the-acid-pear · 5 months
thought about the fact that it's been said, twice in Dsaf, that Dee fought back as she was being murdered.
once by Dee herself ("I didn't go down easily the first time, either!"), and the second time during a cutscene in the second game between Henry and Dave ("Henry...Why can't you just do it yourself?" "She keeps struggling.")
like. i feel like we don't talk enough about the fact that Dee fought back hard enough that Henry decided to get Dave involved. which makes it canon that Dave wasn't involved originally.
that also just shows that!! Dave wasn't lying when he said that he tried to talk Henry out of it!! that he didn't like, nor wanted, to kill her!! does that change the fact he helped? no, but still!!
anyways. Dee my beloved <3
i'm fully of the belief that she bit Henry at least once.
- dogboyjackkennedy
YEAH FR Dee wasn't even like. A big kid either. Like she was just a tiny skinny soon to be 6 year old and she was fighting this fucking VETERAN who def kept some strength since he was constantly working with big ass robots. Like Dee was fucking goated.
Also yeah Dave's whole..... Upsetness over the happening is always SO sad even when it's brought up on the Flipside and he starts freaking out it's like WUGJHF </3333
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
y'know. generally when i ship Jack with any of the phones, it's Jack with all three Dsaf 3 phones. because poly ships are a thing and i'm indecisive as fuck.
but uh. you can tell Rogersport is my favorite of the ships with just Jack and One of the phones considering i wrote a whole fic with One-Sided Rogersport as a major plot point.
I Was Not Expecting For Roger’s Characterization To Be More Accurate Than I Was Intending It To Be In That Fic
(this is in reference to you posting the screenshots that basically prove Roger was at least Somewhat interested in Jack. holy shit. that fic was my first attempt at writing Roger with my limited knowledge on the guy. How The Fuck Did I Get It Basically First Try)
- dogboyjackkennedy
NO BC LITERALLY BRO IS SO DOWN BAD FR honestly lowkey they both are, those two are flirting almost constantly, it's just a joy to watch.
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I mean hell even look at this fragment (there's a bit more before and after it's just very long) of this exchange. Anyone else would've told Jack to fuck right off but he couldn't even finish his sentence he ended just changing topics.
Plus him saying he's gonna blush when Jack tells him he's happy to see him or acting like being called his favorite employee is a love confession or... yeah. Many Such Cases !
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
saw your post about characters suppressing trauma and stuff (and mentioning Dave specifically) so have some stuff that happened in the fic that relate to that:
- Dave would lie his Ass off if Jack ever asked about Henry potentially hurting him or upsetting him. that or he'd just straight up refuse to answer.
- related to the above point, Dave has a scar from The Wrench Incident. Jack asked about it (and told Dave that he didn't have to answer if he didn't want to), and Dave half lied and said it was from "an accident with a wrench."
- Dave and Jack would "jokingly" flirt with each other quite often. it quite literally took Jack Kissing His Hand and him getting Really Flustered from that for Dave to realize that A) he was Not straight and B) that Jack might also have feelings for him.
for context, Jack had been working there since mid-to-late February and this happened Three Days Before Dee Was Murdered.
- the closest thing even Resembling a panic attack that Dave has had so far has been him getting overwhelmed and having a breakdown in a closet because, in no particular order,
he's assisted with the murders of three children, having killed one Directly
one of those kids was His Crush's Sister, who he REALLY didn't want to help kill
Henry KNEW Jack was dead for two days, and didn't mention it to Dave Once, and when he Did finally bring it up to Dave, it was only really in passing
Dee has made it Abundantly clear that she wants to kill both of them
and finally:
Henry has been Insistent that This Bullshit (killing kids) is something they Need to do, and seems adamant that Dave Wants This, despite how much Dave clearly Does Not want this.
so. Dave’s not having a good time right now in the fic
- dogboyjackkennedy
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
thinking about the Kennedy Parents. because Boy do i have headcanons.
so we've got Marshall Neil and Diane Reynolds Kennedy. lovely people.
some fun facts about these lil dudes:
- Marshall is Irish, technically! he's the son of some descendants of Irish immigrants :]
- he also fought in World War 2! only for a short time, though...considering he kinda got shot in the leg and had to have it amputated.
- Diane grew up in a sort of middle-class household. not...the Greatest people, i'll say that.
