reason we're here, is because there's more of you and me out there. And we need to know how."
This does not please Isaiah, who doesn't want to talk and throws a can of sardines (or something, I don't know what that was) through the wall. Old but still super solidery.
"You know what they did to me for being a hero? They put my ass in jail for 30 years." Um, wow. "People running tests, taking my blood, coming into my cell. Even your people weren't done with me." Well, that's deeply uncool. He very much wants his unwelcome guests to GFO, and I can't say I blame him.  
Sam is super pissed once they get out onto the street. "Why didn't you tell me about Isaiah?" Bucky doesn't answer. "I asked you a question, Bucky." Yikes.
And no, Steve never knew, because Bucky never told him. "So you're telling me there was a black super soldier decades ago and nobody knew about it?" I guess so.
And we're interrupted by a bizarre random encounter with presumably racist cops. They stop them in the street, get weird about asking for ID, and then ask Bucky, "is this guy bothering you?" And Bucky's like what in the actual fuck, he looks like a high school chem teacher and I look like the muscle for a loan shark, "no he's not bothering me. Do you know who he is?" Oh to be the Winter Soldier again for just a moment, eh? Anyway, one of the dipshits recognizes Sam and they get all dipshitty apologetic. "oh, Mr. Wilson, we're so sorry."
Oh, lol, they're going to arrest Bucky. There's a warrant out for him, because he missed his therapy session. I told somebody to call his therapist! I want to know which of those dipshits ran Sam and Bucky for wants. Because that’s not automatic or some shit, somebody’s got to call it in. 
Sam's like 'well that took a weird turn.'
Sam and Dr Raynor meet at whatever facility they’re holding Bucky. "Thanks for getting him out." "That was not me," the doctor assures him. Nope, it was Captain Goober, who greets the doctor with a wave. "Christina! It's great to see you again." lol. And Sam's day gets worse.
"I heard you were working with Bucky and thought I'd step in. Bucky's not going to be working on a strict schedule any longer." 
She's like, uh what? Says who? And he points at himself. okay, again, lol. Though, it’s weird to me how he insists on calling Bucky ‘Bucky’, like they’re buddies. They’re not buddies. Bucky's going to punch him in the face. 
"He's too valuable an asset to have him tied up. So just do whatever you've got to do with him, then send him off to me." Will Bucky turn around and go right back into his holding cell?
Dr's not going to let him. "James, condition of your release, session now. You too, Sam." "That's okay. I'll be out here with…" "That wasn't a request." Poor Sam. He has had THE WORST DAY.
I love Bucky slouching against the sergeant's desk all surly, like a 16 year old who got busted for boosting his grandmother's car.
Dr Raynor settles them all in what I assume is an interrogation room. She tells Bucky she just wants to help him get over whatever is eating at him. I guess she figures Sam could help with that, too?
"We're going to do an exercise. It's something I use with couples when they are trying to figure out what kind of life they want to build together." lol. but of course. a million fic writers deliriously rush to their keyboards.  
"Are you familiar with the miracle question?" "Absolutely not." "Of course not." heh "Okay, it goes like this. Suppose that while you're sleeping, a miracle occurs. When you wake up, what is something that you would like to see that would make your life better?"
Bucky says his miracle would be Sam talking less. Sam says that's what he was going to say. Dr Raynor is writing fic of her own. "You guys are leaving me no choice. It's time for the soul-gazing exercise." This is the weirdest therapy session ever.
Bucky is very on board. Sam's like 'what have you done? staring? that's his thing!'
"Let's do it. Let's stare. This is a good exercise. Thanks, doc." Bucky, you little asshole. lol
How many takes to do this scene? I can tell they're trying not to laugh. "Take 57. It's 1:30 am, guys. Please, can we get it this time?"
"Wait, what are you doing? Are you having a staring contest?" What about these two men's attitudes walking into the room suggested they were going to be at all mature about this, Doc?
"James, why does Sam aggravate you? And don't say something childish." She knows you too well, Buck.
Oh, Bucky. He wants to know why Sam gave up the shield, because Steve believed in him, gave him the shield for a reason. But, maybe Steve was wrong about Sam and if he was wrong about Sam, then he was wrong about Bucky.
Sam, has his reasons. He says maybe Bucky and Steve can't understand, but he wants to know if Bucky can accept that he did what he thought was right. Poor Sam.
And Sam's had enough. He says they've got bigger shit going on and he'll put whatever this issue is aside for now, and they'll go take care of that, and then he and Bucky can never see each other again. "Thanks doc, for making it weird. I feel much better."
She's like, well shit.
Bucky leaves as well, but she stops him. "I know that look. What's wrong?" "What was rule two again?" "Don't hurt anyone." "Goodbye, doc."
I think maybe she miscalculated a tiny bit.
"I feel better," Sam grumbles. "I feel awful," Bucky sighs.
And down the street Captain Goober and Hoskins starts chirping a police siren at them and they wave them over. "Gentlemen!" I really want Bucky to punch him just once.
Goober wants them to join forces. They're tracking Karli through various displaced communities in Europe.  She's the flag stompers leader, I guess? She's like … 16. DOUBT.
Anyway, she's do-goodering by stealing medicine and taking it to the displaced camps. I'm confused. So, post-blip, people who'd not blipped are now suddenly being displaced? I thought the displaced where the blipped trying to reintegrate. But, she was mad at the GRC for only caring about the blipped not the unblipped (which, again is the GRC's raison d'être, so yes?). I feel like I'm missing something.
Bucky snarks at Goober a bit. He's not a fan at all. "Things are really intense for you, aren't they, Walker?" 
Sam's like okay, let's all simmer down. "It is imperative that we find them and stop them." But, also, though, he and Bucky are free agents, so they're more flexible than mister "i'm the government" over there.
Captain Goober doesn't care for that. "Word of advice, then. Stay the hell out of my way." Don't push your luck, goober.
Bratislava, Slovakia
Flag Stompers loading a small plane. Uh oh, they've been found out! Karli asks how much time they have. "None. It's the Power Broker's men." The Power Broker. See, that's the kind of jackassery you get in a Blip scenario. That's what I'm talking about. Did you steal super soldier serum from this guy, Karli? Hmmm? One noble Flag Stomper offers to stay behind and hold them off while they make their escape, for One World! One People! Dream big, kid.
He knocks down a power pole to block the road but then he runs at the badder guys? And gets himself shot a zillionty times. I … he'd already blocked the road? Why not just … you know what? Never mind.
Back to Bucky and Sam and Bucky with an idea that might just be worse than the self-sacrificing Flag Stomper's run-at-the-badder-guys-for-great-justice idea. He suggests that perhaps somebody who knows all of Hydra's secrets can give them the answers they need. 
"So you're just going to go sit in a room with this guy?" "Ye-… yes," Bucky says, absolutely oozing with confidence.
Off to see Zemo! I'm sure that will go terribly! Can't wait!
And Credits!
Not gonna lie. I'm not sure how I feel about this episode. It felt a little disjointed.
I don't get the Flag Munchers, but I'm thinking they're just a red herring. Because they're basically utopian idealist twelve-year olds with nice but vague goals and vague iffy means to achieve those goals. I don't feel they're a whole lot more than some misguided kids who grew up in a blipped world and change is difficult and scary (and I’m sure it’s probably managed poorly. I can’t think of anything less efficient than a global council for anything. you could have a global council for dirt and it would be a bureaucratic nightmare). And they probably stole super soldier serum from somebody way scarier. Dummies. I think they're going to need to be rescued at some point. Probably soonish.
As for that other guy. There's moments where I like John Walker a little bit, and moments where I find him really aggravating. I get they want to make him the super-duper bestest perfectest hero, or that’s why he was chosen by the DoD or whatever, but part of Steve's charm was he wasn't perfect. He wasn't Captain America because he won a million awards, he was Cap because he had a good heart. That's the point. THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULD BE CAP, SAM!
Also, I don't like hard feelings between Sam and Bucky. Though, nothing about their history would suggest an easy friendship (one time Sam was driving in his car and Bucky ripped the damn steering wheel out), so that's not a complaint, it just makes me sad. They really only have a connection because of Steve and he's gone. Be friends, guys!
And finally, when will Sharon Carter return from being an enemy of the state?
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Shaken Up | Bucky x Steve x Reader (Fluff, mild Angst)
Category: mild Angst, Fluff (Suggested) Age: 13+ Trigger Warnings: passing out, physical illness (fever) Ship: Bucky x Steve x Reader Summary: Bucky And Steve Find Reader Passed Out Request: “So a couple weeks ago I was really unwell and ended up with a migraine so bad I fainted… it was rough lmao Could you maybe write something about stucky x reader finding their girl passed out and how they’d react? I was alone when it happened to me and lord knows how terrifying it was waking up on the ground with a busted lip, alone, not knowing how long I was out for😬” Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 1,509
Just under two hours to go.
Two hours until her soldiers get back from the mission she really wished they weren’t on. She’s been counting down the minutes since they left at nine AM this morning, and now it’s six-thirty PM.
It was all going well until around midday when she suddenly felt very nauseous. Felt a headache coming on, her body was sweating yet she was shivering cold, she started to cough more often than normal, and that leads her to where she is now, curled up on the Bucky’s bed - that they all sleep in - in the American flag pattered blanket of Steve’s that Tony got him as a joke a few years ago on his one-hundredth birthday.
The TV is playing a show that the woman is no longer paying an ounce of attention to. She can’t. Her head keeps zoning out. The headache becoming progressively worse. There’s tears streaking her face that she’s not even acknowledged.
Part of her feels bad because she remembers what her two lovers remind her every time they go out on a mission without fail.
