#doesn't this just add so much more dimension to wu not coming after morro?
blu3cl0v3rs · 1 year
I'm here to hurt you feelings today.
Summary: Morro gets abandoned.
Warnings: Abandonment, describing a panic attack, hysteria
Prompt: Bed | Hope | "Where did you go?"
Extra: Another pre-canon oneshot set before Wu takes Morro in. It's one of the many ways I think Morro could've ended up homeless and parentless, this one being his father (his elemental predecessor) left, and so he and his mother become homeless because she can't get hired. She eventually decides to abandon Morro, and this is Morro's side of her leaving. Enjoy!
You won't.
"But Mama, I don' wan' you to gooo," Morro whines, sticking tightly to the woman's leg.
She brushes some dark strands of hair out of her hair. The woman sighs, "I know baby, but I have to go get food. I promise, I'll be back by nightfall, okay?" She hugs the young child, and carefully peels him off.
He has a feeling she's lying.
"O-okay, Mama." He sniffles and rubs his nose with the back of his hand.
She walks away, muttering something under her breath.
"I'm sorry baby."
Morro stares at the corner she passed, as if she'd appear again laughing, saying it was a joke, and that she'd never leave him. He tightened his arms around himself, trying to preserve what little comfort he could.
Eventually, waiting for Mama gets boring.
He traces the gray spaces between the bricks of the slim alleyway, tosses around pieces of trash that spilled out of the ripped open trash bags, and paces the entire length of the street… 10, no, 15 times!
The sun beats down harshly on the child, sweat drips down his face as he leans against the heated bricks, his groaning stomach reminds him of what he's waiting for.
He could wait for Mama.
Mama's gonna come back.
He clenches the rag of a shirt he's wearing, digging unkempt nails into the patchy fabric.
Mama's gonna come back.
She's gonna come back
She's gonna come back
She's gonna come back
She's gonna come back!
A stabbing pain radiates from his head.
Something's dripping down his face. Tears? It's fine, Mama's gonna come back.
His throat hurts. A lot. Mama can fix it, she's gonna come back.
Someone's yelling.
Is that him? Is he yelling?
Mama has to come back, she must hear him.
He wants Mama.
Morro doesn't want to be alone. He doesn't want to be forgotten.
Mama didn't forget him, did she? Maybe that's Mama, it's kinda dark, so he can't tell.
Did he do something wrong?
Come back, Mama.
"Where did you go?"
That night, Morro remembers crying himself to sleep, ignoring the loud rumbles of his starving stomach.
Maybe Mama will be there when he wakes up.
Mama wasn't there.
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xynczachrome · 1 year
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Villain AU
So basically this AU just follows canon but every time the ninja gets corrupted, something goes wrong and they stay corrupted.
Nya was the first one to get corrupted due to having dark matter inside her longer than the others. After the defeat of the overlord, they thought that she was cured but the dark matter that had been docile the entire time appeared once more when she became one with the ocean.
Kai got turned when he took the staff of elemental from Chen, he was corrupted by power and the longer the staff stayed in his hand, the more corrupted he became to the point a voice manifested within his mind which was revealed to be the ego of the corrupted staff.
Lloyd got corrupted when Morro possessed him. Something went wrong with the possession and Morro's ego was merged with Lloyd, causing him to grow resentment towards Wu since Morro didn't forgive him in this AU.
Tino got corrupted when the organization managed to take control over him but instead of doing what he was ordered, the chip fired his brain and left him with a psychopathic mentality.
When Zyro was being threatened by Harumi, she had attached something onto Zyro's stone in order to control them but instead, it made them merge with their dragon form and send them to a rampage.
Zane got stuck as the Ice Emperor since Jay and Cole couldn't bring him back with just them and Nya was fighting the dark matter within her which was starting to act up.
During Prime Empire, the three remaining ninja lost Jay since he had forced his way into the game's code, becoming the Emperor of Prime Empire.
Due to this development, he became a glitch in the world and sometimes traveled between the game and reality, kidnapping players.
With only Cole and Nya, they made their way to Shintaro but after Vangelis was defeated, the skull abandoned him and possessed Cole instead.
Due to his growing sense of hopelessness over the loss of his teammates, the skull won over Cole and he became the new Skull Sorcerer.
With only Nya left, she eventually gave up hope and became one with the ocean after Kalamaar's attack.
Fun Fact:
- The first letter of their names got changed to V so that it doesn't get confusing during annual dimensional gatherings. So Vino, Vai, Vole, Vay, Vya, Vane, Vloyd. Only Zyro's name was changed to Cygnus since that's what the Tino of that world called them
- Vino, Cygnus and Vai is an item in this AU
- Vino was the one who amputated Vloyd when his brain got fried by the chip during a sparing session
- Vay talks with lots of static in his voice so barely anyone can understand him most of the time, he goes to a speech therapist after reformed~
- Vole is still a glutton in this AU and has luscious long hair
- Vya can't talk and drowns people when she's upset
- Vane's that one character that always give silent judgemental look when his family is being idiots
- They all go to therapy after being reformed
- Vino's gun has explosive bullets so he likes to trap his victim in a forcefield after shooting at them and boom! Roasted victim
- Vya smacked Vane one time for freezing the ocean
- Vino and Cygnus was the first one to appear before Tino and his family and pretty much chased them through dimensions
- Vole hates cake
- Vai still have the voice in his head even after the staff was broken
I'll probably add more when it comes to mind 🤔
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