#doman rp
taebeast · 1 year
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August 19th @ 8PM EST - 12AM EST [Balmung] Doman Enclave
Together we remember and celebrate our ancestors and dearly departed on this, the night of the Obon Odori. Come together with friends, and loved ones for a night of remembrance, partaking in our open market, story telling, lantern construction, and ritual blessings before we send the lanterns down the river in a beautiful promenade as they lead our loved ones back to their resting place.
We start off with our opening ceremony after which you can enjoy local vendors and lantern construction. Once open market closes we will have honored guests sharing stories before the Bon dance begins. With lanterns in hand we head to the river to set them afloat and bid our ancestors goodbye until next time.
We are currently looking for storytellers, fortune tellers, vendors, including lantern construction.
Want to keep up with festival announcements? Join our discord: https://discord.gg/z9T954mqRp
Carrd: TBA
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but-first--tea · 1 year
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I read the rules before I break them. 
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chadhunkler · 1 year
I had a lot of fun as Kasha at the obon odori, met a couple new people, Gidson, Sakura, Nene, and Akira, good rp yeyeyeye
My wifi cut out like 4 times and I had to change locations in the middle of the event but it's alright
I'll maybe take pictures once I get home
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shroudkeeper · 1 year
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I visited the lovely establishment of The Doman Dragon to look around. There is so much opportunity for RP there, even though the hour was late I couldn't resist a small photo session once I saw the morin khuur, and though it is not an erhu, she was respectful in playing it with the best of her ability. Again she is accompanied by Hancock, before the arrival of the hour of the ox, to listen and let the vibrations, filling the air around them, sink into his very bones.
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bride-and-bride · 1 month
My inconsequential pet peeve that I have no control over... is that I don't see many International Roegadyn in rp. And it makes sense: you start the game in Eorzea, you ONLY know Sea Wolves and Hellsguard in the context of Eorzea and get Eorzean names in the generators!
But like, you know! Playing an Ala Mhigan? Did you know there's Hellsguard there? A Sharlayan? TONS of Sea Wolves! Doman? Far East Roegadyn are literally as common as Raen!
This probably holds true for a bunch of different non-Hyur races, and I know a lot of it is personal preference, just. You know! Maybe at least drop a Roe into your character's backstory, sometime. Maybe toss in a Roe NPC here and there! Just... consider~!
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solis-pyr-nola · 8 months
LFRP - Solis Nola [PAUSED 6/19/24]
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I feel I'm at capacity with RP at this time, so I'm currently paused on taking new rp partners. However if you want to do some casual OOC screaming/OC talk don't hesitate to reach out!
Name: Solis viator Nola, formerly Solis pyr Nola
Age: ~23 ish
Race: Garlean
Hair: Pale pink
Eyes: Green
Height: 177.8cm / 5'10"
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, male-leaning
Physique: Fit, more muscular than your average Midlander
Marital Status: Shipped
Notable Marks: Scar down the right eye, one across the bridge of his nose, and another running diagonally from shoulder blade to hip
Skills: Marksmanship/shooting, piloting aircraft, boxing Hobbies: Piano and reading, eventually horticulture Employment: Previously an optio in the Garlean military, now a defector and on the run
Permanent Debuffs: None (yet) Religion: None
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
The only son of a prominent pureblooded Garlean family and now a defector. His childhood consisted of integrating and learning to manipulate high society while perfecting every extra-curricular deemed strategic by his parents. He lived his privileged young life buying into the empire's propaganda, attended college for political science and economics, then enlisted in the military to be stationed in Doma. The inhumane treatment of Domans witnessed there shook Solis, but he spent several months in cowardly silence until family ties elevated him to the position of optio. Taking advantage of this new position, Solis began to relentlessly file reports of the war crimes his fellows committed. His naivety and whistle-blowing eventually resulted in being dragged from his bed and beaten until he instinctively retaliated by shooting one of his aggressors through the face. Fleeing in the tumultuous aftermath, he landed in Ishgard where he strives to hide his identity and become someone he can be proud of.