“You call us if you need anything, alright? No matter what it is, if you need us, ring and we’ll come back. Look after yourself, okay?”
They both tell her so many times whenever they’re going out for missions and yet here she is. She’s held the phone in her hand a number of times, finger hovering over both their names - trying to decide who’s most likely to answer - yet she ended up locking the device and dropping it beside her.
Sighing, (Y/N) slides off of the bed, wrapping the blanket around her, deciding to go and grab some water - and also see if Tony, Pepper or Bruce were around to see if they could recommend anything - but she barely manages three steps toward her door when the thudding of her feet on the carpeted floor becomes too much for her head and she’s falling. Then nothing.
“Hey, how’d it go?” Nat asks the two soldiers who exit the lift on the common floor.
“Eh, not bad. Wasn’t anyone particularly smart so it’s up to the court now.” Steve sighs, removing his helmet as Bucky removes his gloves.
“Cool. Fury wants a briefing tomorrow at eight.” She confirms, the pair nodding.
“(Y/N) around?” Bucky asks.
“Haven’t seen her all day. Probably in her room doing what she always does when you two are on missions,” She pauses, a small smile playing on her lips. “Waiting for you to get back.”
The two men chuckle and shake their head.
“She’s cute.” Steve grins.
“She’s definitely smitten.” Nat teases, receiving a playful punch from Bucky as they pass her to get to the lift once again.
“So she should be.”
The second Steve and Bucky are both in the elevator, their lips are together, hands wrapping around each other.
“Hello.” Bucky grins at the blond, Steve only chuckling in response and cuddling up against him.
“You okay?” His voice is muffled against the blond’s hair.
Steve nods.
“Better now we’re home.” He smiles. “M’tired.”
“Plus one to that.” Buck agrees.
The elevator dings and they exit, sighing as they smell her perfume that’s always lingering the hallway of their floor.
“Who’s room are we betting she’s in?” Steve chuckles.
“Definitely mine.” Buck grins, both of them heading over to the Winter Soldier’s room. “Friday, tell (Y/N) we’re coming in.” He calls, knowing (Y/N) always asks everyone to get FRIDAY to announce their entrance since she fears unexpected door knocks.
It’s not until the door opens and their eyes widen that FRIDAY responds.
“I’m afraid Miss (L/N) is unconscious right now, sirs.”
“Oh my God, (Y/N)!” Steve calls out, dashing to her aside.
“(Y/N)!” Bucky adds at the same time, also running over.
The pair drop to their knees, helping her turn over onto her back and acknowledging her sweat-covered body, heavy breaths and trembling. Then the blood. The blood on her head. The blood on the corner of the dressing table. It doesn’t take a genius to work out what happened.
“Friday, what’s wrong with her?!” The blond shouts, eyes scanning up and down her body. The blood makes sense - she fell and hit her head - but the sweating, the trembling, the obviously change in her skin tone.
“Miss (L/N) has been showing signs of an intense fever since twelve-fifteen this afternoon, sir. It got progressively worse throughout the afternoon and she collapsed at eighteen-forty-two.” The AI confirms, Bucky’s wide eyes glancing at the clock that shows almost nine o’clock.
“Holy shit, baby. Come on, we’ve gotta get her too Bruce.” The brunet says to Steve who nods in agreement.
“You got her?”
The Winter Soldier nods and lifts the woman up in his arms, panicking at the sight of her pale face.
“Come on, doll, open those eyes for me.” He coos, shaking her slightly, hoping to get any response out of her.
“BRUCE!” Steve yells, practically shouting as he throws the doors open to the medical bay.
“Captain?” Bruce responds, coming around the corner with a raised brow at the man’s loudness.
“(Y/N)’s passed out - Friday says she has a fever - she’s also bleeding, think she hit her head on the dressing table. Please check she’s alright.” The blond pleads, Bucky laying her down on the bed.
“Friday, can you write up her symptoms?” The medical expert calls out to the AI.
“Of course, Doctor Banner.”
Bucky and Steve are hand in hand as they look over their girl’s trembling body.
“She was out for nearly three hours.” Cap murmurs.
“She’s dehydrated.” Bruce comments, scanning over the write-up of her symptoms. “That’s why she passed out, too low a blood pressure. She’ll be alright, I assure you both. The wound on her head is nothing, just a scratch.”
The pair nod but don’t look any less concerned. Eventually, Banner manages to get them to sit down in the chairs by her bed and just allow him to get her all fixed up.
It’s about an hour later when the woman’s eyes flicker and open, disliking the brightness of the lights in the room.
“Friday, can you turn down the lights by (Y/N).” Steve calls, both of them not having taken their eyes off of the woman for a second.
“Of course, Captain.”
“Hey, doll.” Bucky breathes, smiling down as he’s now stood over the bed.
“Welcome back, sweetheart.” Steve adds.
It takes the woman a second to recognise her surroundings and feel the faint pain in her head and sweat coating her body to remember everything that happened.
“You could’ve at least gotten showered and dressed whilst waiting for me.” She groans, sarcasm lacing her tone as she recognises their dirty uniforms from their mission.
The men can’t help but grin and shake their heads.
“Too busy being worried shitless about our girlfriend, doll. I can assure you, getting cleaned up and dressed was not at the top of my mind when I came in my room and see the love of my life laid face down on my floor, bleeding, sweating and shivering.” He responds, tone just as sarcastic. Teasing.
(Y/N) gives an apologetic smile to the men and shrugs.
“Sorry. I like to shake you up every so often.”
Steve chuckles and leans down to kiss her lips.
“Don’t. It was awful. I thought my heart stopped beating, I swear.” He shakes his head.
“Plus one to that.” Buck adds, also kissing her.
“You had a really bad fever, sweetheart. Why didn’t you call us?” The blond adds, his somewhat serious expression taking back over.
The woman glances away, too embarrassed to even respond.
“Doll, what’s wrong?” Bucky whispers, leaning over and stroking his flesh hand through her hair. “You know you can call us if you need to.”
“In case of an emergency. This wasn’t an emergency.” She mewls, subconsciously leaning into his strokes.
“No. You call us if you need us. Not if it’s an emergency. You needed us to look after you and that qualifies as needing us.” Steve explains, walking around to stand on the opposite side of the bed to Bucky, meeting her saddened, partially embarrassed, gaze.
“It was an important mission…” Her voice is quiet, knowing she won’t win this.
“Not as important as you. Never as important as you.” The brunet finishes.
“I love you both so much.”
“We love you too, sweetheart, more than words could ever describe. Now, do you wanna tell us what we can do for you?” Steve quizzes.
“Could really do with-“
“Some ice-cold water, with lemon, in that pint glass that Buck got me for my birthday, and a lot of cuddles.” Bucky finishes, mocking her voice and watching her grin, giggling afterwards.
“Am I that predictable?” She whispers.
“Nah, you’re just our girl, and we know what our girl needs.” He winks.
“Let’s get you to bed.” Steve chuckles, lifting her up into his arms.
“Yes, sir.” 
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txtdiaries · 5 years
Momentum - Chapter Two
SUMMARY |  You don’t know what to expect during your first ever date with the boy of your dreams, but as the night goes on and things start to fall into place almost effortlessly, you realize one thing and one thing only about Choi Soobin - he is perfect for you.
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PAIRING | Soobin X Reader
CATEGORY | college au, crush, slow burn, sports, date night, etc.
WARNINGS | swearing, fluff galore
SONG REC | Two More Minutes - Jaymes Young
PLAYLIST | momentum playlist
Preview / Chapter One / Chapter Two
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Your eyes scan the football field, searching for the only jersey with the number 8 etched into the back of it as your feet carry you across the damp turf. You notice the group of players huddled up a few yards away as you get closer, and you make sure to skew from the coach’s line of sight  - not wanting to draw attention to yourself in the process.
Regardless of it being almost seven at night, the sun still hasn’t fully set, and the sky is radiating a slightly darkened blue color. You take a moment to skim over the players again, eyes finally focusing on one specifically when they find the tallest boy amid the group.
Soobin is always easy to find. 
He’s adorning his black and white football uniform, paired with his cleats and black knee socks, and a checkered sweatband is wrapped around his wrist to finish off his practice attire. You take note of the way your chest squeezes once he grins at something another one of his teammates says, and quickly shake your head to somehow shake the feeling off. 
You notice how Soobin’s helmet dangles from in between his fingers as you get closer - having been taken off only moments before - and how his black hair is matted down; clinging against his forehead and neck. His glasses are nowhere to be seen, and seeing him without them sends butterflies erupting in your stomach. The number on his back - Soobin’s famous number - beams proudly under the fluorescent lights dotted around the edges of the field, and you take a second to mull over the nickname he’s carried since freshman year to now. The unforgettable nickname that’s been his, and only his, since the first game of the season, two years ago.
The golden infinity, he had been labeled, since Soobin is supposedly the best in everyone’s eyes, and always will be. You can’t exactly blame them for thinking so. Soobin is the best of the best - you just can’t help but wonder if he sees himself this way too.
You know better than to think so.
After a few moments of shifting your weight from one foot to the other, you clear your throat; causing a few eyes to look your way. You don’t actually know that many of the boys on the football team. You only recognize a cute boy named Hyunjin, who has Math with you, and another boy named Mark.
You’re familiar with Mark. Not only because he’s popular and the football team’s star quarterback, but because he hit on you in English class last week. You avoid his burning stare instantly
“Yo, infinity,” Mark interrupts the coach’s light speal about the game-plan review for next week and looks over toward Soobin. He snaps his head in Mark’s direction at the mention of his name and his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Your girlfriend is here.”