- neither of their families were the best. but in comparison to Diane's (emotionally and verbally abusive, as well as very misogynistic and sexist. because Housewives. basically they believed heavily in gender roles), Marshall's were Saints (they were very much "suck it up and deal with it" people)
- they both technically lived in/around the same town, but technically really met in Vegas. Diane was going there to get away from her family for a little while, and Marshall was there on a trip with his brothers (to uh. Distract Him From Some Things. such as his recently amputated leg).
- Diane's family never even Remotely approved of the relationship. things are still tense with them to this day.
- you thought either of these two were neurotypical? oh, absolutely not, where do you think Jack and his siblings got the autism from?
- Marshall swears frequently around the kids. which wasn't too much of a problem...until Jack started repeating them back.
- Marshall, having grown up on a farm but not living in a place where he Could farm, would usually garden. he's where Jack’s interest in plants and their biology comes from :]
- visits with Diane's family are always a nightmare, considering that they try to push their views onto her kids. Which She Doesn't Appreciate, By The Way.
- Marshall's family is better, but...they're all still loud and boisterous. doesn't help with sensory issues, but at least they aren't assholes to the children!
- the only extended family member that the Kennedy Siblings had contact with after their parents died was Aunt Jan, Marshall's younger sister and the Official Wine Aunt. absolute sweetheart <3
- both Diane and Marshall were accepting of Jack when he came out as trans <3
- i feel like if Marshall and Henry ever met, it would be...interesting. Henry would probably sit there for ten minutes and then suddenly go "Ah...I see where Jack gets his...personality from 😊" (< barely restrained annoyance) and Marshall just kinda has to deal with the sudden whiplash as he tries to figure out if that was just an observation or an insult (it is an insult).
- these two would have loved Caroline </3
- considering that i Have said before that Healthy Davesport could have happened earlier in the timeline if things hadn't gone to shit, i feel like they would've found Dave...Interesting. but hey, if This is the guy Jack’s into, who are they to get in the way of that? just as long as he doesn't hurt their little Jackie, they don’t mind it.
- they Do agree with Peter, though, that Jack has the weirdest(/worst) taste in men-
anyway! love these little guys <3
- dogboyjackkennedy
I'm gonna scream I fucking love this sm. These are so good I love these people so much and I'm simultaneously ripping my hair off over their passing. They sound like so absolutely lovely REUUAHUAAHH OT2
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
things that have happened in my Dsaf Fic so far:
Peter indirectly calls his brother a monsterfucker
Dee has to restrain herself from telling Henry to Fuck Off And Let Her Draw Cats
Jack attempts to explain being trans to Dave, and his first attempt at doing so was to tell Dave, in his words, "Generally speaking, in the eyes of society, men aren't supposed to have tits."
Dave Has A Sexuality Crisis
Dee, as a ghost, looks Henry in the eyes as she shoves a still half-full can of soda on the floor. like a cat
things that have...Also happened:
Jack suspecting that Henry was abusing Dave, but not being able to do much besides show him kindness (Jack doesn't trust the cops + kinda needs the money).
Dee deals with children at her daycare being assholes and Jack attempts to bring the issue up to the attendants since they clearly aren't listening to Dee, but he isn't able to do much, either. he does tell her, though, that she's allowed to fight people if they're being assholes (definitely not foreshadowing for A Certain Chapter)
Dave Disassociates In the Restroom After Murdering A Child And Helping Henry Cover It Up (not Dee; this was the first two before her)
while not explicitly stated, it is currently being HEAVILY implied that post-Jack's Revival, Henry started drugging Dave with sleeping pills (disguised as painkillers, because Dave sometimes deals with lingering pains from the springlocking) to start doing the Literal Mindfuckery
and that's just SOME of the things in the fic so far. the duality of my Dsaf Fic "A Prologue"-
- dogboyjackkennedy
Getting fucking whiplash dont even know what to comment on first like CATGIRL DEE SO REAL FUCK IT UP GIRL also shoutout to dave on the newfound homosexuality 😭😭 also peter really is like if the most polite asshole ever (VRY AFFECTIONATE) but on the other hand someone give these bitches a break 💥💥💥 i like too how jack is literally tied of hands and legs though telling your little sister to fight her bullies is easier than telling your coworker to kill your boss and his father figure.