Setting Sail: Are you a pirate, sailor, or otherwise have a reason to be on a ship? You just might find Solis stowing away amongst the cargo as he escapes his homeland in search of refuge An Eye for a Third Eye: Have a vendetta against Garleans? Get his ass Birds of a Feather: Are you Garlean or were/are you involved with them? Feel free to help Solis as he struggles with the realization of what his home really was, or give him some tough love so he can get back on his feet Other: I'm open to ideas! Solis will be in the midst of a lot of confusion as he sorts through the propaganda fed to him throughout his young life and the betrayal suffered at the hands of his people. This boy has a lot of room to grow, and since he's on the run he can be found just about anywhere OOC: Hello, I'm Dom, and this is a side blog for @captainqster . I'm located in the southwestern United States. I prefer long-term, multi-para rp, most likely on Discord for organizational purposes. I'm happy to meet up in game sometimes but I don't typically rp there. I enjoy dark content BUT I also enjoy wholesome things. Whether you're looking for enemies, friends, romance or other, I like all kinds of dynamics and stories. I'm also very open to OOC chat so feel free to hit me with a million questions and ideas. Message me here, I can provide my discord name for chat/planning!
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reconditerune · 1 year
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OBON ODORI FESTIVAL was on today! I attended with my lovely wife @archaiclumina and her amazing blorbo Oli.
Overall it was great. We met and got to RP with a new person (She was lovely now we protecc (ง ͠ಥ_ಥ)ง). The vendors were fantastic and the hosts did such great work on the event. I only wish I'd started the Doman Enclave before as a few NPC's were in questionable places lol.
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nightraid-hq · 2 years
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Setsubun, also known as the "Bean-throwing festival", is held on this to drive away evil spirits and welcome good fortune. Join us in celebration! Visitors are encouraged to come and participate in the far eastern traditions of acquiring roasted soybeans and playfully engaging with our supernatural friends!
There will be vendors, fortunetellers, games, "evil spirits", and a famous play to finish off the festival!
🫘 WHEN: Sat. February 11th, @8PM EST! 🫘 WHERE: [Coeurl] Doman Enclave 🫘 INFORMATION: https://setsubunffxiv.carrd.co/ (WIP)
🏮 Join the discord if you would like to sign up for anything!: https://discord.gg/tqUZfUXeEj
Tags for Visibility: @coeurl-rp@mooglemeet@finalfantasyxivrp@ffxivrp
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thorneyes · 2 years
LFRP: Rohesia Thorneyes
Rohesia Thorneyes  LFRP // Balmung - Crystal
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CARRD - here
Age: Mid-Twenties
Race: Highlander Hyur
Gender: Female
Server: Balmung
Hair:  Dark brown. Wiry texture
Eyes:  Muddy green
Height: 5 fulms 9 ilms
Build: Solid
Distinguishing Marks:  Traditional Gyr Abanian Tattoos on her face.
Common Accessories: Gloves, staff. A weathered coat.
Profession: Healer
Hobbies: Cooking, a growing interest in gardening.
Languages: Eorzean Common, simple Doman
Residence:  Mor Dhona
Birthplace: Ala Mhigo
Religion: Loosely follows the Twelve
Patron Deity:  Azeyma
Fears: Water
Spouse: Asking will just prompt a very annoyed look.
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Unknown
Other Relatives: Unknown
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Ala Mhigan: Rohesia’s Ala Mhigan heritage is obvious in both her appearance and her accent. Although it’s been years since she called it home, she feels enough kinship with her homeland to yearn for connections with people who share it.
Healer: Despite never having had a formal education in Conjury, Rohesia’s skill is a combination of natural talent and practical experience that means she’s good at what she can do. If she sees someone in trouble it’s natural for her to extend a helping hand, to the point that she'll often chide the wounded person in question into accepting her help. She’s still willing to learn from more experienced healers, so long as she doesn't think they're making light of her own skills.
Adventurer: For a few years, Rohesia spent time working as a adventurer-for-hire in Mor Dhona. She works with the Ebonheart Company for now, but she can still be found around the city, and she's got a reputation as someone who doesn't mind hard work.
Clinic: That reputation extends to the Blood and Thorn, a humble little clinic she's set up in her apartments in Revenant's Toll. When she's not out adventuring, she can be found here. If you need a reliable healer on the cheap, the Blood and Thorn is a decent choice.
Via tumblr, or in-game /tell. both work fine!
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gray-morality · 1 year
Tagged: Altitis Edition
Favorite | Fakhri Man'tik Obviously I'm biased because he's the one I currently main. But I do believe that, with every new character, I learn something or 'get better' (even if I have 25+ years of RP experience) and Fakhri is something very new for me to RP. His personality alone but also his overall view on life and how he went through it. He's definitely the one that allows me the most freedom, not even being afraid of the ridicule, which can play a big part. He's also provocative, inciting reactions from others or dragging them into a scene.