Your heart lurches in your chest after the words are said, and you watch as Soobin’s cheeks burn suddenly when Mark motions towards you. He quickly looks over with a light chuckle before his gaze lands on you. Your eyes widen as they flash over Mark before meeting Soobin’s again. He only grins at this.
You don’t actually know how Mark knows you’re there for Soobin, but you quickly gather that he had to have told some of his friends he had a date. Teammates or not, word spreads fast amongst jocks. Soobin is clearly no exception.
The coach finishes his speech and the players all break, half of them barely paying attention anyway as he tries to keep everyone’s energy up for the next game. Soobin shoves Mark’s shoulder amidst the chaos, and then moves quickly to grab his bag and walk over to your spot near the bench, a shy grin adorning his face as he does so. You fight to hold one back as well.
“Hey, sorry for having you come all the way here. Practice ran over.”
You shrug lightheartedly, “It’s fine, I don’t mind.”
His dimple carves it’s place into his cheek, and you feel yourself smile back at Soobin, heart rate accelerating. 
“Alright. We can head back to my dorm just so I can get out of these clothes and then we can head out, sound good?”
You nod as if you aren’t spiked with anxiety, because you’re really about to go to the Choi Soobin’s dorm room. You try not to overthink the situation, and then follow him off the field and onto the sidewalk, walking towards the student housing buildings quickly.
Soobin keeps you both occupied as you make your way east of the football field - asking you about your classes, how your day was going, and just about everything in between. You can sense his nerves as you two speak, but try to relax. After all, it is just Soobin. 
“My roommate shouldn’t be back yet, he had a test to study for.” Soobin explains once you two finally reach his dorm and stand in front of his room. He fishes a pair of keys from his black duffel bag and slides a small silver one into the lock, twisting lightly before pushing the door open. It’s one of the most mundane things ever - but it brings a blush to your cheeks. 
Get it together, you tell yourself. 
You walk in behind Soobin and watch as he carelessly tosses his items aside and onto the floor near his bed. You avert your eyes after he opens one of his dresser drawers, not wanting to seem nosy before your eyes start to wander around the room, studying it curiously.
Soobin’s roommate truly is nowhere to be seen, but his side of the room is so messy, you wouldn’t be surprised if he happened to be buried somewhere under all the laundry on the ground. His side of the room is far less organized, so you don’t pay much attention to it. 
Soobin’s half, on the other hand, is practically spotless. 
His bed is made, adorn with black bedsheets and matching pillows. He has a small bunny plushy propped up against one pillow, and you grin when you see it. Colorful throw pillows and even a small fluffy blanket are the only colorful items occupying the bed, making it look extremely comfortable along with welcoming. Your heart warms at Soobin’s possessions.
His laptop sits closed on his desk in the corner, and a pair of speakers sit on each side of it, turned off. Textbooks are lined up neatly on his long shelf just above, and his black backpack rests on the chair just next to it. Soobin doesn’t have a lot of space for his things, but from what you can see, everything on his side is just purely Soobin. From his bottled cologne resting on his shelf, or his glasses resting on the Algebra book laid open on his bed. Small details of him lie right in front of your eyes, and you take note of all of them.
The packet of unopened ramen noodles near his books, most likely for late night snacking. His pencil case shoved to the brim with different colored pens and highlighters for the hours he undoubtedly spends studying. Even the black journal you see peeking out from under his pillow, and the romance novel he strategically has shoved next to a science textbook on his desk, these small things hidden by others, almost as if he doesn’t want to be completely and fully exposed - even in his own bedroom. It all comes together perfectly.
You know right here and now - you really like Soobin. 
“I’m sorry it’s kinda messy.” Soobin speaks up as he pulls out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, leaning over to swipe his glasses of the book before looking down at you bashfully. 
You smile up at him, “You gotta stop apologizing so much. It’s not messy at all.” 
He chuckles lowly at this before shaking his head. 
“You can sit down if you want, I’ll just be a minute.”
You tuck some hair behind your ear and nod, moving to sit on his bed as he makes his way to the door again. Your stomach flips at the thought of being alone in Soobin’s room - almost like you shouldn’t be here at all. Like it’s his sacred place you shouldn’t have invaded in the first place. With your thoughts running and your eyes wandering again, Soobin steps out, closing the door behind him. 
Your phone buzzes instantly - almost as if it was waiting for him to leave. 
You pull it from your back pocket in confusion, eyes scanning over the text you see as soon as you do. 
The text sent in all caps stares back at you in all its glory, and you laugh at Yeonjun’s excitement. You thumb back a reply easily.
I’m literally in his dorm room right now - send help. 
You lock your screen and pocket the device again, fingers drumming against your knee in boredom. You don’t want to inspect every inch of the room, because that would be weird, so instead you stand and peer at Soobin’s book collection, trying to see if you have any of the same ones. 
You can’t remember if Soobin is a literature major or a communication major, and your memory flashes as you swiftly recall that he had switched from one to the other. The only reason you know this is because Yeonjun, ironically, had a mutual friend with Soobin, and they had seen him leaving the Advising Center one sunny day last semester. After his friend Beomgyu, Yeonjun had later filled you in on his name, saw him, they chatted for a bit with Yeonjun right there. Although he couldn’t remember any of the most pressing details - you were lucky, and a little shocked, to get any at all. Besides, Soobin was just a casual crush you had - a boy you blushed and hid from whenever you saw him crossing campus - it almost felt weird to be informed of these things when you didn’t really know him in the first place.
Until now. Now, you were getting there.
After your eyes scan over his Digital Communication book and his Human Relations book, you safely decide that he was in fact a COMM major. You can’t help as your mind starts to wander, filling with questions and wondering why he switched in the first place. Clearly he loved literature - that was obvious given his extensive collection of literary classics and, surprisingly, modern romance and sci-fi novels, stacked on his shelf. Maybe he had simply switched because it wasn’t for him. Or maybe he switched for an entirely different reason. You can only wonder. 
Soobin re-appears in no time, and you glance over as he walks in again, noticing how his hair is now styled and his outfit, changed. You smile at this before meeting his eyes.
“Ready?” He questions, a cute grin tugging at the corners of his lips. You nod swiftly and step forward, moving to walk out the doorway with him. 
“You still haven’t told me where we’re going,” You comment, noticing how Soobin’s shoulder brushes against yours as he reaches into his pocket for his keys again to lock the door, “You could be kidnapping me for all I know.”
Instead of giving you a clear answer, he chuckles and pulls you gently, excitedly by the wrist towards the exit, “Well it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?”
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“You’re swinging too low!” You call to Soobin who stands behind a chain linked fence, baseball bat in hand and helmet on head, facing an automatic pitching machine.
Out of all the places Soobin could have taken you on a first date, he took you to a sports playground. And to make matters even better - he was losing.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a jock?” You tease, watching as Soobin swings aggressively again, missing the ball by a longshot. His shoulders shake with laughter at your comment before he yells back, fixing his stance again.
“I’m out of practice and you’re making me nervous!”
You nod even though he can’t see and tug your own helmet on, laughing at his final swing. Soobin ticks the ball and sends it flying to the left of him, travelling a few feet away before crashing into the fence. His eyes meet yours as you walk up to the gate entrance. 
“Well I could have done better than that.” You say.
Soobin laughs at you, and it warms something deep in the pit of your stomach, “I’ll school you at basketball later on, don’t worry. Just try getting a few swings in to warm up and then get ready to lose.”
He was overly enthusiastic when you two first arrived, hands covering your eyes so you wouldn’t peek and ruin the surprise. When he finally revealed the large sign outside reading Benny’s Sports Playground, he was grinning ear to ear. You should have known Soobin would take you to a place like this for your first date. It was perfect, and you were both eager to play some games.
First on the list was baseball, seeing as it was the first actual game to be seen as you both entered. It was secluded enough, through a small entrance and shielded by a chain fence linked around its perimeter. It was a good warm-up game, you and Soobin had both agreed on that. After baseball, though, it’s basketball. And after that, you don’t dare guess what Soobin has in mind.
“I won’t be the one losing.” You feign confidence, stepping onto the artificial field before making your way over.
“Okay,” He shrugs, voice raising a few octaves as he shrugs goofily, “Okay! Prove it then.” 
You laugh at his tone, walking over to take the bat from him. Soobin pulls back gently as soon as you reach for it, lifting it back and up so it’s just out of reach, and smirks at you. You frown now and grab at it, pulling after your fingers wrap around the handle.
You realize, just then, that you two are acting like a couple. To a complete stranger, it could be interpreted as shameless flirting, and the thought alone almost makes you blush. Because Soobin is flirting, and you are actually letting him.
“Okay, okay, let’s see what you’ve got.” Soobin finally releases the bat after your shared moment, and steps back to lean against the fence enclosing the two of you a few feet away. You know he shouldn’t be the distance away that he is while you’re batting, but you don’t mention it. The workers took their break as soon as the two of you arrived anyway, not seeing the need to watch over two adults. You just hope they don’t arrive back anytime soon.
“You’re gonna regret making fun of me, watch.” You giggle, widening your stance before lifting the bat up, squaring your eyes on the machine a few yards away.
“Focus on the ball, not on me.” Soobin teases you back, but it makes your stomach flip anyway. You clear your throat after his words hang in the empty air, finally taking a deep breath before preparing to swing.
“I can do both.” You admit, far too quickly than you’d like, and you feel your cheeks heat up right after. You hear Soobin let out a laugh again before you laugh along, finally focusing the majority of your attention on the machine.
You only just let out a full breathe before the white ball is shooting out from the pitching square and flying rapidly towards you. You can feel yourself react a few seconds too late, and the ball goes rushing past you and clashes harshly into the fence just right of you as you swing, body spinning as you lose your footing from your uneven swing.
Soobin is right by your side now, trying to hold back his giggles as you stumble.