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
just finished (finally) playing through Dialtown (started in January or February, but didn't get around playing it again until last night and today). How Am I Supposed To be Normal Again After That
anyway firstly: Randy and Oliver my beloveds <3 I Wanna Date Them Both (love Karen Bigfoot and Norm too!! those two are just my favorites)
secondly, because this Always happens when i'm into two or more things at the same time:
Dsaf-Dialtown Crossover (of sorts) Au
except instead of like. Dsaf in Dialtown, it's Dialtown in Dsaf.
specifically thought of Gingi just kinda. Existing.
so this happens in a sort of "Things Are Mildly Better; Dee And Peter Are Still Dead, But Dave's Less Murdery And Is Helping Jack, So. There's That" timeline. Dave and Gingi are sort of "cousins" species-wise. like. y'know how they say dogs, foxes, and wolves are all kinda related to each other in a species way? so. Dave and Gingi aren't RELATED-related. but like. their Species are, y'know?
so like. Henry just kinda. walks into the Saferoom at Fredbear's one day
and there's this Big, green cryptid just kinda curled up in there.
at first he's got questions. mostly "How The Fuck Did This Thing Get In Here Without Me Knowing"
then this thing wakes up.
Gingi, who just kinda sneaked in through the vents the previous night to find a warm, dark place to sleep (and probably a place to lay their eggs, considering how close they were to laying them), takes one look at Henry, and just lets out a hiss.
not like a cat hiss. a more...reptile-like hiss.
Gingi stands up, and it's tall. like, close to around eight feet tall, if not slightly taller than that.
taller than Dave, who's around like. seven foot five inches.
Gingi's very fucking confused. to be fair, they kinda sorta thought the place was abandoned. like, the place was empty, dark...okay, look, they don't really understand 100% how humanity works, how were they supposed to know??
eventually they clock that Henry's not a threat (for the moment, anyway), and relax a bit. then they start to briefly explain their situation: it's pregnant, and like. anywhere from a few hours to another day away from giving birth, and they kinda need a place to make their nest.
Henry, on one hand, doesn't want a cryptid's nest in his diner. because like. understandable. on the other...ever since Dave kinda fucking left, he hasn't had a cryptid to experiment on for about five months at this point (because listen. you can't tell me that at least Part of the reason he was dissecting Dave wasn't because he was Mildly curious about whatever the Fuck was up with his biology). and Henry's a bit Curious about this weird ass cryptid that just randomly showed up.
he discovers two problems:
Gingi is far more feral than Dave ever was. makes sense; Dave got "domesticated" in a way, growing up in society instead of in the wild. Gingi has only ever grown up around the edge of society, only having enough contact with humanity to understand human speech (specifically English) and some basic knowledge of how society works (which. Ain't A Lot, let's be real). so of course, when he offered to do some "Totally Legal Medical Procedures Trust Me Bro (Gender Neutral) It's Just To Make Sure You And The Babies Are Healthy :)" Gingi. Wasn't Too Thrilled About That Idea. it got Defensive ("What, do you think there's something wrong with me? Is it the green skin?? 'Cause I've always had it-")
second problem: Gingi...wasn't planning on staying there the whole time the eggs would be incubating for. they wouldn't hatch for a year, and Gingi was just gonna lay them in a (hopefully) safe place, return to check on them periodically, and then return for the nestlings when they hatched. and Gingi has one caveat to leaving them here: Henry has to promise to Not intentionally harm the eggs while they're there and keep them safe from anyone who might desire to. of which Henry is definitely Not going to genuinely promise and then Keep.
so Gingi starts making it clear that No Mr. Weird Pink Man, I'm Not Gonna Let You Do Some Weird "Medical Evaluation" On Me Or My Children, And I'm Not Leaving My Kids Here Unless They'll Be Safe 100%. and then...they start smelling things. Gingi's a cryptid; it was born with more animalistic abilities. and they start smelling things.
first it's "another cryptid": Who is it? There's a lot of them here, clearly...is this why Henry's so hesitant to let them stay around? Cryptids can be territorial, it would know that...but the scent is stale...how long have they been gone?
then it's the cryptid's blood, also stale: Oh, Christ, are they hurt? Were they hurt? Now, Gingi's got self-preservation instincts that are at the forefront most of the time, but...even they can get concerned about how someone else is doing. Is this cryptid okay? Are they hurt? Why do they smell blood?!
then it gets more concerning: the blood of an adult human...the blood of at least three human children. Death: What the fuck happened here?! Oh, God- What happened back in this room?!
by the end of their conversation, Gingi decides it's not worth it. they're not staying here, they sure as fuck aren't laying their eggs here. Gingi leaves, finds a secluded spot in the woods, and lays its eggs there.
a few years later, Henry's still alive and kicking (unfortunately), and Gingi (plus their babies) have found Dave and Jack chilling together (not in Vegas), and realizes "Hey. The Purple One Is A Cryptid!!"
so now Gingi (plus its kids) chills with Jack and Dave. they're trying to teach Dave how to be a cryptid, because y'know. Dave Grew Up Around Humans. Jack is just chilling and trying to comprehend how he gained TWO Cryptid Roommates.
it Is utter chaos, before you ask.
