#doing this in post form cuz i thought the imgs might not show up right lol
lelelego · 5 months
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and here's the wordy answer to go with it if someone's interested :^D
to be blunt, boone didn't like eli to begin with because you know. noisy little runt who can barely protect himself lmao. but he's useful! he really knows his way around repairs and terminals and that kind of thing. smart, too, and other people seem to like him enough to give boone (who's very blunt, probably unlikeable to begin with, misses social cues) the benefit of the doubt. in the first pic he's just repaired a 10mm pistol for boone to use in close combat, which was unexpected and appreciated (silently).
but eli proves himself to be not just a talkative and curious idiot whose curiosity gets him into trouble but someone who is at the same time (1) not afraid to give someone a piece of his mind if he thinks they deserve it, (2) respects boone's boundaries, and (3) is a social genius who knows how to read people and use it to his advantage. yeah he can't use a rifle to save his life and he walks with a limp a third of the time but he can certainly talk his way out of a bullet (some of the time. you just can't reason with some people, but that's okay because his 3 str 3 end ass can just use boone as a shield lol)
and boone also likes it when eli smiles because he realizes eli isn't actually upfront with his emotions. he likes to hide them behind a veil of mildness, jokes, and talking about nothing instead of letting them show most of the time. in that way boone gets it, because he himself represses everything until it kind of explodes. but when eli cracks a smile when he really means it boone thinks he can tell. and he starts looking for it more as they spend time together <3
and of course: eli small, boone big, you do the maths
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