“Oh my- are you okay?” He beams, trying not to tease you.
“I’m fine.” You huff, shrugging his hands off your shoulders nonchalantly from where they touched your skin, feeling it tingle from where his fingers came in contact. You pretend not to notice. You feel a bit embarrassed.
“You gotta swing a little earlier,” Soobin encourages you, backing up swiftly before finding his spot against the fence again, “Focus on swinging as soon as it leaves the pitch so you’ll knock it as soon as it gets to you.”
You nod at his words, stabilizing your footing again before looking straight ahead again. You take another deep breath and grip the bat in your hands tightly, trying to do exactly as he told you. A beat passes and another ball is being shot towards you, causing your nerves to spike as soon as it gets closer.
You swing too soon.
You whine a bit as the fence behind you shakes, the force of the ball setting it out of balance as the sound echoes off it. Soobin is laughing now, finally moving back towards you before the next ball comes.
“Okay,” He starts, hands suddenly on your arms. Every nerve springs to attention where he touches, hyper aware of how he feels against you. You let out a soft sigh, hoping he can’t hear it.
“So you need to hold the bat up more.” He explains, fingers enclosing around yours as his front meets your back just slightly, helping you get your grip right. He gently taps your shoe with his, causing you to spread your stance again with a small, “Oh.” 
“Now that your stance is good, twist your body. Not a lot, just slightly for your force.”
Soobin twists with you to the right, helping you stop just where you need to.
You wonder, suddenly, if he’s done this before. Not the baseball part, because obviously he has, but the flirting part. Helping other girls with their stances and so on. It’s a good move - practically a classic. You wouldn’t be that surprised if he’s done it before.
Soobin’s voice suddenly starts shaking, just slightly and almost unnoticed by you as his body comes in contact with yours a bit more when he speaks again, almost taken over by his nerves. The previous thought disappears instantly. 
You realize now - he hasn’t.
“I- okay.” He says softly, “When the ball comes, wait until you know you’ll swing and hit it. You have to time it perfectly.” Soobin is patient with you, hands hesitating on yours longer than they need to before he steps back, taking all his warmth and scent with him. You miss him as soon as he steps away, before catching yourself. You remember that you need to focus.
“Okay.” You say, determined to hit the ball this time. You take another breath, your third ball is the final one, and you know you can’t miss now.
Mercilessly, the ball shoots from the machine with no time to spare, and you force yourself to wait - to time it and not swing too soon or too late. You force yourself to get it perfectly.
The ball flies opposite from the direction it came. You’re barely able to focus on that though, because along with the metal in your hands sending a painful vibrating feeling through your hands from the force, your body still hasn’t registered that the ball is far gone. It still moves along with your arms, sending your feet out of balance again as you tip to the left as your balance falters.
The bat falls to the ground with a repeated clanking sound, but you barely notice. You notice Soobin’s presence again, only just a second too late as you trip over your footing, sending him down with you as your body throws his balance off as well.
“Oh shi-” 
You’re unable to finish your sentence as you both slip, knees burning underneath you as your bodies come in contact with the artificial flooring and then each other, Soobin’s body already taking more of the impact than yours.
You can still feel his hands gripping your hips when the world stills, pain shooting through your left side intently. 
It all happens so fast it’s almost impossible to know it even happened until it’s over, your body throbbing in pain as you realize what happened. Both your helmets lay next to the two of you, flipped upside down.
“Oh god.” Soobin suddenly groans from underneath you, taking a shaky breath.
“I’m so so-”
You finally meet his eyes, heart dropping at your current position.
Soobin is underneath you, eyes no longer covered by his glasses but closed tightly as his head rests against the floor, only inches from yours. Your bodies are pressed against eachother’s, limbs intertwined messily due to your fall.
You’re level when he finally opens his eyes, meeting yours.
All the words you had planned on saying are wiped from your mind when Soobin looks up at you.
“I...” You try again, finally realizing the intensity of all of this.
You see emotion flash in Soobin’s eyes when he realizes too - but he doesn’t move. His hands keep their place on your hips as you both breathe heavily, staring into the other’s eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Soobin says softly, even though it wasn’t his fault. Your eyebrows furrow as his soft breaths splay over your cheeks in light puffs. Soobin smells of mint, and your stomach flips at the softness of his tone.
“It was my fault.” You retort, aware of the feeling of his large body against yours. Every single cell in your body is screaming at the feeling, but you try and act unaffected. Soobin, on the other hand, doesn’t try as hard.
His eyes trail down from your eyes to your lips before moving back up, head tilting just slightly. It’s almost like Soobin is curious - just to see how you react to him like this. You feel the crackle of excitement and nerves find place in your stomach, and your cheeks heat up with a blush you know Soobin sees.
It’s all on him, you think. It’s his move.
After all, you aren’t bold enough to make the first move with Soobin. You think he knows this.
“Maybe we...” Soobin hesitates, eyes flashing with emotion, “Um- maybe we should move on from baseball. We both suck at it.”
And just like that, the moment is gone.
“Ah, yeah.” You cut through the silence, clearing your throat before your hands plant themselves on his shoulders, lifting yourself up and off of him. Soobin lets out a sigh as you move farther away, almost looking less nervous, and you pretend you don’t notice. Your knee burns at it comes in contact with the floor, but you ignore it and push up off it, regain your footing steadily again.
Your nerves die down, the feeling of hope stamped down in a cloud of smoke as Soobin stands up, brushing his hands on his jeans lightly before he leans to grab the bat abandoned a few feet away along with his, luckily, unharmed glasses. You know that the machine times out after three balls each so theres no need to worry about it going off again. The only worry in your mind is Soobin and how the two of you will interact after what just happened.
You don’t want to make it awkward, so you try your hardest not to.
“I hit it.” You speak up, hoping Soobin accepts the transition easily.
Relief floods your veins when he smiles over at you from the bat rack.
“I know, you hit it pretty hard too. You should try out for softball next season.”
Things slip back into their own rhythm as you two laugh, the moment gone but not forgotten as you meet back up near the exit and leave the batting cages after putting everything away, walking back into the main junction of the building to choose a new game. Your heart feels better when Soobin gives you his best smile, calming you down.
“So, basketball?” He asks, reaching in his back pocket for the small map provided when you two first came in displaying the location of every activity the company provides.
“Ooh, yes. I’m actually decent at basketball.” You nod, skipping slightly out of excitement as Soobin maneuvers you both around other people, holding onto your wrist gently again as he does so, not wanting to lose you in the process.
“We’ll see about that,” The corners of Soobin’s lips tilt up, “I was the captain of the basketball team last season.”
“You were also one of the best baseball players last season, but look what happened there,” You tease, reffering to him barely hitting the ball.
Soobin presses a hand to his chest to feign offense as you two finally step onto the joined court surrounded by slightly padded high walls and beams, and it makes you laugh. After a moment, you look around at your surroundings. Dozens of basketballs occupy each rack set up near the entrance, all in different colors, and the baskets are high on their beams on each side of the court. You aren’t that confident in your sport abilities, but you hope you are actually decent when it comes to this. You can only imagine how cocky Soobin will be if he wins. The thought itself makes you want to laugh again.
“So should we have a fair game, or just do free throws?” Soobin questions softly, already grabbing a bright green ball from the rack.
“You realize you’re like six fucking feet tall, right?” You ask Soobin incredulously. He snorts and then covers his mouth at your small outburst.
You laugh and continue, “We aren’t playing against each other. Let’s just see who gets to three points first and then go eat something?”
Your suggestion is met with a competitive Soobin speaking up suddenly.
“Okay, loser buys dinner.”
“This is a date, Soobin”
Soobin pouts at your words, and you have to hold back from smiling too wide.
“I mean if you want me to pay for dinner,” You backtrack, watching as Soobin retracts the idea immediately. 
“Okay, nevermind, loser has to do rockclimbing and climb to the very top.”
You think about this for a moment before agreeing. 
“Fine, loser rock climbs.”
Soobin is happy with this as he starts dribbling the ball excitedly, standing in place as he warms up a bit. You follow suit.
“How long have you played basketball for?” You ask him, not only wanting to know what you’re up against but also being curious about Soobin in general. The small talk up until now has been fairly basic, and you were ready to be a bit bold and ask Soobin some questions that have been on your mind.
“Around ten years.” He answers honestly, lifting the ball to spin it on one finger.
“Jesus, I played for one.” You say back, trying to do the same but failing miserably. Soobin blushes as he watches you scramble to grab the ball again, dimple showing.
“I’ll go easy on you, then.” He says. The words register deep in your stomach and you scoff at him, trying to appear normal. Soobin moves back to finally start the game, gesturing to the basket with his free hand.
“You can go first.” He says. You nod and bend your knees a bit, rolling your shoulders slightly to loosen up before raising the ball, preparing to shoot.
Soobin’s hand flashes in front of your view, acting like he is going to stop the ball before it even leaves your hands
“No cheating!” You laugh at him, moving farther away. 
Soobin laughs loudly and it echoes off the gym walls, making you shake your head. You take a deep breath and sush him, going again.
The ball soars through the air and slams noisily against the backboard after you throw it with all the strength you can muster, but instead of going through the hoop it knocks off the rim and meets the court again, bouncing towards you. You grab it easily as a groan leaves your lips.
“I’m scared of heights.” You say to Soobin, hoping this gives him the idea to go easy on you. He shakes his head and hides the permanent grin that has been on his lips all night.
“Better get over that fear real soon, sweetheart.” Soobin throws the ball towards the basket, and it falls in easily after he does so. Soobin yells out what sounds like a mix of ‘woah’ and ‘yeah’, and raises his arms in triumph, almost as if he didn’t even expect himself to make it, before you’re protesting and moving to shove his arms down jokingly.