Oldest | Katsuro Wakahisa Katsuro was 'born' in The Secret World back in 2015 and I brought him with me in other games, FFXIV being the latest and possibly where his story ends? Who knows! He's more typical yakuza archetype and very hard to RP because he lacks empathy and fucks to give. He also is very reserved and extremely disciplined, which makes it hard to introduce him into new situations or places.
Newest | Fakhri Man'tik If that wasn't obvious by now :p
Meanest | Katsuro Wakahisa I mean, can you do meaner than an assassin and serial killer with a lack of empathy... Not that he doesn't have his good side but you have to find it, or let him drop his guard, which frankly rarely happens. He's painfully direct and doesn't care how people feel or what they think about him. To be honest, Fakhri can also be painfully direct and not give a shit... but he's far less stoic and his overall attitude is more prone to make him look like an ass. Guess that balance it all a bit.
Softest | Yuu Fujimoto He's my irezumi master, and he's a big dork. Oh he sure can fight, having trained under Doman monks all his childhood, but then he went on an apprenticeship to become a tattoo master and managed to make a living out of his passion and really, he never loved to fight. He sings like a battery of casseroles someone dropped on the floor but his energy at karaoke is infectious, as well as his smile.
Most Aloof/Standoffish | Dr. Thanos [Lux] Caius Despite caring about people's wellbeing in general, he's an intellectual and will prefer his books instead of talking to people. If you say something stupid, you can bet he's looking at you with a judgmental gaze. He has very little tolerance for stupidity, verrryyy little.
Dumbest (Affectionate) | Luula [GW2] I rarely make dumb characters unless they're disposable NPCs. Luula was an exception. She was Asura in GW2. For those who know the game, I can hear you say "But aren't they the most intelligent and advanced of the races?" Well yes, but you see Luula's mother had an accident when her daughter was but a baby still in her belly and... poor Luula was born with some... problems. This obviously resulted with her being shunned from the Asura society and ending up as a ranger (she has a big bear) travelling the world. People really loved her, she was cute and silly.
Dumbest (Derogatory) | Ren Yasui He was essentially a NPC and your typical muscles without a brain archetype. He didn't have a presence in game, as I never made the character, but instead was featured in a few short stories all part of The Cursed Hand narrative. a campaign that stretched over 2 years.
Smartest | Dr. Thanos [Lux] Caius I guess this makes him somewhat hard to RP because I definitely don't have his intellect XD nor his immense knowledge in medicine.
Horniest | Fakhri Man'tik Most of my characters being NPCs, their level of horniness is simply inexistent. As for those I did/do roleplay, I'd say their libido is quite mild. Katsuro is possibly the worse, since he's demi-sexual, his sexual drive linked to actually loving the person. My 'leader' characters [Ujitoshi Hagane and Hikmat Shah] are both asexual. Other characters are old and not interested in that anymore [Sun Hyeon] and some, while not asexual, are either no longer interested or never truly were that much [Dr. Caius who prefers knowledge to people and Yuu who had a wife, with whom he had a daughter, they got divorced and now he's early 50s with a teenager, working his dream job and content in life.] Which leaves us with Fakhri, who's just your normal guy, really. He enjoys sex as much as the guy next door but can go without for long periods as well. So he isn't a horny machine, just a very normal man.
Character You'd Bang | Fakhri Man'tik Mainly because he's a very respectful and caring lover. He doesn't have a type, doesn't have any expectations and won't shame anyone for being clumsy or inexperienced.
Character You'd Be RL Besties With | Yuu Fujimoto As tempted I am to say Fakhri, he may be too 'loud' and disruptive on occasions for me irl. Yuu, on the other hand, is calm yet knows how to have fun. He's also an artist, which I can relate to. So we'd totally be showing each other our new drawings and whatnot. He's also hard working and respectful, but won't let others step over him either.
