#doing oleander next so i can surprise cieran with the most random thing on earth
holoki-mistletoe · 10 months
i've looked up on google translate how "mistletoe" is said in a bunch of european languages
so far we have:
albanian: veshtull
czech: jmelí 
dutch: maretak
estonian: puuvõõrik
finnish: misteli
french: gui
german: mistel
greek: nki
icelanic: mistilteinn
irish: drualus
italian: vischio
latin: visci
lithuanian: amalas
magyar: fagyöngy
polish: jemioła
romanian: vâsc 
scottish gaelic: druthag
spanish: muérdago
welsh: uchelwydd
i'm trying to pick a favourite and i'm so torn between welsh, dutch and scottish
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