“That’s not even fair!” You’re laughing, shoving him with your shoulder as he pokes his finger against your ribcage. Soobin runs forward to grab his ball after it bounces closer, jogging over to be by your side again once he grabs it.
“This is a fair game.” Soobin chuckles before quieting himself down again.
You’re focusing on aiming when Soobin speaks up again.
“So can I ask you a question?” His voice is slightly more serious, and you shoot before answering, actually making a basket. You cheer loudly for yourself and run to get the ball, beaming at Soobin before you reply, “Yeah, what is it?”
“How come you’ve never talked to me before, except for that night in the library?” He asks carefully, curiosity lacing his words. 
You ponder this as Soobin shoots, the ball bouncing off the backboard and across the hoop, not going in. He sweeps it into his hand as it bounces back easily, starting to dribble it again. You step back up to shoot, deciding to just be honest with him.
“Well, I obviously had seen you around and wanted to talk to you, but the situation never really called for it.”
“Until your friend left us alone together?” He asks with a knowing smile.
“Until my friend left us alone together.” You agree without meaning to, shaking your head and throwing the ball to the basket again. It bounces against the rim and miraculously goes in, earning an excited yell from you. When you look back at Soobin he’s already looking at you.
“What about you?” You ask him, “How come you never talked to me?”
Soobin blinks at you, tilting his head gently. 
“I didn’t think you’d like someone like me.” He answers without hesitation before blindly throwing his shot, the ball going nowhere near the basket as it bounces off in the distance, loud against the wooden gym floor.
You open your mouth to speak as your brows furrow in confusion, but no words come out.
Soobin just gives you a soft smile, eyes never leaving yours.
“Looks like you win.”
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Your leg bounces up and down anxiously as you sit at a small table in the food court, phone in hands as you await Yeonjun’s reply to the text you previously sent.
You know Soobin will be back with the food the he promised any minute now, and you took the chance to text Yeonjun as soon as he left, your nerves getting the better of you as soon as you had been left alone.
You’ll admit that your text is fairly on the dramatic side, but this was an emegency. You needed your best friend’s advice.
You jump in your seat slightly as soon as your phone vibrates and a selfie you took with Yeonjun appears on your screen, signifying his call. You slide your thumb over the answer button and press it to your ear quickly.
“Who’s ass do I have to kick?” Yeonjun says before even saying hello, calming your nerves immediately. 
“No, dude, it’s nothing like that.” You speak down the speaker, looking around cautiously for Soobin. Yeonjun listens as you go on after a moment. 
“We had a moment.” You explain, brushing some hair behind your ear with your finger slightly, “Like, a moment moment.”
“Well yeah,” Yeonjun says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “You two have insane chemistry. I’d be worried if you didn’t have a moment.”
You roll your eyes, “Junie, I’m serious.”
“So am I!” He goes on, “You two are soulmates after all, what more can I say?”
You groan and cover your face with your hands, “I just feel like I’m fucking it all up, especially because we almost kissed-”
“Woah, back the fuck up?” Yeonjun stops you, “You two almost kissed? Like, actually almost kissed?”
“What do you think a moment is, dumbass?” You ask him.
“Like a holding hands moment or a cute flirty moment, I didn’t think he would try fucking making out with you on date number one!”
“It wasn’t like he meant to- oh my god I can’t explain this right now. Problem is, what if I ruin it all?”
“You won’t. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
This shuts you up.
“In the library he couldn’t stop staring at you. And on campus when you think he isn’t looking at you because you’re too busy hiding? Yeah, he is.”
“So you didn’t think to tell me this, oh I don’t know, before I was a complete blubbering idiot in front of him?”
“It wouldn’t have made a difference, if anything it would have made you even worse in front of him.” You can hear your friend cackling.
Soobin rounds the corner a few feet away, food in hands, and your heart suddenly leaps up in your throat.
“Oh fuck, I gotta go, he’s coming back.”
“Wait, Y/N,-”
“Bye!” You snap, ending the call and shoving your phone back into your pocket, trying to look natural as Soobin finally reaches the table you’re at.
“So,” He says instead of a greeting, “They had these really cool drinks with food in these small trays in the lid? I’ve never seen it before and thought you’d like it. Anyway, I got us some. I think they’re chicken nuggets.” You make an impressed face as Soobin sets your meal in front of you, noticing that he got you one of each sauce since he didn’t know your favorite yet. You hold back a full blown smile as he settles into the seat across from you.
“Very cool, thank you.” You say, giving him a grateful smile. He smiles back and tears open his own sauce packet, starting to eat. You do the same.
“Is this the part of our date where we ask our deep questions?” Soobin asks around a mouthful of chicken, cheeks full. You take a sip of your drink before raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t know, is it?” Soobin scrunches his nose up at your reply before giggling, and you swear it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
“I think it’s gonna happen eventually. It may as well be now, since we have food here to comfort us if we make complete idiots out of ourselves.”
“You’re pretty confident in your idiocy.” You joke before taking a bite of your food, “But how do you know I’m the same?”
“You blush at a lot of the things I say.” Soobin answers, watching as your cheeks go red right after, “I know I’m able to make you nervous. And you’re like me, so when you get nervous you start rambling things out.”
You roll your eyes as if he’s wrong, but you know he’s spot on. 
“Yeah well your lisp gets worse when you’re nervous.” You say back, trying to one up him. His eyes widen in surprise at you.
“So does yours.”
“Shut up.” You laugh, “I barely have one anymore.”
“You have one, and it’s adorable.” He answers before dipping his head down to take another bite of his food, hiding from you. You want to compliment his back, but instead decide to change the subject.
“Okay okay, let’s get into these deep questions you had in mind. You start.”
“It was my idea.” Soobin pouts, making you whine playfully at him. You laugh and then speak again.
“Fine, I’ll start. Ummm...” You take second to think before a question pops into your head, “What’s your major and why?” 
Soobin perks up, “Not that deep but getting there. Was English but is now Communications. What’s yours?”
You were right about your assumption back in his dorm room and smile at his answer.
“Communications. Why’d you change from English?” You shoot back.
“Copycat,” He teases even though you had the major before him, “And I loved it, I just wanted a different type of job after awhile. I felt like English kind of restricted me to just one type of writing job, and I wanted to have a more creative career options in the future.”
You nod at his answer, agreeing completely. It seems you two were more alike than you thought.
“Okay your turn,” He says before taking another drink, awaiting your question. You make a face at him, “Uhhh no I already asked you.”
He shakes his head, “And I asked you your major.”
You glare, “You can’t bounce off my question and act like it’s yours too. Be creative, Soobin! Use those critical thinking skills of yours. Come on, wow me.” You’re teasing him, and he knows it. He’s shaking his head and chuckling as he thinks.
“Okay, fine. Tell me about one of your passions.”
You think about this for a second, eyes looking down at the table in thought before you answer, “Writing, probably. Reading doesn’t really count as a passion - it’s more of a hobby.”
Soobin looks pleased with your answer, nodding gently as you speak up again.
“Nope, no bouncing off my question.” He says back smugly. You cover your face and laugh loudly, not even realizing your mistake.
“God, okay, tell me one of your hobbies.”
Soobin takes a drink and thinks about it for a few seconds.
“Maybe academics? I don’t know... I just... I like school,” He explains as he talks to you, “I just kind of do good because I’m a perfectionist. I have no choice there.” 
You nod, urgining him to continue. He adds to this quickly.
“My passion is dancing, I think.” He says this quietly, almost like he’s shy about it. You’re surprised at this.
“Dancing?” You ask, unsure if you actually heard him right.
He nods silently, a deep crimson powdering over his cheeks as he does. You’re surprised, but somehow, it totally makes sense. 
Soobin, although a jock, could be very unpredictable at times - and this was definitely one of those times. Dancing, you think. It’s impressive. 
“You didn’t strike me as a dancer.” You say honestly, “Considering you do sports most of the time.”
Soobin nods, “I’m not the only guy on the football team who does dance, which is really great and, like, super progressive, but I’m the only one who does it as a hobby and not seriously. I don’t know if I could do it seriously, or even professionally.”
The only other dancer on the team you know is Mark, but you don’t say anything. You keep on listening as he speaks, fully interested.
“I dance with my friend Beomgyu who’s, like, killer at it. We use the practice studio late at night when our classes are all done. He’s a dance major so he gets to practice whenever he wants which is really convenient for us.” 
You nod, “So how long have you been dancing?”
“Not long,” He answers honestly, “Maybe just over a year now. I don’t know, I’ve wanted to start for awhile but never did until just this year when I got the chance.”
“I think that’s really cool.” You smile at him finally, watching as his face lights up.
“Thank you, I try.”
You both talk for a little while longer, sharing dreams and hopes, and things you never thought you’d even tell eachother before finally finish your food and standing to throw away your trash. You can’t help but yawn a bit once you’re finally done, tiredness finally hitting you once you realize it’s well past 9 at night.
“Are you tired?” Soobin asks, hand suddenly running up and down your arm soothingly. You lean into him, nodding a bit, “It is getting late, but I still want to watch you do rock climbing.”
Soobin laughs, “I think it’s probably closed by now, but for one of our next dates we can come back and you can watch me break my leg while rock climbing.”
You ignore the way hope crawls up your body, knowing that Soobin wants a next time. You blush and nod softly, letting Soobin see that you’re fine with it before he leads you both to the exit, finally taking you back home.
The sky is clear as you both walk the short distance from Benny’s back to campus, and somehow, Soobin’s hand has entangled itself in yours as you two walk, gently rubbing circles on the outside of your palm as you two make small conversation. It feels so right - all of it. Your heart beats steadily in your chest as you walk through the cool night air with Soobin.