Tagging: whoever wants to do it I guess xD
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archivumesoterica · 2 years
Since FFXIVWrite is over now and I have a bit of spare time, I thought I'd put together a little post about the characters that where the subjects of my writes this time around, so here we go! First off, I'll start with my WoL:
J'ard'a Ornbalt
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Ard was raised largely by his father, with some help from his grandfather. That said a lot of the time he was largely unsupervised, which he spent wandering Ul'dah and became fast friends with some other children who spent their time stealing from the purses and stalls of those who seemed to be living comfortably. This exposure to the markets also drew him to find his dream: making jewelry. He spent a lot of time at home experimenting with cheap materials and the odd small gem his father found while mining. He eventually turned to adventuring to earn some spare coin to afford better materials, and unfortunately started just in time to be confronted with the Calamity. Fighting outside the city's gate's scarred him, and he renounced adventuring with no intention of returning to it ever. However in the intervening years between the Calamity and the start of the story he failed to gain a foothold as a jeweler, and barely managed to maintain enough gil to live let alone keep his shop going. This is where he hit a breaking point and had to return to adventuring which would lead him to the events of the msq.
I use to have an RP variant of him, but some of the issues he had as a character made him a bit too difficult for me to use in public, so I actually fairly recently dumpstered that version of him and used a few seeds of that to make a new character: Fukume
edit: Ok I've tweaked him a bit and he now has an rp friendly non-wol realization if anybody wants to interact with him as a non-wol.
Fukume Tamaya
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A member of a family of artificers that once served a Hingan lordship both as the crafters they where and also as agents of espionage. After being removed from the service after a changing of the family head, they moved to Eorzea where they opened their shop. She's not very expressive, and tends to keep her mind toward the family craft.
Cota Uurtsaina
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My punch lizart. She was brought to Ul'dah with her father when they moved down from the Hellsguard village their ancestors made their new home after being banished from the Kagon tibe. She's actually quite smart, despite acting a bit silly most of the time. Her greatest weakness is sweets, most especially cakes. She tends to work a few odd jobs, usually as muscle.
Yukimura Takeuchi
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A vassal to a Doman clan. After the first Doman uprising he began wondering the land thinking the clan fully destroyed, but some time ago he discovered the heir to the clan had been secreted away and brought him back. Currently he is helping guide the young heir and restore the clan's land and holdings. He is boisterous and something of a battle junkie, but is unerringly kind.
Parcemel Duboix
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Son of a vicious pirate. He was raised harshly by his father, and never knew his mother. He escaped as a boy, setting his father's ship ablaze and risking death rowing to Limsa. There, he made a living using the one skillset he had been taught: violence. After some time he moved to Ul'dah to start over, and met his future wife. He's largely settled down now, typically only taking the occasional well paying contract.
Gaenabi & Munini
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A brother and sister.
Gae was found in the Twelvewood as a child by the woman who would become his adoptive mother. He was found succumbing to disease, and when he awoke he was mute and had no memory of his life before. After growing up, he took after his adoptive father and became a Wailer.
Munini was always the curious sort, and as a child would regularly take apart whatever she could get her hands on and put it back together into something new. Eventually she invented an aethertech tablet for Gae that would project whatever he wrote on it into the air to help him communicate to most people.
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An artificial living person created at some indiscernible time. She's doing her best to live a real life while trying to figure out her origins with what few clues she has.
Kuhjo Guinocont
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Kuhjo grew up on an orphanage in Ul'dah and was made to serve the thaumaturge's guild to help support the orphanage. She fled the city after killing an adopter that was secretly paying the orphanage owner to 'adopt' children into forced labor. This led her to work as an engineer aboard an airship owned by a logistics company. After a failed mutiny, she developed an alternate persona that sought vengence against the planner. She has since regained herself, and now works as a mortician.
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saisissa · 2 years
FFXIV OC Intro - Akisame Shindo
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I should probably introduce my main girl because out of my slowly-growing group of FFXIV OCs and NPCs, she's the spoiled one, which means she gets the saddest backstory I guess but also has the most extensive glam item collection, and maybe one day I'll make her her own blog? But today is not that day.
Akisame's history isn't surprising for someone born in the areas surrounding Doma, but as things in the kingdom turned sour after their failed attempt at liberation, nobody was immune from Garlean cruelty. Accusations of rebellious activity were thrown about by both Garleans and Domans desperate enough to seek favor; her tiny home village was not immune. What hope did a starved and long-oppressed rural hamlet have against Magitek-armed soldiers convinced that the people harbored so-called insurrectionists?