- dogboyjackkennedy
FUCKING OBSEEEESSED I ADOOORE THAT SM SLHFUBDUFHR IT'S. So silly so real. So cute too to imagine Gingi (and the ginglets or whatever) trying to teach Dave being taught to be a cryptid too 😭😭 i do adore the idea of the two being mildly related biologically too it's just so fun to think of tbh. I have to ask tho... Did the true cryptid way of life rub off on jack too? MDHFJBGJG-
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
have more of my insanity.
on this episode: Autistic Jack
(i mean, all of the Kennedy Siblings are autistic to me. we're just focusing on Jack for this)
so like. due to this being The 70s and 80s, Jack obviously never really figured out he was autistic, but. he Could tell that, in some way, he and his family were viewed as "weird."
he always described it as him and his family having these "quirks." because he didn't really Have any other words to describe it.
Jack has a lot of problems with being blunt as hell, to the point that Peter and Dee are the only ones who can genuinely tell if he's actually being rude or not.
so like. here's a couple of examples for you from when he worked with Henry.
one common thing that happened with those two was disagreements over how time works. like, in Jack’s opinion, if he gets to work at any time before he's supposed to be there, then he's early. for example, if his shift starts at 12, and he gets there at 11:57, then he considers himself to basically be on time. Henry, however, uh...Doesn't. those two can argue for ten minutes about what's considered "late" or not.
another instance was Henry calling Sparky, Jack's dog, "that mutt of yours" (headcanon that Henry doesn’t necessarily hate dogs, but just doesn’t like what he considers to be "misbehaving" or "untrained" dogs. which is unfortunately most of them. he does hate Blackjack, though. even before he knew who Blackjack was), and Jack cut him off by going "He's not a mutt, he's a purebred Shiba Inu. 'Mutt' implies that he's got other stuff in there. Which as far as we know, he doesn't. My dog isn't a mutt." Like, on one hand, Jack was using his Dog Special Interest Knowledge to correct Henry, but on the other hand, he was also pissed about the fact that Henry just. insulted his fucking dog.
speaking of special interests, i have this weird headcanon that Jack has another special interest in plants and plant biology. don't ask, it just felt like it fit him.
he also used to just infodump to Dave while he was doing Technician Work at the diner. do NOT ask Jack about the history of dog domestication, you WILL be there for two hours.
also, he gives the vibes that sometimes he stares at things or people for too long, and combined with his Resting Bitch Face, it makes him look like he's constantly annoyed at things. he's not (usually), he's just lookin.
that is all, thank you
- dogboyjackkennedy
I'd pay real money just to have him talking to me about dogs I swear to god. Him getting defensive also is so real. I feel him.
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
thinking about one of the saddest lines i've written in my fic so far.
(the only context you need for this: Jack got some cupcakes on his way to pick Dee up from the diner after work, because they were going to have a mini-party of sorts with Peter and Caroline later that evening)
"Jack stares at the refrigerator and grimaces. He put the box of cupcakes in there when Peter and Caroline brought him home. He hasn’t touched them since. Hasn’t eaten any, hasn’t even thought about throwing them out. The thought hasn’t crossed his mind once.
(Because throwing them out means admitting that she isn’t coming home, doesn’t it?)"
just. yeah, i think i'll just leave it at that for now.
- dogboyjackkennedy
YEAAAHHHH BABBYYYYYTT I LOVE GRIEF I LOVE DENIAL just gripping nails dug onto this last bit of hope despite knowing SO well it's not possible because he just can't believe they took his little sister away from him like that I'm running head first into traffic.