“-And that’s why I chose to move so far for college, I guess.” You finish what you were previously explaining, glancing over at a nodding Soobin.
“I think it’s brave that you moved so far away to achieve your goals. It’s admirable, really.” 
You laugh gently at this, appreciating his words.
“I feel like-” Soobin hesitates, “Well... I don’t know, I feel comfortable like this.” He speaks up, looking at you as you two walk. A slight breeze blows, sending your hair in front of your face gently.
Soobin doesn’t hesitate to reach up and brush the few strands behind your ear, lips tugging up at the corners after.
“Me too.” You agree softly, finally spotting your dorms a few yards away, “I’ll be honest, I was really nervous for tonight.”
Soobin laughs, almost not believing you.
“So was I, but you shouldn’t have been, it’s just me.”
“I know,” You nod as the two of you reach the dorm’s entrance, “I just couldn’t help it, I guess.”
Soobin nods a final time, showing he understands before stopping in front of you. Even though the two of you are done walking, his hand still holds yours lightly, causing goosebumps to spread over your skin. You try to shake the feeling but can’t.
“So next time I’ll kick your butt at baseball.” Soobin jokes, eyes crinkling up cutely as you laugh. 
“Okay, we’ll see about that.” You hide your face behind one hand, trying to cover up as you laugh at him. You don’t notice Soobin moving until your other hand is being pulled down away from your face, and is entwined in his.
“You’re pretty when you laugh.” Soobin says softly, sending butterflies loose in your stomach.
“I-,” He corrects himself, “I mean you’re pretty all the time, not just when you laugh.”
You giggle, “You’re pretty too.”
Soobin’s cheeks redden, like he’s never been praised for his looks before, and then his grin drops a bit.
His eyes are back to flashing down your face, to your lips, and you feel the tension start to rise again; the same feelings from earlier hitting you in what can only be described as a whirlwind of emotion.
You tilt your head just slightly, watching him. You don’t know what he’ll do next - or if he’ll even do anything - but part of you hope he does.
“I...” You start but your word hangs in the air as soon as Soobin steps closer, one hand loosening from yours to move up and cradle your face gently. His fingers are soft on your skin as you gaze into his soft eyes, breathing erratic. 
“Is this... is this okay?” Soobin whispers, words almost lost in the nighttime breeze as he dips his head down, moving that much closer to you. His lips are inches from yours now, and your senses are heightened.
You just manage to nod before Soobin does the same, his other hand which is holding yours starting to shake. You glance down to make sure it’s not just you shaking, but your eyes flash back up when you realize it’s not.
You make it a rule to not kiss guys on the first date - but for the first time ever, you think it would be okay to break that rule. 
Soobin’s breath is gentle on your skin as he lets out a soft sigh, voice coming out a few octaves deeper when he speaks again.
“Can I- would it be okay if I did something I should have done earlier?”
You’re nodding before you realize you are, and it’s like the whole world around you stops as Soobin nods in affirmation before slowly leaning in.
You feel the way your breath catches in your throat as soon as Soobin’s mouth slots against yours, and his soft lips press lightly against slightly parted ones. The kiss is gentle, and you two hardly move the whole time, scared that if one person does, the spell will be broken and real life will come crashing down around the two of you. 
You feel yourself sigh when he momentarily pulls away, but his hand pulls you closer afterwards, surprising you by looping around your waist and bringing you firmly against him.
This kiss is better than the first.
Soobin’s hand is steady against your hip, and his thumb strokes your jaw lightly as he kisses you, teeth grazing your bottom lip as it deepens, evoking a deep sigh from you. You want to be closer to him - ironically, since you’re already as close as you can get - and you know he feels the same. His chest is rising and falling when you two finally detach, and his cheeks are pink. Soobin’s hands are still shaking.
You laugh lightly, unable to do anything else. Soobin does the same, both of you buzzing with nerves.
“I... okay.” He struggles for words, stepping back slightly, giving you space.
“Thank you... for tonight.” You clarify, moving to grab your keys from your jacket pocket. Soobin is already nodding.
“It’s no problem. Thank you for going.” You nod back, smiling again.
“I’ll call you, I promise.” Soobin adds, dimples appearing on both of his cheeks. Your heart warms at the sight.
“I’m looking forward to it.” You say, biting your lip as Soobin steps even farther away.
“Okay, I’ll see you, Y/N.” Soobin says sweetly, hands burying in his hoodie pockets before he walks backwards towards the sidewalk again.
“See you, Soobin.” You smile before finally going inside, heart pounding.
You close the door behind you, and with your heart soaring and one of the brightest smiles ever adorning your face, you make your way to your bedroom, unable to hide the excitement you have for the next time you’ll be able to see him.
Because that’s what Soobin does - you suddenly realize.
He gets under people’s skin, and he brings light into them. 
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest as you finally enter your room, closing the door behind you.
Soobin had gotten in just a little bit tonight, and had started to let some of the light into you. And after everything that had happened -  you were letting him.
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its-spelled-maille · 6 years
If you have them written out somewhere, I would absolutely LOVE to see some/all of your 3.5e HEMA homebrew rules. As a Pathfinder player who gets frustrated with the lack of realism in the combat, I would be absolutely delighted to convert them to Pathfinder and play around with them.
We/I have received multiple requests for these homebrew HEMA rules so I’m going to post them now. 
But first, a few disclaimers: Firstly, these are not meant to be an ultimate perfect realism true exactly historical combat rules, they’re meant to add an aspect of realism to D&D 3.5e’s existing melee combat rules without scaring away players who don’t care about that kind of stuff. If you want a true 100% realism tabletop experience, D&D is not the system for it. Secondly, these rules strongly benefit from a degree of realistic imagination/narration. Armor and weapons are described as being historical and believably sized, fighters hold weapons in between themselves and the enemy instead of spinning or jumping about, fighters aim around opponent’s armor rather than slicing through it or bashing it in, etc. Attacks that do not break AC are dodged, perfectly parried, or glance harmlessly off armor. It also helps if HP is thought of as not how much blood you can lose before you drop, but instead a sort of stamina counter which’s depletion indicates that a character is too exhausted and in-pain to defend themselves. Instead of slicing an opponent’s chest open for 10 damage, any attack that doesn’t drop the target below 0 HP is a light wound such as a shallow cut or a bruise caused by glancing hits, while the attack that does drop the target below 0 HP is the only direct hit landed in the fight, and results in a gaping wound, a cut artery, a crushed bone, or anything else that would render a fighter critically injured. In fact, a damaging hit doesn’t even have to draw blood. Examples: “The orc makes a downward cut at Throthgar the Fighter, and his Attack breaks AC. Throthgar the Fighter parries into Ox, but his arms are not raised high enough in time, and the orc’s blade takes the skin off his knuckles. 6 damage, bringing Throthgar to 25 HP.” “Maryan just manages to raise her shield in front of the incoming mace in time, but the force of the blow sends a shock through her arm, numbing it. 8 damage, bringing her HP to 42.” “Dhoelath‘s muscles burn and blood from a light cut on his forehead drips into his eyes, rendering him unable to move his crossguard into position in time. The imperial soldier’s blade slices cleanly through the tendon within his wrist, pouring blood onto the pair’s shoes. 3 damage, bringing Dhoelath’s HP to -1.” Oh also, give weapons and armor realistic weights. We have a post for that.
Now for the actual rules. The wording of some of these rules will assume you are already familiar with 3.5e rules. 
Weapons and Fighting: 
Arming Sword: One-handed straight sword that is longer than a Short Sword and shorter than a Longsword.2D3 damage, crit 19-20 x2. Arming Swords may be held backwards in onehand to become equivalent to a Light Pick(1D4 damage, crit x4). If the wielder crit fails while holding it this way, he or she is cut by the blade and takes 2D3 damage in addition to regular crit fail penalties. 
Bastard Sword: dReplaces Longsword for the one-handed 1D8 damage sword.
Longsword: 2D4 damage. Two-handed. Longswords may be held backwards in twohands to be equivalent to a Heavy Pick(1D6, crit x4). Same crit penalty as arming sword applies. 
Claymore: Replaces Bastard Sword as the 1D10 damage sword. Two-handed. May be held backwards in twohands to be equivalent to a Heavy Pick. Same crit penalty applies. 
Switching for normal grip to mordhau grip, or switching back, provokes Attack of Opportunity if the character is in combat. Mordhau grip is good for when your opponent’s AC is just way too high for you and your only hope is to fish for crits. 
Dedicated two-handed weapons like these take damage and Attack penalties when used in one hand, even with special training. How much of a penalty is up to the DM.
When Fighting Defensively, a characterwith any shield gets an extra +4 AC instead of +2. With the Combat ExpertiseFeat, Attack Points subtracted from Attack counts for twice as much extra AC ifthe character has any shield.
Bucklers give +1 AC but only towards oneopponent at a time.(must designate at the beginning of wielder’s turn)
When Fighting Offensively, characters take-4 to Dex AC, but cannot lose any Armor or Shield AC. They gain +2 to Attack.With the Combat Expertise Feat, points can be allotted the same way as withFighting Defensively. (This allows characters in heavy armor to just go wildly aggressive without caring about being hit, much like they could in real life.)
Curved Swords have +4 Attack againsttargets wearing Light Armor. Curved Swords have -3 Attack against targetswearing Heavy or Medium Armor.