As everything around her was burning to the ground--literally--Aki managed to narrowly escape, and after a months-long dangerous and exhausting journey, crossing mountains and seas, dodging imperials and beasts alike, she eventually reached Vylbrand, as far as she knew the only survivor of her home village. She made her mind up to seek out vengeance, but a normal quiet villager whose only skill was foraging really had no business setting out on a path like that. Still, she'd survived so far, and determination has a strange way of propelling people forward...
She has a carrd you can check out here and while I'm very shy about RP I'm still open to it, and even just grateful if anyone thinks nice things about her! If you want to reach out to me or send asks about her that's okay; appreciated in fact! 👉👈
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but-first--tea · 10 months
Finally updated my carrd \o/
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the-littlest-kojin · 2 years
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I posted 980 times in 2022
That's 460 more posts than 2021!
367 posts created (37%)
613 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 979 of my posts in 2022
#ffxiv - 938 posts
#shio shinju - 225 posts
#ffxiv writing - 217 posts
#ffxiv screenshots - 216 posts
#ooc - 181 posts
#not mine - 132 posts
#ffxiv roleplay - 116 posts
#the almighty reblog - 110 posts
#ffxiv art - 100 posts
#conroy rayne - 97 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#character discussion is one of my favourite things to engage in but my views very rarely line up with the majority
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm aware that time zones mean that it is likely that most people are not around right now, but I'm craving to hear about all of your ships, HCs, and OCs. Tell me about your nonsense, ffxiv community!
52 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Placing the purchased plaque on the door of her studio, Amisgalgüi fiddles with it for a few moments to make sure it is straight. She can't read it herself, but she trusts the seller that it says what she requires - "Amis Qalli Songwriting Services".
Satisfied that the plaque is straight and affixed firmly, the petite Xaela moves into the studio, the room soundproofed and the back half of it full of instruments. Moving over to the desk, she places down a smaller sign, this one listing her rates - rates that the signmaker nearly choked upon seeing, but Amis knows the value of her musical skill.
Finally, she takes a stack of parchments, all marked with a map of Radz-at-Han and marked with the Qalli emblem at her shop, and sets out the door, harp in hand, intending to hand them out to anybody who asks her questions about her music, as well as leave a stack at the nearby inn.
Maybe with these accoutrements, she will get some more customers in - she always does love getting colourful and unique customers, all wanting their own styles of music, and she can write them all.
((This is an open RP I'm putting up! If anybody wants to have a mute Qalli write them music, please feel free to respond! She is mute and illiterate, but she's quite clever and she wants to write your songs!))
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74 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
So I'd like to take some time out of people's days to mark an NPC who is very important to the story.
An NPC who aids you. An NPC who is from another culture and another people, true, but chooses to spend their time and effort and thoughts on helping you. Because they think you're doing the right thing.
An NPC who, when push comes to shove and villains attack, tries to help. They are no match for the might of these villains, I can't help but imagine that they know this. But even so, they give their life to keep the attack of that armoured figure at bay. Sadly, in the arms of the Warrior of Light, this NPC breathes their last, having given everything they had, even their life, for your cause.
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Everybody please, hold your hat in your hand and pay your respects for Noraxia, the first NPC to die in your arms in the MSQ.
Sadly, Noraxia's death has gone unmourned by the story and community both, since. So I felt that I'd do my part to draw attention to the tragic, horrible death of this lovely, kind, self-sacrificing person.
Remember Noraxia. She died in our arms.
Screen taken by the always amazing @snow-covered-moon. Thank you for taking this lovely screen of the death we should all remember forever.
92 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Tumblr mutuals, strangers, scoundrels, Warriors of Light, villains, gpose addicts, RPers, friends, Domans, countrymen:
I desire to know, what is one headcanon about an OC of yours that you want to talk about, but there's never the good opportunity to?
I'll start:
Amis is asexual and aromantic.
Please RB with your own!
187 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes, I'll be struck with a random lore thought.
So, uh.
As was revealed in Endwalker.
The Moon was artificial.
Does this mean that the Ancients didn't have tides?
Does Emet-Selch stare out at the ocean and wax philosophical about the fact that back in the GOOD OLD DAYS the ocean was just STILL and FLAT?
Were there any moments where their plans were thrown off because of the tides?
Mitron specifically specialised in aquatic life. Was he thrown off by these "ocean currents" moving things around more than he was used to?