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
thinking about Jack again, so have a fun headcanon of mine:
Jack kinda. got turned part dog after he died. he didn't mind it too much, it was just surprising.
as some examples of things that happened to him:
- he's got paw pads and claws on his hands and feet
- his teeth are sharper and dog-like
- he can make eerily convincing dog noises (barking, growling, yelping)
- his hearing and sense of smell are more sensitive. this doesn't help with sensory overload.
like, in canon, The Real Fredbear told him that he wouldn't be viewed as human anymore, but y'know. he'd still just be a human corpse walking around. so of course, i decided:
Hey, Why Not Make It Literal? :)
- dogboyjackkennedy
I LOOOOOOVE THAT TBH SOOO EPIC if that was me I wouldn't even mind. I mean aside from the sensory overload but y'know I already have sensory overload and not epic fangs so. But it's actually so cool AND FAIR like blackjack is mostly dog w human attributes so only fair his body is mostly human with dog attributes.
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
if you want, i could tell you about some of my Davesport (and Henry cause. he's pretty involved with the headcanons in question)
it'll take me a while to type them out, but! you said liked my headcanons a couple of days ago, and i just wanted to hear some more of them :]
- dogboyjackkennedy (not sure if i can tag myself in an ask or not, but it's me :])
YES YOU CAAAAAAN I'm all ears brother heaaart emoji
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
thinking about the fact that i headcanon that Henry doesn't particularly care for dogs, especially "untrained" and "violent" dogs (which is, again, unfortunately most of them), and that not only does Jack's very angry soul take the form of a dog, but that Jack Himself, a guy he also basically hates, pretty much became part dog when he was revived
just. Christ.
- dogboyjackkennedy
YWAHHHH it's like. It's honestly almost like an insult. Not only did the guy he tried to kill came back but he's that which he hates so much, and that's what it ended up killing him, twice. It's like all so full circle almost. Like licherally created the being that'd be his end and it was shaped in the form of something he deeply hated it's FIRE 💥
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
well. thought about how Jack and Henry met in the Hell Hath No Fury au, and. it's actually really fucking funny.
so. Jack's like, Eight Years Old. and as well as he can take care of himself, Dee doesn't feel comfortable leaving an eight year old home alone for too long.
Dee's shifts at the diner can range anywhere from 2 o'clock to closing (six). Jack's school days end at three.
you can see the problem.
so on Dee's like. second day working, she leaves really quick and comes back ten minutes later with Jack, who looks tired. Henry comes to see what this is all about (considering Dee kinda just left with very little notice), and she goes "Oh! This is my little brother, Jack! Ain't he the cutest? 😊"
Jack, meanwhile, is just glaring at Henry before he just blurts out "Fuck off."
Dee freezes for a moment. Henry's taken aback, considering a kid did just swear at him. Dee just laughs it off and goes "Aw, well, ain't he a sweetheart? 😁" before gently guiding him over to a table in the corner and whispering "Please Don't Swear At My Boss Please"
yeah. those two never liked each other. Things Were Only Downhill From Here.
this was Also not the only time Jack had done this, fun fact-
- dogboyjackkennedy
Bro instantly felt that rotten vibe and just couldn't be bothered to have his reservations
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
getting back into playing Minecraft, so. Dsaf Au!
Kennedy Family: piglins. the vibes fit
Dave: enderman. Look Me In The Eyes And Tell Me He Wouldn't Be An Enderman
Henry: regular(ish) human that fucked around with potions and redstone too much, and now his skin's discolored
Caroline is also from the Overworld, but i'm not 100% certain what she'd be species wise.
might elaborate later. but it'll mostly be a silly au. not a lot of angst (except for Dave and the Kennedy's. there's still a bit of tragedy with those guys. but again, mostly silliness and i'll elaborate later)
- dogboyjackkennedy
Short on words for how obsessed I am over this. Pigling Kennedy's is literally just so real. And Henry being Just Some (Fucked Up) Guy is so perfect too. Also tickles the part of my brain that is very invested in mc lore. High-key wanna open the game again now wuwuhgugjgn
Enderman Dave also yeah no like yeah. Big ass fuck. Ourple. Fucked up and peculiar. Nothing else would fit.