Type 1: Non-facial Helmet. Any solidhelmet that doesn’t cover the wearer’s face below his or her eyes. Helmets withnose-guards and cheek-guards still count unless the guards come directly underor around the wearer’s eyes. You’d also probably have a little cap under thisone, or leather straps inside. +1 AC, +10 AC against specifically head-basedattacks, such as a mindflayer’s Brain Extraction. Wearer is immune tospecifically head-based traps, such as Falling Rocks(within reason.). Much like in reallife, there is virtually no downside to wearing a helmet like this. It’ll saveyour life.  Putting the helmet on your heador taking it off is a Move action and provokes Attack of Opportunity. Thehelmet’s AC bonus is considered active during the Attack of Opportunity,whether taking it off or putting it on. If the Attack of Opportunity hits, theaction is canceled, but your turn is not. Can be removed by a successfulDisarm, but not at the same time as a weapon.
Type 2: Full-facial Helmet. Helmets thatguard the wearer’s face to the extent that they obstruct his or her peripheralvision and may make it difficult to breathe. Same thing about the cap orleather straps built in. Even helmets that don’t cover the entire face are apart of this category, so long as there is metal under or around the eyes. +3AC, -2 Attack -10 Spot, -4 Search, -2 Listen, +1 Flanking bonus against wearer for anyone flanking them,+10 AC against specifically head-based attacks, such as a mindflayer’s BrainExtraction. Wearer is immune to specifically head-based traps, such as FallingRocks(Again, within reason.). Can be worn with a chainmaille coif; the statsjust combine. Putting the helmet on your head or taking it off is a Move actionthat provokes Attack of Opportunity. The helmet’s AC bonus is considered activeduring the Attack of Opportunity, whether taking it off or putting it on. Ifthe Attack of Opportunity hits, the action is canceled, but your turn isnot. Can be removed by a successfulDisarm, but not at the same time as a weapon.
Type 3: Visored-helmets. Any helmet with ahinged or removable visor. These helmets have a few different rules to them.
Type 3 Stats/Rules with Visor Down: +2 AC, -2Attack -10 Spot, -4 Search, +1 flanking bonus against wearer for anyone flanking them.
Type 3 Stats/Rules with Visor Up: +1 AC
General Type 3 Stats/Rules: -2 Listen +10 ACagainst specifically head-based attacks, such as a mindflayer’s BrainExtraction. Wearer is immune to specifically head-based traps, such as FallingRocks(Again, within reason.). Can be worn with a chainmaille coif; the statsjust combine. Changing the visor’s position is a safe Move action. Removing thehelmet or putting it on is two full-round actions that can provoke Attacks ofOpportunity. The visor can be destroyed by a successful Sunder, but not at thesame time as a weapon. If the visor is destroyed, it is permanently stuck inits current position until repaired.
Attacksof Opportunity:
There is NO WAY to avoid provoking AoO. Period. 
Characters with things like ImprovedGrapple or similar “Improved Whatever” feats still provoke Attacks of Opportunity when trying to Grapple or do whatever they’re doing, but unlike characters without those feats, they are allowed to continue with the maneuver even after taking damage.
Any attack with a Natural Weapon provokesAttack of Opportunity, no matter what. Like, if you punch a guy who has a sword, and he parries it with the sword, even if he doesn’t really make a swing you’re the one bleeding.
Special Attacks such as Jump Attacks,Disarms, etc. always provoke AoO no matter what.
Unless Pinned, a Grappled character mayattack the Grappler with a Light Weapon with an Attack disadvantage of -4. Anydamage the Grappler takes from any source during the Grapple reduces their Grapplemodifier by that much damage the next time they have to roll Grapple to keep hold of their captive.
Replace Leather with “Gambeson+Jack Chains” and replace Studded Leather with “Light Brigandine”. 
There’s actually a shitton of name-changes and weight alterations in the armor list but I didn’t want to list them all so those two are just the most important ones. 
I might be forgetting a few, but these are the main ones.
Comments or questions are welcome. 
- mod Sallet
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junker-town · 4 years
What each No. 1 pick still in the NFL has to prove this year
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Jadeveon Clowney, Baker Mayfield, and Joe Burrow are all members of the No. 1 pick club.
From Joe Burrow to Cam Newton, there are nine former No. 1 picks currently in the league — and all have plenty to play for this season.
A wide range of players can call themselves No. 1 overall picks. That includes Hall of Famers like John Elway and Terry Bradshaw, and high-profile busts like JaMarcus Russell and Tim Couch. Not every draft pick pans out, but players selected first overall are greeted with higher expectations than most.
When the 2020 NFL Draft arrived, the Cincinnati Bengals made Joe Burrow the newest No. 1 pick. Like those before him, Burrow is expected to be a big part of his team’s turnaround. He also has a lot to learn as he transitions to the NFL.
But what about the other nine No. 1 picks who are still playing in the league? Let’s see what Burrow and his fellow top picks need to prove this season.
2020: QB Joe Burrow, Bengals
What he has to prove: His magical 2019 season wasn’t a fluke
No, I am not saying it was a fluke. But Burrow wasn’t on many people’s radars before last season. Then the quarterback had one of the greatest seasons in college football history, leading LSU to an undefeated and a national championship. He did so after an OK season for the Tigers in 2018 after transferring from Ohio State, where he completed just 29 passes in three years.
Now, the Bengals are banking on him being their next franchise QB. He doesn’t need to replicate the monster numbers from his Heisman season (5,761 yards and 60 touchdowns), but he needs to show the Bengals they put their future in the right hands.
2019: QB Kyler Murray, Cardinals
What he has to prove: The Cardinals should no longer be taken lightly
Murray had one hell of a rookie season in 2019. He threw for 3,722 yards and 20 touchdowns, earning him the Offensive Rookie of the Year Award.
The good news is the Cardinals have acquired some major weapons around their second-year QB to help him grow even more. It started with acquiring receiver DeAndre Hopkins from the Texans, then drafting offensive tackle Josh Jones out of Houston to beef up Arizona’s offensive line. Murray was sacked 48 times last season, but the future is already looking bright for the Cardinals in Year 2 under Kliff Kingsbury.
2018: QB Baker Mayfield, Browns
What he has to prove: His sophomore slump isn’t who he really is
Mayfield entered 2019 with high hopes after a strong finish to his rookie season. He played his best football in 2018 under interim OC Freddie Kitchens, which is likely a big reason the Browns chose Kitchens as their head coach. But things didn’t go well for Mayfield (or Kitchens) last season, to say the least.
Despite playing in more games, Mayfield regressed in literally every major statistical category in his second year. He threw five fewer touchdowns, seven more interceptions, completed 4.4 percent less of his passes, and his passer rating dropped from 93.7 to 78.8. The Browns finished 6-10, and what was once the most hyped team at the start of the year ended with another disappointing season in Cleveland.
But let’s not forget Mayfield has yet to spend two seasons under the same coaching staff. There’s reason to believe he can rebound in 2020 with QB guru Kevin Stefanski as his new coach.
2017: DE Myles Garrett, Browns
What he has to prove: He’s more than the guy who fought Mason Rudolph
Garrett’s 2019 season was over after he hit the Steelers’ QB in the head with his helmet at the end of the Week 10 Steelers-Browns game. Garrett was suspended for the rest of the season, ending his 2019 on a not-so-pleasant note.
Garrett still alleges as recently as February that Rudolph used a racial slur during the fight, which Rudolph denied and of which the NFL found no evidence. Regardless, Garrett has accepted blame for his own actions and has apologized.
Before the nasty brawl, Garrett was known as more than a football player. He’s displayed his love for poetry and charming personality, and he’s been doing charity work in the city of Cleveland both before and after his suspension. Off the field, he has a chance to redeem himself and show that he’s bigger than one mistake.
On the field, Garrett was on his way to his best season yet before the suspension. He had 10 sacks through 10 weeks last season, just 3.5 away from his career-high mark. If he can pick up where he left off in 2019, he can easily be a Defensive Player of the Year candidate.
2016: QB Jared Goff, Rams
What he has to prove: He can play like he did when he led the Rams to the Super Bowl
Goff had the most productive season of his career in 2018 with 4,688 yards and 32 touchdowns. He led the Rams to a Super Bowl that year, and then was given a four-year, $134 million extension before the 2019 season.
Last season didn’t go the same way for Goff. He had just 22 touchdowns and a career-worst 16 interceptions. The Rams finished 9-7 and missed the playoffs for the first time under Sean McVay.
Unfortunately for Goff, he lost some weapons from that 2018 Super Bowl team, including running back Todd Gurley and receiver Brandin Cooks. But Goff still has McVay as his coach and weapons like Cooper Kupp and Robert Woods around him. That means he has a chance to bounce back to his 2018 form once again.
2015: QB Jameis Winston, drafted by Bucs and now with Saints
What he has to prove: That he’s still a valuable QB, even if he has to be a backup
Winston signed a one-year deal with the Saints, where he’ll likely be the No. 2 quarterback behind Drew Brees. It’s an interesting move for the 26-year-old Winston, who will be taking on a backup role for the first time in his career and has a surprisingly low $1.1 million contract.
However, it’s a win-win for both sides. New Orleans needed a reliable backup after Teddy Bridgewater left for the Carolina Panthers in free agency. Winston needed to restore his value as a starter. If he does, he could have the inside track to the Saints’ starting job after Brees retires, or he could become a starter elsewhere like Bridgewater did.
2014: DE Jadeveon Clowney, drafted by Texans and now a free agent
What he has to prove: He can be an elite edge rusher with more consistency
Clowney was drafted out of South Carolina with the expectation to be an elite pass rusher. But over his six-year career, he’s accounted for just 32 sacks. Still, he’s emerged as a good defender against the run, which was part of the advantage he gave to Seattle’s defense last season.
Clowney was much better than you might think last season, had one of the best EDGE run defender seasons ever. But he wants to get paid like a pass-rushing specialist, like he was drafted as, and that's simply not what kind of player he turned out to be. Still great, though.
