#does this make sense??? i hope this makes sense. lmk if i should reword anything
radiomogai · 2 years
is lin a combination of fin and min or can it be of fein and main too? or would that be liaspec/lia?
if you'd use androgynous to describe a combination of main and fein, then yes, lin can describe that. i believe that may have been what lin originally referred to, even, but i'm not at all confident on that so don't quote me
i believe it would count as lia too. in all honesty though, we need to brush up on the -ia/-iaspec terms and what they refer to. i don't see why liaspec wouldn't also refer to a combo of fein and main though, seeing as i'm pretty sure liaspec refers to the androgynous spectrum, and main and fein simply refer to male-in-nature and female-in-nature
TL;DR: lin can refer to both fin+min and fein+main
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