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
welp, going to bed after i type this, but have this other random dsaf headcanon of mine:
so like. Henry can sorta kinda astral project himself out of the Void (not really astral projection but y'know. It's Along Those Lines), but only if he attaches himself to a person or other living being in the Real World.
now, you'd think that he'd either attach himself to like. an unsuspecting Freddy's employee and just do a repeat of Dave or something (just less physical abuse and without the surgery. because he can't do that now). or y'know. reattach himself to Dave.
nope! he picked Jack.
y'know. The Guy That Literally Fucking Hates Him.
so uh. Dsaf 2 Was A Time.
you've got Jack, who's getting whiplash from several things at once (Dave behavior around him has escalated drastically to near-violent levels, Dee's in the same building as him, his brother is literally his manager), and is also being forced to deal with Henry's Bullshit. which Definitely helps and doesn't cause a single problem nope not a one (< lying)
so like. they're practically at each other's throats the whole time. Jack is being (understandably) very passive aggressive about the whole Peter Death Thing. Dee also knows Henry's here, and She Fucking Hates It. Blackjack is freaking out because This Wasn't Supposed To Happen.
oh, and if you thought the hatred only applied to the Good Route? you'd be wrong!
Dave: Hey, Sportsy, did you ever meet Henry?
Jack, knowing full well Henry's in the room: Oh no, never met him, never even heard of the guy. Henry? Who's Henry? I don't know a Henry :)
Henry: Well, fuck you, too.
- dogboyjackkennedy
I LOOOOOOVE THAT he's such a turbo cunt I need to take a bite out of his bone. The migraines Jack be dealing with Christ ALIVE 😭😭😭😭
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
i know i'm sending a lot of asks, but. just remembered these two sections from my fic. these are like. two chapters apart:
first section:
"He sighed. “Well, I’ll certainly say, you're rather…headstrong, Kennedy…” Jack smirked, raising an eyebrow. “You mean that as a compliment, Miller?” Henry ignored him."
second section: (the "he" in question is Henry, and he's talking to Dee)
“Hmm. I see…” He pauses. “You sure are an interesting child, you know that?”
“You sound like one of the ladies at the Daycare. You mean that in a good way, or…?”
He doesn't really respond."
well. like brother like sister, i suppose (Henry Decides To Discreetly Insult Them And Neither Of Them 100% Pick Up On It Due To The Autism, But They Can Tell He Means...Something By It)
- dogboyjackkennedy
Vibes so rotten they override the need for refined social skills fucking incredible. Being a cunt comes so easy to his forked tongue‼️
Also don't be apologetic I love getting your asks <33 if this blog is a house then you're my nextdoor neighbor amen o7
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
so fun fact: i kinda have an au (and ask blog) for if Henry's wife Martha and son David had survived (the blog is ask-the-miller-family if you wanna send some asks).
long story short: neither of them really like him too much, but especially not Martha.
like, listen. i personally get it if people think that if Martha and David lived, then things would be better. i get it!! because them dying is technically what led to Henry learning about souls and thus getting kind of obsessed with learning about death and how to cheat it.
but...who's to say that he wouldn't have gotten fascinated another way? what if them living only delays the inevitable?
Martha kinda knows what Henry's done, but like. That Was Back Before No Fault Divorce Was A Thing. she knows damn well what Henry's capable of doing and getting away with. and she doesn't want to potentially put David in danger as well.
David views Dave (our beloved purple man) as an older brother of sorts. so take that as you will.
Martha is an alcoholic and has issues with smoking (My Alcoholic Friends by the Dresden Dolls fits her pretty well), and uh. Henry's Bullshit doesn't help.
so now you're probably wondering: does Dave still go by...y'know, Dave since David's still alive?
and i have the funniest possible response to this:
so. Henry's son kinda eventually found out he was agender (he/they) later on in the timeline and started going by Dallas/Dally (based off that one Outsiders character, a book they were really into)
Dave started expressing how he would do anything to become Henry's son. Dally already views him like an older brother.
you see where this is going.
look, Dallas knew this was going to piss Henry off, but they honestly think it's fucking hilarious and also inherited the "Little Shit" gene in the family.
so long story short: Dally just kinda "handed over" the name to Dave. :)
- dogboyjackkennedy
OBSESSED OVER THE NAME PASSING THAT'S GENUINELY SO CUTE..... Though no shade on Dally but if someone told me they wanted to be my shitty parent's kid I'd have gone insane though no bullets enter Dave babygirl stubborn and blind when emotions are on the table so I get it.
Also I feel so bad for Martha fr what a dogshit life to live like even the weight of technically being complicit too bc she'd TRY stopping it but the cost of failure would be so high... Just sooo sad though that's also one of my fave songs so . hashtag girlboss? /silly
I'll def be checking out the blog tho let's hope I can fire enough neurons to send an ask too smfbgntb ^_^
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