— James Brady (@jamesbradyisme) March 18, 2020
Even though Clowney had just three sacks in Seattle, he still had a good season in 2019 and showed up when it mattered most in the Seahawks’ biggest games. Among all defensive players last season, he was ranked 13th in hurries (17), 21st in knockdowns (10), and 27th in total pressures (30).
Clowney has missed seven games over the last two years due to various injuries. If he can stay healthy for whichever team he signs with and play more consistently, he can be a valuable asset on defense even if he’s not racking up sacks.
2013: LT Eric Fisher, Chiefs
What he has to prove: He’s still worth his $11.5 million salary
Fisher has been a starter in Kansas City since he was drafted. Although his rookie season wasn’t great, he’s been a solid offensive lineman each year since then. But Fisher missed half of last season due to a groin injury, then returned in November in time for the Chiefs’ Super Bowl run.
Fisher might be looking over his shoulder a bit next season, though. In the 2020 NFL Draft, the Chiefs selected TCU OT Lucas Niang in the third round, which might give KC the opportunity to move on from Fisher after this season.
I’ll let Arrowhead Pride explain:
Although the expectation is for Niang to be kicked inside this season, the Chiefs may decide to move him back outside to tackle in 2021. If he is capable, the team gives itself the option of moving on from Fisher. If they do decide to release the No. 1 pick of the 2013 NFL Draft, the Chiefs would free up $11.5 million in cap room.
Fisher has been a fixture in Kansas City and will still be tasked with protecting Patrick Mahomes this season. As long as he stays healthy, he can remind the Chiefs why they drafted him so high in the first place.
2011: QB Cam Newton drafted by Panthers, now a free agent
What he has to prove: He can be a franchise QB again
Newton has yet to be signed to a team since the Carolina Panthers released him in March. But now that teams for the most part have their QB situations figured out post-draft, he might have to join a team which just drafted a QB to add some veteran experience to the locker room.
One reason why Newton hasn’t been signed yet is his health. He played in just two games last season due to a broken foot, and missed two games in 2018 due to a shoulder injury. Newton had a physical and was cleared before being released. But until team doctors can examine Newton’s health — which currently can’t happen because of coronavirus — there will still be doubts about his foot and shoulder.
When Newton is healthy, he’s one of the most dangerous dual-threat quarterbacks in the league. He won the NFL’s MVP Award while leading Carolina to a Super Bowl in 2015, and he’s the Panthers’ winningest QB in franchise history. If he gets a chance to start, he can prove he can be that same QB for another team in 2020.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Camelot: I Know It Sounds a Bit Bizarre
My inventory fills up as I continue with Camelot.
            Since my first year of blogging, when I forced myself to win Wizardry while adhering to its implementation of permadeath, I’ve often remarked that I would never do that again. My adherence to “playing the way the developers intended” was so strict that during the remainder of the year, I quit Wizardry II, III, and IV rather than even consider backing up the save files. (I would later return to II and III and win both under more relaxed rules.) These days, I am likely to try to abide by both the developer’s original intent and my own “conduct” (limited saves), but I feel that showing and documenting the endgame are more important than questions of integrity.
Thus, there’s a certain exhilaration to the occasional PLATO game, where cheating isn’t even an option. (At least, not in most forms, though see below for a slightly unusual version.) When my character dies, I frequently have a moment of disbelief, almost like people who experience sudden tragedies report having in real life. A couple years ago, I happened to speak to a woman whose husband had fallen asleep while driving home from work and had run head-on into a truck. “I remember thinking he was just here,” she told me. “How could such a simple mistake be so irrevocable? How could there be no rewind button? No do-over?” That’s how I feel when my elf fighter gets killed by a demon. I mean, maybe not exactly, but there are analogues.
The point is, life is precious in the real world and in Camelot, so it becomes all that more meaningful when you succeed. And while death may be a constant danger in the game, it’s not at all arbitrary. When it happens to me, it’s almost always because I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. The game is actually quite good about offering multiple ways out of a situation, about not requiring you to engage enemies that you don’t want to engage. You have to be quick with your fingers, but it would be theoretically possible to explore an entire dungeon level, and collect a good percentage of its treasure, without engaging in a single combat round.
The problem is that once you decide to stand and fight, the game can be relentless. For instance, last night I wandered into a room and faced “6 imps.” I had faced imps before. They’re a demon type, but not very hard, and I was a relatively high level. Generally, when facing stacks of multiple enemies, you concentrate on killing one. Once you do, you escape the room, pray for healing, re-enter, and try to kill the next one. If you must, you can return to the town if your prayers run out.
What I didn’t know was that the 6 creatures weren’t actually imps; they were manes. That’s a tougher demon. It turns out that this game goes one better than Oubliette, which often gave you the category of monster but not the specific monster. In Camelot, the character can mis-identify the specific monster. When I hit (F)ight, I watched myself do 60% damage to one creature and then watched as the demons took their turn and pounded my health from 100% to 40% in one round. There’s no way to escape or to do anything in the middle of a combat round; that’s the point of no return. At that point, I should have immediately fled, or prayed in combat, or done anything but attack a second time, because clearly the enemies were capable of doing more than 50% damage in a single round, and I was now below 50%. But some primitive part of my mind, trained on other RPGs, forgetting temporarily that actions are irrevocable, decided that I didn’t want to waste the 60% damage I’d already achieved, and to at least try to kill one of the demons before I escaped. I hit (F)ight again, missed, and was swiftly torn apart.       
Another death.
          As I mentioned last time, there’s a good chance of resurrection, and Chester was resurrected. He’s been resurrected a few times now. But each one comes with a loss of score, the higher the level the higher the loss, and Chester now has a score of over -99,999. Fortunately, it caps there. Joshua Tabin (the author) insists that I’ll recover those points at higher levels, but I’m not sure he’s considering the possibility that I’ll die a few more times at those higher levels, too.
I guess Joshua felt a little bad about the game’s difficulty as I reported it in the first entry (though, as he points out, it’s only difficult if you approach it as a typical RPG instead of as Camelot specifically). Joshua and his Level 17 ogre, Drek McFeffer, joined me for a while last night on the first two levels. He ran ahead of me in the dungeon, decimating some of the rooms and alerting me where I could find lucrative treasure caches. One room on each dungeon level is designated the “stud room” and features better treasure and harder monsters than anywhere else on the same level. He helped me clear Level 1’s stud room a couple of times so I could bulk up my equipment. He also used his admin powers to insert a couple of useful items into the town’s store, and all the while he kept a steady stream of hints and tips going with the game’s chat feature. I still died twice, lest you think he made it too easy.           
The author throws me some hints as I map the dungeon.
          I can’t speak for the mid-game or late-game, but finding useful equipment in the early game is a joy. You have numerous equipment slots, and almost anything you find during the first 10 hours is an upgrade. I was more than three hours into the game before I even had a weapon, so finding my first short sword and then a steel sword was like hitting the real-life lottery. When I found a mithril helmet in one of the stud rooms, I had to stop myself from calling my mother with the good news. Later, it was destroyed because of a cursed item, and the pain was palpable.
Camelot does some clever things with its inventory, too. There are useful items like Palantirs, which tell you where you can find quest enemies (those you have to kill to level up), and Scrolls of Recall to whisk you back to town. The Scroll of Identify does what it suggests, but it can also be used to identify traps before you open chests, and items before you pick them up. The latter use is particularly important because some items are cursed, and in this game, cursed items break the items of the same type that you already have before replacing them. It’s a particular joy to find manuals, which increase your attributes permanently, but potions that increase them temporarily (they last a long time) are almost as good.
There are several items that let you briefly charm a monster companion. The Orb of Entrapment, for instance, seems to work on dragon types. Having one of those at your side really helps clear out a room.            
A charmed firedrake follows me around.
         I also like how character development is palpable. At some point, you get two attacks per round, which makes you feel like Hercules on the first level. (Although, as I learned more than once, you still can’t get cocky.) Attack and defense factors increase as you level, and it’s rewarding to go from missing 90% of the time to 70% of the time, to reversing the ratio and hitting more times than you miss.
Joshua clarified a few things from the comments on the first entry. He absolutely intended the game to be played by a single player. However, he also expected that the player would use two simultaneous logins. He built a feature where one user can “follow” another user on an automap, and I guess it was common at the time for one player to take over two terminals with two user names, playing on one, and using the automap on the other. A single player with two characters can also have them rescue and resurrect each other, at a higher chance of success than if you rely on the whims of the gods. Thus, I applied for and received a second Cyber1 account.          
Playing with two terminal windows side-by-side.
          I spent a number of hours mapping Level 2 and parts of Levels 3 and 4, but every time I thought I was finally badass enough to march around a level unopposed, I’d get my ass handed to me by some group of mages or demons who kill me in a single round.          
Level 2 of the Camelot dungeon.
         In the first entry, I noted that a number of rooms have “flavor text,” and I noticed that various rooms on Level 2 repeated those on the first level. For instance, both have rooms coated in guano, filled with statues, with soft ground, with an empty wallet, and so forth. Both have a small room with beakers and burners that seems to be a lab. Both have a room where I feel a “force of nature.” Joshua has hinted at deeper puzzles later in the game, and I wonder if they have something to do with these rooms.          
If I need an alchemist’s lab later, I’ll know where to come.
         Camelot is probably going to have to go on the back burner for a while. I enjoy the gameplay, but it’s taken me 16 hours to build a Level 14 character and map two and a half levels. The characters who have actually won the game are Level 60. I’ll dip into it now and then as I continue to progress with the rest of my list.
Time so far: 16 hours
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/camelot-i-know-it-sounds-a-bit-bizarre/
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