213 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shroudkeeper · 7 months
Hello! How did you figure out a way to incorporate underworldly stuff with your character? She's really pretty and her story is super cool and interesting.
Oh goodness hello !
Thank you so much for the question, and the compliments on her story and character overall, it means so much, especially since she is quite niche! Kikyo is essentially a character whom I could pour my love of the supernatural and strange into. Eastern folklore ingame offered me a foundation to build upon. I wanted to solely focus on the horror aspect of this, especially with what I portray Kikyo to be. Thus I took a bit of what Encyclopedia Eorzea gave us when explaining Hingan and Doman culture and also most importantly to her character: the ascension to godhood after death ( this is found in Encyclopedia Eorzea vol II ). There is also additional information that regarding spirits found in nature, items, kami and auspices. One could find parallels in their Japanese equivalents, thus I researched stories/monogatari about the otherwordly, mononoke, yokai, etc and worked a way to apply that into the game's setting, which isn't too hard considering everything else that occurs!
Though I no longer RP, I still love worldbuilding, writing, and expanding on the universe by taking the time to gather inspiration to further enrich her storytelling and character.
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How Hanae came to live with her father
Free headcanon time
Hanae is the daughter of a Doman woman, Emi Ichijiku, and a Garlean diplomat called Lucius het Saevus. Doma was still free when they met. Lucius and come to talk to Lord Kaien during a diplomatic mission and met Hanae's mother who was a servant in the castle then. Their story—or the beginning of it—isn't really tragic, except perhaps tragically common. He lied to her, seduced her, let her think she had a chance to marry him and then he left without so much of a goodbye note once his mission was done.
Emi realized a few sennights later she was pregnant.
Ashamed and rejected by her family, she left for Kugane when Hanae was very young and hoped she would be able to make a new life there, away from judgement and reminders that she had fallen for a lie.
Then Doma fell, and Hanae's mother was torn. What could she say to her daughter? She didn't have any positive feelings for the Empire, considering all that had happened, but Hanae was half-Garlean and she didn't want her to hate herself either for something she had no saying in. So she pretended that there had been a war (rather than an invasion) that her father had tried in vain to prevent, and Doma lost.
For Hanae, back then, it was enough. She was the daughter of a good man and a good woman who couldn't be together due to circumstances. Not blind to her mother's pain when she talked of Doma, she had quickly decided that Doma wasn't such a great place anyway and had no strong attach to it. She felt more native of Kugane than any other place, really, and the Empire there wasn't a threat.
So much not a threat, in fact, that her father joined the Embassy in Kugane some time later. Something Hanae would only learn later, as she never saw him or heard about him in Kugane, but Emi figured it out quickly. And, to add salt to injury, the man came with his wife. A wife, she learned, he was already engaged to when they met.
She tried to get in contact with Lucius. Threatened to tell his wife about them and about their daughter if he kept on refusing to acknowledge her messages. All she really wanted was some money to help raise Hanae, as a lowly servant salary was barely enough for them both. What she got in response was... nothing. At first. Then threats to have her deported back to Doma with her daughter, where they “might learn [their] true place in the world”, if she kept on insisting. So she gave up, realizing that the honeyed words she had fallen for years ago didn’t just hid a liar and a cheater, but a dangerous man ready to go to great lengths to preserve his social status.
It could have been the end of it. Should have, in fact. But Lucius’ wife couldn’t give him children and the man, who came from nobility, needed an heir.
Eventually he sent his confident to Emi’s home and offered to take Hanae in on the condition that she wouldn’t be in contact with her mother anymore. She would become his heiress and learn how to be a true Garlean woman despite her heritage.
Emi refused.
He insisted.
Eventually they broke a deal. If Emi could bring him an Echo bearer, he’d agree to let her raise Hanae and would even give her money so their daughter could attend a good school and not become a servant like her mother. If she failed to do so, he’d raise Hanae and Emi would be forbidden to ever talk to her again. A strange deal viewed from the outside, but it made perfect sense since he knew Emi was in a relationship with a woman suspected of having the Echo.
Emi agreed.
And lost the fight against Inge (my main rp character).
Left for dead, she could do nothing to stop Lucius from taking their daughter in. It’s only because of Hanae’s insistence that he agreed to pay healers to save her mother’s life, and from then on, they barely saw each other again.
Hanae was a sweet girl at the time.
But a sweet girl she didn’t stay.
Though this is a story for another time.
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